View Full Version : Optimization Spellcasting Cohort Optimization

2015-05-18, 05:37 PM
Alright so before I begin let me lay down some background info. A while ago I posted about how to create an epic level druid with a pirate theme going for him. The setting of the game that he wold be playing in is about having the party charge into the 9 Hells and over time become strong enough to fight and hopefully kill Asmodeus. The end result was a pretty sweet captain who commanded what equated to a flying druid grove in ship form. The campaign was supposed to start a while ago but complications prevented us from starting. This got me thinking that even though the cohort for the epic leadership would be great as a dryad to fit the theme more, it would be more effective to have the cohort be a level 19 spellcaster instead. This is where I need help working out the specifics and details.

I was planning to have him go with Wizard 4, Sorcerer 1, Ultimate Magus 10, Archmage 4, and then later at level 21 have him go as a Loremaster so that way he can get 2 epic feats right off the bat (and yes, he's a human. that bonus feat is too good to pass up). The issues though that I can't come to any decisions with is what his specialization school he would go with, if any, and what his gear should be because his income before the game starts is 170,000g since he is for the most part an NPC that won't get too much time in the spotlight. The overall idea for him is that he would be the first mate of the ship who tries his hardest to protect the ship via arcane magic (Either by abjuration magic or sonic shaped widened fireballs. Yeah, Archmage is weird but amazing).

As far as what I am allowed to use for this game, this is the DM's ruling: "Any material from the Core System Reference Document (Unearthed Arcana, Epic Level Handbook, Monster Manual, Player's Handbook, Dungeonmaster's Guide), as well as Player's Handbook II and any material from the Complete series (Complete Warrior, Complete Arcane, Complete Scoundrel, Complete Mage, etc.) and Magic Item Compendium is allowed without any permission granting needed. However, you MUST ask about starting with items, classes, etc. not within these books"

The most I was able to ever convince him to let me use though outside of what he allowed was using the Legendary Commander PrC from Stormwrack because it fit the idea of the druid being a pirate captain. Not much else will probably allowed.