View Full Version : 3rd Ed No such thing as immunity, and some other stuff [RULES VARIANT]

2015-05-19, 09:18 AM
Preface: I know this probably buffs casters who didn't need it in the first place.
Note: I liked how nothing had immunity in diablo 3 (except some bosses occasionally (I'd have removed even that))

New rules:

Every spell (and psionic power) can be converted into 1d6 damage per caster level (or the number of power points spent on it/you can spend up to your ML in power points on a power even if you couldn't normally do so). This does damage of one of the 5 energy types (chosen when preparing spells/regaining resources) to a single target within medium range (100 ft + 10/CL or ML). Metamagic/psionic feats can be applied. Abilities that are not extraordinary and have no CL or ML instead use your HD and can be converted as half damage (1d6/2 HD) to a single target as though it were a spell (the energy type is chosen when preparation occurs, but if no preparation is necessary it is chosen once per day). This channeling can either allow a reflex save or use a touch attack as you choose.

There is no such thing as immunity.
>Damage reduction reduces damage by half up to the amount of damage reduction. This means DR 10 against an attack that does 8 damage will reduce the damage to 4. DR 10 against an attack that does 12 damage will reduce the damage to 7 (12 - (10/2)).
>Energy resistance/immunity functions the same way. Immunity is merely uncapped.
>Evasion reduces damage by half again (1/4) where it applies.
>Immunity to mind affecting and things that don't normally deal damage instead converts the spell/power/attack form into a damaging version as described above. Immunity to those things that would deal damage such as mind thrust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/mindThrust.htm) merely halves the damage. In the case of "negates" saves such as with mind thrust, the effect is halved. In the case of "negates" saves with non-damaging effects, the effect becomes damaging but is half as effective (and may be reduced further depending on things like energy immunity).
>An ooze's outright immunity to damage instead halves the damage but still causes splitting.

Split (Ex)

Slashing and piercing weapons deal no damage to a black pudding. Instead the creature splits into two identical puddings, each with half of the original’s current hit points (round down). A pudding with 10 hit points or less cannot be further split and dies if reduced to 0 hit points.
>Regeneration turns half the damage into nonlethal damage and heals that damage at the rate described. The tarrasque's regeneration does not prevent it's death. If it bleeds, you can kill it.
>Incorporeal creatures take 50% damage from mundane sources, a 50% chance to halve damage from magical sources, and take full damage from things like force effects.
>Poison against things immune to it instead deals damage based on the HD of it's user (and 50% at that). Poison can be used in this fashion by default if desired. This case is 1d6/2 HD rates.
>Magic/psionic/w.e items can channel their power into a damaging effect depending on the CL/ML/w.e of the item. This expends charges in the case of non-continuous use items. The type of damage is chosen by the creator of the item at the time of it's creation. Items that use a spell can be converted at 1d6/CL rates, others do so at 1d6/2 CL rates.

Antimagic reduces effectiveness of supernatural abilities, spell like abilties, psi like abilities, spells, powers, and so on that it would normally block by 50%. In the case of non damaging effects, such effects are changed to damaging as per above.

Now, I'm sure everything will need more hit points as a result of these changes. I'm thinking either 2x or 1.5x HP. Could be less, could be more... not sure.

(Might need some buffs on searing spell and co, some addendums to magic weapons...)

I can only imagine the problems this will have with efreeti bathing in active volcanoes or the City of brass... maybe gonna have to tone down the effects of positive and negative energy planes (maybe a penalty on checks/healing and heal undead/living?)
