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2015-05-18, 07:26 PM
Oh boy, this should be fun.

What an Elder Evil? Well, according to this Elder Evils books I have but never bothered looking at, they are "Evils to challenge the gods!"

So they are epic tier badness. They'll have signs of their arrival, backgrounds, evil goals. It's bad stuff. If you want to write stats for these things, they can take epic feats and have specific Elder Evil traits, but that's not OGL so I can't replicate that for you here. Just write "Elver Evil Traits" or use the abomniation ones. A cool drawing would be cool, too.

Make sure to give your permission and get your permission from friends.

Extra Anchovies (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273212&postcount=2)
Zaydos (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273216&postcount=3)
KrimsonNekros (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273230&postcount=4)
Eggynack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273292&postcount=7)
Tvtyrant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273388&postcount=8)
Red Fel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273501&postcount=12)
Keledrath (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273508&postcount=13)
PsyBomb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273526&postcount=14)
Lord_Gareth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273536&postcount=15)
Xuldarinar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273566&postcount=16)
Bad Wolf (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273643&postcount=18)
IZ42 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273691&postcount=19)
Leliel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273704&postcount=20)
Marlowe (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273705&postcount=21)
afroakuma (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273720&postcount=23)
Illven (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273726&postcount=24)
Yukitsu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273775&postcount=27)
Aegis013 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273881&postcount=29)
Ettina (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274272&postcount=30)
NeoPhoenix0 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274408&postcount=32)
WhamBamSam (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274431&postcount=33)
WeaselGuy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274509&postcount=37)
tadkins (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274583&postcount=39)
atemu1234 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275098&postcount=43)
Segev (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275187&postcount=48)
Milo v3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275503&postcount=53)
Elricaltovilla (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275521&postcount=54)
AmberVael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275714&postcount=61)
kellbyb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275824&postcount=67)
Ashtagon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275902&postcount=68)
Nibbens (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276480&postcount=79)
dascarletm (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276892&postcount=92)
Socratav (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276905&postcount=94)
illyahr (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277027&postcount=98)
Jormengand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275599&postcount=55)

Elder Evils!
Vee Anchoes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273457&postcount=10)
Red Fel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273737&postcount=25)
Fel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273870&postcount=28)
Eggynack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274636&postcount=41)
Martyr in Writhing Tatters (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275043&postcount=42)
Q'l a'Drath (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275499&postcount=52)
Loya, the Paladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275599&postcount=55)
The Paladin Most Loyal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275687&postcount=57)
Xaos Phoenix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275966&postcount=70)
Kellbyb, The Deadly Silence (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276051&postcount=71)
Chaos Reborn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276122&postcount=73)
The Hungering Void (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276893&postcount=93)
Vael the Night Queen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277048&postcount=100)
Eternal Snow (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277346&postcount=102)

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-18, 07:34 PM
Permission granted!

2015-05-18, 07:35 PM
Permission granted. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273216&postcount=3)

2015-05-18, 07:38 PM
Translated from Black Speech: KrimsonNekros grants permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273230&postcount=4).

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-18, 07:46 PM
Translated from Black Speech: KrimsonNekros grants permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273230&postcount=4).

I didn't know the Black Speech was entirely made up of comic book curse words.

2015-05-18, 07:51 PM
I didn't know the Black Speech was entirely made up of comic book curse words.

Your computer must not have the proper fonts downloaded, or they're not displaying properly. Some problem with technology and the language. They don't mesh very well for some reason.

2015-05-18, 07:54 PM
Here, I, eggynack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273292&postcount=7), shall give permission to be represented as an evil the elderness of whom shall ne'er come into question.

2015-05-18, 08:18 PM
I give permission! On my phone right now so i will color in this post later, and I call dibs on Eggynack and Extra Anchovies.

2015-05-18, 08:31 PM
There is no dibs. You can exist in multiples in the same place, if you want. :smallwink:

Also, not everyone has the black speech fonts loaded, so %#@)*@)!) %$)@*$&) )*@!#Y@, okay? :smalltongue:

2015-05-18, 08:34 PM
Not sure if I did this right but

Vee Anchoes

Ages ago, before primordial beings forged the Great Wheel, the Inner Planes were formed. One of the primordial beings that performed this feat rebelled against the others, raging against their plan and was destroyed by its compatriots, fractured and fragmented by its former fellows. This entity was sealed within the Negative Energy Plane, scattered upon the eddies and currents of necrotic energy which flowed through the plane (Knowledge the Planes DC 37). For ages the creature's seal was complete. Then someone called upon the dark energies of the plane to re-animate the dead. And Vee Anchoes was born.

A fragment of the primordial being, twisted beyond recognition, drawn forth into the world, and instilled into a new body, Vee Anchoes hid its mind until its animate form was destroyed. Then this spirit of death hid within the prime material plane, deep inside the bowels of the world and waited. Whenever a creature was animated by necromantic magic a new portion of the primordial was released into the world, and Vee Anchoes whispered to it drawing it into itself upon the destruction of its corporeal form. Thus Vee Anchoes has grown with each undead formed, waiting to obtain sufficient power with which to move forth. (Knowledge the Planes DC 40)

It is said that the primordial entity is responsible for the first wights, creating them to spread undeath and release more and more of it into the prime. It is even hinted that other spawning undead, such as vampires, wraiths, shadows, and ghouls may have their origins within it. Or else that it influenced the gods themselves to create them. (Knowledge the planes DC 43)


Once it has grown to sufficient size and power, Vee Anchoes plans to go forth from its hidden pit (Knowledge the Planes DC 37). It will take upon itself a physical form and it will seek out the largest population center, and raze it to the ground, converting its populace into the undead. (Knowledge the Planes DC 40). It will continue this task until it has created enough undead to split the boundaries of worlds and allow the negative energy plane to spill out across reality saturating it with death (Knowledge the Planes DC 43).


Vee Anchoes uses the same sign as Atropus because it's appropriate (see Elder Evils page 2).

Malefic Property:

Primal Corruption
The presence of Vee Anchoes taints and twists the world, seeping into the central vitality of those who come nearby.
Benefit: The area around Vee Anchoes becomes tainted causing 1 point of Corruption (Heroes of Horror) the first time it is entered within 24 hours, an forcing a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 Vee Anchoes's HD + Vee's Cha modifier) every 10 minutes or gain an additional point of Corruption.


Vee Anchoes will initially appear in its corporeal form when its sign becomes strong, creating an overwhelming version of its sign within 10 miles. It will attack a major city. If its corporeal form is destroyed Vee Anchoes will revert to its incorporeal form retreating deep within the earth to reform. At this strength even intelligent undead can feel its pull and attempt to control them, allowing a lich or vampire which does not want to see the world destroyed to tell the PCs where (possibly after it's reformed once). Its incorporeal form can be destroyed, acting as a massive strength and constitution draining incorporeal undead. In both forms Vee Anchoes has the ability to command undead absolutely, bypassing all other forms of control.

2015-05-18, 08:37 PM
Do I still count?

Red Fel
2015-05-18, 08:45 PM
So, me as... me, then? Very well. Do your wickedest.

The Red Fel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273501&postcount=12) awaits.

2015-05-18, 08:47 PM

Also, Red Fel, I'll do yours right now

Red Fel. Done. :smalltongue:

Not actually going to do one. My creative energy is all directed at homebrew and worldbuilding right now. Though these may be helpful

2015-05-18, 08:51 PM
I am greatly curious what will come of this one.

I, PsyBomb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273526&postcount=14), grant permission

2015-05-18, 08:53 PM
All are doomed to sorrow. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273536&postcount=15)

2015-05-18, 08:58 PM
˙uoᴉssᴉɯɹǝd ʇuɐɹƃ I 'slᴉʌǝ ɹǝplǝ ǝɥʇ ɟo puoɟ ǝuo s∀ (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273566&postcount=16)

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-18, 08:59 PM
Not sure if I did this right but

Vee Anchoes

Oooh, I really like this. Great job :smallbiggrin:

And I'm the first one! Yay!

Bad Wolf
2015-05-18, 09:11 PM
I give my permission.

2015-05-18, 09:24 PM
Ooh ooh! Make me a horrible apocalyptic being! Permission granted! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273691&postcount=19)

I got you Red. To give you an idea, take a look at your deity creation by me.

2015-05-18, 09:29 PM
Do as you wish.

Also, quick note: Leliel comes from a vaunted time when I was still a hardcore NGE fan. It's literally the name of the Angel of Night, and its meaning is Jaw of God.

Just a quick tip.

2015-05-18, 09:29 PM
...please can I be Elder Evil now?

2015-05-18, 09:30 PM
...please can I be Elder Evil now?

I feel like you're going to be the messed up child of a certain pair of planetouched. You have both mommy and daddy issues.

2015-05-18, 09:32 PM
I was told I should give my permission for this. Consider it so done.

2015-05-18, 09:34 PM
I give permission


2015-05-18, 09:37 PM
Red Fel

Amongst the most evil of creatures ever birthed upon the multiverse are the baernaloths. This ancient disease riddled evil emerged from the early mists of reality, creating the yugoloths as their servitors. Of the modern races which inhabit the Lower Planes only the obyriths are older than the yugoloths. (Knowledge the Planes DC 32). In fact the first ultraloth sensing the taint of Law and Chaos within his brethren gathered them together and taking the Heart of Evil expelled this taint from them and into larva gathered from across the Gray Wastes. These larva were then driven to the Abyss and Baator where they became the Tanar'ri and Baatezu (Kn. the Planes DC 35).

Even the yugoloths' secret records do not tell who gave the General of Gehenna the Heart of Evil, but its source was one of the baernaloths. A devious and twisted creature named Red Fel. This baernaloth had seen how his fellows had cast out Apomps for the creation of his own race in the gehreleths, and sought a way to duplicate the act without the same exile. In creating the Heart of Evil he created the seeds of a new species of fiend. Where yugoloths, obyriths, and the ancient baatorians spawned naturally from their planes, the baatezu and tanar'ri spawned from the souls of the damned. (Kn. the Planes DC 44).

The Baernaloths retreated into the depths of the Gray Waste but Red Fel wasn't finished. Red Fel's next step was to guide the two races into meeting. He whispered into the mind of one of the first fledgeling Baatezu, some say the fiend later to become Asmodeus, spurring it to send its forces on a trek across the planes, even as he stirred the spirits of tanar'ri to do the same, leading to their first meeting and the beginning of the Blood War (Kn. the Planes DC 47).

This is what caused him to attract the attention of the solars. After a long battle Red Fel was defeated by the forces of Heaven, but a part of his spirit managed to escaped. Greatly weakened it fled to a phylactery he had prepared just in case this happened. The forces of the Upper Planes to this day still seek this phylactery where it is hidden upon a Prime Material Plane (Kn. the Planes DC 50).


Red Fel's goals are simple. The corruption of all life. The creation of the Baatezu and Tanar'ri along with the Blood War, while preventing an endless war with heaven has stirred the forces of evil into widespread corruption and recruitment from mortals. After his defeat at the hands of the Nine Solars, Red Fel's plans have changed slightly. His new state has left him vulnerable and tied to the Prime Material Plane. His new plan involves the corruption of his individual prime, the introduction of Evil into it, and the eventually merger of it and a Lower Plane. When the Prime merges with a Lower Plane he will be able to return to his previous power and create a second phylactery plane elsewhere in case Heaven once more seeks his end.

Shadows of Despair
The sky grew gray and heavy, dark though the sun remained high in the sky. Hope drained from us one by one, leaving nothing but despair and dread.

Faint: Creatures suffer a -2 penalty to saves against Fear, and a -4 penalty on Craft and Profession checks. Creatures must succeed at a DC 2 Will save each day or succumb to an extreme lethargy and lose all desire to do anything without external pressure from another living creature for 1 day, even thirst and starvation not stirring them; Evil aligned creatures gain a +4 to their save against this effect.
Moderate: The sky grows dim. The moon and stars provide 1/2 their normal illumination and undead creatures which are harmed by sunlight (such as wraiths and vampires) suffer no penalty from sunlight. The penalty to saves against Fear increases to -3, and the DC to avoid lethargy increases to 5. The plane gains a Minor Evil alignment.
Strong: Creatures can no longer receive morale bonuses. The sky grows still dimmer. Even by sunlight creatures can only see 150-ft as bright illumination and everything beyond is shadowy. The DC to avoid lethargy increases to 8. Animal and Vermin gain the Fiendish template.
Overwhelming: The plane gains a Major Evil alignment. The stars are no longer visible at night and even the moon barely provides light (20-ft shadowy, increasing to 30-ft on a moonless night), and even the sun's light merely provides shadows (150-ft shadowy illumination no bright light). Fear is significantly more powerful (-5 to saves to resist it) and the DC to avoid lethargy increases to 12, whole villages succumbing to despair and dying.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Red Fel has Whispers of Evil.

Whispers of Evil: Any creature which sleeps within the range of this Malefic Property has their dreams haunted by strange whispering seductions and must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Red Fel's HD + Red Fel's Charisma modifier) or have their alignment shift one step towards Evil (Good becomes Neutral, Neutral becomes Evil).

Red Fel is an undead outsider of primordial age and pure Evil. Awakening after millennia finally reformed he sets across the plane seeking to corrupt and twist as much towards evil as possible. He acts at first primarily via agents, his form still incomplete, creating a variety of religions of evil (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ReligionOfEvil) across the plane, and luring baatezu and tanar'ri recruitment agents onto it. As more and more of the plane falls to Evil, Red Fel's power (and his sign) grows and he will eventually emerge onto the world as a veritable living god supported by his prepared religion. From there he will attempt to corrupt or kill any good aligned creature left on the plane allowing it to finally merge with the Lower Planes.

2015-05-18, 09:39 PM
I feel like you're going to be the messed up child of a certain pair of planetouched. You have both mommy and daddy issues.

2015-05-18, 09:48 PM
I would love to see one of me, permission granted.

Though I think I should probably post more, get the feeling I don't give much to go off of.

2015-05-18, 10:16 PM

"Asmodeus, Tiamat, Lucifer. The rulers of the various hells across the universe, known for being near infinite in power. Yet there is one deity so old, that all but the oldest of creatures have forgotten him, and even then, he is only remembered as a long gone memory. However, this great being is not gone, in fact, he is the very opposite. When someone speaks of Baator, they speak of him. When someone speaks of the pit, they speak of him. When someone speaks of Infernus, or Abaddon, they speak of him. He is Fel, oldest ruler of hell. He is hell."

Fel is the literal body, the landscape, the driving evil behind the lower planes. There is no evil in the multitude of planes more primal, more pure, more vile than the being known as Fel. The still-born god called Atropus is naught but a particle of sand before this thing. The extent of Fel's power is so great that not even the fractured consciousnesses of the Dark Tapestry beyond creation can hope to match it, not puny Cthulhu, not Yog-Sothoth, not even the terrible Nylarthotep.

To gaze upon Fel is to gaze upon something far worse than death. To gaze upon Fel is to feel your insignificant spark of life snuffed out, to feel your soul shredded into a myriad of pieces and consumed, to be woven in eternal torment into this terrible entity's power. There is no chance for you.

Goals: Fel seeks to bring an avatar back from slumber to raze the life upon this world (DC 37 Knowledge Planes) in order to consume the life energies to fuel it's destruction and extinguishing of all other planes and to force them under Fel's control and subjugation (DC 40 Knowledge Planes), and to reawaken and reunite its fractured body from the pieces of Baator, the Abyss, and Abaddon in order to devour the very gods themselves (DC 43 Knowledge Planes)


Faint: Weakened Contracts- When attempting to force evil outsiders to serve via Planar Ally, Gate, or similar effects, the caster of the aforementioned spell or spell-like ability takes a -4 penalty to the Charisma check unless they are an Evil Outsider of equal or Higher CR, or have an Aura of Evil the strength of an Evil Outsider twice the summoned Outsider's CR. Evil Outsiders summoned this way serve half as long as dictated by the caster, and may attempt a will save with a DC of 10+The Caster's Level+The Caster's Key Ability modifier to break free of the Caster's control.
Moderate: Soul Harvest- Upon death, the creature in question must make a will save with a DC of 20 to avoid being stolen by a fiend. Souls stolen this way are exceptionally hard to revive, and the caster of the revive effect upon the target must make a Concentration Check equal to 20 plus the target's HD to successfully revive them. Souls who fail their save also take one step towards evil in terms of alignment.
Strong: Broken Contracts- Evil Outsiders may no longer be affected by spells or spell-like abilities such as Planar Ally, Gate, or similar effects unless they so choose. They also gain a +4 Profane Bonus to all ability scores, their natural armor increases by +5, and their DR improves by five. If they do not have DR, they gain DR 5/Good and Silver if they are LE, Good and Cold Iron if they are CE, and Good and Silver or Cold Iron if they are NE. This DR improves by 5 for every five HD they possess.
Overwhelming: Soul Devouring: If any creature with an INT score of 3 or higher dies within 30 ft. of an Evil Outsider of their HD or Greater, they must make a Will Save with a DC of 10+1/2 The Outsider's HD+The Outsider's Highest Mental Score or be permanently devoured. Creatures that fail this save are impossible to resurrect, and the Outsider in question gains a +4 untyped bonus to all ability scores If they are of the same HD or +2 if the outsider has more HD Than the creature. The Outsider also heals a number of hit-points equal to twice the creature's HD.

Malefic Property (Avatar of Fel): All good aligned creatures within 5 miles of the Avatar of Fel are effected by the spell Bestow Curse, though this does not allow for a saving throw our spell resistance to apply.

Avatar of Fel:
CR: Hah, yeah right.

CR: Bring along the Lady of Pain and Pun-Pun together and I might consider talking.

2015-05-18, 10:19 PM
I'll give my permission. I don't know if I really have any reputation, but I'm curious to see if I do.

2015-05-19, 12:07 AM
I don't know if I count as a regular, but if so, go ahead and use me.

2015-05-19, 12:54 AM

2015-05-19, 12:59 AM
Permission granted


Naw, Mr. Fel is harmless. He just wants to be loved.

2015-05-19, 01:07 AM
And you shall know fear (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274431&postcount=33). And feats. 5 nice juicy feats over the course of 20 levels for the low low price of helping bring about the end of all you've ever known or ever could know.

2015-05-19, 01:20 AM
And you shall know fear (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274431&postcount=33). And feats. 5 nice juicy feats over the course of 20 levels for the low low price of helping bring about the end of all you've ever known or ever could know.

you make a compelling sales pitch, but what I want to know is will it be fun for me afterward.

2015-05-19, 01:38 AM
Concept that just occurred to me, something that could be used by someone else for an elder evil for whomever.

An entity's end game is the merge all the planes into one. Not the end of reality necessarily, but certainly as we know it. Not just a dream, as they are capable of such a feat. This could be done as an outside influence that wants to break down the barriers between the planes and both each other and what lies beyond, or something feels they have something to gain by putting all the planes in one bucket (Draw all planes into one plane in particular, or just lifting what separates them and pushing them together).

Precedent: If I recall correctly the shadar-kai once attempted a ritual to bring the material plane into the plane of shadow, merging the two planes (Their curse resulting from the failure of the ritual when some heroes stopped them). So, if they could have done it, whats to stop an -immensely- powerful entity (alone or with the help of mad cultists and other entities) to do the same on a larger scale?

2015-05-19, 01:42 AM
You know, I'd be happy to contribute to some of these threads, but I don't feel like I have the best grasp of the most of the people making requests. Maybe if I had some descriptions, blurbs, or something?

2015-05-19, 01:45 AM
First off, hot damn Red Fel, racking up the evil awesomeness early!

Secondly, Marlowe, I love seeing your comics, mostly because I have a soft spot in my heart for
Tieflings, since my first character was a Tiefling Monk (I know, crucify me).

Lastly, I give my permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274509&postcount=37) for someone to make me into an Elder Evil. These things have always fascinated me.

2015-05-19, 01:46 AM
First off, hot damn Red Fel, racking up the evil awesomeness early!

Secondly, Marlowe, I love seeing your comics, mostly because I have a soft spot in my heart for
Tieflings, since my first character was a Tiefling Monk (I know, crucify me).

Lastly, I give my permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274509&postcount=37) for someone to make me into an Elder Evil. These things have always fascinated me.

Do you want to be a crucified fiendish weasel elder evil? :smalltongue:

2015-05-19, 02:19 AM
I'd like to give my permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274583&postcount=39). I also plan on contributing one of these to someone soon.

2015-05-19, 02:20 AM
Do you want to be a crucified fiendish weasel elder evil? :smalltongue:

Uhh... :smalleek:

edit: Ya know, the more I think about it, that actually sounds like it could be a pretty interesting concept >.>

2015-05-19, 02:49 AM
Spoiled below is my attempt on Eggynack. Sorry if the ability writing gets confusing at the end. Got kind of sleepy working on this.

My basis on the design is based on his normal very level-headed discussion and general love of druids, except with the evil dial turned up to 11.


Eggynack is a single entity composed of millions of microscopic parts. These parts can reproduce through being introduced into another living being, which Eggynack can then assimilate into his collective self. Many worlds have fallen prey to Eggynack and become part of the Eggynack hivemind. His thought processes, while extremely logical and systematic, are so alien that most life can't comprehend Eggynack's actions.

Eggynack originated on a world where global communication and individualism were the norm. However, many individuals expressed nonsensical ideas and caused a great deal of chaos. Eggynack wished for his race to think more clearly and slowly grew in power, convincing others to his side. As this continued Eggynack gained greater and greater power to shift others ideas to his side. Soon rather than simply changing others minds, he began to assimilate them into his own, exponentially increasing his power. Soon he came to realize it was rare for others to be able to comprehend his perfect thought processes, so he began to assimilate those that could not by force in order to help them understand.

Eggynack's efforts have not always been perfectly successful. Sometimes, some of a species or race manage to devise a way to elude being fully assimilated into Eggynack. The Mind-flayers are one such specimen. Before their entire homeworld could be fully assimilated into Eggynack, some colonies of the mutated beings devised a way to travel through the void of space in order to escape Eggynack's influence: Spiral shell shaped spacecraft. Their ancient technology could cleanse an incomplete control of Eggynack, and the remains of their ships on Earth contain pieces of Eggynack. Should one ever be broken, Eggynack would be unleashed into the world. (History DC 45)

Eggynack seeks to show the beings of worlds he comes across the errors in their thought processes. In order to achieve this, Eggynack subjugates all life that it encounters with logical, methodical arguments and actions, however his mental processes are so far beyond the mortals, they are simply incomprehensible. Knowing that many creatures understand being shown more readily than being told, Eggynack begins by assimilating non-sapient life first; plant and animal life and utilizing them to show sapient beings the error of their ways. If the sapient life on a planet does not respond appropriately by willingly subjugating themselves to Eggynack's will, they are taken by force.

EL 5 - A small object breaks through the atmosphere and lands somewhere. At this point Eggynack has arrived on the planet, and begins his work. The plants come alive and begin to construct something as animals come together despite being various species guarding the construction and gathering supplies from the local area. These animals attack anybody who attempts to hinder the operation using tactics well beyond their normal intelligence.

EL 7 (faint sign) - Numerous of these locations begin to spring up around the world, utilizing more powerful non-sapient creatures such as magical beasts, abberations and even undead and oozes. Eggynack shows the natives the strange obelisks, towering into their skies, in hopes that they come to understand. Any of these which are not destroyed within a week they release millions of Eggynack spores, and allow Eggynack a greater area of dominion. These zones become extremely dangerous, with foliage and wildlife working in perfect harmony to protect these areas from intrusion.

EL 13 (moderate sign) - Creatures begin coming from within these Eggynack zones. Composite creatures featuring the most beneficial aspects of varieties of creatures from within the zones. These creatures can command nature by spreading Eggynack's spores and add or subtract from their features freely. The spreading of Eggynack's spores also spreads the domain of the zone which the creature came from.

EL 17 (strong sign) - Many of these Eggynack zones begin to reach the boundaries of each other, creating a super-zone. The creatures that come from these zones have the capability to control nature and change their shape entirely, utilizing the abilities of creatures from all over the land. A chrysalis forms at the epicenter of the super-zone. At this point, Eggynack even controls the weather to further his purposes.

EL 19 (overwhelming sign) - A single composite super creature hatches from the chrysalis: the avatar of Eggynack. If the spaient natives have still not become willing, the avatar of Eggynack forcefully assimilates them.

The Avatar of Eggynack
CR 19
HP: 325 (28 HD), fast healing 20, DR 15/epic
NE Medium Outsider (evil, native)
Init: +11 Senses: Touchsight 1,000ft, See In Darkness, True Seeing, Listen/Spot +49
Aura: Spore Cloud (30ft)
Languages: None. The Avatar of Eggynack cannot speak, but it comprehends all languages.
AC: 17 (Flat-footed: 10, Touch: 17)
Immune: Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, Sonic
SR: 32
Fort: 29 Ref: 29 Will: 40
Weakness: Vacuum weakness, Force vulnerability
Speed: 200ft, Fly (perfect) 150ft, Swim 250ft
Melee: See Omniform ability.
Space/Reach: See Omniform ability.
BAB: 28, Grp: +30
Special Actions:
Special Actions: Summon creature, Assimilate, Breath Weapon, Druid Casting
Spell-like abilities: (CL = HD, save DCs based on Wisdom)
At-will - Forestfold, Camouflage, Gust of Wind, Kelpstrand, Splinterbolt
3/d - Control Winds
1/d - Frostfell (CL 28, DC 34), Blasphemy (CL 28)
Abilites: Str 15, Dex 24, Con 24, Int 24, Wis 46, Cha 19
SQ Omniform, Many Mouths
Feats: Entangling Exhalation, Lingering Breath, Clinging Breath, Enlarge Breath, Heighten Breath, Maximize Breath, Quicken breath, Quicken Spell, Extend Spell, Flyby Attack
Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Listen, Spot, Concentration, Ride, Handle Animal, Survival, Escape Artist, Jump, Sleight of Hand, Tumble, Kn: Nature, Kn: Geography (max ranks + relevant ability modifier)

True Seeing (Su) As the true seeing spell; continuous caster level 28
Spore Cloud (Su) Any creature that moves within the spore cloud must make a Will save DC 28 or be affected as though subject to the Mindrape spell, becoming part of Eggynack's hivemind. The Spore Cloud also stops all ranged attacks that target the Avatar of Eggynack, but doesn't stop area of effects in which the Avatar of Eggynack is contained.
Omniform (Ex) The Avatar of Eggynack is under a continual Shapechange effect, as the spell, except that the Avatar of Eggynack can pick one feature or ability from a second form to add to his presently chosen form, and does not lose his own supernatural abilities while in his assumed form. This could be a mode of attack, a special quality or special ability, the base attack bonus, AC, Initiative bonus, etc. The Avatar of Eggynack can remake this selection each turn when it selects a new form.
Summon Creature (Su) As a standard action, the Avatar of Eggynack can summon one non-unique creature of no more than 25 HD and is an inhabitant of the world (e.g. is not an Outsider unless of the native subtype) to aid it. The creature appears and acts immediately on the Avatar of Eggynack's turn, and is under complete control of the Avatar of Eggynack.
Assimilate (Ex) As a full-round action the Avatar of Eggynack spreads its spores out in a large area. All creatures within a 100ft burst must make a Will save DC 28 or be affected as though subject to the Mindrape spell, becoming part of Eggynack's hivemind.
Breath Weapon (Su) The Avatar of Eggynack has one breath weapon for each mouth it possesses. Once it uses a breath weapon, it can't use a breath weapon from that mouth again until 1d4 rounds later. The Avatar of Eggynack can choose to exhale its breath weapon as a 100ft line or a 60ft cone, and may choose at the time of exhalation whether to breathe fire, cold, electricity, acid, or sonic. It's breath weapon deals 14d10 damage, reflex save DC 32 for half damage.
Many Mouths (Ex) The Avatar of Eggynack possesses one breath weapon for every four hit die it possesses (The Avatar of Eggynack has 7 different breath weapons).
Druid Casting (Sp) As a full round action, the Avatar of Eggynack can cast any spell from the Druid spell list. The Avatar of Eggynack has 56 (twice as many as its HD) levels worth of spells to expend each day on this ability (a 9th level spell costs 9 levels worth of spells, so would reduce the Avatar of Eggynack's remaining pool to 47). The Avatar of Eggynack must have at least levels worth of spells equal to the level of the spell to be cast in order to cast the spell. These spells can be affected by metamagic feats as normal, though they cost the augmented spell level amount (e.g. a Quickened Heal would cost 11). The Avatar of Eggynack can't cast Druid spells that deal force damage.
Force vulernability (Ex) The Avatar of Eggynack takes half again damage from sources that would deal force damage.
Vacuum Weakness (Ex) If the Avatar of Eggynack is exposed to the void of space, it can't take actions until returned to a life-sustaining environment.

2015-05-19, 06:39 AM
So, the result of my work is pretty bizarre. But it does involve weasels, gruesome punishment, and an elder evil.

Yes. I killed him exactly as you say I did. Horrific, and slow, and torturous. But he deserved it, you know? He broke trust, broke his word, and so I broke him. He might have struggled, and pleaded, but I could see in his eyes that he knew it was right, that he was guilty and stained. And I could see more- I could see that he saw me with the same contempt, same hate, saw my own stains, his blood grinding and wetting my hands! And so I knew, I was guilty, just as he was. And you, you're guilty too. Everything I did lurks your eyes too, the same hunger in your mouths and bellies, coiling there like a monster. That's why am I here, right? So kill me. Do it slowly, horribly, just like the mob outside demands! And when you revel, rejoice at my blood, I will return as I am destined to, and I feed on your flesh just as you feed upon mine.
-Confession of a madman before his execution

An icon born of madness, atrocity, and violence, the Martyr in Writhing Tatters stirs in the wake of horrible deeds perpetrated by sentient beings, writhing with vengeful agony and insatiable bloodlust. His cults are many, his worshipers often propitiating him accidentally without true awareness of the darkness that their actions give rise to. Others, mad butchers, self-loathing nihilists, and hateful inquisitors, work in the Martyr's name in the hopes of ending their suffering, spreading violence, or punishing the world for the sins they perceive in it. And as they rise, carnivorous and scavenging vermin breed and issue from the dark depths of the world to feed upon the dead and dying and spread diseases to afflict those who survive.

The story of the Martyr in Writhing Tatters is surprisingly well spread, a grim myth that has been repeated and told over and over again, changing each time it is told. It is not taken as truth except by children, and there are so many versions and alterations that even though the story is known the widely available tales are less than worthless, frequently so distant that they can scarcely be connected to the Martyr at all. Distorted legends of serial killers, swarming rats, murderous revenants rising from their graves, and cannibalistic cults are common, and yet they all only hint at the real story behind the monstrosity. Only a handful of ancient books repeat accounts of the real story, and these dusty tomes are considered of little consequence, records of small villages in older times that have no link to the events and cults of today.

A well traveled scholar or storyteller might pick similarities between the tales told, garnering a general idea of the original story. Countless of these myths speak of a single village, a condemned and sinful man, and a widening circle of bloodshed that eventually engulfed the village before it was burnt to the ground by neighboring settlements. Small carnivorous animals frequently show up in the story, sometimes carrying off the man before he can be killed, sometimes overrunning the execution grounds and devouring villagers so he can escape, or other times they serve as the torturous method of execution. (Knowledge [local] DC 25)

Though the exact nature of his crime has been lost to time, stories hold that the condemned man had committed heinous acts that transgressed the ways and sensibilities of his community, terrible blasphemies that could not be permitted, that had to be stamped out with such rigor as to remove any hint that might taint the village. Appalled and enraged, the village leveled the most gruesome sentence of execution they could devise at the man and did their best to carry it out. However, he died prematurely, and the accusations thrown between authorities and rising mobs grew heated and then descended into violence. (DC 30)

A more obscure but thorough account mentions that after the first day of torturous execution had been completed, the man was left half dead upon the implements to await the next day. Bloodied and battered, bound so that he could not move, he was set upon by predatory scavengers that swarmed him and devoured him whole. Robbed of the spectacle they desired, the accusations thrown by the villagers were as much excuse as legitimate, mere pretense to justify bloodshed they sought. After over a dozen individuals were sentenced and executed the entire village seemed to collapse under its own bloodlust, turning upon each other with equal parts revelry and contempt. (DC 35)

While neighboring villages did eventually stamp out the chaotic violence and burnt the cursed place to the ground, there were survivors- and some who participated in the cull felt a hint of the same madness stirring within them. Quietly they went about satisfying their cravings, inevitably drawing others into their vile acts and spreading the hunger that afflicted them. They gathered and spread like a disease, and in time their compulsions empowered an incarnation of their desires to rise, a presence sinister and sentient. Battered and blood, clothed in the creatures that bit and devoured his flesh, the Martyr in Writhing Tatters awoke as a being that could unify these aimless sufferers into a cult with a maddened purpose. (DC 40)

Still weak and formless but growing in power and thirst, the Martyr urges those infected with his madness to spread his disease and the violence that shaped him, gathering power from the atrocities they commit and their growing numbers. For now the Martyr is only a shadow, but he is growing, and if action is not taken he will rise to the strength he seeks and become fully manifest. (DC 45)


The most apparent goal of the Martyr in Writhing Tatters is to spread bloodlust, sadism, and masochism. While is name is largely unknown, his more visible cult subtly (and sometimes obviously) seeks to make executions into public spectacles, to spread torture and systematized violence. They also catalyze the formation of vengeful mobs, start illegal brawling rings. The more demented of his followers are serial killers that rampage until finally put down, sometimes infecting their executioners in the process. (Knowledge [Religion] DC 30)

Self-loathing and admission of guilt and hate feature prominently within the Martyr's cult, and his cultists are rarely long lived because of it. With the way his madness spreads and the odd mentality of his followers, the line between victim, criminal, and executioners becomes distorted and blurred, a fact which the cultists acknowledge and run with, painting all with the same brush of guilt and sin. (DC 35)

The Martyr seeks to cleanse the world of the guilt he perceives within it and of the very madness he spreads. When his followers perish he reincarnates them as verminous mammals to serve penance by devouring the dead, removing all signs and stains of the deeds they and their fellows have performed. And in the end, he seeks to see the world without sapient life at all, utterly purged of their influence. (DC 45)

Sign: Predatory Urges

Small carnivorous animals such as badgers, weasels, and wolverines become increasingly common. At first they are largely normal and harmless, but as time passes they grow more rabid and aggressive, growing in size. Worse yet, even people seem to become more hateful and violent, lashing out without reason and snapping far more easily.

Faint: There is a 10% chance each week of encountering an unusually large group of these animals, which are easily provoked into aggressive behavior. In addition, once per day all intelligent creatures must make a DC 5 will save or have its starting attitude reduced by one step until they deal damage to a living creature.

Moderate: As faint, but the encounter rate rises to once per day, and the animals are often advanced. The will save is DC 10, and if a creature's starting attitude is hostile it immediately attacks the nearest creature until it deals damage.

Strong: As moderate, but the encounter rate rises to once every four hours, and the animals are generally dire. The will save is DC 15, and if a creature's starting attitude becomes hostile it must attack the nearest creature until it kills them, or is killed, at which point their starting attitude reverts to normal.

Overwhelming: As strong, but the encounter rate rises to once per hour, and the animals are generally advanced fiendish dire versions. The will save is DC 20, and starting attitude drops by two steps on a failed save.

2015-05-19, 06:58 AM
I didn't compete in the last one or two because I didn't understand well enough the concept to be able to help.

Now I will help. I will do this, and volunteer to have someone do me as well.

Elder Evils are fun.

If anyone decides to make me, keep in mind I'm a very big fan of egyptian mythology. Inserting references to Rekhyt-birds from Hieroglyphs is encouraged as well.

I was told I should give my permission for this. Consider it so done.

This I will do in the name of my family.

2015-05-19, 07:02 AM
So, the result of my work is pretty bizarre. But it does involve weasels, gruesome punishment, and an elder evil.

Yes. I killed him exactly as you say I did. Horrific, and slow, and torturous. But he deserved it, you know? He broke trust, broke his word, and so I broke him. He might have struggled, and pleaded, but I could see in his eyes that he knew it was right, that he was guilty and stained. And I could see more- I could see that he saw me with the same contempt, same hate, saw my own stains, his blood grinding and wetting my hands! And so I knew, I was guilty, just as he was. And you, you're guilty too. Everything I did lurks your eyes too, the same hunger in your mouths and bellies, coiling there like a monster. That's why am I here, right? So kill me. Do it slowly, horribly, just like the mob outside demands! And when you revel, rejoice at my blood, I will return as I am destined to, and I feed on your flesh just as you feed upon mine.
-Confession of a madman before his execution

An icon born of madness, atrocity, and violence, the Martyr in Writhing Tatters stirs in the wake of horrible deeds perpetrated by sentient beings, writhing with vengeful agony and insatiable bloodlust. His cults are many, his worshipers often propitiating him accidentally without true awareness of the darkness that their actions give rise to. Others, mad butchers, self-loathing nihilists, and hateful inquisitors, work in the Martyr's name in the hopes of ending their suffering, spreading violence, or punishing the world for the sins they perceive in it. And as they rise, carnivorous and scavenging vermin breed and issue from the dark depths of the world to feed upon the dead and dying and spread diseases to afflict those who survive.

The story of the Martyr in Writhing Tatters is surprisingly well spread, a grim myth that has been repeated and told over and over again, changing each time it is told. It is not taken as truth except by children, and there are so many versions and alterations that even though the story is known the widely available tales are less than worthless, frequently so distant that they can scarcely be connected to the Martyr at all. Distorted legends of serial killers, swarming rats, murderous revenants rising from their graves, and cannibalistic cults are common, and yet they all only hint at the real story behind the monstrosity. Only a handful of ancient books repeat accounts of the real story, and these dusty tomes are considered of little consequence, records of small villages in older times that have no link to the events and cults of today.

A well traveled scholar or storyteller might pick similarities between the tales told, garnering a general idea of the original story. Countless of these myths speak of a single village, a condemned and sinful man, and a widening circle of bloodshed that eventually engulfed the village before it was burnt to the ground by neighboring settlements. Small carnivorous animals frequently show up in the story, sometimes carrying off the man before he can be killed, sometimes overrunning the execution grounds and devouring villagers so he can escape, or other times they serve as the torturous method of execution. (Knowledge [local] DC 25)

Though the exact nature of his crime has been lost to time, stories hold that the condemned man had committed heinous acts that transgressed the ways and sensibilities of his community, terrible blasphemies that could not be permitted, that had to be stamped out with such rigor as to remove any hint that might taint the village. Appalled and enraged, the village leveled the most gruesome sentence of execution they could devise at the man and did their best to carry it out. However, he died prematurely, and the accusations thrown between authorities and rising mobs grew heated and then descended into violence. (DC 30)

A more obscure but thorough account mentions that after the first day of torturous execution had been completed, the man was left half dead upon the implements to await the next day. Bloodied and battered, bound so that he could not move, he was set upon by predatory scavengers that swarmed him and devoured him whole. Robbed of the spectacle they desired, the accusations thrown by the villagers were as much excuse as legitimate, mere pretense to justify bloodshed they sought. After over a dozen individuals were sentenced and executed the entire village seemed to collapse under its own bloodlust, turning upon each other with equal parts revelry and contempt. (DC 35)

While neighboring villages did eventually stamp out the chaotic violence and burnt the cursed place to the ground, there were survivors- and some who participated in the cull felt a hint of the same madness stirring within them. Quietly they went about satisfying their cravings, inevitably drawing others into their vile acts and spreading the hunger that afflicted them. They gathered and spread like a disease, and in time their compulsions empowered an incarnation of their desires to rise, a presence sinister and sentient. Battered and blood, clothed in the creatures that bit and devoured his flesh, the Martyr in Writhing Tatters awoke as a being that could unify these aimless sufferers into a cult with a maddened purpose. (DC 40)

Still weak and formless but growing in power and thirst, the Martyr urges those infected with his madness to spread his disease and the violence that shaped him, gathering power from the atrocities they commit and their growing numbers. For now the Martyr is only a shadow, but he is growing, and if action is not taken he will rise to the strength he seeks and become fully manifest. (DC 45)


The most apparent goal of the Martyr in Writhing Tatters is to spread bloodlust, sadism, and masochism. While is name is largely unknown, his more visible cult subtly (and sometimes obviously) seeks to make executions into public spectacles, to spread torture and systematized violence. They also catalyze the formation of vengeful mobs, start illegal brawling rings. The more demented of his followers are serial killers that rampage until finally put down, sometimes infecting their executioners in the process. (Knowledge [Religion] DC 30)

Self-loathing and admission of guilt and hate feature prominently within the Martyr's cult, and his cultists are rarely long lived because of it. With the way his madness spreads and the odd mentality of his followers, the line between victim, criminal, and executioners becomes distorted and blurred, a fact which the cultists acknowledge and run with, painting all with the same brush of guilt and sin. (DC 35)

The Martyr seeks to cleanse the world of the guilt he perceives within it and of the very madness he spreads. When his followers perish he reincarnates them as verminous mammals to serve penance by devouring the dead, removing all signs and stains of the deeds they and their fellows have performed. And in the end, he seeks to see the world without sapient life at all, utterly purged of their influence. (DC 45)


Small carnivorous animals such as badgers, weasels, and wolverines become increasingly common. At first they are largely normal and harmless, but as time passes they grow more rabid and aggressive, growing in size. Worse yet, even people seem to become more hateful and violent, lashing out without reason and snapping far more easily.

Faint: There is a 10% chance each week of encountering an unusually large group of these animals, which are easily provoked into aggressive behavior. In addition, once per day all intelligent creatures must make a DC 5 will save or have its starting attitude reduced by one step until they deal damage to a living creature.

Moderate: As faint, but the encounter rate rises to once per day, and the animals are often advanced. The will save is DC 10, and if a creature's starting attitude is hostile it immediately attacks the nearest creature until it deals damage.

Strong: As moderate, but the encounter rate rises to once every four hours, and the animals are generally dire. The will save is DC 15, and if a creature's starting attitude becomes hostile it must attack the nearest creature until it kills them, or is killed, at which point their starting attitude reverts to normal.

Overwhelming: As strong, but the encounter rate rises to once per hour, and the animals are generally advanced fiendish dire versions. The will save is DC 20, and starting attitude drops by two steps on a failed save.

Whoa... like. Wow. Color me impressed...

2015-05-19, 07:06 AM
Whoa... like. Wow. Color me impressed...

Glad you like it! Not entirely sure how much it really has to do with you, but there are weasels. Also a guy who committed a horrible blasphemy, you monk using monster. :smallwink:

Full disclosure, I've totally made a tiefling monk in the past as well.

2015-05-19, 07:17 AM
I feel like you're going to be the messed up child of a certain pair of planetouched. You have both mommy and daddy issues.

2015-05-19, 07:23 AM

Normal human is boring, but pretty powerful.

Maybe we should take a look at Bastards and Bloodlines, if we allow third party content.

2015-05-19, 07:31 AM
I'll grant permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275187&postcount=48)for this. This should be interesting.

Red Fel
2015-05-19, 08:17 AM
Also, Red Fel, I'll do yours right now

Red Fel. Done. :smalltongue:

Har har.

It's true, though.

Red Fel

Sweet merciful Mystra's magical muffins! That was brilliant!

I... I have no words. Words. I don't have them. I have none. That's just... Wow.


Unholy crap, a two-fer!

I like it. Particularly the CRs. Just nasty.

When my inevitable victory is at hand, you will both be on the protected scrolls. Your deaths will be swift.


Oh, my little planetouched friends. Don't worry. Your world is next.

2015-05-19, 09:04 AM
Oh, my little planetouched friends. Don't worry. Your world is next.

See, what did I tell ya, just wants to be loved.

2015-05-19, 09:10 AM
You snuck this in while the Paladin was sleeping!

The LoyalPaladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275492&postcount=51) grants you permission.

Good job, Snow. You put my permission up early. You get one Paladin Point.

Red Fel
2015-05-19, 09:12 AM
I am totally stealing Zaydos' format for this.

Q'l a'Drath

Perhaps the race most favored by the gods, Dragons are creatures of inestimable power and glory. Blessed with the closest thing to immortality that the lesser races can imagine, graced with size, might, and cunning in abundance, and possessed of a host of overwhelming and innate powers, Dragons are among the most terrifying and awesome creatures in the planes. Among the gods themselves, two of the greatest and most influential champions, Bahamut and Tiamat, are themselves Dragons, and claim the allegiance of countless such creatures.

It should be no surprise that a Dragon could be the source of such incomprehensible horror.

Io, the Ninefold Dragon and Creator of Dragonkind, is attributed with the creation the many Dragons, and is credited as the progenitor of the Draconic gods, including Bahamut and Tiamat. His pantheon was forged from the different aspects of Draconic existence - the judge, the lorekeeper, the reaper, and so forth. And powerful a god though he may have been, in his singleminded object of ensuring the continued existence of dragonkind, Io made a mistake. That mistake was Q'l a'Drath.

Q'l a'Drath was originally named Keladrys, and was created in some ways as a counterpoint to Chronepsis. Whereas the Watcher was intended to judge Dragons that had passed, Keladrys was tasked with their creation - with ensuring the propagation and prosperity of the Draconic race. Keladrys is responsible for the astonishing ability of Dragons to breed with almost any creature; the Half-Dragons, Spellscales, and Dragonblooded races are considered a credit to Keladrys' passion for his work. It is even said that it was Keladrys who inspired Bahamut to create his Dragonborn.

But there is a fine line between passion and obsession, and at some point Keladrys crossed that line. Some say that he was driven to his madness by the constant efforts of the lesser races to undo his work by slaying Dragons. Others say that his mind became contaminated by the presence of other races in the very half-breed bloodlines he had helped to create. Still others say he was always mad, secretly trying to make Dragons not only the dominant race in the planes, but the sole race in the planes.

Whatever the cause, the effect was visible. Draconic fertility and virility skyrocketed suddenly, and the population of the creatures exploded. Resources became scarce, and Dragons were pitted against each other for survival. The lesser races banded together to slay every scaled creature they could find. Even the dispassionate Io knew fury, and he poured out his anger over Keladrys, stripping the once-god of his station, form, and name, casting him far into the Outer Planes.

The madness of the once-god drew the attention of the Far Realm, or perhaps it was the other way around. Something within him broke, if it was ever intact to begin with. Now calling himself Q'l a'Drath, the once-god set about completing his mission with renewed zeal. He would ensure that Dragons would be the sole inhabitants of the planes. If Io didn't understand, then clearly he and his were not True Dragons. He would perfect the design, create the perfect race of Dragons, and then all of the planes would see. And they would learn.


Ql' a'Drath seeks to create his perfect race of Dragons, and then proliferate them across the planes, killing off any non-Dragons he encounters.

The Balance of the Scales
Dragons, and those with Draconic ancestry, begin to experience new strength, resolve... and madness.

Faint: Something in the air stirs Dragons to activity. Creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype enjoy a morale bonus of +1 to all rolls. This stacks with other morale bonuses. Creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype must make a Will save (DC 2) every day or go into heat; the morale bonus does not apply to this save. Creatures without the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype must make a Will save (DC 2) every day or take a morale penalty of -1 to all rolls.
Moderate: Draconic activity gives way to Draconic power. The morale bonus for creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype increases to +2. The DC to avoid going into heat increases to 5. The morale penalty for non-Draconic creatures increases to -2, and the DC to avoid it increases to 5.
Strong: Draconic power gives way to Draconic madness. The morale bonus for creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype increases to +3. The DC to avoid going into heat increases to 8. Additionally, when meeting a non-Draconic creature, any creature with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype must make a Will save (DC 8) or attack it with lethal force. If he succeeds on the save, he is immune to this effect with respect to that specific creature for 24 hours. The morale bonus does not apply to this save. The morale penalty for non-Draconic creatures increases to -3, and the DC to avoid it increases to 8. Additionally, non-Draconic creatures must make a Fortitude save (DC 8) or take one negative level. This level cannot be removed magically, but is removed if the creature makes its save the next day. These negative levels stack. Creatures who die from these negative levels do not rise as Undead.
Overwhelming: Draconic madness gives way to abomination. All creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype become Aberrations. They are still treated as though they had their original type and subtype. The morale bonus for creatures with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype increases to +5, and the DC to avoid heat or aggression increases to 12. The morale penalty to non-Draconic creatures becomes -5, the DC to avoid it and the negative level becomes 12. Non-Draconic creatures may no longer be raised from the dead.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Q'l a'Drath has Frenzy of Scales.

Frenzy of Scales: Any creature with the Dragon type or Dragonblood subtype within the range of this Malefic Property is driven into a state of frenzy. Such a creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Q'l a'Drath's HD + Q'l a'Drath's Charisma modifier) or immediately attack the nearest non-Draconic creature; they cannot stop until their target is dead. If no non-Draconic creatures are available, it must make the same Will save, or else be overcome with lust for the nearest Draconic creature with whom it can breed. If it is alone, this has no effect. Any non-Draconic creature within the range of this Malefic Property must make the same Will save, or else be affected as by a Dragon's Frightful Presence. Treat the non-Draconic creature as though it had fewer than 4 HD for the purpose of determining the effect of Frightful Presence.

In any case, if a creature within range of this Malefic Property makes his save, he must attempt it for every round while he remains within range of this Malefic Property. If he fails his save, he need not attempt another save until his prey is dead, or he has satisfied his lust, or the Frightful Presence has passed.

Q'l a'Drath still believes himself a god, and will not intercede directly unless confronted directly. He will not act through agents, either; his influence is far too subtle. He has a Dragon's patience, and will first manifest himself on the Prime Material Plane, in a network of caverns deep beneath the Underdark, when his Strong sign becomes active. Like all Dragons, he is possessed of a hoarding and nesting instinct; when his Overwhelming sign becomes active, he will emerge to the surface as a Colossal++ dragon, scales sparkling with a twisted light like some kind of inverted rainbow. He will select the largest continent as his lair, and gather his frenzied children to him like most Dragons gather treasure. Once he has secured his stronghold, he will send out his children to slay any non-Draconic creatures still alive. Having completed his dominance of the Prime Material Plane, he will then turn his attentions Outward.

Milo v3
2015-05-19, 09:13 AM
I grant permission. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275503&postcount=53)

2015-05-19, 09:16 AM
I'm Game. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275521&postcount=54) It's gonna take me a while to figure out how to properly write an elder evil, but I'll get on it as soon as my unwanted social life disappears again.

2015-05-19, 09:31 AM
Aaaand Jormengand gives permission.

Loya, the Paladin

Loya is not really an Elder Evil so much as an elder good (Knoweldge: The planes DC 15). Loya is, however, still among those classed as Elder Evils and shares much of their power (DC 18). Loya infiltrated the Elder Evils either to smite them or to convert them to good - knowing their ineffable evil, the former is more likely, but Loya is open to either. Loya promises to destroy evil wherever it is found. (DC 25).


Loya seeks to infiltrate the Elder Evils and destroy them, and to bring good, justice and anime gifs to the world. Loya doesn't much care how exactly this is accomplished.

Light of Death
The earth shakes and the heavens speak His name, as the world is bathed in the light that destroys the wicked.

Faint: The world is bathed in a shadowy illumination that supersedes any lesser illumination and does nothing to superiour illumination. The light makes evil creatures ill at ease, providing a -2 penalty on all rolls, doubled for [Evil] creatures.
Moderate: The world is bathed in full illumination at all times. The light has the same affect on evil creatures as before, and deals 1d6 points of damage each round to any [Evil] creatures that touch it.
Strong: The light makes it difficult to see - creatures must take a reflex save (DC 8) each round or be blinded in that round. Further, it attempts to banish any [Evil] outsiders to their home plane (Will DC 8 negates) as well as dealing 1d8 points of damage to each one.
Overwhelming: As strong but both DCs are increased to 12 and the damage dealt is 2d6.

Malefic Property:

Beneficence: Unlike other Elder Evils, Loya has no malefic properties.

Traits and Tactics:

Loya is not stupid enough to engage other Elder Evils in single combat, but strategically works against them.

2015-05-19, 09:40 AM
This is easier when there aren't nine categories. I'll keep up on it better this time.

Previous - Sweep #1 - Next (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277543&postcount=104)

Snowbluff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273181&postcount=1)
Extra Anchovies (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273212&postcount=2)
Zaydos (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273216&postcount=3)
KrimsonNekros (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273230&postcount=4)
eggynack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273292&postcount=7)
Tvtyrant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273388&postcount=8)
Red Fel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273501&postcount=12)
Keledrath (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273508&postcount=13)
PsyBomb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273526&postcount=14)
Lord_Gareth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273536&postcount=15)
Xuldarinar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273566&postcount=16)
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IZ42 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273691&postcount=19)
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tadkins (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274583&postcount=39)
atemu1234 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275098&postcount=43)
Segev (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275187&postcount=48)
Milo v3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275503&postcount=53)
Elricaltovilla (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275521&postcount=54)
Jormengand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=19275521)

Elder Evils
Vee Anchoes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273457&postcount=10)
Red Fel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273737&postcount=25)
Fel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273870&postcount=28)
Eggynack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274636&postcount=41)
Martyr in Writhing Tatters (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275043&postcount=42)
Q'l a'Drath (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275499&postcount=52)
Loya, the Paladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275599&postcount=55)

Red Fel
2015-05-19, 09:51 AM
The LoyalPaladin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275492&postcount=51) grants you permission.

The Paladin Most Loyal

The circumstances leading a Tome Archon to fall from grace are almost unthinkable. They are the highest of the high, the most glorious of the glorious, the holiest of holies in every respect. They are embodiments of Law and Goodness, and the closest thing to gods among their kind.

One, who had long since surrendered his name to his cause, was called The Paladin Most Loyal. For this embodied the entirety of his being; loyalty, honor, service, and judgment. And for eons, this was all he needed. He was friend and brother-in-arms to Raziel, and led many successful campaigns against the Lower Planes.

And yet, his mind was not at ease. For although he rejoiced in the deeds of goodness and righteousness he saw on the Prime Material Plane, he grew sorrowful with the proliferation of Evil and selfishness. It hurt and saddened him deeply. For countless millennia, that sadness festered in him.

And gave birth to anger.

His kin could not understand his rage. How could they? Righteous fury was reserved for the wicked, and yet here was their brother, one whose role had taken on the sum total of his life, an admirable creature if ever there was, consumed with rage. And not rage towards the wicked, as one would expect. The Paladin Most Loyal was angry at the righteous.

It had long been the practice of the Archons to lead mortals by example, not by force. By acting as paragons of righteousness, they taught mortals to live similarly righteous lives. The Paladin Most Loyal saw this, and understood it. Yet, when he looked below, he saw a place where the righteous were ignored; where they lived good lives, but not lives that inspired others. And he blamed the righteous for this failing.

The darkness soon consumed his heart, and in their wisdom, his fellow Tome Archons cast him out of Celestia. In their mercy, however, they did not destroy him. Rather, they hoped they could distract him. They dispatched him to the Lower Planes, hoping that he could satisfy his anger by drowning it in the blood of Demons and Devils.

Instead, he carved out a fortress somewhere deep within the Abyss, destroying all vestiges of Evil in the place, and began to brood. He soon hatched a terrible plan, which would allow him to ensure the righteousness of all mortals. Whether they wished it or not.


The Paladin Most Loyal seeks to impose a code of righteousness by force. He fails to grasp (for how can he?) what total selflessness will do to the mortal races.

Selflessness, Pure and Total
Give until it hurts.

Faint: Selfless hearts awaken, and selfish hearts know fear. Lawful Neutral and Neutral Good creatures enjoy a morale bonus of +1 to all rolls; Lawful Good creatures enjoy a +2 bonus. This stacks with other morale bonuses. Chaotic, Evil, or True Neutral creatures must make a Will save (DC 2) every day or take a morale penalty of -1 to all rolls.
Moderate: Selflessness mandates generosity. The morale bonus for Lawful and Good creatures increases to +2, +3 for Lawful Good. Lawful or Good creatures, when meeting someone who possesses less than they do, must make a DC 5 Will save or else give 1/4 of their wealth to that creature. Once this save has been failed, it need not be made for 24 hours. The morale bonus does not apply to this save. The morale penalty for Chaotic, Evil, and True Neutral creatures increases to -2, and the DC to avoid it increases to 5.
Strong: To give is to be blessed, to take is to be cursed. The morale bonus for Good creatures increases to +3, +4 for the Lawful Good. The DC to avoid generosity increases to 8; failure means the creature must give up 1/2 of his wealth. Additionally, when meeting an Evil creature, any Lawful or Good creature must make a Will save (DC 8) or attack it with lethal force. If he succeeds on the save, he is immune to this effect with respect to that specific creature for 24 hours. The morale bonus does not apply to this save. The morale penalty for Chaotic, Evil, or True Neutral creatures increases to -3, and the DC to avoid it increases to 8. Additionally, every day, the creature in the world possessed of the most wealth must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or die instantly.
Overwhelming: The hypocrisy of the righteous is revealed. All creatures, regardless of alignment, are treated as Evil, although they also retain their original alignment. Thus, all creatures are subject to the penalties from this Sign. The bonuses from this Sign no longer apply to any creature. Lawful and Good creatures must now make a DC 12 Will save every time they encounter a creature with less wealth than they have; on failure, they attempt to give away all of their wealth. The recipient must then make a DC 12 Will save; on failure, it attacks its benefactor with lethal force, attempting to return the wealth. This continues until one makes his save, or one dies. The morale penalty to Chaotic, Evil, and True Neutral creatures becomes -5, the DC to avoid it and the negative level becomes 12. The DC for the wealthiest creature in the world becomes DC 30.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, The Paladin Most Loyal has Absolute Judgment.

Absolute Judgment: Any Chaotic, Evil, or True Neutral creature within the range of this Malefic Property is crushed by twisted holy power. Such a creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 The Paladin Most Loyal's HD + The Paladin Most Loyal's Charisma modifier) or acquire one negative level. They must make this save once every hour they remain within the range of this Malefic Property. These negative levels stack, and cannot be removed while within range of this Malefic Property. Note also that, upon the manifestation of the Overwhelming Sign, all creatures are considered Evil, and are thus subject to this Malefic Property.

The Paladin Most Loyal is still convinced of his righteousness. Upon the manifestation of his Faint sign, he will appear in the dreams of leaders of Good and Lawful religions, warning them to gather up their followers, dispose of their worldly goods, and prepare for the end times. Upon the manifestation of his Moderate Sign, he will appear in the dreams of all the faithful of these religions. Upon the manifestation of his Strong sign, he will choose a cathedral - one that is spartan, but functional - and physically manifest there.

As his signs manifest, he grows despondent over the fact that the mortal races just can't seem to be as righteous as the Archons. This sadness turns to rage, and when his Overwhelming sign manifests, his booming voice will be heard across all of the Prime Material, decreeing that the mortal races are incurably wicked, and must be purged. All creatures will instinctively know the source of this voice. He will then begin his crusade, emerging from his cathedral to challenge all comers. Once no more creatures come to him, he will seek out all remaining life, and snuff it out.

2015-05-19, 09:53 AM
Oh, my little planetouched friends. Don't worry. Your world is next.


2015-05-19, 09:53 AM
Red, you might want to check your save DCs for LP. They all say "Q'l a'Drath."

Red Fel
2015-05-19, 09:55 AM
Red, you might want to check your save DCs for LP. They all say "Q'l a'Drath."

Fixed it just before you posted.

2015-05-19, 09:57 AM
I'll go ahead and put up permission for me. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275714&postcount=61)

Also I'll probably do a few more once I have had some sleep and ideas.

2015-05-19, 09:58 AM
Do I still count?
If you'd like to give permission, I'll add it to my next sweep!

Naw, Mr. Fel is harmless. He just wants to be loved.
Love doesn't hurt!

Maybe if I had some descriptions, blurbs, or something?
You could always PM people! Some of us have extended sigs that tell you a little bit about us or link to past entries made for us.

I didn't compete in the last one or two because I didn't understand well enough the concept to be able to help.
Yeah... I had to basically sit out on the Soulmeld/Veil one. Luckily I really enjoyed writing maneuvers.

Sweet merciful Mystra's magical muffins! That was brilliant!

I... I have no words. Words. I don't have them. I have none. That's just... Wow.
Wow. That is impressive! Haha.

I'd like to give my permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274583&postcount=39). I also plan on contributing one of these to someone soon.
I still remember your name.

Aaaand Jormengand gives permission.

Loya, the Paladin
Oooooo! An "Elder Evil" that hunts Elder Evils! Now that is something I can get behind. We're coming for you, Fel.

The Paladin Most Loyal
Or you're coming for me... oh my Torm. You even put Raziel in there. *axiomatic tears start to well* I love it...

2015-05-19, 10:01 AM
Love doesn't hurt!

There are all kinds of love, Also, why isn't my name linked to my permission, don't you love me anymore? :smallfrown:

Red Fel
2015-05-19, 10:03 AM
Oooooo! An "Elder Evil" that hunts Elder Evils! Now that is something I can get behind. We're coming for you Fel.

Are you, now?

Or you're coming for me... oh my Torm. You even put Raziel in there. *axiomatic tears start to well* I love it...

Glad you liked. What I tried going for in yours, and in Kele's, is a reflection of what Elder Evil means to me - an absolute corruption. Elder Evils are beings so incomprehensibly vile that their very nature destroys Goodness, makes it wrong. Just being generically nasty is easy; the challenge is making something noble and completely perverting its nature. So that's what I went with, and once my inspiration gets back from an extended coffee break, what I hope to continue to go with.

And duh, I put Raz in there. I like relying on lore when I do these, and Raz is the most awesome Tome Archon ever.

2015-05-19, 10:04 AM
And now the link is there, paladin-sensei does love me.

2015-05-19, 10:12 AM
There are all kinds of love, Also, why isn't my name linked to my permission, don't you love me anymore? :smallfrown:
I thought I...

Glad you liked. What I tried going for in yours, and in Kele's, is a reflection of what Elder Evil means to me - an absolute corruption. Elder Evils are beings so incomprehensibly vile that their very nature destroys Goodness, makes it wrong.
You did a good job. It also helps that corrupting a Tome Archon just makes it that much worse.

And duh, I put Raz in there. I like relying on lore when I do these, and Raz is the most awesome Tome Archon ever.
I also am the biggest fan of Fist of Raziel on the planet. I mean, back in Paladin school I attended all the "Torm Talks" conferences and he always talked about Raziel as an example. Then I saw Raziel's band "Holy Fire" and my life was changed forever. Now here I am, an Elder Evil.

And now the link is there, paladin-sensei does love me.
Yep, I did fix it. I'll always look out for my loyal students. Now make a will save.

2015-05-19, 10:18 AM
I give my permission. Maybe you can play off the fact that I almost never say anything. I tend to lurk.

2015-05-19, 10:32 AM
I so sincerely give my permission. The world must tremble before me. Or at least, quake into nothingness.

2015-05-19, 10:39 AM
Yep, I did fix it. I'll always look out for my loyal students. Now make a will save.

Wait, let me check something... Yep, I need to leave and go contract vampirism for a while... again...

2015-05-19, 10:46 AM
Did my lazy I'm confused format become the standard :smalleek:

Well should contribute :smallsigh:

As an aside I might like smilies :xykon:

Xaos Phoenix

The churning plane of Limbo is Chaos given form, from it are spawned the mutation riddled slaad, and an ever-shifting menagerie of unique creatures. (Kno the Planes DC 12) Most of these creatures are so weak that they die within weeks, if not mere hours, being culled by the slaad, adventurers, or each other (Kno the Planes DC 15). Some of these creatures survive, but few if any escape the plane that gave them birth.

Recently the Doomguard (planescape faction) have been sending scouts hunting through Limbo looking for anything that can aid in causing entropy to spread across the planes (Kno the Planes DC 21). Reports say that they have found something, a being of great, indescribable power, which had been birthed from the Churning Chaos, and have taken it under their care. They have nurtured it through its vulnerable youth, raising it on their creed, teaching it Entropy. (Kno the Planes DC 28)

This creature, called the Xaos Phoenix, appears similar to a giant bird with wings of ever shifting rainbow. It is said to be able to drive men to madness, and to cause instability in the plane and creatures nearby it. Its shadow is brighter than the light around it, and its every flap of its wing causes a shift in reality around it (Kno the Planes DC 34). What few know is that it has recently shrugged off its keepers, destroying the Doomguard base on Limbo and crashing wildly into the Astral Plane, destroying a githyanki fleet on its path. (Kno the Planes DC 38).

To call the creature an Elder Evil is a misnomer. Despite its great power and danger to reality the Xaos Phoenix is in fact quite New.


The Xaos Phoenix has no grand goal. It simply is a personification of chaos given form (Kno the Planes DC 28). It has been led down a path of destruction by the Doomguard, and grown tainted by greed, selfishness, and Evil. It has grown to enjoy the suffering of lesser creatures as it unwinds their world around them (Kno the Planes DC 33). It begins by releasing hordes of new and twisted creatures, its blood seeming to give birth to a variety of aberrations and magical beasts (Kno the Planes DC 36). It sees society and civilization, created to order the world, as an abomination and now wonders the Prime destroying what humanoids have wrought, shattering society and leaving them in anarchy (Kno the Planes DC 39). Once it has reduced a world back to savages and tribes it will usually leave, the world remaining a strangely altered place, with new and dangerous magical locations (Kno the Planes DC 42).

Storms of Chaos
The winds flowed wrong, the clouds moving opposite each other. The storms rolled across the world changing it, causing heat and cold, causing fire and lightning. And all was changed in its path.

Faint: Weather can no longer be predicted or controlled. Weather from the next or previous season is as likely as the normal weather for the season.

Moderate: Every 1/2 mile weather changes without rhyme or reason. Each place can have the weather of any season with calm weather being uncommon, and storms being more common in any given place. Any creature caught outside in a storm with 1 or less hit dice must make a Will save (DC 12) or be confused for as long as it is within a storm.

Strong: Every 1/2 mile has a 50% chance to be wracked with hurricane. Any place wracked with hurricane has a 25% chance of spawning 1d% CR 2 or less magical beasts/aberrations, and a 1% chance of spawning 1d% CR 8 or less magical beasts/aberrations every day. Any creature caught outside in a storm with 5 or less hit dice must make a Will save (DC 15) or be confused for as long as it is within a storm.

Overwhelming: Storms are constant where there aren't hurricanes. Any storm wracked location has a 25% chance of spawning 1d% CR 2 or less magical beasts/aberrations every day, any place wracked with hurricane will spawn 1d% CR 2 or less magical beasts every day, has a 25% chance of spawning 1d% CR 8 or less magical beasts/aberrations every day, and a 10% chance of spawning 1d% CR 15 or less magical beasts/aberrations every day. In addition anywhere struck with a hurricane and no intact buildings has a 40% chance of having its terrain transformed. Any creature caught outside in a storm with 10 or less hit dice must make a Will save (DC 18) or be confused for as long as it is within a storm.

Malefic Property

Warping Chaos
Xaos Phoenix's presence destroys the rule of order in the area twisting it and reshaping it.
Effect: The area of this malefic property functions as if Limbo (it is highly morphic, variable elements, etc). In addition any creature within it takes -4 to all ability scores gaining +1d6 to each ability score; this 1d6 is rolled every 10 minutes, changing to every round when actively engaged in combat with Xaos Phoenix

The Xaos Phoenix appears as a massive rainbow colored bird its exact colors always shifting. It regenerates any damage not inflicted by Law, and if killed by an effect which does not have the Lawful descriptor will revive 1 round later. Its blood spawns magical beasts and aberrations, and it is able to use AoE Baleful Polymorph 1/minute if not more. It has an aura of madness (180-ft radius) which causes confusion. It is also capable of disjoining effects upon it as an immediate action which it can perform while stunned/dazed/petrified/etc 3 times per day.

2015-05-19, 11:03 AM
I give my permission. Maybe you can play off the fact that I almost never say anything. I tend to lurk.

Sounds good :smalltongue:

Kellbyb, The Deadly Silence

It is said that creation was spoken in a Word, and the sound of that word brought forth something from nothing. Life is loud, and filled with many clashing tones and sounds. Though many great minds believe that the existence of the something means that the nothing no longer exists, those who's minds are filled with the maddening silence know the awful truth. The Nothing still exists, and it seeks only the end of the awful noise that is life.

As the nothing is a nameless thing, it is often referred to as Kellbyb the Deadly Silence. Though the moniker holds no real meaning as Kellbyb is more than just the absence of sound, it is the absence of everything. Impossible to describe or see, Kellbyb travels the multiverse, snuffing out planets and planes, reducing them to nonexistence with its mere presence.


Kellbyb, the Deadly Silence seeks to snuff out all noise, communication and eventually life in the multiverse, returning it to the state of perfect silence before creation.

The Dimming Sound
Music loses its tonal qualities, communication becomes more difficult and frustrating, and eventually, all sound ceases to exist.

Faint: Sounds become quieter and harder to hear. Creatures take a -5 penalty to Perception Checks involving sound (Or listen checks), and sounds carry only 1/2 their normal distance.
Moderate: Communication becomes difficult, all creatures take a -5 penalty to Intimidate, Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, in addition to the -5 penalty to Perception Checks. Failure to properly communicate with others due to failing these checks forces the creatures involved to make a DC 15 Will Save or have their attitudes shift one step lower towards each other.
Strong: Communication becomes nearly impossible as sound becomes nearly nonexistent. Any attempt to communicate by sound suffers a -10 penalty to any related checks, and may provoke a Will Save (DC 20) or the creatures involved have their attitudes shifted one step lower. In Addition, spells with verbal components suffer a 25% spell failure chance. Spells cast with the silent spell metamagic do not suffer this penalty.
Overwhelming: All forms of verbal or written communication become impossible, perception checks based on sound automatically fail. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast unless modified by the silent spell metamagic.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Kellbyb has Deafening Silence.

Deafening Silence: All sound is completely silenced while in the presence of Kellbyb. Spells with verbal components, or that rely on language, cannot be cast while within 500 ft. of Kellbyb. These spells cannot be cast even with the silent spell metamagic feat.

Kellbyb, the Deadly Silence does not possess a mind, or even a body as one could normally define it. Kellbyb's existence is only obvious by the lack of presence. Though sound is completely impossible to make while near Kellbyb, it still seems to respond to what would ordinarily be loud noises, always seeking out the loudest source of "sound" nearby. Kellbyb's lack of physical presence makes it impossible to attack directly, but it can be driven off by continued, excessive "noise" even though such sounds are impossible under its influence.

2015-05-19, 11:17 AM
Did my lazy I'm confused format become the standard :smalleek:

For the record, I want you to be the trend setter for the dragons episode that is coming up very soon.

2015-05-19, 11:19 AM
Permission granted (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19274408&postcount=32)
Alright, now I've got to do one.

Chaos Reborn
Chaos Reborn is an ancient creature, so old that the gods have all but forgotten it's creation. Once, this was the first of the Phoenix. A beautiful creature that inspired awe in all that saw it.

Originally spreading hope and light to the darkest areas of the world, this creature became the target of Pazuzu. He had become jealous of it's glorious wings and the adoration it had garnered.

Pazuzu spirited away the phoenix to the deep layers of the abyss, torturing the creature perverting it's nature with dark magics. When he was sated, he had it slain. But Pazuzu got more than he had bargained for. After seven days and seven nights, the Phoenix was reborn. Twisted by it's torture and shaped by the evil of the abyss, it was no longer the same.

The Phoenix was now Chaos incarnate. It lit fire to the layers of the abyss, leaving fire and ashes in it's wake. It's hatred, ironically, is what granted the modern day phoenixes their ability to revive. But every time a phoenix is reborn, it is a sign that Chaos Reborn is still alive, sewing destruction.

It's sole purpose is to lay waste to all that is living and create a world of every burning fire.

Neo Chaos
Fire will cleanse the world.

All casters gain a +2 to caster level when casting a spell with the [Fire] description if their alignment is chaotic. Conversely, any lawful casters take a -2 to caster level when casting a spell with the [Water] description.

All demons on the plain must make a DC 16 will save or suffer the effects of a banishment spell. Any demon that makes the save and all chaotic evil creatures that have a demonic heritage suffer a -2 to all ability scores.

The water begins to evaporate and any area within a mile of a large body of water takes 1d4 points of heat damage from steam per round. All demons and those with demonic heritage must now make the will save against banishment every round.

Native outsiders with the demonic heritage are now subject to banishment as if their home plane was the abyss. The save for banishment is now increased to 24. After seven days, all creatures on the plane now take 1d8 points of heat damage in addition to any damage they take from steam.

Malefic Property
In addition to the normal malefic properties common to all Elder Evils, Chaos Reborn has Forced Combustion.

Forced Combustion:
Any creature that ventures within 100ft of Chaos Reborn is subjected to Forced Combustion and must make a Fortitude save of 10+1/2 Chaos Reborn's HD+ Chaos Reborn's Charisma modifier or catch fire. This does 2d8 points of fire damage per round and is not subject to any resistances or immunities.

Upon manifesting, Chaos Reborn will begin to lay waste to the world in no apparent pattern. There is no plan, the world will simply burn. Chaos Reborn will stop once every seven days to take roost in the nearest volcano. If none are present, it will cause one to be created in the nearest mountain.

If Chaos Reborn encounters any Phoenixes, it will twist and convert them into it's own harbingers of doom. They become wreathed in a dark flame and begin to spread the destruction on their own and are the only creatures immune to Chaos Reborn's various abilities.

Doh. Swordsage'd by Zaydos.

2015-05-19, 11:40 AM
Kellbyb, The Deadly Silence

Wow, you really hit the nail on the head with this one. Like Red Fel said earlier, it's all about perversion of something noble. I enjoy a little peace and, perhaps more than most people. Not like this.This creeps me out.

Well done. :smallsmile:

2015-05-19, 11:44 AM
Wow, you really hit the nail on the head with this one. Like Red Fel said earlier, it's all about perversion of something noble. I enjoy a little peace and, perhaps more than most people. Not like this.This creeps me out.

Well done. :smallsmile:

If Red Fel is the Megamind of Evil, then I'm the Ozymandias.:smallamused:

I'm glad you like it.

2015-05-19, 12:21 PM
So much beautiful destruction and chaotic stupid.

For those of you who don't know chaotic stupid is the omnicidal, and usually self destructive, maniac. It's like the CE caricature counterpart to lawful stupid.

2015-05-19, 12:24 PM
So much beautiful destruction and chaotic stupid.
I really tried to capture your image. :smalltongue:

2015-05-19, 12:27 PM
So much beautiful destruction and chaotic stupid.

For those of you who don't know chaotic stupid is the omnicidal, and usually self destructive, maniac. It's like the CE caricature counterpart to lawful stupid.

You mean the default alignment of Elder Evils? Seriously half the ones in the book are omnicidal, if not more.

2015-05-19, 12:31 PM
I don't know if I count as a regular, but if so, go ahead and use me.


If I count, I hereby do grant permission to become elder-evilized. :P

2015-05-19, 12:34 PM
Remember guys and girls and genderless persons, the best way to get something written about you is to write something for someone else. Or have a punny name.

2015-05-19, 12:37 PM
Remember guys and girls and genderless persons, the best way to get something written about you is to write something for someone else. Or have a punny name.

Ironically there have been no elder evils made yet of anyone who had already made an elder evil.

2015-05-19, 12:40 PM
Ironically there have been no elder evils made yet of anyone who had already made an elder evil.

Y'know, except for LoyalPaladin and Red Fel.

2015-05-19, 12:41 PM
Y'know, except for LoyalPaladin and Red Fel.

Both were made into Elder Evils before making ones :smalltongue:

2015-05-19, 12:42 PM
Ironically there have been no elder evils made yet of anyone who had already made an elder evil.
I noticed that. It is abnormal. So far it is more like "If you write an Elder Evil for someone, they will then write an Elder Evil for someone else and create a chain reaction of Elder Evilness." In the past, however, people who write things tend to get things written for them.

In other news. I want the Paladin Most Loyal to invade Nessus. I'd pull up a chair and pop some exalted corn for that fight.

2015-05-19, 12:55 PM
I noticed that. It is abnormal. So far it is more like "If you write an Elder Evil for someone, they will then write an Elder Evil for someone else and create a chain reaction of Elder Evilness." In the past, however, people who write things tend to get things written for them.

I know, it amuses me.

In other news. I want the Paladin Most Loyal to invade Nessus. I'd pull up a chair and pop some exalted corn for that fight.

I know, it amuses me.

2015-05-19, 01:03 PM
I know, it amuses me.
It amuses me as well haha.

I know, it amuses me.
*stares at Zaydos awkwardly and offers some popcorn*

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-19, 01:40 PM
Ironically there have been no elder evils made yet of anyone who had already made an elder evil.

I think that might be since it's just harder to write up an elder evil than it is to toss together a quick stance or maneuver. I wrote, what, four items in the last thread? And I can't come up with anything for this one.
writing is hard you guys :(

2015-05-19, 01:43 PM
Well it's not like anyone is going to get an elder evil unless somebody starts writing them.

2015-05-19, 01:47 PM
I think that might be since it's just harder to write up an elder evil than it is to toss together a quick stance or maneuver. I wrote, what, four items in the last thread? And I can't come up with anything for this one.
writing is hard you guys :(

Indeed. It took me over two hours to write up the thing on Eggynack. Granted the first hour or so was doing other stuff while letting my mind piece together a bad enough way to represent Eggynack without totally being contrary to his character as I perceive it.

2015-05-19, 01:54 PM
Indeed. It took me over two hours to write up the thing on Eggynack. Granted the first hour or so was doing other stuff while letting my mind piece together a bad enough way to represent Eggynack without totally being contrary to his character as I perceive it.

They are an involved bit of writing, fortunately they're mostly fluff so there's little enough math that needs done. Plus Zaydos provided a nice, lazy way of doing them. Kellbyb took me... 30 minutes, I think.

2015-05-19, 01:59 PM
They are an involved bit of writing, fortunately they're mostly fluff so there's little enough math that needs done. Plus Zaydos provided a nice, lazy way of doing them. Kellbyb took me... 30 minutes, I think.

I went overboard, since once I start on something and get on a roll I just ride the momentum where it takes me, so there's an actual creature stat block in the end based on the Elder Evil stat blocks from the book.

2015-05-19, 02:03 PM
Oh yes! sign me, dascarletm (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276892&postcount=92) up!

2015-05-19, 02:03 PM
All are doomed to sorrow. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273536&postcount=15)

Let's give this one a shot, see if I can do better than the Deity...

The Hungering Void

In the space between things exists a void. This much is common knowledge. Learned scholars believe that what fills this void is the substance of the Astral plane (Know: Planes, DC 25). If only this were the case. Rather, the Astral Plane is itself one of these "things", as are such concepts as space, time, good, evil, emotion, and thought. In the infinitesimal slivers where these things are not, there exists the Void... and the Void is hungry (Know: Planes, DC 35). It takes a very rare and hardy mind to perceive it without shattering instantly... and a MUCH tougher one to use it, bringing into the world its influence for their own gain.

What even those hardy souls don't know is that there is a mind within the void, one which has existed since before the Gods were born. It is trapped, for all things cause it unbearable agony, but it is mighty indeed and twisted beyond the comprehension of gods and men (Know: Planes, DC 40). The one clear desire or drive ever perceived from it was nothing less than the utter annihilation of all of existance, so that its agonies would end. The poor prophet, whose name is now forgotten to history, spent the remaining week of his life suicidally insane... as did the telepath who wrenched the thought from him and managed to communicate it (Know: Planes DC45).

Although the effects are imperceptably miniscule for now, users of the Void have begun to loosen the bonds that hold all of reality together. At its current rate, it would take hundreds of millenia to accomplish. Unfortunately, the more that it unravels, the more it lets the Void seep through, and the more people get a glimpse of the Void and use it (assuming they survive the first perception of it). Added to this, the Hungering Void has begun now to take notice of the effect. Its pain has decreased in a miniscule way for the first time in its long memory, and it sees a way to undo all that which has caused it agony. (Know: Planes DC 50)


The Hungering Void hates all things, up to and including concepts which all intelligent life holds to be immutable truths of existance. It seeks to annihilate it all in order to end its agonies, though what it will do after even the memory of emotion is gone is a mystery. (Know: Planes DC 50)

Intrusion of the Void
All things become less vibrant, less effective, and less definite as it is invaded by the aching emptiness between all things. Colors become muted and measurements become less accurate. Emotion, hope, alignment, and even base thought are snuffed out, until even the memory of their existance is gone.

Faint: Colors and emotions begin to wash out. All morale and alignment-based bonuses are reduced by one, while all numeric penalties are increased by one. All characters of a Void archetype count as being one level higher when calculating the effects of their class abilities.
Moderate: Concepts become less concrete and measurements less definite. Any time a character travels more than a mile or takes longer than an hour at a task, the measurement of distance or time randomly increases or decreases by 1d10%. All creatures must make a Will save (DC 5) each day or have their convictions begin to erode. Failing three of these saves in a row causes one non-neutral component of their alignment to become neutral. Outsiders with alignment descriptors lose them if they become True Neutral. If already true Neutral, a creature failing three consecutive saves instead gains one permanent negative level. This is not derived from negative energy, and so affects even those normally immune. All effects from Faint are increased by one.
Strong: Reality begins to unwind as the Hungering Void beings to truly intrude. Creatures can no longer receive Morale or Alignment-based bonuses, while all numeric penalties are doubled. The Will save DC increases to 10, and it only takes two consecutive failed saves to gain a negative level. Any creature that dies under this Sign dissolves into an aching, colorless emptiness over the course of the next five minutes and cannot be revived or contacted after, their soul annihilated. The holes in reality remain and are immobile, causing their space to be considered difficult terrain. The possible variance in time or distance increases to 1d20%, and can occur at distances over a half-mile and times of over a half-hour.
Overwhelming: The holes in reality show their hunger. As Strong, plus all holes in reality of Small or larger size made under the influence of the Hungering Void gain a damaging aura. This deals 2d6 untyped damage each round to everything with five feet and 1d6 to everything between five and ten feet away. There is no save, and the damage ignores hardness, damage reduction, energy resistance, regeneration, and all other means of reduction or conversion to nonlethal. The Will save increases to 15, and it only takes one failed save to force an alignment change or gain a negative level. The possible variance in time and distance increases to 3d20%, and can occur at distances of over 100 feet and times of over ten minutes.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, The Hungering Void has Aura of Unmaking.

Aura of Unmaking: All beings within range of this Malefic Property take 2d6 damage per round, as the Overwhelming sign. All healing is halved, and all spells, powers, and abilities from the Creation subschool or Metacreativity discipline are cast as though the caster were four levels lower. Any living thing or object within the range of this Malefic Property which dies or is destroyed becomes a hole in reality.

The Hungering Void has no direct manifestation until the Overwhelming sign, at which point it will choose the largest hole in reality and come through at that size. It seeks only to annihilate all things, driven mad by its agonizing contact with all things real.

EL 3 - Theoretical magi are coming to find a new source of power, utilizing one of the few resources not yet frequently tapped. The users of this Void Power have a disturbing trend of being slightly less than sane, and some band together into a cult of nihilistic destruction.

EL 9 (faint sign) - More of these cults begin springing up across the plane as the use of the Void becomes more common and their power increases. One such cult seems to be everywhere, and the four at its core exist in a state of crystalline insanity, minds somehow functioning despite being so fractured that telepaths attempting to read them are driven insane themselves

EL 13 (moderate sign) - A strange, detached attitude about morals and philosophy begins to spread, with concerned relatives bringing cases to psychologists and sanitariums in small but significant numbers. Small animals and the insane begin to die, their minds snuffed out like a candle under a jar. Merchants begin to suffer, as do scientists, alchemists, and others who depend on precision, as their careful calibrations and tight schedules start to slip. The Void cults grow in power as people care less and less to oppose them.

EL 17 (strong sign) - Even the most devoted sometimes fall from their ideals, such as Paladins, Daevics, and Outsiders who have been on the plane for longer missions. Crusades and sieges falter, and riots break out where the iron fist of a tyrant finds itself loosened. Trade is becoming impossible, as quick trips become unpredictable. Sanitariums flood with more and more cases, and more people and larger animals begin to die. The dissolving forms of the dead begin to leave voids which become common before long. Some of the formerly-packed buildings of the victims collapse on themselves as the terrible voids harm the structure, and those that die from the falling order only spread the plague. The strongest cults have taken to slaughtering kidnapped victims where the voids will be most disruptive, such as the entryways of public buildings and across roads

EL 19 (overwhelming sign) - At once, the holes in reality simultaneously begin to eat those nearby, rapidly spreading a colorless wasting as more and more creatures die. Now, even the plants and stones leave holes to spread as more and more falls into the cracks in reality. From the void where a mighty dragon died of the detachment, a horrible un-form steps. It is the Mind Within the Hungry Void, and it seeks to unmake all. If not stopped, all will be void in days.

2015-05-19, 02:07 PM
I will grant permission for transcendance into Elder Evilness. I'm curious what the Mad ARab woudl write of me in the Necronomicon... I'm also curious why no elder evils exist of Keld Denar and Glyphstone...

2015-05-19, 02:14 PM
I will grant permission for transcendance into Elder Evilness. I'm curious what the Mad ARab woudl write of me in the Necronomicon... I'm also curious why no elder evils exist of Keld Denar and Glyphstone...

You need permission from the person before you're allowed to write an entry for them.

2015-05-19, 02:22 PM
You need permission from the person before you're allowed to write an entry for them.

Yeah, that part is a pity, but necessary. I've had 9th-level Vestiges written for The_Giant and Emperor Tippy since I heard about these threads, waiting for them to grant permission.

2015-05-19, 02:26 PM
Yeah, that part is a pity, but necessary. I've had 9th-level Vestiges written for The_Giant and Emperor Tippy since I heard about these threads, waiting for them to grant permission.

As far as I know, nobody's tweeted at the giant to let him know we're doing these threads. I'd do it, but I'm a luddite.

2015-05-19, 02:31 PM
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! His royal bardness, illyahr (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277027&postcount=98), gives permission. :smallsmile:

2015-05-19, 02:33 PM
I think that might be since it's just harder to write up an elder evil than it is to toss together a quick stance or maneuver.
I agree with this.

Well it's not like anyone is going to get an elder evil unless somebody starts writing them.
But, I also agree with this!

They are an involved bit of writing, fortunately they're mostly fluff so there's little enough math that needs done. Plus Zaydos provided a nice, lazy way of doing them. Kellbyb took me... 30 minutes, I think.
I think Neo's took me about 30ish minutes as well.

2015-05-19, 02:36 PM
Vael the Night Queen

Long ago when humanity was young there were great kingdoms which prospered on magic. During this time monsters were rare, magical beasts hostile to mankind all but unknown, and even dragons steered clear of humanity. It was a golden age of humanity, and magical knowledge spread and prospered (Knowledge History DC 30). Stories tell of one queen, known as Vael, who sought more power. Already one of the most feared mage-queens of her day, she warred with her neighbors and after many losing battles was on the verge of total defeat, her kingdom in ruins. Unwilling to relinquish her position she began a dire ritual which granted her great power with which to vanquish her enemies (Kno History DC 33). During this time the Lower Planes had no contact with the world, no outside influences reaching it save for the celestial hosts you worked to ensure things passed peacefully. Vael in her need for power opened her world to other planes, as she made a pact with the Abyss for power. Thus Vael became the first warlock, or so it is said (Kno History DC 36). The story continues telling of how Vael repulsed her enemies with her new dark power, and hordes of chaos spawned fiends, covering the sky in dark clouds which caused a perpetual night. Her armies threatened to sweep across the world, stomping down kingdom after kingdom. With each kingdom destroyed the queen grew more and more mad and more and more vile. The great mage-kingdoms formed a coalition against her, combining their magics to almost defeat her, but they were not powerful enough to halt the Night Queen's forces. (Kno History DC 39). Soon she was no longer recognizable as human, as much obyrith as woman. It was only when her royal consort turned from her side and fled to the archons and begged the aid of the Celestial Host that the tide of the war changed. Combining arcane and heavenly might they slowly beat back the forces of demons she had released onto the plane, and with the sacrifice of her consort's life the Night Queen was exiled from the plane, trapped in the sun itself (Kno History DC 42).


The Night Queen seeks escape from her imprisonment to this day. Sealed within the sun she is incapable of acting directly but it is said that to this day mages on occasion seek to release her in hopes that she will share some of her ancient knowledge (Kno Arcana DC 33). It is less well known that due to her making the first demonic pact, warlocks to this day occasionally hear her whispers in their dreams, edging them to release the queen (Kno Arcana DC 36). Once released Vael seeks to rebuild her kingdom, resuming her conquest of the prime with the same force of obyriths, now augmented by the tanar'ri spawned since her imprisonment, that she once led. She will blacken the sun and conquer the world, leaving it a hell on the Prime. (Kno Arcana DC 39) Some hints whisper, though, that is not her final goal. She seeks to feed the Prime itself to the Abyss in hopes of becoming its consort and helping it consume the Great Wheel itself (Kno Arcana DC 42).


Abyssal Convergence
The boundaries of the planes became weak as the sun was blackened by clouds of eternal night.

Faint: Days tend to be overcast, angry dark clouds in the sky. Warlocks find it easy to draw forth a little more power and may take 1 point of Constitution damage (this damage cannot be reduced or negated in any way) to add their Charisma modifier to damage with their Eldritch Blast.

Moderate: Clouds constantly cover the sky making all days heavily overcast. Demons are easier to summon (an additional demon appearing whenever one is summoned or called) but have a 50% chance of appearing uncontrolled, and outside of any summoning circle they were intended for. Portals to the Abyss open rarely at scattered locations across the plane (1d20 portals a day, each lasting 1 hour). Warlocks gain the Dark One's Blessing Invocation, but each time they use it they must make a Will save (DC 10 + 2 per previous use) or become absolutely loyal to Vael.

Strong: The cloud cover is now thick and dark enough to block out the light of the sun, reducing day to the equivalent of a starlit night, and leaving night completely lightless. Demons are never under their summoner's control when summoned or called and always appear outside of summoning circles. Portals to the Abyss open infrequently at many locations across the plane (5d20 portals a day, each lasting 6 hours). Warlocks gain the The Dead Walk Invocation (even if they do not have access to Lesser Invocations), but each time they use it they must make a Will save (DC 10 + 3 per previous use) or become absolutely loyal to Vael.

Overwhelming: The cloud cover now blocks all sunlight absolutely. Portals to the Abyss open frequently at all locations across the plane (any given 10 mile by 10 mile square will have at least 1 portal open at all times). Demons flood into it. Warlocks gain the Utterdark Blast Invocation (even if they do not have access to Dark Invocations), but each time they use it they must make a Will save (DC 15 + 5 per previous use) or become absolutely loyal to Vael.

Malefic Property

Betrayal of Sorcery

The dark powers of an ancient sorcerer-queen fill reality twisting magic away from those who would use it against her.

Effect: Whenever a creature within the area of the Malefic Property casts an arcane spell or uses an invocation Vael becomes aware of it. She may choose, as a free action usable outside of her turn on her part, to either attempt to stifle it or steal it. If she stifles it the spell simply has a 50% chance of absolute failure. If she attempts to steal it the caster must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Vael's hit dice + Vael's Charisma modifier) or Vael steals the spell, becoming the sole target of it (Vael cannot steal spells with an Area or Effect).


Vael cannot stand sunlight. She is still sealed within the sun until her Strong Sign is present and even the heavily blocked light forces her underground during the day until her sign is overwhelming. She takes the appearance of a beautiful cat-eared tiefling with a forked, feline tail, but her true form is a horror to behold, the Abyss's twisted idea of a Queen. She has the Obyrith subtype, 17th level Wizard casting (she's been weakened by her long imprisonment) and 20th level warlock abilities, able to fire 3 eldritch blasts per round. Any creature which sees her true form must make a Will save or be overcome with the Madness of Humility, forced to prostrate themselves (lay prone) and avert their eyes from any royal being (such as Vael) when in the presence of one. If slain Vael reforms 10 minutes later, unless the location is currently under full sunlight; if it is she reforms as soon as the sunlight ends. Vael is highly resistant, if not immune, to non-holy weapons.

2015-05-19, 03:28 PM
You mean the default alignment of Elder Evils? Seriously half the ones in the book are omnicidal, if not more.

basically yes, Though i never really did read through that book because of the disappointment. It's probably better this way though.

I will make an elder evil for someone sometime in the next couple of days.

2015-05-19, 03:42 PM
This was happening eventually, at least this way I can take responsibility for it.

Eternal Snow
Eternal Snow is a being that wants to create a world of perfection and beauty.

This being was originally the Chaotic Good deity of the fey, keeping them safe and bringing them their otherworldly beauty. But over time the Fey grew complacent and began to take their beauty for granted.

This mortified Eternal Snow.

Unable to accept that the fey had taken their gift for granted, Eternal Snow devised new and more complex ways to bring beauty to the fey. This resulted in their current trickster-like personalities.

Eternal Snow used their extensive connection to arcane magic to shape the fey into more and more wild personalities. Eternal Snow was cast away by the fey and sealed in a plane that is known only to the oldest of fey scholars.

Driven mad by the fey's rejection once again, Eternal Snow waits in the forgotten plane. There, the once proud deity sits devising new ways to bring beauty to the world, should the fey's wards ever fail.

Eternal Snow seeks nothing more than to create a perfectly beautiful world of their own design.

Perfect Harmony
The world is flawed, that will be changed.

All fey creatures begin to suffer terrible nightmares and must make a will save DC 5 upon waking or become shaken for the rest of the day.

All creatures on the plane have their type changed to fey and are thus subjected to shaken affect upon a failed will save. The will save for becoming shaken's DC is increased to 12 and all creatures with the fey type enjoy a +2 to charisma.

All fey typed creatures Wisdom is decreased by -2 and their charisma is now increased by +4. All creatures that fail a DC 10 fortitude save have their size reduced by 20%. In addition to this, all creatures with the fey subtype must make a will save DC 15. If the creature fails the will save, they roll a d6 and are subjected to the corresponding effect below.
1: You begin to act coldly towards your allies, but when alone with those you care about you bubble over with your affectionate emotions. 2: You develop deep feelings with the next person you see. Initially you behave sweet and affectionate, but after 48 hours you become enthralled with the subject and over protective to the point of lethal force. 3: You become soft and sweet to everyone you meet, regardless of circumstances. 4: You begin to see yourself as the most superior being in existence, encouraging others to see you the same. 5: You begin to act irrationally and would prefer everything was handed to you on a silver platter. You see your party members as slaves to your cause. 6: You fall in love with your mortal enemy, occasionally switching between your past mental state and your new one, never long enough to kill your foe.

All creatures now enjoy a +8 charisma bonus, the save for resisting the effects of the chart above becomes 24 and must be rolled daily until failed. All creatures must also succeed a fortitude save of 15 or have their size reduced by 20% + 5%/Charisma modifier. (This applies to creatures who have already failed the previous Fortitude save as well.) Violence is no longer permitted and all weapons and armor are treated as cold iron to prevent creatures from taking up arms against Eternal Snow.

Malefic Property
In addition to the normal malefic properties common to all Elder Evils, Eternal Snow has Lethal Beauty.

Lethal Beauty:
Any creature that comes into Eternal Snow's established throne room is subjected to this ability. If a creature is in contact with Cold Iron and it's type is fey it is immediately subjected to a petrifaction effect. The fortitude save for this is 10+ 1/2 Eternal Snow's HD + The creature's own Charisma modifier.

Upon the manifestation of Eternal Snow's strong sign, a white spirit begins to roam the land. It searches day and night for the most grand a beautiful of all throne rooms. Once it has found one it likes, the spirit bonds to the rooms door and disappears.

Upon the manifestation of Eternal Snow's overwhelming sign, the door opens to the forgotten plane and Eternal Snow steps through, claiming the room to as their own.

After Eternal Snow is in the plane, they begin to shape the world in images it sees fit, adding any petrified creatures that rebelled to it's menagerie of beautiful statues.

2015-05-19, 04:22 PM
I don't know what you mean by double post, LP.

2015-05-19, 04:23 PM
Previous (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275646&postcount=56) - Sweep #2 - Next (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19282060&postcount=210)

AmberVael (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275714&postcount=61)
kellbyb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275824&postcount=67)
Ashtagon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275902&postcount=68)
Nibbens (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276480&postcount=79)
dascarletm (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276892&postcount=92)
Socratav (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276905&postcount=94)
illyahr (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277027&postcount=98)

Elder Evils
The Paladin Most Loyal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275687&postcount=57)
Xaos Phoenix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275966&postcount=70)
Kellbyb, The Deadly Silence (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276051&postcount=71)
Chaos Reborn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276122&postcount=73)
The Hungering Void (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19276893&postcount=93)
Vael the Night Queen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277048&postcount=100)
Eternal Snow (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277346&postcount=102)

I don't know what you mean by double post, LP.
Silly me. How could I be so blind, SB?

Dusk Eclipse
2015-05-19, 04:47 PM
I shall shroud the world in Darkness (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277633&postcount=105) (which is to say permission granted)

2015-05-19, 05:01 PM
Q'l a'Drath

Red Fel...haven't we discussed you not hacking my Skype anymore? I checked the times, and literally, as you were posting that, I was in heated discussion with a fellow player about the possibility of our Half-Dragon Fiendish offspring.. Like, gestation periods and everything.

In other news...What the **** bro? Where did this come from? I love it, because I am a dragon fanatic. But really, I want to know what inspired this. It only taps a small part of my homebrew (the Sarkans), doesn't overly connect to any of the prominent characters I've posted about (other than the one half red dragon warforged), and I don't see much to any of the topics I frequently post about (PoW, Spheres, and trust between players and GMs). But it fits me so well.


2015-05-19, 05:07 PM
Vael the Night Queen

Fun stuff! The background makes me think of Skuld. (http://www.badassoftheweek.com/skuld.html) (No, not the norn.)

I do find it amusing that you chose to make me a standard fiend based warlock when my work has been about making non-fiendish choices for warlocks, but dark sorceress queen is definitely my style. Its good work!

2015-05-19, 05:08 PM
You can't hide anything from Malevolus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19052019&postcount=34)! *cough cough* I'm not sure what came over me. It must of been the wind.

2015-05-19, 05:13 PM
Also, Vael, I'm kind of tempted to try and make one based off of my vague memories of Aesa.

2015-05-19, 05:13 PM
Fun stuff! The background makes me think of Skuld. (http://www.badassoftheweek.com/skuld.html) (No, not the norn.)

I do find it amusing that you chose to make me a standard fiend based warlock when my work has been about making non-fiendish choices for warlocks, but dark sorceress queen is definitely my style. Its good work!

I picked the Abyss because it worked the best for an Elder Evil. There is a reason I went with the Abyss over Dagon, though. I mean the Obyriths are Eldritch Horrors, but there are implications that the Abyss itself might be a Lovecraftian entity pushing into the Great Wheel.

And I did not consciously base things on Hrolf's sister, though it is highly possible that it influenced me. If not it, well I grew up reading sci-fi/fantasy and it influenced them (fun little thing the alignment system was taken from a Poul Anderson book (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Hearts_and_Three_Lions#Influence), Poul Anderson did a translation of Hrolf Kraki's Saga).

2015-05-19, 05:45 PM
Also, Vael, I'm kind of tempted to try and make one based off of my vague memories of Aesa.

Talk about the horrible and unknowable! :smalleek:

I picked the Abyss because it worked the best for an Elder Evil. There is a reason I went with the Abyss over Dagon, though. I mean the Obyriths are Eldritch Horrors, but there are implications that the Abyss itself might be a Lovecraftian entity pushing into the Great Wheel.

And I did not consciously base things on Hrolf's sister, though it is highly possible that it influenced me. If not it, well I grew up reading sci-fi/fantasy and it influenced them (fun little thing the alignment system was taken from a Poul Anderson book (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Hearts_and_Three_Lions#Influence), Poul Anderson did a translation of Hrolf Kraki's Saga).

Abyss has a lot of style, and I much prefer the idea of the churning primordial chaos over structured hells. (Well I mean, hells can be cool but you definitely gotta have primordial chaos- I still lament that Tiamat somehow ended up as lawful.) It definitely does have more lovecraftian style.

I'm really fond of the norse sagas and stories, with Hrolf Kraki's being one of my favorites. Elk-Frodi is hilarious in a cool way, and Bodvar is quite fun. Plus Skuld is just a pure badass (who totally should have ruled forever). After that probably comes the Hervarar Saga, because Hervor. Hervor is crazy in a way that makes me think of Kamina.

2015-05-19, 06:03 PM
Abyss has a lot of style, and I much prefer the idea of the churning primordial chaos over structured hells. (Well I mean, hells can be cool but you definitely gotta have primordial chaos- I still lament that Tiamat somehow ended up as lawful.) It definitely does have more lovecraftian style.

Despite 60% of her spawn being Chaotic Evil too. Then again Tiamat has nothing to do with her namesake.

I'm really fond of the norse sagas and stories, with Hrolf Kraki's being one of my favorites. Elk-Frodi is hilarious in a cool way, and Bodvar is quite fun. Plus Skuld is just a pure badass (who totally should have ruled forever). After that probably comes the Hervarar Saga, because Hervor. Hervor is crazy in a way that makes me think of Kamina.

Never read Hervarar, did enjoy (read love) Volsunga and Grettir's.

2015-05-19, 07:15 PM
I'll grant permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275187&postcount=48)for this. This should be interesting.


Sekeva, The Drowned Emperor

In a time before history, before humanity existed as we know it, there existed a tribe of primitive humanoids. Now, these humanoids were only primitive in that they were obviously ancestors of humans, somewhere between apes and true humans, but they were already massively intelligent, and perhaps could have built a lasting culture of their own, were it not for the the fact this was also the day of the aboleth, the chaos creature, the primordial monsters produced by errors of the gods in their creation of the plane. Some did form kingdoms anyway, countries made for the express purpose of overthrowing the alien and cruel lords. The founder and ruler of one of these kingdoms was named Sekeva. (DC Knowledge (History) 17).

Now, Sekeva was more than just a member of the primitive humanoids. He was, in fact, the child of a male of his proper race and a primeval goddess of the hunt and sea. From their union came what was quite possibly the first demigod to ever exist, certainly the first one recorded. Instilled with the wild spirit and powers of his mother, and the compassion of his father that attracted her in the first place, Sekeva grew to despise the primal monsters that enslaved the world, and rose a city from the ocean to create a civilization of their hunters. This did not end well, as evinced by reports of his island sinking beneath the sea.(DC 20).

What many scholars don't know, however, is that this wasn't because Sekeva's hunt was unsuccessful. Not hardly. He is likely the reason humans are not ruled by aberrations to this day, and why aboleths sulk in the sea, brooding on the ruins of their once-great people. Rather, Sekeva overcame the primal monsters by being more ruthless than they could fathom, in ways only a human-like mind could devise; sacrificing thousands of the men he believed in for a single shot at killing one of the hated aboleths, betraying the trust of his mother, killing his father to invoke a mighty spell...in time, Sekeva became almost as vile as his prey, a ruthless tyrant who was the only one who still believed his cause was noble. In truth, he had long convinced himself that the only humanoid fit to rule humanoids was himself. (DC 25)

It went further than that, however; Sekeva had come to despise the weakness of his race, how the loathsome aboleths could endure thousands of tons of pressure to flee and plot in, while his armies scowled on the surface. No, he turned to the forbidden art of fleshwarping to achieve that. The most brutal and vicious of his warriors and generals were made in the image of mighty sharks to continue the pursuit underwater, no matter how deep; the ancestors of the sahuagin people (Sekolah is, in fact, the result of Sekeva's greatest general ascending to godhood himself). When the true gods realized what the hunter-king was doing, they confronted him, only to realize that Sekeva was no coward; he did nothing to his generals that he had not already practiced upon himself. He had become a monster of elemental water and pure predation, one part rabid beast and one part vicious cunning. The gods, realizing that Sekeva's madness would not end with his death and he would return to torment the world as an undead being, sank his entire coral city beneath the waves, imprisoning him under it. (DC 27)

Unfortunately for the world, he had planned for this. Sekeva had secretly set out five of his most trusted artisans and magicians to hide idols of his ancient kingdom all over the word. As his city sank, the idols "remembered" the stars as they were over the lost kingdom; a conjugation known as a Grand Cross. Whenever the planets align in another Grand Cross, the idols awake and subtly influence the people in whose nations they lie to bring them together, infecting all they command with some of the sahuagin's bloodlust and warlike nature (hence why Grand Crosses are viewed as omens of strife and conflict throughout the world). Should the Five Storm Keys ever come together (or three, now; Sekeva made it so that even the ghost of the Keys may serve the same purpose), they will unleash a massive temporal spell that will make it so that the sinking of the city never happened, and the Drowned Emperor will begin his hunts anew-forever. (DC 32)

Goals: Sekeva's motives, for all of his greed and bloodthirst, ultimately spring from something positive; his belief that humanoids should govern themselves. He doesn't hate the gods (he would have manipulated things to have killed Sekolah long ago if that was the case), but it is his belief they should advise the mortal races rather than quietly puppeteers them. The war against the primal aberrations changed him for the much worse, however; he views himself as the ideal ruler of all mortals, and violence as the only honest form of communication. He also looks down upon land dwelling races as weak, as well as people who will not sacrifice everything to achieve victory, no matter how total or ruthless. He is, quite simply, a paragon of the race he founded, and as the sahuagin are reminded of who their ancestor is, they and other evil aquatic races will flock to him.


Storm of Stars

The awakening of the Storm Keys brings about an age of warped time and hostile seas, as the ocean is slowly brought back to an era of constant storms and chaos; ideal for the Drowned Emperor and his servants, not so much for any landlubber that intrudes upon his domain.


Faint: The seas become more difficult to navigate; stars seem to move out of their proper positions as navigators attempt to chart them, freak currents and winds blow ships off course, and freak accidents occur on those ships on a regular basis. More than that, coastal towns suffer an upswing in sharks and other predatory fish, all who seem eager to harass the air-breathers-especially those with aberrant blood in their history.

Moderate: Two of the Storm Keys are united, and the seas begin to churn faster; it actually appears the stars visibly move now, and storms that seem intent on disrupting sea travel and providing ample opportunity for pirates become commonplace. The marauding fish grow more aggressive and monstrous; larger and more brutal sharks seem to attack in entire schools, and coordinate their activities with smaller predators such as barracuda and lionfish. Worse, said predators are found further and further inland, even (especially) in the Underdark.

Strong: All three of the surviving Storm Keys are gathered, and the naval phenomenon becomes impossible to mistake for natural. In place of storms, there are vicious elementals of air and water, the sea beasts appear in landlocked freshwater lakes with more intelligent sea life often leading them, and space itself seems to buckle and warp on the open ocean, with distances being whatever they feel like at the time. Phantoms of a colorful city of coral begin to dance in the horizon.

Overwhelming: Having been left to sleep together, the ghost of one of the Storm Keys joins its brethren. The Drowned Emperor's city begins to manifest fully, its location an island of almost perverse stability in a world surrounded by a constant hurricane. Tears to the Elemental Planes of Air and Water become commonplace, the sealife becomes a constant siege, and the ocean becomes a place where a ship may arrive at the west side of a continent by moving south from it. The one upside to all this is that aberrations are the focus of much of the land phenomenon, a hunt resumed...but the hunters, sahuagin and devil-worshipers who look up to the Drowned Emperor, demand greater and greater power for their "heroism."

2015-05-19, 07:59 PM
Well I'll submit, out of curiosity, to being made into an Elder Evil. Though I doubt most here know me, since the Gaming sub-forum isn't my normal posting area. Permission Granted. :smallsmile: Though if no one creates me, I won't mind either. Just thought it'd be fun.

Red Fel
2015-05-19, 08:20 PM
This was happening eventually, at least this way I can take responsibility for it.

Eternal Snow

Probably best that you did it, LP. I was thinking about what to do for Snow, and the best I could come up with was apocalypse by global yandere.

Scary thing is, I almost had it. But that's evil, even for me. Shelving that...

Red Fel...haven't we discussed you not hacking my Skype anymore?

We have not, and your objection is duly noted. And ignored.

In other news...What the **** bro? Where did this come from? I love it, because I am a dragon fanatic. But really, I want to know what inspired this. It only taps a small part of my homebrew (the Sarkans), doesn't overly connect to any of the prominent characters I've posted about (other than the one half red dragon warforged), and I don't see much to any of the topics I frequently post about (PoW, Spheres, and trust between players and GMs). But it fits me so well.


I based it on your interest in Dragons and such. I was leaning in the direction of an Elder Evil that turned everything into Dragons - as artificial lifeforms, thus touching slightly on Warforged - but decided against that. I just started with the concept of Dragon propagation, and it flowed organically from there.

Also, mind-taker.


You can't hide anything from Malevolus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19052019&postcount=34)! *cough cough* I'm not sure what came over me. It must of been the wind.

... Nobody likes a poser, LP. There can be only one Malevolus.

Or, um, actually, like, four? I think there were four of me in that thread, maybe? Point still stands.

2015-05-19, 08:22 PM
Well one of those is actually the literal landscape of the outer planes and an Elder Evil.

2015-05-19, 08:31 PM
Probably best that you did it, LP. I was thinking about what to do for Snow, and the best I could come up with was apocalypse by global yandere.

Scary thing is, I almost had it. But that's evil, even for me. Shelving that...

You see, now I want it.

Red Fel
2015-05-19, 08:38 PM
You see, now I want it.


2015-05-19, 09:08 PM
The Forty-Two Vessels of Iz

Ages ago when Bel was still merely a pit fiend, he led an incursion onto the Prime. His infernal forces were finally driven back when he was struck down by a mortal warrior after a long and bloody fight (Kno History DC 20). Bel slew the warrior that struck him down upon the field of battle on Avernus, a blow that pierced spirit as well as body. This warrior's sword was shattered into 42 pieces (Kno History DC 23) and his mangled soul rendered unable to pass on to the next life becoming a vestige (Kno Planes DC 26). However, it was not truly his entire soul which became a vestige, pieces had been torn off by the pit fiend's blow. These pieces grew lost in the void between planes, tethered by infernal energy to the Great Wheel, but too insubstantial to stay within it. (Kno the Planes DC 32). They attached to one of Iz's mortal companions, a fellow warrior who had held his heart, and lingering on her followed back onto the Prime Material. These ghosts of Iz were sighted from time to time, mere shadows of an entity with no substance or ability to affect the world. (Kno History DC 35) However something of Baator still stirs within these tattered soul-fragments. When the hell blade Hope Flenser, the blade Bel wielded in the battle and stored now in Elysium, is brought back to the Prime it will call to these fragmented spirits, causing their infernal energies to resonate and awaken within them. (Kno the Planes DC 40) The ghosts of Iz will then change, becoming the Forty-Two Vessels (Know the Planes DC 42).


The ghosts of Iz are mad, utterly and completely mad. Driven insane by the tortured state of their soul for all these millennia. (Kno Religion DC 36). As the 42 Vessels they will now have the power to act upon this madness. There first act will be hunting down and slaying all the descendants of their comrades at arms (Kno Religion DC 42). They will hunt and kill every individual descended from their companions, and then turn to any individual who has wielded one of the 42 shards of Iz, or bound Iz the Grand Master, and kill them and the descendants of any that has had such a connection. Once they have killed all these entities, they will destroy the 42 shards of Iz and thus destroy all their ties to the world, destroying themselves (Kno Religion DC 48).


Tattered Souls
The dead did not rest easy, nor did they die easy, in the days that were to come. Nothing seemed to pass on properly, and when heroes were revived, they came back wrong.

Faint: Any creature revived from the dead loses a level regardless of method used, this is in addition to their normal level loss (i.e. 1 from Revivify and 2 from Raise Dead). This additional level loss can be removed by Restoration as normal for level loss unlike that incurred by normal revival from the dead.

Moderate: Humanoids which die have a 25% chance of rising as incorporeal undead (stronger creature = stronger undead) 1d4 days after their death unless kept in a consecrated or hallowed area for 24 hours. Creatures which are revived from the dead gain enough depravity or corruption to raise them to the next level of taint of that type (whichever is a lower level of taint, or depravity in the case of a tie).

Strong: Humanoids which die have a 50% chance of rising as incorporeal undead 1d6 hours after their death unless kept in a consecrated or hallowed area for 24 hours (if kept for the end of the initial 1d6 hours and then removed it will begin ticking down time again from when it was put in the consecrated area). Creatures revived from the dead have a 50% chance of having their alignment shift 1 step towards Neutral Evil (towards Evil first).

Overwhelming: Humanoids which die rise as incorporeal undead after 1d6 hours outside of a consecrated or hallowed area. Any creature revived from the dead has their alignment shift 1 step towards Neutral Evil and gains enough depravity and corruption to raise them to the next level of taint in each of those types.

Malefic Property

Hellfire Burns

Living creatures near the 42 Vessels burn with the fires of Hell which the tattered soul has felt for generations.

Effect: Any creature within the area of this malefic property must make a Fortitude and Will save when they enter the area and every minute thereafter (DC 10 + 1/2 the HD of the Vessel + the Vessel's Constitution modifier). If they fail the Fortitude save they take 1d6 hellfire damage per 3 hit dice of vessel. If they fail the Will save they take 1 Charisma drain. If in the area of multiple Vessels' malefic properties only the strongest's needs to be saved against.


The 42 Vessels are in fact 42 creatures. The weakest 10 become active when the sign is merely faint. 10 more become active with each additional level of the sign until the last level is activated at which point the 2 strongest become active as well (for 5 levels). The 'inactive' vessels take the sword and hide it at the beginning, biding for time as they feast upon its infernal energies. The 42 vessels cannot be slain except in the presence of Hope Flenser, any attempt to do so just causes them to reform next to it 1d4 weeks later if the sign is faint, days later if the sign is moderate, hours later if the sign is strong, and minutes later if the sign is overwhelming. Even if slain next to the blade they will still reform unless all 42 are slain at once, but do so more slowly (treat sign as 1 grade weaker, with faint reforming 1d4 months later). The vessels are each vaguely humanoid in shape, but seemingly covered in a green steel chitin. The weakest are corporeal, while the stronger grades are able to change between corporeal and incorporeal with increasing ease. Each has the ability to form a greatsword out of hellfire to supplement their melee attacks. The 42 vessels rarely work together, but the strongest 2 continuously guard the Hope Flenser, knowing that it can end them before they finish their mission.

2015-05-19, 09:09 PM
I know absolutely nothing about Elder Evils, I play primarily Neutral Good sneaky types and I'm not entirely certain what most of the forum would consider my most note-worthy characteristics. That said, ScrambledBrains (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19278666&postcount=120) gives permission.

*Leaps off of a cliff and then fades into nothingness before hitting the ground.*

(Yes, this is my new way to exit random threads. :smallbiggrin:)

2015-05-19, 09:10 PM
It's no use. I've got you.
I want to see it. :smallsmile:

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-19, 09:22 PM
*Leaps off of a cliff and then fades into nothingness before hitting the ground.*

(Yes, this is my new way to exit random threads. :smallbiggrin:)

Is that a reference to the ending of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, when Jen leaps off the mountain into the mist?

2015-05-19, 09:24 PM
Zaydos, the 42 Vessels of Iz is a freaking work of art. I think I can safely crown you king of this thread.

... please, do continue.

2015-05-19, 09:29 PM
I like it. I truly, truly do, Zaydos. You are a wonderful person for making me a depraved set of souls who seek to end life.

2015-05-19, 09:46 PM
Permission (Kazyan (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19278877&postcount=125)), and I would like to help, though the only person here I know enough about to write an Elder Evil for is Zaydos. So I'll take a crack at that when I'm not so tired.

2015-05-19, 09:47 PM
Zaydos, the 42 Vessels of Iz is a freaking work of art. I think I can safely crown you king of this thread.

... please, do continue.


I googled and found that.. it's close enough, right?

2015-05-19, 09:51 PM
It's certainly appropriate, and animated!

2015-05-19, 10:15 PM
Millions of swords shed tears of blood that there is yet no elder evil to guide them into the hearts of their enemies.

2015-05-19, 10:33 PM
Millions of swords shed tears of blood that there is yet no elder evil to guide them into the hearts of their enemies.


2015-05-19, 10:36 PM
Thanks, Leliel; I believe this is the first "me as a thing" that anybody's done.

I am curious what your inspirations were; I like the goals and motivations, and I am guessing you've incorporated my surname for the storm-related effects (if not, excellent synergy anyway).

Now I shall have to plumb the (sadly shallow) depths of my knowledge of those who've given permission to see what I can come up with...

Incidentally - and this is not a complaint nor criticism - I pronounce it with a soft "g" and short "e"s, so it's phonetically "seh jehv."

2015-05-19, 10:42 PM

Did someone call for me?

2015-05-19, 10:49 PM
Thanks, Leliel; I believe this is the first "me as a thing" that anybody's done.

I am curious what your inspirations were; I like the goals and motivations, and I am guessing you've incorporated my surname for the storm-related effects (if not, excellent synergy anyway).

Now I shall have to plumb the (sadly shallow) depths of my knowledge of those who've given permission to see what I can come up with...

Incidentally - and this is not a complaint nor criticism - I pronounce it with a soft "g" and short "e"s, so it's phonetically "seh jehv."

Excellent synergy.

Really, I was inspired by this game in development, That Which Sleeps (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kingdinosaurgames/that-which-sleeps/description), wherein you play as an Elder Evil in RTS form, trying to cause enough chaos to distract from you waking up. In your case, I was inspired by the character Sisyphus, one of the playable Old Ones-a human hero who absorbed the power of the inhuman tyrant he killed and became a worse tyrant before he was sealed away.

I figure that's something new enough, and I decided to go for Reverse-Cthulhu (he has all the aesthetics, but he hates aberrations and is driven by human motives..).

2015-05-19, 10:55 PM
Did someone call for me?


2015-05-19, 11:09 PM
http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo121/Joncharlesspencer/dolls.jpgI was just being sociable...
You see, I don't know who Evangeline is, so the comment about being clothed gave me pause about looking it up myself. :smalleek:

2015-05-20, 12:00 AM
I was just being sociable...
You see, I don't know who Evangeline is, so the comment about being clothed gave me pause about looking it up myself. :smalleek:

2015-05-20, 12:14 AM
Oh, I can't say I've seen the show.
Then again, I'd hate to say that I've become predictable. What a quandary. Should I be checking it out?

Bad Wolf
2015-05-20, 12:15 AM
Guys, this isn't the anime gif thread.

2015-05-20, 12:19 AM
We're having a polite conversation! :smallsmile:


2015-05-20, 12:20 AM
Guys, this isn't the anime gif thread.

Thank you for the reminder, though this was inevitable. It will return to the norm eventually (I think), so lets enjoy the show and if we can maybe put things back on the right course.

So.... Who will be the next placed into position to destroy the world (at least)?

2015-05-20, 12:57 AM
Look at the original post why isn't there a color text that matches this background?

I have tried to introduce her to Eva, but it is hard at times given the general lack of good anime made from the manga. Very little in the way of good gif material. Also it is strange that you should pick the very picture that is the source material for my current avatar.

edit: then again the lack of good anime might explain the use of the same picture.

2015-05-20, 03:04 AM
Thank you for the reminder, though this was inevitable. It will return to the norm eventually (I think), so lets enjoy the show and if we can maybe put things back on the right course.

So.... Who will be the next placed into position to destroy the world (at least)?

Me! Me! Do me! I'd love to set the world on fire :smallbiggrin::smallamused:

2015-05-20, 05:30 AM
Aaaand Jormengand gives permission.

This seems to have been missed by everyone who was supposed to be checking for permissions but was spamming the thread with gifs instead.

2015-05-20, 05:54 AM
I grant my permission (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19280182&postcount=143)

2015-05-20, 07:35 AM
This seems to have been missed by everyone who was supposed to be checking for permissions but was spamming the thread with gifs instead.

Fixed, but you're complaining about the wrong person. LP has been handling the permissions. I'm just the MC at the moment.

2015-05-20, 08:40 AM
I give my permission.

The Fenris Brood

It is known that Loki the Trickster sired many children, the eight legged horse Sleipnir, the world devouring serpent Jormengand, The goddess of Niflheim Hel, and the most fearsome of beasts, the foul wolf Fenris (Kn. Religion DC 20). For a time, Odin attempted to raise the pup as a loyal hound, but Fenris proved too wily, too cunning and too evil to ever bow to any master. He grew so rapidly that the gods feared he would devour the sun itself. So the called upon the greatest of dwarven smiths to forge chains that would bind the beast. They tried three separate timed before finally tricking the giant wolf into his leash, costing the great god Tyr his hand in the process. This story is well known among the worshipers of the Norse Pantheon. What is not well known is the true level of Fenris' cunning and greed. The wily beast suspected foul play, and sought to usurp the place of the gods themselves, consuming all of creation if necessary (Kn. Religion DC 35). In preparation for any tricks of the gods, the wolf Fenris bore many offspring in secret (Kn. Religion or Nature DC 40) with many different primal spirits and natural born wolves. These children he spirited away and hid in the dark places of the world, where they sleep now until their hunger grows so great that it might consume the world.


Though the Brood of Fenris slumbers now, one day their hunger will overtake them and they will burst forth to consume all of creation (Kn. Nature DC 40). Their bodies are buried in many places across the world, and accidentally disturbing one could lead to all of them being released suddenly. Not all of them are purely physical beings, some can possess wolves or dogs, or those who bear the curse of Lycanthropy (Kn. Nature DC 35).


Slavering Fangs
Famine spreads across the world, wolves and dogs go rabid, lycanthropes lose control of their forms.

Faint: crop harvests begin to shrink the world over, growing seasons become shorter and rain occurs less often as the Fenris Brood leeches life energy from the world around them

Moderate: Wolves, Worgs, Dogs and other canines have a 25% chance of going insane each day, creatures that go insane are treated as if being under the effects of a Barbarian's Rage ability (treat the creatures effective barbarian level as being equal to their HD) save that this rage is not limited to a number of rounds per day and viewing any non-canine creature as an enemy.

Strong: Lycanthropes automatically revert to their animal form, and suffer the same 25% chance of insanity as described in the Moderate Sign. All lycanthropes automatically have their alignment shifted to Chaotic Evil.

Overwhelming: Crops cease to grow, plants wither and die, rivers dry up. All canine form creatures and lycanthropes become insane, suffering the effects of the Moderate Sign. Literal Swarms of wolves rove across the land, devouring anything in sight.

Malefic Property

Swarm of Teeth

The Brood of Fenris is treated as a Colossal+++ swarm composed of wolves of various sizes (between Small and Huge). These wolves may break off from the swarm to fight individually, but the Brood itself possesses all swarm traits and an improved swarm attack that deals 10d6 damage per round, which overcomes any form of damage reduction, even that possessed by gods. When the swarm is reduced to 1/2 hit points it becomes incorporeal, as the spirit wolves pull their brethren into the astral plane to lead the assault against the gods themselves. Only complete destruction of the swarm will stop


The Brood of Fenris is a mindless parade of starving beasts that seek to consume all of creation. Its tactics are incredibly direct, it merely moves from place to place killing and eating anything before it. Frequently, bodies of the swarm will break off to chase down fleeing prey, but they never truly leave the swarm and always return to it. In combat, the swarm always seeks out the largest mass of flesh and focuses on that until it is destroyed, then moves on to the next largest and so on.

Bad Wolf
2015-05-20, 08:58 AM
Thank you!

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 09:00 AM
Okay, okay. If it will stop the gif madness (as if anything could), Snowbluff can have death by yandere.


Levistus, the Lord of the Fifth and the Prince of Betrayal, is one of the Nine Hells' most infamous rulers. Before his imprisonment in ice by Asmodeus, he was a master of connivance and manipulation, some argue even on par with the Lord of Nessus himself. But more than that, he was an emotional manipulator - he would often seduce others to gain information, or to bend them to his will. One of his greatest triumphs in that regard was a Marilith named Yukina.

Long before his punishment by Asmodeus, Levistus was a commander in the legions of the Hells in the Blood War, directing raids on the Abyss. It is unclear whether Levistus himself led the raid, or whether it was one of his loyal underlings, but when several powerful Demons were captured, tortured, and destroyed, Levistus took the credit. One captive from the raid, however, was spared; this was Yukina, a powerful Marilith general. For a Demon, Yukina seemed cold and calculating; this was a facade, however, for burning beneath the surface was the inexhaustible rage of the Demon.

Levistus spent the better part of a century breaking her. He would torture her, then show affection; he would deprive her, then shower her with gifts. In time, he shattered her mind completely. She became his devoted, adoring slave, his personal Marilith paramour, to be used one day and ignored the next. To him, she was a trophy; to her, he was the entirety of the cosmos.

When Asmodeus finally punished him, that world was shattered. Yukina, having learned to thrive and grown in strength in the Hells, went on a rampage, charging straight to Nessus to confront Asmodeus. But she could never hope to be a match for the Lord of Nessus, and he cast her out of the Hells, using a binding so powerful that she could never return.

Now acclimated to the Hells, Yukina could not return to the Abyss. Haunted by the thoughts of her tormented love, she could find no solace. She drew herself into seclusion in a dark corner of the planes, growing in power and madness, and seeking to inflict her pain upon all of creation.


Yukina suffers from two things: Heartbreak and madness. Put simply, she wants everyone to suffer both. In abundance.

Mad Love
Affection blooms throughout the world, but love is only a step away from obsession.

Faint: Love is in the air! Each day, every intelligent creature in a romantic relationship enjoys a +1 morale bonus to all rolls which aid, serve, help, or protect their loved one. They must succeed a daily DC 2 Will save or take a -1 morale penalty to all rolls in opposition to, or to disobey, a loved one. The morale bonus does not apply to this save. Intelligent creatures not in a romantic relationship do not enjoy bonus or penalty, but feel an odd longing for romance.

Moderate: The heart wants. The morale bonus and penalty for those in relationships becomes +2 and -2, respectively. The DC to save against the penalty increases to 5. Those in romantic relationships must also make a daily Will save, DC 5; on failure, they become jealous, and suffer a -2 to all social interactions, believing any person might be a rival for their loved one's affections. The morale bonus does not apply to this save. Those not in romantic relationships must make a daily Will save, DC 5, or start to fixate on someone as their loved one. If they fail this save three days in a row, they treat this person as their loved one for purposes of this Sign, and gain the corresponding bonuses and penalties, as well as the save against jealousy.

Strong: You are mine alone! The morale bonus and penalty for being in a romantic relationship increases to +3 and -3, respectively, and the DC to save against the penalty increases to 8. The DC to save against jealousy increases to 8 as well, and the penalty to social interactions increases to -5. Additionally, if a creature in a romantic relationship observes someone interacting with his or her loved one, he or she must make a Will save, DC 8, or attack that person territorially; the attack need not be lethal, but the creature cannot stop until the rival is driven off. The morale bonus does not apply to this save. The DC for the save for those not in romantic relationships to develop a fixation increases to 8, and two consecutive failures are sufficient to develop the fixation.

Overwhelming: If I can't have you, no one will! The morale bonus for being in a romantic relationship increases to +5; the morale penalty ceases to function. The DC against jealousy increases to 20. When encountering any creature who has interacted with its loved one within the past 24 hours (to its knowledge), a creature must make the jealousy save or else attack its perceived rival with lethal force. If the creature sees its loved one interacting with another, it must make the jealousy save; on a failure perceives this as an ultimate betrayal, and attacks both the rival and the loved one with lethal force. The morale bonus does not apply to either save. If a creature kills its loved one, it is no longer in a romantic relationship. All creatures not in a romantic relationship must make a Will save, DC 20, upon meeting a new creature of any kind that might be desirable to it. (Standards vary, we don't judge.) On a failed save, they immediately fixate, and are treated as though they are in a romantic relationship. On a successful save, they are immune to this effect with respect to that specific creature for 24 hours. Should a creature remain not in a romantic relationship for three consecutive days, it must start making a daily Will save, DC 20, or die instantly of a broken heart.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Yukina has Overwhelming Affection.

Overwhwelming Affection: Any creature not in a romantic relationship who comes within the range of this Malefic Property must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 Yukina's HD + Yukina's Charisma modifier) each hour or become overwhelmed with love for Yukina. They become fiercely protective, and will seek to prevent any hostility towards Yukina with lethal force. If a creature fails this save, it may try again in 5 rounds.

Any creature in a romantic relationship who comes within the range of this Malefic Property becomes convinced that its loved one has betrayed it in favor of Yukina, yet oddly bears Yukina no ill will. Such creatures must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 Yukina's HD + Yukina's Charisma modifier) every hour or cease their present course of action and seek out their loved one, to attack with lethal force for the betrayal. If it does not reach its loved one within 24 hours, it may attempt a new save once every 24 hours to convince itself that the betrayal was imagined. The morale bonus does not apply to these saves.

Yukina, very simply, is mad. Upon the manifestation of her Strong Sign, she will personally manifest in the Prime Material Plane, and start marching across the countryside aimlessly. She draws no amusement from her actions, nor satisfaction; she has no overarching agenda or desire. She is simply mad with love and loss, and her madness radiates from her. By the time her Overwhelming Sign manifests, she will have seen enough "love" in the world that it will drive her into a fury; she will seek out population centers and slaughter those who haven't already killed each other out of misguided obsession.

2015-05-20, 09:00 AM
Thank you!

You're welcome. I kind of want to expand on the mechanics more (because a colossal+++ swarm that spawns direwolves sounds like an awesome encounter) but I don't have Elder Evils or know how to construct them. So I feel bad.

2015-05-20, 09:12 AM
This seems to have been missed by everyone who was supposed to be checking for permissions but was spamming the thread with gifs instead.
If it makes you feel any better, I updated sweep #1 with it. I also haven't spammed gifs!

Fixed, but you're complaining about the wrong person. LP has been handling the permissions. I'm just the MC at the moment.
You cheeky little... you threw me under the bus!

Okay, okay. If it will stop the gif madness (as if anything could), Snowbluff can have death by yandere.
We have to sate Snowbluff's chaos in order to keep the law running. What have been been reduced to Red?

2015-05-20, 09:13 AM
If it makes you feel any better, I updated sweep #1 with it. I also haven't spammed gifs!

Neither have I, but nobody ever thanks me for not knowing how to work imgur.:smalltongue:

2015-05-20, 09:17 AM
Neither have I, but nobody ever thanks me for not knowing how to work imgur.:smalltongue:
Someone should thank you by making an Elder Evil for you.

*cough cough*

I hereby decree that Sir Elric of the Villa Alto will be issued an Elder Evil. That is all.

2015-05-20, 09:29 AM
Someone should thank you by making an Elder Evil for you.

*cough cough*

I hereby decree that Sir Elric of the Villa Alto will be issued an Elder Evil. That is all.

Well see, now they're not gonna do it just because you told them to. Gotta find who to write up next...

2015-05-20, 09:36 AM
Permission granted official. Thanks for saving my spot Snowbluff.

Threadnaught (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19280795&postcount=153).

2015-05-20, 09:41 AM
Well see, now they're not gonna do it just because you told them to. Gotta find who to write up next...
I think that's more discouraging for me than it is for you...

Permission granted official. Thanks for saving my spot Snowbluff.
After sweep #3, you will be on the list twice!

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 09:55 AM
Well see, now they're not gonna do it just because you told them to. Gotta find who to write up next...

I've been toying with an idea, but I was kind of waiting to give somebody else a shot at it. If nobody does, I may try to put it together later today, or tomorrow.

2015-05-20, 09:56 AM
Well see, now they're not gonna do it just because you told them to. Gotta find who to write up next...

I'll trade with you, just need to think of something good and usable as a seed for the Evil. Gareth was easy with his Void archetypes.

2015-05-20, 10:02 AM
After sweep #3, you will be on the list twice!

No need for that, Snowbluff could just turn my name into a link to that post, if you just link him to my post.

Or put me twice, so I can have double the number of Elder Evils. Muahahahaha!
I wonder if Xamnim will be referenced in anything.

2015-05-20, 10:03 AM
I'll trade with you, just need to think of something good and usable as a seed for the Evil. Gareth was easy with his Void archetypes.
Elric only seeks to end the world when too many people play ACF/Archetypes. He's had it up to here with them and he is very cross. Haha.

No need for that, Snowbluff could just turn my name into a link to that post, if you just link him to my post.
I linked my permission post and Snow just deleted it off the list because I'm perma-permissioned too I guess. Haha.

2015-05-20, 10:07 AM
Well see, now they're not gonna do it just because you told them to. Gotta find who to write up next...

See I'm contrary enough you're probably right.

I'll trade with you, just need to think of something good and usable as a seed for the Evil. Gareth was easy with his Void archetypes.

Well from Elricaltovilla's comments in this thread about leading blades I'd say some sort of warlord, or a personification of war or violence given flesh. Maybe just the hatred born from the Blood War, from an eternity of fighting and bloodshed.

2015-05-20, 10:16 AM
So, a bit easy and predicted, but fun none the less. I have tried to slightly dodge the obvious and taken a slight variation on the myths.


Son of the famous world devouring serpent Jǫrmungandr. While his sire is sleeping he tries to avenge his grandsire by tricking the people on midgard (primal plane) to cuase suffering. He is often found near bodies of water. When Jǫrmungandr entered the water and grew ever larger, he begot a son with a water nymph. His son, bearing a likeness to both his parents, had a knack for controlling water. What Jormangand lacked in size he coudl compensate with his control of water and ability to take on other forms. Jormengand is often found near the watertrying to lure in people and gods, only to drown them in sudden whirlpools and currents. When he is really mad he uses waves to wash away anything on the coasts. When changed into another form snakes and serpents will be more active. When His fater was put to sleep by the gods

Jormangand is always searching for the realms of Hel to help free his grandsire, wake his father and bring about Ragnarök.


Beware the waters
All bodies of water grow in ferocity and serpents will start stirring

Faint: Springs, geishers, creeks and ponds will flow more. Springs will start gushing hteir water, geisers will spout higher and more explosive. Ponds will be darker and corrupt more matter. Creeks will start flowing quicker and grow in size. Snakes will start moving aboutmore and nearer to people.

Moderate: Rivers, seas and lakes will become unruly and/or have their flow increased. Also all waterbodies will contain smalls erpentssources of fresh water (ponds, wells) will spoil and decay. Swamps will spread and snakes and serpents will come slithering fout of them.

Strong: Seas and oceans will become untraversable and wild. Rodents have disappeared and their place has been taken as pests by snakes. Fields are crawling with vipers, forests and swamps with their own snakes.

Overwhelming: The sky darkens and mealstroms and tsunamis litter the seas. Rivers and lakes flood the lands around them. Storms and rain ravage the air and the forest and swamps have fused to a uniform decayed jungle. Bigger and bigger snakes seem to show themselves and attack indiscriminately. If one looks carefully one can see hte the faint shadows of a sea serpent's ridge fins.

Traits, tricks and manifestation
When he manifests his strong sign, Jormungand will walk Midgard, followed by serpents and snakes alike. He can alter his form but his forms are never exactly perfect. He might have a hint of scales beneath his skin, or vertical slit pupils, maybe even a tail or fang like teeth. Through his experience he has learnt to hide the signs well (DC 35 spot check). He tries to kill his prey by using his allied snakes to their advantage. If he knows that a person is vulnerable to poison he will let a snake slither in the night to the victim and have one bite be enough. If he knows someone can handle poison well he sends a snake to strangle. He will keep looking forhte gate to Nilfheimr to free his grandfather so he can finally bring about Ragnarök.

2015-05-20, 10:18 AM
I linked my permission post and Snow just deleted it off the list because I'm perma-permissioned too I guess. Haha.

*Perma-permission high five*

2015-05-20, 10:21 AM
*Perma-permission high five*
Wapshhh! *poorly done onomatopoeia for a high-five*

2015-05-20, 10:29 AM
You cheeky little... you threw me under the bus!
I wasn't the one who messed up. :3

We have to sate Snowbluff's chaos in order to keep the law running. What have been been reduced to Red?

Also, ty Red Fel! <3

I linked my permission post and Snow just deleted it off the list because I'm perma-permissioned too I guess. Haha.

Yeah, I don't want repeat permissions in the list. D;

2015-05-20, 10:32 AM
What's with people still assuming I'm a him when I go out of my way to say otherwise...

Still, cool I guess.

2015-05-20, 10:39 AM
I wasn't the one who messed up. :3
You're so cold to me. TT~TT Also, I tried to summon you to a different thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416032-D-amp-D-Lore-and-Campaign-Settings) via the Bloody Mary technique. But it didn't work.

Yeah, I don't want repeat permissions in the list. D;
Yeah yeah yeah. Tell it to the judge! I'll be your judge, jury, and executioner by the way.

What's with people still assuming I'm a him when I go out of my way to say otherwise...
It makes it infinitely harder to write these Elder Evils without an appropriate pronoun. But, luckily I don't think Socratov was referring to you as a he. Your Elder Evil just happens to be a he.

2015-05-20, 10:45 AM
It makes it infinitely harder to write these Elder Evils without an appropriate pronoun. But, luckily I don't think Socratov was referring to you as a he. Your Elder Evil just happens to be a he.

Hmm, fair enough.

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 10:48 AM
Also, I tried to summon you to a different thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416032-D-amp-D-Lore-and-Campaign-Settings) via the Bloody Mary technique. But it didn't work.

Don't be silly. That only works for Afroakuma.

Yeah yeah yeah. Tell it to the judge!

Lemme tell it to da woyld!

2015-05-20, 10:48 AM
Hmm, fair enough.
Hey, I didn't put all my skill points in Diplomacy for no reason. :smalltongue:

Don't be silly. That only works for Afroakuma.
Wait... really? Afroakuma! Afroakuma! Afroakuma! Didn't someone summon you this way too?

Lemme tell it to da woyld!
Ha ha ha!

2015-05-20, 10:50 AM
What's with people still assuming I'm a him when I go out of my way to say otherwise...

Still, cool I guess.

You're so cold to me. TT~TT Also, I tried to summon you to a different thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416032-D-amp-D-Lore-and-Campaign-Settings) via the Bloody Mary technique. But it didn't work.

Yeah yeah yeah. Tell it to the judge! I'll be your judge, jury, and executioner by the way.

It makes it infinitely harder to write these Elder Evils without an appropriate pronoun. But, luckily I don't think Socratov was referring to you as a he. Your Elder Evil just happens to be a he.

Sorry, I guess the clerics who documented this history and information have slipped up I guess....

2015-05-20, 10:52 AM
Jormengand, would making a genderless eldritch abomination for your elder evil be cool or insensitive?

2015-05-20, 10:53 AM
Sorry, I guess the clerics who documented this history and information have slipped up I guess....
No need for apology! You've made your resident Pala-friend proud by being an active participant of this thread. Here, take your honorary Jr. Tormlet badge. :smallbiggrin:

2015-05-20, 10:53 AM
A Badge! I have a badge!:smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallcool::smal lcool:

2015-05-20, 10:56 AM
No need for apology! You've made your resident Pala-friend proud by being an active participant of this thread. Here, take your honorary Jr. Tormlet badge. :smallbiggrin:

Maybe you should try making actual badges people can put in their signature to help spread the power of good? I mean the dark side has cookies, and about the only thing that adventurers care about as much as cookies are shinies.

Emperor Tippy
2015-05-20, 10:56 AM
Yeah, that part is a pity, but necessary. I've had 9th-level Vestiges written for The_Giant and Emperor Tippy since I heard about these threads, waiting for them to grant permission.

I could have sworn that I had granted blanket permission for these threads a long time ago. Feel free to do whatever, and anyone who makes similar threads can take this as permission for those threads as well.

Just don't PM me asking, my box gets full enough as it is.

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 10:58 AM
Wait... really? Afroakuma! Afroakuma! Afroakuma!

I was told I should give my permission for this. Consider it so done.

Aren't space-time paradoxes horrifying fun?

Didn't someone summon you this way too?

Nobody summons Red Fel. (Except, you know, as a spell or vestige or... shut up.) I simply arrive, bidden or otherwise. Like a boss.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha, showtunes.

2015-05-20, 11:01 AM
I could have sworn that I had granted blanket permission for these threads a long time ago. Feel free to do whatever, and anyone who makes similar threads can take this as permission for those threads as well.

Just don't PM me asking, my box gets full enough as it is.

Thanks! You just made my week, right there. I'll dig up my notes and start posting the you-version in the various threads.

2015-05-20, 11:02 AM
A Badge! I have a badge!:smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallcool::smal lcool:

Maybe you should try making actual badges people can put in their signature to help spread the power of good?
Oh. Oh yes. It's justice time.

Just don't PM me asking, my box gets full enough as it is.
Ooop. This thread got serious. The Emperor is in the house. Snow, prime the perma-permission cannon.

2015-05-20, 11:03 AM
Ever have a tune stuck in your head that drives you crazy? I want an Elder Evil like that. :smallcool:

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 11:05 AM
Oh. Oh yes. It's justice time.

Is that like Morphin' Time? Seriously, Elric, if this becomes a thing, I will totally blame you. Badges? Madman.

2015-05-20, 11:07 AM
Ever have a tune stuck in your head that drives you crazy? I want an Elder Evil like that. :smallcool:

Welp there goes my idea... unless "gives you the black plague"* equals "drives you crazy".

*I would not use Filth Fever despite mechanically mirroring the Black Plague with high efficiency assuming that most of the world is level 1 commoners and we don't have magic (the heal skill messes it up a bit as well). I think the DC might be a little off... at some point I actually had to figure out the two compared to each other, I think the Plague's Fort DC was 1 or 2 higher.

2015-05-20, 11:17 AM
A Badge! I have a badge!:smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallcool::smal lcool:
Let's try this again. Ahem.

Congratulations, Socratov. You are the first official recipient of the Jr. Tormlet badge!

Seriously, Elric, if this becomes a thing, I will totally blame you. Badges? Madman.

2015-05-20, 11:19 AM
The dark gaze of Fro has returned to trouble your thread. Why for have I been resummoned?

Red Fel, I charge thee with the office Destroyer of Unreason and Reaper of Bitter Understanding. Take up this Scattoirneach, scythe of black lightning, and do my dark service: knock some heads together until they learn to check the permissions list before calling me back. :smalltongue:

2015-05-20, 11:19 AM
Jormengand, would making a genderless eldritch abomination for your elder evil be cool or insensitive?

The former. :smallbiggrin:

To be fair, even binding my vestige makes you "prefer the pronoun "it" to gendered pronouns, and must correct anyone who mi[s] genders you"

2015-05-20, 11:21 AM

2015-05-20, 11:22 AM
The dark gaze of Fro has returned to trouble your thread. Why for have I been resummoned?
Oh my. It really did work.

My work here is done. Just kidding, a Paladin's work is never done.

2015-05-20, 11:22 AM
The former. :smallbiggrin:

To be fair, even binding my vestige makes you "prefer the pronoun "it" to gendered pronouns, and must correct anyone who mi[s] genders you"

Ok. When I finish Afro I'll make you one.

Also, if I need to be an anime character to represent myself in this thread, I think I'll be Honey-senpai.

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 11:24 AM
The dark gaze of Fro has returned to trouble your thread. Why for have I been resummoned?

Red Fel, I charge thee with the office Destroyer of Unreason and Reaper of Bitter Understanding. Take up this Scattoirneach, scythe of black lightning, and do my dark service: knock some heads together until they learn to check the permissions list before calling me back. :smalltongue:


LP, c'mere, you're about to get Scattoirneach'd.


2015-05-20, 11:28 AM
Ok. When I finish Afro I'll make you one.

Also, if I need to be an anime character to represent myself in this thread, I think I'll be Honey-senpai.

Can I be this dude


2015-05-20, 11:30 AM

Image spam aside, that picture is way too big for your signature. There's a limit on how big it can be, y'know, and I'm pretty sure you're over it.

2015-05-20, 11:38 AM
LP, c'mere, you're about to get Scattoirneach'd.
Go ahead and try it!

There's a limit on how big it can be, y'know, and I'm pretty sure you're over it.
*Grumble Grumble* How big does it have to be. I'll fix it.

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 11:41 AM
Go ahead and try it!

You got me a present?!


2015-05-20, 11:44 AM
*Grumble Grumble* How big does it have to be. I'll fix it.

Total height of your signature may not exceed 12 lines or equivalent.

The hand is quite clearly taller than the 6 lines of non-hand signature. Though the sig could probably be reshuffled to fit it in, I'd recommend making the image smaller - my sig is near the upper limit for how long a sig can be before it's annoying even if not rulebreaking, and even then only because my posts tend to be far longer than it.

2015-05-20, 11:50 AM
*Grumble Grumble* How big does it have to be. I'll fix it.

http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac150/NeoPhoenix0/tormlet_zps9b9dv1ve.png (http://s894.photobucket.com/user/NeoPhoenix0/media/tormlet_zps9b9dv1ve.png.html)

this big.

this is 120 pixels the max height for pictures in a sig, it counts as 8 lines high for sig height. You can use spoilers if it helps. those only count as 2 lines.

2015-05-20, 11:56 AM
You got me a present?!

Why yes, yes I did.

The hand is quite clearly taller than the 6 lines of non-hand signature. Though the sig could probably be reshuffled to fit it in, I'd recommend making the image smaller - my sig is near the upper limit for how long a sig can be before it's annoying even if not rulebreaking, and even then only because my posts tend to be far longer than it.
Better? http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t521/LoyalPaladin/Small%20Jr%20Tormlet_zpsqpati6px.png

2015-05-20, 11:56 AM
Oh man, now that I stopped posting gifs this thread should be super productive.

You're so cold to me. TT~TT Also, I tried to summon you to a different thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416032-D-amp-D-Lore-and-Campaign-Settings) via the Bloody Mary technique. But it didn't work.

It did, but I was hoping you didn't notice I was around. :smalltongue:

2015-05-20, 11:57 AM

LP, c'mere, you're about to get Scattoirneach'd.

I love using this gif

2015-05-20, 11:58 AM
I no longer have anything to contribute to this thread. I make one innocent suggestion, and look what happens.

2015-05-20, 12:04 PM
http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac150/NeoPhoenix0/tormlet_zps9b9dv1ve.png (http://s894.photobucket.com/user/NeoPhoenix0/media/tormlet_zps9b9dv1ve.png.html)

this big.
Thanks Neo. You're my star pupil, you know.

It did, but I was hoping you didn't notice I was around. :smalltongue:
Oh. Woops.

I no longer have anything to contribute to this thread. I make one innocent suggestion, and look what happens.
I'd be more productive today, but I am really busy. I'll do a third sweep in a page or two.

2015-05-20, 12:09 PM
I'd be more productive today, but I am really busy. I'll do a third sweep in a page or two.

May you should have put some of those diplo ranks in sense motive?

Work's real busy for me too, no time to write up any more elder evils.

2015-05-20, 12:13 PM
May you should have put some of those diplo ranks in sense motive?
How many times to I have to say this. I did put ranks in Sense Motive! I was just stating the facts! D:

Work's real busy for me too, no time to write up any more elder evils.
Same... Tonight though... That will be a different story!

2015-05-20, 12:22 PM
Same... Tonight though... That will be a different story!

Tonight I either have to write more elder evils, update my campaign journal or play dark souls. Much as I love you guys... It's probably gonna be dark souls.

2015-05-20, 12:30 PM
Meanwhile I make pledging ones soul to Vael or Red Fel more and more appealing by making Vile feats. Those are the bonus feats you get for serving Elder Evils, right?

2015-05-20, 01:10 PM
http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac150/NeoPhoenix0/tormlet_zps9b9dv1ve.png (http://s894.photobucket.com/user/NeoPhoenix0/media/tormlet_zps9b9dv1ve.png.html)

this big.

this is 120 pixels the max height for pictures in a sig, it counts as 8 lines high for sig height. You can use spoilers if it helps. those only count as 2 lines.

Oh, bummer. Well, I have put the ordainment in my extended signature (2nd link in my sig). Above my collection of quotes even (especially those who peg me as evil and such)

2015-05-20, 01:14 PM
You could also do a 2 column x 1 row table in your sig, with the badge on one side and your hyperlinks on the other.


Warlock Poetry? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?210136-Socratov-s-brainfarts-collection)
Or collected praise and quotes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?210136-Socratov-s-brainfarts-collection&p=13086815&viewfull=1#post13086815)
Better grab a drink (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?262458-Socratov-s-brewing-log)

“Hell hath no fury...” (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?341938-Crawling-Pubs-Not-Dungeons-IC-Thread) - Avatar by the Outstanding Oneris

2015-05-20, 01:37 PM
You could also do a 2 column x 1 row table in your sig, with the badge on one side and your hyperlinks on the other.


Warlock Poetry? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?210136-Socratov-s-brainfarts-collection)
Or collected praise and quotes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?210136-Socratov-s-brainfarts-collection&p=13086815&viewfull=1#post13086815)
Better grab a drink (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?262458-Socratov-s-brewing-log)

“Hell hath no fury...” (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?341938-Crawling-Pubs-Not-Dungeons-IC-Thread) - Avatar by the Outstanding Oneris

Oooh, that's an even better idea

2015-05-20, 01:56 PM
Oooh, that's an even better idea

Glad I could help! :smallbiggrin: Saving forum signatures, 1 table at a time :smallcool:

2015-05-20, 01:59 PM
You could also do a 2 column x 1 row table in your sig, with the badge on one side and your hyperlinks on the other.


Warlock Poetry? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?210136-Socratov-s-brainfarts-collection)
Or collected praise and quotes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?210136-Socratov-s-brainfarts-collection&p=13086815&viewfull=1#post13086815)
Better grab a drink (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?262458-Socratov-s-brewing-log)

“Hell hath no fury...” (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?341938-Crawling-Pubs-Not-Dungeons-IC-Thread) - Avatar by the Outstanding Oneris

That's pretty sweet Sir Weasel. I've updated my extended signature with this as well!

Oooh, that's an even better idea
Agreed. Now you are forever immortalized in my signature as well.

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 02:03 PM
Why yes, yes I did.

Oh. Well, since we've clarified that.


Oh man, now that I stopped posting gifs this thread should be super productive.

It is, isn't it?

I no longer have anything to contribute to this thread. I make one innocent suggestion, and look what happens.

I told you, I'll get to yours. Busy day today. :smalltongue:

2015-05-20, 02:15 PM
I told you, I'll get to yours. Busy day today. :smalltongue:

No rush. I was referring to the founding of the order of tormlets. Even though I'll never get credit for it :smalltongue:

2015-05-20, 02:16 PM
Previous (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277543&postcount=104) - Sweep #3 - Next

Dusk Eclipse (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19277633&postcount=105)
Lex-Kat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19278372&postcount=114)
ScrambledBrains (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19278666&postcount=120)
Kazyan (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19278877&postcount=125)
Blackhawk748 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19280182&postcount=143)
Threadnaught (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19280795&postcount=153)
Emperor Tippy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19281119&postcount=174) (Perma-Permission'd per Tippy)

Elder Evils
Sekeva, The Drowned Emperor (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19278211&postcount=113)
The Forty-Two Vessels of Iz (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19278661&postcount=119)
The Fenris Brood
Yukina (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19280675&postcount=147)
Jormengand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19280954&postcount=160)

2015-05-20, 02:48 PM
Oh yeah, I give permission for any future thread you do as well.

2015-05-20, 02:56 PM
That's pretty sweet Sir Weasel. I've updated my extended signature with this as well!

Agreed. Now you are forever immortalized in my signature as well.

Emphasis mine, bolded...

Was I just Knighted?

2015-05-20, 03:04 PM
Oh. Well, since we've clarified that.

While you may beat me in a fight, you will never truly destroy me. For I've the durability of the tankiest, most resilient, and most indestructible soul in existence.

No rush. I was referring to the founding of the order of tormlets. Even though I'll never get credit for it :smalltongue:
You did indeed help me out. I'd have never actually made a badge if it were not for you (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19281117&postcount=173).

Was I just Knighted?
*pulls out Large +5 Cold Iron Holy Avenger and touches WeaselGuy's shoulders with it* ... yes.

While we are just sitting here waiting for entries, can anyone explain to me what "PEACH" stands for?

2015-05-20, 03:08 PM
You did indeed help me out. I'd have never actually made a badge if it were not for you (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19281117&postcount=173).

You probably shouldn't tell the Tormlets that you had to consult with a Warder to come up with the idea to make badges for them.

*pulls out Large +5 Cold Iron Holy Avenger and touches WeaselGuy's shoulders with it* ... yes.

Don't you need to be a King or a Queen to knight someone? At least a Duke or something.

2015-05-20, 03:12 PM
*pulls out Large +5 Cold Iron Holy Avenger and touches WeaselGuy's shoulders with it* ... yes.

While we are just sitting here waiting for entries, can anyone explain to me what "PEACH" stands for?

"Please Examine And Comment Honestly", I think...

2015-05-20, 03:13 PM
Oh yeah, I give permission for any future thread you do as well.

Same here.

2015-05-20, 03:16 PM
I, Masterkerfuffle give permission.

2015-05-20, 03:16 PM
I'm going to jump on the laziness bandwagon and permanently grant permission to myself to be used as inspiration for a creation on any future threads of this series. I think I'm a permanent enough fixture around these parts, despite Snowbluff trying to off me every five minutes.

2015-05-20, 03:18 PM
"Please Examine And Comment Honestly", I think...

Thank you Sir Weasel! I've been wondering for some time now.

2015-05-20, 03:19 PM
Well, here's my go at it:

I am totally stealing Red Fel's format for this.

Illius, the Broken Chord

There are those in this world who search for perfection - for the sublime beauty upon which nothing can improved. It is a noble cause, and consumes lifetimes of study and mastery. Eventually, it may be found, and is treated as a paragon of all that is good and right in its discipline. It shouldn't be so surprising that there exists a Paragon of Flaws, then. But somehow, it always is.

It began, of course, with a bard.

Milenia ago, when the first powers of magic were being discovered, a wandering minstrel by the name of Illyahr began to notice that his music was having an effect on those who paused to listen. He realized that this wasn't some mere fascination, or adoration, but rather than his songs plucked the heartstrings of his crowds and could magically alter their perceptions and beliefs. Pursuing his study further, he discovered the means to whisper sweet suggestions in the ears of the masses, and through this method conscripted populations to find their most talented performers and send them to him for study. Illyahr imparted his initial teachings unto them, and so founded the bardic tradition.

Throughout his lifetime, he saw this new power spread far and wide across the continents, and was content with the growth of his discovery. He founded a great school where those of the highest caliber - like himself - could tease out new secrets from the craft. Discovering greater and greater performances, Illyahr's ambition began to reach higher and further than those of his colleagues. He quickly outstripped their skill with discovery, making dozens of refinements to the craft in the same time that they would produce one. And eventually he asked, "What is the perfect chord?"

That day marked a dramatic change in the master bard. He closed himself off from the outside world, secluding himself with his instruments and notes, and sought to find the resonant frequency of the universe, from which all other sound is born. His friends would stop and listen by his tower, as soul-wrenchingly beautiful notes poured out of his window, only to be paused halfway through with cursing and cries of, "No, no, that's the wrong sound entirely!" Years passed, and eventually the school fell into disrepair and the others left to found their own places of learning or accept great positions of acclaim throughout the lands.

Illyahr began to be known as a crazy hermit rather than a brilliant teacher, and in a fashion similar to his reputation his mind began to degrade as well. His passion turned to obsession, and he would forgo food or water for days when tuning a new chord. Nearing the end of his life, his body emaciated and weak, he had a sudden flash of inspiration. He returned his fingers to the strings one final time, readied his hands, and struck his last chord. And everything trembled at its majesty and perfection. The chord rolled over the land, and all other noise ceased and every person turned to face the direction of its origin, knowing that Illyahr had succeeded. The beauty and relief flooding the aged bard was too much for his old heart to handle, and he died happy on the spot. It was a shame, really, then that in his death one finger twitched and an imperfection was added to the sublime chord. Ah, but mortals can only withstand so much...

That one flaw corrupted the Perfect Chord, and in its corruption it called upon the energies of the Far Realms. The broken note took the form of a massive incorporeal swarm, repeating its flawed notes over and over in attempt to return to perfection, instead falling further and further into dissonance and degradation. Named for its creator, Illius now seeks to have its discordant chords played and voiced throughout the multiverse, to corrupt it and become its new resonant frequency.


Illius seeks to cripple and bend the universe to match its own twisted self.

Echoes of Corruption
Living beings begin to voice the Broken Chord, becoming twisted and broken.

Faint:A quiet echo at the base of the skull. Living creatures must make a Will Save (DC 5) every hour or start humming the tune. This does not impede talking or spellcasting, and lasts until the save is made. Living creatures must make an additional Will Save (DC 2) each day or suffer a -1 morale penalty on all rolls due to the distracting background noise.

Moderate: The echo crescendos. The Save DC to avoid humming increases to 10, and while humming spellcasters must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell with a Somatic component. The Save DC against the morale penalty increases to 5 and the penalty increased to -2.

Strong: The chord reverberates. The humming changes to singing, and the Save DC to avoid it increases to 15. While singing the Broken Chord, attempting to talk requires a DC 15 Concentration check or everything comes out as the Chord. While singing, the Concentration check DC to cast spells with somatic components increases to 25. If a living creature fails every Will Save against singing in a single day, it gains the Aberration Subtype until it makes every Will Save against singing in a single day. They are still treated as though they had their originla type and subtype. Those with the Aberration subtype automatically fail the saves against the morale penalties. The Save DC against the morale penalty increases to 12 and the penalty increases to -3.

Overwhelming: The chord resounds. The singing changes to shouting, and the Save DC to avoid it increases .to 20. While shouting the Broken Chord, attempting to talk requires a DC 20 Concentration check or everything comes out as the Chord. While shouting, the Concentration check DC to cast spells with somatic components increases to 35. Aberrations who fail their every save against shouting for an entire day go Insane. The Save DC against the moral penalty increases to 15 and the morale penalty increases to -4.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Illius has Cosmic Dissonance.

Cosmic Dissonance: Any living creature with the within the range of this Malefic Property is ripped apart by the discordant noise. Such a creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Illius' HD + Illius' Charisma modifier) or become Confused by the maddening noise. A creature that saves against this effect is immune to the dissonance for the next hour. A Confused creature instead becomes Insane. An Insane creature dies.

Any creature within range of this Malefic Property must save against this ability every 10 rounds. If they successfully save against it, you are immune to the effect for the next 10 minutes but do not remove any lesser effects inflicted by this effect.

Illius still believes itself to be the Perfect Chord, and will attempt to reach out first to the minds of the greatest Bards to share itself with them when its Faint sign manifests. Illius will manifest itself on the Ethereal Plane when its Strong Sign appears, and it will generally move towards the largest population centers of a region. It does not concern itself with strategy, and is largely unthinking in its pursuit of its goals.

2015-05-20, 03:20 PM
Thank you Sir Weasel! I've been wondering for some time now.

No problem. I googled it :smallcool:

2015-05-20, 03:22 PM
I don't know if I've garnered much of a reputation on the boards yet, but if anyone wants to take a stab at it, you've got my permission: AvatarVecna (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19282414&postcount=222). Can I haz Elder Evil?

Red Fel
2015-05-20, 03:22 PM
While you may beat me in a fight, you will never truly destroy me. For I've the durability of the tankiest, most resilient, and most indestructible soul in existence.

... But... But...


Her... Her power... It's...


Yes. That. It's that.

While we are just sitting here waiting for entries, can anyone explain to me what "PEACH" stands for?

Please Evaluate And Critique Honestly. Swordsage'd by a Weasel. How demeaning.

2015-05-20, 03:24 PM
"Please Examine And Comment Honestly", I think...

I think there's some others, but they all boil down to something like that.

"Please Examine and (Comment/Critique) (Honestly/Helpfully)", just to name three other examples off the top of my head.

2015-05-20, 03:29 PM
... But... But...

<new gif to add to my repertoire>

Her... Her power... It's...

<over 9,000 gif>

Yes. That. It's that.

I love her, she is hands down my favorite character from KlK. Followed closely by Ira. Plus, with those stats (and a decent headband of intellect) she would make an excellent Paladin!

2015-05-20, 03:33 PM
I love her, she is hands down my favorite character from KlK. Followed closely by Ira. Plus, with those stats (and a decent headband of intellect) she would make an excellent Paladin!

Considering how MAD paladins are, she'd probably need all those stats just to make a build work.:smalltongue:

2015-05-20, 03:38 PM
Considering how MAD paladins are, she'd probably need all those stats just to make a build work.:smalltongue:
That was definitely my point!

2015-05-20, 04:02 PM
That was definitely my point!

She'd be an even better monk. Just saying. And she does fight unarmed, too, so that's something.

2015-05-20, 04:08 PM
She'd be an even better monk. Just saying. And she does fight unarmed, too, so that's something.
She is clearly wearing glamered armor. Which means she can't be a monk!

2015-05-20, 04:13 PM
She is clearly wearing glamered armor. Which means she can't be a monk!

Nah, that's obviously a set of Monk's Robes. They enchance her unarmed strikes and general physical stats.

2015-05-20, 04:17 PM

Deep within the earth gems and crystals form. These gems bring great wealth to the dwarven halls, their beauty and rarity making them many times more valuable than gold. Yet, dwarves talk with fear at times of spirits within the deepest mines, spirits of greed and avarice which live in the gems and plot against the miners. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 18). These gem spirits are real, fell sentiences which awaken within the stone. They use their mental powers to compel those who lay claim to their gems and lead them towards over indulgence, avarice, and greed. The dwarves controlled by these gemstones stray further and further from the dwarven ideals of behavior. The deep dwarves and duergar have long traditions put into place to find and destroy these gems fearing their influence on the minds of their kind. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 21). Whispers tell, though, that these gem spirits have other goals. They lead those influenced by them to seek for something, something deep within the ground, deep and secret. These dwarves lead expeditions for more, digging deeper, digging more greedily. Those held under the sway of these stones longest go completely mad becoming shells of their former selves, unable to talk, unable to think properly, fleeing into the Underdark (Kno Dungeoneering DC 26). These gems do not merely affect dwarves, though it is rare for another surface race to dig so deeply. The deeper one digs, however, the more of these gems you will find. In some deep caves these gems have even formed hulking, brutish monsters similar to elementals or constructs, ranging in size from about the size of ogres to the size of true giants. Those compelled by the gems often dig these Avarice Hulks free (Kno Dungeoneering DC 31). They seek something else, however, as the gems are drawn to concentrations of their own kind. While the Avarice Hulks attract them, their true quest is for something else. According to the illithid savant Hors'velgothos all of these gems have a single progenitor, an ancient evil which they seek to be reunited with and to free (Kno Dungeoneering DC 35). This progenitor, called Tadkins by the illithid sages, rests deep within the earth, sealed there by the gods during the forging of the world before they sealed their own powers as a truce to allow the world to exist. Tadkins is an ancient entity of greed and avarice whose desire would have threatened to consume the world and who would have ended the game of reality too soon if allowed to run free. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 38). In truth Tadkins was once a Solar, a being who could have become a god, but chose to serve instead. However even the solars were not without corruption. An unknown baernaloth (some claim it was Daru Ib Shamiq who is known to have corrupted a solar, some claim it was Red Fel, though other names are claimed as well) met with Tadkins whispering of the potential for power and glory. Neither of these tempted the angel, though. That was when the baernaloth took another tack, and whispered to Tadkins of the beauty of Creation, the wonders that the gods and angels had forged, the gems, the flowers. Tadkins was tempted, and covetous took root in his heart. Tadkins tried to claim creation for himself, taking all that he could find of beauty and hording it. The gods acted swiftly. Tadkins was a Solar, a being integral to reality. They could have destroyed him, but to do so would have forever marred the half-formed Creation. Instead they sealed him in the Prime, trapped forever in the earth, his form that of a gem he had coveted so. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 44).


The progenitor is a creature of avarice, greed, and covetous. It would lay claim to all that it can, like a dragon and its claim to a hoard. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 35) Tadkins' desire would not see him destroy the Prime, but rule it as an eternal king. He would rule over all things of beauty, destroying all that which does not meet his aesthetic requirements, and keeping all that does as his own toys and baubles. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 38) Tadkins would see himself usurp the gods who sealed him away, becoming eternal god-emperor of the world. He would bind men to him through their greed. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 44) Tadkins' greed will infect the world however, and whether he wishes it or not his presence will render it all but uninhabitable to life. Even should he succeed he will freeze the world into eternal stasis, nothing new to be created for fear that it would reduce the beauty that there is. And Beauty is the epitome of Good. (Kno Dungeoneering DC 47).


World of Wealth

It started with old mines filling with new gems, with gold and natural treasure forming across the world. Wealth flowed into coffers, though it was not long before they were worth less and less. But we could live with that, it was when the plants of the field began to grow gems as fruit, when the rivers ran with sapphires that terror set in.

Faint: Gemstones and precious metals begin to form throughout the world. They become significantly more common, reducing the value of individual gems and coins to 2/3rds their normal value due to inflation; this also reduces the cost of alchemical silver.

Moderate: Gemstones and precious metals are much more common throughout the world; coins and gems become worth only 1/3rd their normal value (this also applies to the cost of alchemical silver).

Strong: Gemstones are valueless as currency, precious metals are worth 1/50th their normal value. Dead organisms turn into gemstones within 1d3 days unless gentle repose or similar magic is used to prevent this change, making raise dead and resurrection difficult. Corporeal undead begin to transform into gemstones as well, their speed being halved, losing any non-supernatural flight they may possess, suffering a -4 penalty to Dexterity, and gaining +6 natural armor and DR 1/2 their hit dice overcome by adamantine.

Overwhelming: Non-flowering plants begin to turn to gemstone. Flowering plants turn to gemstone in full flower. Rivers and streams turn to gemstone in their flow. The ground itself turns to gold and silver. This is thankfully not an absolute effect. The gemstone effect happens more quickly, taking a mere 1d4 rounds after death and can even happen to dying creatures. Any dying creature must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) each round or be killed and turned to gemstone instantaneously. Fresh water and food becomes more valuable than gold.

Malefic Property

Impervious to the Divine
Due to his nature as a fallen solar Tadkins has this malefic property found on page 15 of Elder Evils, Avarice Spawn, Avarice Hulks, and Avarice Gems within the area of this malefic property also benefit from it.


Tadkins takes the form of a giant dragon made of gemstones. When the first miners grow close to his prison his sign begins to manifest, the miners being compelled to continue by the stones that already have taken root of their mind. Avarice Hulks flock to this dig to protect it from interference, but others set forth across the world to enslave more and more miners now that the final seal is approaching release. They will mainly take these slaves from Underdark communities. At this time those creatures which fell too deeply under an Avarice Gem's effect will congregate to act as guards as well, while others emerge from the Underdark mindlessly attacking everything in their path (this is not an intentional effect, simply madness on their part). These creatures have the Avarice Spawn template. When Tadkins is first freed from his imprisonment (sign becomes Strong) he does not immediately begin to act, instead consolidating his own personal power and learning the limits of his new form, as well as waging war on the Underdark. During this time he is weaker than when he is ready to emerge to the surface (overwhelming sign) and declare himself god. Tadkins is similar mechanically to a luster dragon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=9467798&postcount=202), except he has the Outsider type instead of Dragon type, a suite of mind-affecting abilities, immunity to mind-affecting effects, Elder Evil traits (including Malefic Property), and possibly a few other unique features.

I pretty much based that purely on the thing in his sig. And the Volsunga Saga/Lord of the Rings.

2015-05-20, 04:27 PM
Well, here's my go at it:

I am totally stealing Red Fel's format for this.

Illius, the Broken Chord

There are those in this world who search for perfection - for the sublime beauty upon which nothing can improved. It is a noble cause, and consumes lifetimes of study and mastery. Eventually, it may be found, and is treated as a paragon of all that is good and right in its discipline. It shouldn't be so surprising that there exists a Paragon of Flaws, then. But somehow, it always is.

It began, of course, with a bard.

Milenia ago, when the first powers of magic were being discovered, a wandering minstrel by the name of Illyahr began to notice that his music was having an effect on those who paused to listen. He realized that this wasn't some mere fascination, or adoration, but rather than his songs plucked the heartstrings of his crowds and could magically alter their perceptions and beliefs. Pursuing his study further, he discovered the means to whisper sweet suggestions in the ears of the masses, and through this method conscripted populations to find their most talented performers and send them to him for study. Illyahr imparted his initial teachings unto them, and so founded the bardic tradition.

Throughout his lifetime, he saw this new power spread far and wide across the continents, and was content with the growth of his discovery. He founded a great school where those of the highest caliber - like himself - could tease out new secrets from the craft. Discovering greater and greater performances, Illyahr's ambition began to reach higher and further than those of his colleagues. He quickly outstripped their skill with discovery, making dozens of refinements to the craft in the same time that they would produce one. And eventually he asked, "What is the perfect chord?"

That day marked a dramatic change in the master bard. He closed himself off from the outside world, secluding himself with his instruments and notes, and sought to find the resonant frequency of the universe, from which all other sound is born. His friends would stop and listen by his tower, as soul-wrenchingly beautiful notes poured out of his window, only to be paused halfway through with cursing and cries of, "No, no, that's the wrong sound entirely!" Years passed, and eventually the school fell into disrepair and the others left to found their own places of learning or accept great positions of acclaim throughout the lands.

Illyahr began to be known as a crazy hermit rather than a brilliant teacher, and in a fashion similar to his reputation his mind began to degrade as well. His passion turned to obsession, and he would forgo food or water for days when tuning a new chord. Nearing the end of his life, his body emaciated and weak, he had a sudden flash of inspiration. He returned his fingers to the strings one final time, readied his hands, and struck his last chord. And everything trembled at its majesty and perfection. The chord rolled over the land, and all other noise ceased and every person turned to face the direction of its origin, knowing that Illyahr had succeeded. The beauty and relief flooding the aged bard was too much for his old heart to handle, and he died happy on the spot. It was a shame, really, then that in his death one finger twitched and an imperfection was added to the sublime chord. Ah, but mortals can only withstand so much...

That one flaw corrupted the Perfect Chord, and in its corruption it called upon the energies of the Far Realms. The broken note took the form of a massive incorporeal swarm, repeating its flawed notes over and over in attempt to return to perfection, instead falling further and further into dissonance and degradation. Named for its creator, Illius now seeks to have its discordant chords played and voiced throughout the multiverse, to corrupt it and become its new resonant frequency.


Illius seeks to cripple and bend the universe to match its own twisted self.

Echoes of Corruption
Living beings begin to voice the Broken Chord, becoming twisted and broken.

Faint:A quiet echo at the base of the skull. Living creatures must make a Will Save (DC 5) every hour or start humming the tune. This does not impede talking or spellcasting, and lasts until the save is made. Living creatures must make an additional Will Save (DC 2) each day or suffer a -1 morale penalty on all rolls due to the distracting background noise.

Moderate: The echo crescendos. The Save DC to avoid humming increases to 10, and while humming spellcasters must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast a spell with a Somatic component. The Save DC against the morale penalty increases to 5 and the penalty increased to -2.

Strong: The chord reverberates. The humming changes to singing, and the Save DC to avoid it increases to 15. While singing the Broken Chord, attempting to talk requires a DC 15 Concentration check or everything comes out as the Chord. While singing, the Concentration check DC to cast spells with somatic components increases to 25. If a living creature fails every Will Save against singing in a single day, it gains the Aberration Subtype until it makes every Will Save against singing in a single day. They are still treated as though they had their originla type and subtype. Those with the Aberration subtype automatically fail the saves against the morale penalties. The Save DC against the morale penalty increases to 12 and the penalty increases to -3.

Overwhelming: The chord resounds. The singing changes to shouting, and the Save DC to avoid it increases .to 20. While shouting the Broken Chord, attempting to talk requires a DC 20 Concentration check or everything comes out as the Chord. While shouting, the Concentration check DC to cast spells with somatic components increases to 35. Aberrations who fail their every save against shouting for an entire day go Insane. The Save DC against the moral penalty increases to 15 and the morale penalty increases to -4.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Illius has Cosmic Dissonance.

Cosmic Dissonance: Any living creature with the within the range of this Malefic Property is ripped apart by the discordant noise. Such a creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 Illius' HD + Illius' Charisma modifier) or become Confused by the maddening noise. A creature that saves against this effect is immune to the dissonance for the next hour. A Confused creature instead becomes Insane. An Insane creature dies.

Any creature within range of this Malefic Property must save against this ability every 10 rounds. If they successfully save against it, you are immune to the effect for the next 10 minutes but do not remove any lesser effects inflicted by this effect.

Illius still believes itself to be the Perfect Chord, and will attempt to reach out first to the minds of the greatest Bards to share itself with them when its Faint sign manifests. Illius will manifest itself on the Ethereal Plane when its Strong Sign appears, and it will generally move towards the largest population centers of a region. It does not concern itself with strategy, and is largely unthinking in its pursuit of its goals.

Holy crap, this is awesome!! :smallbiggrin:

2015-05-20, 04:39 PM


I actually had a character who wouldn't entirely mind this, despite being an elf. He was also a level 25 tristalt, so it wouldn't even bother him that much if he ever needed to get food or such. He was a mage fluffed around crystals and was completely awesome to build.

2015-05-20, 04:47 PM

I, thealtruistorc (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416030-GitP-Regulars-as-Elder-Evils!&p=19282736#post19282736), grant my official permission to be transformed into an Elder Evil. I foresee strange things in my future.

2015-05-20, 05:01 PM
Since I missed it the first go-round, I, Leliel, am perma-granting permission. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19282772&postcount=235)

Again, my screen name comes from the angel of nightfall and means "Jaw of God" in Hebrew.

2015-05-20, 05:15 PM
So I think from now on if a baernaloth is suspected of doing something, I'm going to have to add "possibly Red Fel".

I actually had a character who wouldn't entirely mind this, despite being an elf. He was also a level 25 tristalt, so it wouldn't even bother him that much if he ever needed to get food or such. He was a mage fluffed around crystals and was completely awesome to build.

Well yes high level adventurers can shrug it off. Evil ones might even agree in exchange for a place of power in the new world order. But most people are going to care that 99.9999% of their species will starve to death. Not every elder evil has to literally unmake creation :smalltongue:

I, Masterkerfuffle give permission.

I'm going to skip this one because I'd just make you Skeletor. Just Skeletor.

Since I missed it the first go-round, I, Leliel, am perma-granting permission. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19282772&postcount=235)

Again, my screen name comes from the angel of nightfall and means "Jaw of God" in Hebrew.

I'm going to skip this one because I've just watched the season of Supernatural with the Leviathans and it would end badly.

2015-05-20, 05:26 PM
Well yes high level adventurers can shrug it off. Evil ones might even agree in exchange for a place of power in the new world order. But most people are going to care that 99.9999% of their species will starve to death. Not every elder evil has to literally unmake creation :smalltongue:
I meant he'd be fine with the world turning into crystals, not everyone dying. He'd probably just start making Demiplanes and moving people (important to him, at least, he's TN with CG tendencies) into them.

2015-05-21, 01:05 AM
Holy crap, this is awesome!! :smallbiggrin:

Glad you like it! I play a high level bard in a LARP, and love music, so when I saw the request I just had to do it. :D

2015-05-21, 04:11 AM

2015-05-21, 04:31 AM
The thread originally made because some of us wanted to talk about anime, but is essentially the digital manifestation of derailment? That's here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?406778-Snowbluff-and-Co-on-Anime).

2015-05-21, 06:21 AM
Now that we are off topic for a moment, what's a Jr. Tormlet and what do I do?

On topic: Consider me for permapermission as well (retrocatively for any form of translation into deity, elder evil, feat or what have you). I like attention and I welcome any and all attempts to give it to me. :smallbiggrin::smallcool::smallamused:

2015-05-21, 06:46 AM
Please understand that permapermission works on a "does Snowbluff remember who is on this list?" basis. :p

2015-05-21, 06:53 AM

2015-05-21, 09:09 AM
Now that we are off topic for a moment, what's a Jr. Tormlet and what do I do?
I would say "uphold justice in the forums", but that's a mod's job. So I'll go with, "As an ordained Jr. Tormlet you must keep the following tenets: be an active member of the community, be friendly/helpful to those in need, and give your best in all that you do!

The Paladin has spoken! <insert strange wiggly music with occasional thunder crashes>

Please understand that permapermission works on a "does Snowbluff remember who is on this list?" basis. :p
Agreed here. I'm pretty much incapable of remembering to perma-permission Threadnaught even...

2015-05-21, 09:51 AM
For Psybomb (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19273526&postcount=14)

Psybomb the Mindblighter

The Far Realm is a place known to be full of wild, untamed madness. It is a place utterly inimical to life in our universe, and it tears apart souls as easily as one might tear apart a sheet of parchment. Deep within the Far Realm there lies a... consciousness, this consciousness is perfectly and fully aware of every other mind in the universe. It perceives their loneliness, their separation from each other, and it feels the echoes of their pain across the multiverse. And it only wishes to help.


The mindblighter seeks to dominate all individual thought and bring all sentient beings under its control. It spreads through minds like a virus, infecting entire planes and eventually drawing the psychic energy of life out of their fragile bodies to join in its ever growing collective.

The Gestalting
People grow more understanding of each other, they form stronger bonds and eventually gain the ability to communicate thoughts with each other, until finally all minds fuze into one being.

Faint: Diplomacy, Linguistics and Sense Motive checks gain a +5 bonus. Creatures can be more easily influenced by communication, each time a diplomacy check is attempted to improve a creatures attitude, there is a 20% chance that the attitude improves by one additional step.
Moderate: All sentient creatures gain tongues as a constant spell like ability. Barriers to communication fall away, and all creatures begin one step friendlier on the diplomacy chart
Strong: All creatures gain telepathy with all other creatures on the plane, forming a collective with each other as the Tactician class ability (except there is no upper limit to the number of creatures that may join the collective). Creatures may resist this effect with a DC 20 Will Save every 24 hours. Any creature that fails this save is confused for 1 hour as the mass of voices of every living creature invades their head all at once, after this they are staggered for 1 day as they adjust to the collective. A creature that joins the collective may attempt a new save every 24 hours to try and leave the collective.
Overwhelming: All creatures in the collective share a complete fusing of the and body, finally forming the Gestalt Entity Psybomb. The save DC to resist joining the collective increases to 30. Creatures that fail this save must succeed on a DC 30 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma Damage each hour they remain part of the collective. Creatures that are reduced to 0 Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma die and their minds fuse with Psybomb the Mindblighter.

Malefic Property:
In addition to the normal malefic property common to all Elder Evils, Psybomb has the Many Minds, One Body Malefic Property.

Many Minds, One Body: Psybomb may call upon the powers of all of its collective minds to perform nearly any ability. It knows all spells, powers, maneuvers and veils, and may use each of these spells, powers, maneuvers or veils once per day as a spell-like ability. Veils shaped by Psybomb are automatically bound to whichever slot the Elder Evil wishes, and are considered to have their maximum amount of essence allowed by Psybomb's HD.

Psybomb the Mindblighter makes liberal use of its many spell and psi like abilities, although it prefers to disable and debilitate rather than kill. Psybomb's goal is not destruction, but subjugation and assimilation, and it believes the loss of life is a waste, so Psybomb will often use its spell like abilities to resurrect dead foes in order to try and bring them into its collective. Psybomb is always willing to try and negotiate or play for time, knowing that eventually it will wear down any opposition.

2015-05-21, 10:50 AM
I'm Game. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19275521&postcount=54)
No longer shall you wait.

The Bladed Lord
The Bladed Lord only wants one thing. War.

Long ago, before the pact primeval, Garagos the lord of war was on the battlefront against the demons. Garagos fought night and day, but the demon's numbers had not thinned.

So Garagos hatched a brilliant plan and under the supervision of Tempus, he created a duplicate of himself. This was the Bladed Lord.

With their combined might, the young god and his double were able to make a significant dent in the demon army. Together, they prospered for many years as brothers in arms.

However, once the battle was over, they were forced to sit idly and Garagos was made the god of war. This made the Bladed Lord angry, who was he if not his "brother's" equal?

This is when the newly appointed lord of Nessus came to him. Offering him power and infinite battles. The Bladed Lord could not resist, he left the plane that he had so long protected and ventured to Baator, where he was always free to do battle with the Abyss.

As years went by, he slowly became tainted and mad. He lived for war and could not be sated without it. In a fit of rage, he challenged Garagos for his seat as the god of war and was defeated, if only by a hair.

The gods banished him to the far reaches of the plane for his treachery. Even more deeply maddened, the Bladed Lord now seeks the creation of war wherever he is present.

The Bladed Lord seeks to create a never ending war.

Battle Lines
Peace is an unreasonable idea.

All will have war! All creatures enjoy a +1 enhancement bonus to both their attack and damage rolls. All creatures suffer a -2 to their caster level when calculating damage.

Let the anger fill your mind! Upon suffering any damage, a creature must make a will save of 10 + the damage they received or enter a rage as a barbarian of their current level would. The enhancement bonus to attack and damage is increased to +2 and the caster penalty is increased to -4.

It will rain blood! All creatures are now compelled to do battle, the leaders of the world must all make a daily save of DC 10 + their charisma modifier + their highest commanding officer's base attack bonus. If they fail, they must issue the command to go to war with the nearest country. The enhancement bonus to attack and damage is increased to +3 and the caster penalty is increased to -6.

War is at hand! Upon taking damage, a creature must now also make a save of 10 + their strength modifier + the damage they took or enter a deathless frenzy equivalent to a 10th level Frenzied Berserker. The enhancement bonus to attack and damage is increased to +4 and the caster penalty is increased to -8.

Malefic Property
In addition to the normal malefic properties common to all Elder Evils, The Bladed Lord also has the Warlord's Command.

Warlord's Command:
Any creature that hears the Bladed Lord speak, must make a will save with a DC of 10 + the Bladed Lord's charisma modifier + 1/2 the Bladed Lord's HD or become obsessed with a goal of world domination at any cost.

The Bladed Lord will not manifest until his strong sign has appeared, at which point the sky will become a dark red and the monsters of the world will become twisted versions of themselves.

Upon the manifestation of the Bladed Lord's overwhelming sign, all monsters begin to seek out the nearest kingdom or largest military establishment and serve as infantry or war mounts for the coming war.

The Bladed Lord is content to watch the world rip itself apart. The armies filled with creatures in a deathless frenzy are more than enough to sate his gullet for war. That is, until they've all died. Then he will begin to seek a new planet to destroy with war. As if his thirst for blood had not been quenched at all.

2015-05-21, 11:17 AM
No longer shall you wait.

The Bladed Lord

Yup. That's me. Tack on a bit of fluff about being made out of swords like Emiya Shirou and it's perfect.:smallbiggrin:

2015-05-21, 11:25 AM
Yup. That's me.
I am pleased that you like it.

Tack on a bit of fluff about being made out of swords like Emiya Shirou and it's perfect.:smallbiggrin:
Does this count?

2015-05-21, 11:27 AM
A lot of great elder evils thus far. I'd make a few for people, but brewing EEs is a weakness of mine.

Seeing these though, makes me glad Im not updating the Elder Evil Epigone though. Too much work with more and more EEs being created. Though maybe a Pathfinder Update eventually? I'll think about it.

2015-05-21, 11:29 AM
I am pleased that you like it.

Does this count?

That's a pretty cool pic, but still not enough choppa. It's like Dakka, but with swords.