View Full Version : DM Help The Minotaur the Dire bear and the Forest fire.

2015-05-20, 11:36 PM
I'm running a campaign and the cleric 2 barbarian 1 minotaur (modified half orc) is running away from a dire bear. Each turn he runs 30 ft then takes a dodge. The bear runs 30 ft and attacks. It's an endless cycle and im not sure how to let him survive long enough to get to some reletive safety ( theres a town he set fire to, a city a few miles away, and a forest/plains wildfire that he started. He will probobly try to hide in the fire so as to stall the bear then use create water (as a raincloud) to save himself from the inferno. He has about 8 health left, one rage, 1-2 cleric spells (sacred flame too), and a magic battle axe given to him by Bane the god of war and killing. It is a mundane axe till it is activated, when its activated as a bonus action it flares to life with an unnaturally blood red flame enveloping it and its user, it also emits an aura of terror (all creatures that can see him make a saving throw vs his spellcasting DC) and as a bonus action he can focus that terror on one intelligent creature (they make another saving throw with disadvantage) As long as he maintains Banes favor and keeps him from getting bored he can use this axe, if he displeases him the axe first becomes a mundane weapon (cant be activated) then shortly after, it hovers in the air surrounded by flame and the aura of terror.

Edit: the wildfire wont stall the frenzey'd bear for long, and Bane is out (so the cleric had to leave a message:smallbiggrin:) also he dosent have any connections in the world besides an armless psion who said he owed him a favor.

But back to the point what can I/he do is there a sprint option or something? Or do i have to use my DM magicks to save him?


Safety Sword
2015-05-21, 12:41 AM
I'm running a campaign and the cleric 2 barbarian 1 minotaur (modified half orc) is running away from a dire bear. Each turn he runs 30 ft then takes a dodge. The bear runs 30 ft and attacks. It's an endless cycle and im not sure how to let him survive long enough to get to some reletive safety ( theres a town he set fire to, a city a few miles away, and a forest/plains wildfire that he started. He will probobly try to hide in the fire so as to stall the bear then use create water (as a raincloud) to save himself from the inferno. He has about 8 health left, one rage, 1-2 cleric spells (sacred flame too), and a magic battle axe given to him by Bane the god of war and killing. It is a mundane axe till it is activated, when its activated as a bonus action it flares to life with an unnaturally blood red flame enveloping it and its user, it also emits an aura of terror (all creatures that can see him make a saving throw vs his spellcasting DC) and as a bonus action he can focus that terror on one intelligent creature (they make another saving throw with disadvantage) As long as he maintains Banes favor and keeps him from getting bored he can use this axe, if he displeases him the axe first becomes a mundane weapon (cant be activated) then shortly after, it hovers in the air surrounded by flame and the aura of terror.

Edit: the wildfire wont stall the frenzey'd bear for long, and Bane is out (so the cleric had to leave a message:smallbiggrin:) also he dosent have any connections in the world besides an armless psion who said he owed him a favor.

But back to the point what can I/he do is there a sprint option or something? Or do i have to use my DM magicks to save him?

Can't he take a Dash action to outdistance the bear? Unless the bear can charge (and I don't know whether it can, no books) it would only get one opportunity attack per round.

I don't know what to say about this...

2015-05-21, 03:33 AM
If it were real life, my money would be on the bear.

If only he was a rogue (cunning action dash) or a druid (wildshape something fast) or a fighter (action surge dash) or a wood elf, or had an ally or a bag of ball bearings or the Longstrider spell...

Seriously, adventuring is dangerous business. This PC should hace have planned better if he wanted to live.

2015-05-21, 04:42 AM
First off, I cannot find stats for a Dire Bear in the Monster Manual. What stats are you using for the Dire Bear?

If the Dire Bear is as fast or faster than your PC, then there are no combat options for the PC to run away without the use of a class ability that benefits the situation (Cunning Action, Action Surge, etc.) This is assuming that the Dire Bear will chase the PC. A few questions to ask; why did the dire bear attack the PC in the first place? Is it hungry? Is the PC invading its territory.
If it is hungry, would it chase a potentially difficult prey? Or just find an easier target?
If the player is in its territory, would it continue to chase once the PC was out of its territory?

Another way to handle things is to end the fight, and change the encounter to a skill challenge, running away. Try opposed Athletics or something, modified by the creatures speed to determine whether the PC runs away, or the bear stays on top of him. If the bear succeeds, then continue the fight in the new location, if the PC escapes, GREAT!

Just a few ideas.

2015-05-21, 05:45 AM
why did the dire bear attack the PC in the first place?

I wondered this at first, but then I figured that it was probably a result of the bear being Dire. Dire beasts are more consciously aggressive and will kill for fun as well as out of necessity. If the minotaur has done it an injury, it could easily enter a rage and not rest until it is avenged.

2015-05-21, 05:52 AM
Run it as a chase. Page 252 of the DMG tells you how.

Alternatively, do whats best for the story. The bear gets tired and stops, while the player hides in the bushes, out of breath trying feverishly to decide what to do next.

Shining Wrath
2015-05-21, 08:58 AM
Most forests feature terrain. The player is smarter than the bear.
Present some terrain where an Strength(Athletics) check of moderate difficulty lets the player leap into the branches of a tree that bends across a crevasse, and the player drops on the far side. The dire bear takes 3 rounds crossing the crevasse, which gives the player a lead which can then be turned into a chance to hide, climb a tree, or just hope to outrun the beast.

2015-05-21, 09:05 AM
Run it as a chase. Page 252 of the DMG tells you how.

Alternatively, do whats best for the story. The bear gets tired and stops, while the player hides in the bushes, out of breath trying feverishly to decide what to do next.

I second this suggestion. Using only the combat rules is boring and mechanical in this situation. Lead the player into some creative problem solving, use some skill checks and improvise.

2015-05-21, 09:06 AM
As a Minotaur he has Goring rush which allows him to make a melee attack as a bonus action when he uses the Dash action. He also has Horns which give him advantage on shove attacks.
Simply use Dash and the bonus action to knock the bear prone, then run away at full speed. The bear has to spend half his movement getting up which will place more than enough distance between them for the Cleric to make an escape.

2015-05-21, 09:19 AM
Clearly combat mechanics are not sufficient for this scenario- I second the 'chase' mechanics.

2015-05-21, 09:20 AM
As a Minotaur he has Goring rush which allows him to make a melee attack as a bonus action when he uses the Dash action. He also has Horns which give him advantage on shove attacks.
Simply use Dash and the bonus action to knock the bear prone, then run away at full speed. The bear has to spend half his movement getting up which will place more than enough distance between them for the Cleric to make an escape.

I'd just run it in narrative style personally. Maybe interspersed with a Dex check (to jump over logs and dodge trees) a Con check (to keep running despite being exhausted) and maybe a Str check (to run while carrying a ton of adventuring gear).

Give advantage on the check if the player comes up with a clever suggestion (dumping equipment to make the strength check easier) and so forth at each step of the chase.

Most successes wins. Bear wins, it gets three rounds of combat vs the PC. PC wins, and he gets away.

If the player comes up with a good plan (throwing food down to distract the bear) then he gets a bonus success or just wins.

2015-05-21, 09:23 AM
As a Minotaur he has Goring rush which allows him to make a melee attack as a bonus action when he uses the Dash action. He also has Horns which give him advantage on shove attacks.
Simply use Dash and the bonus action to knock the bear prone, then run away at full speed. The bear has to spend half his movement getting up which will place more than enough distance between them for the Cleric to make an escape.

A couple of issues with this idea:
1.) Goring Rush says that you can make a melee attack with your horns as a bonus action, that does not grant you an attack action, but rather a melee attack. Under Shoving a Creature in the PHB it says Using the attack action, you can make a special melee attack to shove a creature. Thus, as RAW, you cannot use the bonus action from Goring Rush to shove, only to attack for damage.
2.) Goring Rush requires you to take a Dash action to gain the bonus action melee attack. While the RAW simply allows additional movement from a Dash, and does not force you to use it right away, I would say that the RAI is that Goring Rush is intended to be an attack with your horns at the end of the rush. Simulating a charging bull... RAW does allow the attack before moving however...
3.) This maneuver will still provoke an Opportunity Attack from the Prone bear, as the PC will be running away without Disengaging. The bear's attack will be at disadvantage, but could still easily kill the PC.
4.) If everything else about this worked, this would still only work if the bear does not have a higher speed than the PC. As I cannot find the entry in the Monster Manual for Dire Bear, I cannot say for what their speed is. I would assume them greater than 30 however, as a Dire Wolf is faster than a regular Wolf (50 instead of 40), and a regular bear, Polar or Black, has a speed of 40. This makes me assume that the Dire Bear has a speed of 50 or so.

2015-05-21, 09:36 AM
A few answers. First off the dire bear is a brown bear with modified stats.(based of dire wolf vs wolf)
Also he killed the bears mate for some meat (his only equipment is an axe and his holy symbol.
the bear has a speed of 30ft
also unfortunately we started this before unearthed arcana released minotaur stats so he's just a modified half orc.

i'll update you guys on what happens (I think he's toast)

p.s. also he alreready used his ability to drop to one hp rather then dying outright.

2015-05-21, 09:48 AM
A few answers. First off the dire bear is a brown bear with modified stats.(based of dire wolf vs wolf)
Also he killed the bears mate for some meat (his only equipment is an axe and his holy symbol.
the bear has a speed of 30ft
also unfortunately we started this before unearthed arcana released minotaur stats so he's just a modified half orc.

i'll update you guys on what happens (I think he's toast)

p.s. also he alreready used his ability to drop to one hp rather then dying outright.

Thank you for the update 1Forge. I can understand the bear's unrelenting attack now, as bears are naturally familial creatures. Another thought, since the bear is not necessarily hungry, it is only perusing the PC out of rage/protection of its family, why not let the Dire Bear drop the PC to 0, then, assuming that the PC is dead, just go back home.
The PC will be in the woods, at 0 HP, but not dead. The death save mechanic in 5e will give him a decent chance of stabilizing, then he can continue his career, humbled by his experience with the bear. Seems fine to me.

2015-05-21, 09:58 AM
A few answers. First off the dire bear is a brown bear with modified stats.(based of dire wolf vs wolf)
Also he killed the bears mate for some meat (his only equipment is an axe and his holy symbol.
the bear has a speed of 30ft
also unfortunately we started this before unearthed arcana released minotaur stats so he's just a modified half orc.

i'll update you guys on what happens (I think he's toast)

p.s. also he alreready used his ability to drop to one hp rather then dying outright.

If he has 8 HP and it is just a brown bear, he should just kill the thing.
On his turn he casts Sanctuary and the ready action so he can act after the bear. The bear attacks and hopefully fails his Wisdom check so cannot harm the Cleric. The Cleric then knocks the bear prone.
Next turn, the Cleric enters range and then grapples the bear. The bear swings back and should miss due to disadvantage but even if he doesn't, the Raging Cleric has an effective 16 HP so he can handle a hit or two and he shouldn't expect more than 2 before he manages to stab the bear to death.

2015-05-21, 07:15 PM
Well, this isn't just a brown bear, it's a dire brown bear. That's gonna mess up a level three player with low health.

I agree with the idea of using Chase mechanics. That seems the best way to handle it.

On the bright side, Bane probably thinks that this is hilarious.

2015-05-21, 08:16 PM
So this is what happened: He dashed to the forest fire, (oh he was actually at 1 hp :smallbiggrin:) he then said a prayer to bane, as the bear approached he then remembered his axe showed him the way in a maze made to trap Minotaur, so he listened to the axe (it screams louder when it points the direction he's supposed to go) it pointed into the inferno so he "took a leap of faith" Bane blessed him and he survived by landing in a clearing in the inferno. The bear jumped in and got lost burning to death. He then healed himself then used create water to hold off the flames. In the end he failed a saving throw and fell unconscious due to the heat. He woke later in the presence of an elf ranger he almost killed in a gladiator pit, and a Minotaur that cut half his hand off. Turns out they were followers of bane too and were commanded to get him to complete the group Bane needed to start a new race war. He then had to revitalize the axes power with blood (every month or after a large amount of its power is exerted he must revitalize it by washing it with blood.) He then picked up a message from bane saying he had sent the bear to "motivate him to find the other two)

I then told him his new objective (to reach a citadel run by two paladins and a ruthless fighter who hates evil things) And I noted that an angel is now tracking him down (A guard named norrin chuckis who imprisoned him several times before he finally killed him with banes blessing.) This angel (or as we call him Chuck Norris guard) will soon find the party.

2015-05-23, 01:20 AM
I'm running a campaign and the cleric 2 barbarian 1 minotaur (modified half orc) is running away from a dire bear. Each turn he runs 30 ft then takes a dodge. The bear runs 30 ft and attacks. It's an endless cycle and im not sure how to let him survive long enough to get to some reletive safety ( theres a town he set fire to, a city a few miles away, and a forest/plains wildfire that he started. He will probobly try to hide in the fire so as to stall the bear then use create water (as a raincloud) to save himself from the inferno. He has about 8 health left, one rage, 1-2 cleric spells (sacred flame too), and a magic battle axe given to him by Bane the god of war and killing. It is a mundane axe till it is activated, when its activated as a bonus action it flares to life with an unnaturally blood red flame enveloping it and its user, it also emits an aura of terror (all creatures that can see him make a saving throw vs his spellcasting DC) and as a bonus action he can focus that terror on one intelligent creature (they make another saving throw with disadvantage) As long as he maintains Banes favor and keeps him from getting bored he can use this axe, if he displeases him the axe first becomes a mundane weapon (cant be activated) then shortly after, it hovers in the air surrounded by flame and the aura of terror.

Edit: the wildfire wont stall the frenzey'd bear for long, and Bane is out (so the cleric had to leave a message:smallbiggrin:) also he dosent have any connections in the world besides an armless psion who said he owed him a favor.

But back to the point what can I/he do is there a sprint option or something? Or do i have to use my DM magicks to save him?


Lol sounds like he is screwed. If you are playing some hardcore version then maybe nitpick at the rules till you find a loophole? Or if you are just playing for fun let him die then have the rest of the party go earn the favour of Bane who I would assume is somewhat friendly with the guy running. Then just get Bane to cast True Ressurection on the guys corpse and then put him in Banes debt. That's what I would do.