View Full Version : Overland Flight (spoiler)

2007-04-20, 07:50 PM
I looked up the description of Overland Flight in PHB 3.5, and apparently it lasts for one hour per caster level. Xykon says that he cast it on himself in the morning. Seeing as lichs don't need sleep, that could mean anywhere from midnight to 11, is my guess. I'm also guessing that the battle is sometime in the late afternoon, probably 4 or so, although it could be later if there is DST in that world. What I'm trying to say is that, depending on Xykon's level, there is a possibility that it will fail on him.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-20, 07:50 PM
i really don't think so, its another plot power

2007-04-20, 07:51 PM
umm... around 8p.m. to midnight... sorry...

2007-04-20, 07:53 PM
Xykon's at least in the 17-20 caster level range. Overland Flight's not about to die on him anytime soon. And, as airheaded as he is, I'm sure he knows better than to hang around in the air if a spell is about to end.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-20, 07:54 PM
and not to fuel this thread any more then i have but its not 8 or 12....even if that was sarcasm its not funny

2007-04-20, 09:06 PM
I looked up the description of Overland Flight in PHB 3.5, and apparently it lasts for one hour per caster level. Xykon says that he cast it on himself in the morning. Seeing as lichs don't need sleep, that could mean anywhere from midnight to 11, is my guess. I'm also guessing that the battle is sometime in the late afternoon, probably 4 or so, although it could be later if there is DST in that world. What I'm trying to say is that, depending on Xykon's level, there is a possibility that it will fail on him.

"This morning" implies "before the battle." "Midnight-to-eleven" would be a really silly time to cast it. Besides, Xykon's probably around level 20 (if his claim of 7-8 levels above Roy is true), so even if he did cast the spell at midnight that morning, it wouldn't wear off until 8 PM.

2007-04-20, 09:14 PM
But this IS a comic where about anything can happy for the cause of comedy.Like the sorcerer fruit pie, or a flying god of pickles(hope that happens some time =D)So really It might run out while whenever Roy survives(we all know hes going to survive)And he starts cursing.Or Chuck Norris will fly from the heavens and cast Dispel!Ya know what, go with my first guess.

2007-04-20, 09:16 PM
But this IS a comic where about anything can happy for the cause of comedy.Like the sorcerer fruit pie, or a flying god of pickles(hope that happens some time =D)So really It might run out while whenever Roy survives(we all know hes going to survive)And he starts cursing.Or Chuck Norris will fly from the heavens and cast Dispel!Ya know what, go with my first guess.

At first, I was gonna respond with something negative, but then I remembered the "DRAGON HEAD FROM ABOVE!!!!" and realized you're right. :smalltongue:

2007-04-20, 09:51 PM
Scatman always right foal.ALWAYS!
I also have another theory.V could possibly cast dispel, make Xykon fly from the heavens, dieing.(hes got d4 hp, hes most likely gonna EXPLODE!)He could have been ignorant enough to cast it 19 and 50 miniutes before this comic took place, leaving him in a tricky spot.We all know Xykon is going to be destroyed AGAIN.Then put in his soul hidey place again.the end.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-20, 09:53 PM
No, Xykon has d12 hp....becuase he is undead...sorry...

2007-04-20, 10:06 PM
Class and Level Geekery (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4912\)

Here lies all the hints about Xykon. He is speculated to be Level 18.

This gives him 18D12 = 127HP average (more if the first HD is max).

It also gives his Overland flight 18 hours duration. If cast in the morning, it will easily last until well into the night. And as a Level 5 spell, and given Xykon is a Sorcerer, he can easily afford to expend 2 castings each day to ensure that it is constantly maintained.

2007-04-20, 10:08 PM
Scatman always right foal.ALWAYS!
I also have another theory.V could possibly cast dispel, make Xykon fly from the heavens, dieing.(hes got d4 hp, hes most likely gonna EXPLODE!)He could have been ignorant enough to cast it 19 and 50 miniutes before this comic took place, leaving him in a tricky spot.We all know Xykon is going to be destroyed AGAIN.Then put in his soul hidey place again.the end.

A) Xykon has d12 HP, thanks to his lichdom.
B) He's way outta range of V's Dispel
C) He's a Sorceror. If it gets dispelled, he can just cast it again.
D) He's a twentieth-level Lich. The fall alone will not suffice to kill him.
E) XYKON SHALL CONSUME YOUR SOUL! That's not really an argument against you, but it's still true.

2007-04-20, 10:20 PM
E) XYKON SHALL CONSUME YOUR SOUL! That's not really an argument against you, but it's still true.

He just wants to play Yahtzee and watch some TeeVo. :smallwink:

2007-04-20, 10:20 PM
1. forgot t ad the lichiness
2.Laws of comedy
3 laws of comedy
4.laws of comedy
5.Xykon aint got nuffin on da scatman.

2007-04-20, 10:23 PM
1. forgot t ad the lichiness
2.Laws of comedy
3 laws of comedy
4.laws of comedy
5.Xykon aint got nuffin on da scatman.

The laws of comedy aren't an Instant Win thing. This comic is based on DnD. The giant might poke and prod the rules a bit, but he's not gonna completely throw them out the window just because someone says so.

2007-04-20, 10:24 PM
B) He's way outta range of V's Dispel

Even if X moves into range of V or Durkon, Dispel caps out at 1D20+10 vs. DC 11+CL. X is CL 18, so they would have to roll 19 or 20 to dispel the effect. V has to be tapped out on SL6's, so even if V had access to Greate Dispel, V lacks the spells to cast it.

D) He's a twentieth-level Lich. The fall alone will not suffice to kill him.

18th, actually. Check the Class and Level Geekery thread for the reasons for that.

2007-04-20, 10:30 PM
The laws of comedy aren't an Instant Win thing. This comic is based on DnD. The giant might poke and prod the rules a bit, but he's not gonna completely throw them out the window just because someone says so.
Case ya didnt notice, alot of things happen for the purpose of comedy.Yeah, Im off on acuaracy by whatever level or something, but thats just my guess on whats gonna happen.Hell you cant really predict and be right with this stuf most of the time.
"Oh look, its my twentieth roll of this die!Im gonna get a 20 this time!"
*rolls a one*
Heh just wanted to put that there.Happened to me =D
P.S. Im not talking about a class level.

2007-04-20, 10:31 PM
Even if X moves into range of V or Durkon, Dispel caps out at 1D20+10 vs. DC 11+CL. X is CL 18, so they would have to roll 19 or 20 to dispel the effect. V has to be tapped out on SL6's, so even if V had access to Greate Dispel, V lacks the spells to cast it.

18th, actually. Check the Class and Level Geekery thread for the reasons for that.
recent statements have made it safe to assume lvl. 20

2007-04-20, 10:34 PM
Case ya didnt notice, alot of things happen for the purpose of comedy.Yeah, Im off on acuaracy by whatever level or something, but thats just my guess on whats gonna happen.Hell you cant really predict and be right with this stuf most of the time.
"Oh look, its my twentieth roll of this die!Im gonna get a 20 this time!"
*rolls a one*
Heh just wanted to put that there.Happened to me =D
P.S. Im not talking about a class level.

A lot of possible, but unlikely, things happen for the sake of comedy. V somehow getting cosmic arcane power and dispelling Xykon from half a mile away would be too ridiculous to even be funny.

2007-04-20, 10:46 PM
Ridiculous enough to actually be put in this comic =)

2007-04-20, 10:51 PM
This is OotS, not White Ninja.

2007-04-20, 10:57 PM
Never heard of it.

2007-04-20, 10:58 PM
naaaa, he's too awsome for that to happen

2007-04-20, 11:24 PM
recent statements have made it safe to assume lvl. 20

Then point them out in the Class and Level Geekery thread. That's where everyone is trying to figure all that out.

The Extinguisher
2007-04-21, 12:01 AM
He's an 18th level sorcerer, but IIRC, but being a lich means he's level 20.

I think.

2007-04-21, 12:39 AM
Challenge Rating (CR) and Caster Level (CL) are two entirely different things. CR is, for hte most part, only a useful tool for the DM. It is only an indication of what level party might find the creature a good challenge, and even then, it's just a guideline, not a law. The Lich Template does raise the creature's challenge rating.

Caster level determines the effect of the creature's spells. The Lich template does not raise caster level.

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-04-21, 12:45 AM
18th, actually. Check the Class and Level Geekery thread for the reasons for that.
According to his entry on page one, he's level 18 or above. The fact that he can cast 9th level spells means he is at least level 18. The only three ways we can say he is exactly 18th level:
See him cast exactly three level 9 spells in a context where we know he has not used any other level 9 slots earlier that day only to have him say, "Oops, I'm outta level 9 slots."
A similar statement to the above: "Hey, I only know one 9th level spell, so better be a... meteor storm!"
Xykon suddenly gets a familiar which we can confirm to have only a 14 Intelligence and +9 natural armor compared to its normal armor
To the best of my knowledge, none of the above have happened.

He's an 18th level sorcerer, but IIRC, but being a lich means he's level 20.
It means he's CR 20. Which has very little to do with his levels. He still has only 18 Hit Dice, which are his character levels. More importantly, he still has only 18 Levels in Sorcerer. Therefore he is an 18th level sorcerer.

Of course, that assumes he is indeed only level 18. He could potentially be higher.

(P.S. You might want to do something about the double post...)

2007-04-21, 01:01 AM
It's my opinion that the ritual he talked about that would give him control or whatever of the Snarl's power is an epic level spell he researched, which would put him at around 21. At least that's the only explanation I can think of that fits within the rules, and since he can control undead without cleric levels that may not be the case.

2007-04-21, 01:15 AM
According to his entry on page one, he's level 18 or above. The fact that he can cast 9th level spells means he is at least level 18. The only three ways we can say he is exactly 18th level:

1. See him cast exactly three level 9 spells in a context where we know he has not used any other level 9 slots earlier that day only to have him say, "Oops, I'm outta level 9 slots."
2. A similar statement to the above: "Hey, I only know one 9th level spell, so better be a... meteor storm!"
3. Xykon suddenly gets a familiar which we can confirm to have only a 14 Intelligence and +9 natural armor compared to its normal armor

To the best of my knowledge, none of the above have happened.

373 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0373.html)

Duration is "a day and a half, give or take a few hours". 2 hours/level for Forcecage. 36 hours is L18. If it was 40 hours, he'd have said "a little more than a day and a half".

Anyway, I'm not going to argue it. There is plenty of that in the Class and Level thread.

2007-04-21, 01:40 AM
No Kreistor, I'm pretty sure Xykon knows the exact duration of his spells. He said give or take to keep his exact level uncertain. Also, I believe 40 is only four about 36, which is still a few, give or take.

2007-04-21, 01:44 AM
But if you're basing your assessment of levels on tiny details in what Xykon has said, the fact he said in the latest comic that he's at least seven levels higher than Roy means he has to be level 20. I would be more inclined to go with an explicit statement of level by the character than some obscure thing based on spell durations, especially since I would personally probably say "about a day and a half" in the situation you specify. (We also don't know for sure that "Xykon's Moderately-Escapable Force Cage" has exactly the same duration as the vanilla model).

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-04-22, 07:36 AM
...since he can control undead without cleric levels that may not be the case.
Animate dead (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsAtoB.html#animate-dead) gives you control over the undead you animate. Other undead can be taken care of through command undead (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/spellsC.html#command-undead).

And then, throw in the fact that Xykon might not be a cleric himself, but he has a cleric minion that is in control of a number of hobgoblin clerics, you can see he can command a lot of undead just by commanding the right cleric and letting the order ripple through.


Though, now that I've realized the above, I just realized Redcloak zombified the dragon, so there's no way Xykon could have mental control over it...

So there's something else in the mix I may be missing.

373 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0373.html)

Duration is "a day and a half, give or take a few hours". 2 hours/level for Forcecage. 36 hours is L18. If it was 40 hours, he'd have said "a little more than a day and a half".
He said give or take. 38 hour == "a day and a half, give a few hours." And I think 4 hours counts as a few, so 40 hours is still within the limit.

In any case, Xykon isn't exactly a reliable sourse for any sort of precision statement. Even a statement about himself. He's too sloppy. He doesn't care about details like whether his spell lasts 36 or 38 hours. He can't even be bothered to remember who was responsible for costing him his last gate, and that's hardly a minor detail. When Xykon talks figures, you can count on them being a ballpark estimate at best.

But if you're basing your assessment of levels on tiny details in what Xykon has said, the fact he said in the latest comic that he's at least seven levels higher than Roy means he has to be level 20.
Even then—how does Xykon know Roy's level? Once again, he's just making a sloppy estimate so he can trash-talk the guy with the sword.

I would be more inclined to go with an explicit statement of level by the character than some obscure thing based on spell durations, especially since I would personally probably say "about a day and a half" in the situation you specify.
Yeah. 40 hours is closer to a day and a half than it is to a full two days, which, given Xykons disregard for the details would be the next step in precision for him. He wouldn't bother with "a little more than a day and a half."

(We also don't know for sure that "Xykon's Moderately-Escapable Force Cage" has exactly the same duration as the vanilla model).
This is the most important detail to remember when drawing conclusions based upon that spell. It's a spell about which we know very few details. The only source we have as to the spell's duration is unreliable even when he has no motivation to lie about the details. And, in this case, he had motivation. He wanted Miko to think he was serious about holding her there for a long time.

In short, we really can't draw any conclusions based upon that statement about that spell.

2007-04-22, 12:08 PM
i'm sure xykon has a bunch of time left. now someone needs to dispel that flight and watch Xykon take the plunge.

2007-04-22, 01:08 PM
i'm sure xykon has a bunch of time left. now someone needs to dispel that flight and watch Xykon take the plunge.

Varsaavius can't dispel 150 feet away. Additionally, making the dispel check will be problematic at best, even if V could get up there. And how likely is V to have a (Greater) Dispel prepared, anyway?

2007-04-22, 01:11 PM
Varsaavius can't dispel 150 feet away. Additionally, making the dispel check will be problematic at best, even if V could get up there. And how likely is V to have a (Greater) Dispel prepared, anyway?

Your right V can dispell from 230 feet away

2007-04-22, 01:53 PM
Your right V can dispell from 230 feet away

Right. My bad.

Regardless, she's still got to make the dispel DC, which is...

...irrelevant. The Giant doesn't roll dice. Nor is he likely paying much attention to the exact height of Xykon's flight. But the real question is this:

Wouldn't it seem extremely anticlimactic for Xykon to just fall out of the sky right now?

2007-04-22, 02:09 PM
Right. My bad.

Regardless, she's still got to make the dispel DC, which is...

...irrelevant. The Giant doesn't roll dice. Nor is he likely paying much attention to the exact height of Xykon's flight. But the real question is this:

Wouldn't it seem extremely anticlimactic for Xykon to just fall out of the sky right now?

no it would be perfectly climactic end for a spell battle between V and Xykon... and random pot shot would be anticlimactic but thats not likely to happen...

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-04-22, 04:02 PM
Anyone who's seen enough movies knows it's not a climax unless the villain falls to his or her death. :smallwink:

Of course, given the relative lack of damage Xykon has taken, it's likely he'd survive anyway. He'd be very badly hurt, but he'd still be in fighting form. And remember, he's immune to Massive Damage! :smallbiggrin:

2007-04-22, 04:29 PM
no it would be perfectly climactic end for a spell battle between V and Xykon... and random pot shot would be anticlimactic but thats not likely to happen...
That'd probably end in V's death. So hopefully it doesn't happen, I like him.

2007-04-22, 04:30 PM
That'd probably end in V's death. So hopefully it doesn't happen, I like him.

I hope it happens. I dislike him/her. :smallsmile:

2007-04-22, 06:28 PM
well they OOTS will always triupmh in the end.

2007-04-22, 07:08 PM
But up until then, they will always fail. Except on side quests.

2007-04-22, 07:39 PM
Anyone who's seen enough movies knows it's not a climax unless the villain falls to his or her death. :smallwink:

Of course, given the relative lack of damage Xykon has taken, it's likely he'd survive anyway. He'd be very badly hurt, but he'd still be in fighting form. And remember, he's immune to Massive Damage! :smallbiggrin:

Given the beating that a power-attack character can dish out, and that Roy has been hitting him for couple rounds, Xykon is probably starting to feel the damage. That's not to say he's seriously hurting, just that he's definitely starting to feel the damage.

Merlin the Tuna
2007-04-22, 08:38 PM
Even getting dispelled wouldn't necessarily hurt Xykon.
Should the spell duration expire while the subject is still aloft, the magic fails slowly. The subject floats downward 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance, taking 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of fall. Since dispelling a spell effectively ends it, the subject also descends in this way if the fly spell is dispelled, but not if it is negated by an antimagic field.

2007-04-22, 08:40 PM
Even getting dispelled wouldn't necessarily hurt Xykon.

SO... how do we cast anti-magic on Xykon... hmm...

Shhalahr Windrider
2007-04-22, 09:50 PM
Even getting dispelled wouldn't necessarily hurt Xykon.
Oh yeah. Forgot about that. I don't believe that Xykon is currently flying more than 200 or so feet above the ground. Assuming that is correct, even a pitiful 1 on the duration roll for the feather fall effect would keep him from hitting terminal velocity damage.

2007-04-22, 10:13 PM
Oh yeah. Forgot about that. I don't believe that Xykon is currently flying more than 200 or so feet above the ground. Assuming that is correct, even a pitiful 1 on the duration roll for the feather fall effect would keep him from hitting terminal velocity damage.

Not to mention give him enough time to renew the effect.