View Full Version : DM Help Help with homebrew gods and domains

2015-05-20, 05:09 AM
Hi all

I created a world, built a pantheon, constructed 1000 years of lore and sent out character creation sheets to my players. Everything went great.

Until one of them emailed me and said "Hi, I want to play a cleric, which domains go with which gods." Ill be honest, I have never played a cleric, I couldnt get through all their information in the PHB, and I sort of forgot domains were a thing.

I have 9 gods, one for each alignment.

My gut feeling is to say "If it fits with alignment and theme of the god, you can have it" but I wanted the forums opinion on the matter.

So 9 gods,


How do I split up the THOUSANDS of domains between them? Each god also has a bit of lore which I will post in the spoilers below if that helps.

Credhne (CRAY-nya), LG:-
The youngest of three brothers, he is the strongest and his mastery of metalworking places him in high demand in Tír na nÓg, the godly plane of existence. Unyielding and trustworthy as the materials he works, his visage is often found in smithies. He is favoured by righteous paladins for his unwavering loyalty to his queen and brothers.
Luchta (LOOKED-ah), NG:-
As the oldest brother, Luchta brings with him the feeling of an ancient time. A craftsman of all things wooden, you would be unwise to pit even Credhne’s blades against his mystical staffs. His visage is most often seen in the country, though it is not uncommon to find him in fletchers’ and poleturns’ workshops. Despite his knowledge of the properties of wood, Druids scorn him for bending the forests to his will.
Goibhniu (GUV-new), CG:-
The middle brother took slowly to a craft, though he showed talent at both those of his brothers. Instead he preferred to while away his days drinking. It is said he drank Tír na nÓg dry, leading him to create his own brew house. Now his vast selection of ales, ciders and meads form the centre of all celebrations of the Tuatha Dé Dannan. God of brewing, his wild and unpredictable nature is one of good intentions and playful antics (though many curse his name the morning after the night before).
Brighid (BREE-yit), LN:-
The triple goddess and mother, she is the goddess of wisdom and magical learning. First among the Tuatha Dé Danann, she rules over the Fey and the other gods in Tír na nÓg. People worship her above all others, and it is in her name that the highest courts of law are held. She was married to Bres until his betrayal and banishment. Her triple toned voice cannot lie, and holds much power over those beneath her.
Manannan Mac Lir (MAH-nah-non mac LEER), NN:-
Master of the sea, Manannan is capable of both great anger and boundless compassion. He is slow to rise but his patience often gets him the result he requires. Despite this fearsome reputation, he is said to be kindly, and aware of his terrifying temper, will seek conflict resolution within the petty squabbles of the Tuatha Dé Dannan. He is also a maker of fine wines, the sender of warm summer breezes, and master of all sea creatures and water fey. Few do wrong by praying at his shrines.
Aenghus Óg (AN-gus OHG), CN:-
God of love, it is said his kisses turn into birds that carry messages between lovers. He is, however, a trickster, a cheat and a liar. His influences are just as likely to start a war as they are to forge a marriage. His impassioned speeches in favour of unlikely fey unions led to more than one incident of bloodshed, which he seemed to greatly enjoy. Few in Tír na nÓg now trust him and, as he turns his attention to the mortal realm, people would be wise to follow their example.
Flidais (FLIH-dish), LE:-
The huntress and mistress of stealth, her worships is banned due to her attraction to thieves, spies and assassins. Stories tell of her turning hunters into hares and foxes for unknowingly killing one of her favourite creatures, laughing as her spectral hounds chase the poor creature to exhaustion and tear them apart. Like all the gods, she has a shrine in the great temples but it remains devoid of offerings. Still, a hunter could do worse things than leave a portion of his kill to her, or whisper silent thanks for allowing him to leave the forest same shape he entered. Her powers to turn invisible mean she could be standing right behind you the entire time.
The Morrigan, NE:-
Goddess of death, war and magic. Muttered whispers in quiet cloisters say even Brighid’s magic cannot best the Morrigan, and it is only by her leave that the mother is queen at all. She cares not for which side wins, so long as she has souls to reap and corpses on which to feed. Prayers to her are just as likely to bring her unwanted attention as they are to bring death to your enemies. Aside from the great temples, her visage is only seen above crypts or in barrows, in an attempt to appease her into letting the dead stay that way. Necromancers favour her, be their intentions good or evil, and all are dealt with harshly. Few others worship her, though many will mutter her name or make a sign to ward off evil should they spot birds feasting on a corpse. Her ability to turn into one or several crows led to the popular old rhyme, roughly translated into common as: One for Sorrow, Two for Mirth, Three for a Death, Four for a Birth, Five for Heaven, Six for Hell, Seven for the Morrigan, her own self.
Bres, CN:-
Originally the god of fertility and husband of Brighid, he sought to kill her to claim the throne for himself and his fey lover. His plan failed and he was banished, though to where it is unknown. Now farmers pray to Brighid to keep his blights at bay, rather than to him for a bountiful harvest. Another alter that stands empty.

2015-05-20, 11:51 AM
I certainly wouldn't split up THOUSANDS of domains to these, because ain't nobody got time for that.

I'd put first the srd domains and if something was really major (like, putting sea domain to the sea god) I'd consider.

With the little I know about your setting, I'd put up something like this:

Fire, Good, law, strength, sun (maybe?), war

Good, plant, strength, war

Chaos, good, travel

Healing, law, magic, protection

Manannan Mac Lir
Air, Animal, Destruction, water

Aenghus Óg
Chaos, luck, travel, trickery

Evil, knowledge, law, luck, travel, trickery

The Morrigan
Death, evil, knowledge, magic,

Chaos, maybe death?, Destruction, evil, strength, war(?)

2015-05-20, 02:18 PM
Sounds good to me. i would probably put war on the Morrigan rather than Bres because she craves war. War brings death, death brings the feast. Probably throw Sun on Goibhnui rather than Credhne because A) it would balance the 3 brothers (they would each have 4 domains) and B) it suits his disposition. He has a "sunny" disposition! Besides, his love of life and the vine and happiness seem pretty opposed to death. Any reason the Sun devotion couldnt work with a chaotic god?

2015-05-20, 03:59 PM
There is no real connection between sun and law/good. I just put sun to the LG guy because of Smith/Fire => sun. That was my train of thought.

If, in you world sun is chaotic, go for it. =)

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-20, 05:30 PM
There are 154 domains (http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/ASMoNM/domains.html), if I counted correctly. That list was assembled by Curmudgeon so it's almost certainly complete.

Also, there should probably be a few extra gods or a few domains you exclude, specifically racial gods and domains.

Honest Tiefling
2015-05-21, 01:09 AM
Steal from 4e! Give gods some minions or godlings or celestial or even fey. They have different domains and duties and report to the head honcho of their alignment, but they allow for more cleric flexibility in terms of concepts and domains. Also, wouldn't this setting have plenty of fey? I admit I know little of what seems to be the source material.