View Full Version : animal or awakened animal?

2015-05-21, 02:54 PM
If an awakened (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Awaken) animal is trying to act inconspicuous while listening in on a conversation, how tough should it be to notice that they're paying a bit too much attention to what the humans are saying?

I could just have the animal's Bluff check versus their Sense Motive, but it seems that them being a normal-looking animal should give them some advantage. (Plus, awakened animals usually have bad Charisma, so their Bluff kind of sucks.) Also, should knowledge of the Awaken spell be factored in somehow?

2015-05-21, 03:25 PM
I'd call it Bluff, Disguise, or Perform (act), whichever one is highest, versus Sense Motive, and I'd give the animal a +10 to the roll. My reasoning is that the awakened cat is essentially trying to disguise itself as a normal cat, and that's the same bonus that a polymorphed wizard would get for being in cat-form. The awakened animal is already in that form, so it gets the same bonus.

I might even make the bonus a bit higher, because even though its intelligence is higher, it's still got a lot of the same mannerisms etc. as a normal cat.

2015-05-21, 03:27 PM
I'd say it'd be exceptionally hard to detect them if they're just trying to listen in. Even if they were trying to see something most people don't really take notice of animals that way.

2015-05-21, 03:32 PM
I'd call it Bluff, Disguise, or Perform (act), whichever one is highest, versus Sense Motive, and I'd give the animal a +10 to the roll. My reasoning is that the awakened cat is essentially trying to disguise itself as a normal cat, and that's the same bonus that a polymorphed wizard would get for being in cat-form. The awakened animal is already in that form, so it gets the same bonus.

I might even make the bonus a bit higher, because even though its intelligence is higher, it's still got a lot of the same mannerisms etc. as a normal cat.

I'd give it a +15. The difference between an awakened animal and the wizard is one is a human* pretending to be a cat, the other has a lifetime of actually being a cat. That should be worth a little more.

2015-05-21, 04:13 PM
I could see a smart villain noticing extremely atypical animal behaviour, at least - these examples were from when a druid-ish character was "riding the animal's mind" so to speak.

From Tamora Pierce's Wolf Speaker:

Daine examined it. Thirty privates were listed, as well as three sergeants, three corporals, and a captain, making a total of thirty-seven. She counted twice, to be sure, then noticed papers in a stack on the desk.

Let's have a peek at those, she suggested to the squirrel.

Flicker jumped onto the desk and picked up documents one at a time for Daine to read. The first two were supply orders; the third was not. At its foot was a heavy wax seal that bore an image of a crossed sword and wand, topped by a crown and wrapped in a jagged circle. It was the seal of the emperor of Carthak: she knew it from histories and official papers Numair had shown her. The writing was bold and easy to read.

"The criminal Arram Draper, also known as Numair Salmalin, is to be taken alive and transported to Carthak by Stormwings. Try also to capture the young dragon. If this immortal is shipped to Us live for inclusion in Our menagerie, there will be a reward of 500 gold thaks. As to the dragon's handler, she is not required. Kill her."

The girl was so absorbed in her reading that she didn't notice something had darkened the window. When a wave of stench reached Flicker's nostrils, he sneezed and turned.

Rikash had landed on the rail outside and was looking in. "Well. A tree-rat. I think it's odd, a tree-rat going through papers. It's not the kind of thing you little crawlers usually do, is it?"

Flicker's tail whipped savagely in anger and fear. Come here, he cried. I'll show you what a "crawler" can do!

Rikash slid until he could block the window if he raised his wings. "Only magic would let a tree-rat read." He yelled, "Humans to the command post! Now, ground pounders, now!" Raising a claw, he pointed at Flicker.

The floor! Daine ordered. Flicker jumped as gold fire smacked into the spot where they had been standing.

What was that? asked the squirrel, breath coming fast.

Magic. They don't use it much, but when they do... jump.
On their way to the southern fort, they found a trio of Stormwings going from there to the castle. With a shiver, Daine saw Rikash was one of them.

Have they ever bothered you? she asked Huntsong.

The great bird glared at the approaching immortals. Not in a general way, he replied, talons clenching. We had a few misunderstandings when they first came here, until they learned the error of their ways. His wrath faded, and he added, All the same, I shall give them a wide berth. They cut my mate to ribbons when she defended our nest.

He drifted to one side. Two Stormwings flapped past, making rude noises. Only Rikash changed course, to fly around Huntsong in a wide circle. The other two, a blond female and the K'miri male, came back and joined him.

"They soar, don't they?" Rikash asked them. "Wheeling, wheeling, always in the same place?"

"Like toy kites, and twice as wood-skulled," joked the K'mir.

"But now here is this one, flying in a straight line, going somewhere. You don't see prey when you go too fast, am I right?"

Get ready to drop, Daine warned Huntsong.

Rikash spat, not looking to see if anyone was below. "This valley has a disease, one where cute little animals don't act like animals. Did I tell you about the squirrel?"

"Only a million times," said the K'miri Stormwing with a groan.

Daine saw muscles bunch in Rikash's neck. Drop. she cried. Huntsong threw up his wings and dropped, hurtling earthward at terrifying speed.

"Go, go, gol" screamed Rikash.

2015-05-21, 05:16 PM
It probably also depends on the campaign. A high-magic setting would likely be different than a historic one.

In a world where familiars, animal companions, and wildshapers are everywhere and half the animals are awakened, a prudent person would be wary of any animal that appears to be just sitting around.

2015-05-21, 06:24 PM
I could see a smart villain noticing extremely atypical animal behaviour, at least - these examples were from when a druid-ish character was "riding the animal's mind" so to speak.

From Tamora Pierce's Wolf Speaker:

Daine examined it. Thirty privates were listed, as well as three sergeants, three corporals, and a captain, making a total of thirty-seven. She counted twice, to be sure, then noticed papers in a stack on the desk.

Let's have a peek at those, she suggested to the squirrel.

Flicker jumped onto the desk and picked up documents one at a time for Daine to read. The first two were supply orders; the third was not. At its foot was a heavy wax seal that bore an image of a crossed sword and wand, topped by a crown and wrapped in a jagged circle. It was the seal of the emperor of Carthak: she knew it from histories and official papers Numair had shown her. The writing was bold and easy to read.

"The criminal Arram Draper, also known as Numair Salmalin, is to be taken alive and transported to Carthak by Stormwings. Try also to capture the young dragon. If this immortal is shipped to Us live for inclusion in Our menagerie, there will be a reward of 500 gold thaks. As to the dragon's handler, she is not required. Kill her."

The girl was so absorbed in her reading that she didn't notice something had darkened the window. When a wave of stench reached Flicker's nostrils, he sneezed and turned.

Rikash had landed on the rail outside and was looking in. "Well. A tree-rat. I think it's odd, a tree-rat going through papers. It's not the kind of thing you little crawlers usually do, is it?"

Flicker's tail whipped savagely in anger and fear. Come here, he cried. I'll show you what a "crawler" can do!

Rikash slid until he could block the window if he raised his wings. "Only magic would let a tree-rat read." He yelled, "Humans to the command post! Now, ground pounders, now!" Raising a claw, he pointed at Flicker.

The floor! Daine ordered. Flicker jumped as gold fire smacked into the spot where they had been standing.

What was that? asked the squirrel, breath coming fast.

Magic. They don't use it much, but when they do... jump.
On their way to the southern fort, they found a trio of Stormwings going from there to the castle. With a shiver, Daine saw Rikash was one of them.

Have they ever bothered you? she asked Huntsong.

The great bird glared at the approaching immortals. Not in a general way, he replied, talons clenching. We had a few misunderstandings when they first came here, until they learned the error of their ways. His wrath faded, and he added, All the same, I shall give them a wide berth. They cut my mate to ribbons when she defended our nest.

He drifted to one side. Two Stormwings flapped past, making rude noises. Only Rikash changed course, to fly around Huntsong in a wide circle. The other two, a blond female and the K'miri male, came back and joined him.

"They soar, don't they?" Rikash asked them. "Wheeling, wheeling, always in the same place?"

"Like toy kites, and twice as wood-skulled," joked the K'mir.

"But now here is this one, flying in a straight line, going somewhere. You don't see prey when you go too fast, am I right?"

Get ready to drop, Daine warned Huntsong.

Rikash spat, not looking to see if anyone was below. "This valley has a disease, one where cute little animals don't act like animals. Did I tell you about the squirrel?"

"Only a million times," said the K'miri Stormwing with a groan.

Daine saw muscles bunch in Rikash's neck. Drop. she cried. Huntsong threw up his wings and dropped, hurtling earthward at terrifying speed.

"Go, go, gol" screamed Rikash.

I love that series!

2015-05-21, 09:16 PM
I could see a smart villain noticing extremely atypical animal behaviour, at least - these examples were from when a druid-ish character was "riding the animal's mind" so to speak.

From Tamora Pierce's Wolf Speaker:

Daine examined it. Thirty privates were listed, as well as three sergeants, three corporals, and a captain, making a total of thirty-seven. She counted twice, to be sure, then noticed papers in a stack on the desk.

Let's have a peek at those, she suggested to the squirrel.

Flicker jumped onto the desk and picked up documents one at a time for Daine to read. The first two were supply orders; the third was not. At its foot was a heavy wax seal that bore an image of a crossed sword and wand, topped by a crown and wrapped in a jagged circle. It was the seal of the emperor of Carthak: she knew it from histories and official papers Numair had shown her. The writing was bold and easy to read.

"The criminal Arram Draper, also known as Numair Salmalin, is to be taken alive and transported to Carthak by Stormwings. Try also to capture the young dragon. If this immortal is shipped to Us live for inclusion in Our menagerie, there will be a reward of 500 gold thaks. As to the dragon's handler, she is not required. Kill her."

The girl was so absorbed in her reading that she didn't notice something had darkened the window. When a wave of stench reached Flicker's nostrils, he sneezed and turned.

Rikash had landed on the rail outside and was looking in. "Well. A tree-rat. I think it's odd, a tree-rat going through papers. It's not the kind of thing you little crawlers usually do, is it?"

Flicker's tail whipped savagely in anger and fear. Come here, he cried. I'll show you what a "crawler" can do!

Rikash slid until he could block the window if he raised his wings. "Only magic would let a tree-rat read." He yelled, "Humans to the command post! Now, ground pounders, now!" Raising a claw, he pointed at Flicker.

The floor! Daine ordered. Flicker jumped as gold fire smacked into the spot where they had been standing.

What was that? asked the squirrel, breath coming fast.

Magic. They don't use it much, but when they do... jump.
On their way to the southern fort, they found a trio of Stormwings going from there to the castle. With a shiver, Daine saw Rikash was one of them.

Have they ever bothered you? she asked Huntsong.

The great bird glared at the approaching immortals. Not in a general way, he replied, talons clenching. We had a few misunderstandings when they first came here, until they learned the error of their ways. His wrath faded, and he added, All the same, I shall give them a wide berth. They cut my mate to ribbons when she defended our nest.

He drifted to one side. Two Stormwings flapped past, making rude noises. Only Rikash changed course, to fly around Huntsong in a wide circle. The other two, a blond female and the K'miri male, came back and joined him.

"They soar, don't they?" Rikash asked them. "Wheeling, wheeling, always in the same place?"

"Like toy kites, and twice as wood-skulled," joked the K'mir.

"But now here is this one, flying in a straight line, going somewhere. You don't see prey when you go too fast, am I right?"

Get ready to drop, Daine warned Huntsong.

Rikash spat, not looking to see if anyone was below. "This valley has a disease, one where cute little animals don't act like animals. Did I tell you about the squirrel?"

"Only a million times," said the K'miri Stormwing with a groan.

Daine saw muscles bunch in Rikash's neck. Drop. she cried. Huntsong threw up his wings and dropped, hurtling earthward at terrifying speed.

"Go, go, gol" screamed Rikash.

There is a slight but noticeable difference between noticing that a house cat is listening to your conversation and realizing that it is spying on you and noticing that a squirrel has infiltrated your office and is actively rummaging through the papers of your evil plan and concluding that it might be intelligent. Just saying

2015-05-21, 09:52 PM
Yeah, even if you do notice a cat listening to your conversation, you wouldn't necessarily conclude that it's a magically-altered wizard or awakened animal or whatever. You might just conclude that cats are weird.

2015-05-22, 12:50 AM
Vernon Dursley got suspicious at the beginning of the first Harry Potter book, even if he wasn't willing to entertain the possibility that it was one of the wizards he so disdains.

2015-05-22, 09:27 AM
I'd say that the cat should get a better bonus than just the +10 for looking like a cat. It's been a cat its whole life so it should know exactly how to act like a cat doing cat things.