View Full Version : Pathfinder [PFS] Natural Attacks on a Human Bloodrager

2015-05-22, 06:56 AM
So, I'm making a human bloodrager with the Draconic bloodline, aiming for Dragon Disciple, for Society play. I just realized that, between spending my human bonus feat on Extra Rage and the Human FCB for bloodrager, I have 16 rounds of bloodrage per day. For those who haven't played PFS, that is basically all of the combat in a scenario. I was going to have a weapon to fight with, but I don't really see the point when I can bloodrage full time. So I want more naturals.

What natural weapons can I pick up with feats/items? I have 2 claws, and will be getting a bite through DD.

I'm still working out the details, but my sheet is here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=214175)

2015-05-22, 07:10 AM
So, I'm making a human bloodrager with the Draconic bloodline, aiming for Dragon Disciple, for Society play. I just realized that, between spending my human bonus feat on Extra Rage and the Human FCB for bloodrager, I have 16 rounds of bloodrage per day. For those who haven't played PFS, that is basically all of the combat in a scenario. I was going to have a weapon to fight with, but I don't really see the point when I can bloodrage full time. So I want more naturals.

What natural weapons can I pick up with feats/items? I have 2 claws, and will be getting a bite through DD.

I'm still working out the details, but my sheet is here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=214175)

If you take a Primalist Bloodrager you can grab Lesser Fiend Totem, that'll give you another Primary Natural Attack in the form of a Gore. Then you can grab the Lesser Elemental Rage power to suit the dragon theme?

Beyond that I'm not certain, you'll have a Bite, a Gore and two Claws... Racial Heritage (Kobolod) Tail Fighter?

Edit:/ As an aside, did PFS settle on a ruling concerning a Bloodrager unto Draconic Disciple? Or is this just for the feel of the thing.

2015-05-22, 07:15 AM
Primalist is illegal in PFS, presumably because it thoroughly eclipses the barbarian.

OP, what level are you? There are spells you can take to shapeshift, including alter self, then use your draconic bloodline to add those natural attacks on top.

2015-05-22, 07:20 AM
Primalist is illegal in PFS, presumably because it thoroughly eclipses the barbarian.

OP, what level are you? There are spells you can take to shapeshift, including alter self, then use your draconic bloodline to add those natural attacks on top.

Did not know that about Primalist.
And the OP is level 1.

2015-05-22, 07:28 AM
2, actually. I leveled through 1 on a different char, and am rewriting before level 2 (which is legal)

2015-05-22, 07:39 AM
Edit:/ As an aside, did PFS settle on a ruling concerning a Bloodrager unto Draconic Disciple? Or is this just for the feel of the thing.

According to ACGO it is RAW. I'm not sure whether PFS agrees though as ACGO isn't listed.

2015-05-22, 09:23 AM
Another option op - is the Helm of the Mammoth Lord (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/helm-of-the-mammoth-lord) - grants a gore with cheek tusks along with some nifty extras - but the fiend bloodline is better because your gore is a d8 rather than a d6 (through the helm).

Now, if there was only a way to grow a prehensile tail... wait - ratfolk have a tail blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/tailblade)! If you don't have to be human, you can crank up your nat attacks (claw/claw/bite/gore/tail)... not too shabby!

2015-05-23, 06:03 PM
According to ACGO it is RAW. I'm not sure whether PFS agrees though as ACGO isn't listed.I thought the ACGO rules text only said that the BR Draconic Bloodline is treated as the sorc Draconic Bloodline for the purpose of meeting the related "sorc only" entry requirement. You sure it has been clarified the BR Bloodline can be used with the Blood of Dragons feature (meaning BR and DD levels stack for the purpose of BR Draconic Bloodline powers)? Would be great if this mess has finally been cleared up.

Now, if there was only a way to grow a prehensile tail... wait - ratfolk have a tail blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/tailblade)! If you don't have to be human, you can crank up your nat attacks (claw/claw/bite/gore/tail)... not too shabby!This is great, can't believe I've completely missed this when I've been chasing tail... (Sorry, that was bad, but I couldn't resist.) Thanks for enlightening me!

@Keledrath: Can you not get this as a human via Racial Heritage (ratfolk)? If so, a feat is damn cheap for an additional primary natural attack. And as a major bonus, your bloodrager's sex appeal is bound to go sky high with that primary piece of tail... :smallbiggrin:

Also, if you intend to focus hard on melee, maybe you should have a look at the Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy archetype, offering IUS and style feats (like pummel-pounce at 8th, though as each attack type still needs WF and FCT to be used, meaning you won't ever be making an actual full attack with pummel-pounce). Otherwise, it's probably a good idea to go Rageshaper for some added damage with minor trade-offs (though I've no idea whether it's allowed in PFS).

2015-05-23, 06:11 PM
Eh, the tail doesn't really fit with the character. Shame that Primalist is banned though.

Personally, I'm hoping that, by the time I get to taking Dragon Disciple (1/week games, 3 games to level, 15 weeks, almost 4 months) Paizo will have made them play nice together.

2015-05-23, 06:17 PM
Can you not get this as a human via Racial Heritage (ratfolk)? If so, a feat is damn cheap for an additional primary natural attack.

The Tailblade is treated as a Secondary attack, and yes Human-via-Racial-Heritage should work.

Also, if you intend to focus hard on melee, maybe you should have a look at the Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy archetype, offering IUS and style feats (like pummel-pounce at 8th

Technically, the Bloody-Knuckled (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/bloodrager/archetypes/paizo---bloodrager-archetypes/bloody-knuckled-rowdy-bloodrager-archetype) only gets bonus "style feat".
And they only get to semi-ignore the "monk level" requirements, they must still meet all other requirements, so you'll still have to wait until level 7 (6 with retraining) for Pummeling Style, and level 9 (8 retraining) for Pummeling Charge.

2015-05-23, 08:17 PM
I thought the ACGO rules text only said that the BR Draconic Bloodline is treated as the sorc Draconic Bloodline for the purpose of meeting the related "sorc only" entry requirement. You sure it has been clarified the BR Bloodline can be used with the Blood of Dragons feature (meaning BR and DD levels stack for the purpose of BR Draconic Bloodline powers)? Would be great if this mess has finally been cleared up.

If you're going to rule it that way, Bloodragers never had a problem just qualifying for DD before.They never had levels of sorcerer, so the "draconic bloodline" requirement was irrelevant, and this text was unnecessary. Therefore the only logical reason they would need to spell out that it was suitable is that DD advances their bloodline.

2015-05-24, 09:47 AM
If you're going to rule it that way, Bloodragers never had a problem just qualifying for DD before.They never had levels of sorcerer, so the "draconic bloodline" requirement was irrelevant, and this text was unnecessary. Therefore the only logical reason they would need to spell out that it was suitable is that DD advances their bloodline.Well, I'm kinda fumbling in the dark here since I don't have the book myself, just reiterating what other people have said. Which was basically that the text in question was referring to meeting requirements with a similar/same class feature in general (such as having grit meets panache requirement etc). Yes, I also think the requirement was irrelevant before as it only concerned sorcs, but it seems some people thought that since the BR is a sorc hybrid and can choose the Draconic Bloodline, it was also included in the requirement.

The reason I'm asking whether you're absolutely sure your interpretation has been confirmed correct is because I haven't seen anything about this on the Paizo threads where this problem, including the text from ACGO, has been debated more or less since before the ACG was released. AFAICT virtually everyone else still firmly believes this issue is far from settled, and the ACGO text didn't change much at all, including for example PFS and Keledrath:

Personally, I'm hoping that, by the time I get to taking Dragon Disciple (1/week games, 3 games to level, 15 weeks, almost 4 months) Paizo will have made them play nice together.

2015-05-24, 10:24 AM
I personally consider it settled because stating "you can get into this class and nothing else" when they had no trouble doing that before would be a pointless waste of text. YMMV but it would seem a GM ruling that way is just being a jerk to their player for no reason. It's not like DD is particularly powerful.

A FAQ ruling would indeed put this to bed definitively though.

2015-05-24, 11:29 AM
Also, sadly, the ratfolk stuff is not currently PFS legal.

Will look into the helmet.

Also, DD is actually amazing for Bloodrager. Great class features, and if it advances the bloodline, you really lose almost nothing for it.