View Full Version : [LS] Death's Wake - The First Cycle

2015-05-18, 06:03 PM

There was nothing but a strange sense of detachment. Drifting. No feeling. No light. No Darkness. Just a sense of calm. A tranquil peace. A soft and gentle ringing of a bell could be heard from somewhere in the vastness. Bing-Ding. She struggled, fought to open her eyes. She drifted upon her back. Grey clouds passing her. An infinite and endless dim light that stretched on forever. All about her, the souls of millions drifted in quiet slumber. It was as if she was caught within a stream, a tide. And this world... this place was the ocean.

A voice filled her ears. It was soft, and sweet. Soothing, and calm. " Oh. Why, hello their.... This is no place for the living. No. No. It is not. You're not due for a little while, tehe. " As if the world was living a grey cloud gathered and darkened. A massive billowing funeral-veil gathered about a dark young women. A colossal Scythe floated about her, spectral skeletal hands, tended to the souls. Mending their wounds, and repairing those whose cloths were in disarray. The dark girl smiled gently. Her eye was dark and piercing, with a strange light red tone, but held no sense of maliciousness. She was small in stature, only perhaps 5'1'' in height, but she stood proudly, regally, as if she lorded over her silently. "... Ah, Nadia. The little one. " She tapped her on the nose playfully. " I've not called for you just yet. No. No. I have not. Are you playing with things you shouldn't? Tehe, what a silly girl. Shall I send you back now? " She tilted her head to the side inquisitively, her soft smile still pressed into her features.


2015-05-18, 06:18 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Newborn Drake

Nadia faces Death impassively
No, you have not called me here. I have come of my own choosing, to discuss the terms of a pact with Death. Given the oversized scythe and the Dark's moniker for you, I trust that you are Death.

2015-05-18, 06:23 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

She giggled playfully. " Oh silly. Of course I'm Death." She stretched out her arms, the infinite vastness of the sea of souls about them. " Who else is here, but you and me? " She stroked her head gently like a small child. " Never, fear. Our Pact has already been made... Now, how about we send you back home, hm? Some place nice, not this grey boring place. Would you like that? " She smiled softly while she spoke.

2015-05-18, 06:36 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Newborn Drake

Nadia shakes her head, not allowing the strange woman to cloud her mind.
No. Not yet. First I wish to know the details of our Pact. What are my obligations? What are your obligations? What are the consequences should I fail to uphold my obligations? What must I do should I decide that this Pact was a mistake, in order to render it null? What would be the consequences in respect to this pact should I choose to also form a Pact with Life?
Her voice is strong, measured, and without hesitation as she looks Death in the eyes.

2015-05-18, 06:47 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

She pulled her close into her billowing funeral shroud of dark mist. She kissed her on the fore head. " You wouldn't leave me, now would you? ...That would be, most unfortunate. " She smiled softly while holding her in an embrace as if she was light as a feathered pillow. " ...And why would you want to meet my foolish little brother. He's quite temperamental you know. Even I don't understand him at times. No. No. That won't do. " She pulled her close again as if in a hug. " You're all mine. I won't share you with that silly-boy. You needn't worry over such minor details. Just be mine. Give me your loyalty, and you'll have my love, tehe. " She giggled at the end of her sentence, as if elated.

2015-05-18, 06:56 PM
Nadia Vorns, The Newborn Drake

Nadia resisted the urge to push this woman away. No point in risking offending her.
I simply want the parameters of our relationship established. So I would appreciate it if you answered my questions. After all, if we can be honest with each other, I would far more inclined to not want to leave you.
Then something finally clicks into place in the back of her mind. Something that had been bothering her for a while. She glances behind her, at the luminescent wings. Though they were made of light, and were clearly leathery, she could see, where they connected to her shoulders, that there was a pattern. A pattern of scales. Suddenly, it all hit her at once. Her scales. Her unusual resilience to the heat. Her ability to fly. And, most telling, her natural instinct for the true value of things. Her gaze returns to Death, her face now sporting an almost impish grin.
As far as my loyalty goes, that is something you will have to earn. I am no common mortal for you to buy and toy with.
Her voice falls to a whisper, directly into death's ear
I am dragonkin. My loyalty does not come easily.

2015-05-18, 07:12 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

She giggled at her last words. Then stopped. Looking her in the face, with a blank expressionless stare. As if her eyes were a cold void. " ...And even dragons, suffer and die... when it suits me." The color returned to her face again, the frightful gaze vanishing as she smiled and hugged her again. " But no need to be so serious, tehe. Do I not earn your loyalty every second? every hour, of every day? With each breath I share with you? " She pet he head lovingly like a small animal. " Common? Of course not. None are 'common', silly. What weight is one life over another? Give my your loyalty, and do my will, and you shall have my blessing and love forever. Simple, is it not?"

2015-05-18, 07:18 PM
Nadia Vorns, The Newborn Drake

This time, Nadia does pull back, though it is not a hurried motion, as one reacting out of fear or disgust. More the motion of someone trying to say "We need to talk".
I don't think so. The fact that I am not dead yet tells me that my loyalty and your willingness to let me live are not fundamentally connected. Besides...
She holds up the hand bearing the Lifeweaver's Signet.
If you kill me, how long will it be before another Lifeweaver comes to you? I ask you again, to be honest and open with me. If your intentions for me are honorable, then you have nothing to lose by doing so, and stand to gain my loyalty, inspired not by fear, but by trust.
She laughs
And besides. You say that I should do your will. But one of the questions you have failed thusfar to answer is what that will entails.

2015-05-18, 07:46 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

She grabbed her hand, her fingers were cold, freezing, like dry ice. She looked at the signet. Seemingly un-amused. She pulled her close by the chin, the unpleasantness of her expressionless cold visage returned. " A Weaver, perhaps. A Lifeweaver, you are not. Nor trained by any... as is most apparent by your uneducated words. " She pushed her off back into the sea of souls, looking down upon her coldly. " If, you are a Weaver. I do not need you, only your soul. Which... " She giggled. " ...I do now possess. You were foolish coming here. 'Weaver'. There is no 'honor', there is no 'evil', nor 'good'. You have been taught nothing. Know... nothing. There is only The Balance any my will for the living. And silly-girl. You are very much mistaken. The Cycle may measure your time left. But my willingness to let you live, and you yet still drawing breath, are very much related. It is only that few... very few, have the opportunity to draw my ire so... directly. " She looked down upon the dragonkin coldly. " The Pact is struck. Your soul now mine. How I choose to spend it is my business. I need not your mortal frame, 'Weaver'." She spat out the last word in obvious disgust and disappointment. " You're first mistake, was coming to my Wake. Your second mistake, was knowing not what you are... I don't let my subjects make a third mistake.. 'Weaver'." Her tone softened, and some of the frost in her voice diminished. " You came ill-prepared. You were taught nothing of what you have become. Your life, has been short and will little meaning... You had made your choice long ago. The terms struck. Though I need not explain them. That was your folly, and so you paid the price. But now, perhaps, you may ask what you should have been asking, long-ago. You made that Pact for a reason... What do you want of me, Weaver? Or must I teach you everything? "

2015-05-18, 08:03 PM
Nadia Vorns, The Newborn Drake

Nadia glares at the girl.
I am tired of being powerless. I stood by, and watched as my world was threatened with annihilation. I cowered while another fought and won the day. I will not be reduced to a mere child again. I seek the power necessary to make a difference. I seek to learn what it is that is within me. I have learned a partial answer, but I know that there is more. I am a Weaver, and I wish to learn more of what that means. From what I have gathered, there are two beings that can help me uncover that knowledge, for there are two beings that would not oppose the return of the Weavers. The first is you. The second is your brother.
She sighs.
I asked for none of this. I wasn't raised for this, no demon or spirit took up residence in my soul to explain any of it. I accept that I will make mistakes. But I will make them because I am me. I am no one's toy. I am no one's pet. I am no one's slave. I chose your pact over your brother's because I was told you feed off of the energy of the walking dead, while he feeds on the living. As a member of the living, I find his methods less attractive than yours. I thought here I would find a better teacher. Now tell me: What does it mean that I am a Weaver?

2015-05-18, 09:00 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

" Now, you speak with some sense. Weavers, are born, and blessed by The Cycle, but few come to gain possession of a Signet, nor speak with me while living. You were powerless in the face of your enemies. But to attain the power to face all those who will pursue you, who will hunt you. You must live. Live long enough to learn of your Legacy... My brother is mad, and has not the ability to create the force of life, only wield it to create new life. I doubt, he is even still capable of upholding his duties..." She sighed as well, as if deflated, disappointed. From what I can tell,there is obviously few, or none left to train you in the old arts. I do not 'feed' off of the unliving. It is the charge of my subjects to put them down when able, and restore the stolen life energy, and souls bound to such creatures. They are an affront to my very person, and such creatures should not be allowed to exist. " She crossed her arms. " To be a Weaver, is to be a living Vessel of myself or my brother. To maintain The Cycle, that is rebirth and The Passing. The time when men, and even worlds must return to me, and be unmade, and renewed. The Weavers are frightful things, to such as those of The Order, who only adhere to The Watchers, and their gods. But it is by my hand and will that such is allowed to continue, and it is The Weavers who mend, and tend to The World Lines. The chains of fabrics of memories and time, that hold a world firm and in place. They have long since degraded, turning into endless loops and cycles in some places, broken, and in disrepair. The Weavers would come to mend such, and repair worlds back to order. Like unseen caretakers, repairing the cogs of a vast network of clocks. Without them, worlds will fall and crumble. But The Order fears them, for it expands my.... our, influence. They see me, and my brother, as a blight to their Goddess, and to The Dreamer. For I was not born of creation, and have lived long before this and all Legacies began. The Weavers, are part of this ancient tradition, the Pact the vow between one another. That your soul has been given to me. To keep and maintain, or do what I will.... This is what it is to be a Weaver. To be feared. To be hunted. To repair The Cycle, and restore dying worlds. It is an ancient tradition you have been born into by simple chance. Do you understand now? "

2015-05-18, 09:10 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Newborn Drake

Nadia considers.
I think I do. And here I thought I would finally have escaped being hunted for something not entirely my own choice.
She laughs, a sad little sound.
There I go again, lost in self pity. But tell me. Is it your brother's madness that drives a wedge between the two of you? If Balance is the goal, would it not be better for me to serve both of you, or is he truly so far lost? I ask this not to offend, but to try to understand this world, this role that I have entered. I don't know any of those who are important, save the ones I have met, and I know less of their motives and designs.
Her eyes return to steel.
So, what does being a Weaver allow me to do? I doubt that it is simply a title. Otherwise there would be little call for them.

2015-05-18, 10:25 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

" As there is a 'wedge' between us, so too is their a thin line, for Weavers. Few can serve both. While I alter the body. My brother alters the mind... While it strengthens you. His madness can quickly seep into your consciousness. A taint, that cannot be so readily cured. To walk that thin line between us, requires much training and refinement in the arts... " She raised her hand. A strange dark shroud of mist surrounding the noble, like a cloak of mist. " You are now a Deathweaver. And as such, your signet has altered in appearance. Though not in function. The one who possessed it before you served us both. However, you need not don the ring any longer to maintain it's power. And, yes... It is far more then a title..." The light of her wings became dark and shadowy. A strange essence surrounded herself. She felt her limbs tighten, a surge of force through herself. A deep burning in her throat. Black talons upon her fingers. " Each Weaver's blessings adapt to fit those who bare them. You must find The Ravens, who still honor their Pact with me, they will teach you how to control The Weave, and begin to manipulate those forces. But for now I leave you with my Blessing. Honor your duties. Eliminate the taint of undeath. Seek The Keeper, the lord of Cathedral Ruin. Find The Ravens to progress in your training... and in time, you will be capable of restoring The Weave within worlds to order. "

She grabbed her scythe from the air, the massive sickle spinning over once. A dark light building within an orb. Then it struck the dragonkin. A massive surge of energy shook her, scales of glowing black glass-like crystal forming upon her arms. A terrible ferocity burning in her chest. She felt alive. Powerful. The dark veil still clung to her. Shrouding her features like a billowing cloak of darkness, though it was only mist. " You have my blessing. Now you are a Deathweaver. Commune with me when you will. For I am ever watchful. Do as I have asked, and what gifts I have bestowed shall only grow in strength. Now... If you are ready. " She waved her massive blade, splitting the grey world, opening a void of pale light. The image of a strange church, or cathedral playing out images upon its reflection. " Go forth..."

Mythic 1

Death's Blessing - The Chaos Flame
The Deathweaver's arm, or arms errupt into massive claws of living darkness, cloaked in black flames. With terrible force, she strikes down her prey.
(Soulbound - SL +1) - The Ravaging Claws: (x2 - Claw Attacks/Natural Weapon)
~ Considered a single +5 manufactured weapon.
~ Damage: 2d12+5 +1d6 Desolation Fire damage (Ref DC15, or Ignite) each

(Soulbound - SL +1) - Chaos Wake
With a thought, the Deathweaver unleashes the form of her spirit. In a massive storm of darkened flame she emerges as a massive beast, with talon and flame.
~ Form of the Dragon III - at will

(Soulbound - SL +1) - Chaos Scourge I - While within Chaos Wake Form
With a cacophonous roar, thundering throughout the air and ground. The fierce beast channels the very forces of Death's Wake into a singularity. A brief gate between existence and The Wake. Forming a terrible force. Then in one dreadful moment. She unleashes a titanic apocalyptic scourge upon her foes.
Range: 180 ft + 20/Level
Blast Radius: 120 ft
Damage: 40d8+50 Desolation Fire Damage - Reflex (DC20) For Half Damage.
~ Undead DC30 Reflex Save or suffer double damage.
Uses per day: 1

(Soulbound - SL +1) - The Mantle of Death
Upon death. The Deathweaver is reincarnated as ' Nadia Vorns ', within Death's Wake. This does not take effect if the subject's spirit is destroyed.

(Soulbound - SL +1) Mantle of the Beast
The black mark of Death forms in some manor, as scales, or another such physical representation, shielding the Deathweaver from harm.
+1 Misc Bonus to AC/Level
+1 DR/- /Level

(Soulbound - SL +1) - Hymn of Immortality
Death's song hums within the ears of those closest to her. Fortifying their bodies, and making them seemingly inhuman before the blows of their enemies. Shrugging off fatal wounds, and terrible blows that men could not survive.
~ The Deathweaver is not staggered, or KO'ed upon reaching 0 HP.
~ The Deathweaver may choose to become immune to non-lethal Damage
~ The Deathweaver auto stabilizes when Dying
~ The Deathweaver may roll their Total HD+10 as an Immediate Action 3/Day and regain that amount of Hit Points.
~ The Deathweaver is immune to physical 'death effects'
~ The Deathweaver is healed by Positive and Negative Energy sources.


2015-05-18, 10:58 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia's back arched as the power of Death surged through her. She felt her arm twisting, burning, growing. Then her body ripped apart, and she screamed.

No...She roared. Bursting forth from the form that had once been Nadia Vorns came a massive dragon, covered in polished bronze scales.
You have my thanks, Death. I can feel the strength already surging through me. I shall not forget my pact.

With that, the great dragon shrinks back down to the slender, well muscled form of Nadia Vorns. And she steps towards the portal. And through it.

2015-05-24, 04:12 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

It had all happened so fast. For the second time in what felt like less than a day, Nadia had watched as the world was destroyed around her. Again, she had stood powerless to stop it. As this realization came over her, she fell to her knees, weeping, her massively clawed hand pounding the ground in frustration. So absorbed is she in her anger and despair that she doesn't even realize where she was sent.

2015-05-24, 04:40 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

The Weaver knelt upon a shard of grey stone. The silent stream of souls beneath her, flowing endlessly. The silhouette behind her cast a large shadow over her. The pale mist of the world thickened, small hands wrapped about her. "...I know not how you returned here, but glad I am that you have. My sight was obscured as if by a dark mist... The Cathedral Wake fell to Rain... What, Who, brought you here? No Weavers should remain within your Legacy. If all is as I suspect. We must go to The Citadel. There is no time for your training..."

2015-05-24, 04:56 PM
Nadia Vorns, The Stillborn Drake

Nadia looks up, her face red, tears still streaming down her face. Her words are broken up by sobs as she speaks.
The Lord Raven. He cut a way through for me, and threw me in. What in the name of all the gods was that? Are the others alright?

2015-05-24, 05:47 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

"...I see. Your companions were taken to Quortek Zeklet'tau. The Havens in which The Soul Warren rests. They have been taken to The Dawning. Perhaps the safest place for the living. The Cathedral Wake was not destroyed, however. It was reclaimed by Rain... whatever she is, she shrouds her Wake from me. Very few possess such ability... I suspect we've met before. "

2015-05-24, 05:51 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia seems to be recovering. Her sobs don't wrack her body as violently, or as often.
I think The Keeper called her Mirren, and the Eleventh Chapter Angel. Do those names mean anything to you?

2015-05-24, 06:14 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

"Each Chapter of a Legacy possesses a Chapter Angel to guide and assist The Chosen. However, no Legacy extends beyond it's tenth Chapter. Mirren... Yes, she is my Sister. Her name is Misery. She was defeated and cast down into The EverNight as punishment for her crimes against The Balance and our Mother's work. My Brother did not take so well to that... She was his favorite. I would not be surprised if somehow his hand was in all of this. If he restored her by taking advantage of The Eleventh Chapter, I could see that becoming an issue... It would change everything. "

2015-05-24, 06:23 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

The news of this seems to startle Nadia
Is your Brother's madness so great that he would act against your Mother? And if she is an Angel, a guide to the Chosen, then why would she be a threat to us?
She shakes her head, her thoughts finally beginning to emerge properly from the haze of despair.
And why must we go to the Citadel if there isn't time for my training? What can I even do to help? Even with the power you gave me, I was nothing more than a rag doll when she arrived

2015-05-24, 06:34 PM
Bringer of Peace: Death

"...My Brother is mad. I would not doubt his willingness to set Misery free. If such is the case. We must go to The Citadel and gather who we may. She is apparently not bound by the constraints of The Chapter, but possesses the powers of an Angel. We cannot hope to enter the worlds of the Legacy while she can directly intervene. We must rally with The Ravens and The Order. Our only option now is to bring The Petrichor. An entity within a suspended Legacy separate from your own. A Petrichor is created and unmade with each Chapter's creation and completion. Should The Chapter unsettle The Balance beyond reason. The Petrichor will realign The Cycle properly. We will need assistance for this."

2015-05-24, 06:45 PM
Nadia Vorns, The Stillborn Drake

So...it can destroy her? Unmake her? What even is the right term? And what else would it do?
Her mind is racing. She remembered something about a part of the Magister not being supposed to be, and that concerned her...

2015-05-25, 10:00 AM
Bringer of Peace: Death

She tilted her head to the side somewhat caught off-guard. " To destroy... to unmake. Both fall within my realm of influence, and I've no intention of harming my Sister. No. It will remove the Eleventh Chapter. Each Legacy has a natural cycle of life, death, rebirth. Progression of its ages and periods which the Angels transition to pass their responsibilities to the next. There are only ten Chapters. Somehow, someone had reset the proverbial 'clock' of this Legacy, the time which those 'fated' are designed to be born, to die, to be renewed. But the Chapters were not restored. An Eleventh Chapter, creates, what is, near equivalent to the First Chapter of something that was not designed to exist at all here. The First Chapter of, something else... The Petrichor is created during each Chapter, to remove it, and reset The Cycle in full. During each Chapter's completion The Petrichor of the past, fades away, and a new one is made to take it's place. Each being unique, and designed for the purpose of removing The Chapter... It is normally the duty of the Chapter Angel to lead The Chosen to The Petrichor should something run afowl beyond normal means of repair. As a Chapter Angel, she cannot interfere with this as it is outside her abilities. But... as my Sister. her influence reaches far. Thus will I accompany you."

"With the damage caused by this 'partial' recovery, The Lines... The World Lines. Have been twisted and are in disarray. Fortunately, there appears to be other Weaver's within this Legacy at the moment, otherwise, you'd not be here. But I imagine, forcibly entering my Wake dealt him a deathly blow, for only in a soul's passing from life to death is The Veil that separates all from here, able to be impeded upon. No Weaver's Soul, has entered my Wake, however. Thus I must assume, he is very formidable. or he is not from your Legacy at all, and bears such a Blessing from myself or perhaps one of The Goddesses. I can only assume this is some by-product of this chaotic predicament. We must make for The Citadel, for with this partial reset, my Vessel was reborn. We will also need the aid of The Order. For this Petrichor I imagine will be unlike any before it, but should have no effect upon you, The Chosen, once we have completed it's trials."

2015-05-25, 10:20 AM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia slowly rises to her feat.
Despite the question, she does seem ready to go when her Lady chooses to take them.

2015-05-25, 11:16 AM
Bringer of Peace: Death

"You need not concern your self with such now. There will be a time for that. " She lifted a hand. From the grey sea of souls a black shard rose and fell to The Weaver's feet. "I will send you to The Dawning where your allies have gathered. Give this shard to the man who waits in the light. Tell him 'Death comes to claim his debt'. Now go. Speak to me again when you are ready to leave that place." She waved her hand. The grey mist swept over Nadia and she was gone from the pale Wake of Death.

*** Nadia Has Left The Game (Entered The Dawning)