View Full Version : D&D 3.5 Crafting Magic Items - Any Limit?

2015-05-24, 12:38 AM
As the title states, I'm wondering if in Epic levels are there any limits to how many enchantments can be on any one item? I've recently dug up an old binder of older edition characters and when I look at what a 40th+ level full caster can create, it just seems excessive. Clearly a character of that level will be ridiculous anyway, but the crafting rules would suggest exponential power increase. If it is truly limitless, do you or your DM impose some limits? I know gold value is the big thing, but that is on;y ever temporary as we all know.

2015-05-24, 12:58 AM
I think trying to balance Epic is a lost cause.

Silva Stormrage
2015-05-24, 03:49 AM
I think trying to balance Epic is a lost cause.

Agreed, even pre epic WBL starts to fall apart with an even moderately optimized crafter. But yes after epic there is no limit on how many enchantments your items can have, go nuts.

Though at epic frankly sundering and disjunction run wild so there is that too.