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View Full Version : Pathfinder Criticisms and Suggestions - Cavalier (Bard VMC)

2015-05-18, 02:05 PM
Suffice to say I'm looking for both criticisms and suggestions how to further improve this build.

Some assumptions within the build before we begin:
I) The Cavalier's Banner will consist of a Heraldic Tabard, going from the line "Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the Cavalier or his mount to function" from the Banner Class Feature.
II) The Cavalier's FCB will be argued to apply to all iterations of the Cavalier's Banner, so for example Banner of Solace gains the +1/4 Banner Bonus on it's damage segment.

Standard Bearer/Strategist Cavalier (Bard VMC)

Str: 18 (Level 8: 19) (Level 12: 20)
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 13 (Level 4: 14)

Trait: Indomitable Faith
Trait: Reactionary

Order: Order of the Dragon
Favored Class Bonus: +1/4 Banner Bonus

1: Weapon Focus (Greatsword) or Furious Focus or Noble Scion (Arts), Power Attack, Tactician Feat: Distracting Charge
3: VMC: Bardic Knowledge
5: Improved Initiative
6: Bonus Feat: Mounted Combat
7: VMC: Bardic Performance (Inspire Courage +1, Inspire Competence +2)
9: Chain Challenge, Tactician Feat: Outflank
10: Retrain Tactician Feat: Coordinated Charge
11: VMC: Versatile Performance
12: Bonus Feat: ?

I would like to find someway to insert Discordant Voice into the build, beyond that as can be seen I'm not sure on whether to grab W.Focus, F.Focus or, perhaps strangely, Noble Scion (Arts). W.Focus and F.Focus are obvious enough as they're simply bonus' to DPR.

Noble Scion (Arts) does the following: Grants some extra uses of Bardic Performance to make up for the limited number of uses the VMC Bard gets while also giving Performance as both a Class Skill and a +1 to the Skill, this remains important when one considers that at Level 11 the VMC grants Versatile Performance while the Cavalier does not gain Performance as a Class Skill.

My Mount will be a Horse who grabs the Charger AC Archetype, to benefit from both the Barding Training and the Mini-Challenge.

Finally the build has a damn near perfect first round action economy to provide benefits to both the Cavalier and, most importantly for the focus of this build, his allies at Level 11/12:

OoDragon Challenge: +3/4 to-hit / -2AC for Challenge Target - Circumstance Bonus (Swift Action)
Inspire Courage: +2 to-hit/damage / +2 vs Charm - Competence/Morale Bonus (Move Action)
Banner: +5/6 to-hit on Charge/vs Fear - Morale (Passive)
Strategy (OoD): +2 to AC/Free Move/+2 to-hit - Dodge/Morale (Standard Action)
Drill Master: Teamwork Feat (Pre-Combat)
G. Tactician: Teamwork Feat (Swift Action)
Banner of Solace: +5/6 Temp Hp / +4/5 damage on next attack - Morale (Full-Round/Pre-Combat)

My turn order therefore at Level 11/12 would be:

Pre-Combat -
I) Throw out Drill Master. (15/16 min)
II) Throw out Banner of Solace. (10 min)

Round 1 -
I) Swift Action to designate Challenge target.
II) Move Action to activate Inspire Courage.
III) Standard Action to activate Strategy and grant any of the mentioned bonus' above, in particular the Horse will utilize the free move to shift 50' upto my Challenge'd target.
IV) Horse now full attacks with 1/2 my Challenge bonus as well as the combined + to-hit from both the OoD Challenge and Demanding Challenge.

Round 2 -
I) Swift Action to active Greater Tactician.
II) Full Attack/Move + Attack away.

Before this point at levels 1-4 I'd simply be a Two-Handed Martial who provides a Teamwork Feat and a slightly stronger Charge bonus.
From 5-7 I'd function as normal for a non-Charge orientated Cavalier
From 8-10 I'd have to choose between Inspire Courage and Strategy depending on the situation.

So then, what do people think and how can I do better, keeping as much as within the theme of being a Martial Support who can still dish out damn nasty damage?