View Full Version : Trouble at the Temple! [IC]

2015-05-23, 07:40 PM
The unlikely trio had been on the road for days. The days had settled into a routine of sorts. Their journey thus far had seen nothing out of the ordinary. But they were still relatively close to Bastion, the last city that they would see for a while. They were heading into the borderlands. A wild, untamed stretch of country. Man held no dominion here.

The last mile marker on the trade road had been days previous, and the road had gradually stopped looking like a road, resembling instead a rarely used wagon path. It wasn't that there were no people that called this place home … but those that did had little to do with the city folks.

The people of the borderlands were a curious, independent sort, and they kept to themselves.

The Light of the Sun had thankfully outfitted the men with the provisions they would need for their trip. Horses, tents, all manner of gear needed for a lengthy absence from civilization. Each of them had a horse (save for Stalag, who rode a pony), and two other pack horses followed behind tethered by a line.

The hilly passes that were to come in the ensuing days would have been nigh-impossible to traverse in the winter, so it had been decided by the church elders to launch the expedition northward in spring. And though it had arrived a few weeks late, the spring this year so far had proved to be a pleasant one. The air was still a bit chill, and the cart path was a bit muddy … but overall, the rivers had been cleared of their ice dams and the roads were passable.

Each man kept his own council for the time being, the clip-clop of the horses hooves the only thing to break the silence.

And we're live! Right now it's just the three of you [Brother Donn, Stalag, and Rosco] … Drake hasn't met the party yet.

I didn't want to get too deep into describing your characters and how they were taking the journey so far. You can do that with your first post!

2015-05-24, 05:54 PM
Stalag sits comfortably in his saddle, stuffing a pipe with tobacco leaf. The dwarf strikes his flint and steel over the bowl, sparking the pipe ablaze and taking a long pull. He inhales deeply and savours the smoke, then exhales a large cloud through his nostrils. Suddenly he's caught by a coughing fit, leaning to the side as deep, wet barks come from his chest. His cough is loud and harsh, almost painful to listen to, and seems to only get stronger as he continues. This is a powerful cough, one that's reached inside him and taken root in his lungs; this is a cough with personality. Finally something seems to shake loose inside his chest and Stalag's cough stops as he rolls the object around inside his mouth experimentally. He comes to a decision and spits it onto the ground, and against your better judgement you glance at the black, vein-laced glob and could swear it tries to crawl away into the bushes on the side of the road.

"Decent weather, hope it holds," says Stalag, returning to his pipe with relish. "I've no issue with a long, boring journey. Something tells me we won't enjoy it for long, though."

Sir Grave
2015-05-25, 07:45 AM
The young blonde haired man who rode just behind the dwarf (Brother Donn) cracked a bit of a smile, though he couldn't say he was quite comfortable himself. He was almost certain the armor crafted for him was not the appropriate size and fit for his skinny frame, made for more muscle bound warriors. Still, as dreary as the landscape was, he did appreciate the climate a bit... the cool air, the nice breeze...

Of course carried with the wind was all of that tobacco the dwarf exhaled and, much to Donn's displeasure, he, too, began coughing.

"Ach...aheh... Er- yes. The weather is very nice. "

He veered slightly to the left to avoid the billowing cloud, only to notice something unspeakable escape Stalag's mouth. Donn cringed sympathetically.

"...Sir, are you alright?"

2015-05-25, 11:10 AM
Rosco looked down as he passed the unholy excrement that had just detached itself from Stalag and instantly regretted it.
'Alright? Hell, hacking up demonspawn like that is about as far from alright as you can get.'
He patted the horse to calm it's nerves as it too seemed disturbed by the display. As Rosco, who had moments before debated internally if he should grab an apple, had suddenly lost his appetite he shifted in the saddle to adjust for comfort and reach for his waterskin. He took a gulp and used some drops his forehead to clear away the dirt and sweat.

'I agree full heartedly though. Hope for the best and expect the worst eh?'
His travel companions seemed alright to him although he still had to see how they held up in a fight. At least they could enjoy a good silence and that went a long way towards earning his respect.
As the horse trodded along he looked up at the sky to try and judge the weather the upcoming few hours.

2015-05-25, 01:22 PM
Rosco scans the horizon, the clouds, the waft of the evergreen boughs. The ranger is dismayed when he spies dark clouds, and the familiar rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance. It was going to rain soon. A lot.

The group continues their sojourn as the rains begin to fall, light at first, eventually becoming a steady downpour. The muddy cart path in front of them holds up well enough. And it actually looks to be a little more worn in this area. Recent wagon ruts can be plainly seen, indicating perhaps that people may be living nearby. Cresting a small hillock, the trio sees that they have arrived at he outskirts of a frontier settlement.

A few dozen rough-hewn cabins arrayed around a grassy plain are the central feature here. Most of the chimneys are sending thin, blue wisps of smoke skyward. Some of the cabins have pens nearby, the odd pig or cow usually the sole resident.

A few townsfolk can be seen braving the rain that had begun to fall, going about their business. A few armed militiamen are seen as well, making the rounds. What was once a grassy common in the center of town has become a sprawling, muddy field of tents. They vary from the sturdy canvas-and-beam variety, to makeshift lean-to's, and everything in between. The field seems to be the gathering point of quite a few travelers, which can be seen bustling in the center of town.


Meanwhile, down in the village common …

Drake stands off to one side in the tent-city, wondering exactly what his next move was going to be. Taking shelter from the gods-forsaken rain just under a lean-to, rivulets of water pour onto the ground making it a muddy quagmire. He was filthy, he was wet. He was miserable.

He had arrived a few days ago with his hirelings, Miranda and Belfto, and had secured a few night's lodging in one of the tents the village had erected for wayward travelers. The three of them had been making their way in and around the borderland settlements for a few weeks now … and everywhere they looked it was more of the same.

Ruined villages, the smoldering embers of a lone farmhouse, or a town just like this ... filled to bursting with refugees that were making their way south. It seems that at every turn, his attempts at getting closer to the Hand were stymied. Always arriving just a few days too late. Miranda had held herself out to be a tracker of some renown, but Drake was beginning to have second thoughts about that.

Then — breaking his reverie — a woman screams! It sounds like it is coming from the one of the nearby tents!

Glancing up, Drake sees one of the tents collapse! Refugees begin to scatter … it looks like an attack! Half-a-dozen men pour into the camp, wielding maces and swords. They swing indiscriminately, striking any poor sod unlucky enough to be too close! A pair of them have crossbows as well.

One of the goons by the tent has cornered a refugee woman, raising his mace ...


The ground is muddy, but passable. It will not hamper movement. The collapsed tent is difficult terrain.

For this game, Letters will be PC/NPC's (D = Drake, M = Miranda, B = Belfto, etc). Numbers will indicate opponents. The black-and-white guys are the warriors, the orange guys are the crossbowmen.

#1 has cornered the woman (she is in G8)

Without the addition of the makeshift tent city, this settlement looks to have about 80-100 residents. The addition of the tents in the center has doubled that amount, it looks like there are about two hundred residents now.


Drake is close enough to plainly hear the scream, but the trio of new arrivals did not (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416950-Trouble-at-the-Temple!-Dice-Rolls&p=19302583#post19302583).

There will be a surprise round that Drake and his hirelings may participate in, the other three will spend a round moving closer before they are aware of any disturbance … and will be able to act regularly in round one.

Belfto and Miranda are going to draw weapons and do what they can about the attack.
@Narsis, if you'd like them to do something specific, give them a shout.


Brother Donn, Rosco, and Stalag are mounted, but 100 feet away, they will advance another 80' during the surprise round. Beginning on round one, they will be 20' south of the map and will need to burn a movement action to enter the map.

Happy Hunting!


2015-05-25, 03:49 PM
Seeing the commotion, and deciding it would be better to not get involved in the fight, a hawk, Drake's familiar, takes off from its perch on a nearby tent and begins to circle overhead.

"Tch. Useless bird," Drake mutters to himself as he watches it take flight. Perhaps they will know something of use, he wonders, turning his attention back to the attacking men. He steps back, draws his dagger, and waves it towards his hired "help".

"Well don't just stand there gawking. Do what I hired you for and protect me!"

Drake takes a 5-foot step directly south and draws his dagger.

Miranda and Belfto are free to do as they see fit in fighting.

2015-05-25, 04:26 PM
Miranda and Belfto fly into action!

Miranda — ever the hot-headed warrior woman — sets off running toward the thugs. She readies her shield and draws her finely crafted war hammer. What little light manages to poke through the clouds glints off of her highly polished scale mail. "You like to pick on women, eh?" She screams as she nears the mace-wielding thug. "Why don't you try me!"

Belfto — ever the reserved one — skips the challenges altogether and unslings his heavy crossbow. In one smooth motion, he levels the deadly device at the unsporting thug and fires! The bolt goes wide, however, and punches into the tent behind his target.

The addition of an armed response is enough, however, to distract the thugs momentarily! The woman scurries off, scrambling on her hands and knees through the mud until she is clear of the melee.


The fallen tent is difficult terrain.

Character [Init], Action

Miranda [21], Double move (while also drawing war hammer and readying shield)
Drake [20], 5' step, draw dagger
Belfto [15], move (while drawing heavy crossbow), attack thug #1, (1d20+3)[10], (1d10)[8], Miss!

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], Condition
Drake, [5/5]
Miranda, [8/8]
Belfto, [9/9]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [0]
2, [0]
3, [0]
4, [0]
5, [0]
6, [0]


Surprise round is done, gang! Everyone may submit actions for round one.

[Surprise Round Summary]

2015-05-25, 05:50 PM
"Figures..." Stalag mutters as the rain settles in for the evening. He draws his cloak around himself as the precipitation increases, coughing frequently as the damp and cold do no favours to his lungs. His pipe is soon soaked through, useless in the rain, and he sets to rolling a makeshift cigar instead from his tobacco. Eventually he completes the task and lights it, letting his hood shield the end from the rain, and soon enough the dwarf is surrounded in a cloud of thick smoke.

Ahead, Stalag spies the tent city. "Dry beds and warm food ahead folks," he says as he rides into the scene along the muddy road. Then his attention is diverted by what appears to be an unfolding fight within the tents. "What the hells?" he says as he readies his drawn bow.

Move Action: Enter map on square j20
Standard Action: Move to k13

2015-05-25, 11:35 PM
As they ride closer it becomes clear what is going on. The men with clubs bullying the people around using excessive force, it's enough to warrant a response from Rosco using an equal amount of force. Or maybe more..

He draws his crossbow hanging from the saddle, lines it up and fires at the first man he sees.

Enter map at J20, finish move action at M12. Free action: QuickDraw crossbow. Standard action: shoot mr.3



Sir Grave
2015-05-26, 01:27 PM

The cleric spurred his mount, riding closer towards the scene. Seeing the raiders and those defending the bystanders he could clearly tell who to aid. He had reached for his crossbow...

But then stayed his hand, noting that there could be injured left in the wake of the attackers. With that, he continued forward. "Cover me! There might be wounded!"

Moving to K14

2015-05-26, 02:47 PM
Maybe they are not useless..., Drake thinks, relaxing a bit as his "protectors" jump into the fray. He immediately tenses up again and scowls as Belfto misses an "easy" shot with his crossbow.

Or maybe they are.

As mentioned in the OOC thread, Drake is going to delay initiative until something happens.

2015-05-26, 04:30 PM
As the marauders pour through camp, the refugees scatter. Three of the goons pile up on Miranda using wolf pack tactics, apparently taking her up on her offer. She is able to fend off the worst of the incoming strikes, but their crossbowman is able to sink a bolt into her thigh while she fights the other two swordsmen to a standstill.

Another pair of thugs start to make their way toward Belfto and Drake, the dwarf frantically working his windlass … reloading his powerful weapon. Trying to ready it in time before the sword-wielding thug closed in for a strike.

"Boss." He says, his voice gravelly and low. "Little help."

The three mounted men make their way into the town center via the main road. Rosco even squeezes off a shot, but is misses by a large margin! One of the other crossbow-wielding thugs returns fire! But the bolt sails harmlessly over Rosco's head. His horse appears none too please, though, by the whizzing bolt. It starts to whinny and buck, becoming increasingly hard to control.

And then three more figures can be seen rounding the corner of the muddy path. Two more foot soldiers and a robed figure! The pair of swordsmen flank the robed figure who appears to be their leader. He is not armed, and his filthy brown robes have some sort of symbol painted right onto his chest. He starts barking out orders, and you can tell by the tone and delivery that he is very used to being obeyed.

"Kill the woman!" He says, waving a hand to his men that were tangled with Miranda, his voice carrying over the din and the chaos.

"Then kill the horsemen! The horses we keep!"


The fallen tent is difficult terrain.

Rosco will need to dedicate a ride check [DC 20] as a move action next round if he wants to control his mount. He came under attack and the horse is now frightened and hard to control.

Drake's specified conditions came up, new combatants entered the battlefield. He may take his full actions any time after they showed up (or continue to delay and take regular actions next round).

Character , Action

Miranda [21], 5' step, (1d20+2)[4], (1d8)[3], Miss!

Drake [20], Delay until new arrival, slain hireling

Thugs [20], A lot of move actions … only a few attacks
#1, Attack Miranda, melee [Mace], (1d20+1)[4], (1d8)[7], Miss!
#2, Attack Miranda, ranged [Lt. Crossbow], (1d20+1)[17], (1d8)[2], Hit!
#5, Attack Miranda, melee [Short Sword], (1d20+1)[11], (1d6)[3], Miss!
#6, Ready Action

Drake's new action? [19]

Belfto [15], 5' step, reload Hvy Crossbow [full round]

Rosco [11], Move, Crossbow attack vs #1, Miss! (<-- I had Rosco roll a ride check to free up both hands to use the crossbow, he failed and shot it one-handed … still missed)
-->Rosco's attack triggers Thug #6's readied action!
--->Thug #6, Crossbow attack vs Rosco, (1d20+1)[14], (1d8)[6], Miss!

Stalag [11], Move

Brother Donn [11], Move (to K15 … K14 was occupied by Stalag's horse)

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], [I]Condition
Drake, [5/5]
Miranda, [6/8]
Belfto, [9/9]
Brother Donn

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [0]
2, [0] <-- Crossbowman
3, [0]
4, [0]
5, [0]
6, [0] <-- Crossbowman
7, [0]
8, [0]
9, [0] <-- Leader

[Round One Summary]

Sir Grave
2015-05-26, 06:10 PM
Kill us? How rude.

Donn took but a second of his time to note the symbol upon the robed figure's chest. Curious...

He had decided to make his way towards the warrior (Miranda) seeing her taking a beating from two of the ruffians. Diverting from the main road, he used his mount to tread over the collapsed tent and move just behind her with his holy symbol. Holding it high, he channeled his willpower into a single chant muttered and repeated over and over.

"Behold the radiance of Pelor, and may he favor those who tread his path..."

Move action, riding to D9 (and accounted for difficult terrain)

Casting bless

Also, knowledge(religion) to identify the symbol upon robe guy. (rolling in the Trouble at the Temple dice thread

2015-05-28, 01:23 AM
Feeling like he can't keep control of the horse much longer Rosco spins a leg over the saddle and quickly jumps to the ground. He slaps the horse on the back and doesn't wait around to see what happens to it. Rosco himself takes a sprint, off of the road straight towards the woman fighting two attackers. When he gets closer he simultaneously draws both kukri from the sheaths he has at his forearms. It's a quick movement and suddenly there's two sharp blades where before there was nothing.
The momentum of the sprint isn't slowed at all as he gets ready to slash up the brigand something fierce..

Move action to dismount, standard action to move to G8, free action: draw Kukri

2015-05-30, 07:07 AM
The savage marauders begin to whoop and shout as their leader encourages them on. Miranda, however, seems little deterred. She squares off against one of the thugs, gritting through the pain of the crossbow bolt jutting out of her thigh. She lands a solid blow with her war hammer! The thug reels back for half-a-moment but launches back at her.

The three thugs that were attacking Miranda continue to press their advantage. It is plain to see by the way they wield their weapons that these men are poorly trained … but there was something to be said for the overwhelming advantage of numbers. Spinning, turning this way and that, blocking some strikes, letting others glance harmlessly off of her scale mail … Miranda tries to keep up with the three assailants.

But it proves to be her undoing.

A lucky swing of the mace on the same leg as the previous wound brings a savage scream of pain from the warrior-woman. This is immediately followed by a second bolt. But this one strikes higher than the last, burying itself solidly in her ribs. Dark, red blood begins to flow from the wound, coating the shiny scales, giving her armor a lacquered appearance. She slips in the mud, taking a knee. The wound has taken a lot out of her, but somehow, through sheer determination, she keeps from falling.

That was when the third man struck.

Stepping up to the woman as she knelt there in the mud and blood, he reverses the grip on his short sword, holding it pointing earthward with two hands. He raises his arms, and plunges the steel deep into her neck! Arterial blood spurts from the wound, spraying the swordsman, and Miranda slumps over on her side unceremoniously.

Belfto screams when he sees his partner fall. It is a ragged, tortured sound. Full of pain and loss. He hastens to reload his crossbow, but two more of the thugs close the distance before he can bring the deadly weapon to bear! It is more of the same. They attack him from two sides, chopping and bashing. It proves to be too much. Belfto falls beneath their blows … he never even dropped a second bolt into the weapon.

The pair of goons look up at one another, grinning. Perhaps a little surprised. Then they shift their gaze toward Drake, and their grins widen.


Brother Donn and Rosco arrive at Miranda's side just as the carnage is done.

Rosco feels the thrum of another near-miss crossbow bolt that flies wide, but he presses on, arriving — weapons drawn — next to one of the murderous thugs.

Brother Donn, for his part, offers up a prayer to Pelor, who in answer, shines his radiance upon this small village. For the briefest of moments, a gap appears in the rainclouds and a solid ray of sunshine bears down on the sun priest! Every man present feels a rush of energy flow through them, invigorating them on their fight against these savages.


The fallen tent is difficult terrain.

As he rode over, Brother Donn noticed that the holy symbol borne by the robed leader is that of Bane … sort of.

The regular symbol of Bane (an evil god of death and destruction) is a black fist, clutching green rays that shoot out in all directions.

This particular sigil is black and red. There is a black, clenched fist in its center and scarlet rays emanating from the fist in a burst. Brother Donn is unsure of what this might signify.

On his next turn, Brother Donn must allocate a move action to control his mount in battle [DC 20]. He isn't threatened now, but next turn he will be occupying a threatened square.

Brother Donn's Bless spell is able to affect all allies present (Rosco, Donn, Stalag, and Drake)

Character , Action

Miranda [21], Melee attack [War Hammer] vs Thug #1, (1d20+2)[13], (1d8)[6], Hit!

Drake [20], No action

Thugs [20],

(I messed up in the dice thread … it's 1,2 & 5 fighting Miranda, not 1,2 & 3)
#1, melee vs Miranda, (1d20+1)[19], (1d8)[6], Hit! This attack brings Miranda to zero hp. She is now Disabled
#2, reload crossbow, ranged attack vs Miranda, (1d20+1)[20], (1d8)[2], Hit! This attack drops her! She is now Unconscious & Dying
#5, 5' step (to flank), melee attack vs Miranda (1d20+3)[23], (1d6)[3], Hit! since she was already helpless, this attack is now a Coup de Grace
--->Coup de Grace extra damage, (1d6)[4] (this brings Miranda to -9, and prompts a Fort save to avoid death)
------>Miranda's fort save vs coup de grace, (1d20+2)[5] (DC 17), Fail! Miranda is Dead.

#3, Move to threaten Belfto (Belfto is still reloading his crossbow, a distracting act)
--> AoO vs Belfto, melee, (1d20+1)[16], (1d6)[1], Hit!
--->melee attack vs Belfto, (1d20+1)[3], (1d6)[2], Miss!
#4, 5' step
-->Thug #4, AoO vs Belfto, (1d20+1)[21], (1d8)[8], Hit! (this drops Belfto)
---->melee attack vs Belfto, (1d20+1)[19], (1d8)[7] (this hit becomes Coup de Grace)
------>Coup de Grace, (1d8)[6] (this brings Belfto to -14 hp. Belfto is Dead

7, move, ready action
8, move, ready action
9, move, ready action

Belfto [15], No action

Rosco [11], Dismount, move (drawing weapons)

Thug #6 [11] reload crossbow, 5' step, ranged attack (crossbow) vs Rosco, (1d20+1)[4], (1d8)[3], Miss!

Stalag [11], No action

Brother Donn [11],
Mount: double move to D9
Donn: cast spell [Bless] while mounted (<-- No need to roll a concentration check, the spell was cast after moving)
---> normally, this would have drawn an AoO (Brother Donn is casting a spell in what would have been a threatened square). But, the opponent, thug #5, is performing a distracting act himself (Coup de Grace) … so he is not threatening any squares at the moment.
----->Since Thug #5 is performing a distracting act, Brother Donn would have received an AoO if he threatened any squares … but he does not have any weapons drawn.

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], [I]Condition
Drake, [5/5]
Miranda, [-9/8], Dead
Belfto, [-14/9] Dead
Rosco, [10/10]
Brother Donn, [8/8]
Stalag, [7/7]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [6] (mace)
2, [0] <-- Crossbowman
3, [0] (sword)
4, [0] (mace) Performing a Distracting Act
5, [0] (sword) Perfoming a Distracting Act
6, [0] <-- Crossbowman
7, [0] (mace)
8, [0] (sword)
9, [0] <-- Leader


Bless, 10 rounds remaining

[Round Two Summary]

Sir Grave
2015-05-30, 12:17 PM
Things were not going well. Two of their number were taken... at a glance, good and valiant people... and the marauder's weren't slowing down.

It wasn't the first time Donn had seen allies fallen in battle. Now, as then, he allowed but a brief second of regret that he could not save them ... but the time for guilt was not now. There were others that needed aid. And hope was quickly fading.

Pelor's way was not vengeance. Justice, however, is a province of the Sun God. These raiders sought more bloodletting. They will be denied.

Dismounting his horse and taking cover behind the tent next to him, Donn looked Rosco's way. "This far. No farther. Let us show these murderers what we think of them!"

He held his symbol high, catching the light that passed through the dreary clouds above, and spoke aloud one more prayer...

"Let his light surge through me, that I might have the strength to render judgement upon the wicked..."

Dismount to C11, Cast Divine Favor. Next round...'tis clobberin' time.

2015-05-31, 01:47 PM
The world slowed down.
It was a nice sensation.. A feeling of total control during stressful situations. It felt familiar. Teeth would be shattered, skulls cracked and flesh slashed open. Rosco had experienced it all from both sides of the fence.
The woman fell to the dirt and he knew it was his turn to deliver the punishment. He had no time to size up the opponents before but now, up close, he felt confident. He made eye-contact with the goon as Donn's words influenced him ever so slightly.
Through clenched teeth he whispered the brothers words while his blades slashed through the air.
'No.... Farther...'


Damage off-hand:

After the full attack he takes a five foot step towards H8

2015-06-01, 04:51 AM
"Steel and stone, what a mess," says Stalag, dropping from his mount and firing his shortbow at the marauders.

Move Action: Dismount to square k12
Standard Action: Ranged attack vs. #7
Attack: [roll0] (Point Blank Shot applied)
Damage: [roll1] (Point Blank Shot applied)
Critical: [roll2] if attack is a natural 20
Bonus: [roll3] critical damage

2015-06-11, 03:12 PM
As Rosco and Brother Donn close in on the two thugs that had so viscously cut Miranda down, the grim smiles they once wore fade quickly. It seems that they aren't as comfortable fighting an enemy that they don't outnumber. A few testing feints and lashes from each side, but none of the strikes do any real harm.

Brother Donn pulls back and casts his spell. The rush of divine power quickly floods through his limbs, letting him know that the spell was successful!

The third thug — the crossbowman — reloads his weapon, and waits patiently for a clear shot.

Down at the other end of the tent city, the pair of thugs close in on the sorcerer, Drake. Fighting in cramped quarters was never easy though, and only one of them could manage to square off against the slim man. A quick jab of how short sword and Drake lets out a yelp! The other man, hefting his mace, begins to circle round the tents … attempting to pull off a pincer-style maneuver against Drake!

Stalag hops down from his pony (which quickly decides that it really ought to be somewhere, anywhere else), and fires an arrow at one of the swordsman guarding the leader. The fletching whiffs through the air, passing within inches of the man.

"Oy." He shouts, leveling his weapon at Stalag. "You'll pay for that, Dwarf!"


The fallen tent is difficult terrain.

Just a quick one to get back into the swing of things.

Character , Action

Drake [20], No action

Thugs [20],
1, melee vs Rosco, (1d20+1)[5], (1d8)[3], Miss!
2, move, ready action
5, melee vs Brother Donn, (1d20+1)[7], (1d6)[6], Miss!

3, melee vs Drake, (1d20+1)[13], (1d6)[4], Hit!
4, double move

7, move, ready action
8, move, ready action
9, move, ready action

Rosco [11], Full attack (miss!), 5' step

Thug #6 [11] 5' step, reload, ranged attack vs Rosco, (1d20+1)[14], (1d8)[4], Miss!

Stalag [11], Dismount, ranged attack, Miss!

Brother Donn [11], Dismount, Cast Divine Favor

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], [I]Condition
Drake, [1/5]
Rosco, [10/10]
Brother Donn, [8/8]
Stalag, [7/7]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [6] (mace)
2, [0] <-- Crossbowman
3, [0] (sword)
4, [0] (mace)
5, [0] (sword)
6, [0] <-- Crossbowman
7, [0] (mace)
8, [0] (sword)
9, [0] <-- Leader


Bless, 9 rounds remaining
Divine Favor, 10 rounds remaining

[Round Three Summary]

2015-06-11, 03:58 PM
They sought some distance from the short blades believing the space they created would open up opportunity for them. Rosco knew this advantage could be used against them, and as the one man staggered backwards he launched himself in a head-roll forward using the movement to stab the blades fast and hopefully very deep into the men in front of him.

5ft step to I8, full attack action.

Attack main hand (thug 7):

Attack off hand (thug 6):

2015-06-12, 08:46 AM

The last few days had been rough. Both Black Will and Envyn had been taken by the Hand when they had put a small village to the torch. Outnumbered and caught by surprise, they hadn't been able to offer much resistance to their captors. Roughly bound and forced to march for much of the last few days, they are bone-weary and tired.

But now fortune has smiled on them! Their captors seem preoccupied having encountered an adventuring party.

You are just north of the map.

Conditions that will affect you:

You are both bound at the wrists. [DC 20 escape artist check to slip out, DC 23 Strength check to burst, the rope has 2hp against slashing]
You are tethered to one another by five feet of rope. [Slipping your bonds in any fashion will negate this.]
Black Will is gagged. [May be removed as a move action]
You have no gear, save what you were able to conceal at the time of your capture [A DC 10 sleight of hand check will allow you to have kept one small item on your person]

[Quasi-Round one]

2015-06-12, 09:03 AM
Envyn looks warily over to Will. The two had plenty of time to "bond" over the past few days, but he still didn't know the man particularly well. Not that it mattered at this point--freedom would give a chance to get back at the jerks that had done this to them.

"Alright," he says quietly. "Now's our chance. I'll see if I can slip out of these knots, and if not, maybe I can get that gag off of you so we can at least talk up a plan."

After wriggling for awhile, the half-elf grouses to himself and gives up on the big knot. At least the quick gag will be simpler to undo he muses to himself as he tries his fingers on the cloth binding the other man's mouth.

[roll0] to try to slip the knots. Then, untie his gag if I can this round.

2015-06-12, 09:11 AM
Black Will had spent most of his time glaring angrily, but when the opportunity presented itself to escape, his expression changed entirely. Instead of anger, it was replaced by determination. When Envyn removes his gag, his first words are not of thanks, but rather, "I've got my spell component pouch hidden up my bum. If I can just get my hands free, I can get us out of here."

He too, attempts to slip free of the rope. I prematurely rolled in the OOC thread, and we can use those (unsuccessful) rolls if you want, or I can roll again "officially" IC: [roll0]

2015-06-12, 09:41 AM
The pair of prisoners work together to undo the gag that had been keeping the sorcerer silent. But try as they might, the chafing ropes seem too tight to wriggle out of.

[Quasi-round two]

2015-06-12, 09:51 AM
Envyn purses his lips for a moment, stealing another glance at the fight going on over in the distance. "Alright. I had been saving this in case our guard fell asleep in the middle of the night, but hopefully there's enough time to make it work." He kicks off one of his boots and reaches down inside, pulling out a broken-off arrowhead. "It's been tucked up against my ankle for three days now. Lucky I'm not bloody raw the way they've been marching us." Setting the metal edge against the rope holding Will's wrists, he sets about sawing through the hemp cord.

2015-06-12, 09:55 AM
Will moves his wrists in a way to facilitate cutting. "What, no knife? How do you survive in the wilds without a good knife at your side?"

2015-06-12, 10:01 AM
Envyn manages to retrieve the arrowhead and begins to set about the work of sawing through the rope.

Envyn, move action: retrieve item, Standard Action: begin full-round action (sunder object)

Envyn will be able to complete this action by burning a second standard action next round.

This is the end of the 'catch-up' rounds. From here on out, your actions will occur in real-time with the rest of the story. Please include an initiative roll with your actions for round four.

[Quasi-round three]

2015-06-12, 10:11 AM
Once his bonds are cut, Will stretches his fingers and rubs his wrists. "Here, pass that over." He takes the arrowhead and begins cutting Envyn free.

Full-round action to cut Envyn free.

Initiative: [roll0]

2015-06-12, 11:52 AM
"My thanks. Now, any clue where they kept our stuff? I'd feel better with my rapier back in my hand." Envyn looks over to the battle, but doesn't see any of the thugs down. Shaking his arms so that his hands get better blood flow, he surveys the field to see if he can spot a weapon he can use--just a knife would do, but a rapier or longsword would be better.


[roll1] to look for a weapon.

Since Will's spending a full round cutting me free, I don't take any actions this round.

Do we still have armor or are we down to clothes?

Sir Grave
2015-06-12, 12:00 PM
Donn was not a violent man by nature. He set out to help those in need, not take lives. But there always comes a time when helping others requires strength of arms, and the death of those who would use them to flaunt their power over the weak.

The time for prayer has passed. Into the fray he went, mace drawn and rushing to attack the first foe in view. "FOR PELOR!"

And all the while he thought, must be out of my mind...

Move to D9, attack no.5 with my mace... I don't expect much success. Melee is simply not my forte. :P

2015-06-13, 08:27 AM
"No idea, but clearly, they aren't in here." Will points to the entrance to the tent. "After you."

2015-06-15, 06:38 PM
Stalag lets off another shot, feeling far better about this one, then hustles with a worrying sounding wheeze in his breathing around the scant cover provided by the tents. "I'm getting to old for this ****," he mutters to himself, stifling a coughing fit.

Standard Action: Ranged Attack vs. enemy 8 in square L18
Attack: [roll0] (Point Blank Shot applied)
Damage: [roll1] (Point Blank Shot applied)
Critical: [roll2] (on natural 20)
Bonus: [roll3] (additional critical damage)
Move Action: Move 20 ft. to square I15

2015-06-15, 08:19 PM
The battle was becoming heated. The thugs began fighting in earnest, seeing perhaps that they were outclassed even though they held superior numbers. A few feints and jabs, but nothing of consequence manages to land on Rosco, his armor absorbing many strikes that ought to have drawn blood.

Brother Donn manages to escape harm as well as one of the thugs closes in for battle, the corner of the tent offering just the right amount of cover to block the incoming strike.

Stalag, however, was not as lucky. A lucky bolt flies across the battlefield, grievously wounding the grizzled old dwarf. Following that, one of the veteran thugs launches into him and lands a quick strike with his short sword! Stalag is on his heels, but through some sort of dogged determination he manages to keep his feet!

But if Stalag had it bad, Drake had it worse.

The poor sorcerer was outnumbered and outarmed. The pair of warriors flanked him and, using wolf-pack style attacks made short work of the near-defenselsss mage. He falls in a shower of blood and lies in the mud, breathing his last.

Emboldened by this sight, and also by Brother Donn's war cry, the allies each attack their foes and strikes!

Stalag hops back, disengaging from his swordsman for a critical moment. He is able to nock an arrow and let fly, the point blank range doing much to add to the missile's impact. The shaft buries itself near to the fletching in the man's shoulder, drawing a sting of curses that might have made a sailor blush.

Brother Donn too, manages to land a glancing blow on his opponent. No one was more surprised by the cleric, who took it as a sign that Pelor had indeed smiled upon their plight.

But that paled in comparison to Rosco's deadly skirmish. He launched himself into and among the enemy, using their tight spacing against them. Darting this way and that, his daggers were among them. Both found purchase. Both took lives.

As he darted near to the crossbowman, Rosco's blade lashed out and traced a thin red line along the man's neck. It didn't look like much — at first — but then the true nature of the cut was revealed after the gush of red blood that flowed from the wound. The man drops his crossbow and places both hands to his neck as he slumps to the ground.

The other managed to keep his feet a bit longer, but his wounds were no less terrible. Rebounding off of the brutal slash he'd given the archer, Rosco sinks his blade near to the hilt into the mace-wielding thug's belly. He gives it a twist and feels the satisfying pop of veins and arteries coming apart under his blade.

This man also drops his weapon and stares numbly at the innards that spill from the wound when the savage kukri is pulled free. His guts, steaming in the chill air, pour from him like a bucket of slop poured into a trough for pigs.

Neither of the men is dead. But they may as well be. They lie in the mud, soaked in their own blood, gasping their last breaths.

The leader sees this carnage and leaps into action (as these were the men that had been directly between he and Rosco … and now there was no one blocking the ranger's aggression).

The man holds up a hand and shouts a few arcane words, causing his hand to glow with an eerie blue light not unlike St Elmo's fire. Then, in a flash, the energy coalesces into an unerring bolt that flies directly into Rosco's chest, knocking the wind out of him!

Just ahead, and off the path a ways …

Black Will and Envyn set about freeing one another from their bonds. The smuggled arrowhead makes short work of the hempen rope, and it is only a matter of seconds before both men are freed. Looking toward the battle, they see that two of their captors lie dead (or so close to it as to make no difference) not too far from them. One man had a crossbow. The other, a mace.


The fallen tent is difficult terrain.

Phew, a lot going on here gang. Black will undertook a full-round action to free Envyn, so that action will be complete just prior to init [19] in round five. Envyn will also be able to act on init [19] as he has delayed his current action in this round.

Beginning next round, Envyn and Black Will are just north of the map, along the mud road. Let's call it row '0' (basically the row with letters on it). They can begin in either: K, L, M, or N and their first move action (or 5' step) can bring them onto the map.

Character , Action

Drake [20], No action

Thugs (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416950-Trouble-at-the-Temple!-Dice-Rolls&p=19405211#post19405211) [20],
1, 5' step toward Rosco, melee attack vs Rosco,(1d20+1)[3], (1d8)[5], Miss!
2, Move, ranged attack vs Stalag, (1d20+1)[21], (1d8)[4], Hit! (threatened a crit)
--->Crit confirm. (1d20+1)[6], (1d8)[1]5, Not a crit!

3, melee attack vs Drake, (1d20+1)[19], (1d6)[3], Hit!
4, move toward flanking position, melee attack vs Drake, (1d20+3)[19], (1d8)[1] [Flanking!], Hit!

7, 5' step, mace vs Rosco, (1d20+1)[2], (1d8)[3], Miss!
8, Move, short sword vs Stalag, (1d20+1)[16], (1d6)[2], Hit!
9, Delay

Black Will [19], Cut Black Will free (Full-round action)

Envyn [11], Delay (<--- waiting to be freed. Envyn will be able to act on init 19 next round)

Rosco [11], 5ft step to I8, full attack action.

Attack main hand (thug 7):(d20+4)[16], (d4+5)[8], Hit! This drops the thug!

Attack off hand (thug 6): (d20+4)[18], (d4+3)[7], Hit! This drops the thug!
Thug #6 [11]

**The leader, #9, takes his delayed action after Rosco drops the two thugs**

9 [11], Cast spell, Rosco takes (1d4+1)[5] damage!

Stalag [11], 5' step, Attack: (1d20+4)[19], (1d6+1)[7]
--> I had Stalag complete a 5' step before he fired his bow. After JDL announced his intentions, a combatant closed within melee distance.

Brother Donn [11], 5' step, attack thug #5, (1d20+1)[19], (1d8)[1], Hit!
Character, [hp remaining / hp total], Condition
Drake, [-4/5] Unconscious and Dying
Rosco, [5/10]
Brother Donn, [8/8]
Stalag, [1/7]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], [I]Condition
1, [6] (mace)
2, [0] <-- Crossbowman
3, [0] (sword)
4, [0] (mace)
5, [1] (sword)
6, [6] <-- Crossbowman, Staggered
7, [8] (mace), Staggered
8, [7] (sword)
9, [0] <-- Leader


Bless, 8 rounds remaining
Divine Favor, 9 rounds remaining

[Round Four Summary]

2015-06-16, 07:13 AM
Envyn feels his muscles tense as he takes in the sight of the bandit leader--the one responsible for his misery these past few days. "I'll keep him busy. Help the others." His low voice comes out almost as a growl as he takes off at a dead sprint ending at the caster's unprotected back, hoping to wrap his arms around the robed man and take him to the ground.

Charge - double-move from L0 to L8
Grapple - [roll0]

AC down to 10 for the remainder of the round.

2015-06-16, 09:09 AM
"Don't tell me how to live my life," Will says with a smirk, but he complies, noting with irony Envyn's success at his attempt. He moves forward, next to the dying man with the crossbow, and kneels, looking out at the battle. He recognizes the two of the thugs who had abducted him, characteristic in their clothing and filth, and sees two men prone at their feet. Crushing a pinch of sand between his fingers, he gestures at the men, invoking the magic word, "Schlafstdu."

Move to J6, Sleep at the intersection of E17/E18. DC 14.

2015-06-16, 12:11 PM
The two bodies in front of him fall unceremoniously into the dirt and Rosco doesn't give them a second thought. His eyes dart left and right looking for immediate danger while the blade in his right hand slides free from the mans insides as he crumpled down.

The pain is sudden and unexpected. Before he had time to react to the arcane utterings of the bandits leader, the spel had already been cast. Rosco sinks on to one knee and underneath his armor his chest feels like it's on fire. The smell of burnt flesh now blends in with the smell of blood, sweat and mud. He can feel it getting wet beneath his armor and sure enough some blood already drips through.
Another one of those and Rosco knew he was done for.

'Rotten casters.' He mutters under his breath.

His blades find their way into their scabbards with routine ease before his body is completely up, full and well. When he takes the first step in his sprint to the leader his hand is already on the hilt of his longsword and by the third step the blade is swinging, following the same arch downwards as it has been pulled free upwards swishing almost a full circle through the air. 'Biting through the pain the exertion of the charge pulls a roar from Rosco as he aims the blade straight at the bandits head. 'rrRAaaarhGHHHG!'

Free action: draw longsword; Full round action: Charge. (I'm a little unsure, Two hands on the one longsword for 1,5x strength, the normal mod is +3 so becomes a +4.. +2 for favored enemy = +6 damage if that's correct?)


Sir Grave
2015-06-19, 11:26 AM
Watching the raider's weapon sink into the tent, Brother Donn cringes slightly seeing how deeply he could have been wounded. Battle was simply not his forte.

And yet he did not withdraw. He step forward slightly , just close enough to deliver his next strike, albeit awkwardly... for the mace was probably larger than his head. "Aha!"

Continue attacking no.5

2015-06-20, 08:57 AM
After Rosco made short work of the goons, the wizard leading them grew frantic. "To me, fools!" He screams. "Leave the others!"

The goons regroup. A swordsman and a mace wielding thug manage to close in on Rosco, getting between the tracker and their arcane leader. The thug with the mace lands a glancing blow, but Rosco is able to shrug it off.

The thug that Brother Donn was tussling with seems to ignore the commands of his leader and stays engage with Brother Donn. A jab of his short sword strikes true! Brother Donn gives a startled shout as the blade bites through flesh.

Back over near Rosco and the leader, Rosco decides to press his advantage. Cut the head off of the snake, as it were. Shouldering his way past the goons he charges against the wizard, drawing his longsword in the process, the harsh, raspy sound of the blade clearing its scabbard.

But Rosco was perhaps a bit overzealous. As he shouldered past the goons, focusing on their leader … he left himself open just the tiniest bit. The mace-wielding thug needed no invitation. He swung his mace in a short, brutal arc, connecting with the nape of Rosco's neck as he raced past.


Rosco slumps over senseless, the lucky strike having knocked him unconscious.


Black Will and Envyn enter the fray. Envyn does his best to tackle the foul cult-mage, but no luck. The man proves to be wirily and agile, slipping from Envyn's grasp.

Black Will on the other hand, knew when to was time to fight fire with fire. He begins an incantation. One that would rob these foes of their senses as surely as the mace strike had done to poor Roscoe!


The fallen tent is difficult terrain.

Hey gang, this encounter's a bit weird since the enemies won initiative. A couple of times now, designated actions were not possible due to an enemy action right in front of your character's action. If it was simple … I fixed it (had you move to another square, etc). But in Rosco's case I had him complete the charge since it was still a valid action … two foes had closed to melee distance, but he could still reach the enemy wizard with his charge action. The resultant Attacks of Opportunity, however, dropped Rosco — negating the charge attack.

@LuckyStrike … I'm cool with you retconning Rosco's action in light of this new development (being surrounded by foes). You can have Rosco elect to not charge and direct that very successful attack against on of the normal goons instead.

Character , Action

Thugs [20],
1, 5' step, attack Rosco, (1d20+1)[17], (1d8)[3], Hit!
2, double move

3, double move
4, double move

5, attack Brother Donn, (1d20+1)[21], (1d6)[4], Hit! Threatened a crit.
-->Crit confirm, (1d20+1)[10], (1d6)[6], Not a crit!

8, Move, attack Roscoe, (1d20+1)[7], (1d6)[1], Miss!

Black Will [19], Move (J6 would have been a threatened square, I had Black Will move to L30), Begin casting Sleep*

Envyn [19], Charging grapple attack, Miss!

Rosco [11], Charge! (this movement prompts two Attacks of Opportunity)
---> Thug #1, AoO vs Rosco (mace), (1d20+1)[15], (1d8)[7], Hit! (Roscoe is at -2 AC due to charging)
----> Thug #8, AoO vs Rosco (short sword), (1d20+1)[11], (1d6)[3]
------>Roscoe cannot complete the charge, he falls in J8

The spell casting leader (#9) [11], Move

Stalag [11], No action

Brother Donn [11], attack Thug #5, (1d20+1)[19], (1d8)[2]**

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], Condition
Drake, [-5/5] Unconscious and Dying
Rosco, [-5/10] Unconscious and Dying
Brother Donn, [4/8]
Stalag, [1/7]
Black Will, [8/8]
Envyn, [7/7]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], [I]Condition
1, [6] (mace)
2, [0] <-- Crossbowman
3, [0] (sword)
4, [0] (mace)
5, [3] (sword)

8, [7] (sword)
9, [0] <-- Leader


Bless, 7 rounds remaining
Divine Favor, 8 rounds remaining

*Sleep has a casting duration of one round. This means that it is similar to a full-round action. This spell will come into existence just prior to Black Will's init in the next round. All pertinent decisions about any spell (range, target, area, effect, version, and so forth) are made when the spell comes into effect.

**@Sir Grave, I didn't mention it last round because there was so much going on, but you have been rolling Brother Donn's Mace damage incorrectly. Here is what I come up with:

Base melee attack: -1
Base Damage: 1d8-1
Modified by Bless: +1 [Morale] bonus to attack
Modified by Divine Favor: +1 [Luck] bonus on attack and damage

So it should end up looking like: Mace attack, +1, 1d8

For critical damage — if it comes up — a x2 weapon rolls another damage die only, not two more (that would be x3).

[Round Five Summary]

Sir Grave
2015-06-20, 07:54 PM

The pain from his opponents strike was enough to cause Donn to stumble, but he recovered quickly.

Glancing to his right and noticing his companion fall, Donn's eyes widened. "This is not going well..." He attempted another blow hoping to fell his foe and attend to his friends...

Continue attacking no.5, if he falls, move to I-11

2015-06-20, 08:09 PM
As the incantation finishes, Will looks across the battlefield, hoping to see a handful of brigands fall to the ground in slumber. He then locks eyes with the enemy spellcaster, pinching the hem of his wool cloak as he says, "Benommen."

Casting wherever it will get the most goons (low-level enemies) without targeting any allies. Daze (DC 14) on the big bad.

2015-06-20, 09:09 PM
Stalag readies to flee, his wounds bleeding severely and nearly falling unconscious from the exertion of the battle. "What a mess," he mutters to himself.

Full Round Action: Withdraw 40 ft. to L5

2015-06-24, 05:26 PM
"To me, fools!" He screams. "Leave the others!"

The goons break off from their various attacks, each making their way through the chaos and fallen bodies to protect their leader. But at the last moment, a dawning look of recognition spreads over the mage's face as he figures out what Black Will is up to!

He had just ordered his men to group up, and his opponent was casting a sleeping spell!

The leader manages a quick shout, "No! Not so close!"

But it is too late, the thugs dutifully gather around their benefactor (the better to protect him), and conveniently arrange themselves for maximum effect!

Black Will dodges a crossbow bolt from one of the archers just as his incantation is complete. A hush falls over the crowd, and their eyes droop as the magic seeks to take hold. Two of them succumb, falling over in uncomfortable looking heaps … but they are soundly asleep.

The rest of them shake of the effect and look to their leader for further direction. Unfortunately for them, the enemy mage's jaw was hanging open, a thin line of drool is the only thing issuing from his lips. Black Will's second spell was perfectly timed! The caster is dazed.

Three of the goons stay standing, and another archer just a stone's throw away also looks at the diminishing odds in front of them. For a frantic second or two, they look to one another, then back to the adventurers, then back to their peers.

Then they throw their weapons down.

"Mercy! Have Mercy." One of them cries.

Encounter complete gang! You got the pack of thugs to less than 50% of their number and managed to eliminate the leader (if only for a round :smallsmile: ). This was enough to break whatever little training and dedication to the cause these poor sods might have had.

Two of your number are dying, and these goons will need to be restrained (4 surrendering thugs and one dazed caster who is about to shake off the spell that is affecting him).

Character , Action

Thugs [20],

#1 Double move

#2 Move, attack Black Will (crossbow), (1d20+1)[9], (1d8)[4], Miss!

#3, 4, & 5, Double move
--> This move from #5 prompts an AoO from Donn
----> AoO, (1d20+1)[15], (1d8)[4], Hit!

#8, Move, attack Envyn, (1d20+1)[13], (1d6)[1], Hit!

Black Will [19], finishes casting Sleep
-->Saving throws
#1 (1d20)[8], fail!
#3 (1d20)[19], pass!
#4 (1d20)[6], fail!
#5 (1d20)[15], pass!

Envyn [19], No action.

Rosco [11], No action (Unconscious)

The spell casting leader (#9) [11], No action [Dazed]

Stalag [11], Withdraw (<-- I had Stalag withdraw in the other direction … back toward the horses and away from combatants)

Brother Donn [11], Moves

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], Condition
Drake, [-6/5] Unconscious and Dying
Rosco, [-6/10] Unconscious and Dying
Brother Donn, [4/8]
Stalag, [1/7]
Black Will, [8/8]
Envyn, [6/7]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], [I]Condition
1, [6] (mace) [Sleeping]
2, [0] <-- Crossbowman
3, [0] (sword)
4, [0] (mace) [Sleeping]
5, [7] (sword)

8, [7] (sword)
9, [0] <-- Leader [Dazed]


Bless, 6 rounds remaining
Divine Favor, 7 rounds remaining
Sleep, 10 rounds remaining


[Round Six Summary]

2015-06-24, 05:37 PM
Stalag immediately runs over to Rosco and starts trying to plug the bleeding wounds of his ally.

Heal check to stabilize ally, DC 15 (3 checks total before Rosco dies of blood loss unless someone else helps instead).
1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]
3. [roll2]

2015-06-24, 06:00 PM
Black Will starts issuing orders. He had, after all, saved the day almost single-handedly. "Kick your weapons over here," he says, "And point me in the direction of my stuff. And my dog." He whistles for Tobias, in case the beast is not tied up. "Then lie down, face down, hands behind your back. Envyn, cover the leader. He's dazed now, and if you can tie him up quick, do it. No matter what, subdue him." He looks around at the others. "Make sure no one acts on any stupid ideas, especially the one that might make them think now is the time to start up again."

Once he has his equipment and his dog back, he will return to question the leader, and the other thugs. "You've got treasure. It's ours. Tell us where it is, and you'll live. If we have to look for it, well, it'll be easier, safer to look for it if you're dead."

2015-06-24, 10:30 PM
Envy quickly scoops up one of the discarded swords and takes up a position behind the leader. He delivers one swift crack of the pommel against the fellow's head, trying to knock him out. "If you give us our things back, we may go easy on you when it comes to the magistrates. As is, you've got enough murders on your hands to send you to the gallows, so if there's more we ought to know you had best start talking."

In case you want rolls for this:

[roll0] -4 for non-lethal damage with lethal weapon. Note that helpless defender takes -4 to AC and has an effective Dex of 0 (further -5 to AC).

If not sufficient to KO the caster, repeat as necessary.

2015-06-27, 11:11 AM
After Black Will whistles for Tobias, a guard dog comes bounding into the village center. Tongue lolling, he greets his master eagerly, plainly happy to see him free from his bonds.

Black Will and Envyn waste no time binding the remaining thugs, and subduing the mage. The dazed wizard looks pleasantly on as the subduing strike is prepared and landed. He slumps senseless to the ground. Though his men offer no resistance, the scowls upon their faces speak volumes. The one who had cried out, speaks up.

"We had no choice." He cries. "It was that one there, and him too." He cries, pointing out the mage and one of the gruffer, more scarred, henchmen.

"Shut your mouth, you dog!" The henchman barks.


Brother Donn and Stalag make their way over to Rosco, where they attend to his wounds. Stalag rips a length of fabric from his tunic and manages to staunch the flow of blood from the worst of the tracker's sword wounds. Brother Donn, examining the grievous mace strike that knocked Rosco out, takes a moment to summon his healing magics.

Resting a palm against the ragged flap of skin that barely hides the skull beneath, he mutters a simple prayer. A soft yellow light — not unlike a ray of sunshine poking through a forest canopy — briefly glows against the wound, both warming the fallen ranger and reviving him.

Rosco wakes, slowly at first, a spreading warmth speeding through his limbs and taut shoulders. His head throbs, but he is able to rise to a sitting position. "Easy." Brother Donn cautions. "You took a nasty blow."


As the chaotic scene at the village center calms, some of the townsfolk come out of their hiding places. Among them, a grizzled old man, leaning heavily on his walking staff. He nears the party, some of the commoners parting to allow his passage. He is dressed simply, wearing plain leather sandals and a roughly woven homespun robes dyed a deep shade of green.

"I am Humgrin, a simple servant of Obad-Hai. I minister to these wilderness folk." He says, introducing himself. "Thank the Shalm that you fine lot were here when you were."

Posting as Brother Donn in this [BUMP] post, this post came outside of Sir Grave's regular posting window. Also, Rosco is no longer Unconscious and Dying, but he is at 1hp.

Brother Donn has cast Cure Minor Wounds.


2015-06-27, 12:31 PM
Black Will looks at Hulmgrin, and nods. "You can thank me with coin." He then turns his attention to the captives, and begins searching the meticulously. Anything that was his, he takes, and thanks the brigand with a kick to the gut. Anything else, he piles up in the center.

2015-06-28, 08:24 AM
Initially ignoring brother Donns cautionary words Rosco stubbornly tries to stand up. He immediately falls back down and throws up from straining himself too much. It's part meal, part blood and after he's done he spits some blood and chunks to his side to empty his mouth.
He shoots an angry look towards brother Donn that seems to warn him not to say anything in the lines of 'told you so..'.

'Thank you.' He says after a moment of sitting on the ground dazed and focussing on breathing. He looks at brother Donn and Stalag after he speaks the words that obviously don't frequent his everyday language much.

He retrieves his weapons and joins the others, leaning on his quarterstaff while doing so.

2015-06-28, 08:24 AM
Envyntharius ties the bonds quickly and efficiently. Standing, he rifles through the pile of weapons and armor that had been stripped from their captured adversary.

He collects up his few belongings, among them a finely crafted rapier. He gives the weapon a few test swings through the air, before sheathing the weapon.

Posting as Envyn for the time being. He now has all of his listed gear back.

2015-06-28, 11:54 AM
Having retrieved his belongings, Black Will takes a deep breath. His immediate concerns were alleviated, and he could take in his surroundings. He looks around the town, then looks at the cleric and his companions. "From the looks of things, you could use our help," he says, kneeling down next to Tobias and giving the large mutt a good rub behind the ears. "What is it you're doing out here, anyway?" It isn't an overt offer of aid, but it's as close as Black Will is likely to come. If what they're doing is worth his while--and from the looks of the pile of loot they'd pulled off the marauders, it could be--then he might help them. Of the dead and broken, he wasn't sure who was on the good side and who was on the evil side, but in death, all men were equal. The pile of gold and the potions and oils caught his eye, as did the scrolls, and seeing as how he had single-handedly ended the skirmish, he felt a certain sense of entitlement to the spoils. Of course, he didn't want to provoke these men. Even in their weakened state, they still outnumbered him, and he wasn't confident he could fend them all off, if it came to that. Besides, now that he was free from his captors, he wasn't sure what to do next. The action he'd seen had whetted his appetite, and returning to his life of subsistence an unappealing choice. If these men made him a good offer, he would help them.

Speaking of loot, how are we divvying this up is a question that should be addressed.

Sir Grave
2015-06-30, 08:37 AM
Having retrieved his belongings, Black Will takes a deep breath. His immediate concerns were alleviated, and he could take in his surroundings. He looks around the town, then looks at the cleric and his companions. "From the looks of things, you could use our help," he says, kneeling down next to Tobias and giving the large mutt a good rub behind the ears. "What is it you're doing out here, anyway?" It isn't an overt offer of aid, but it's as close as Black Will is likely to come. If what they're doing is worth his while--and from the looks of the pile of loot they'd pulled off the marauders, it could be--then he might help them. Of the dead and broken, he wasn't sure who was on the good side and who was on the evil side, but in death, all men were equal. The pile of gold and the potions and oils caught his eye, as did the scrolls, and seeing as how he had single-handedly ended the skirmish, he felt a certain sense of entitlement to the spoils. Of course, he didn't want to provoke these men. Even in their weakened state, they still outnumbered him, and he wasn't confident he could fend them all off, if it came to that. Besides, now that he was free from his captors, he wasn't sure what to do next. The action he'd seen had whetted his appetite, and returning to his life of subsistence an unappealing choice. If these men made him a good offer, he would help them.

Speaking of loot, how are we divvying this up is a question that should be addressed.

Donn surveyed the area, scanning for more injured and seeing plenty to be found, most notably Stalag and the wizard they had seen earlier (OOC: Drake.) "Stalag, hold still..." Summoning more of his magics he mended his wounds...

Cure light wounds [roll0]

"See to that wizard there. He may still be alive, even if barely."

He turned his attention to this new stranger,unsure of what to make f him. He indeed had a point: if this attack was any indication, there would surely be more like it and they probably would not have survived without their help.

"...You have our thanks. I am Brother Donn, priest of the Temple of Light.
"With me are my companions, hirelings of the church," he continued, gesturing towards the now revived ranger. "Rosco Vines, our armsman," and then towards the old dwarf, "and Stalag, the Troubleshooter, respectively."

Now that formalities were out of the way it was time to answer the man's question. "We are on a quest on behalf of the Church. A handful of our own went missing... among them my friend Sir Jaryn."

2015-06-30, 08:57 PM
Stalag looks gratefully at Brother Donn as his wounds are healed, sighing as the pain fades under the divine magics. He nods as the others explain the situation, keeping his bow trained on the prisoners in case any try to escape. The damp weather makes his bones ache, and he starts coughing again with a deep chesty rattle until it sounds like something breaks loose and then gets stuck somewhere else. He finishes with a sneeze, followed by sticking one finger into a nostril and pulling out a sticky, brown object at least three inches long, flicking it into the grass nearby.

2015-06-30, 10:28 PM
Rosco is also enjoying the effects of brother Donns divine magics. The headache pulls back, going from making him dizzy and nauseous to just being a slight discomfort. The fog that he woke up in after getting hit is clearing up and even the saddle pains from before the skirmish seemed to have left his body.
Truth be told he almost felt better than before.

'Thank you.' He says clasping brother Donn by the shoulder in a friendly and thankful manner.

2015-06-30, 10:32 PM
"...and you'd like our help in finding your friends." Black Will finishes for the priest. "You've seen what I can do. What are you offering?" Will eyes the pile of loot suggestively. Part of him wants to help, but a larger part knows better than to do something for free, even for a godly man.

2015-07-01, 07:49 AM
While the party greets one another and sorts out what to do next, Humgrin directs a few of the villagers to take custody of the prisoners. "I'm afraid frontier justice is a mite bit quicker out here on the frontier than you may be used to in Bastion." He says coldly. "These thugs will have their neck's stretched at daybreak. Sigvald, Onund … take them away."

Some of the village men step forward and the prisoners are led off with kicks and jeers. The townsfolk seem emboldened by their captors bonds. "Come, come." Humgrin says, switching gears to a more pleasant avenue of conversation. "Come inside, out of this rain, you can discuss all you need in our lodge."

The lodge is a sturdy, rough-hewn affair of stone and timber. Something between a log cabin and a wilderness fort. The floors are simple earth, but have been packed down and made smooth by repeated foot travel. As soon as you enter, there is an oppressive heat the floods over you — making you realize just how long you had been out in the cold, miserable rain.

Shedding a few outer layers makes the lodge feel almost comfortable, however. Almost.

There is a scent of herbs in the air, and all through the main hall you can see that sprigs and bunches of this and that are hung on nails to dry. Along the side of the room, barrels are stacked with care. Sacks are piled against another wall. This meeting lodge looks to double as the storehouse as well.

Arriving at one of the long, center tables, Humgrin takes a seat at the end and offers the low wooden benches to the party. At the other end of the table (large enough for twelve grown men per side!), some villagers pile up the loot.

"Now," Humgrin says. "To business. If it's coin you're after, you can see that we are a simple, country folk. We may be rich in many of the ways Obad-Hai has seen fit to bless us, but coin is not one of them.

"That being said, we can make an offer to outfit you and your horses, give you fresh rations and feed. We came through this last winter exceptionally well as you can see." He says, waving a hand at the foodstuffs. "Good thing too. Now that we have this refugee crisis on our doorsteps."

PCs and loot pile are in the common room of the lodge. Humgrin is there as well as well as a few townsfolk join about their business. The captives have been led away to be held in another location.


Sir Grave
2015-07-03, 01:01 PM
"...and you'd like our help in finding your friends." Black Will finishes for the priest. "You've seen what I can do. What are you offering?" Will eyes the pile of loot suggestively. Part of him wants to help, but a larger part knows better than to do something for free, even for a godly man.

"Ah... I don't... personally... have much of a say as to what you'll be rewarded. Mainly the Church handles such things, though I could most certainly put in a good word for you, if you help, that is."

The cleric looked about him at all of the fallen cultists, hoping to add a bit more to his pitch. "...And of course, anything we find on the way will be split among any participants..."

He smiled, nervously, hoping for the best reaction.

2015-07-04, 09:02 PM
"Mighty grateful for your hospitality," says Stalag, eyeing the barrels in the hopes some of them contain ale or mead. "Reckon we'd be best to lay up tonight and rest, head out tomorrow when the weather's cleared a mite. If you folk are fixing to join us, I've no argument with it. More bodies we have the better." He picks through the loot, finding a set of studded leather that's far superior to his own and replaces his set immediately, then takes the two tanglefoot bags, tucking them into his pack. He relaxes and puts his feet up, striking his pipe and inhaling a long drag of smoke before a racking fit of wet coughing noises consumes him.

Suggesting we rest and depart tomorrow.

2015-07-05, 08:56 AM
While the party sorts out who gets what and who is joining who, Humgrin makes his way over toward Brother Donn. "Taking care of others before you take care of yourself I see." The old priests chastises kindly. "Well, I suppose it would be a poor follower of Pelor that looked out for himself first …"

"Here, let me see those wounds." Humgrin takes Brother Donn's arm and passes his hand over it. The distinct smell of pine needles fills the air, fresh and pungent … and the wound seals!

"You're welcome to stay in the hall for the night." Humgrin offers. "I'll have some of my people see to your horses. We can handle the outfitting inn the morning."

Cure Light Wounds, [roll0]


Sir Grave
2015-07-07, 08:06 AM
While the party sorts out who gets what and who is joining who, Humgrin makes his way over toward Brother Donn. "Taking care of others before you take care of yourself I see." The old priests chastises kindly. "Well, I suppose it would be a poor follower of Pelor that looked out for himself first …"

"Here, let me see those wounds." Humgrin takes Brother Donn's arm and passes his hand over it. The distinct smell of pine needles fills the air, fresh and pungent … and the wound seals!

"You're welcome to stay in the hall for the night." Humgrin offers. "I'll have some of my people see to your horses. We can handle the outfitting inn the morning."

Cure Light Wounds, [roll0]


"Bless you, sir. We could really use your hospitality. And perhaps we can discuss where these Bane cultists came from."

2015-07-07, 08:35 AM
Black Will nods, then helps himself to the treasure he wants before heading with the rest of the party to the hall. For a moment he considers taking all the gold, but decides against it in a rare moment of charity.

Black Will pockets the scrolls, oils, potions, and half the gold (100g), leaving the rest to be sorted out by the party.

2015-07-10, 05:52 PM
"Bless you, sir. We could really use your hospitality. And perhaps we can discuss where these Bane cultists came from."

"Of course, of course." Humgrin says, allowing the party time to divvy up their equipment.

"I don't know much about the church of Bane … other than that they are a foul lot. Death and destruction are all they care for. This Hand of Naarash," Humgrin says the word as if the very sound of it tastes foul, his mouth twisting. "They are a recent offshoot."

"Naarash — it is said — was a hobgoblin prophet and warchieftan, dead these last few centuries. He foretold of a great war that would see Bane topple the world, rivers choked with blood and all that. Real end-of-the-world stuff."

"It is in his name that this current incarnation chooses to wreak havoc. But they are all the same, these cults. Small men, with small goals. Barely able to see past the end of their swords. They used to consider themselves purely a hobgoblin entity … but they seem to have opened their arms with some recent recruiting efforts. Much of the borderlands races are counted in their number now."

"While my humble order defends the villages of the frontier, the lost brother you seek — Jaryn and four of his companions — sought to take the battle to the heart of the cult. Naarash’s faithful are based in a great temple in the Moonsfall Mountains. The Pillars of Night, they call it. Jaryn swore to break the cult by destroying its leaders."

At the mention of the Moonsfall Mountains, Black Will and Envyn both recall the the war party that had abducted them had mentioned something about the mountains. Something about a rugged pass that had to be used, a secret path that led to the stronghold of the Hand. Something called only: The Black March.


2015-07-10, 09:03 PM
Envyn had remained silent for much of the time, caring little for the spoils or plunder. He made sure to claim his own items, as well as a knife or two--he had been remiss in forgetting to pack one on his latest journey.

At the mention of mountains, his vaguely pointed ears perk up. "I do recall these fools spoke of a secret path in the mountains. Called it the black march, or some such nonsense. You'll need more detail, Brother Donn, if that's the path you intend to take; you could search a lifetime for high mountain passes and never catch so much as a sniff. I'm no tracker, but I've a keen eye for detail and sharp ears for gossip and tidbits. If there's gloire to be had in the undertaking--and a bit of treasure wouldn't hurt--I'd be willing to help you all out,"

Sir Grave
2015-07-11, 01:11 PM
Envyn had remained silent for much of the time, caring little for the spoils or plunder. He made sure to claim his own items, as well as a knife or two--he had been remiss in forgetting to pack one on his latest journey.

At the mention of mountains, his vaguely pointed ears perk up. "I do recall these fools spoke of a secret path in the mountains. Called it the black march, or some such nonsense. You'll need more detail, Brother Donn, if that's the path you intend to take; you could search a lifetime for high mountain passes and never catch so much as a sniff. I'm no tracker, but I've a keen eye for detail and sharp ears for gossip and tidbits. If there's gloire to be had in the undertaking--and a bit of treasure wouldn't hurt--I'd be willing to help you all out,"

Donn nodded, pleased with the help he was receiving. With this many allies, he was almost certain that they could find the missing knights. "And you will have it. A generous soul such as yours deserves no less."

2015-07-11, 06:38 PM
"Mountains eh? Ah, bollocks," says Stalag, puffing on his pipe. "Heights make me giddy and the cold air makes me bones creak. Ah well, nothing for it but to get some rest and start marching, then. I'll see you all tomorrow. Gonna check in on the horses and make sure they're being treated right, get some warm mash into their bellies before we go. I'll also see the stablehand about fodder for them, since grazing's likely to be sparse in the mountains. How many days you think we'll be needing, assuming we don't eat the horses on the way if we're trapped in a blizzard."

2015-07-13, 02:19 PM
"Well, I don't actually know where to find this pass. But I might suggest that at least one of the fellows slated for the gallows does. Perhaps a clemency opportunity is in order?" Envyn glances to the cooler outdoors, half planning an escape from the heat and humidity if at all possible.

2015-07-13, 02:30 PM
Black Will laughs at the notion of a clemency opportunity. "Or perhaps, the illusion of one."

2015-07-14, 09:17 AM
Humgrin leaves the party to their planning and bids them a good evening.

The following day, the party is outfitted generously as promised. The pack animals are laden with stores enough to last three weeks in the wilderness. The morning is chill, but thankfully the rain had passed through and it looks to be a fine traveling day.

Locating the Black March [Day 1]
Location: Village

Alright gang, the next part of the tale will be a wilderness expedition. You are trying to locate a mysterious trail, The Black March, that is rumored to lead to your enemies stronghold.

Here is what we'll do. This will look an awful lot like a 4E skill challenge. You must succeed five times before you fail four times in order to beat the challenge.

Skills you may use are:

Gather Information [DC 12] <-- May be used one time when in a settlement. Success also generates 1d3 rumors.
Knowledge (geography) [DC 12] <-- Success can be used to find a settlement. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (history) [DC 12] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (local) [DC 10] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor, and locate a settlement. Each Additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (nature) [DC 14] <-- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.
Knowledge (religion) [DC 16] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC
Survival [DC15] <--- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.

Additional rolls:
Each roll made that is NOT in a settlement will be considered to be one week of traveling through the wilderness. This week will be accompanied by a Survival check [DC 10] to ensure you have enough food / water … otherwise you must dip into your stores.

You will begin this expedition with three weeks worth of food.

A failure of a roll while in the wilderness will prompt a Survival check [DC 15]. Failing this roll means you have become lost. Your next roll to find a settlement will be at +2 DC.

Each roll made in a settlement will be considered to be one day. While in a settlement, you may also use the following skills (although they will not count as successes or failures):

Diplomacy [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +2 on your next roll in town, and you will be able to restock your supplies.
Intimdate [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +4 on your next roll in town, but you may not restock your supplies.
Sense Motive [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +2 on your next roll in town, and you will net 1d3 rumors.

You are beginning this challenge in a settlement, and you are fully stocked.

If you have another skill in mind that could be useful, make a case for it and maybe it will get added.

Happy Hunting!


Sir Grave
2015-07-14, 12:17 PM
"We should most certainly speak with one of these Naarsh Cultists... the highest ranking one would be ideal. I feel, however, my skill with prying information out of hostile persons is somewhat lacking. Would any of you care to assist?"

2015-07-14, 01:34 PM
Recalling Black Will's remark from the previous evening, Envyn quickly raises his hand. "I think I can assist you in that task. However, the highest ranking one was likely the caster; I should like to hear Will's suggestion as to how we handle that threat, should we loose his tongue--I do not want his magical abilities to put us in harm's way once more."

2015-07-14, 07:43 PM
"You've got that dagger, don't you?" Black Will says. "Hold it at his throat. He casts a spell, you cut his throat. Trusting he's a rational creature, he'll spill his guts before his blood."

Sir Grave
2015-07-15, 10:37 AM
"Er... right. That ought to do it. Very well put... Blunt, but well put.
"Ah... shall we get to it?"

2015-07-17, 05:59 PM
The prisoners are assembled before the party, all of the men are securely bound, their leader gagged. Arranging themselves around the man, a dagger is brandished and threats against any spell casting are issued. He harrumphs, and gurgles a response through the gag that you are pretty sure is a string of cursewords.

The gag is removed and the man spits on the ground, working his jaw up-and-down a few times.

"I'll tell you nothing!" He screams. "You think I fear death? I welcome it! I have served my cause gloriously and I will be ensured a place of honor in the realm of second breath."

He looks on at the party, the look of contempt plain upon his face. "Go on then," He prods.

"Just promise me one thing," He continues, his murderous eyes glinting with mischief now, and excitement. "Make it bloody. Make it hurt."

Envyn steps in and roughly grabs the man by the scruff of his neck. "As you please." He says grimly, holding the blade of the dagger to the mage's throat.

One of the others, one of the farm boys that had been press-ganged into the cult's service, begins to sob.

"Oh gods," He says. "Spare me! I wanted nothing to do with this … they were … they were going to kill me if'n I didn't join. I never laid eyes on where we were headed, but I know it lies north of the Harsmad hills. That's where we were heading next. Oh, gods don't kill me."

"FILTHY DOG!" The mage shouts, struggling against his bonds. He is quickly restrained and the gag is replaced, his screams muffled.

Envyn, Intimdate roll for skill challenge [DC 12], (1d20+4)[22]. Envyn has passed the roll. The party will now get a +4 on the next roll made in town.

Skill Challenge: Finding the Black March

Successes: 0
Failures: 0

2015-07-18, 09:52 AM
Now that the party has gleaned all the useful information he can conceive of from the prisoners, Black Will takes his leave. He heads to the tavern and orders a pitcher of ale, and asks the bartender and any who care to answer about the cult and their recent activities in the region, offering drinks to lubricate their willingness to respond honestly.

Gather Information: [roll0] (+4 if the bonus from the successful intimidate check applies)

2015-07-18, 10:07 AM
The tavern was a relatively simple affair … little more than a shack. But, beggars couldn't be choosers this far out in the wilderness. The floors were bare earth, some loose straw strewn about to keep it from getting too muddy, and rough-hewn timber bar lay at the back.

The tavern-keeper, who introduced himself as Hiram, waves a hand at Black Will as he places a warm mug of ale in front of him.

"Keep your coppers, friend. It's the least I could do … seeing as how you dealt with those vermin like you did. Hey," He says, leaning in. "Are you really going after that paladin? I saw him you know. Last year, it was. He and his group were headed west. I told him all he'd find west was cult trouble. He was smiling as they rode off."

"Used to be you'd only ever see the Hand of Naarash out west and up north. These past months, though, their banners have been flying in every corner of the frontier."

Yup, the +4 certainly applies … and the gather information check is a success!

Skill Challenge: Finding the Black March

Successes: 1
Failures: 0

Rumors at the tavern, (1d3)[2]

Rumors: 2/12

Sir Grave
2015-07-18, 11:47 AM
Donn walks up to the man who spoke, claiming to be a farmer who was forced into helping. He looks straight into his eyes, compassionately.

"If I convince these townspeople to release you, will you take us there?"

2015-07-19, 07:16 AM
The man stops his sobbing when Brother Donn approaches him with the offer of leniency.

"If .. if you .. spare me the noose, I'd lead you anywhere." He says, a glimmer of hope fleeting across his face.

Some of the townsfolk watching the prisoner grumble at this. "If I killed your kin and then said I was sorry … would you spare me?" Asks one, a wiry malnourished looking man. The others murmur their assent, and the crowd gets restless.

"Calm yourselves friends, these are idle words, nothing more." Hulmgrin says, taking control of the situation. "A man is allowed to speak his thoughts isn't he?"

"Actions, however," He says, turning to the crowd with a more authoritative voice … his sermon voice. "Actions have consequences, don't they?"

"It's true. These men lost all when the Hand came through. Their houses? Gone. Their families? Murdered. They joined the Hand, or they died … their choice was that simple. But what they did not do is what damned them. They did not escape, they did not flee … and when they came to this village, sword-in-hand, they did not throw down their arms and say 'No! I will kill no longer.'

"What these men did was make choices. And some choices you cannot take back. They killed our own. They die."

Hulmgrin softens his voice and turns to Brother Donn. "Apologies brother, but justice — if it is to be feared at all in these wild frontier lands — by necessity must be swift and harsh. I cannot free this man. Although, if he pleases I can hear his words and allow him to meet his maker with an unburdened heart."

Alright gang, what's next? You have one success out of five needed … and you're fully stocked for your journey into the wilderness.

Also, Hulmgrin tried to identify the potions and oils again and he was (half) successful. You have two oils of Bless Weapon.

Sir Grave
2015-07-20, 11:28 AM
The man stops his sobbing when Brother Donn approaches him with the offer of leniency.

"If .. if you .. spare me the noose, I'd lead you anywhere." He says, a glimmer of hope fleeting across his face.

Some of the townsfolk watching the prisoner grumble at this. "If I killed your kin and then said I was sorry … would you spare me?" Asks one, a wiry malnourished looking man. The others murmur their assent, and the crowd gets restless.

"Calm yourselves friends, these are idle words, nothing more." Hulmgrin says, taking control of the situation. "A man is allowed to speak his thoughts isn't he?"

"Actions, however," He says, turning to the crowd with a more authoritative voice … his sermon voice. "Actions have consequences, don't they?"

"It's true. These men lost all when the Hand came through. Their houses? Gone. Their families? Murdered. They joined the Hand, or they died … their choice was that simple. But what they did not do is what damned them. They did not escape, they did not flee … and when they came to this village, sword-in-hand, they did not throw down their arms and say 'No! I will kill no longer.'

"What these men did was make choices. And some choices you cannot take back. They killed our own. They die."

Hulmgrin softens his voice and turns to Brother Donn. "Apologies brother, but justice — if it is to be feared at all in these wild frontier lands — by necessity must be swift and harsh. I cannot free this man. Although, if he pleases I can hear his words and allow him to meet his maker with an unburdened heart."

Alright gang, what's next? You have one success out of five needed … and you're fully stocked for your journey into the wilderness.

Also, Hulmgrin tried to identify the potions and oils again and he was (half) successful. You have two oils of Bless Weapon.

Brother Donn listened to the Hungrinn's speech, and the words of those in the crowd. He saw faces of anger. Grief. Hatred. This was not justice. Justice is dealt with reason and morality, not blind emotion. No. This was most assuredly vengeance.

He must show them the true way. Pelor's way.

He walked towards the wiry, malnourished man who spoke earlier. He looked at him. "I want you to do something for me.
"I want you to imagine yourself with a family. It could be any family that you've had. Parents. A lover. Children. Close ones, that you care for deeply.
"Now... imagine that I took them from you. That I, out of malice, killed them and left you for last.
"That I overpowered you, and forced you to serve me lest I kill you as well.
"How would you feel?"

Donn glanced at each of the townspeople in the crowd. "Place yourself in this man's shoes. If all that you loved was taken from you, and an overwhelming power forced you to serve them: how would you feel?"

With a pause, he answered for them. "Afraid."

He pointed at the cult leader. "Fear is a tool of the very evil you witnessed today. This 'Hand of Naarsh' uses it just like any other weapon, weilded with hatred and anger. This is how they grow in power."

"Now, Hungrinn, tell me," he said, turning back to the cleric, "is justice to be feared? Is justice an executioner's axe? Just as the Hand of Naarsh?


"Justice is the voice of reason. Of morality. It is not used to instill fear or to be used with hate. It is used to protect us. To inspire all to tread the light."

He turned to the sorrowful cultist. "And it is meant to guide those who stray from it."

He looked not to Hungrinn, but to the people, for his finishing statement. "Release this man, and I promise: I will see to it that he repents for his sins, and treads the path of light again."

2015-07-20, 12:40 PM
"Mmm." Hulmgrin says, pondering Brother Donn's words. "There are still wild places yet in the world, son. Places that are not quite as enlightened as you would believe the world to be."

"Seems to me, your breed of ideals doesn't stray too far from the city often. Fine. If you want him, he's yours, but he cannot stay here. I wish you well on your journey."

There is a tone of finality — of dismissal almost — in Hulmgrin's tone. You definitely get the impression that he vehemently disagrees with you, but conceded the point due to your impassioned speech swaying some of his flock.

Well, you don't have to go home … but you can't stay here! Time to bring this party into the wilderness, gang!

2015-07-20, 02:36 PM
"Alright, lad, on your feet." Envyn steps forward and roughly hauls the farm boy a standing position. "The good brother may have saved you from the noose today, but you can consider me your jailer, and don't doubt for a second that I won't gut you if you play us false. And you'd better hope that it's my blade that does it, because I keep it nice and sharp. Black Will would probably turn you inside out first, just for fun." The half-elf spares a look of the eye toward Brother Donn and a slight sideways jerk of the head toward the wilderness, as if to say, "Time to make ourselves scarce." The last thing the troupe needed was a riot of desperate prisoners and angry townsfolk.

Sir Grave
2015-07-20, 05:13 PM
As Donn turned away from the towns folk he made his way towards the now freed farm hand. He stared deeply into his eyes.

"I did not save your life," he said to him quietly. "I merely gave you the chance to save it yourself."

With that, he gestured forward. "Now... lead on."

2015-07-20, 06:09 PM
Black Will struggles to keep himself from laughing outright at the idealistic preacher and his particular brand of mercy, finding his own ideals more align with Hulmgrin's, but manages, if only just. "When I kill him, it will be slow, and entirely unpleasant. For him, anyway. I will enjoy it a great deal." He smiles a menacing smile, making it clear that he does not believe the cultist's life worth saving. For now, however, he will bend to the will of the cleric.

Sir Grave
2015-07-20, 06:21 PM
Donn didn't look back at Black Will as he spoke, but his words concerned him deeply. He was grateful for his help... but he wondered if it was truly worth it with that kind of method and outlook.

2015-07-25, 11:20 PM
Stalag mounts his pony, checking the supplies of food, then sets off at a slow, steady trot, trusting in the gods to find his way to the Black March.

Knowledge skills cannot be used untrained, Gather Information has been used already, therefore only Survival skill may be used. Results below.

Survival Checks
Week 1 skill challenge: [roll0] vs. DC 15 to locate a settlement
Week 1 food: [roll1] vs. DC 10 to avoid using 1 week's food
Week 1 failure check: [roll2] vs. DC 15 if Week 1 skill challenge fails to avoid getting lost in the wilderness

2015-07-26, 07:00 AM
The party sets out on their search for the Black March. The first few days were spent following simple trails that meandered their way north of the the village. Some of them let to the edges of trackless woods, others to small silver streams.

On the third day … there were no trails. The party stuck to a small stream and followed it upstream for a time, the initial hope being that the source of the water would lead them into the hilly country and lead them closer to the Harsmad hills that they sought.

The week was spent plainly enough, each member of the party falling into this role or that. Making and breaking camp proved to become a ritual of sorts, and Marko — the villager that had been condemned to die — proves to be a valuable resource. He prepares meals and gathers wood … generally making himself useful.

After following that stream for a day, its source is found. Trickling out of the rocky hills. At its headwaters, there is no pass … only sheer cliffs as the hilly land gives way to mountainous terrain.

The party turns back, losing a day. They make it back to one of their previously used campsites and take stock of their situation.

Alright gang, you are in the wilderness now. And lost to boot!

Skill Challenge: Finding the Black March (week 1)

Location: Wilderness (lost)

Successes: 1
Failures: 1

Rumors: 2/12

Supplies: 2 weeks remaining.

The skills available to you are:

Gather Information [DC 12] <-- May be used one time when in a settlement. Success also generates 1d3 rumors.
Knowledge (geography) [DC 12] <-- Success can be used to find a settlement. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (history) [DC 12] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (local) [DC 10] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor, and locate a settlement. Each Additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (nature) [DC 14] <-- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.
Knowledge (religion) [DC 16] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC
Survival [DC15] <--- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.

Because you are lost, all rolls to locate a settlement are at + 2DC.

Don't forget, these are skill checks. You may aid another for a bonus.

Also, you may make untrained Knowledge checks. Without actual training, however, you know only common knowledge (DC 10 or lower). The lowest DC is 12 at the moment … but once you aren't lost, the Knowledge (local) DC is regularly 10, and low enough to be used untrained.

2015-07-26, 05:12 PM
"Not much one for the wilds," says Stalag with a shrug, but after backtracking he believes he has a fair idea of which way to go and sets out the next morning.

Survival Checks
Week 2 skill challenge: [roll0] vs. DC 17 to locate a settlement
Week 2 food: [roll1] vs. DC 10 to avoid using 1 week's food
Week 2 failure check: [roll2] vs. DC 15 if Week 2 skill challenge fails to avoid getting lost in the wilderness

2015-07-26, 05:20 PM
"Damn fools gonna get us loster than we are now..." Black Will says. "We all better work on this."

As long as we are not threatened or distracted, we can Take 10. The DC for Aid Another is 10. If we all have at least a +0 Wisdom modifier, we can help. Can we PLEASE assume that everyone helps unless they specifically state otherwise, and have them roll if necessary (because they have a negative Wisdom modifier)?

That said, I don't have a non-negative Wisdom modifier, so I need to roll. Wisdom: [roll0]

2015-07-26, 09:18 PM
The days settled into drudgery. For long hours each day, this lead or that would be followed up into the hills … only to be stymied by the trackless forest. The party had tried every trick they knew. Following streams, climbing trees to get a better vantage point, they even decided to rest during one of the days, and opted to travel by night instead … the hope was that the light from any cook fires in a small settlement might catch their eye.

But it was all for naught. They were deep in the woods now … and the hunting had been surprisingly slim. Marko did what he could to keep spirits up, and truth be told … he could actually make the trail rations taste passably well when you allowed him to cook.

But the waning stores were very much on everyone's mind. If fresh food wasn't added soon … tough choices were going to have to be made.

Alright gang, another week gone by. You are still lost (but not to worry … you cannot get super-lost! There will only be the normal +2 DC penalty).

Skill Challenge: Finding the Black March (week 2)

Location: Wilderness (lost)

Successes: 1
Failures: 2

Rumors: 2/12

Supplies: 1 week remaining.

My suggestion for the upcoming Survival check would be to have the character with the highest modifier make the roll and have all other PC's, and Marko, assist. I will allow Rosco to Aid Another in this instance … but he cannot make the roll, sorry (LuckyStrike sure picked a heck of a time to disappear!).

Also, a minor point. Although it will not allow you to locate a settlement, there are some successes yet to be had in this challenge from some of the other skills that party members possess. Knowledge [Religion] will net you one success per roll (with scaling DC's) and some rumors as well.

2015-07-27, 09:35 AM
Envyn had followed Stalag's lead, carefully observing the lay of the land and considering the various options, but content to keep quiet since the wilderness was not his primary area of expertise. But the situation was starting to grow desperate. At camp, he starts to draw up a bit of a map using the pointy end of a stick on a patch of dry ground.

"I think the problem is, we've been trying to follow just one stream. But if we're in a fork between two tributaries, not crossing the bigger stream means we're stuck in this little triangle forever. Let's get a good look at the sun this morning, make to the west, and look for the larger fork."

Upon breaking camp, the sharp-eyed half-elf notices a lone doe quietly foraging near the water's edge. He swiftly brings up his short bow and looses a single shot, striking the deer high on the left breast. It staggers and crumples, disappearing from sight. "Quickly! Let us not let our dinner get away." He gestures for the others to come along and gather the animal for slaughter.

[roll0] vs DC 17 -- fingers crossed!

Sir Grave
2015-07-27, 03:04 PM
Donn at a glance seemed quiet throughout their trip through the wilderness... only every so often he muttered a long string of words barely audible... a prayer of sorts.

Casting Guidance. +1 to Envyn's roll

2015-07-27, 05:07 PM
Fresh food did much to lift the party's spirits as they pressed on. Marko, despite working with the limited supplies, was able to consistently put meals in front of the weary travelers that both nourished their bodies, and also gave them something to look forward to at the end of a long day. The evening sounds of the camp were often filled with laughter, songs and the tales of each other's homelands.

Following the larger of the two tributaries proved to be the wiser tactic as well. Rather than focusing on finding the mysterious Black March — still believed to be somewhere in the Harsmad hills to your north, the party redoubled their efforts at finding a settlement of some sort. Rather than follow every silver thread of a stream, the party opted to stick to the lowlands … and the larger flowing currents that could be found there. After all, the theory went, where there's water … there's people.

And while that might be true, nothing prepared the party for what they found, however.

The scent reached them first. The heavy, cloying scent of woodsmoke, and of something else. Something that smelled burnt and foul, and offended the nose. Following the stream (which had by this point had fed into a small river) the party discovered a burnt out homestead. The embers still glowing, and thin, reedy wisps of smoke trailing skywards. Charred remains could be found as well.

Some of them were human — a family or two by the look of it are among the remains — and some others that were most decidedly not human.

One corpse, a towering beast that must have been seven feet tall in life, lies smoldering at the party's feet. It has charred and worthless gear, but in life, had been obviously equipped for war. A few patches of a dirty brown and matted pelt can be seen … and the teeth and jaws are like something seen only in nightmares. The deaths-head grin of the burned and nearly unrecognizable face haunts you, the eyeless sockets starting at you from beyond the grave.

Alright gang … you have succeeded at finding a settlement! Or at least … you will. I thought that this scene that you have stumbled upon just prior to reaching the settlement might be worth a post or two.

Skill Challenge: Finding the Black March (week 3)

Location: Settlement (almost)

Successes: 2
Failures: 2

Rumors: 2/12

Supplies: 1 week remaining.

2015-07-27, 05:11 PM
Black Will passes no comment on what they see. The first thing he does is make sure the dead are, in fact, dead, and not just appearing to be--which, considering their appearance, should not take long. Then he begins searching for anything of value that might have been left behind, by whatever or whoever was responsible for this slaughter.


2015-07-27, 06:21 PM
The smoke reaches Stalag long before the sight of the burnt homestead does. He starts coughing a good twenty minutes before they reach the scene, steadily getting worse until they witness the destruction. While the others take in the scene, Stalag has to dismount, bending over double with deep heaving barks that wrack his body and leave him breathless. He falls to the ground, his face blue, until finally something seems to tear loose inside him and he manages to bring it up and spit it out with a wet splat into the bushes. He spends a few moments gasping for air as he lays on his back, lips covered with a thin film of blood, then wipes the redness away with a handkerchief and stands.

"Damned waste and a bloody crime," says Stalag, shaking his head as he walks over to stand beside his allies. "Best bury 'em and say some words over the poor souls, lest they rise and vent their anger on the living." That said, Stalag sets to work digging graves for the fallen.

Sir Grave
2015-07-28, 06:12 PM

Donn beheld a scene of unbridled atrocity and madness. Burning flesh. Slaughtered innocents. He looked to the smoke marred sky, seeing the trickle of sunlight through the veil. It came too late for these people.

He recognized that there were places that the Temple had not reached... places such as this. Here, the Hand of Naarsh roam freely across the countryside, leaving destruction and death in their wake.

But the temple... albeit represented by one mere priest... was here now. There will be a reckoning.

He nodded to Stalag. "...It is the right thing to do."

He began helping with the graves.

2015-07-28, 07:42 PM
Some time is spent honoring the dead, and giving them a proper burial. It is hard work, but worth doing, and the party goes about the grim business in silence …

When the task was finished, Brother Donn said some words, and then the group mounted their horses again and followed a small cart path that led from the homestead. In a short while, they passed another similar scene … a small cabin, torched almost beyond recognition. A few beams remain that hint at the overall shape and a quaint stone fireplace and hearth are all that remain. Upon closer inspection, however, this one had no corpses.

It is nearing dusk, however, when your luck turns. The last two homesteads you passed have been burned out, no sign of life. Constant reminders that life on the frontier was harsh, and that too few were in a place to look out for those who needed it most. Ahead of you, there is a small cluster of buildings … no sign of the previous carnage has been visited on them.

Before you even reach this small village, though, you feel the eyes on you. Through shuttered windows, the villagers watch your approach with dark suspicion. As you approach, a figure on horseback rides out from the nearest farmhouse. An older human man hails you, one hand resting on the longsword at his hip.

Sir Grave
2015-07-28, 07:48 PM
The cleric raised his hand, his symbol of Pelor dangling from it. "Greetings. I am Brother Donn, a priest from the Temple of Light." He looks to the suspicios stares from the various residents of the village. "... We mean no harm. We seek remain, only for a night."

2015-07-29, 08:27 PM
Black Will watches with a wary eye and a shut mouth, deciding to let the right honorable cleric handle the diplomacy, and reserving his own voice in case intimidation is necessary.

2015-07-29, 09:58 PM
"Good! Ye're wary a' strangers, an' keepin' armed 'n ready," says Stalag, dismounting his pony and rubbing his sore behind. "As me friend here says, we're meanin' no harm to you or yours, word of honour. An' as a promise be worth its weight in gold, let me prove me words with action," he says, slowly stripping himself of the weapons he carries and dropping them to the ground, then stepping away from the pile and keeping his hands visible while he stuffs his pipe with tobacco and strikes a flame in the bowl.

Colonel Kira
2015-07-31, 07:56 AM
Xabyn emerged from a nearby cabin. She was a small creature but of average size for a Halfling. With long brown matted hair and small feet, she stumbled down the steps not taking her stark black eyes off the band of strangers and her neighbor, Perren, as he rode up on his horse. She kept her mouth shut and listened. She had suspected Perren was up to something but before she could finish her thoughts, one of the band members’ mouth started to move. Xabyn couldn’t hear the words being exchanged, but she had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

2015-07-31, 08:16 PM
The man seems relieved when the party nears and declares their intentions. He raises a hand in greeting and introduces himself.

"I am Perren Auldwyl, and this," He says plainly, while sweeping a gloved hand to indicate the half dozen or so buildings. "Is the village of Erstlin."

"You are welcome to stay the night, travelers, although I must say that we have no inn. Perhaps for a few coppers the widow Myrni will put you up." He points to one of the wooden cabins, the one that the younger halfling female had popped out of.

Sir Grave
2015-08-01, 06:56 AM
"If she'll have us," Donn nods his thanks. "we would appreciate her hospitality... and if it isn't too much of an imposition, a bit of direction.

"Tell me," he continued, "does anyone here know the way to the Harsmad Hills?"

Colonel Kira
2015-08-01, 09:16 PM
Xabyn walked up to the rag-tag group. She scanned them and crossed her arms. “I know where it is” she said. Xabyn led them up the steps into the cabin from which she came. “This is my dear friend Myrni, she helped me when I lost everything in the fire”. Myrni nodded to Xabyn and smiled at the strangers.
The cabin was small, but homey. The door was not far from a few wooden chairs, which were near the hearth. The kitchen was a few feet away from the hearth. It had a few cabinets and a small bowl that looked like it was a sink. In the back of the cabin were some doorways that led to some bedrooms and a bathroom. The fireplace was ablaze with a small dainty set of flames that looked like if you so much as passed by they would go out. Xabyn walked over to the hearth and stood next to it, leaning her arm onto the side. She motioned for the strangers to sit. “I know it’s not much but it’s what we have”.

2015-08-02, 02:16 PM
Myrni welcomes the weary bunch into her home and begins to warm up some dinner. Her home is a humble affair, but her hospitality is without equal.

The adventurers welcome the opportunity to have a roof over their heads and a fire to sit beside as they laugh and chat over dinner, a simple meaty stew.

The conversation turns toward the party's purpose, and Myrni and Xabyn both perk up … the Hand had been causing trouble for this small village for some time now. Xabyn herself just survived an attack that saw her homestead burned to the ground. She bristles with tears as she tells you that everything that she had is now gone … and that the Hand is behind it.

Myrni speaks up, resting a hand on Xabyn's shoulder to comfort the small woman.

"The Hand’s enforcers were always after silver and gold, but recently that's changed. More of their death squads are on the hunt for arms and magic now. Seems odd though," Myrni wonders. "As soon as they stepped up their activity … it seems that they have decided to spare our fair village. Other than the outlying farms and homesteads like Xabyn's here, there have been no attacks in town."

"Used to be, the cult's hobgoblins were just simple thugs. Nothing that a strong threat and a pitchfork couldn't drive off. Now, they fight like soldiers."

"I remember the paladin and his group that you had mentioned. Hobgoblins hit us two days before, the black-haired butchers. Your folk healed up our wounded, helped us give rites to the rest, then headed west, into the Harmsad hills."

Locating the Black March [Week 3]
Location: Village

Successes: 3
Failures: 2

Rumors: 5/12 (<-- Includes rumors found in Erstlin, (1d3)[3])

Supplies: 1 week remaining.

You must succeed five times before you fail four times in order to beat the challenge.

Skills you may use are:

Gather Information [DC 12] <-- May be used one time when in a settlement. Success also generates 1d3 rumors.
Knowledge (geography) [DC 12] <-- Success can be used to find a settlement. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (history) [DC 12] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (local) [DC 10] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor, and locate a settlement. Each Additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (nature) [DC 14] <-- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.
Knowledge (religion) [DC 16] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC
Survival [DC15] <--- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.

Additional rolls:
Each roll made that is NOT in a settlement will be considered to be one week of traveling through the wilderness. This week will be accompanied by a Survival check [DC 10] to ensure you have enough food / water … otherwise you must dip into your stores.

You will begin this expedition with three weeks worth of food.

A failure of a roll while in the wilderness will prompt a Survival check [DC 15]. Failing this roll means you have become lost. Your next roll to find a settlement will be at +2 DC.

Each roll made in a settlement will be considered to be one day. While in a settlement, you may also use the following skills (although they will not count as successes or failures):

Diplomacy [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +2 on your next roll in town, and you will be able to restock your supplies.
Intimdate [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +4 on your next roll in town, but you may not restock your supplies.
Sense Motive [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +2 on your next roll in town, and you will net 1d3 rumors.

2015-08-02, 11:25 PM
"We're going after them, but we could use supplies. Anything you can be spare, you'll be well compensated for. I know you can't eat gold, but it has many other uses."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-08-03, 07:32 AM
"Perhaps the Hand is expecting a rescue mission," Envyn muses, staring at the fire. "A dead village provides no hints of a trail to be followed." He pauses, then looks up with a slightly embarrassed expression. "Not to say that you are complicit in leading us into a trap--rather, that you are a sure sign that, 'The Hand has been here.'"

2015-08-03, 08:26 AM
Myrni pats Black Will's hand. "That's kind of you dear. I'm sure we can find something for your journey."

The Diplomacy roll is a success! The next skill challenge roll in town will be made at +2, and you will be able to restock supplies.


The next morning, the party is up and about at first light. Myrni is tending to her garden and Xabyn has packed what little belongings she has, having decided in the night to accompany these heroes on their quest.

The skies are clear and there is a chill in the early morning spring air, almost as if winter is clawing its way back from the grave.

Just the group is about to see about gathering supplies up for their journey … the sound of hoofbeats greets your ears. By the sound of it, multiple riders are approaching!

We're going to pause the skill challenge here gang for an encounter. The riders are approaching from the west. Roll init and let me know where you'd like to begin on the map.

Everyone will be at full hit points and memorization for the day.


The walls are low obstacles with regard to cover.

2015-08-03, 09:17 AM
At the sound of hooves, Envyn makes a warning gesture to his friends nearby, then draws his short bow and takes up a position behind one of the walls, watching for the approach and ready to fire if elements of the Hand--or any other threat--show themselves.

Position at J8.

Draw short bow and nock arrow; ready to fire.


2015-08-03, 09:37 AM
Black Will ducks behind the wall opposite the roadway from Envyn, his crossbow drawn, Tobias heeling by his side.

Sir Grave
2015-08-03, 11:55 AM
Brother Donn approaches Mynri, hoping to be of some assistance to her before they head off, before he hears the sound of hoof beats approaching fast. He had but a moment to react to the coming situation.

"Mynri, follow me inside and stay close. By Pelor you will not be harmed.
"Where is the other? Xabyn?"

Colonel Kira
2015-08-03, 12:30 PM
Xabyn notices Black Will and Envyn, and she decides to do the same. She draws her Handaxe and takes position behind a pile of Firewood.
She looks around for Myrni, and spots her with the priest. Xabyn waves her hand high signaling her location, but mainly encouraging Myrni that she is safe.

I think this is right...
Move Action: Move to I7
Free Action: Draw Weapon (Quick Draw)
Standard Action: none
Initiative Roll [roll0]

2015-08-03, 05:20 PM
Stalag is off to the southwest, downwind of the property while he enjoys his morning pipe bowl of tobacco. At the sound of approaching hooves he grumbles to himself and pushes away from the shade of the wall he'd been leaning against, tapping his pipe out on the heel of his boot and crushing the embers underfoot as he draws his shortbow.

Starting position: C16
Initiative: [roll0]

2015-08-03, 08:38 PM
The adventurers tense up when they hear the approaching hoofbeats, instinctively going for their weapons.

Perren rushes out of his hovel, clearly concerned. "No, no, no." He says worriedly. "You've doomed us all."

"I can fix this." He says, stepping into the center of the path — although he does not sound as if he believes the words coming out of his mouth.

Riding into view are two pairs of riders, each one of them armed and armored for battle.

The front pair — a grim looking duo, for they are nearly indistinguishable — are humanoid in appearance, have pebbly gray skin and beady, hate filled eyes. They wear steel breastplates and have swords at their hips. In this perhaps, is the only discernible feature between them … one has a great two-handed falchion, and the other has but a simple short sword and a shield. Both, however, look like they know which end to hold … they carry themselves with a murderous ease. You definitely get the impression that these brutes have resorted to violence to get their way … often.

And if the pair of riders leading the group was enough to give you pause, the trailing pair of riders certainly does. Two shaggy and ill-kept draft horses bear equally shaggy and poorly groomed monsters into Erstlin. The beasts' fur is a shaggy, matted brown. Battle-damaged leather jerkins cover their chests, but their massive arms and legs are bare. Each of them bears a wickedly spiked morningstar slung across its back, and carries a human-made crossbow (that looks pitifully small in their grip … almost toylike)

They, like the pair they follow, also have beady, scornful eyes. But these are close set, giving an overall impression of a dim brutishness … and lack irises entirely which is a little off-putting. The entire orb is a pale, milky white. One look at the foul gash of a mouth and you know that the monstrous corpse you saw earlier belonged to one of these fellows. Rows of needle sharp teeth pack a mouth that looks overlarge for the face upon which it is set. A gruesome thought flashes to mind; these are the teeth that would tear gobbets of meat, fresh and steaming, from a meal while it still lived.

Perren flags down the lead rider as they approach, the one with sword and shield. He pulls up with his near-twin and rears his horse.

"You are late, human, and have made me come seek you out." The leader speaks in a guttural and heavily accented common. "Give me one reason not to have you gutted and fed to my dogs."

"I couldn't get away." Perren stammers. "I would have been seen …" He glances around the village, and the lead hobgoblin follows his gaze, taking note of the adventurers.

"Ah," The gray-skinned leader says. "These must be the folk that took our recruits two moons ago." He speaks with a false air of geniality, and a grin that does not quite reach his eyes.

A dismissive wave. "Kill them."

Alright gang! We have an encounter. Everyone saw everyone so there will be no surprise round (you do, however, get to go first!). All four opponents are mounted, and are medium sized (<--- although the bugbears are like an ounce away from being considered large!)

Character , Action

Stalag [19]
Brother Donn [17]
Envyn [12]
Black Will [10]
Xabyn [5]
Hobgoblins & Bugbears [5]

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], [I]Condition
Black Will, [8/8]
Brother Donn, [8/8]
Envyn, [7/7]
Stalag, [7/7]
Xabyn, [12/12]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [0]
2, [0]

3, [0]
4, [0]



The low walls provide cover.

Note: The mounts are large sized creatures, the riders are not … but for simplicity's sake while mounted, they will share the same space for determining aiming and such.

2015-08-03, 09:03 PM
Envyn doesn't hesitate. Loosing his arrow at one of the hobgoblins, he retreats along the wall immediately as he pulls another arrow from his quiver, making ready for a second strike when the opportunity arises.

The target hobgoblin is flat-footed at this point, so no Dex bonus for him (AC 15-ish) and it's a sneak-attack opportunity. I'm selecting the one who has the falchion since Envyn judges him to be less-defended.

[roll0] (threat range is 20)

Move action: retreat to L4.

2015-08-03, 09:11 PM
Before the hobgoblin has even finished his sentence, Stalag has stepped out of the shadows of the wall, arrow nocked and ready, a snarl of hatred as deep as a dwarven mine etched across his face. He looses the shot straight at the back of the first hobgoblin, spitting a scathing curse in dwarven along with the arrow.

Free Action: 5 ft. step to C15
Standard Action: Ranged attack vs. enemy 1 in F11
Attack: [roll0] (+1 Point Blank Shot applied, +1 racial bonus vs. goblinoids applied)
Damage: [roll1] (Point Blank Shot applied) and [roll2] sneak attack vs. flat-footed
Critical: [roll3] on natural 20
Bonus: [roll4] bonus damage on crit

2015-08-03, 10:51 PM
As the riders approach, Black Will watches, waiting until the first group of riders is just past him before casting his spell. He pokes his head above the wall and gestures, whispering quietly. Moments later, the ground beneath the gray skinned humanoids and their mounts is covered with slick grease. Anyone (or anything) standing in the area must move carefully to avoid falling, and anyone intending to pass through must be equally careful.

Grease (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/grease.htm), Reflex DC 14. Targeting squares E10, E11, F10, F11.

Sir Grave
2015-08-04, 03:52 PM
"Blessed light, through me shall you bless your children with a holy ward... may no harm befall this woman..."

He quickly mutters this prayer and paces a hand on Mynri, channeling positive energy through and placing a protective spell over her.

"Quickly. Bar yourself into the building behind us. GO."

The priest then drew his crossbow, and takes a bead for the first rider...

Standard:Cast Sanctuary on Mynri.

Free: Speak.

Move:Draw crossbow.

Colonel Kira
2015-08-04, 07:39 PM
Realizing her weapon of choice was not going to work, Xabyn puts away her Handaxe, draws her dagger, aims for the second rider, and throws it straight at him.

Move-Put away Handaxe
Free-Draw Dagger (Quick Draw)
Standard- Throw Weapon

2015-08-04, 10:02 PM
The party had readied themselves for an attack of some sort, and their preparation showed.

Arrows were nocked and flew through the air as soon as the hobgoblin had issued his orders to his men.

Stalag's misses by a hair, but Envyn's strikes true and the falchion wielding hobgoblin falls from his saddle, senseless. The shaft of an arrow jutting from his neck.

"No!" The leader shouts, and urges his mount forward just as Black Will's spell takes effect. The normally quite dry cart path becomes a slick quagmire, and the horse loses its footing, throwing the rider! He lands roughly on his side, unprepared for the fall. Judging by the sound he probably broke some ribs in the process.

He stands, levels a sword at Envyn and utters a foul curse. "You will pay for that, Elf-Scum!"

But his threats are short lived, however, as Xabyn steps forward with a throwing dagger held firmly by the blade. She lets it fly! It tosses end over end, and sinks up to the hilt in his eye! The leader, like his brother only moments before, slumps into the slick and slimy enchanted mud never to rise again.

The two bugbears bellow in rage as they see their partners fall to a hail of spells and arrows.

They dismount, each drawing a weapon. One of them levels a crossbow toward Envyn and Xabyn, and the other brings his morningstar to bear against Balck Will.

Meanwhile, Brother Donn ushers Myrni to safety … sending her out of harm's way with a prayer to guide and protect her.

Phew … you guys really got the drop on these goons! Well done.

Character , Action

Stalag [19], 5' step, ranged attack (miss!)

Brother Donn [17], cast Sanctuary, draw crossbow

Envyn [12], ranged attack (hit! 8 hit points!)

Black Will [10], cast Grease
-->Light warhorse #1, Reflex vs [DC 14], (1d20+4)[23]
-->Light warhorse #2, Reflex vs [DC 14], (1d20+4)[23]

Xabyn [5], ranged attack (hit! 4 hit points) <-- I swapped targets on you because the guy you aimed at was taken out already. Xabyn hit the leader instead.

Hobgoblins & Bugbears [5]

Hobgoblin #1, ride check (guide with knees) [DC 5], (1d20+1)[8]
-->Attempts to move through Greased area
---->Light warhorse #1 Balance check [DC 10], (1d20+1)[2] (Fail! Failed by 5 or more = Fall!)
------->Hobgoblin #1, ride check [DC 15] (soft fall), (1d20+1)[4] (Fail!)
--------->(1d6)[5] falling damage.

Bugbear #3, dismount (C12), draw morningstar

Bugbear #4, dismount (C8), draw crossbow

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], [I]Condition
Black Will, [8/8]
Brother Donn, [8/8]
Envyn, [7/7]
Stalag, [7/7]
Xabyn, [12/12]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [9] Unconscious and Dying
2, [8] Unconscious and Dying

3, [0]
4, [0]


Black Will — Grease, duration: 1 round


The low walls provide cover.

Note: The mounts are large sized creatures, the riders are not … but for simplicity's sake while mounted, they will share the same space for determining aiming and such.

[Round One Summary]

2015-08-04, 10:12 PM
Black Will steps back as the bugbear approaches, then fires his crossbow and reloads. Tobias barks menacingly as it moves next to its owner, warning the bugbear not to attempt to come any further.

Black Will: 5' step to B14, fire (standard), reload (move). Crossbow (point blank) [roll0], [roll1]

Tobias: 5' step to C14, ready a standard action to bite the Bugbear if it enters the guard dog's threatened area. [roll2], [roll3]

2015-08-04, 11:58 PM
Stalag hustles forward below the wall to the north, trusting in his naturally low profile to conceal him from view. He presses his back against the wall, takes a moment to visualize the shot, then pops his head up and fires at the bugbear.

Move Action: Move 10 ft. to B13, Hide check while moving using Cover from wall
Hide: [roll0] vs. opponent's Spot check (+1 DC per 10 ft. distance, -5 to opponent's Spot if distracted) or be hidden from view, gaining Sneak Attack and denying Dexterity to opponent's AC
Standard Action: Ranged attack vs. Bugbear 3 (or 4 if 3 is already dead from previous attack), Attack of Opportunity for using ranged weapon while threatened negated due to Cover from wall.
Attack: [roll1] (Point Blank Shot applied, +1 racial bonus vs. goblinoids applied)
Damage: [roll2] (Point Blank Shot applied) and [roll3] Sneak Attack if Hide check was successful
Critical: [roll4] on natural 20
Bonus: [roll5] critical damage

2015-08-05, 10:02 AM
Envyn hears the shouts and threats as he scurries to a covered position, but the fact that they were cut short suggests the hobgoblins have met their end. With another arrow ready, he makes his way back along the wall in a stealthy manner, peers over to sight the nearest bugbear, and lets fly.

Looks like you didn't register Envyn's move action to L4, but it doesn't matter because he's coming back to take a second shot. Since the bugbear is looking for him specifically, I'm guessing a hide+sneak attack is out of the question, but I'll roll it anyway just in case.

[roll1] (threat range is 20)

Sir Grave
2015-08-05, 12:12 PM
Donn moves forward, staying in plain sight to draw the bugbear's attention and takes a bead at one of them.. fires...

Move to L12, Fire light crossbow at no.3


Colonel Kira
2015-08-07, 03:23 PM
Xabyn comes out from behind the firewood, scurries to the water barrel, and ducks behind it. She draws her Throwing Axe, and within a second, pops up from behind the barrel and flings the Axe at the bugbear.

Move-Run to F8
Free-Draw Weapon
Standard- Attack
Attack- [roll0]
Damage- [roll1]

2015-08-08, 08:20 AM
Stalag, Brother Donn, and Black Will all concert their efforts against one of the bugbears. Stalag uses the intervening stones to block line of sight while he runs up and takes a shot at his opponent.

Stalag gets so close to the hulking beast that he can smell the foul odor of the matted coat. It smells of filth and rotten meat … not unlike a dog that has rolled in something dead. The shot was so close that it could not miss. Drawing back on the string of his short bow, Stalag feels the satisfying THRUM as the arrow flies! It hits square in the chest and remains sticking out of the beast's leather jerkin!

Black Will lines up a shot of his own with his crossbow … the bugbear also too close to really miss. The bolt punched clean through the beast's leather armor and buries itself deeply in its midsection! A gut shot! This was the type of wound that would kill a lesser man … but the beast only howls in rage.

Brother Donn's shot goes wide, however.

Enraged, the bugbear hops the short wall and closes the distance between the archers and it. With its long, loping stride, it is almost able to step over the wall. The smelly thing roars and brings its morningstar to bear against Stalag. A solid blow! The stoic dwarf sees stars as the strike nearly takes him from his feet.

Tobias the guard dog closes in on the bugbear, barking and snapping at him, but the bugbear is able to kick at the the dog, keeping it away.

On the other side of the battle field, Xabyn and Envyn focus on their foe as well.

Envyn too uses the low stone wall to his advantage, but the shot misses.

Xabyn runs up and draws a throwing axe in one fluid motion. She lets it fly and strikes the beast on its arm!

In reply, the beats returns fire with its crossbow, but the nimble halfling is able to dodge the incoming bolt. It hits a barrel just next to her with a solid THUNK! Then the bugbear pulls back around the corner, blocking any future ranged attacks!

The horses all scatter as the fight picks up around them. The one that had slipped in the slick and slimy enchanted mud is able to regain its footing and leave the area, but the other one slips and skitters and is unable to move. The enchantment is quickly fading though...

Character , Action

Stalag [19], Move (while hiding) (<-- I will give the distance modifiers to their spot checks, but these opponents are not distracted enough to warrant the -5)
--->Bugbear #3, Spot [DC 9], (1d20+4)[9]
--->BugBear #4, Spot [DC 11], (1d20+4)[16] (<-- 20' distance modifier)
----->Stalag vs Bugbear #3, Attack: (1d20+5)[19], Damage: (1d6+1)[2] (Hit!!)

Brother Donn [17], move, attack bugbear #3, Attack (1d20)[13], Damage (1d8)[5] (Miss!)

Envyn [12], Move (while hiding, moved more than 1/2 movement rate, -5 penalty)
-->Bugbear #4, Spot [DC 18], (1d20+4)[12] (<--- includes 30' distance modifier) (Hidden!)
-->Bugbear #3, Spot [DC 19], (1d20+4)[22] (<--- includes 40' distance modifier)
---->Attack vs Bugbear #4, (1d20+2)[5], (Miss!)

Black Will [10], 5' step, Crossbow (point blank) (1d20+4)[17], (1d8+1)[8] (Hit!)
---> Grease spell, Reflex [DC 14] or fall for horse #4,

Xabyn [5], Move, ranged attack vs Bugbear #4, Attack (1d20+7)[19], Damage-(1d4)[3] (Hit!)

Bugbears [5]

Bugbear #3, Moves to C13 (across low wall, +5' movement)(neither PC threatens, no AoO)
---> This prompts an attack from Tobias, (1d20+2)[8], (1d4+1)[3] (Miss!)
---->Melee attack vs Stalag, (1d20+5)[24], (1d8+2)[4] (Hit!)

Bugbear #4, ranged attack vs Xabyn, (1d20+3)[15], (1d8)[6] (Miss!)
-->after the attack, #4 moves 10'

Horses - all move (or try to)
Horse #2, (remained standing in Grease area, prompting a second save on Black Will's turn)
--> reflex [DC 14], (1d20+4)[24] (pass!) The horse does not fall.
----->Balance check to move [DC 10], (1d20+1)[6] (fail! the horse may not move but he does not fall prone!)

Horse #1 (the one that threw its rider and fell last round)
-->Balance check to stand [DC 10], (1d20+1)[14]
-->Balance check to move [DC 10], (1d20+1)[12]

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], [I]Condition
Black Will, [8/8]
Brother Donn, [8/8]
Envyn, [7/7]
Stalag, [3/7]
Xabyn, [12/12]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [9] Unconscious and Dying
2, [8] Unconscious and Dying

3, [10]
4, [3]


Black Will — Grease, duration: 1 round (expires this round)

The low walls provide cover.

Note: The mounts are large sized creatures, the riders are not … but for simplicity's sake while mounted, they will share the same space for determining aiming and such.

[Round Two Summary]

2015-08-09, 08:26 AM
Black Will steps away from the bugbear again, shoots it with his crossbow, and reloads his crossbow. Defending its master, Tobias darts around to the back of the bugbear and bites it.

Will: 5' step to C15, crossbow (standard), reload (move)

Crossbow (point blank): [roll0], [roll1]

I just realized I was using the small dog statistics for Tobias, but that doesn't make sense considering he is a big mutt. I will instead use the riding dog statistics (medium size dog). If that is a problem, let me know and I'll roll OOC.

Tobias: 5' step to D13, attack (standard).

Bite (flanking): [roll2], [roll3]

2015-08-09, 10:51 AM
Seeing Black Will and Stalag have the first bugbear under control, Envyn draws another arrow and cautiously pursues the other, firing when he gets a clear line.

Move to F12.

Shoot #4.

Rolls too hard on phone... Roll for me or I'll post when I can get the laptop.

Colonel Kira
2015-08-09, 01:45 PM
Xabyn steadily walks around the corner with her Hammer drawn and held high. As soon as the bugbear is in sight,before it can even growl, she flings her weapon in it's direction.

Free- Draw weapon
Move-to C9
Standard-Throw weapon

2015-08-09, 05:16 PM
Shaking off the blow of the bugbear's mace, Stalag curses and spits blood and possibly a tooth from his mouth. He drops his shortbow and pulls his spear free, stabbing at the creature with the business end.

Free Action: Drop shortbow in square B13
Move Action: Draw spear
Standard Action: Attack vs. Bugbear 3
Attack: [roll0] (+1 racial bonus vs. goblinoids applied)
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2] on natural 20
Bonus: [roll3] extra critical damage

Sir Grave
2015-08-10, 03:42 PM
He moved forward, holding aloft his holy symbol and chanting a familiar prayer...

"Behold the radiance of Pelor, and may he favor those who tread his path..."

Move to H12, cast bless

2015-08-11, 08:17 AM
The tide had turned! The heroes continued to harry their foes, Envyn and Xabyn focusing on one bugbear, and Black Will and Stalag focusing on the other. Brother Donn for his part, offers up a prayer to Pelor — that shining beacon of hope in a oftentimes dim world.

The divine magic has an immediate effect. It flows through each of the heroes, reinvigorating tired arms and giving them their second wind.

Envyn and Xabyn each land blows on their foe, who howls and continues to back away from them.

Down by the farmhouse, Stalag draws his spear and jabs it into the bugbear's midsection. A solid hit! The beast doubles over in pain … which offers Tobas just the opportunity he needed. The vicious animal seized on the moment and leapt at he bugbear's throat! The dog's powerful jaws clench aver the exposed area and clamp down fiercely. A few quick shakes and it is done … the bug bear slumps lifeless to the ground. Tobias looks up and glances back to his master, wagging his tail.

When the sole remaining bugbear sees his comrade fall … his will to remain in the fight vanishes quickly. He turns tail and begins to run away.

Well done, gang! Combat is just about over. Another round of ranged attacks maybe, if you'd like to take out the escaping bugbear. That target will be 60' from his starting location in square C6. If you'd like, count off your distance to that square, add 60' and take a shot.

Also, after all of the back and forth over the pet and flanking … whether or not Tobias actually received the +2 determined if the bugbear dropped or not. If he hadn't, he would have missed. I decided to have him flank because I din't want to veer into evil DM territory. :smallamused:

Character , Action

Stalag [19], drop bow, draw spear, melee attack vs bugbear #3, (1d20+3)[20], Damage: (1d8+3)[4], [Hit!]

Brother Donn [17], move, cast Bless

Envyn [12], Move to F12, ranged attack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416950-Trouble-at-the-Temple!-Dice-Rolls&p=19658881#post19658881) (short bow) vs Bugbear #4, (1d20+3)[18], (1d6)[6] (<-- includes Bless) [Hit!]

Black Will [10], 5' step, ranged attack (crossbow) (1d20+4)[13], (1d8+1)[9], [Miss!], reload weapon
-->Tobias, 5' step, melee attack (bite), (1d20+4) [16], (1d4+1) [4] [Hit!]

Xabyn [5], move, ranged attack (hammer) vs bugbear #4, (1d20+8)[27] Damage-(1d3)[1], [Hit!] (<--- Includes Bless)

Bugbears [5]

Bugbear #4, Runs Away!! The bugbear takes two move actions and is 60' from his starting square of C6.

Character, [hp remaining / hp total], [I]Condition
Black Will, [8/8]
Brother Donn, [8/8]
Envyn, [7/7]
Stalag, [3/7]
Xabyn, [12/12]

Enemies, [total hp inflicted], Condition
1, [9] Unconscious and Dying
2, [8] Unconscious and Dying

3, [18] Unconscious and Dying
4, [10]


Black Will — Grease, expired

Brother Donn — Bless, 10/10 rounds remaining

The low walls provide cover.

Note: The mounts are large sized creatures, the riders are not … but for simplicity's sake while mounted, they will share the same space for determining aiming and such.

[Round Three Summary]

Sir Grave
2015-08-11, 01:03 PM
Brother Donn recounts all of his allies, seeing Stalag was the only one injured. He rushes to his aid. "...This could have been serious, considering your health, friend," he said, placing his hand over the dwarf's wounds. "A favor if you will... at the very least, consider laying off the smoke."

With that, his hand begins to glow....

Cure Light Wounds on Stalag [roll0]

2015-08-11, 05:57 PM
Black Will fires his crossbow at the fleeing bugbear, and orders Tobias to attack the last remaining enemy. "No survivors, no one to report back what happened here," he says before vaulting over the wall and chasing after the bugbear as well, reloading as he moves.

Hopefully Tobias is able to run after the bugbear. Black Will will fire, then move 30' in the direction of the bugbear.

Crossbow (with bless, range penalty): [roll0], [roll1]

Colonel Kira
2015-08-14, 02:35 PM
Xabyn relaxed at the sight of the retreating bugbear, as Tobias raced past her, she took a few steps and retrieved her dagger from the goblins eye. She wiped of the thick blood on the edge of her shirt and looked around. It was a bloody sight, but at least it was the enemies instead of their own.

Not sure if I have to do this because the combat is partially over, but why not?
Free-5 foot step to C10
Standard-Retrieve weapon

2015-08-18, 08:05 PM
Envyn nods grimly to Black Will as he, too, chases the fleeing bugbear with a volley of arrows. "Let us hope your dog can run him down if our arrows do not do the job. I do not recommend we pursue him at a run, lest we rush headlong into a trap."

[roll0] -- threat range 20, not within sneak attack range

2015-08-23, 05:47 PM
Both Envyn and Black Will each line up a shot. The arrows have a high arc, sailing through the air, but they both miss as the Bugbear makes his escape. Tobias, for his part, sets off at a run when Black will commands him to attack the remaining foe.

The healing magic flows into Stalag's wounds, his flesh begins to knit closed and a measure of relief spreads through his aching joints.

The combat encounter is just about over, gang. On this round, the bugbear broke out into a run, moving 120' feet on this round. He is now 180' from square C6. Three range increments away from each archer. This will be the last round you may attack the bugbear, on the following round's worth of movement, he will no longer be in sight.

Tobias moved 80' on this round (burning about 40' of movement to arrive at square C6). He is about 40' off of the map and closing the distance with the bugbear. On his next action, he will run, increasing his movement to 160'.

The bugbear started off 180' feet from square C6, and Tobias reached 40' from square C6. This means that they are 140' distant from one another. The bugbear will act first (continuing to run), and then Tobias will follow suit (continuing to close in). When they are both running, Tobias outpaces the Bugbear by 30'. It will take the dog 5 more rounds to close the distance.

@Esorscher, up to you … but when Tobias catches up to this bugbear it will be almost a thousand feet away, and out of sight.

2015-08-23, 05:54 PM
Black Will whistles, calling Tobias to his side, realizing the futility of the effort. He heads over to the bugbear corpses, checking to see if any are alive, and looting them for anything of value.

2015-08-23, 06:03 PM
Stalag collapses against the wall, grateful that his wounds are healed, though the deep ache inside him continues to gnaw away at his health. He comes to his feet with a groan, nodding thanks to Brother Donn and finishing the bloody work of taking the goblinoid corpses off and burying them deep enough to avoid scavengers or worse unearthing their remains.

2015-08-23, 06:09 PM
"Stalag, before you bury them, we should strip them of their valuables--and we may find a clue as to their origin." Black Will says.

Colonel Kira
2015-08-25, 04:11 AM
Xabyn picked up her hammer and axe from the foes corps'.
"I agree with Will, there might be something we will need for the journey", she looked towards their route to the Hills, "We have a ways to go, anything would help, and at this rate we are gonna loose everything if we keep getting attacked!"

2015-08-27, 07:24 AM
The combat encounter is over, well done!

Everyone will receive 320xp (and level up!!!)

After piling up the loot, here is what the party has:

[4] Light Warhorses (with military saddles)
[1] Falchion, [1] Short sword, [1] Light crossbow, and [1] Morningstar
[2] Steel breastplates, [1] leather armor
[1] Light steel shield
[4] potions (<--- all of the same variety, each monster had one)
73 gp

2015-08-29, 06:35 PM
Tobias faithfully returns when called, his tongue lolling and tail wagging.

The party takes stock of their situation, binds wounds and piles up the belongings of the fallen enemies.

In ones and twos, the as-yet unseen townsfolk emerge from their small cabins. Perren and Myrni among them, with perhaps half-a-dozen others.

Obviously disconcerted, Perren paces back and forth, running his hands through his graying hair.

"What have you done? What have you done to us?" He says to no one in particular.

Hey gang, the combat encounter has concluded … and we're right back into the middle of the Skill Challenge. In addition to dealing with the fallout from the encounter, you may make rolls as described previously because you have now found a settlement.

Sir Grave
2015-08-30, 07:30 AM
Donn looked to Peren, seeing the despair. He put away his crossbow and walked closer to him. "...What we have done is put you all at risk, and for that you have my apologies... I can only assure you that we will do everything in our power to end this once and for all."


2015-08-31, 11:36 PM
Stalag, never much of a people person, stands behind Brother Donn and tries to nod at the right time and look reassuring, though he's unsure if he helps or just comes off as dangerous.

Aid Other on Diplomacy:

2015-09-01, 06:57 AM
"With the alternatives of death by the Hand or death by the avenging Law, one wonders not about the measures the poor citizens of the borderlands must take to preserve themselves. But for our part, we will, as the good dwarf said, strive to put things right." Envyn shades his eyes with one hand and stares off in the direction the bugbear had run, half-expecting reinforcements to arrive at any moment.

2015-09-09, 08:02 AM
A small crowd gathers. Urgent voices from the villagers rise above one another as the group clamors to be heard, but eventually, Perren raises his hand and calms them somewhat.

"Friends, I have failed you." He says, pausing to look each of the town folks square in the eye as his gaze makes its way around the group.

"I made a deal with the hand to keep us safe. I shouldn't have done it, and now I'm afraid that we are all in danger."

He leads the group over to a small pole barn, a mound of hay piled in the center. A few moments with a pitchfork and Perren uncovers some crates stacked there. He opens one, revealing a brace of black-fletched arrows. Another crate contains longswords, and a third is packed with steel helmets.

"The Hand is running weapons north," the old man says quietly. "Erstlin’s a stop-off point, last town short of the wilds. We give their smugglers free run of the town, the Hand leaves us alone."

"These adventurers had the right of it when they attack the Hobs. I see that now."

You guys have successfully rolled a Diplomacy check while in Erstlin. The next roll for the challenge will be at +2 and you may restock your supplies!

Locating the Black March [Week 3]
Location: Village

Successes: 3
Failures: 2

Rumors: 5/12 (<-- Includes rumors found in Erstlin, (1d3)[3])

Supplies: 1 week remaining.

You must succeed five times before you fail four times in order to beat the challenge.

Skills you may use are:

Gather Information [DC 12] <-- May be used one time when in a settlement. Success also generates 1d3 rumors.
Knowledge (geography) [DC 12] <-- Success can be used to find a settlement. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (history) [DC 12] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (local) [DC 10] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor, and locate a settlement. Each Additional roll is at +2 DC.
Knowledge (nature) [DC 14] <-- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.
Knowledge (religion) [DC 16] <-- Success will generate 1 rumor. Each additional roll is at +2 DC
Survival [DC15] <--- Success will allow you to locate a settlement.

Additional rolls:
Each roll made that is NOT in a settlement will be considered to be one week of traveling through the wilderness. This week will be accompanied by a Survival check [DC 10] to ensure you have enough food / water … otherwise you must dip into your stores.

You will begin this expedition with three weeks worth of food.

A failure of a roll while in the wilderness will prompt a Survival check [DC 15]. Failing this roll means you have become lost. Your next roll to find a settlement will be at +2 DC.

Each roll made in a settlement will be considered to be one day. While in a settlement, you may also use the following skills (although they will not count as successes or failures):

Diplomacy [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +2 on your next roll in town, and you will be able to restock your supplies.
Intimdate [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +4 on your next roll in town, but you may not restock your supplies.
Sense Motive [DC 12] <-- Success here will net you a +2 on your next roll in town, and you will net 1d3 rumors.

Sir Grave
2015-09-11, 11:13 AM
"How long till the Hand expects word from the hobgoblins? In other words, how much time to we have?"

Gather Info (please roll an 11 or higher...)

2015-09-17, 08:48 AM
"And, if you know, tell us where they come from so that we may be prepared to counteract their return." Envyn casts a long gaze out to the horizon where the surviving bugbear had fled. "We are few, but determined folk can swing the course of the battle."

Diplomacy aid. [roll0]