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2015-05-21, 02:59 PM
Isle of Kortos, 1 AR

Our Lady in Shadow, the Demon Lord Nocticula, watched from a hill as Aroden raised the mighty Starstone impassively. Her tail flicked in the firelight, and her wings cast larger-than-life shadows on the valley below. Change whispered in the air, and Nocticula swore to herself under her breath that she would be prepared for it. Which meant preparations... Like the other reason she was on this hill.

"Come back to bed, thou Demon," he said. "I'm ready to go again."

So she smiled and turned, putting plots and plans from her mind, and become the seductress once more.

"Of course," said Nocticula, shedding her only covering, a thin robe, that hung across her frame, and eyeing the being before her carefully. "Tell me, honey, how shall we begin?"

The Outskirts of the City of Almas, Two Days Previously

They stank of death. Understandably, of course, since they'd died that morning. The crows had been given their due chance, and now it was time for burial. That is, if there was anyone willing to bury the bodies. The city's guard had departed, leaving the corpses to be claimed by any family willing to associate with the criminals, the heathens.

None came.

The five bodies just sat there, an almost grin on there faces as the crows came, slipping through the iron bars of the cage, slowly creaking as they swung in the wind. Their crime was displayed on a sign below them, as well as there name. All five signs spoke the same.


Then three figures came, silhouetted by the setting sun, and looked at the five bodies. All three at the same time gave the fallen a nod of acknowledgement, then walked away, slowly, to accommodate the armored member. Whispers of conversation drifted back to the crows and the corpses, but the crows knew not how to speak and the corpses didn't have ears left to hear.

The City of Almas, the Witch's Teat Tavern, Present Day

They had been summoned, some by letter, some by person. It did not matter how, all that mattered was that they were here now, outside the Witch's Teat. The tavern was low-slung, easy to look past. In fact, most did, barely any, it seemed, even knew it existed. The shadows hide it well.

One at a time, they entered the tavern. The barkeep, John, which was the only name he permitted people to call him, had been a cultist who'd retired to being the barkeep and maintain the cult's hiding spot. He nods at them as they enter, and points out the way to the basement, and so they follow suit, disappearing below.

Then they merge into a room, with a single woman, mid-twenties and with jet-black hair and deep blue eyes, waits behind a desk. She waves them over to one of the six seats scattered around the room, before returning to her paperwork.

The "them" is the PCs. You're going to start in the cult's waiting room. As soon as everyone shows up and the receptionist makes you wait long enough, we'll get into plot hooks. In the mean time, feel free to say hello to your fellow PCs, or to the receptionist, or to say "Screw this! I'm out!" and try to leave the Witch's Teat.

2015-05-21, 04:15 PM
Vhaidara, The Scion of Addiction

Vhai leans back, and lets out a deep breath. She gives Eris a lazy smile from across the table.
Good to be back in town. It's been awhile, lover.
She fishes into her bag, pulling out a small pouch and sliding it across the table, winking at Eris as she does.
For later.

2015-05-21, 05:10 PM

Grinning back, Eris quickly stuffs the herb into her bag, "Just how did you know I ran out yesterday? I was intending to go shopping later tonight...guess I'll have to repay you later."

She 'hrrms' quietly to herself, wondering if she should get something to drink from upstairs but decides against it when she remembers the amount left in her coin purse. I should not have spent all that money on those statuettes. They didn't even last a week!

Asking everyone present, "So, how long do you think we'll be kept waiting tonight? Think there's time to play a little game?"

2015-05-21, 09:27 PM

Kyoni sat back down, a pint now in hand. Certain compromises were made for the sake of discretion- beer or ale in place of wine or sake, far more common clothes than the fine dresses she preferred, and so on. She still maintained her appearances, of course, but red and black silks were regrettably considered very poor taste in a nation so bitterly opposed to Cheliax.

A quick pass of her hand accompanied by an incantation, and the differences between cheap beer and fine wine were reduced to how fast she'd be getting drunk. Sadly, that remained the property of beer, but at least it tasted like wine. She looked over at Eris, taking a long swig of her drink. "Hmm. What sort of game did you have in mind?" she enquired, smiling warmly.

2015-05-21, 09:48 PM

Smirking, the tiefling uses her tail to retrieve a deck of cards and place it on the table, "Well, there's any number of games we could play with this, though if you'd like something more physical we can think of something else. But I'm more interested in seeing how much you're willing to wager," she adds with an almost hungry tone. "It's no fun to set the bet myself. Just don't say gold, gold is so boring."

2015-05-21, 11:55 PM
Kyoni leaned back, smiling at Eris. "Well, I don't know about everybody else, but if the wager is between us, how about two chances to charm before the other person goes? Or, if the first one is successful, ask both questions immediately." Their little games were oh-so-interesting, and shifting the odds about kept things from getting too routine. Eris was the one who liked games of chance or skill- she preferred raw contests of power. Shifting the balance of power with a game of chance played to both their appetites.

2015-05-21, 11:59 PM

Considering it, the tiefling nods, "I'm happy to accept that, but it's hardly fair to our friend here if she wants in," she says, turning to look at Vhaidara. "What'd you say, care to join in? We can make that a side-pot between us if you want a piece of the action."

2015-05-22, 06:08 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhai leans back in her chair, still wearing that lazy smile.
I think I'll just add myself to your pot. That sounds fun.
She reaches into her bag, pulls out a small roll of fabric. She pulls up her sleeve and snaps a clawed finger, then snaps it again. Small runes begin to glow red hot on her arm, and she pushes the roll into it. It begins to smoke, and she places the other end to her mouth before inhaling deeply., then blowing a smoke ring towards Kyoni.
Good luck. You'll need it against little Eris.

Casting Virtue, then Brand, and using the damage from Brand to light a joint of Flayleaf. Not sure if it's RAW-legal, but I personally think it's a good image.
Anyone who can read Aklo can read "Flayed" as the brand.
Fort save vs addiction: [roll0]
I get +2 vs mind affecting and am fatigued for the next hour, as well as take 1 point of Wisdom damage. Because of how ability damage works in PF, that doesn't do anything to me.

2015-05-22, 01:15 PM
The receptionist looks up at Vhaidra in annoyance, before lifting her finger and pointing it at the roll. A beam flashed, and the roll turned burning cold, before extinguishing the flame.

"Honey," the receptionist says. "We don't allow smoking in here. Didn't you read the sign?"

She points at a sign hanging on the wall, which you would swear wasn't there before, that reads

We thank
you for

"You can read, right, honey?" She continues, before picking up a fancy eagle-feather quill, diping it into some ink, and then continuing to write.

The receptionist casts Ray of Frost to put a stop to Vhaidara's smoking. Also, everyone (or those who feel like it, its not like this is a super important detail) needs to roll a Will Saving throw to disbelieve the illusionary sign. In the future I'll roll will saving throws against illusions, but this time I'll give you the honor of rolling.

2015-05-22, 08:07 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhaidara's stare is absolutely full of daggers and a number of other sharp objects.
Bitch. You owe me ten gold. And that sign is ****ing fake. You just put it there.

2015-05-22, 11:22 PM

In the next table, put together so that it becomes an extension of the first, a huge man sits sprawled in three different chairs. His hands are so long that they are almost dangling and his bulk makes the chairs creak in some sort of wooden cacophony. Noone would mistake him for anything than a half orc and the implements of war beside him mark him as a warrior.

So, it is with some surprise that in front of him- alongside a gigantic breakfast fit for three men and a sharpening stone- there are open two books. Gharrok has a third in his hand and with a look of intense concentration, is writing on it.

Today, I wait. Food is good. Stone needs replacing.

He stops and puts the quill down. That was enough literature for today.He looks at the others and inclines his head to the side.

This cannot be good for you, inhaling smoke, no. Read a book which said so. You should try applejack. Much better, yes.

Sorry I am late! Almost missed the IC.

2015-05-23, 12:00 AM

Grinning at her friend, "You might want to try rephrasing that, you know I'm going to abuse that little wager if you leave it open-ended like you did, but I know what you meant, and that's alright with me."

"So, ladies," she pauses as the half-orc sits down and comments on Vhai's smoking, "Well, it's hardly the worst vice one can have. Besides, can't blame a girl for wanting to have a little fun, now can you," she asks before turning back to Kyoni, clearly not especially interested in involving the male, though her tone would imply she doesn't object to his being there. "So, let's get started."

Sorry Grog, Eris just isn't interested in men, so she doesn't really want to invite you into this little wager. She won't object if you wager something interesting though!

Luck roll [roll0]

Tie, go again! (1d20)[15]

2015-05-23, 12:14 AM
Kyoni smiled at Vhaidara, and shrugged. "If I lose, then I have a more difficult test for myself. If I win, well, I have an easier time of it."

She settled back into her seat, taking another long drink from her pint while she waited for Eris to deal out the cards. "If Vhaidara paid any attention to what was good for her, she wouldn't be Vhaidara," Kyoni mused idly to Gharrok.

The first round went poorly for her, but luck didn't favor Eris any more, and they ended up in an embarrassingly low-scoring tie. The cards were shuffled and dealt out again. She smiled, a little relieved despite herself.

Playing through the second round, Kyoni fared better, managing a middling play, but was outdone by Eris's exception maneuvering.

Aww, it's okay, Grog. Kyoni is interested!

2015-05-23, 12:23 AM

Gharrok looks confusedly at the others. He was pretty sure something was escaping him. With an almost inaudible sigh of "Silly lowlanders", Gharrok goes back to eating and reading.

Poor Gharrok... he is going to be confused a lot... He almost got invited to a party he would not attend! Barbaric half-orcs are prudish, you know.

2015-05-23, 01:59 PM
The receptionist raises a bemused at Vhaidara. "Honey," she began, "grown-ups are working here. So you play your little game while I do important things, okay?"

Then the door to the office that the five of you wish to go slams open with a bang, and a man stalks out, muttering obscenities under his breath.

"Did it not go well, honey?" the receptionist asked the man.

"It did not," he responded. "I might need a little pick-me-up, Helen."

"ooh, you devil!" she responded. "Don't worry, I'll be there tonight, if you feel up to it."

He laughed and said yes, before nodding a greeting to you five and leaving.

2015-05-23, 02:14 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhaidara snarls, rising to her feet, her hand dropping to her side where Desna's Smile rests.

2015-05-23, 11:43 PM

Malaggar follows in silence for the first few moments. His training subconsciously forces him into a state of drifting to the background, listening, assessing, weighing... the three females were acquainted, or acted as such. The other male seemed the other outsider - the half orc and the drow... not exactly surprising, but this was an eclectic crew on the whole. Normally gambling would be of great interest to him, but this seemed more akin to some luck-based courtship ritual. Besides, none of them were even cheating... what is the fun in a card game where no one cheats? Unless they were all cheating and skilled enough that he couldn't even tell... he scratches his chin and reads the movements more closely.

He yawns lazily at the straight game, breaking his wallflower status. Approaching the literary half-orc, he quests for the strength to see the meeting arrive, "you have applejack on you?" He follows the question with a greeting and extended hand, "Malaggar Vrinn."

2015-05-24, 01:34 AM

Spotting Vhaidara reaching down for her weapon, Eris flicks a card at her, hitting the addict in the face and wagging her finger. "Now, now, save that for later," she grins. Can't have her getting in trouble, she really needs to work on that temper. "Besides, we should be making friends, we're new in town after all."

2015-05-24, 03:55 AM

Gharrok lifts his head from the book and a grin splits his face.

"Applejack, yes! Please, sit, yes!"

Gharrok hastily makes space by pushing aside various plates and writing instruments. He the produces a pincher from the table.

"Please share applejack with me. Lonely drinking is sad, my father used to say"

2015-05-24, 10:20 AM
Kyoni watched Vhaidara carefully. In-fighting, especially over something like that, really wasn't productive. "Save what you can of it, and find somebody to do a mending on it for a favor, then," she suggested. She herself was lazy, and holding grudges or picking fights was too much work. The potential spat was certainly worth finishing her drink over, lest it get spilled, so she downed the remainder.

2015-05-24, 11:01 AM
Helen the receptionist looks up at the five of you and smiles sweetly.

"He'll see you all now," she says, pointing at the door the angry man just walked out of. "You can go right in."

"Oh, and honey," she says, looking at Vhaidara. "The High Priest isn't as forgiving of rudeness as I am. Watch yourself."

2015-05-24, 11:11 AM
Considering Nocticula's particular areas of interest, there were quite a few high priests and priestesses, but that seemed like just the sort of thing not to bring up in front of the High Priest. She nodded her head respectfully to the receptionist, and stood up to head into the room she'd indicated.

2015-05-24, 11:27 AM
Vhaidara, Scion of Addiction

Vhaidara scowls, her hand receding from her knife. She heads or the door.

2015-05-24, 11:29 AM

Sighing in relief, Eris moves out too, whispering to Vhai as she does, "I'll make it up to you later, I promise."

2015-05-24, 04:47 PM

The drow had just slumped into the chair when the receptionist calls them in. With a frown, he stands and makes an apologetic gesture to the generous half-orc, "only a delay... meeting for now, spirits for later." The words leave his lips as a promise, as he heads for the door.

2015-05-25, 02:21 AM

Gharrok nods agreement as he too stands up, gathers his things and gets ready to head in.

2015-05-25, 03:31 PM
The five entered the room, with Helen humming to herself as they passed. Inside, they came to a large room, with all of the walls covered in bookshelves. However, there weren't that many books. Most of it was various nick-nacks, some magical, some bizarre, some valuable, some mundane. The whole of it was a chaotic mess, making it extremely difficult to find anything.

If you want to find something in particular on the shelves, name a a general category of object and roll a perception check. Or just say you look at the books or what have you and I'll name something you find.

However, compared to the desk, the shelves were extremely organized. Loose papers covered the whole thing, and any paperweights on the desk were being weighed down themselves by papers. Books, which should be on the shelves, were instead stacked on free corners and around the desk itself.

"Ah, welcome, welcome," says a voice emanating somewhere behind a stack of paper. Then a man stands up, and you see someone whose appearance is meticulously well-groomed, an odd note compared to the office. His beard and mustache are close-cropped, his hair is on point, his clothes are up with the latest fashions of Almas.

"If you all will have a seat?" he says, waving at a couch and armchairs next to a fire. The man settled himself in a plush chair that had a well-shaped impression in the seat from his bulk. "My name is Ambrose, High Priest of this heretical cult of Our Lady in Shadow. Well, High Priest of the Shadow Sect of the Cult. The hierarchy's a bit confusing. I don't pay much attention myself." He gives a dry chuckle at this, then smiles at you. "So you five were each from various other cells and sects of the cult, doesn't really matter which ones, but, well, due to recent, ah... losses, the higher-ups transferred you to my division. So, welcome to the Shadow Sect! We hope you don't get killed off too quickly!"

He smiles, then sighs heavily. "You five'll be forming a group within the Shadow Sect. Basically, I, or if I'm not available, Helen- you did meet Helen, right? My secretary and receptionist? Lovely lady, couldn't do it without her- will be sending you out on missions to further our organization's goals, blah blah blah. I'll let you all do the meet'n'greet on your own time, cause you've all ready got a mission. But don't get your hopes up! Its... kinda a depressing one, really. Basically, your fillin' in dead men's shoes. Someone caught your predecessors, and delivered them to the authorities of Almas. Sadly, the government doesn't appreciate the good work we're doin' here and through them in the Cages. You know about the Cages, right? Its where they throw you these iron cages, raise 'em into the air, and let the poor bastards starve to death? I hear its pretty painful. Anyway, you're job is ta figure out how, and more importantly who, did it. Any questions?"

Ambrose the High Priest smiles at you, waiting.

2015-05-25, 03:37 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhaidara scans the shelves for anything of... alchemical value.

She listens through the directions.
So figure out who ratted on our people to the officials? Doesn't sound like a hard job.
She considers keeping quiet, but decides why the **** not.
So, why is your assistant such a bitch? She went and ruined a perfectly good roll of Flayleaf for no good reason.

2015-05-25, 05:27 PM
Kyoni was far more interested in taking note of the man's appearance rather than the office contents. New faces were fascinating and useful, although she doubted she wanted to be in a position where she had to resort to appearing as somebody so high up within the cult. The more important you pretended to be, the greater the consequences. That said, sometimes you needed to be in two places at once if you were important, and it was best to have the look down if she were ever called on to provide an alibi. She took a seat, nodding appreciatively.

The proposition wasn't a pleasant one. The cult had somebody with a grudge, or something along those lines. They really didn't have any idea who it was, or there wouldn't be any need to bring external help in. People outside would be less effective, but above suspicion. She blanched a little at the mention of the Cages. It was of the more unpleasant ends you could meet at civilized hands.

She was about to begin establishing some of the details, but Vhaidara went and opened her mouth, putting feet in until there wasn't any more room. Fool. She was working with a fool. She closed her eyes for a moment, shutting it out.

"Yes sir, I have a few. Are you able to disclose what it was they were working on? Was it a cohesive group, or disparate individuals who got caught together? And of course, the obvious question of who might hold a grudge against them. Of course, I'm well aware that it's not as simple as that, but it's somewhere to start. Also, is there anybody who can be trusted to help us learn more about the Shadow Sect? Or two disconnected people, if we can't really eliminate people from suspicion." Gathering information wasn't really a strong suit of hers. It required working awfully close to things you were ignorant of, and that was the sort of thing that blew covers.

2015-05-25, 08:19 PM
At Vhaidara's question Ambrose laughed, a good solid chrotle that emanated from his belly. "Sounds like someone got off on the wrong foot with Helen!" he said. "I'd keep an eye on yourself when she's around. She don't like bein' insulted. Why, the last bloke who called her a bitch... Well, I'd rather wind up in the Cages than suffer what she did ta him..."

Then he looked at Kyoni, and listened to her questions. "Did I not...?" he said, then slapped himself his forehead. "So absent-minded of me! Gimme a second."

He stood and approached his desk. After opening a couple drawers and shifting a couple nicknacks, he emerged with a small box wrapped in twine. "This is for you," he says, handing the box to Kyoni. "Well, all of you, but I've only got the one! Anyway, in there is a copy of our records of the five, ya know, names and stuff, as well as locations they tended to be and their address. Which reminds me..."

Ambrose returns to his desk, and grabs a piece of paper that was conveniently on top, before returning and sinking back into his chair. He hands the paper to Kyoni.

"On there are two locations. The first is your new address. The five of you will be sharing an apartment. I know, I know. No one wants to be roomies with a couple of strangers. But its cult policy. Well, Shadow Sect policy. Its so we can make sure there are no divinations on yer residence. That's why we put some anti-scrying spells on it. Well, when I say we, I mean Helen. She's our top magic-person. Anyway, the second address is a safe house. Just in case, you know. But look at me, going on and on! I'm sure you're tired of me flapping my jaw. Pretty sure it ain't anybody in my sect. But I guess it could be. But with all the secrecy and need-to-know and stuff, it'd be pretty hard to actually investigate the Shadow Sect, so if I were you I'd start with the guard records, see who arrested the five of them. If there was a witness or bounty hunter or, Nocticula forbid, and adventurer, that busted 'em, there might be a note about that. Course, they probably wouldn't let you just walk in there and ask about it!"

He smiles at the group, as if expecting you to laugh, and waits for another question.

No, you don't find any drugs. Sorry. :smallwink: But your gaze does happen to come across some a vial of some liquid among the mess. Appraise check to figure out what it is. We can handle this in the OOC thread.

2015-05-25, 08:52 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhai laughs out loud.
You would be surprised what guards can be persuaded to do. Most of them aren't paid too well, and don't object to some fun on the side.
She coughs.
Speaking of paid, I'm a little short on funds at the moment, and it is always possible that some bribes may be needed. I can make a small bribe go quite a good distance, usually by stealing it back after I pay them. But it is truly challenging to bribe a man with no gold to your name.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-05-25, 08:53 PM

Distracted by the shelves and trying to find any volumes on demons, succubi in particular, distracted the tiefling from their new leader's appearance, and her elation at beating Kyoni and winning Vhaidara at the same time had her mind wandering too much on things that weren't relevant to the task at hand. Thankfully, however, her friends were effective at asking the very same questions she needed answered, and she grins at both of them when they broach the topics, though gives a warning tap with her foot on Vhai's leg when she insults Helen. I'll have to get on her good side. If she's more practiced than I am, she could help my own studies along. As long as I can keep Vhai from killing her anyway.

"Well, they might not let us just walk in as we are, but I'm sure there's someone who could," she says with a grin toward her foxy friend. "But that should be enough to start, except for one last question; Our predecessors, were they caught together or separately?"

Perception [roll0]

2015-05-25, 09:25 PM
Kyoni relaxed inwardly as Ambrose seemed to take things in stride. That Helen seemed to be the type to enact unpleasantly specific revenge was almost reassuring- it would be personal, and unlikely to involve bystanders. That Helen was powerful enough to ward an entire building against scrying, less reassuring.

"Thank you- we'll be able to get a good start with this," she said, accepting the box of documents. She'd have to keep that in mind- if the cult were ever truly compromised, there would be records of her lying around. "And I don't have any objections to close quarters, especially with such pleasant company." There was a brief glance in Eris's direction. It wasn't often you got a partial succubus to play with.

"Eris is right- I can disguise myself and walk in without too much trouble, although going as a guard is a little more difficult than usual. Is there any sort of service-bartering through which I could get get a bit of minor magic to make the disguise more convincing?" Mostly it was a matter of the armor. She'd have to be able to walk around in it without looking like it was a challenge.

2015-05-25, 10:26 PM

What an odd little man… Malaggar assesses the Shadow Sect leader. He casually peruses the bookshelf for texts relating to Nocticula or drow.

At what he assumes is a joke, Malaggar chuckles softly to humor the priest. ”I've lived with worse. Walking in might be difficult; sneaking in should be easy. Tell me… What are your suspicions? Do you have any guesses as to who might be involved?"

Perception: 23 (from OOC)

2015-05-25, 11:31 PM
At Vhaidara's request Ambrose squirms uncomfortably. "Well, um, we don't really have the funds to help you out. I guess it'd depend on how much you need. I could spare a little bit, but not a lot. To tell you the truth, the previous group wiped me out. Something about needing money for... there was something about a priest of Aroden? I don't quite remember.

"Whether they were caught together or separately, Eris, well, that's your job! We don't know much, which is why we're sending you out. We'd sent them out on a mission, and sorry, details of that mission are classified, and then we didn't hear from them for a couple days, then we found out they'd been captured! We tried to contact them while they were in jail, waiting for trial, but it didn't work. And if we tried to ask them questions while they were in the Cages it just look suspicious, and they'd wind up with a neighbor!"

He looks at Kyoni sharply. "All these money requests! If I didn't know better, I'd say you all were trying to bleed us dry!" He chuckles to himself, and then continues. "I could probably find a scroll of some spell you could use. But it'd have to be low level. Or you could ask Helen about a disguise. I'm sure she could do a little magic and get you lookin' more real then the actual guards!"

Ambrose smiles appreciatively at Malaggar, and replies to her "Well, I don't think it was us... We run a pretty tight ship, here at the Shadow Sect. We're like a little family! But it could be another Sect of our cult, trying to cut us down a little so they look better to the Big Boss. But I don't think it'd be our cult. Not our style. Handing your fellow cultist in to the authorities, well, it might trace back to the Cult as a whole. Another Sect probably send an assassin, and kill those five themselves. And to be honest, the days where various Sect's did that sort of thing is long past. So I'd say it'd be someone outside the Cult, but who, well..." He scratches his head, pondering the question carefully. "One of the guard, a man by the name of... I think its Malcolm? Malcolm... I want to say his last name begins with an R, but I'm not quite sure. He's got it in for, as he calls us, 'demon-worshipers.' A man without vision, that's what he is. And what is a man without vision? Short-sighted fools, the lot of them. But he doesn't really have the resources to actually catch a cultist, at least, without a little help. So I don't know. Sorry, lad."

Well, Malaggar just earned himself some brownie points. Anyway, Mal doesn't happen to see a book on drow, but he does spot a couple works on Nocticula. One in particular stands out. Its title is Nocticula in History: Our Lady in Shadow's Recorded Appearances in Golarion. Eris, sadly, does not see any books on demons. Your roll was a little too low. But her perusal of the shelves does mean she notices a potted plant resting on a book entitled Gardening ABCs: A Druid's Guide on Plants for Non-Druids. The plant looks a little dead. And dry. As if someone forgot to water it recently, or ever.

2015-05-26, 12:46 AM

Gharrok's gaze is immediately drawn to the books, but before he has the time to go through them, the conversation starts in earnest. He focuses on it, periodically shaking his head.

"Living together is good, yes. I can keep guard more easily that way. I am not very good at talking, but I know this town. Malcolm the guard, yes? I will see what can I find.

So. We read through the records, yes. We ask for Malcolm. And then, you point me to someone who needs his teeth re-de-co-rated"

Gharrok smiles that the word came out correctly

" and I do that, yes."

Gharrok has Local and Sense Motive. Local check 1d20++ for any rumors concerning the bust or for Malcolm.

2015-05-26, 12:50 AM
I seem to be missing the OOC thread. Link please?

Reroll because I am stupid [roll0]

2015-05-26, 07:21 AM
Kyoni looked taken aback as he glared at her sharply. "What? No, I think you misunderstand! It's not a request for any money- I don't need a scroll or anything as expensive as that, just somebody who can cast the spell. Like seeing a priest about a disease. The magic should last long enough to do the job. Everything else, like the armor itself, I'll work out myself if there aren't enough funds."

2015-05-26, 09:51 AM
"Glad to hear it, Gharrok! What a go-getter! We need more men like you. Err, more humanoids. You know what I mean! But don't worry yourself too much over trying to, as you put it, redecorate someone's teeth. Knowing who did it without blowing cover is more important than silly revenge! ...That can come later."

He smiles for a moment, then adjusts himself in the seat. He doesn't seem to notice that some of the people before him are eyeing his things.

"Oh, well then, Kyoni. If you just need the spell, talk to Helen as you all leave. If she can't cast it for some reason, then she'll be sure to know who can!"

Here's the OOC thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416390-The-Cult-of-Nocticula-OOC&p=19305004#post19305004.

And as for the Local check, I'll PM you what you know.

2015-05-26, 11:24 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhai smiles coyly.
Oh, I don't need much. Maybe 30 gold? And I could repay you later, of course.

2015-05-26, 02:06 PM
"Oh, if its just 30 gold, I can spare that easy!" Ambrose replies to Vhaidara, before scrawling a note on a piece of paper he found in a pocket. He handed the note to Vhaidara. "Give that to Helen," he says. "She'll give you the money."

2015-05-26, 05:00 PM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhai's nose wrinkles as she takes the paper.
"Now that sounds distasteful."

2015-05-26, 06:01 PM

"Come on now Vhai, play nice. I'm sure you two will get along fine if you actually sat down together and talked...or did something more entertaining," she muses. "But if you'd prefer, I can talk to her about the loan."

2015-05-26, 06:01 PM

Malaggar turns to Kyoni and motions to the box, "we should probably open that now, as it may yield more questions."

2015-05-26, 09:22 PM
Kyoni nodded her head appreciatively. "Good. I'll have a word with her once we're done, then." It seemed, then, that everything flowed through Helen. She sincerely hoped it wasn't Helen who'd turned traitor. She sincerely doubted it- the woman seemed to have quite a bit of administrative power within the organization, and might even be the one functionally running everything depending on how much of Ambrose's amiable forgetfulness was act. Even if it wasn't an act, he hadn't gotten to where he was without being very canny.

She passed the box over to the drow. "Knock yourself out, kid."

2015-05-26, 10:32 PM

Malaggar does his best to ignore being labelled 'kid' by someone a fraction his age, and opens the box. He begins to scan the contents and commits them to memory.

2015-05-27, 02:34 AM

Gharrok beams at the praise of the cult's leader. He nods furiously.

"Yes, I will be subtle. I will not smash anyone 's teeth unless it is necessary.Discretion, yes."

He then proceeds to read over the shoulder of Malaggar, frowning each time the quicker man turns a page before he is halfway through.

2015-05-27, 11:46 PM
Ambrose, after Malaggar requests the box, says"Oh, if you think of a question later you can always come back! I might be busy, but there will still be someone, somewhere, who can answer it. Or at least do there best."

Then, once Gharrok finishes speaking, he turns to the half-orc and replies "Good! Wouldn't want you five to end up like your predecessors."

Then the door cracks open, and Helen appears in the doorway. "Sir, its almost three. You remember your meeting?"

"Oh! Right! Yes! Well, now I do." Ambrose turns to the party before him. "I have other matters to attend to. If you have any other questions or concerns, see Helen, but I'm not sure what else there is to tell! You all covered things pretty well. Anyway, farewell! Best of luck in your mission!"

Ambrose grabs a hat, dons it, and strolls out the door, nodding a thank you to Helen as she held the door for him. She holds the door for you, giving the group a patronizing and impatient smile to hurry you out the door.

2015-05-28, 06:34 PM
Kyoni was the first to file out, waiting for the others before addressing Helen. "The High Priest said you would be the best person to talk to about magical matters. Who should I work with to get the casting of a minor spell in the future? I believe the common name is 'ant haul'. I have a few useful talents that I can offer in exchange for the service."

2015-06-01, 06:36 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhai comes out of the office, and glances at Helen
"Hey, rules-queen, Ambrose said to ask you for bribe money. Hook me up?"
She holds up the slip of paper.

2015-06-01, 10:09 AM

Shaking her head at Vhai's rude address, she smiles at Helen, "What my friend here means is that we were told you were the woman to see if we needed supplies, and she was hoping that you'd be willing to help us out."

Diplomacy, gotta get her to like at least one of us :smalltongue: [roll0]

2015-06-01, 07:43 PM
Helen smiles at Kyoni and says "Ant haul, hmm? When do you need that cast on you? I'll send a cleric over then."

Then she raises a bemused eyebrow at Vhai, before taking the paper and eyeing it critically for a long moment. She handed it back, and replied, "I'll have it sent over to your new home with the cleric that's casting Ant Haul for Kyoni, honey. And Eris, honey, tell me what you need, and I'll see if I can get it for you."

2015-06-01, 10:01 PM
Kyoni nodded appreciatively. "I'll still need to do some planning before I can settle on the time, but I wanted to make sure that I could include that in the planning itself. And of course, if you ever need anything…" Kyoni shifted through several different forms, male and female. "… or anyone, I'm always happy to oblige as best I can."

2015-06-01, 10:14 PM
"Oh, Kyoni, honey!" Helen laughs. "I get plenty of that all ready! This face doesn't exactly repel the men... or the women. Besides, I try to keep things professional here at the cult."

2015-06-01, 10:25 PM

Never one to pass on a joke, Eris smiles mischievously at Helen. "Then charge her for the hour and everything stays professional," she says, patting Kyoni's rear as she continues on. "Now, where too first? We can sit around and plan, or just head out and look for clues and work on a plan while gathering intel."

2015-06-01, 10:34 PM
Kyoni grinned and shrugged. "Oh, I don't doubt that. Can't blame me for trying, though. But the offer does stand as a purely professional service. Sometimes it's useful to be in two places at once, or you need somebody else to be somewhere without knowing it." She chuckled at Eris. "I doubt I could afford her. I would like to inspect our quarters when there's a chance. We can work out any plans there," she suggested.

2015-06-01, 11:14 PM

Glancing back, "What makes you think I was talking about you paying her?"

2015-06-01, 11:33 PM

Gharrok once again is left slightly bewildered at the quick banter of the Noctulites. But when he hears about clues, his face brightens.

"Yes, I remembered now. Malcololm likes his drink very much. He drinks in the Iron Helm, with the other guards there, yes. I have heard that when he drinks enough, he starts to yammer about something, always the same yes. But the Iron Helm is full of guards, yes, so it needs care.

As for the bust, a man Wilhelm bragged he saw it. But where to find Wilhelm..."

Another Local for Wilhelm [roll0]

2015-06-01, 11:47 PM

The drow continues to shift through the papers detailing the previous cadre while the others speak with Helen. "Quite a dysfunctional lot…" Malaggar mutters as he reads. "Although, perhaps that's the norm," he sighs as he looks about the four assigned to him, gaze lingering on Vhaidara. One was planted to spy on the others… Could there be one here? After a moment of thought, he concludes that Kyoni or possibly Eris seem the most logical choices (aside from himself). He makes a mental note to keep an eye on the two of them.

"The papers say that the scenes were cleared, it would probably make sense for us to do a once over… just in case something was missed. Perhaps after that it would make sense for us to check in on this Malcolm?"

He looks to Helen after the others, and asks, "I gather that you know much of what's going on around here, and you seem quite sharp. What's your take on the situation? Do you have any suspicions of your own?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-06-02, 06:12 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhai laughs when Helen mentions her pretty face.
"So that IS how you get by in that regard. Not all of us have that advantage, dollface."
She looks over to Eris
"I could hit the streets for a bit and bum for some info. Shouldn't take me more than a few hours."

Remember kids, Vhai is not sexy or even all that attractive in the traditional senses. She is explicitly described as being rather plain
Bluff check to convince Helen that Vhai's hostility is actually more jealousy over Helen's looks than anything personal: [roll0] (Extra +2 from Green Widow if Helen is attracted to Vhai)
Diplomacy (hinging on the Bluff, of course), to improve Helen's likely low attitude: [roll1]

2015-06-02, 11:34 AM
"I think, Malaggar, that they were stupid and let something slip at an inconvenient time. Take that Deborah, now she was a drinker. Put her in her favorite bar, and pretty soon she'd be telling a drunken tale or two. Maybe that tale reveals some info that another person can use to out two and two together, and there ya go, they get caught. But that's just guess work, honey, so you five go do your own investigating, and figure something out."

Helen smiles at Vhai's comment as she scribles out a letter, and seals it with a glob of wax and a kiss with her lipsticked-lips.

2015-06-15, 05:47 AM
Vhaidara, the Scion of Addiction

Vhai turns towards the door.
"Well, let's go get moved into our new digs."

2015-06-15, 09:40 PM
Kyoni smiled warmly. "That sounds excellent. I suppose it's too early to really settle in…" she added with a glance in Eris's direction. "We still have a lot to do. Just as a matter of course, I'll stop by the armory with anybody interested."

2015-06-15, 10:19 PM

Grinning at Kyoni, the tiefling nods to Vhai, "I suppose you're right. It'd be nice to have a comfortable place to return to if the day proves fruitless."