View Full Version : Asmodeus. Does he have stats?

2015-05-22, 04:41 AM
First of all I did look and could not find a thread regarding this topic for 5e so that was surprising. So anyway I am a fairly new DM starting a long term campaign with 3 other people and the party is really try-hardy and ambitious and one of my friends especially will probably end up wanting to storm the 9 levels of hell for one reason or another so 1. Are there raw stats for Asmodeus? 2. Just how godlike is Asmodeus? He can be killed as the monster manual states "Devils that die in the Nine Hells are destroyed forever - a fate that even Asmodeus fears." - Page 68 of the Monster Manual.

2015-05-22, 05:34 AM
I don't think anything like this has been published for 5th. But a good baseline for raw power would be Tiamat. Probably bump it up for tangling with him in his "lair" (all of the hells)

In prior editions he typically was stated as one of those bads you needed to be very epic to go toe to toe with without cheesing it - standard 1 to 20 progression would not cut it, you needed some sort of edge (I seem to recall wish at will for some reason, and the ruby pimp stick has a raft of powers that would make it a serious threat if wielded by a pre-schooler). He tends to play in the power level of Lesser to Medium gods with the add on "is in charge of all devils".

Shining Wrath
2015-05-22, 06:17 AM
No published stats that I know of.

But look at Pit Fiends and then remember that as Lawful creatures they are quite capable of cooperating to secure their own goals - and Asmodeus evidently daunts groups of them.

Pit Fiends are challenge 20. Asmodeus has to be able to take on several at a time, or he would indeed be dead in a coup.

Of course, he's a master of LE politics and playing groups against groups. Which means that if outsiders (the party) try to take over, he's going to have several groups willing to take you on in order to improve their position with him.

So, scary dude with scary friends, is scary.

2015-05-22, 06:32 AM
Asmo is a demi-god level fellow. Fighting him would be folly in the extreme.

I have (as a DM) had several groups in earlier renditions of D&D try to take him on.

I always played him as a master manipulator, which meant that my players never ever actually got to fight him. In fact, they did on several occasions end up working for him, albeit unknowingly. On other times they found a host of other beings, including several supposedly allied Kings and High Priests, that would attack them or hinder them in some other ways.

I would always portray Asmo (as my players called him) as very polite and stylish. He never raised his voice and was always in complete control of everything. He would never show if he was annoyed, but pity the fool who annoyed him. The fool would be punished accordingly later.

2015-05-22, 11:08 AM
I don't think anything like this has been published for 5th. But a good baseline for raw power would be Tiamat. Probably bump it up for tangling with him in his "lair" (all of the hells)

Forgotten Realms wiki says he's a Greater Power. Tiamat is only a Lesser Power, and I was under the impression that those stats were only for an avatar or manifestation of her.

Mortal PCs should have serious problems getting near to him, let alone hurting him.

2015-05-22, 11:50 AM
Yea, the tiamat stats are for the avatar of a lesser deity, Asmodeus is borderline greater deity (and the main reason he isn't one is because they tend to avoid meddeling) so 5e probably wouldn't be able to accomidate stats for him without some macguffin to even things up. If I was to give him stats I'd allow his scores to go up to 40 to represent that he is one of the most powerful beings in existance as even lesser gods are limited to 30s.

2015-05-22, 12:03 PM
First of all I did look and could not find a thread regarding this topic for 5e so that was surprising. So anyway I am a fairly new DM starting a long term campaign with 3 other people and the party is really try-hardy and ambitious and one of my friends especially will probably end up wanting to storm the 9 levels of hell for one reason or another so 1. Are there raw stats for Asmodeus? 2. Just how godlike is Asmodeus? He can be killed as the monster manual states "Devils that die in the Nine Hells are destroyed forever - a fate that even Asmodeus fears." - Page 68 of the Monster Manual.

I saw Asmodeus' 5E statblock, once. A blind man came into my bar, clutching it, wanting to exchange it for a drink of anything that would burn on the way down. It was a slow day, and he piqued both my curiosity and pity, so I gave him a bottle of Fireball whiskey for it. He handed me a scrap of what looked like leather but wasn't any kind I'd ever felt before, and inked on one side was the statblock of Asmodeus.

Asmodeus' statblock had all the fields you'd expect to see: hit points, armor class, speed, ability scores. It had a few fields you didn't often see: legendary actions, lair actions. But the funny thing, no pun intended, is that there weren't no numbers, no descriptions of any type. It was all just laughter. Even as you read it, you could sort of hear it; mean and cruel, like acid dripping from the letters.

Anywho, I figured it'd make a good conversation piece so I framed it and hung it on the wall above the bar. I could've shown it to you--not that it would have helped you with what you're after--but some faulty electrical wiring sparked a blaze that took my bar and everything around it, burnt right down to the ground.

2015-05-22, 01:12 PM
I don't think anything like this has been published for 5th. But a good baseline for raw power would be Tiamat. Probably bump it up for tangling with him in his "lair" (all of the hells)

He'd be significantly more powerful(Tiamat doesn't control a plane), and remember that the Tiamat stats we have are Tiamat summoned by the Cult of the Dragon immediately after summoning, I'd say that's unlikely her at her full power even if you don't do anything in the campaign to weaken her.

Shining Wrath
2015-05-22, 04:03 PM
I saw Asmodeus' 5E statblock, once. A blind man came into my bar, clutching it, wanting to exchange it for a drink of anything that would burn on the way down. It was a slow day, and he piqued both my curiosity and pity, so I gave him a bottle of Fireball whiskey for it. He handed me a scrap of what looked like leather but wasn't any kind I'd ever felt before, and inked on one side was the statblock of Asmodeus.

Asmodeus' statblock had all the fields you'd expect to see: hit points, armor class, speed, ability scores. It had a few fields you didn't often see: legendary actions, lair actions. But the funny thing, no pun intended, is that there weren't no numbers, no descriptions of any type. It was all just laughter. Even as you read it, you could sort of hear it; mean and cruel, like acid dripping from the letters.

Anywho, I figured it'd make a good conversation piece so I framed it and hung it on the wall above the bar. I could've shown it to you--not that it would have helped you with what you're after--but some faulty electrical wiring sparked a blaze that took my bar and everything around it, burnt right down to the ground.

Slow Clap

Was there a mysterious cloud of smoke that arose from the burning bar, looked almost as though it had wings and was flying away?

2015-05-22, 05:32 PM
Yea, the tiamat stats are for the avatar of a lesser deity, Asmodeus is borderline greater deity (and the main reason he isn't one is because they tend to avoid meddeling) so 5e probably wouldn't be able to accomidate stats for him without some macguffin to even things up. If I was to give him stats I'd allow his scores to go up to 40 to represent that he is one of the most powerful beings in existance as even lesser gods are limited to 30s.

Where are these Tiamat stats that everyone is talking about?

2015-05-22, 06:46 PM
Actually, he does. Or did, at the very least. When they were playtesting 5e(D&D Next) they made a statblock for Asmodeus, or at least an avatar of him. I still have it and it's certainly a strange thing to read. He's a CR 17 fiend(Devil). He's got spells, a dominate ability, can summon other devils, but the real killer was his multiattack. Two attacks with his rod plus a higher-level version of a few of his big damage spells. If his rod hits you, you automatically died if you have less than 150 HP, otherwise you took necrotic damage. He's obviously lacking the mechanics that make real deific monsters(legendary actions, legendary resistance, lair actions) but with those you could probably get him up to CR 30. Otherwise I feel he translates more into a CR 20-22 creature from the playtests to 5e.

I don't think I'm allowed to give you the statblock, but I feel like you could probably make a better one at this point. Stick devil traits on an archmage, give it legendary resistance/actions and a magic weapon with multiattack. Up the ability scores and add some riders or ribbons to it to make it slightly more formidable.

2015-05-22, 06:46 PM
Where are these Tiamat stats that everyone is talking about?

They are in the module Rise of Tiamat.

2015-05-22, 07:48 PM
I really hope they don't stat the Gods this time around.

2015-05-23, 01:54 AM
I really hope they don't stat the Gods this time around.

They have stats for Tiamat's newly-summoned avatar. As for the goddess herself, on her demiplane Avernus, which is the only place she can truly be defeated? You can very well just write "lol, nope" in every entry besides her hp, which is "enough." Asmodeus will basically be the same thing on any layer of hell you find him, with different layers giving you different bouts of manical laughter. Off of hell, he is still far, far more powerful than Tiamat, and I think getting his avatar to CR 38 would be expected.

... What is the exp on a CR 38 "rocks fall" event, I wonder? :smalltongue:

I saw Asmodeus' 5E statblock, once. A blind man came into my bar, clutching it, wanting to exchange it for a drink of anything that would burn on the way down. It was a slow day, and he piqued both my curiosity and pity, so I gave him a bottle of Fireball whiskey for it. He handed me a scrap of what looked like leather but wasn't any kind I'd ever felt before, and inked on one side was the statblock of Asmodeus.

Asmodeus' statblock had all the fields you'd expect to see: hit points, armor class, speed, ability scores. It had a few fields you didn't often see: legendary actions, lair actions. But the funny thing, no pun intended, is that there weren't no numbers, no descriptions of any type. It was all just laughter. Even as you read it, you could sort of hear it; mean and cruel, like acid dripping from the letters.

Anywho, I figured it'd make a good conversation piece so I framed it and hung it on the wall above the bar. I could've shown it to you--not that it would have helped you with what you're after--but some faulty electrical wiring sparked a blaze that took my bar and everything around it, burnt right down to the ground.

... That was glorious. I salute you.

2015-05-23, 01:53 PM
He is stated to have the power of a lesser god in the monster manual. Aka the type like Tiamat that can be fought. So he would be around her level in power with added benifits. As CR 30 is the max for CR currently. He would be that, but probably much buffed up from the **** he would have. Anyway getting to him is near impossible anyway. He lives in the 9th layer of hell and someone hoping to confront him must make it though all layers of hell in order to get to him.

2015-05-23, 02:53 PM
If I were starting him out, he'd have all stats in the 24-30 range, and proficiency in most/all skills and saves. He'd cast as a high level charisma caster (warlock or sorcerer). Legendary actions to dominate others and summon backup. Horrible and nearly undefeatable lair actions.

More importantly he'd never be fought without a huge host of common and unique Devils to help; and is smart enough to not fall for any ploy to seperate him from these protections

2015-05-25, 06:23 AM
It's been said that every drop of blood that falls from Asmodeus births a pit fiend that's fanatically loyal to him.

All Devils are forced to be loyal to Asmodeus. If he was ever seriously threatened in combat, he would call in every devil in the multiverse to defend him, and presumably all but a few archdevils would answer.

There is an entire army of devils solely dedicated to defending the only entrance to Asmodeus's home circle of Nessus. That's not counting the armies of armies of devils that the players would require fighting through, as most of the archdevils would want them dead, as would several of the gods living in hell.

The Ruby Rod and the Pact Primeval are weapons so powerful that they could conquer entire planes, and indeed they have.

On top of this, Asmodeus is one of the most cunning entities in D&D, and would see the players coming lightyears away, as well as all of their weaknesses, family and friends, loves and dreams, etc. He would prepare for the players in a hundred different ways, and presumably nothing that they care about would be safe.

With these kind of power, we are looking as Wish at-will as a Legendary Action. The rules do not exist yet for creating any character with a hope of challenging Asmodeus.

Luckily, you don't need to worry about that, as your players will never get that far in hell.

2015-05-25, 02:03 PM
Fighting Asmodeus at full power should be a `his only stat is: kills 1d6 PCs a round` kind of proposition.
I suggest having the PCs have to weaken him somehow, then use Tiamat jacked up a few levels as a baseline for that.

2015-05-25, 04:50 PM
I'd think the only thing that could kill off a god would be another god (or several), and I don't see that happening any time soon

I know it's tempting to want to kill 'the big bad guy in charge of everything evil ever (even though devils are LE and we're not even looking at Demons, here), but wouldn't it be a more worthwhile pursuit (and more realistic at that) to want to lessen the influence of evil in the mortal realm? Just a thought.

Though if your players want to be foolish enough to step into the hells of their own volition, let them (though not without some warning, I guess). Even if they somehow make it to Asmodeus, I think he's clever enough to get them into a contract for their souls without them really realizing what they've done. If he didn't just kill them outright, anyway.

Thanatos 51-50
2015-05-25, 08:16 PM
The problem is simple: if it has stats, the players will kill it.
Thus, Asmodeous does not have stats.

2015-05-25, 09:29 PM
Yeah, you probably should point out to your party that if straight-up killing Asmodeus was possible for a handful of mortals to accomplish somebody would have done it by now. I mean, there are DEITIES who would be extremely happy to see Asmodeus destroyed. And no realistic character who is not an absolute lunatic would even begin to think that storming the Nine Hells is possible without some serious celestial or demonic backup.

2015-05-25, 09:36 PM
Yeah, you probably should point out to your party that if straight-up killing Asmodeus was possible for a handful of mortals to accomplish somebody would have done it by now. I mean, there are DEITIES who would be extremely happy to see Asmodeus destroyed. And no realistic character who is not an absolute lunatic would even begin to think that storming the Nine Hells is possible without some serious celestial or demonic backup.

Eh, once the 20th level characters with many epic boons decide it's time to risk everything to take out the ultimate evil, who would I be do deny them the chance? It seems like a pretty great final blaze of glory. There would, of course, be no holds barred. :smallamused:

2015-05-27, 10:07 AM
He has stats if you give them to him. As others say, giving things stats has unintended consequences. The question you need to ask yourself before you give something stats is whether or not you want to deal with it having stats (which is it can now be killed). A lot of folks have gotten around that in the past by saying "oh, that's just the 'avatar' of the god you just killed so It Meant Nothing" (and that irritates everyone involved, because it robs them of any accomplishment) or by saying "he just kills you, you're dead, get over it" (which also irritates everyone involved, because it robs them of any potential for accomplishment).

So, not only do you need to build a stat block, you need to build a succession plan. If Asmodeus dies, who gets to be the new Asmodeus? Do you eat what you kill (i.e. the party gets the divine spark)? Does Mephistopheles step up? Does Hell collapse? If Hell collapses what takes its space, or does the concept of Lawful Evil get destroyed? What does that that do to the rest of the cosmos? It might be a great start for a "Seals of the Apocalypse" campaign for your world setting to end... or a total mess. All because you couldn't leave it alone and had to know "Does Asmodeus Even Lift?". Good job, hero.

2015-05-27, 10:29 AM
My two cents is this: Asmodeus has stats only if the players are being empowered by other gods. That puts them in the realm of possibility of beating him. Without it? Asmodeus wins.

2015-05-27, 11:45 AM
First of all I did look and could not find a thread regarding this topic for 5e so that was surprising. So anyway I am a fairly new DM starting a long term campaign with 3 other people and the party is really try-hardy and ambitious and one of my friends especially will probably end up wanting to storm the 9 levels of hell for one reason or another so 1. Are there raw stats for Asmodeus? 2. Just how godlike is Asmodeus? He can be killed as the monster manual states "Devils that die in the Nine Hells are destroyed forever - a fate that even Asmodeus fears." - Page 68 of the Monster Manual.

My opinion:

Asmodeus has the following:

Completely immune to all magic cast by mortals (carry over from BECMI rules for immortals)

Cannot be harmed by any weapon short of Artifact or +3. Even then, he automatically takes the minimum damage possible. 2d6+3 magic+5 str = 10. (also carried over from BECMI)

Use stats cribbed from Tiamat's avatar. For all intents and purposes, he is a god. Thus anything the players do directly to him without the direct assistance of another god is doomed to failure from the outset. Basically, like gods, he isn't meant to be confronted directly, if at all. Gods and Archdemons serve as plot devices. As soon as you stat something, players will try to kill it.

Gods/Archdemons/Devil princes are an entire evolutionary step above whatever mortals are. Sort of like humans vs. Amoebas. Unless very specific parameters are met, there is nothing the Amoeba can do to kill a human.

2015-05-27, 12:05 PM
Unless very specific parameters are met, there is nothing the Amoeba can do to kill a human.

You realise that malaria is an amoeba? No animal kills more humans than that little guy.

Sorry, but you were asking for that.

2015-05-27, 12:21 PM
He has an AC of -7 and 199 hit points. He has a 90% magic resistance (affected by the caster's level) and requires +3 or better weapons to hit. Although he has an attack which deals 4-14 points of damage, he can cast (all at-will) pyrotechnics, produce flame, wall of fire, ice storm, wall of ice, continual light, read languages, read magic, detect invisible, locate objects, invisibility, dispel magic, hold person, hold monster, shape change, beguile, rulership, mass charm, geas, restoration, raise dead fully, or fulfill another's wish. Once per day he can cast symbol of pain, symbol of insanity, symbol of hopelessness (save vs. magic or submit to Asmodeus's will), and (un)holy word. His gaze causes fear, fear and weakness, or chill (slows 50% and -5 on all dice rolls). Saves vs. magic apply.

Really, though, his first thing would be to summon 2 lesser or 1 greater devils. His rod of absorption should keep him safe from those nasty spells cast against him that don't get negated by his potent magic resistance. It can also shoot out dragon breath weapons, so watch out!

2015-05-27, 12:25 PM
Not sure I'd ever run this way in an actual game, but I'm rather partial to the "blood to Pit Fiends" part of the lore, and I'd be horribly amused if every point of damage he takes manifests a Pit Fiend on the field. :smallamused:

2015-05-27, 12:27 PM
He has an AC of -7 and 199 hit points. He has a 90% magic resistance (affected by the caster's level)

Is this from AD&D? Because those stats don't look that scary... I mean his spellcasting is fearsome, but -7 AC is pretty weak. I seem to recall having a mid-level ranger with a THAC0 of 2 somewhere back in the mists of time.

2015-05-27, 12:28 PM
You realise that malaria is an amoeba? No animal kills more humans than that little guy.

Sorry, but you were asking for that.

Hence: Specific parameters. How did you miss that?

2015-05-27, 12:29 PM
Hence: Specific parameters. How did you miss that?

"having them inside your body" is a pretty general parameter in my book :P

2015-05-27, 12:45 PM
Is this from AD&D? Because those stats don't look that scary... I mean his spellcasting is fearsome, but -7 AC is pretty weak. I seem to recall having a mid-level ranger with a THAC0 of 2 somewhere back in the mists of time.
Yeah, it's from AD&D 1e Monster Manual 1 next to an image of a fine goateed gentleman. :smallbiggrin:

-7 was quite near the AC cap of -10. AD&D's accuracy is very well-bounded since nothing can fall outside the -10 to +10 range, but it keeps a good sense of progression, too. I forgot all his other tricks, though - he can also cast Charm Person, Suggestion, Illusion, Infravision, Teleport (no error), Know Alignment, Cause Fear, and Animate Dead at-will. Immunity to fire, half damage from cold, and half damage from gas also help.

As for looking weak ... well, he should always have some Pit Fiends around even when he's slumming. :smallbiggrin:

For your character? Rangers could pretty easily hit a THAC0 of 2 by mid levels, especially with the power inflation that was pretty common in the AD&D days. You'd get a base THAC0 of, say, 10 at 11th level. But then you have magic weapons, weapon specialization, and stat mods figuring into that. If you had, for example, a Belt of Giant Strength or Gauntlets of Ogre Power, you'll hit a lot more often. Low level AD&D is a game of whiffs; mid-level AD&D is a game of hits. At 11th, if you had the Gauntlets (+3 to-hit), a +3 weapon (+3 to-hit), and normal Specialization (+1 to-hit) you'd have a 3, right there.

Keep in mind, though, that sans house-rules or crazy stats, that same Ranger would probably have decent saving throws and (depending on the edition) around 70ish hit points.

As for his best options? Those Gaze attacks are hardcore, especially the Chill one. Throw that up there, then cast some good spells like Hold Monster, Mass Charm, and Symbol of Hopelessness and it'll be a bad time. For damage, that rod that sends out breath weapons is crazy; remember that in AD&D breath weapons deal damage equal to the originator's hit points, so that's 199 damage to start. :smalleek:

2015-05-27, 12:51 PM
Not sure I'd ever run this way in an actual game, but I'm rather partial to the "blood to Pit Fiends" part of the lore, and I'd be horribly amused if every point of damage he takes manifests a Pit Fiend on the field. :smallamused:

That would pretty awesome. So the fighter manages to hit with his every attack including those with action surge, does liike 400 points of damage and bam there's 400 pit fiends flooding the field of battle. Oh, and of course you need to make sure to use the devil summoning option, so each of them summons 1d4 maraliths or something akin to that.

As for his best options? Those Gaze attacks are hardcore, especially the Chill one. Throw that up there, then cast some good spells like Hold Monster, Mass Charm, and Symbol of Hopelessness and it'll be a bad time. For damage, that rod that sends out breath weapons is crazy; remember that in AD&D breath weapons deal damage equal to the originator's hit points, so that's 199 damage to start. :smalleek:

Save for half damage? :smallfrown:

2015-05-27, 01:33 PM
"having them inside your body" is a pretty general parameter in my book :P

Fair enough. Though I don't see that as any less specific than "Needing an artifact / Gods direct intervention" to kill Azmodeus.

2015-05-27, 01:58 PM
Killing Gods has been a D&D tradition since the first time Lloth bit the big one in the Demonweb pits when Reagan was a new thing The only time that was ever taken away was when TSR was run by people that hated us and drove the game to bankruptcy

That being said your not going to see god killing in 5E because this edition has the lowest relative power of any edition. There isnt even goona be over 20th lv epic shenanigans that would be needed to close the gap we have seen just from Tiamat

2015-05-27, 03:29 PM
Killing Gods has been a D&D tradition since the first time Lloth bit the big one in the Demonweb pits when Reagan was a new thing The only time that was ever taken away was when TSR was run by people that hated us and drove the game to bankruptcy

That being said your not going to see god killing in 5E because this edition has the lowest relative power of any edition. There isnt even goona be over 20th lv epic shenanigans that would be needed to close the gap we have seen just from Tiamat

Realistically speaking, epic boons and magic items can probably get you there.

2015-05-27, 03:51 PM
First of all I did look and could not find a thread regarding this topic for 5e so that was surprising. So anyway I am a fairly new DM starting a long term campaign with 3 other people and the party is really try-hardy and ambitious and one of my friends especially will probably end up wanting to storm the 9 levels of hell for one reason or another so 1. Are there raw stats for Asmodeus? 2. Just how godlike is Asmodeus? He can be killed as the monster manual states "Devils that die in the Nine Hells are destroyed forever - a fate that even Asmodeus fears." - Page 68 of the Monster Manual.

More importantly, knowing this last sentence to be true within the context of the game universe....why would the most powerful Devils be anywhere near the Nine Hells if they could help it?

2015-05-27, 04:42 PM
More importantly, knowing this last sentence to be true within the context of the game universe....why would the most powerful Devils be anywhere near the Nine Hells if they could help it?

Because it's also where they are the most powerful. Asmodeus has an incredible amount of power tied to the nine hells, and his vile soul engine that turns the damned to his purpose is based there. To put it into context, it's like fighting Superman in the Fortress of Solitude or Darkseid on Apokalypse. It's a bad plan, only something the most desperate people would try.

Shining Wrath
2015-05-27, 07:35 PM
More importantly, knowing this last sentence to be true within the context of the game universe....why would the most powerful Devils be anywhere near the Nine Hells if they could help it?

For starters, they return there when defeated elsewhere. It's their "spawn point". So they can't always help it.

For second, every outer plane other than Prime Material has a ruler or rulers just like Asmodeus rules Nine Hells. So if they go to some other outer plane, they get kicked out by the rulers thereof. Elemental planes, Feywild, Shadow ... someone is going to object.

And on the Prime Material EVERYONE gets a shot at them. That may be the shortest expected life span of all.

2015-05-27, 07:40 PM
For starters, they return there when defeated elsewhere. It's their "spawn point". So they can't always help it.

For second, every outer plane other than Prime Material has a ruler or rulers just like Asmodeus rules Nine Hells. So if they go to some other outer plane, they get kicked out by the rulers thereof. Elemental planes, Feywild, Shadow ... someone is going to object.

And on the Prime Material EVERYONE gets a shot at them. That may be the shortest expected life span of all.Not only do the archdevils and whatnot get a lot of energy from Hell, they also have extremely lawful minions who believe that by serving in one of Hell's standing armies well enough, they shall be rewarded. People follow their orders to the letter, and the letter always involves benefiting a superior.

2015-05-27, 11:03 PM
10^999 HP

Problem solved?

2015-05-28, 08:28 AM
10^999 HP

Problem solved?

Completely immune to mortal abilities and items touched by mortals.

Simpler solution.

2015-05-28, 09:21 AM
10^999 HP

Problem solved?

No. Someone will figure it out. Once you've written it down, you've put out the challenge. Either you go the whole way or you say no way. Any other course of action puts you in the Nerd Arms Race.

2015-05-28, 09:23 AM
Use Contagion. Get really lucky. Asmodeus is now stunned every time he gets hurt.

10^999 will take a very long time to whittle down. But not forever.

2015-05-28, 09:40 AM
10^999 HP

Problem solved?

Nah, I think you mean 10^666... :smalltongue:

Shining Wrath
2015-05-28, 10:26 AM
I accept the challenge of stating up an Asmodeus that cannot be killed by 5e characters, without resorting to "infinite HP".

All stats assume Asmodeus is in his lair at the bottom of the Nine Hells; different stats are used elsewhere.

Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are each 60 (modifier is +25).
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are each 110 (modifier is +50).
Proficiency bonus: + 20.
Hit points: 1920 (60 D12 + 1500).


Asmodeus has consumed the essence of a nearly infinite number of lawful evil souls over the eons. As a result, he can at-will function as a level 20 character of any class and archetype, shifting between them multiple times per round if desired. His Rod is a +6 weapon (so his attack bonus is 20 + 25 + 6 = 51) which does (4d8 + 25) damage. See below for other features of the Rod of Asmodeus, which is an artifact.
Alternatively, Asmodeus may cast spells as a 20th level caster of any class with full spell slots for each. As a sorcerer, he has access to all forms of metamagic. The save DC is (8+20+25=53).

Asmodeus is immune to sleep, paralysis, petrification, and poison.

Asmodeus is resistant to all forms of damage except radiant.
Asmodeus makes all saving throws with advantage.
Asmodeus has the Lucky feat.

Lair actions, of which Asmodeus may choose one per round:

Asmodeus may recover 9 levels of spells slots, distributed as 1 9th level slot, or 9 1st level slots, or any other permutation adding up to 9. Recovery on a 5 or 6 on a six-sided die.
Asmodeus gains the benefits of a short rest, including being able to spend hit dice to recover hit points, and regains all abilities of every class and archetype which are regained during a short rest. In addition, Asmodeus gets a fresh saving throw (with Advantage as noted above) on any condition affecting him which can be ended by a saving throw. Recovery on a 5 or 6 on a six sided die.
Asmodeus summons allies. For every 20 HP below his maximum, add 1 to the percentile dice result on this table.

Percentile roll
Allies appearing

1D3 Pit Fiends

1D6 + 1 Pit Fiends

3D6 Pit Fiends

1 Demon Lord accompanied by 2d6 Mariliths

Recovery on a 4, 5, or 6 on a 6 sided die.

The Rod of Asmodeus

An interesting artifact indeed. Tipped with an enormous blood-red ruby, the Rod glows with hellish energy from thousands of damned souls trapped within it. The Rod has the following properties.
Vampiric: if Asmodeus is below maximum hit points, any damage done by the Rod restores an equal number of hit points to Asmodeus.
Inflicting: whenever Asmodeus scores a hit with the Rod, he can choose on of the following conditions to inflict upon the target, each of which requires a DC 30 save and continues until the victim makes a DC 30 save on the indicated ability.

Exhaustion: Unless a Strength save is made, the target gains two levels of exhaustion, which stack with any existing levels
Restrained: Unless a Dexterity save is made, the target has the Restrained condition
Stunned: Unless a Constitution save is made, the target has the Stunned condition
Confused: Unless an Intelligence save is made, the victim acts as though under the influence of a Confusion spell
Blind and Deaf: Unless a Wisdom save is made, the victim has the Blinded and Deafened conditions
Polymorphing: Unless a Charisma save is made, the victim is subject to a Polymorph spell

Killing: As an action, Asmodeus may use the Rod to cast Power Word: Kill on every target within a 20' radius of himself

2015-05-28, 10:31 AM
Percentile roll
Allies appearing

1D3 Pit Fiends

1D6 + 1 Pit Fiends

3D6 Pit Fiends

1 Demon Lord accompanied by 2d6 Mariliths

Recovery on a 4, 5, or 6 on a 6 sided die.
Nitpick time! Asmodeus would summon Archdevils, not Demon Lords, his worst enemies. Aside from that, great job. I would have thrown in more mind control and Legendary Actions, but aside from that, great job!

2015-05-28, 11:45 AM
Glorious work, Shining Wrath. Anyone fancy a bet on how long it'd take someone to come along claiming to be able to beat it, if it were posted on twitter or whatever?

2015-05-28, 12:10 PM
Glorious work, Shining Wrath. Anyone fancy a bet on how long it'd take someone to come along claiming to be able to beat it, if it were posted on twitter or whatever?

Evidence of "If you give it stats, players will kill it"

2015-05-28, 01:09 PM
Even divine beings cannot exceed 30 in a stat (at least right now); instead give him blanket bonuses to all checks and spell DCs

2015-05-28, 01:37 PM
Even divine beings cannot exceed 30 in a stat (at least right now); instead give him blanket bonuses to all checks and spell DCs

Or dispense with stats altogether.

Default: Az succeeds at all "checks" All the time. Az is immune to anything a player(mortal) can conceive to destroy him short of direct divine intervention.

Is it of narrative importance that the players fail/succeed? Write the story as needed.

2015-05-28, 02:04 PM
I'm not really sure I'd call the endeavor a 'challenge' nor the result 'glorious' either.

I mean anyone can give a statblock arbitrarily high stats and gloat about how strong it is. "can do anything any class can do whenever he wants" isn't particularly inspired either.

But that's just my opinion.

2015-05-28, 02:05 PM
Man, guys. What's wrong with fighting and/or killing archdevils/demon lords/gods? It's a D&D tradition!

Shining Wrath
2015-05-28, 02:07 PM
OK, new effort based on idea that 30 is the upper limit on stats, plus fixing that atrocious "Demon Lords" goof.

I accept the challenge of stating up an Asmodeus that cannot be killed by 5e characters, without resorting to "infinite HP".

All stats assume Asmodeus is in his lair at the bottom of the Nine Hells; different stats are used elsewhere.

All stats are 30 (modifier is + 10)
Proficiency bonus: + 20.
Hit points: 2040 (120 D12 + 1200).


Asmodeus has consumed the essence of a nearly infinite number of lawful evil souls over the eons. As a result, he can at-will function as a level 20 character of any class and archetype, shifting between them multiple times per round if desired. His Rod is a +6 weapon (so his attack bonus is 20 + 10 + 6 = 36) which does (4d8 + 10) damage. See below for other features of the Rod of Asmodeus, which is an artifact.
Alternatively, Asmodeus may cast spells as a 20th level caster of any class with full spell slots for each. As a sorcerer, he has access to all forms of metamagic. The save DC is (8+20+10=38).

Asmodeus is immune to sleep, paralysis, petrification, poison, fire, cold, and acid.
He is also immune to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from non-magic weapons which are not silvered.
Asmodeus is resistant to all forms of damage except radiant.

Asmodeus has a form of the Lucky feat which allows him to make any and all D20 rolls with Improved Advantage - he rolls 3 D20 and picks the one he wants. Only a deity or creature of equivalent power can impose Disadvantage on Asmodeus in any way.

Asmodeus has Blindsense and Tremorsense while in the Nine Hells.

Lair actions, of which Asmodeus may choose one per round:

Asmodeus may recover 9 levels of spells slots, distributed as 1 9th level slot, or 9 1st level slots, or any other permutation adding up to 9. Recharge on a 5 or 6 on a six-sided die.
Asmodeus gains the benefits of a short rest, including being able to spend hit dice to recover hit points, and regains all abilities of every class and archetype which are regained during a short rest. In addition, Asmodeus gets a fresh saving throw (with Improved Advantage as noted above) on any condition affecting him which can be ended by a saving throw. Recharge on a 5 or 6 on a six sided die.
Asmodeus summons allies. For every 20 HP below his maximum, add 1 to the percentile dice result on this table.

Percentile roll
Allies appearing

1D3 Pit Fiends

1D6 + 1 Pit Fiends

3D6 Pit Fiends

1 Arch Devil accompanied by 2d6 Mariliths

Recharge on a 4, 5, or 6 on a 6 sided die.

The Rod of Asmodeus

An interesting artifact indeed. Tipped with an enormous blood-red ruby, the Rod glows with hellish energy from thousands of damned souls trapped within it. The Rod has the following properties.
Vampiric: if Asmodeus is below maximum hit points, any damage done by the Rod restores an equal number of hit points to Asmodeus, up to his current maximum number of HP.
Inflicting: whenever Asmodeus scores a hit with the Rod, he can choose on of the following conditions to inflict upon the target, each of which requires a DC 30 save and continues until the victim makes a DC 30 save on the indicated ability.

Exhaustion: Unless a Strength save is made, the target gains two levels of exhaustion, which stack with any existing levels
Restrained: Unless a Dexterity save is made, the target has the Restrained condition
Stunned: Unless a Constitution save is made, the target has the Stunned condition
Confused: Unless an Intelligence save is made, the victim acts as though under the influence of a Confusion spell
Blind and Deaf: Unless a Wisdom save is made, the victim has the Blinded and Deafened conditions
Polymorphing: Unless a Charisma save is made, the victim is subject to a Polymorph spell

Killing: As an action, Asmodeus may use the Rod to cast Power Word: Kill on every target within a 20' radius of himself

Legendary Actions

As a bonus action, Asmodeus may impose Devastating Disadvantage on one creature he can sense for one round. Devastating Disadvantage requires the creature to roll 3 D20 and choose the worst one on all D20 rolls made for the duration, and ignores any and all sources of Advantage the creature may have. The targeted creature can avoid Devastating Disadvantage with a DC 38 Charisma save.
As a bonus action, Asmodeus may command one creature he can sense to attack another creature he can sense. A DC 38 save is required to resist this command. If the commanded creature cannot reach the target creature, it moves as close to it as it can by the most direct route possible, using the Dash action, ignoring danger and attacks of opportunity but going around obstacles if that allows it to end its turn closer to the target.
As a bonus action, Asmodeus can summon a cloud of smoking brimstone to surround him. For a 50' radius around Asmodeus to a height of 50', all creatures take 3d8 fire damage, are nauseated, and the smoke grants full obscuration to anyone within it. A DC 38 save reduces the fire damage by half and prevents the nausea.

Shining Wrath
2015-05-28, 02:12 PM
I'm not really sure I'd call the endeavor a 'challenge' nor the result 'glorious' either.

I mean anyone can give a statblock arbitrarily high stats and gloat about how strong it is. "can do anything any class can do whenever he wants" isn't particularly inspired either.

But that's just my opinion.

And you're welcome to it.

The point is to depict what a divine creature in its home plane is like. In the case of Asmodeus, the bit about "any class" is to reflect the traditional view of devils as literally consuming the souls that wind up in the Hells; consume enough souls, gain their power, you wind up able to do anything any mortal could do as well as any mortal can do it.

2015-05-28, 03:03 PM
I accept the challenge of stating up an Asmodeus that cannot be killed by 5e characters, without resorting to "infinite HP".
But why?

Why stat up something the PCs can literally do nothing about?

2015-05-28, 03:15 PM
But why?

Why stat up something the PCs can literally do nothing about?

Because we are nerds and it is fun. Theoretical optimization for DM's. :smallsmile:

2015-05-28, 04:44 PM
But why?

Why stat up something the PCs can literally do nothing about?

Basically this.

If the intention is to create something the players can never defeat, you don't need stats. My personal view is that Demon Lords/Archdevils/Gods are so far above mortals, that game stats are actually pointless. You can't quantify something with mortal equivalents that isn't mortal in the first place.

Mortals will not/can not understand, comprehend, or even begin to fathom the machinations of creatures that are on that level. To me, a god (or a lord of hell on his home plane) just handwaves mortals away. Why? because they are just that powerful. So far above mortals that nothing the mortal can conceive of, or have in their possession can do anything about it.

Shining Wrath
2015-05-28, 05:31 PM
Basically this.

If the intention is to create something the players can never defeat, you don't need stats. My personal view is that Demon Lords/Archdevils/Gods are so far above mortals, that game stats are actually pointless. You can't quantify something with mortal equivalents that isn't mortal in the first place.

Mortals will not/can not understand, comprehend, or even begin to fathom the machinations of creatures that are on that level. To me, a god (or a lord of hell on his home plane) just handwaves mortals away. Why? because they are just that powerful. So far above mortals that nothing the mortal can conceive of, or have in their possession can do anything about it.

My goal is to be able to tell my players "You want to take on Big A in his lair? This is what you'll go up against". Then, when they say "Well, that's just crazy" they will start thinking of realistic solutions to getting their friend's soul back from that well-intentioned bad deal he made. :smallwink:

2015-05-28, 06:20 PM
Because we are nerds and it is fun. Theoretical optimization for DM's. :smallsmile:
That's not really an interesting exercise, though. You can set stuff arbitrarily - like that +20 proficiency bonus. It's silly.

Now if you wanted to make stuff hard but beatable? That's interesting. Puzzle monsters? That's interesting. Arbitrarily unbeatable enemies? Why bother with stats?

My goal is to be able to tell my players "You want to take on Big A in his lair? This is what you'll go up against". Then, when they say "Well, that's just crazy" they will start thinking of realistic solutions to getting their friend's soul back from that well-intentioned bad deal he made. :smallwink:
But why bother at that point? Say, "No, gods are beyond you. His stats are silly."

Or, better yet, make him a beatable but incredibly challenging foe and engage in the grand D&D tradition of godslaying.

2015-05-28, 06:26 PM
If all you want is to tell your players that they can't beat Asmodeus, I present to you this anecdote (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=6483802&postcount=25).

Or you could, you know, say something like "Asmodeus has ruled the Nine Hells for an eternity."

Another idea would be to let them try. You can not skip over Avernus when entering Baator, any attempt to go deeper is redirected there. Land them on the first layer of Hell, and have them fight their way down. The nearest portal to Dis is guarded by an infernal army. If they want to approach it, they'll have to beat the general of that army. The general of that army is a devil of level such that it would serve as a boss battle for the mission. They fight this marilith (if it's the chosen devil), and hopefully realize that this isn't the worst to come, a marilith only being the field general of one legion on Avernus.

They have stats for Tiamat's newly-summoned avatar. As for the goddess herself, on her demiplane Avernus, which is the only place she can truly be defeated?
First of all, Avernus is not a demiplane, it is a layer of the Nine Hells of Baator.

Second, she is imprisoned there. That's half the plot of Rise of Tiamat. If I remember correctly, she was imprisoned there by Bel, Archduke of Avernus at the time, and is held by the current archduke, whose name I have forgotten.

Asmodeus is strong enough to keep all 9 of the Archdukes in check without leaving his fortress on Cania.

As for an attempt to stat him up... I'd assume any stats given would be of an avatar, nothing more, as the physical form that manifests in Cania is just that.


If Asmodeus wants to summon other devils, he won't be summoning the archdevils. They don't like getting each others' help, because then they'll owe favors, and favors are not something Asmodeus wants to owe (though he might be above that). Even if he did summon an archdevil, half of them tend to have a hidden desire to overthrow him. If he is in such a bad situation that he needs help, he'd better be careful who he calls for.

I'd suggest simply having him choose what he summons. Asmodeus shouldn't have a chance to fail to summon a devil. Perhaps he can summon devils with a specified total CR (I might suggest 30

Rather than letting him freely change class, simply grant him the full abilities of all classes and archetypes, though it would be much, much better to state which, and not give him them all (Asmodeus has no business raging). He should probably have full divine casting, and some clerical abilities, but he shouldn't have "all the abilities" as an ability.

If the players do some research, they could find that only one being has made it to his lair and lived to tell of it. This archangel barely escaped and told the story of the battle before dying of his incurable wounds. One of the few details of that battle available on the material plane is that when Asmodeus pointed his rod at the angels, they died and became infernal monstrosities in moments, without any exceptions (which translates to: Asmodeus can instantly kill and reanimate as a devil anyone he wants, no save, at will).

2015-05-28, 06:53 PM
That's not really an interesting exercise, though. You can set stuff arbitrarily - like that +20 proficiency bonus. It's silly.

Now if you wanted to make stuff hard but beatable? That's interesting. Puzzle monsters? That's interesting. Arbitrarily unbeatable enemies? Why bother with stats?

Sure it is. Making all the numbers 20 million isn't fun. But trying to make the least powerful unbeatable boss is fun to try. Is action economy abuse the answer? Raw HP damage? Environmental effects? Immunities? What combo is the least overkill while being of maximum difficulty?

...at least I think it's fun. I don't speak for anyone else.

2015-05-29, 12:56 AM
Okay, some nitpicking: Mariliths are not devils. They're demons.

Anyway, here's my take on a stat'd Asmodeus:

Gargantuan fiend (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class: 26 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 2040 (68d20+680)
Speed: 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (hover)
STR 30 (+10)
DEX 30 (+10)
CON 30 (+10)
INT 30 (+10)
WIS 30 (+10)
CHA 30 (+10)
Skills: Deception +28, Intimidation +28, Perception +28, Persuasion +28
Damage Vulnerabilities: radiant
Damage Resistances: force
Damage Immunities: cold, fire, necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from weapons that aren't silvered
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poison, stunned, unconscious
Senses: blindsight 240 ft., tremorsense 240 ft., passive Perception 38
Languages: all, telepathy 240 ft.
Challenge: 30 (155,000 XP)
Legendary Resistance (3/day): If Asmodeus fails a saving throw, he may choose to succeed instead.

Special Equipment: Asmodeus carries his Ruby Rod.

Diefic Rejuvination: If Asmodeus has 0 hit points at the start of his turn and does not regenerate hit points, his body and rod turn to dust and reform in the layer of Nessus.

Agonizing Strike: When Asmodeus casts a spell that deals fire damage, he adds 10 to the damage. Additionally, Asmodeus' damage rolls ignore resistance to fire damage, and treat immunities to fire damage as resistances.

Fire Aura: At the start of each of Asmodeus' turns, each creature within 10 feet of him takes 2d12 fire damage, and flammable objects within that area ignite. A creature that touches Asmodeus or hits him with a melee attack takes 2d12 fire damage.

Grim Harvest: When Asmodeus reduces a hostile creature to 0 hit points, he gains 40 temporary hit points.

Innate Spellcasting: Asmodeus' innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (+19 to hit, spell save DC 27). Asmodeus can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At will: banishment (can only target demons; demons auto-fail save), detect thoughts, dispel magic, eldritch blast (each beam deals 10 extra damage), inflict wounds (cast as a 4th-level spell)
1/day: blade barrier, power word kill, wish (can only mimic a spell)

Limited Magic Immunity: Asmodeus is immune to spells of 6th level or lower unless he wishes to be affected. He has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.

Regeneration: Asmodeus recovers 13 hit points at the beginning of his turn. If Asmodeus takes radiant damage, this trait does not function at the start of his next turn.

Spellcasting: Asmodeus is a 20th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 27, +19 to hit). Asmodeus knows the following sorcerer spells:

Cantrips: chill touch, fire bolt, friends, minor illusion, ray of frost, shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, command, shield
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, darkness, hold person, scorching ray
3rd level (3 slots): fireball, lightning bolt, stinking cloud
4th level (3 slots): fire shield, greater invisibility, polymorph, wall of fire
5th level (3 slots): dominate person, flame strike, hallow, hold monster
6th level (2 slots): chain lightning, disintegrate, mass suggestion
7th level (2 slots): plane shift, prismatic spray
8th level (1 slot): dominate monster
9th level (1 slot): meteor swarm


Multiattack: Asmodeus makes 3 attacks with his rod and teleports once. Asmodeus may substitute 1 rod attack to cast a spell and another to use his Infernal Presence.

Ruby Rod: Melee Weapon Attack: +23 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d8+14) bludgeoning damage plus 32 (5d8+10) fire damage.

Teleport: Asmodeus magically teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or carrying and any creatures he is grappling, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space he can see.

Infernal Prescence (Recharge 6): Each creature of Asmodeus' choice within 120 feet of him must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 fire damage and 4d8 psychic damage, and be stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful, the next time Asmodeus uses Infernal Prescence, that creature's saving throw is made with advantage.

Trap Soul: Asmodeus targets one creature that he can see within 30 feet of him. The target must make a DC 17 Charisma saving throw. Demons automatically fail this saving throw. On a failed save, the target's soul is magically trapped inside the gem atop Asmodeus' staff. While the soul is trapped, the target's body and equipment cease to exist. On a successful save, the target takes 10d6 psychic damage, and if this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, its soul is trapped as if it had failed the saving throw. A soul that has been trapped for 24 hours is transformed into a random devil in an appropriate layer of the Nine Hells. If Asmodeus is reduced to 0 hit points, any souls trapped within his staff are released in the same state they were when they were trapped.

Asmodeus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn.

ATTACK: Asmodeus makes 1 rod attack.

SPELL: Asmodeus casts a spell.

TELEPORT: Asmodeus uses his Teleport action.

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Asmodeus can take a lair action to cause one of the following effects:

* Asmodeus rolls 3d4 and regains that many levels of spell slots. For example, if Asmodeus rolls 7, he can recover one 7th-level spell slot, three 2nd-level spell slots and one 1st-level spell slot, one 3rd-level spell slot and two 2nd-level spell slots, or any other permutation thereof.

* Asmodeus targets one creature he can see within 120 feet of him. Fire begins to engulf that creature. That creature must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the creature moves 10 feet away from its original location. On a failed save, the creature takes 4d6 fire damage and is restrained until initiative count 20 next turn.

* Asmodeus summons devils to aid him in battle. He rolls 3d8 and adds 1 for every 100 HP below his hit point maximum. Devils with a combined challenge rating of the number rolled are summoned to the field and appear in empty spaces within 240 feet of Asmodeus. (Lemures have a CR of 1/8 for this purpose) The summoned devils are loyal to Asmodeus and will follow his orders. If Asmodeus has already used this lair action in the current battle, he rolls a percentile die and adds 1 for every 100 HP below his hit point maximum. On a roll of 1-69, he cannot use this lair action this turn and must use a different lair action, if at all.
[Rod, artifact (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)]

Made from obsidian and black steel and topped with the titular blood-red ruby, the Ruby Rod of Asmodeus rarely leaves its master's side.

Any creature other than Asmodeus that tries to attune the rod must make a DC 26 Charisma saving throw. On a successful save, it takes 10d10 fire damage. On a failed save, the creature takes 24d10 fire damage and does not attune the rod. These damage rolls ignore resistance to fire damage, and treat immunities to fire damage as resistances.

In the hands of one that is attuned to it, the rod can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The rod deals an extra 5d8 fire damage on a hit, plus the wielder's spellcasting ability modifier (if the creature has multiple spellcasting abilities use the highest one).

The following qualities only manifest if the creature holding the rod is attuned to it:

*Protection* If you are holding the Ruby Rod of Asmodeus, you have resistance to fire damage. If you already have resistance to fire damage from another source, you instead gain an immunity to fire damage.

*Absorbtion* The rod has all the qualities of a Rod of Absorbtion, except it has no limit on the amount of energy levels it may absorb over the course of its lifetime.

*Demon Banishing* You may cast Banishment a number of times per day equal to your level. (for monsters, use CR instead) You may only target demons with this spell, and they automatically fail the saving throw.

*Devil Summoning* While you are holding the rod, you may use your action to summon devils with a combined Challenge Rating of 2d12. You may not summon a devil with a Challenge Rating higher than 9. (Lemures have an assumed CR of 1/8 for this purpose) The summoned devils are under your control, and return to the Nine Hells after 1 hour. You may use this power only once per long rest. Asmodeus may use this power as many times as he wishes.

*Destroying the Rod* Destroying the Ruby Rod of Asmodeus requires that the ruby atop it be smashed by a Holy Avenger, and a Wish spell subsequently cast to permanently destroy the rod. The Wish spell must be cast by a creature of a Good alignment. No sword other than a Holy Avenger can even scratch the gem, and if the gem does not have a Wish spell cast on it by a Good-aligned creature within 1 minute of being smashed, it simply reforms in identical condition.

2015-05-29, 02:43 AM
Okay, some nitpicking: Mariliths are not devils. They're demons.

But they've got such a sexy multiattack feature! Perfect for scaring off PCs!

2015-05-29, 05:48 AM
10^999 will take a very long time to whittle down. But not forever.

I wonder how long it'll take...

2015-05-29, 08:59 AM
Let's assume a DPR of 100, just to make math easy. (And it's kinda low for a whole party.)

10^997 rounds. 10^996 minutes. 1.7*10^994 hours. 7*10^992 days. 1.9*10^990 years.

Still doable by warforged! They don't age. :P

2015-05-29, 09:11 AM
You realise that malaria is an amoeba? No animal kills more humans than that little guy.

Sorry, but you were asking for that.

4 malaria cells will not kill a human. They will get crushed by the person's immune system. It takes millions of individual malaria cells to kill a human.

If it takes millions of lvl 20 PCs, working together, to kill Asmodeus, that wouldn't be underpowered.