View Full Version : Help with a Crow-Themed Sorc/Binder/Anima Mage

2015-05-24, 02:27 PM
I have a player who wants to play a character they summarized as, "A child, who is a friend of the crows, and who had a really bad day at school."

Now, this is for a Ravenloft setting, and I confirmed they wanted to come from a "normal and happy" family, who just had a day like the plot from the 1976 movie "Carrie", resulting in crows mauling some people, and her leaving town. She also liked the idea of a dip into Binder for Malphas (Zceryll at level 12), and really liked the flavour of Anima Mage, but didn't have much else for character ideas. Mostly using a "swarm of crows", bird summoning, and a "crow" familiar (raven). There is also a half-fey Sorcerer in the group too.

So, I'm looking for PO and/or criticism for the following build. Starting level is 9, 36 point-buy, with LA buy-off, bonus feats on odd-numbered levels, and +2 skillpoints per level. I have considered Warlock for at-will Swarms, but the player seems to want a little more spell options than a Warlock.

Small Silverbrow Human Sorceress4/Binder1/Anima Mage4

Metamagic Specialist variant
Racial1: Versatile Spellcaster
Bonus1: Able Learner (all PCs get this)
Bonus2: (meta-magic feat)
Level1: Improved Binding (useless for a couple levels)
Level3: Obtain Familiar
Level5: Improved Familiar (Imp in Crow form)
Level7: Extra Familiar
Level9: Bonded Familiar, or Enspell Familiar, or Combat Familiar

I've been informed that an Imp, from Improved Familiar, can take the form of a Crow.

Spells PerDay 6/7/7/6/4/- Italics denote suggested spells for higher levels
Spells Known. 8/5/3/2/1/-
1: Chill Touch, + 4 other spells
2: Augment Familiar, Summon Swarm (crows), Wings of Cover + Touch of Idiocy, Mirror Image
3: Haste, Bite of the Wererat("crow") + Blink, Sonorous Hum
4: Dragon Breath + Wings of Flurry

5: Fiendform
6: Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability, Contingency

Intimidate, Kn.(planes), Craft (alchemy), Concentration, Sense Motive, Spellcraft

STR 10(-2 size)
DEX 14(+2 size)
CON 16
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 16(+2 level)

Gear: An item of Fly, an item of Familiar Pocket, probably a Knowstone of Summon Monster X, some Charisma boosting stuff, maybe an Animated Shield.

Trade one of the Imps' pair of feats for Constant and Dutiful Guardian, use Bite of the Wererat to enhance both Familiars and the caster, let the Familiars tap with Chill-Touch.

Otherwise, this basically relies on the versatility of the Dragon Breath spell combined with three attacks/round where two sources can fly. Chill Touch was selected for multiple uses, and that other players seem to have some Strength draining abilities between them too. Falling back on distracting Swarms, some SMX birds, the odd poison use, and periodic Invisibility.

2015-05-24, 02:35 PM
An Imp can assume the form of a Raven, so rather than refluffing you could have a normal Imp who's just taking a Crow shape.

2015-05-24, 02:47 PM
Besides wereravens being a thing in Ravenloft, there's a couple of raven-themed beasties you might bring up as cohorts, custom summon list monsters, etc. One is the Ravenkin from the Denizens of Dread book, which were even stated up as a PC race in the 2e days. Although the 3.5 version seems out of line, it's 2 RHD, +2 LA, with 4 bonus feats, flight, small size, and a gross +28 racial ability modifiers means the writers of that book don't know how to write balanced race. I'd rebuild it to something reasonable instead.

Also, in Frostburn there's the giant raven, which is a large magical beast intended as a mount. It's intelligent & speaking, pretty much in line with the MM's giant owl & giant eagle. You at least wouldn't need to rewrite that to use a bonded mount, cohort, whatever.

2015-05-24, 07:59 PM
It may be homebrew but this prestige class is a decent flavorful crow based warlock option: The Unkindness (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?251809-As-of-someone-gently-rapping-rapping-at-my-chamber-door-3-5-PrC)

Also a Murder of Crows (ToM) can be an option for a lycanthrope (see listing for tiny in second post) (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4398).

For Pathfinder, Dreamscarred Press's Path of War Expanded class the Harbinger has a Ravenlord archetype.

2015-05-24, 08:56 PM
There is always the Kenku race from MMIII. It is a base race with no LA, and while the abilities are not exactly great for sorcerer perse, the flavor should be what you are looking for.

Kenkus possess the following racial traits.
—+2 Dexterity, –2 Strength.
—A kenku’s base land speed is 30 feet.
—Great Ally (Ex): Kenkus work exceptionally well
with their allies. When successfully aided on a skill check
or attack roll by an ally, or when aiding another, a kenku
applies or gains a +3 bonus on its check or attack roll (instead
of the normal +2 bonus). Furthermore, a kenku gains a +4
bonus on attack rolls against an opponent fl anked by an ally
(instead of the normal +2 bonus).
—Mimicry (Ex): A kenku can perfectly mimic familiar
sounds, voices, and accents. This ability does not enable
the kenku to speak languages it can’t normally speak. To
duplicate a specifi c individual’s voice, a kenku makes a Bluff
check; a listener familiar with the voice being imitated must
succeed on an opposed Sense Motive check to discern that
the voice isn’t genuine.
—Natural Weapons: 2 claws (1d3).
— +2 racial bonus on Hide checks and Move Silently
—Low-light vision.
—Automatic Languages: Common and Kenku. Bonus
Languages: Auran, Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfl ing.
—Favored Class: Rogue.
—Level adjustment +0.

2015-05-25, 04:00 AM
I have to say: Why not Druid instead of Sorcerer ?
It just seems more Crow friendly.

2015-05-25, 07:18 AM
Crow is just a re-fluffed Raven (according to Dragon #341), and Giant Crow is just a re-fluffed Giant Raven (according to Dungeon #133)

Firstly, how about the Extra Familiar feat (Dragon #280)?

Secondly, if you go Anima Mage, then how about the Zceryll (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718)?
1d4+1 of Pseudonatural Fiendish Ravens every 5 turns...

Lastly, Denizens of Dread have Living Tattoo, Grandfather Raven

Also, Heroes of Battle have Rainbow Crow

Oh, and Tengu in Oriental Adventures

2015-05-25, 10:17 AM
Also a Murder of Crows (ToM) can be an option for a lycanthrope (see listing for tiny in second post) (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4398).
That is really awesome, thanks.

So, in Frostburn there's the giant raven, which is a large magical beast intended as a mount. It's intelligent & speaking, pretty much in line with the MM's giant owl & giant eagle. You at least wouldn't need to rewrite that to use a bonded mount, cohort, whatever.

I've been considering WereRavens(Crows), but I'll probably go with WereMurderOfCrows. The Giant Raven is probably going into the Summon list, thanks.

Crow is just a re-fluffed Raven (according to Dragon #341), and Giant Crow is just a re-fluffed Giant Raven (according to Dungeon #133)
Firstly, how about the Extra Familiar feat (Dragon #280)?
Secondly, if you go Anima Mage, then how about the Zceryll (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718)?
1d4+1 of Pseudonatural Fiendish Ravens every 5 turns...
Lastly, Denizens of Dread have Living Tattoo, Grandfather Raven
Also, Heroes of Battle have Rainbow Crow

I glossed over the Denizens of Dread book, but I'll re-check that and the Rainbow Crow, thanks. I'll mention the Zceryll vestige.

I have to say: Why not Druid instead of Sorcerer ?
It just seems more Crow friendly.
The player was less interested in the restrictions and class abilities. I considered Binder1/Warlock1/Anima-Mage7, but the meta-magic feat seems even less useful, and they didn't care for the Warlock stuff either.

2015-05-25, 10:38 AM
If you OK with 3rd-party stuff, there is couple more monsters from tabletop versions of videogames from Blizzard:

Foul Crow (Diablo II D20, books Diablerie or To Hell and Back) - Small (1 HD) Magical Beast, the only special ability is Swoop (Ex): +2 to attack and damage for the 1st attack

Storm Crow (Warcraft the RPG, Manual of Monsters) - Medium (4 HD) Animal without any special abilities

2015-05-25, 10:39 AM
Obtain Familiar requires a caster level of 3rd, this character can't take it at 1st level.

Spell Thematics in PGtF allows you to pick one spell per spell level to be a thematic spell, changing its appearance to match your theme and giving you bonuses when casting it (+1 CL, +4 DC to Spellcraft when identifying it).

I would strongly recommend combining Glimmerskin Halfling in Dragon Magic with Strongheart Halfling to get the dragonblood subtype, which has significant benefits with Wings of Cover. Glimmerskin Halflings normally still have the +1 Luck bonus to saving throws, which is what a Strongheart Halfling loses for the bonus feat, so they should be compatible.

I don't really understand those spell choices, buffing a familiar is not a viable PO strategy unless you get Polymorph and turn your Outsider familiar into something amazing (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=hi5umkrmsjum1t3savbg97aii3&topic=519.0;msg=2513), which doesn't fit the theme at all. I would pick more practical spells (Web, Glitterdust, Wall of Smoke, begin play with Wings of Flurry) and probably give the familiar tanglefoot bags to help out in combat.

You could take Leadership and get a Giant Raven in Frostburn as your cohort (3 HD, +2 LA). It's large size and suitable to be used as a flying mount.

2015-05-26, 02:50 AM
Obtain Familiar requires a caster level of 3rd, this character can't take it at 1st level.
Didn't catch that, thank you.

Spell Thematics in PGtF allows you to pick one spell per spell level to be a thematic spell, changing its appearance to match your theme and giving you bonuses when casting it (+1 CL, +4 DC to Spellcraft when identifying it).
I will bring this to their attention.

I would strongly recommend combining Glimmerskin Halfling in Dragon Magic with Strongheart Halfling to get the dragonblood subtype, which has significant benefits with Wings of Cover. Glimmerskin Halflings normally still have the +1 Luck bonus to saving throws, which is what a Strongheart Halfling loses for the bonus feat, so they should be compatible.
I went with Small Silverbrow Human, I was using the halfling as a simplified way of saying "small human".

don't really understand those spell choices, buffing a familiar is not a viable PO strategy unless you get Polymorph and turn your Outsider familiar into something amazing (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=hi5umkrmsjum1t3savbg97aii3&topic=519.0;msg=2513), which doesn't fit the theme at all. I would pick more practical spells (Web, Glitterdust, Wall of Smoke, begin play with Wings of Flurry) and probably give the familiar tanglefoot bags to help out in combat.

You could take Leadership and get a Giant Raven in Frostburn as your cohort (3 HD, +2 LA). It's large size and suitable to be used as a flying mount.
I'll let them know about the Leadership option. The player mostly wants insurance against their PC, or familiar(s), dying. Hence Bonded Familiar, and making it(them) Imps. The lower-level familiar-buffing spells are mostly to eat up cantrips.

2015-05-26, 10:38 AM
Was about to go on a long thing, but then realized the title said Crow-Themed, and not Cow-Themed.

Carry on. :smallannoyed:

2015-05-26, 01:59 PM
Carry on. :smallannoyed:Considering thread's theme, shouldn't it be "Carrion"? :smallamused:
Carrion crow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrion_crow) (Corvus corone)
Carrionstorm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/carrionstorm)http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=383201&type=card
Carrion Crow (http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=383201)http://www.vteschecklist.com/images/library_set/card_image/574/574-large.jpghttp://www.vteschecklist.com/images/library_set/card_image/3993/3993-large.jpg
Carrion Crows (http://www.vteschecklist.com/library/show/243#)https://psmedia.playstation.com/is/image/psmedia/bloodborne-bestiary-enemies-carrion-crows-screen-01-ps4-us-25feb15?$MediaCarousel_Original$Carrion Bird (http://titanquest.wikia.com/wiki/Carrion_Bird) (Titan Quest)