View Full Version : Looking for a certain character sheet [Pathfinder]

2015-05-19, 11:38 AM
Hey I'm looking for a Pathfinder character sheet pdf that allows attack and feat modifiers.

I'm in a group as a Zen archer and I have a grocery list of things to check and use whenever I attack..


Did I fire multiple shots? -2
Am I within 30ft? +1 to and +1 DMG
Do I want to use reckless shot? +2 to hit -1 to my AC
Am I using my special ammo? -2 to hit but an extra D6 of DMG at the start of my next turn (slow burn)

Do I want to take -1 to hit to gain an additional +2 DMG

King of Casuals
2015-05-20, 02:26 PM
Try Mythweavers:
Their Pathfinder sheets are really good, save a lot of time and effort.

2015-05-20, 07:25 PM

This charsheet is pretty good, Fighter (Ranged)