View Full Version : DM Help Creating the "Shadowrealm" (Plane)

2015-05-20, 02:39 PM
Hello Playgrounders,

Ive been DMing for a couple of months by now, a fast peaced campaign for my friends, focused around Tome of Magic's lore: Shadowmagic and Pact magic only.

The lore we have been building the setting around looks better by the day as we have been atributing all thats not arcane nor divine to the energy drawn for this custom plane we like to call the Shadowrealm.

Basically the setting is a custom one with only 2 gods, one evil and one good. The light/positive energy plane is where all life is created before taking form in the material plane and the shadow/negative energy plane is where all souls find their end.

Thats what we had so far and with it we ruled things like:
- Warlocks are humanoids exposed to shadowstuff, like outsiders in ther lineage or people that were resurected.
- Shadowcasters study and manipulate shadowmagic, alterations in the material plane by controling its reflection in the Shadowrealm/plane
- Binders, Vestiges are strong and long lost souls that still dwell in the Shadowrealm/plane.

The help I need from you all is the following: Since we are aproaching higher lvls I want to use the last 4 chapters of the Savage Tide campaign module, where basicaly the party have to venture into the abyss and do a bunch of epic stuff.

Im already making alterations so the party have to travel to this Shadowrealm/plane instead.
What i need is some backup lore to make all the place look a lot more "original".
So far I've imagined it as a shadowy reflection of the material plane, a dark ocean conecting its continents where some vestiges have claimed domain (like the layers of the abyss conected by the styx river).

So before I dive into a bunch of 3.x books I have aroud... what do you guys think ? do you have any sugestion? anything is valid here.