View Full Version : Halo vs BSG

2015-05-19, 05:38 PM
As my last attempt at a versus thread went horribly wrong, I thought long and hard on a different topic. This is what I came up with.

For BSG: The Re-imagined series take preference, because it has more developed Specs on ships.
For Halo: The Video games are the preferred Source material, but the books may be used also.

So... Begin?

2015-05-19, 07:04 PM
As my last attempt at a versus thread went horribly wrong, I thought long and hard on a different topic. This is what I came up with.

For BSG: The Re-imagined series take preference, because it has more developed Specs on ships.
For Halo: The Video games are the preferred Source material, but the books may be used also.

So... Begin?

The Covenant alone in the Halo base game had energy weapons (plasma, if memory serves) capable of glassing a planet entirely within days. They also numbered vastly above BSG's Humanity and Cylons combined. And that's without even bringing into account the humans, Forerunners, the Flood...
BSG is still a mismatch.

2015-05-20, 07:11 AM
BSG is like bottom of the barrel when compared to almost all media sci fi. Their weaponry is really no better than modern day weaponry (bullets, missiles, nukes). They have better transportation (FTL drives) but that's about it. Almost any sci fi universe is going to crush them horribly.

2015-05-20, 07:43 AM
So should the challenge be to find a sci-fi universe that would be a fair fight for BSG ?

2015-05-20, 07:45 AM
Firefly maybe?

2015-05-20, 07:51 AM
As my last attempt at a versus thread went horribly wrong, I thought long and hard on a different topic. This is what I came up with.
Horribly wrong? How so? It seemed to me as though people took it seriously enough and argued sensibly and politely. Or do you mean it turned out to be a bit overwhelmingly in favor of SW when you wanted a more even match?

2015-05-20, 08:37 AM
Horribly wrong? How so? It seemed to me as though people took it seriously enough and argued sensibly and politely. Or do you mean it turned out to be a bit overwhelmingly in favor of SW when you wanted a more even match?

Im guessing it was the lack of an even match. Its just not as much fun to have a versus debate where virtually everyone agrees right away.

2015-05-20, 09:19 AM
BSG is like bottom of the barrel when compared to almost all media sci fi. Their weaponry is really no better than modern day weaponry (bullets, missiles, nukes). They have better transportation (FTL drives) but that's about it. Almost any sci fi universe is going to crush them horribly.

Well said. BSG is just outclassed by just about all other space scifi universes except as thorgrim said Firefly.

To get a good sci vs you need either fairly comparable tech or something from out in left field. Say BSG finds Earth and it's the Ghost in the Shell universe. The Colonial's would absolutely FREAK that AI's were all over the place and that most of the population had cybernetic implants. The Cylons would be in big trouble since cyber warfare is well advanced of BSG's from what I recall. Imagine a Cylon just trying to figure out what a Barrier Maze even was or what happens if you screw up (brain fry!)

2015-05-20, 09:27 AM
So should the challenge be to find a sci-fi universe that would be a fair fight for BSG ?

I struggle to think one, to be honest. Though the Cowboy Bebop universe comes to mind.

I suppose if you're willing to include obscure works, the newly reformed Commonwealth in the Andromeda series might work.

2015-05-20, 09:28 AM
BSG's 12 worlds at it's height might at least stand a chance against some of the weaker Babalon 5 factions. while Babaon 5 earthforce uses energy weapons, it's not because PPGs are as destructive as kinetic weapons (they arnt) but IIRC for logistic reasons.

Of course BSG wouldnt be able to touch the vorlons, shodows, Mimbari, or Rangers, and the Centauri and Narn would be a steeply uphill battle, but Earthforce, the Drazi or any numbe of the non-aligned worlds would be closer to an even match.

2015-05-20, 09:41 AM
Re Rakaydos:
Babylon 5 at with Point of the timeline? I would agree for the early part but once Earth takes the deal with the Shadows and Babylon 5 starts the interstellar alliance (and gets the White Stars) the power level might might be a bit to high for the BSG-verse. So I would say before the Vorlon-Shadow War stops being cold it is a fair fight for the BSG-guys (against weaker B5 factions) but afterwards the powerlevel shifts in favor for the Babylon 5 side.

2015-05-20, 09:59 AM
Could a Battlestar take on a Goa'uld mothership from the beginning of the series? The later ones are pretty crazy, but early on the sheer stupidity of the snakes keeps them from using their tech to it's full potential.

2015-05-20, 10:16 AM
Could a Battlestar take on a Goa'uld mothership from the beginning of the series? The later ones are pretty crazy, but early on the sheer stupidity of the snakes keeps them from using their tech to it's full potential.

I'm not sure, but maybe one of the dumber or/and weaker Goa'uld would lose to them. If they are smart about it the BSG-verse could even take on some of the System-Lords. But they would need a lot of luck in addition to a good tactic. And at least two of Aphopis ships had shields that could withstand nukes.

2015-05-20, 03:38 PM
The problem with Galactica is it's lack of shields. A goa'uld mothership would tear it to pieces if it tried to launch an attack. At best it would be a tie if the mothership didn't have shields for some reason and it got taken out by a nuke. But regular nukes generally just impact the shields and do nothing as was seen in the Season 1 (or 2 maybe) cliffhanger at the end of the season.

I hadn't thought of Firefly and I agree it might be an ok match for Galactica. During that huge fight in Serenity the weapons level of the two series definitely seems comparable. There's a large lack of source material for the destructive capabilities of the large capital ships in the Firefly universe unfortunately. That one fight scene from the movie is probably the best combat indication you'd get.

2015-05-20, 03:49 PM
I'm not sure, but maybe one of the dumber or/and weaker Goa'uld would lose to them. If they are smart about it the BSG-verse could even take on some of the System-Lords. But they would need a lot of luck in addition to a good tactic. And at least two of Aphopis ships had shields that could withstand nukes.

The real problem with surviving nukes is the shields. They blew up the ships by placing nukes INSIDE the ship iirc. Firing a nuke at a shielded vessel would be like the movie Independence Day. Not very effective unless you get inside the big ship and THEN detonate.

2015-05-20, 04:06 PM
The real problem with surviving nukes is the shields. They blew up the ships by placing nukes INSIDE the ship iirc. Firing a nuke at a shielded vessel would be like the movie Independence Day. Not very effective unless you get inside the big ship and THEN detonate.

They blew up some ships by getting the nukes inside the shields/ aboard the ship, but in the incident I meant Jack threw a few handgrenades into an reactorshaft after Bra’tak wanted to walk through the entire ship to do basically the same thing.

But none of the options the SGC used is available to the Twelve Colonys so unless the Goa’uld has an truly terminal case of stupidy and arrogance (yes I know Goa’uld but I mean worse than usual) they wouldn't stand a chance. Well thats not entirely true there is one option they could use: hijacking an Goa’uld fighter.

2015-05-21, 09:54 AM
The technology of Battlestar Galactica always seemed a bit rubbish to me, they also seem to be hamstrung by crew which sabotage the ship's efforts to get anything done, and that isn't even bringing up the Cylon agents.
The Cylons are also pretty terrible in a combat situation, missing in most combat situations that they are in. The Human form Cylon's are almost too good at simulating human brains in how awful certain models are at decision making.

2015-05-21, 11:02 AM
I dunno. The tech on Aliens might be an even match. Since they do have at least police actions (vis, "stand up fight or bug hunt") they probably also have some sort of armed space ships. But a better fight would be Xenomorphs vs the colonists and Cylons. Maybe even throw in the Predators too.

2015-05-26, 09:43 AM
For a much better match, go over to my Imperium and Empire vs Forerunners match.