View Full Version : Books Looking for old info

2015-05-21, 10:08 PM
Hi everyone,

I just joined the forums and I'm looking forward to becoming part of this community. For now, I thought I would start off with a question. I only recently got back into Roleplaying after a hiatus, and I went online to try and find some of my old resources. One of my favorites used to be Dicesoup.com.

For some reason, Dicesoup seems to have dropped off the face of the earth (or internet at least) sometime in early 2013. Their twitter is still up, but no posts for years, and their Facebook group hasn't seen a post since Feb 2013. Does anyone know what happened to Dicesoup ?

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2015-05-28, 12:48 PM
I took a stab around, and couldn't find much of anything.

It probably dried up as smaller communities are wont to do.
