View Full Version : [3.5] Spellwarped Cat PC

2015-05-23, 02:02 AM
If you were allowed to play a Spellwarped Cat as a PC, what class(es) would you take?

Assume the DM has house ruled it as a LA +0 race, and will also allow you to swap out your racial hit die for class levels, the way PC races do.

Tiny Aberration, two claws (1d2) and a bite (1d3), +2 natural armor bonus, +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks, +8 bonus on Balance and Jump checks, Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, low-light vision, scent, Spell resistance (11 + HD), spell absorption, -4 Str, +6 Dex, +4 Con, -4 Int, +2 Wis, -4 Cha.

Any suggestions welcome.

Cheers - T

2015-05-24, 04:56 PM
Wel: mechanically your stat's don't fit most melee types, so a wis based caster is most powerfull.
I'm having trouble with this fluff-wise though, so second best: rogue.
I would've said assassin, but that death attack is underwhelming at best without a -4 to its stat (int).

Maybe multiclass rogue with swordsage? max you jump check, and go to town with tiger claw maneuvers? Death from above to leave your opponent flat-footed so the d6's can do their thing.

Alternatively: If the -4 to int is to steep to be a utility type character, take sneak attack fighter instead of rogue, and warblade instead of swordsage and just go full 'face slicing'.

might not be the most orriginal idea, but c'mon: you're a cat! This is what cats do.. :)

2015-05-24, 05:34 PM
Pretty much anything you'd do with a Tibbit will work here, though some of the big tricks (CE Soulborn and Mountain Rage) no longer will work for various reasons.

Since you're an Aberration, you can qualify for the Rapidstrike line on your claws, which might be pretty fun, especially if you're a "bucket of d6" type anyway.

You could be a Psychic Warrior or Ardent. If you're good about the concentration checks to avoid psionic displays, no one need ever know that the cat is the one making things happen.

2015-05-25, 06:48 AM
A (stealthy) psychic warrior or ardent would work pretty well. Psywar gets enough feats to be a decent stalker. Maybe tashalatora and flurry with shuriken?

2015-05-25, 07:19 AM
Straight DFA.

A Cat which breathes fire — why not ?

The Con will help with your breath weapon save DCs too.

This will make you Dragontouched as well as Spelltouched — so you can go with Dragon Wings (and later Improved Dragon Wings) for flight.

Alternatively dip one level of DFA for the above and then switch to Rogue Spellthief.

2015-05-25, 08:04 AM
If you want to make one scary scary cat, then maybe Soul Eater?

2015-05-25, 09:02 AM
Warlock: Kitteh can haz lazerbem eyez.
Psion: Kitteh be psionic cheezburger.
Stoneblessed/Mountain Rage: Cringer/Battlecat.

2015-05-27, 03:49 AM
This is great, love all these suggestions! :smallbiggrin:


2015-05-27, 04:07 AM
roll chaotic incarnate, enjoy dissolving spittle and focus on ranged stuff, as your unique melds focus on. or if you'd rather, be a finesse-focused totemist. there's zillion of melds that grant it free, or you can happily focus on the manticore belt and function as a bird of prey. or mix and match the two, based on your comfort level with incarnum.

2015-05-27, 05:04 AM
Two levels of Totemist for the Totem bind (something with as many extra attacks as possible), and then the rest swordsage. Figure out a way to get dragonblooded as there are several melds in Dragon Magic that give you bonus natural weapons without having to bind them to a chakra slot (but do require dragonblood). Make sure you grab the Shadowblade feat to get dex to damage and stay in Assassins stance while grabbing Tiger Claw maneuvers (as already suggested). Grab items and buffs that increase your SA dice and then blender things to death with 5~6 natural attacks that are swinging twice each.

2015-05-27, 01:16 PM
If your GM is allowing cats, you may want to look at the Fabulous Cats web article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c&pf=true) WotC put up as an April Fool's joke. I get that it's a joke article, but I'd still want Handle Humanoid even with the Charisma penalty.

Red Fel
2015-05-27, 01:48 PM
I seem to remember someone building a tentacled horror-cat on the forums awhile back.

Barring that, you could always do a feline version of the Nasty Gentlemen (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1038816). Adorable kitty, swarming with parasites and symbiotes, all of which share spells with the host.

Everything dies screaming.

2015-05-27, 02:00 PM
If your GM is allowing cats, you may want to look at the Fabulous Cats web article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c&pf=true) WotC put up as an April Fool's joke. I get that it's a joke article, but I'd still want Handle Humanoid even with the Charisma penalty.

This is one of the best things i've ever read on these forums. I want to take the flop feat now

2015-05-27, 03:24 PM
No GM has ever allowed it, but I've wanted to play a tripper cat focused on Don't Mind Me and Twining Trip ever since I read the article.

2015-05-27, 03:52 PM
I used the Cheshire Cat in an Iron Chef once — it didn't go down well :smallbiggrin: