View Full Version : Pathfinder Campaign Log: Last Hope (homebrew setting)

2015-05-23, 04:51 PM
I am posting this as an easy place to keep track of my campaign progression and get feedback on the game I am running with some friends.

The Setting

Several milenia ago the monsters mankind had hunted and used as scary stories rallied behind an unknown force. They struck back against the civilized races, hard and fast. Before anyone truly understood what was happening thing had turned from raids on outlying villages and border skirmishes into a full blown fight for survival.

As the hero's of old rallied against these foes civilization saw a brief flicker of light in the enveloping darkness, but like all flames...they get snuffed out by a mightier wind.

In the deepest depths of their desperation and with the last of their strength, the wizards of old banded together and managed to protect a few cities with powerful wards before they too fell to the enemy's might.

It is in the few last refuges that the humanoid races now live. The world beyond their walls a death sentence to monsters now all too real. Still a few brave souls venture out to try and beat back the hordes of monsters to reclaim the world and these souls are called many names, and walk as many paths. Though name rings true to them all...Hunters.

The Cast

Parma- a half elf engrossed in the study of the ancient world and the lost magics they had. She has even braved trips beyond the walls visiting and studying the various nearby Mama Waste sites. Build: Half-Elf summoner 3.

Suuli- Parma's loyal companion and guard. An outsider trapped in the body of a monstrous and malevolent looking dog. Eidolon.

Rennete- A scout and tracker for the city, as well as a budding apothecary. She seeks to prove her value to city and that even mixed races can be trusted. Prone to suggesting retreating instead of head on confrontations. Build: Catfolk Soulhunter Stalker 3 with a focus on natural attacks.

Barvolli- A smith by trade, and one with a mean streak. He has a cautious attitude inside the city walls and does not handle social situations gracefully. One a fight starts or away from the judgmental eyes of others, he is brash and reckless to a fault. Build: Human Invulnerable Rager Barbarian aiming for Dragon Totem.

Rob- A guard captain of the merchant quarter. He has served many years, and as such walk with an air of certainty and authority (even when unwarranted). He will fight tooth and nail to defend his home, but prefers to let his Bardiche talk to those who push that far. Build: Human Zweihander Sentinel Warder.

???- A traveling tattoo artist who has just recently come to the city. Her name is unknown as is her appearance. She wears a mirrored face mask and many layers of garment that hide her short form. Her customers claim her voice comes from everywhere and nowhere at once. One thing is certain, she loves her work. Build: Elan Sadist Life Leach Vitalists.