View Full Version : Looking for a Prestige Class

2015-05-21, 08:12 PM
LF a full bab prestige class for a CE cleric, cannot pick anything that is deity specific such as ruby night vindicator or ordained champion. Don't mind missing 2-3 casters levels but can't miss more than that. Will be Cleric 8/Human Paragon 3 prior to need prestige levels. Melee focused dumping charisma so no DMM and focusing on Abyssal Heritor feats. Anything that gives bonus feats is great as well.

2015-05-21, 08:46 PM
Quick search (although not entirely thorough, I must admit) yields a decent number of Medium BAB/Full Dasting or Full BAB/Medium Casting classes, some that are evil-friendly. But I haven't been able to find anything that grants both full BAB and full divine casting advancement other than the ones you mentioned (I assume they would count, since you called them out, but I didn't actually check them).

Bad Wolf
2015-05-21, 09:30 PM
Knight of the Raven, maybe?

2015-05-21, 10:38 PM
Knight of the Raven, maybe?

Have to be good aligned to take that.

Hiro Quester
2015-05-21, 11:10 PM
RKV and OC are prob the best for BAB and casting progression. There's a reasonable guide to cleric prestige classes here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=10556). But I don't see (on a brief cursory scan) other great options for a CE cleric.

2015-05-21, 11:26 PM
As a point of curiosity, who or what is your cleric devoted to?

Hiro Quester
2015-05-21, 11:38 PM
Have you considered warpriest? Not full casting progression, but full BAB, 5/10 casting, and a few reasonable abilities.

Or you might just want to stick with straight cleric. That's still a good package of abilities there.

2015-05-22, 12:06 AM
Have you considered warpriest? Not full casting progression, but full BAB, 5/10 casting, and a few reasonable abilities.

Or you might just want to stick with straight cleric. That's still a good package of abilities there.

Well, if war priest is an option, there are some other things as well.

One could flip the prestige paladin to be like the paladin of slaughter or antipaladin (something I did way back (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?276575-D-amp-D-3-5-PrCs-Variant-Prestigious-Classes-(PrC-Bards-PrC-Paladins-and-PrC-Rangers)). I should update those tables..)

And though being less than half, and devoted to entities, some of the Thrall PrCs provide full BaB.

..And there is always refluffing.

2015-05-22, 12:18 AM
As a point of curiosity, who or what is your cleric devoted to?

If you are familiar with the Elric series by Michael Moorcock, my cleric is devoted to Arioch (or at least a god based on him). If you are not familiar with it he is basically a CE god of war and magic(which also happen to be my 2 domains).

I thought of going warpriest, but I don't want to spend a feat on combat casting. Every deity in this campaign takes the place of another diety in a book as far as prestige classes go, for example deity X in this world is hextor and could take classes and feats for hextor patrons. For this particular deity I am not sure who his equivalent is but I think it might be the god from the midnight campaign setting which gives me access to a few things from that (not sure on this) if this is the case it will let me take weapon specialization so I can then pick up melee weapon mastery and then slashing furry later in levels to give me an extra attack. If not then I have 3 extra feats to spend on more abyssal heritor feats for increased damage reduction, natural armor, as well as other bonuses.

It guess I could always just take 2 levels of fighter for the bonus feats to make up the difference, or maybe drop the Human Paragon and take 4 levels. go Cleric 16/Fighter 4. I just want to hit at least 16 bab by 20. I know divine power exists, but I still want to be able to make 4 attacks without it.

2015-05-22, 01:13 AM
If you are familiar with the Elric series by Michael Moorcock, my cleric is devoted to Arioch (or at least a god based on him). If you are not familiar with it he is basically a CE god of war and magic(which also happen to be my 2 domains).

I thought of going warpriest, but I don't want to spend a feat on combat casting. Every deity in this campaign takes the place of another diety in a book as far as prestige classes go, for example deity X in this world is hextor and could take classes and feats for hextor patrons. For this particular deity I am not sure who his equivalent is but I think it might be the god from the midnight campaign setting which gives me access to a few things from that (not sure on this) if this is the case it will let me take weapon specialization so I can then pick up melee weapon mastery and then slashing furry later in levels to give me an extra attack. If not then I have 3 extra feats to spend on more abyssal heritor feats for increased damage reduction, natural armor, as well as other bonuses.

It guess I could always just take 2 levels of fighter for the bonus feats to make up the difference, or maybe drop the Human Paragon and take 4 levels. go Cleric 16/Fighter 4. I just want to hit at least 16 bab by 20. I know divine power exists, but I still want to be able to make 4 attacks without it.

Blood and souls for my lord Arioch. As one who has been long familiar with the book series, and named for a character in it even (though I didn't use that for my username, at all), I can appreciate such a thing coming into the equation.

If you can get Combat Casting as a bonus feat in any way, that would be helpful, or accepting the compromise for Warpriest. Can't always have your cake and eat it too.

I desperately want to throw an Incarnum solution at you but I've none. None without home-brew anyways. Given that Elric worships Arioch yet summons others to him to bargain with for aid (I'm tired so if I misremember or misrepresent, forgive me), the Binder class comes to mind, Knight of the Sacred Seal is handy in that regard, but that isn't a cleric (in the literal sense) which is what you are going for.

Again, there is always home-brew and refluffing if one must.

2015-05-22, 01:38 AM
Haven't had a chance to read the books yet myself but I have heard good things about them from my DM perhaps I will have time to read a few of them this summer now that my work load isn't as high.

Can't always have your cake and eat it too.

As a CE character, I will simply take your cake, and his cake, and her cake, and their cake after I eat mine.

2015-05-22, 01:41 AM
What do you need full BAB for? at low levels the difference isn't big (and can be compensated by various spells), from level 7 onwards you have Divine Power, giving you full BAB. Sure it's not as good without DMM but a couple of 4th level sots should guarantee that you have it when needed.

General Sajaru
2015-05-22, 01:46 AM
There's Sacred Fist, but it has a pretty hefty feat tax and doesn't necessarily help you do what you want to.

There's Doomlord, but only 5/10 casting.

And I'll second Warpriest, but otherwise I'm not finding any full BAB classes with anywhere close to full casting that allow a CE character to take them.

2015-05-22, 02:39 AM
Cleric 14/Ranger 1/Cyran Avenger 5 or Cleric 16/Ranger 1/Cyran Avenger 3 would work well, but not sure about the "region of origin: Cyre" part will have to ask my DM.

Cleric 16/ Fighter 2/ Warpriest 2 will also work well.

2015-05-22, 05:21 AM
Oh, why not Prestige Ranger then? It's only 7/15 casting but you don't have to stay in it.

2015-05-22, 08:31 AM
I've gone over every 3.5 PrC I could find, and here's all the stuff that's even close to what you want:

...nothingFochlucan LyristAbjurant ChampionDoomlord
Drow Judicator
Impure Prince
Ruby Knight Vindicator
Sacred Fist
Arcane Trickster
Divine Disciple
Divine Oracle
Divine Prankster
Earth Dreamer
Eldritch Disciple
Faith Scion
Frost Mage
Keeper of the Cerulean Sign
Moonstar Agent
Mystic Theurge
Paragnostic Apostle
Planar Shepherd
Primal Scholar
Psychic Theurge
Rimefire Witch
Sea Mother Whip
Serpent Slayer
Shadow Adept
Shadowcraft Mage
Singer of Concordance
Spellwarp Sniper
Tainted Sorcerer
True Necromancer
Vermin Keeper
Wearer of Purple
Winterhaunt of Iborihgu

There's tons of really cool options if you're willing to settle for less than full BAB, and Sacred Fist/Warpriest look pretty nice, but there's nothing quite like what you're looking for...at least in 3.5; there might be something in 3.0, I haven't checked.

2015-05-22, 08:35 AM
There's Sacred Fist, but it has a pretty hefty feat tax and doesn't necessarily help you do what you want to.Make sure, your DM agrees that text trumps table. Otherwise the sacred fist only gets 8/10 casting.

2015-05-22, 08:42 AM
What do you need full BAB for? at low levels the difference isn't big (and can be compensated by various spells), from level 7 onwards you have Divine Power, giving you full BAB. Sure it's not as good without DMM but a couple of 4th level sots should guarantee that you have it when needed.

Seconding this, just use Divine Power if you want Full BAB. Yeah it can be dispelled or whatever but your BAB only matters in melee combat while your casting progression matters all the time, so it's pretty clear which one should be prioritized.

2015-05-22, 03:49 PM
Bone Knight from Five Nations (Eberron) might be good for what you are looking for.