View Full Version : Super Soldier/Super Agent possible in D&D 3.5/3.0?

2015-05-21, 11:19 PM
Was looking at the pictures of the movie set for Marvels Civil War and I thought, what would these guys be like in the D&D world. I'm just curious does anyone know if its possible to make a character based around comic book people like Cap. America, Crossbones, Taskmaster etc. But obviously more medieval. I was thinking Chameleon, but then said character would have access to magic which kills the theme. Hmmmm...

Nothing important just theory-crafting out of boredom.

Thinking something like

Rogue 1/Fighter 5/ Avenging Executioner 5/ Dread Commando 5/ Maybe Assassin 4 if I could exchange the sneak attack for sudden strike

2015-05-21, 11:46 PM
In before "Tony Stark would be an Artificer 20".

Karl Aegis
2015-05-21, 11:49 PM
Hit level 6. Congratulations, you are super.

2015-05-22, 12:56 AM
Hit level 6. Congratulations, you are super. Nah lvl 8 would be more of a elite soldier. Anyways the theme of soldier/martial artist/assassin,etc not really the super we all know at lvl 10 and higher your basically a superhero or supervillian

Uncle Pine
2015-05-22, 01:32 AM
Hmmm... A super soldier? How about a "Half-Clay-Golem Were-Dire-Bat Gheden Air Racial Variant Half-Troll War Troll" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?101587-D-amp-D-3-5-The-Emerald-Legion-Mass-Producing-Ikea-Tarrasques)? Is it super enough for you?

2015-05-22, 12:33 PM
Nope. Unfortunately it's completely impossible.

2015-05-22, 02:39 PM
As Karl Aegis implied - PC's are super. But if you want something more "tangible":

there's a lot of "super secret agent man" (prestige) classes, mainly in the bard\rogue "splat" books,
super soldiers can be made easily by applying templates (half-elementals are nicely "buffed"), and grafts, to already powerful races

And with homebrew, you can make anything*.

2015-05-22, 03:49 PM
I'm not sure what you're actually asking for here. What traits and abilities do you want this "super soldier" to have? What makes someone a "super soldier" to you?

Figure out exactly what you want, and we can probably make it happen. But if you leave it vague like this, I agree with Karl Aegis: just level up until you're as powerful as you want to be.

2015-05-22, 04:12 PM
I'm not sure what you're actually asking for here. What traits and abilities do you want this "super soldier" to have? What makes someone a "super soldier" to you?

Figure out exactly what you want, and we can probably make it happen. But if you leave it vague like this, I agree with Karl Aegis: just level up until you're as powerful as you want to be.

Basically this. A Monk 20 is, by some measures of power, superpowered: they can stand in the middle of an explosion (even arguably a nuke) and suffer no negative consequences; they can talk to animals; they never age; they can run several times faster than most people; they can practically leap over tall buildings with enough Jump optimization; their fists are, even at their least optimized, hitting about as hard as an ogre with a greatsword; it's either impossible or tedious to kill himself depending on his chosen method (immune to aging, immune to poison, immune to falling damage, it would take at least 50 knife wounds to kill him, etc).

A Wizard 20 is made of so much solid bull**** power that they make a hybrid between Khepri, every Endbringer, Contessa, Lung, and the Siberian look pathetic in comparison.

2015-05-22, 04:25 PM
Your best bet is probably either the ToB classes (as it is for most "how do I build skillful combatant X" questions) or Factotum. (Factotum is practically perfect for Batman-types, actually. Skill abilities mean you're good at everything, being smarter than everyone else is a requirement, and the limited spells can stand in for a utility belt)

2015-05-22, 05:36 PM
The Shield Champion Brawler (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/brawler/archetypes/paizo---brawler-archetypes/shield-champion) is tailor-made for Captain America. Throw in some White Raven maneuvers (or the PoW version of that which I forget) and you're all set.

EDIT: Golden Lion maybe?

2015-05-22, 07:06 PM
The Shield Champion Brawler (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/brawler/archetypes/paizo---brawler-archetypes/shield-champion) is tailor-made for Captain America. Throw in some White Raven maneuvers (or the PoW version of that which I forget) and you're all set.
For pure 3.5, Warblade into Bloodstorm Master with the right feats (Shield Sling, Shield Charge, etc) works pretty well. Maybe even throw on a bit of Bard for Song of the White Raven fun.

mabriss lethe
2015-05-22, 08:15 PM
Believe it or not, the lowly Expert can be a frighteningly capable secret agent. Cherry-pick your class skills from scary skills like UMD and Iaijutsu focus along with stuff like gather info, autohypnosis, hide, move silently, forgery, diplomacy, etc. Snag feats that play off of those skills like EWP for a quickrazor, martial study/stance, poison mastery. Stock up on some Bond-like gadgets that can foul up an opponent and have fun.

2015-05-22, 08:48 PM
I'm not sure what you're actually asking for here. What traits and abilities do you want this "super soldier" to have? What makes someone a "super soldier" to you?

Figure out exactly what you want, and we can probably make it happen. But if you leave it vague like this, I agree with Karl Aegis: just level up until you're as powerful as you want to be.

I guess what I meant was something like martial artist/assassin type character. Just curious if it was possible to emmulate a character like Taskmaster, Black Widow, Crossbones, Batman, Deathstroke, etc. Someone who isn't super biologically just a apex badass with training of a professional killer.

2015-05-22, 09:00 PM
I guess what I meant was something like martial artist/assassin type character. Just curious if it was possible to emmulate a character like Taskmaster, Black Widow, Crossbones, Batman, Deathstroke, etc. Someone who isn't super biologically just a apex badass with training of a professional killer.

Honestly you could probably build them all as some mix of a ToB class, Ranger, and maybe a PrC. Some might call for a dash of Rogue even, but a Ranger dip gives you two good saves, good BAB, high HP, and favored enemy (when most of these people live in worlds that are mostly populated by just humanoid: humans anyway).

If I was building Batman (in mechanical terms, rather than conceptual terms), I'd build the Melee Monster Batman as a Ranger 2/Monk 2/Swordsage 2/Warblade 3/Crusader 1/Master of the Nine 10 using various items to enhance combat prowess. If I were building the Unseen Terror Batman, I'd build a Rogue 3/Ranger 1/Warblade 1/Bloodstorm Blade 4/Master Thrower 5/Swordsage 2/Shadow Sun Ninja 4, with a focus on throwing daggers, stealth, and intimidation. If I were building the Ultimate Investigator Batman, I'd probably make some sort of Factotum/Chameleon mix or something. Needless to say, any version of Batman would have an optimized UMD skill to allow for what would effectively be a magical utility belt (of mostly scrolls and partially-charged wands).

2015-05-22, 09:28 PM
You could probably do well with a psychic warrior. Pretty self sufficient, trans human powers. Fluff it as a supersoldier program.

2015-05-23, 12:27 PM
Believe it or not, the lowly Expert can be a frighteningly capable secret agent. Cherry-pick your class skills from scary skills like UMD and Iaijutsu focus along with stuff like gather info, autohypnosis, hide, move silently, forgery, diplomacy, etc. Snag feats that play off of those skills like EWP for a quickrazor, martial study/stance, poison mastery. Stock up on some Bond-like gadgets that can foul up an opponent and have fun.

An Expert with Iaijutus Focus and UMD... yet *another* reason for me to be terrified of absolutely everyone when I'm in Eberron.