View Full Version : Pathfinder Tengu Druid/ Zen Archer?

2015-05-24, 07:23 AM
I need a tenth-level character for an upcoming Kingmaker campaign, and I'm thinking of going Tengu Druid 5 / Zen Archer 5. I'll be joining a long-established party which is arcane-heavy and completely lacking in ranged support, and they need someone druidical to watch over their Ministry of the Interior.

Druid 5/ Zen Archer 5 seems to cover those bases, and I'm thinking of using Shaping Focus to advance my wildshape. I'd also like to take something akin to Spontaneous Healing, if that's possible in Pathfinder.

Is Druid/ Zen Archer feasible? And if so, what other feats and archetypes should I consider?

2015-05-24, 08:21 AM
Why Zen Archer 5? You get Wis to attack at 3, and ZA 3/Druid 17 will also let you get to 9th-level spells on your Druid side. 5 gets you the ability to change your arrow damage to your unarmed strike damage, but at 5 it'll be equal to a longbow's normal damage anyway and it won't get any better.

2015-05-24, 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Psyren
Why Zen Archer 5? You get Wis to attack at 3, and ZA 3/Druid 17 will also let you get to 9th-level spells on your Druid side. 5 gets you the ability to change your arrow damage to your unarmed strike damage, but at 5 it'll be equal to a longbow's normal damage anyway and it won't get any better.

Fair enough, thanks.

Is there any particular reason not to go ZA 4? Spending a ki point to increase the range increment seems handy, and the increase to BAB, saves, flurry and AC bonus at fourth level all seems nice enough. We probably won't be reaching past 14th-15th level, so I'm not as concerned with playing the build to its outer limits.

2015-05-24, 11:29 AM
Fair enough, thanks.

Is there any particular reason not to go ZA 4? Spending a ki point to increase the range increment seems handy, and the increase to BAB, saves, flurry and AC bonus at fourth level all seems nice enough. We probably won't be reaching past 14th-15th level, so I'm not as concerned with playing the build to its outer limits.

4 is more of a toss up.
3rd level is pretty much mandatory, as that's when you get WIS-to-hit.

4th gets you the Ki Pool which besides the "Spend a Ki get an additional Flurry" attack, you can also take the Qinggong archetype (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/qinggong-monk) and swap out Slow Fall for something more useful. I wouldn't worry about the 'increase range increment' ability. Long bows are already good to 100ft., so unless you think you'll be Sniping an awful lot...

5th the Ki Arrows is pretty worthless for a Multiclass, but if you go Qinggong you can swap out the High Jump ability.

6th gets you Weapon Specialization and another Bonus Feat.

7th is kind of a dud (although you can Qinggong away Wholeness of Body)
8th is only good for the extra Flurry attack.

So for a multi-class I'd stop at 3rd or 4th.

As for the Druid side, Nature Fang (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/archetypes/paizo---druid-archetypes/nature-fang) seems like a decent match.
You'll get the Studied Target ability of Slayer, Slayer Talents at level 4 and every 2 after. You even get _a_ 1d6 of Sneak Attack.
The only major loss is Wild Shape, but if your main plan is using a Bow, then Wildshape is of less use to you anyway.

2015-06-01, 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Psyren
You get Wis to attack at 3, and ZA 3/Druid 17 will also let you get to 9th-level spells on your Druid side.

Originally Posted by grarrrg
3rd level is pretty much mandatory….

So, after this advice I'm thinking that I'll be going ZA 3/Druid 17 as recommended, with Shaping Focus to keep my wildshape on par.

My DM has told me that I'll be dealing with fey quite a bit, both Winter and Summer Courts, and I'm thinking of taking the Menhir Savant archetype for the ability to detect fey.

Is there anything else I could take, in terms of feats or traits, which would make a tengu druid/monk better at interacting with fey? --Or taking them down, if necessary?

2015-06-01, 07:47 PM
Is there anything else I could take, in terms of feats or traits, which would make a tengu druid/monk better at interacting with fey? --Or taking them down, if necessary?

Well, this is normally where I would suggest "1 level of Ranger and the Shapeshifting Hunter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/shapeshifting-hunter) Feat". It lets you stack Ranger/Druid levels for the purposes of Favored Enemy, which besides the Combat boosts, it also gives bonuses to certain Skill Checks.

But you've already got 3 levels invested in Monk, and you may not want another dip/class clogging up things.

2015-06-01, 08:30 PM
4 is more of a toss up.
3rd level is pretty much mandatory, as that's when you get WIS-to-hit.

4th gets you the Ki Pool which besides the "Spend a Ki get an additional Flurry" attack, you can also take the Qinggong archetype (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/qinggong-monk) and swap out Slow Fall for something more useful. I wouldn't worry about the 'increase range increment' ability. Long bows are already good to 100ft., so unless you think you'll be Sniping an awful lot...

5th the Ki Arrows is pretty worthless for a Multiclass, but if you go Qinggong you can swap out the High Jump ability.

6th gets you Weapon Specialization and another Bonus Feat.

7th is kind of a dud (although you can Qinggong away Wholeness of Body)
8th is only good for the extra Flurry attack.

So for a multi-class I'd stop at 3rd or 4th.

As for the Druid side, Nature Fang (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/archetypes/paizo---druid-archetypes/nature-fang) seems like a decent match.
You'll get the Studied Target ability of Slayer, Slayer Talents at level 4 and every 2 after. You even get _a_ 1d6 of Sneak Attack.
The only major loss is Wild Shape, but if your main plan is using a Bow, then Wildshape is of less use to you anyway.

Why Zen Archer 5? You get Wis to attack at 3, and ZA 3/Druid 17 will also let you get to 9th-level spells on your Druid side. 5 gets you the ability to change your arrow damage to your unarmed strike damage, but at 5 it'll be equal to a longbow's normal damage anyway and it won't get any better.

Agree, but you should note that wis to hit is only going to be for your longbow. Which is fine if your going to be using your bow most of the time, but if you are here for this I strongly recommend reconsidering your monk dip.

A single rank in monk is fantastic as you add your wis to AC and CMD(as touch AC to boot),with zen archer you lose out on evasion and still mind(I'm assuming you are using non unchained monk) for some fancy(but very good) bow abilities. 3 levels in monk does increase your base land speed which is also good. At higher levels, wild shape and spells will probably be your best bet over range over the bow but if you want to stay an archer you can find plenty of non combat uses for wild shape. However, your bow will need enchantments, particularly to deal with fey. That said, you need enchantment on your natural attacks as wild shape to deal with fey as well. If your going to stay zen archer3/druid 17 3 is all you need, but for a single dip master of many styles, sensi and sohei are fantastic combined with druid. Sohei and Master o/many styles pair, as do master of many styles/kata master(although kata master does not give much).

A lot of your choice depends on how do you want to fight? If your taking a domain and focusing on casting you will rarely use your bow. With a companion and summoning you might also be casting but have the bow to contribute to battle. Most druids use animal companions to serve as flankers when they wild shape, and domain druids use wild shape+natural spell to fly and cast from a distance. An archer+summoned animals+animal companion is still strong, and probably your best build if you want bow dakka.

So, after this advice I'm thinking that I'll be going ZA 3/Druid 17 as recommended, with Shaping Focus to keep my wildshape on par.

My DM has told me that I'll be dealing with fey quite a bit, both Winter and Summer Courts, and I'm thinking of taking the Menhir Savant archetype for the ability to detect fey.

Is there anything else I could take, in terms of feats or traits, which would make a tengu druid/monk better at interacting with fey? --Or taking them down, if necessary?

Menhir servant is a good archtype to begin with-you replace some very situational (but good) powers with some fantastic and much more useful abilities. If your up against fey it becomes cash money. If you want to go with the summon+animal companion+arrows, you can also stack the pack lord archtype which gives you the ability to have multiple animal companions(albeit they are weaker) for extra swarming fun.

For feats, you probably want spell focus(conjuration) and augment summoning. This will make your summons pack serious oomph. Since your are hunting fey, starlight summons will make your summoned creatures have cold iron attacks for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, as well as blind fight and +5 to stealth and perception in dim light. You can also get moonlit summons for silver natural attacks on summoned creatures, and immunity to sleep and confusion(common fey abilities). Sunlit summons protects from blind and dazzled(but if you have blind fight not a big deal) and natural attacks count as magic, but you are probably good with starlit and maybe moonlit summons.

If your charisma modifier is not garbage(but your probably dumping it) steadfast personality and divine protection are good. That said, most fey spells target will, which is a good save for druids and wis based, not to mention your 4+ from resist natures lure. Esoteric advantage is good because you can identify fey with a high nature check, then reduce their spell resistance or damage reduction as needed.

Most to all fey have at least DR/5 cold iron, so make your longbow +3 to overcome cold iron(eventually you want higher if this will be your main weapon). If you go the natural attack route, amulet of mighty fists +3 will also do the same thing. If you don't have a bard, designating is a good upgrade to put on your bow. Seeking and speed are also good upgrades.