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2015-05-24, 02:49 PM


The Dawning
A strange voice echoed though-out their minds, a soft and distant echo of someone far-far away.
" ....Yes, and so it was. I fell through the glass, and upon my back the clouds raced past me. Then... I was back their again. Where the sun is always setting, and those green fields take you. "

They laid in the endless fields of grass. A brilliant sun hung upon the horizon, caught in a cycle neither dawning nor setting. Its wondrous light filled the world brightly, always, and forever. There stood a sole tree upon the endless plains. A sole figure stood looking out upon the light. A breeze blew across the grassy fields. Jeska and Koriah laid upon the grass, seemingly asleep. The Lord Raven, Kole'fein rose to his feet, using his blade as a crutch. He breathed deeply, apparently fatigued from the daring world jump. "....We made it. " Kestal and Kal stirred upon the ground.

2015-05-24, 03:59 PM

Still processing everything that had happened, the Magister looks around in confusion before turning to the Lord Raven. "I think you need to tell us what just happened there. I gather that 'Angel' is not our friend?"

Lazy Roman
2015-05-24, 04:28 PM
The Son Of Night

[Kal Enters The Game]

[Perception Check]

The Seraph snaps up to a crouching position. His hands ready to draw his sword. He barely breaths as he takes his time surveying the immediate area around them using his blindsense. He sighs deeply and relaxes his hands having surveyed the area is relatively safe.

[Kal does an IC equipment check of everything he currently has in his possession. Inventorying everything]

He sits back down slowly as if everything takes extra effort and he lacks the energy to do so or if he were to move to fast his body would fall apart at the seams. He thoroughly inventories all of his equipment items including and everything in his bags of holding. When he finishes and packs everything away. He looks up to Kole'fein. His eyes still glazed from the past events. "Kole'fein?....What in all the terrible hells this world has to offer just happened?" He pauses trying to replay everything he could sense in his frozen state. "Did I hear Airu?"

2015-05-24, 05:30 PM

Seeing Kal pat himself down and look in every pocket, Eris tilts her head in confusion, though Kestal seems to pick up on something. It seems he's used to finding himself with either new things on his person or with things missing when he's forced to flee like that. Not a bad habit to start, though we have precious few places to hide anything.

Seeing the reason in it, Eris, at Kestal's urging, pats herself down and does an inventory check as well.

[Eris does an IC inventory check to see if anything is missing, moved, or suddenly in her possession where it previously wasn't]

"Who or what is an Airu?"

2015-05-24, 05:38 PM
The Lord Raven, The Son of Night & The Daughter of Evenings

The Raven leaned upon his sword as he stood. "The Chapter Angels guide and protect The Chosen... But there is no Chapter Angel after the Tenth. I do not know what your Generation has done. The Cycle... It's time has been restored, but it has not been 'Reset'... and so. Somehow... You and your lot created an Eleventh Chapter, and an Angel unlike any before..." He limped forward, streams of silver light beginning to stream from his body like wisps. He ignored the Seraph, and marched forward towards the light, and the figure in the distance who did not bother to turn about. " ...Speak." The Raven took out a black glass-like shard from one of the deep pockets of his large burgundy coat. He tossed it at the man's feet. "...Restore 'Silent Departure'. Eleventh Chapter, No Arc, First Line." The shard vanished, a silver energy radiated through The Raven. He stood upright as if renewed. " ...Is that all." The Raven spun his blade, the long scabbard forming in his off-hand as he sheathed the blade. "No. No. That's not all... Withhold the First Arc. Initiate the First Arc, within the First Line of The Petrichor of The Eleventh Chapter." The man continued to stare off into the distant light. His black hair blowing in the steady breeze. He nodded. " ...It is done." The Raven nodded. "My thanks." He turned about talking to the disheveled group. " Leave the Dame here. This is perhaps one of the last places I can think of outside of Rain's reach..." He picked up Koriah and put her over his shoulder. "I'll take this one with me to The Citadel. Somehow, someway, The Call for this Chapter has resurrected Mirren's existence into the Legacy. If those vision's were any clue, I believe she intends to destroy the Legacy and raise Evenfall from the Æther. This Chapter has no order, this Chapter was meant not to exist at all, and as such... she intends to bend and break whatever she may. But something is not right... I must gather The Order. Maythalin should have come if this was truly Mirren. Whatever this is, this is something new... I must go. I've delayed the First Arc of this Chapter as I do not know what The Angel intends to bring upon us. Return to The Garden when you are finished here. Perhaps your mother possesses some insight to all of this. Come to The Citadel when you are finished. I hope you can discover something about all this..." He struck the air with his sword's scabbard cleaving a void of light. He turned back to Kal, tilting his head to the side with a familiar smirk on his face. "...The Tiger is dead." He stepped through the void of light and was gone.

Kal possesses all of his equipment, and artifacts. Bags of holding contain Pez's destroyed equipment, and his magazines of Blast-Warded Bullets. Much of the charred equipment is blackened and unrecognizable.

Eris finds a 'Black Shard' similar to the one The Raven used in addition to her coins


2015-05-24, 05:50 PM

Before she could stop him, the Lord Raven was gone, and her shout of "WAIT!" vanished uselessly into the air.

Frowning, she turns to Kal'Fel, the black shard in hand, "Alright, that's enough!" She grips the shard tightly enough that her knuckles turn white and her entire body seems to shake with barely constrained rage. "I need answers, who is this 'Mirran' and how do we stop her, since she seems bent on breaking the universe? How long do we have to 'finish here' and what does that even mean? Finish what? As far as I can tell, we just came here in a blind panic, I don't even know where here is! How long has this 'arc' that the Raven spoke of been delayed? What is this thing?" She holds up the black crystal, "And where did he send Nadia?!"

Calm down, we'll get no where if we upset him. We can't overpower him and we need friends, do we not?

Glaring still, Eris tries to take a deep breath, and her voice is still filled with anger, though it is obvious that it isn't directed toward the seraph, "How are we even supposed to get to this 'Garden'? And even if we do, I can't ask for help figuring out what happened because I don't even know what to start with! I'm sick of not knowing what is going on, so talk damnit!"

2015-05-24, 06:25 PM
The Dawning

The man looked up to the sky. The first gesture he had made. Though he did not turn to face them. His hands still in his deep pockets, his monotone voice spoke out somewhat absentmindedly; "...A Shard of Despair and Hope." He sighed in a manner somewhat forlorn.

2015-05-24, 06:33 PM

As the man speaks up again, Eris finally turns her attention to him, almost as if she hadn't registered him before, but before she can open her mouth Kestal cuts her off, Quiet! You need to shut up and listen, so until you can do that, I'm taking over. Furious as she was, Eris knew sound logic when she heard it, and she always did have trouble resisting her sensual half, allowing her to take control.

Though not as diplomatic as her better half, Kestal'Fel was far less enraged by the continued chaos, though she does frown as she pictures the image that Nadia had sent her just before their parting and realizing that it may be some time before she can take advantage of that. "What do you mean," she asks, much more calmly than Eris was as she wipes away the moisture on her eyes and steps toward the man. "'A shard of despair and hope'? Does that mean this can help us? How? Eris was upset, but she still asked questions that we need to know the answers to."

2015-05-24, 06:41 PM
The Dawning

The man's gaze was still locked upon the sky. His features completely obscured by the light of the eternal sun. He sighed before speaking; "...The Shard is useless to you. Born of adversity and blissful ignorance. I gather the pieces as payment. My tribute is memories... If you've something to request of me... Present your tribute, and speak."

2015-05-24, 07:50 PM

While Kestal is taking over, Eris is relieved to not be in command over their body anymore, not trusting herself at the moment. And, being cut off as she is, with nothing to do but think, she has the perfect opportunity to try and clear her mind and figure out what needs to be done.

What should we request from him that would best aid my friends and I?

Flash of Omniscience, 1-75 = Success [roll0]

Lazy Roman
2015-05-24, 11:58 PM
Son Of Night

The Seraph rises to his feet. Turning his attention to the two of them She deserves answers. He thinks to himself. 'I myself remember being this lost and alone in this cold world. A mortal, a pawn in a game amongst gods that are so selfish they would destroy half of existence to meet their goal.' He finally speaks as he comes within arm's length of the young troubled girl. "Airu is well lets say an old friend and I can only imagine Nadia is safe where he is now as much as I can hope. We will discover this together. Now, we only have as much time as required my dear sister. No more no less. So we can not tarry here." He then puts a hand on her shoulder using his presence to try to calm and reassure her as much as he can. He has no kind words, no promises of safety for that would be a lie even for his newfound power. He gives her the only thing he can offer her right now. He just looks down on her and offers a smile unlike he hasn't given to anyone in a long time. A smile that is genuine and empathetic. "As for our travel arrangements do not fret I will have it taken care of. I will take you to The Garden to meet our Dear Mother. If I did leave you here of my own free will. I am sure Mother would put my head on a pike for all to see." He laughs at that and continues. "We will tell her of these new developments and from their Mother will send us to where she requires us to go. Whether it is The Citadel or elsewhere. He uses his true seeing to try and get an idea about this new figure. He then he turns his attention to this new figure. As he does he rests off hand on the tsuka of his wakazashi as habit for strange company no matter whom they are. "I don't know who you are. To be quite honest I don't recognize you or believe we've met in our travels. But if my friend can trust you then so shall I as well. Who are you stranger? You're clearly powerful having some control over the Legacy and the timeline able to withhold arcs but in all my years I've never met you. If you are as powerful as you appear to be however I could use some assistance. Nothing overwhelming: Most importantly I need to find a way to learn how to use the techniques possessed by Airu known as the 'Spiral Arms' a task given to me by our Mother. My own personal tasks are much more mundane restoring my Taiyou to its former power by finding all of its other copies and the original. Then much smaller tasks like restoring my broken sword and unlocking another. Any help I could receive in these tasks is appreciated but I digress, My dear sister has much more important tasks and the decision on how this shard used is not mine to make it is my dear sister's choice in the end. But I think she requires some time in how to word her requests on what best suits her and her sibling's interests or if she would rather not do business with you at all sir and rather someone else. So let me fill that by void by telling a story that I hope you find enlightening."

" Now relax for the tale I'm about to tell is old. I hope it can answer some of your questions.
I will tell you what I know and plainly as my foolish mind can remember.

Long ago, The worlds were watched over, protected by 'The Three Keepers of Balance.'
They were The God of Valor, The God of Sorrow and The Goddess of Misery.

Then the worlds fell into Chaos by a single man. He brought with him something horrible a force that he created. We all know as The Void. As You have seen The Void eats away at the very fabric of that universe and that time. Very much like you experienced earlier. During this ancient time, The Void ate away at everything destroying the separation between The Night and Evenfall. In doing so whole worlds collided and changed. The multiverse of Saern, and EvenFall fell into The Night. While The World, of Light and Night, fell in on itself. All of this became one universe and with it something new came to life, The EverNight.

The Evernight is a void of nonexistence on Aetherfal. The only thing separating The Night and The EverNight being The Veil. In The EverNight an unimaginable number of souls were trapped. Most of those souls were crushed within the bleak waters until they returned to nothing more than energy to be reborn something new. However there were those whose souls had resisted became something inhuman which we call a Basmae'al.

It's thought that Basmae'al were one of the first creations of the Old Gods along with people of Saren. I was taught that Basmae'al were children, products of The EverNight and Protectors of it and would destroy those who would threaten it. They're ancient beings indeed. I've encountered Basemae'al of all different kinds in my youth. When I was a young man I studied at a place known as BaronHeim. I tried to recover from past mistaekes by learning everything I could of this world's lore. I did my best to study and learn about the ancient myths. I was also there when BaronHeim fell. I did my best to flee, I was young did not have the ability then to face them. I watched my Teacher a great powerful Magister fight to the bitter end. I only wish I could save him. He could rip the bodies lesser Basmae'al to pieces in one motion. He possessed magick thought long forgotten to our world. Even at my strongest before I became The Seraph of The End, I could not kill a Basmae'al. When I went blade to blade with a single Basmae'al was not long ago. It was a powerful being. The Mirror of Los Vaelos. He is Damas'ky's brother and The Keeper of Elevation. Even then I was lucky to walk away with my life.

Now that you know, I can tell of Mirren.

Mirren is the living, physical persona of The Goddess of Misery. She is or was a Basmae'al. She was before my time mostly...This woman enjoys pain and suffering of souls. There is no end for her hunger of it. Which led to her crafting a weapon of great power.

She had control a powerful cult of Assassins. You might know them as The 'Night Bells' among the strongest of those calling themselves 'The Death Bells.' They were a cruel lot. They were like living shadows in their skills to conceal themselves and kill. They had ancient powerful rituals behind their work. Beyond all that, The Night Bells claimed The Goddess Misery had a son by the name of Dark Or well the Bells claimed he was...He also had a brother named Naris. He was a Captain of the Night Bells. Dark was known as a powerful man capable of legendary power. Now, Mirren was thought to be long dead and has somehow returned. But I digress now dear sister, my story must stop there.

I'm sure you have questions as it is and we do have business with this Stranger. He simply cannot wait for all of eternity."

2015-05-25, 11:27 AM
The Dawning
A darkness swept overhead. Shards of black-frozen rain fell from above, a dark mist pouring down from the heavens into a billowing cloud. From the darkness a figure emerged, his large antler-like horns rising up through the darkness, and piercing his large hooded cowl. His face was partially shrouded. He appeared to not be entirely physical... a phantom of sorts. The silver haired creature rose up from the dark mists as it begun to dissipate. The Devil-Spirit was familiar, the figure who had been within Cathedral Ruin until he had vanished with Kal'Fel before the strange encounter with Rain.
*** Nelrin'Fel Has Entered The Game

A void of grey light struck out through the air. A figure floated forth, carried by ghostly skeletal hands of pale light. A great billowing veil of living shadow danced upon her shoulders. A massive black clawed arm of black burning light at her side, great wings of leathery black dragon wings upon her back. She levitated down to the grassy earth, her skeletal attendants were dismissed in a silent gust of wind.

*** Nadia Vorns Has Entered The Game

(* Nelrin/Nadia Enter During Kal's Speech)

2015-05-25, 11:40 AM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia alights softly on the ground, quickly scanning her surroundings.
Magister, it is good that you are safe.
She glares at Kal'Fel.
Death sent me here. She suspects that Life is behind Mirren's return. We need to summon the Petrichoir before she is able to destroy everything.
She glances down at her hand.
****. Apparently Death was in a hurry and forgot to let me actually grab that damned shard.

2015-05-25, 12:25 PM

Seeing Nadia appear in a flash, the succubus quickly moves to embrace her, relieved that she seems to be alright. The four from Golarion are the closet thing she has to family, aside from her other half, but with Koriah's apparent indifference and Jeska's unconsciousness, that only left Nadia as an emotional outlet. It certainly wasn't because Koriah saw their fun as a simple fling and was going to be much harder to manipulate in the long term than the much more emotionally vulnerable Nadia, not at all. "Check your pockets," the succubus tells her when she draws away after her dragon complains about not grabbing the shard, "Things like that have a bad habit of turning up on us even if we didn't have the chance to grab them."

Wait, I know what we have to do! Telling Kestal her plan gets her other half to smile, and she happily relinquishes control to the Magister.


Still upset, but having had a moment to collect herself and think, Eris knows what she has to do, and she presents the crystal shard to the man, tossing it at his feet as the Lord Raven did. "Seal The Petrichor until the Blessed Chosen stand before its gate. After that is done, let me speak to the Son of Misery," she says, sighing in relief should he accept the first term, That should buy us all the time we could ask for. Now, what else should I try to get...Dark said that souls couldn't be made indestructible, but...maybe there's something I could ask for that would keep us from being destroyed so easily, think, how do I word that request?

1-75 = success [roll0]

2015-05-25, 12:37 PM
Nadia Vorns, The Stillborn Drake

Nadia reaches back and checks her bag, it being the only real place with pockets she carries.
So, what did I miss? Where are the Venture Captain and the Lord Raven?

2015-05-25, 01:19 PM

"And," she pauses... "The Keeper was slaughtered before we came here, and my other half," Kestal's soul waves cheerily, though few, if any, can see it, "has been told she should not exist and that we need to 'realign the scales' so that this Legacy will tolerate her existence. Can you do either of these things?"

2015-05-25, 02:37 PM
The Dawning
The man stood silently still staring at the sky. "No. Kal'Fel. We have not met before. But you know me very well... I've nothing to offer those without tribute." The light of the world still cloaked his image.

Kal's sight pierced the rays of the sun. His true sight breaking past the last and the grass... Before him stood a man with long silvered hair tied neatly behind himself and reaching down to his knee. Behind him stood himself. His old self, long ago when he was still Akoda. He saw a field of millions of figures stretched out all around himself, surrounding all of them, covering this seemingly empty world with countless figures... Familiar friends and enemies. Chaos, Seiya, Kole'fein, Ari, Faeris, Damien, D'eith, Dark, Karn, Imor'tl, Barro, Sorrow, Night, May, Heather, Gelpmen, Mel, Marries. Adair, Ellie, Soji, Mjrn, Nariko... countless, countless people he had known, and most he had never seen before... All surrounding him, like strange reflections of spirits. He could see every reflection of himself, past and present. His family and his friends long dead.

The Magister stepped before the man, tossing the crystal at his feet listening to her two requests. He did not move, just spoke, as if to the sky. " Very well. The First is done." He paused at the next request. " Very well..." He did not turn about, though he moved. The world moved about her as if the entire plane was on a spinning disk. She stood before the man, facing him, though the sun still glared blindingly in her face. " ...Ask him what you will. " The man listened to her words before speaking in his monotone pitch. " The fist, a minor task. Though you speak of The Keeper of Cathedral Ruin. He yet lives. Thus, there remains nothing to restore. However, I imagine you direct that request to the body of The Keeper of Cathedral Ruin, and the soul who inhabited it. The son of Tansel'ri, Siviri. If this is your request. It shall be done. However, to the second. I cannot do as you ask. But as per your second request. The Dark Son of Misery advises you to seek the mother of Kestal'Fel. That it is within her ability to meet such a demand." He paused as if in waiting. " Will that be all? "

2015-05-25, 02:40 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia steps forward, tossing the shard Death had given her to the ground before the figure and looking it straight in the eyes.
Death has come to claim your debt.

2015-05-25, 03:18 PM

Nodding, So, it looks like we need to go see our 'Mother' after all.
Yes, but at least now we know she can solve the issue...though we'd both rather avoid being bound to her.

"Then yes, please, restore the soul of Siviri along with the body of the Keeper of the Cathedral Ruin. He may not have been a friend, but he was helpful, and I did enjoy his company, as irritating as it may've been. I can't let him stay dead when he died saving us if I have the chance to fix it."

Bowing, and remembering that the Keeper referred her to the Son of Misery, she pulls out one of the coins he gave her, "But Siviri, when speaking of how to fix my other half's problem gave me this and told me to speak with you. How can you help me make this Legacy accept us?"

Her primary task done, she turns to Nadia, raising her eyebrow when she claims she's here on Death's behalf, but answers her previous question as Kestal mentally reconnects with her. "The Lord Raven and Koriah have already left, they should be at the Citadel by now."

2015-05-25, 03:22 PM

Looking around wildly checking for himself,looking for physicality, but to his dismay there was nothing there. He was still just a spirit. He silently curses to himself in a blind rage toward his mother. Saying aloud; "Hmm this is an interesting turn of events..."

2015-05-25, 05:17 PM
The Dawning
The man looked down upon the fragment The Weaver had tossed to his feet, then he looked upon her after a moment of silence " ...Very well. My Debt is paid." He turned his head, his attention being drawn away to the Magister. " The Dark Son of Misery bids you keep your tribute. He says to speak to your mother to be made whole, but to beware. As you now walk upon the path as he. He says ' The Second Cycle cannot be undone ' ...." He paused. " ...I do not know what this means. As there is no 'Second Cycle'. He will not speak upon it further." He raised a hand " ...As for your final request. It is done." A flash of light from the sun streamed across the grassy planes.

The light blackened and became a void. Darkness expanded, then dispersed. As if a vacuum was suddenly opened, a great gust of air ripped forth as a man was dropped to the grass. The agonized screaming was deafening, his body writhed about. The whites of his eyes showing, the orbs rolled back in his head. The dark void collapsed with a thundering crash. A shard of silver light fell from the sky and entered his chest. His body suddenly bowed, in one gasping breath, as if something missing had been restored. The seizures ceased and the man lay upon the grass for a brief moment staring into the sky, then blinking confused one or twice before rising to his feet. He brushed himself off, looking about. "Oh... Oh Dear. The Dawning? " He looked around. "...I suppose that means I lost? I could have sworn I had her. " He cleared his throat, taking a check of those about him. "Ah, the Dear Girl. Wonderful. Greatly appreciative of the, erm. Assistance. Ah, and you Grey." He turned to the man in the dawn-light tossing a coin at his feet. " Huelar-Renor D'Nossta, if you please. Keep the change." The man nodded. " It is done." The Keeper clapped his hands. "My. My. Well that was the most unquestionably, indescribably horrific death as of yet!" He clenched his fist from his formerly missing hand a number of times. "Well, now... Shouldn't you all be off to The Citadel, working on removing that nasty little girl from my Cathedral? Quite troublesome you know. You need to pass their Cathedral Ruin for most of your commuting from place to place, you know. Very troublesome. " He shook a finger at the Magister; "Ah, and you! I'm so glad you've yet to leave." He tossed her another emerald coin. "It'll only work once, but it will be all you will require for your whole 'calamity predicament'. I no longer am a Keeper, thus I can assist you more.. directly. Request a Quortek Zha'linth of 'Magister Kestal'rah - Eris', to be held within The Dawning by our Dear Friend here. Your mother has taken a slight change in prerogatives and is very determined to keep her Children in line, you see. Thus she will be able to mend you while she possesses her complete power, and repair the damage the fool Valga'Fel... er, or was it Valpurga now? ... Repair the damage the fool Valpurga created by recreating a Calamity and an Edge in a paradox, then having the gall to step out of The Warren. Honestly. You're fortunate you've been in 'tolerant company'. Otherwise I'm sure you'd have been put down like a stray animal by now. " He cleared his throat again, putting his hands behind his back, and beginning to pace about her. "...I digress. In any case. She can realign you into a true Dual-Soul, revert the Edge, re-write the Calamity, and convert it into a True D'Nossta. Problem solved... Or so I would like to say. However!" He raised a finger up dramatically. "Your mother will not so readily settle just for that alone. I imagine, she will try to do all this, to protect you, but in turn attempt to convert our Lovely Magister, into a reflection of Kestal. Which isn't to say, that this is 'not' the case already. But to create a reflection, in the inverse, from your own soul's shadow, AFTER your metamorphosis would convert your other half into a Child as well. Kestal'Fel cannot disobey the commands of her mother, but as a Dual-Soul, you are still above her influence. Should you become a Child through-and-through. Your neutrality and ability to live beyond the desires of your family... which is not to say they are 'bad'... will be stripped from you. Ensuring Mother-Dearest can keep you on a short-and-lovingly-tight, leash. THUS!" His finger goes into the air again shaking while looking at the ground walking circles around the women, lost in his rant. "This will occur, we cannot change that! But we can create a Memory within The Dawning, which you can recover AFTER the fact to replace the re-created soul of our Lovely Magister, who would be the reflection of her former Shadow, who is now a Child... who is also a Child as well... yes.. yes.." He looked up from his ranting. "So... did you catch all that Dear Girl? You've work to do! Best set your contingencies now, so you can win back my Cathedral.. err, and well... get rid of that pesky Angel." He put his hands behind his back, then quickly pat himself down. "...Did Kole'Fein run off with my knife?"

2015-05-25, 06:08 PM

With Siviri's return and the unexpected change in the fact that he's no longer bound by the rules he was as Keeper, Eris can't help but smile as someone finally gives her a direct, complete answer with an explanation. It's impossible to feign the genuine sincerity for which she expresses her thanks to him, though the words are simple. Finally! A path that doesn't require guesswork! Though...Not sure how comfortable I'll be even if being bound like that is only temporary. And what if Mother compels us not to restore me, should she find out?
Actually, that's a good point, ask him.

"I can't thank you enough, but I have a question. If Mother can command us and keep us on a tight leash once we do this...what's stopping her from just preventing us from retrieving my 'Quortek Zha'linth'? Or will we have to trust that she's otherwise occupied?"

"And yes, I believe he does still have your knife."

Turning back to the man she'd been bargaining with, she offers him the green coin, "I'm requesting a Quortek Zha'linth of 'Magister Kestal'rah - Eris'." Too much can happen too quickly, I don't want to lose the chance.
I agree.

2015-05-25, 06:49 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia looks at the Magister.
Now, I would like an explanation. I know that you were Magister Kestal'Rah when Sir Roland was taken and you became my charge. But you seem to be something else as well.

2015-05-25, 08:35 PM

Turning to Nadia, she nods. "I suppose I haven't had much of a chance to explain, have I? Though the truth is we only barely understand it ourselves. Either way, you deserve to know everything, so I'll do my best."

"Though I imagine I can make all of this much simpler for you to understand than she can." Kestal says directly to Nadia and allowing everyone else in her harem to hear.

"I'm Magister Kestal'Rah, yes, we met on the way to Heidmarch Manor and Sir Roland Morre Kaddren left me as your charge when we fled to the Undercity. You were there for that much, but things get confusing so it might be best to refresh your memory," she explains before recapping the incident with Arch-Magister Black to the point where she passed out, "After that, I awoke in a placed called 'Old Quortek V'dre' which I think translates to the 'Haven of Rebirth' and also the place we were at before...and now, I suppose, this 'Soul Warren'. In any case, there I met with several of the Children, including Sinofel or Valpurga, depending on what name you want to use, who...explaining would cause anyone not familiar with temporal theories a headache, so moving on from that there was also the woman who attacked us at the Manor and the Lady of Mornings, whose proper name I now believe to be Rhis."

"She does like to talk when she actually knows something, doesn't she? There's a much simpler way to explain all of this."

Ignoring Kestal's interjection, Eris continues uninterrupted, "In any case, they told me what needed to be done to save our world and sent me back, but not before Valpurga used his sword to create a 'Dual-Soul Calamity' which, apparently, wasn't exactly something that he's supposed to do, though at the time I didn't consider the implications of it being a 'Calamity' since there were more pressing issues. That's when they sent me back, except not as the Tiefling Magister Kestal'Rah, but as the newly reborn Child Kestal'Fel. This is where things become...muddy," she says. "I need to go back a little for this to make sense, but you deserve the whole truth."

"It's really not that complicated if you don't try to suss out all the minutiae. If you want the compressed version, I'll tell you."

"My, that is to say, the Magister's, Shadow was always...different. We did not interact long, so you may not have noticed, but my shadow did not silhouette my body. It had more pronounced demonic features, the sort of shadow that would match this body, rather than my previous one. Additionally, she didn't mirror my movements. Rather than simply blocking light with where I moved, she had a mind of her own and was very...energetic," the Magister says with a slight blush, not sure how to describe that delicately, "Even by my standards. I don't remember exactly when I realized that she was alive, but when I discovered Our Lady in Shadow and started to perform my nightly rituals, the herb I was using had an interesting effect. It seemed to let her take over our body for a little under an hour. Anyway, naturally this made me curious, but I never quite got the opportunity to research the topic properly, though I still suspect that at the time, being what I was, she was the more demonic part of my soul that couldn't be contained by my mortal form. However," she says getting back to the more recent past, "When we were reborn as Kestal'Fel, this body was much stronger. She, that is, my Shadow, was born, and I believe I should have faded from existence there. Thanks to Valpurga performing the Dual-Soul Calamity at the same time though, things played out...differently. Though I suppose it's possible that I should have remained me and Kestal should not have come into being in the first place, though the difference is purely academic to us."

"Put simply; I was always around, but until our 'rebirth' I couldn't do anything on my own power. And gods was it boring, we rarely did anything fun when she was in charge, though she seems to have loosened up a little now."

"Whatever the case, I, the Magister, was overwhelmed at the time. I was aware of what we were doing, but everything I was thinking and feeling was because for a brief moment, Kestal'Fel and I were one and the same. I couldn't separate her thoughts and feelings from my own. I didn't even know they were separate for a while," she says. Looking to Nadia's feet, she can't help but smile as she remembers the pleasure...before frowning and being unable to meet Nadia's gaze as she recalls how that came about. "It wasn't until after we had...enjoyed ourselves and had a moment to calm down that I started to pull myself back together."

"In other words, our night was so amazing that you, Koriah, and Jeska managed to pleasure her back into existence. Ignore the frown, she just feels guilty because she's worried of what you must think of us for that," Kestal says, wanting to mislead Nadia, but also curious enough about what might happen if she knew the truth to maybe make her push the topic and get Eris to fess up...or dig herself deeper into the lie.

"Since then, we've been...sorting things out. The time we spent walking trying to get to that place let us sort out our subconsciousnesses from each other. Now, as far as we can tell, when we were 'reborn' and split apart, rather than being two halves of a soul, we each became complete on our own. That is to say, this body is inhabited and controlled by I, Eris, Magister Kestal'Rah, and by me, Kestal'Fel, who thinks this explanation has gone on for too long," she says rolling her eyes before handing back control. "We're...two different people, but at the same time, we're not. Though we think that the other would survive if something were to happen to one of us, we can't help but think of each other as a part of ourself. She is me, and I am her. I know, I'm making a mess of this explanation, but it's hard to put into words."

"Again, to make it much easier; We're two different minds in one body, but we see the other as half of us, even if we don't always agree, rather than as someone else."

"Did you understand all of that?" she asks, looking uncertain that she'd managed to explain it properly.

2015-05-25, 08:47 PM
Nadia Vorns, The Stillborn Drake

She nods her way through the explanation.
I think I get it. At least close enough. I do need to apologize for my behavior that night. I was entirely out of line.

2015-05-25, 09:07 PM

Her eyes going wide, Eris shakes her head emphatically, "No! You shouldn't ever apologize for that. That night was...for everything that we had endured that day, what we had together was worth enduring it all again a thousand times over," she says. "It's us who owe you an apology, anyway," she says looking away.

This time, Kestal speaks only to Nadia so that not even Eris can hear her, "Do you see what I mean? She's gotten it into her head that we took advantage of you. She loved what we did together as much as I did, and it was the best night of my life. This is why I want you to 'surprise' her with that thing," though it can't be seen, it's obvious by her tone that Kestal is smiling, "She wants to be with you, I want to be with you, and I think you want to be with us, but she's so worried about that that she won't act on it. But if you take her by surprise like that then she'll have to accept that you're happy about that night."

2015-05-25, 09:16 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia looks perplexed.
Why would you be apologizing? You were overwhelmed by that demon, weren't you? You were hardly in control of your actions.

Nadia's mind is like a steel trap
Stay out of my mind, parasite.

2015-05-25, 09:26 PM

Biting her lip, she shakes her head, resolving not to tell Nadia the truth now.

Why not? She'd never blame you for it now, it'd all be on me.
Exactly, and when she finally accepted the truth she'd hate us both. Even if she didn't, she'd never forgive you, not if she found out now. I...I can't accept that...
Ah, sweetheart, this is why the two of us are soulmates.

Done teasing her other half, Kestal sends a general feeling of pain at being rejected so harshly to Nadia without saying anything, her actual emotion rather than a fabricated one, as the Lieutenant was one of the first faces that she ever truly saw, making her an important person to her, especially now that all the others were either gone or comatose.

"That's not fair. She's not just some 'demon' any more than I was. She's been trying to help us all since our rebirth, in case you don't remember. She was trying to save our world and...maybe we shouldn't have done what we did, but...she does genuinely care about us. Kestal isn't some demon trying to manipulate us or kill us. She's me, and she's your friend."

2015-05-25, 09:38 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

The dragonborn's face is still a mask of confusion.
I hardly see how that was vital to saving our world. In fact, as far as I could tell, we were lucky to manage it in time.

Mentally, Nadia relays one, single word.
And with that, she severs the mental connection between herself and the demon.

2015-05-25, 10:14 PM

Though she was about to speak up, Eris is interrupted. Let me talk to her in person. Glancing to the side, nods, wondering just what her other half had in mind, not realizing what Nadia had said telepathically as they swapped.


There's no visible difference in form as the Child takes over their body, but the change in demeanor is sudden and obvious. Where Eris was defensive, Kestal is visibly pained, her hand subtly twitching and her eyes watering at being cut off from one of the very few people who she'd known and even smaller number of the same whom she'd honestly liked. "Liar?! The only one of us who's lied is you! We both know what you wanted that night, and we both know you loved every moment of it, but you were so busy lying to yourself about it that I had to Charm you to make you realize it!"

If she wants the truth, fine! She can have it!
She's not going to forgive you, please, stop!

To torn on the issue herself, Eris isn't sure if she didn't try to force control away from Kestal, or if she did and failed to do it. Either way, the demonic half makes its case.

Undeterred, Kestal takes a deep, shuddering breath and continues in a quiet voice, letting her real feelings out in full force for the first time. "For twenty one years, I couldn't do anything but sit and watch as we lived our life, and then, after all that time, I can finally, do what I wanted to do. I could help the people or hurt them as I wished, I could associate with who. But no, I can't even do what I want then, can I? Because the entire world was going to end, and I couldn't just let everything be destroyed but at least I was with some interesting people. Then everything's better and I finally had a little freedom, and you know what I wanted to do? I wanted to have fun and enjoy bliss with people I liked. Do you know who I chose then? You, and Jeska, and Koriah, and that stuck up dhampir Avaricious, and you were resisting, so maybe I did Charm you, but you know what? A Charm can't force you to do things you don't want to. That's what my other half couldn't accept, that's why she can't look you in the eye for long. She's terrified of what you must think of us for raping you, but the truth is, you did want it, all I did was push the other issues aside! And then, after that, while we were traveling, I was still helping you all. Do you know why we're still here? Do you think we didn't have any other options? The truth is, we didn't. Not because we weren't given the choice, but because making that choice would've meant abandoning you and her," she points to Jeska, her hand shaking and her eyes watering enough at this point that tears steadily begin to fall as she lowers her hand. "And neither of us were willing to do that. But no, I guess that must not've happened, because I'm just a demon, aren't I? A monster that goes around doing whatever it wants, and the Magister is just a poor sap whose fallen for my forked tongue," she says, her voice cracking partway through and her eyes falling downward, too drained emotionally to keep her gaze.

2015-05-25, 10:21 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia looks at the exhausted Magister for a moment, then steps forward. The powerful draconic claw reaches forward and closes around her throat, jerking her face up to look into Nadia's eyes. Those eyes are a mask, her motivations impossible to tell.
So, the fiend speaks. You know what I think of you?

2015-05-25, 10:23 PM

Too drained to care, Kestal doesn't offer any resistance as Nadia easily plucks their body off the ground, unable to give a response other than not being able to meet the Deathweaver's gaze.

Snap out of it, don't just stand there, let me talk to her!

2015-05-25, 10:25 PM
Naida Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia kisses her deeply. It lasts for several seconds before she pulls away.
Thank you.

2015-05-25, 10:27 PM


Though she returns the kiss, as much as on instinct as anything else, she looks confused when they come up for air. "I...don't understand."

2015-05-25, 10:32 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia smiles.
I have a gift for telling when people are lying. You aren't. You could have been everything I feared you were. Some heartless monster twisting a relatively innocent girl. Taking advantage of me, of the Venture Captain, of Jeska. Plotting all the while to devour our souls. But you aren't. Everything you've done, you've done out of affection for the ones you care about. You are more than you seem, Kestal'Fel. You are more than you realize.
Another light kiss brushes Kestal's neck

2015-05-25, 10:44 PM

Well past her emotional limit, Kestal drops unceremoniously down to her knees, unable to stand or do much of anything save for reestablishing a mental connection with Nadia. She isn't even able to resist as Eris gently tugs on the reins of their body.


Heart beating rapidly, Eris puts a hand to her breast and takes several deep breaths before picking herself up off the ground, looking curiously at Nadia. "Thank you. What you said hurt her more than I realized, and I don't think she meant to break down like that, but...I think she needed it. She probably needs a little time to get a hold of herself emotionally right now though. Even I'm struggling," she says, pausing. With bated breath she asks, "I'm not always good at reading people, but...am I wrong to hope that you forgive us?"

2015-05-25, 10:47 PM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

Nadia's grin is wide.
Of course I do. And, now that I know my actions weren't my fault, I don't regret them for a moment. Besides, I still have a surprise for you. We'll need to find a time we can be alone, but I do still feel like I owe you for that night.

2015-05-25, 10:59 PM

She can't help but tilt her head in confusion, but she smiles reflexively when Nadia forgives them. Still, she shakes her head, "You don't owe me anything. It doesn't matter who's in control, we still feel everything...You, uhh," she stumbles, not sure how to phrase this without insinuating that Nadia was a whore, and blaming it on the Common tongue, "more than adequately covered your entrance fee that night. Though...I do like nice surprises," she says, careful to be specific in light of all the recent bad surprises.

Though she still sounds exhausted, Nadia can hear Kestal's voice, small and drained though it may be, "Told you."

Lazy Roman
2015-05-26, 02:32 AM
Seraph Of The End

The Seraph ignores Nadia's glare. His eyes for the longest time have glossed over lost in a trance in the field of souls. Seeing himself and everyone he's ever known, befriended, fought, hated and even loved. He gaze is lost in it. Finally with the reappearance of Damas'ky is enough to bring his mind back to the present. "I see how it is no one wants to do anything for Kal. It's just like last chosen group but atleast we have you back Damas'ky. You almost had the wretched thing my friend." His eyes spark for a moment when Damas'ky refers to the man by the name of Grey as the little mouse in his head started to turn the wheel. He recognized his power over the legacy and his collection of these shards. But he holds his tongue not sharing his discovery. "Damas'ky I thought you'd be happy to get some fresh air outside of that depressing Cathedral. Also in Kole'fein's defense where you were it did not look like you needed it that much."

He watches Nadia and the newly reborn Krestel'fel begin their...exchange. His face takes on a clear expression of disgust. 'Yes this is a perfect time for that as we fight for our right to exist.' Long ago as a wanderer he gave up on his sexual pursuits. Not due to any moral reasons it is just whenever he did it usually meant trouble for him. It was just good policy in his work. "Well...that is a...thing. When everyone is done wasting newly bought time come get me. We must see our Dear Mother until then I'll be doing something I haven't done in years. Taking a well deserved nap." Rather than continue watching this exchange. The Seraph walks over near the tree putting some distance between himself and them. He lays to rest as a straw hat appears over his face. "Oh, Nadia! and I do mean this. Next you speak with Death please do give the cute girl my regards."

2015-05-26, 06:28 AM

Nelrin looks away in disgust to the events occurring to the side. "So does anyone want to explain what in the hell we're doing here and not the Cathedral? Did I miss something?". He turns to Kal for answers but he is leaning against a tree with a hat covering his face. Nelrin looking around confused once again as he walks over to the Keeper "Keeper what has become of the cathedral? I went to see Mother...but she...well she did not want to listen to me quite yet. So I ask for your assistance. I must bring the group to see mother once more."

2015-05-26, 10:01 AM
Nadia Vorns, the Stillborn Drake

She glances over at Kal.
You know my Lady? Do you know anything of Her Vessel? She said that this disturbance had revived it at the Citadel, and now I cannot contact her. She is gone from my mind.

2015-05-26, 06:57 PM
A Vision of The End: Seraph of the End
Though he heard the Deathweaver speak, he had already begun to drift off. Yet the sight, the visions of the place he rested did not fade. Without his eyes open, and hat constructed of shadow over his face, he could still see. He could see all of them...


His vision begun to move outward, away from himself. The sight ran over the sea of figures and faces... Faster. Then faster. It all became an indistinguishable blur of motion endlessly racing off into the infinite distance till only the speeding emerald green of grass and malformed figures were about him. He was flying. Racing to the horizon. A thundering pounding drum begun to fill his ears. It was deafening. The sun behind him began to dim... the light was quickly fading. Then came the stars. Night fell before the eternal sea of faces. The thundering intensified, it was a heart beat. His heart beat. Flashes of lighting raced across his mind, piercing the falling dark. Visions. Strange visions filled his mind. A voice, distant with a raucous melody.

He stood in the darkness, his hands were torn, flayed and bloody. Terrible lacerations tore gory trenches into his palms. His arms shook, clenched in fear and fury, determination burning in his heart. Hands reached from behind him, dripping in sanguine inkor. They ran across his face, panting it a crimson-red, before running down his chest and locking into an embrace. Dark violet hair ran down his shoulder as he was pulled tightly into the bloody exchange. Warmth upon his back, a soft word in his ear; "...Fight". The 'hammer' within his chest intensified. "...Fight". The burgundy coated figures stepped out from the dark. Slayers. A man. With ice in their eyes, and steel carved into the scars that held the visage of what was once a face together. Hatred. He bent down, and with his broken hands, picked up the large clear shards of jagged glass-like steel from the ground. It's edges bit deeply into his hands, carving into the sinew and bone. His blood ran down the razor of edge of the broken jagged fragments. His fists locked in place, held firm by the madness that begun to grip him. The hammers within his ears stopped. Something cracked. The pain was gone. Something shattered. Blood ran from his clenched teeth. The Demon opened his eyes. There was only darkness.

He was left within the emptiness and silence as the visions ended. But he was still far-far-away. A voice filled his ears. "...And I showed him the darkness. I created The Demon. With the blood I had shed, with the words I had left him, he inherited the sword I once carried for Her. My Love. My Lady. With hands bloodied and torn, sundered and lacerated, he did not despair before him. No. My rage. My thirst filled his throat, and his eyes ran red with the vision of the beast. He lifted the fragmented pieces of The Chain within his feeble hands, and he heard us both.... And as he danced my dance he understood. If there was ever a time. If there was ever a chance, to undo the things we had done, and wash the blood from our hands. In that moment it had passed and been forgotten and he chose the path I had walked, the path I must take. And with each stroke he understood at last. Before death's dance and a a mad god's rage, they were just men. Men, he could bend. Men, he could break. Within the steel wind our dance painted the world with all the colors of rebirth. All the blissful cries of Peace and Ending. So I took his hand one more time, and upon the child I had reared and taught. I dipped my hands into the well springs of the freed, and embraced him within my dance. Within my Spiral Arms. "

Within the darkness a figure fell through the darkness, a spear of crystal piercing her chest. Her emerald hair flew about wildly as she fell through the darkness, a death shroud of stark white wrapped about her, trailing in her fall. With a crazed spin, violently she halted within the air, slowly descending to the ground. Her bare feet touched the earth and the darkness shattered about him like a world of glass. She stood within the green fields surrounded by none. No other souls could be seen within sight, as if he had traveled so far, not even those yet unborn had yet to show their faces this far from the dawning sun. She gripped the spear in her chest with small bloodied hands, and ripped the weapon forward with a sharp jerking motion, then slid the last of it's length from her small frame. She looked up upon the warrior's consciousness, though he no longer possessed a body. With one hand she slid back the white death veil over her face, and smiled. He recognized the young-ancient force before him. She cast Tun'Tar's Spear to the side, where it shattered into nothingness. Her cloths were no long bloodied. A mist circled about her, the minor figure of a super-massive scythe barely visible within the cloud of grey vapor. "Oh. Oh. Looky! Little-Kal'y is all grown up! And you're so fluffy now! Tehe. You're one of my Angel's now? I was away for so long, I didn't expect Night to still leave helping hands." She smiled sheepishly. " It looks like I have a trampy-little-Weaver. Tehe. So silly." She tilted her head to the side with a blank face, the sing-song tune lost from her voice. " Have even my own forgotten.... I am all. I see all. And those who transgress against us shall know neither peace, nor an end to anguish..." Her blank frightful gaze, was lost a moment later, in a cheerful smile. My. My. I see now.... I see... Peace sent our Weaver to Grey because Sister is causing a messy-mess. She's so soft and squishy for all her bluster, tehe. I would have just taken Sister's head back to The Night and be done with it." She hopped up and down. "Let's go say 'hi' to everyone. Kay?" She flew next to the Black Seraph and took his hand with a mischievous smile. " Hey, you make sure you keep our kitten's in line, kay? You're my Seraph now, you gotta do your job too. So no more letting my Weaver's goof off! Peace is to easy on them. Sometimes, you gotta give them a little spanking! Hmph." The world begun to move again, in reverse. The clouds raced away from them both. Faster. Then faster, until it became a blur of motion and the ocean of light and faces begun to appear once more.... time stretched on and on.... and he felt tired. He closed his eyes. The sleep taking him.
The Dawning
As the Magister held out the coin and made her request. Damas'ky smacked the back of her hand, sending the coin to his feet in the pile of gathering crystal shards. " Tribute into the grass, Dear Girl. You don't want our 'favorite-fellow' to touch you. Would be quite disastrous." The man nodded in affirmation. "Very well. It is done." The former Keeper eyed the pile suspiciously ignoring the side talk, then looked behind himself as Kestal and Nadia begun their exchange. He looked back to the pile, taking count. He threw an emerald coin into the pile then spoke; "Oh My Boy, you're making quite the profit today. But you see... There seem's to be more then possible within this little fortune you've gathered. Tell me Grey. Did our Lovely Weaver request anything of you, and if so... What was it? " The man looked down upon the coin. He nodded. "The Deathweaver, Nadia Vorns paid tribute for The Bringer of Peace's request" The Ex-Keeper put a hand to his chin intrigued. "Oh? Truly? Do tell, do tell. What was this little request?" The man spoke plainly in his same monotone voice, without any hint of emotion. "The Bringer of Peace's requested my debt to her be payed now, in full. Thus I have." Damas'ky stood still with his hand still to his chin, his lips pursed out, and wide-eyed as if petrified... ".......O-Oh.... Is that all? " The man nodded. Damas'ky smashed his palm into his brow, and run his hand down his face, the conversation behind him still progressing. He looked at the man again. " Well, thank you My Boy. Much appreciated. Yes-yes. By-the-by... you know what you've done yes? " The man nodded firmly. "Yes, and such does not realign the Cycle, or Balance outside of the tolerance of The Chapter." Damas'ky nodded slowly, once, then twice. " Ah. Yes!" He pounded his fist lightly into his palm as if a light went off in his head, coming to a conclusion. " You're perfectly right My Boy. Yes. Yes. Perfectly right....Becaus-" He turned around just as the pair kissed. He lifted up his hand in wide-eyed terror as if trying to stop them while continuing to speak, now in a frantic shout. " -BECAUSE, THE BALANCE IN THIS CHAPTER HAS GONE TO HELL! ...DEATHWEAVER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GODS, OH GODS!" Kal sat down, his hat of shadow forming over his face, before something struck him violently. As if he had already been asleep, he jolted upright as if shocked. His hands shook, and a black mist began to roil off his wings and the shadows of his clothing becoming dark and bleak. The Keeper ignored the offhand comments and began to yell over to the Seraph. " KAALLL...KAAAAL. DEAR BOY!?" The Seraph was caught in a strange sense of Deja'vu, the vision still fresh and clear in his mind as the Ex-Keeper rushed upon him. " DID YOU SEE IT? DID YOU SEE IT, BOY!? ANSWER ME!" He grabbed his wing inspecting the mist. " Ah..... hell...". A thunderous, cacophonous explosion of umbral darkness exploded in the sky, like a spherical detonation of supernatural dark. The color from the green world began to be bled away into the soil, as a rain began to fall. As if the fresh-paint upon a canvas was melted away. The world was drained of life and light. A world of black and white remained before them. The sun flickered, once... twice. Then the man spoke. " The Ending has come to The Dawning. We shall speak again should you remain when she departs... Farewell, for now." The last light... that of the sun, faded and died, taking the man with it's final rays of luminescence.
The Ending in The Dawning
They looked up into the infinite bleakness of the void that was now the sky. Like some massive eye, it opened. A center, a maelstrom within its center like an iris of some forsaken god. Frost and rime crept down the limbs of the tree as the rain turned to a cloud of descending mist. It landed upon the ground stealing all warmth from the plane. The grass was frozen into still blades of ice, an endless field of thin sharp and jagged blades. The eyes burned from the exposure to the growing cold, their breath now visible as vaporous puffs of heat. Damas'ky cleared his throat, closing his eyes, and placing his hands behind his back calmly. "Erhm...Ladies... gentlemen? I do believe this is where we will have to part ways for now. But I'd like to provide you some quick parting words..." He glanced At the couple and the demon-spirit behind them. "Firstly, Weaver. While I cannot fault you for falling for our Lovely Magister, as I am so fond myself... You're a Deathweaver. It's a somewhat noble and 'priestly' charge. I won't exactly say, that this means you are...for lack of better terms. 'Engaged' to your Mistress. Not exactly in the sense of 'wedlock' per-say, but in that your observance, subservience, and commitment of your body, mind and soul to her is from where you draw your strength. The later of which she already, quite literally 'owns'... As is standard for most Weavers. But as a Deathweaver... well, your lady can be somewhat tolerant. Well, allow me to rephrase that bit.... your lady WAS somewhat tolerant. However. You've only dealt with Peace. A third of her conscious persona. The 'debt' Grey owed, has accumulated over the last three Legacies, and well... you just redeemed her voucher all at once. That's not to say this is a 'bad' thing. But I won't say... this is good, either. Namely... because, me and the Little Miss had something of a falling out. Some business with a spear... Minor details, really. Any-who..." He pointed a finger into the sky. "...That little tyrant, is something you've not dealt with before. She tends to handle matters quite poorly in my honest opinion, but just my opinion of course. Ermph.... Yes. Well. Additionally. I'd like to wish you both the best of luck in your future endeavors and all-that-business." He turned to address the demon-spirit. "Ah! ...And you Child. A thousand apologies over the codices you'd recovered. They are sealed safely within Rain's Wake now. Which you will not be able to recover til the little-angel has been usurped from my seat. However, you were on the right track I assure you. Though at the 'tip of the iceberg', as it were. I offer you advisement now. Ally yourself once more with your family, and The Children. Or... enlist the aid of our fair-tyrant, who no doubt will have much to 'say' to you all. She will of course demand your complete and unconditional obedience.... but trivial matters. Ah... and of course..." He turned to Kal as he raised a hand glowing with a dim grey light. "...That is one fine hat. Truly. Yes. A very fine hat... well now..... Toodles~" He waved as he struck himself with his hand a void of light opening and closing instantly. The Ex-Keeper, Damas'ky, had fled. The cold intensified further less then a second later. The Seraph's gaze was locked upon the maelstrom at the center of the void of the world. Distantly, he could see them. His gaze pierced the storm, peeling back the layers of the clashing realities before him. The familiar child held hands with another, her hair long and black. They embraced. The darkness imploded within itself, the sky collapsing into one point, leaving nothing but a monochrome world and a sky of blank white like an unpainted slate. From the darkness. A women descended. The very air becoming living shadow, clothing her form. Her hair turning into a rich-ebon black. Creatures of darkness flickered out from the void. Butterflies of living bleakness... Though they were small. The Seraph could see them as they truly were... Basmae'al.


The Ending: Death
She descended to the ground, landing softly as if she gilded to the ground. She stood tall with her shoulder's square. Her eyes closed. Yet she tilted her head and smil-
She descended to the ground, landing softly as if she gilded to the ground. She stood tall with her shoulder's square. Her eyes closed. Yet she tilted her head and smiled, while in the same motion whipping her hand through the air in a terribly vicious back hand into Kestal'Fel's face. The blow struck her so hard, she was thrown head first into the bed of sharp blades of grass. Eris looked down in terror and shock, as the women brought her foot down upon the succubus's head, digging the thing shards deeper into her face, still with the same smile upon her face. She leaned over as she lorded over the pinned creature. She laughed manically as she spoke. "Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. Aha.. It looks as if you've tripped silly Child." Her words rang cold with venomous spite. "Tripped. Stumbled.... in more ways then one. " She pressed her heel into the side of her face, her unnatural strength beginning to dig the blunt of her boot into the demon's face, splitting skin like soft tofu. She laughed again. The color returning to her voice. she removed her foot from the face of the disembodied soul. She ran a hand across the Tiefling's cheek. "...I do so enjoy you both however. And so... I will forgive you both. Forgive your foolishness. Forgive your ignorance. Forgive your nativity." A tone of utter contempt in her voice as she continued. "...But know well. If you engauge in 'affairs' with my own again. I do not care who your Mother is... I will come for you. Oh yes. I will come for you... And there is no place. No hole deep enough to evade my sight." She ran her thumb across her lips while holding her by the then, then pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled again, the color returning to her face. "...Now that that' business is done. Let's put the past in the past, and start over. We are Death... The Ending. It's a pleasure to meet you Magister. " She waves her finger teasingly. " Just keep your hands...." She stepped on Kestal's back again.. " Off my Weaver... and I'm sure we'll get along just fine... Now.." She turned, waving at the Seraph with a cheerful smi-
She waves her finger teasingly. " Just keep your hands...." She stepped on Kestal's back again.. " Off my Weaver... and I'm sure we'll get along just fine... Now.." She turned, waving at the Seraph with a cheerful smile while turning to back fist The Weaver in the face with such force, she exploded into a flash of gore. A shower of mutilated flesh and broken bone was thrown nearly 600 ft away. The blast from the strike so violently quick the friction of her hand through the air, caused a small spontaneous combustion of fla-
A shower of mutilated flesh and broken bone was thrown nearly 600 ft away. The blast from the strike so violently quick the friction of her hand through the air, caused a small spontaneous combustion of flame. The Weaver lay upon the ground, instantly reincarnated, though still writhing in agonizing pain within a pool of her own remains. The End, straddled her, pinning her to the ground, as her body convulsed whispering into her ear "Oh. No.. You're not allowed to die. No. No. No. Not yet.... I decide when you die. Me. You are MINE. I own you." She ran her tongue over her neck possessively, like a beast claiming prey. "...And I don't 'share'. Cross me again... and i'll make you watch me skin you precious little toy for a century or two... or until I find the mercy in my heart to let her pass away. Yes... Yes. Do you understand now? " She grabbed her by the neck while standing, lifting her from the ground. She scoffed. " 'Deathweaver'..." She spit on her boots, holding her clear off the ground. " You know nothing.... Peace is too soft on you. " She pulled her close whispering in her ear again. "Test my patience...Oh please... test my patience.... I miss the screams so much, Mmhm.." She breathed into her ear, before tossing her to the side like trash. " You 'Deathweaver'... You are NOT FORGIVEN! Cross me again... I will not show your the mercy of an end to your suffering. You've paid the price but once in your charge.... Test me again... and you'll never stop paying. " She turned away, as if the distance between the world suddenly shrunk. They both were before the others. She looked to the demon-soul " Nelrin'Fel.... What a sorry sight you are now. Once so proud and bold. I desire men such as you, who burn with such passion and conviction. So i'll offer my hand to you once.... Swear your eternal and unconditional loyalty, and obedience to me. I will make you whole. I will turn you into a man, a demon worth the legends once spoken of you by your kin. Know well, though I do not tolerate incompetence nor petulance. Consider my words well." She turned away from him. The space between herself and the Seraph, non-existent. She pulled him close within an embrace. " My.... My. Kal'Fel now is it? I missed you so. Now look at you... " She ran a hand through his feathered wings. " ...Simple. Beautiful. " She buried her face in his chest for a moment. Then released him. She put a long nailed finger under his chin. " ...But you are my Seraph now. Yes, you are charged with The Judgement, however I task you now as well to keep those who bare my blessing in line.... My gift to you. I'll give you the opportunity to fix those transgressions under your sight by my own.... before I do." She flicked the nail pushing him away a step.

She smiled stepping away from the Seraph. " ...Mmm. I've always despised this place. I suppose there's no harm In moving in for awhile, right? " She lifted her hand to the sky with a swift motion. The maelstrom from the skies above fell to the earth....


The darkness washed over the entire plane drowning it in a terrible black inkor. Though they could breath. The crushing weight of the place built with each few seconds, as if they descended into the crushing depths of the ocean. The butterflies of bleakness danced about and shifted as the world sunk into deeper darkness. They changed into strange horrific walking gales of shadow. Lesser Basmae'al. The ungodly creatures, stalked about, swimming through the darkness. " ...Ah. Don't worry about them. They're harmless ...well to those who do not invoke my ire..." She took a sidelong glance at The Weaver. She looked at herself inquisitively. " Hmm... This form will not due. " A figured of shadow, without definition in it's shape and form overlapped her form. The living shade. The creature. begun to shift atop her as if it was a living skin. It reformed and she emerged, standing before them renewed. She leaned back as the darkness formed a throne-like chair, a creature knelt at her side baring a sheathed exotic curved blade similar to The Lord Raven's, but much shorter in regard to it's length. She smiled maliciously. " ...Well then. " She crossed her legs patiently. " What is the first matter of business?"


Lazy Roman
2015-05-27, 04:31 AM
Seraph Of The End

[Perception check with true sight.]

Seraph eyes finally come back to reality after all he just witnessed. Really this is nothing he has not seen before with Death but those vision still had left their mark. But he is needed and he forces himself to come back into his more playful cocky tone. As he does, he makes his way over to face Death keeping a small amount of distance as he begins his brief. He has all the all the stride of a young junior officer in a boardroom presenting his report to a visiting captain. “Before I begin might I ask please Miss, our relationship goes back too far for any silly fill in words. I hope it will always be just Kal between the two of us.” He smiles looking over her new form for a moment taking it in. “I must say Dear, we both have changed. Don’t you look ready for war. I do enjoy the change however. It is quite suiting."

Seraph nods still smiling to himself. “As for the discipline problem rest assured I will take personal care in the minding of your disciple from now on when she is with me. I do my best to keep a laissez faire mentality but when someone steps out of line especially for you it can’t be ignore. However, I hope she learns self-control fast. I can’t be running about with everything ahead of us. I do hate being held accountable for the stupidity of others. I think your punishment serves well enough for the time being. Besides for once in a long time were going to war. Granted a small splendid little war but none the less a war.”

He claps his hands together. “Now onto pressing matters, as you can see Miss. We’ve lost The Cathedral to the likes of Mirren or Rain as she calls herself now. She has somehow crossed back over to this side. Which as it was not under your authority it can be assumed it was your other half Life. Now The Cathedral at this point will be impossible to reclaim. The Children even with my strength as The Seraph do not have the capabilities nor the strength to take it back. Even Kole’fein was not ready for this turn in events. General Kole’fein has gone to gather his Ravens. While I can only assume The Slayers are only a step behind them as they receive their marching orders. I have been tasked with guarding my brothers and sisters while they finally end the legacy. Our next course of action is to go to the back to The Garden to meet with Mother and inform her as to these turn of events and press on. If she has no change. Most of my Siblings have their own tasks given to them. I have been tasked by Dear Mother with mastering the spiral arms and finding Krey. I have other tasks but they are more personal but will help achieve our mutual goals. On that note The Son of Misery is going about something he called 'The Second Cycle.' If you could shed any light on that or offer any more help at all it would be appreciated. That concludes all our agenda as it stands. Now if you have any questions or additions Miss? I know there is much to be done and so little time but ask I will do my best to help you as you have helped me over the years.”

2015-05-27, 04:59 AM

Nelrin listens but does not speak. He is petrified by the sheer power behind Death's movements. He clears the lump in his throat before beginning to speak, but nothing comes out. The words lost within a fragment of his consciousness. Instead the demon-spirit just gathers his thoughts in attempt to make sense of her offer to him. "All the power I ever wanted is within reach...but to become a slave to death itself? That's a bold move towards a rise of power. I must speak with mother on the matter and let the offer stand as it is. Perhaps mother has even more to offer than death does now...perhaps it's possible to gain power from each of them! I must speak with mother on the matter! I know you wouldn't mind me weighing my options Miss." As his mind wonders off, Nelrin snaps out of his mental feud. "HA! The power to become one of Death's sex slaves! It truly does sound like just that. Now the offer standing would give me the exact thing in which I search for at this very moment, yet it also comes with a hefty price. I need time to ponder upon your offer Miss. In the meantime the group and I must go see our mother. That is where our path leads next." He makes his way over to Nadia, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her to where Kestal lays grabbing her, forcing her to her feet. With only Eris left he makes his way to her, forcefully grabbing her as well. With Nadia, Kestal, and Eris in hand, Nelrin teleports away to see Mother.

Nelrin uses Return to Night ability.

2015-05-27, 05:10 PM

Suddenly knocked to the ground with enough force to completely knock the wind out of her, Kestal couldn't do more than groan in agony as Death very nearly smashed her head in with no more than a foot. She didn't even notice at first when a familiar, pink-haired and nude tiefling ran up to her and started tending to her wounds, unable to speak as she was, she couldn't register what was happening.


Not understanding at first what had happened, Eris couldn't figure out why she was watching herself be stepped on from above nor why she wasn't feeling the pain. It wasn't until Death had kissed her that she realized, and looked at her own hands. It's...my body...then... Seeing her other half lying half-dead in the grass and moaning in agony, Eris didn't have time to think properly, all she knew is that this wasn't right, and Kestal needed help. As Death turned her attention to Kal'Fel, Eris dashed for her other half, dropping to her knees and ignoring the stabbing of the blades of grass as she tried to heal Kestal's wounds. "It'll be fine, we're still here, we'll get thr--"

Eris & Kestal'Fel

It was by sheer coincidence that they saw it, glancing at them just in time to see their Nadia be turned into a shower of blood and gore. Kestal had it worse, knowing the exact moment she died as their telepathic connection was severed once more, and the pair cried out in tandem, their voices just ever so slightly different in tone from each other. "NO!"

Still, Eris was more aware than Kestal was when it happened. While Kestal'Fel saw no more than rage and a desire for revenge, Eris spotted Death reappear in her lover's remains with a newly resurrected Nadia and realized that there only chance out of this was to say nothing, which meant Kestal needed to be silenced and kept from doing anything stupid. Given the dire situtation, the idea of what this must look like never crossed the tiefling's mind as she mounted the still downed and struggling to rise Kestal, putting a hand over her mouth and using their telepathic connection, thankfully still functional. "Quiet! Nadia's not dead! Hurt, yes, but alive. Now it's your turn to shutup, the only chance we have of getting out of here is going to be if you don't get us obliterated!"

Not willing to listen, Kestal continued to struggle against her weaker other half, I'm going to tear that bitch apart, let me go! but by the time she'd succeeded in dismounting Eris, their brother had already made his move, grabbing the both of them and whisking them away.

I don't know if we actually took damage, so I don't know if I need to actually spend a spell here, but Eris will be using Abyssal Healing on Kestal if needed.

2015-05-27, 06:16 PM
Death's Wake: The Ending'

The Ending, The Seraph, The Exiled Son, The Weaver & The Daughters of Evenings
She sat back in her seat with crossed legs patiently as the Seraph stepped forward. She grinned in amusement at his words. "This is war. Do not question that for a moment... and very well. 'Kal' then." She tapped a finger upon her black throne as she listened to the black winged warrior speak. "Very well. I leave the matters of keeping my ranks in order. Heed my words well, for I will not settle for half-measures and my gaze pierces even The Veil. We've much history, but do not think I am above holding you accountable for this charge you've accepted. So if you will take this responsibility. Uphold it, enforce it, and do it well... Or you will stand before me again, under less pleasurable circumstance." He flinched, an almost feral growl escaping her, as her nails bit into the black stone-work of her great chair. "He...that disgusting pig. Is of no relation to me... Life.." She scoffed. Rising from her chair, grabbing the Seraph by the chin and pulling him close, stroking the side of his face with the back of her hand. "...I ate his flesh. I ripped out his fragile, tasty bits. I devoured his sanity. I feasted upon that fake. That fodder.... and I will return to finish him... He's no Brother of mine." She released him, and let him continue, falling back into her throne of black stone looking at the demon-pair struggle. "Hmph..." She look at them as if watching some insect catch itself on fire. Amused for a short moment, then becoming bored. She rose from her chair once more. The silent shadow creature rose to deliver her scabbarded blade to her hand. "Yes. The Ravens and Slayers do muster their strength. Though The Slayers are only at a fourth of their strength whilst they keep my Precious Child under guard. They will aid you, but they cannot enter The Petrichor with you. I Have already cut Rain down, thrice during this conversation. Unfortunately she's managed to set quite a number of interesting Lines in place. I could simply destroy The Cycle, and remove her little 'wards', but my Sister's disprove of course.... I do love Misery, but she's gotten in my way. You're free to do what you will, but know well Rain is as much a product of that fraud 'Life' as much as The Seventh Goddess. Rain intends to unite The Children of all Legacies Night has nurtured. While it is not obstructive... her methods are, and would involve the omnicide of all worlds to re-create Saern once more for The Children.... half of you. " She eyed them skeptically. "Your loyalties, and responsibilities are divided dear Kal. Perhaps you can defend your enemies and manage to put down the puppet, but I wonder. For how long? How long will it take before your sight appears not as a 'Brother' to them, but an obstruction? You all stand upon the line now. Allegiance to yourselves. To your duty as Chosen, or the prerogatives of The Children. You've each a choice to make. But that choice is yours to make alone... Go to The Garden. Speak to your Mother. But know if you will stand against me. I will end you, and neither your little Slayers nor 'mommy', will save you." She slammed the butt of her scabbard into the ground with a resounding sound of finality. The discussion ended. She smirked at the demon-spirit's thoughts and words. "...And this is why you are worth my time, though you left as such a sad wretch. Your Mother will offer you no offer. She makes demands, not negotiations. I'd be surprised if she let you leave at all bringing the matter to her." She paused at his words, then cackled raucously, a crude grin upon her face. "Sex slave? Ha! I do not require a pact to take who I please. I do not desire you because of what you have to offer. You are nothing. I desire you, because you intrigue me and your aspirations, and greed is boundless. You hate, and love truly and passionately, living with contempt even for those that you would assist. You are worthy of becoming a true demon.. the creature you sought to be when you turned your back upon your kin. Go now. Consider my offer. Should you accept. Speak aloud; ' I accept The End '. It matters not where you are. I will answer you. " The Demon-spirit went about gathering the women, Kestal issuing a parting curse to which the dark women laughed, and blew a kiss as they vanished within a black mist.

***Nadia, Kestal, Eris & Nelrin Have Left The Game

She looked back to the Seraph. She sat down upon her chair, sighing aloud looking upon the floor. "I've seen it already. The Petrichor. It has been tainted. You will need to arm yourself with Calibers and Bolt-Guns from The Slayers. Misery has connected the pain with The Evernight. Altering it's state. The Guardian of the gate has been slain not long ago. If not for Grey's assistance in sealing the portal... there would have been quite the mess. The world has been reflected Between The Evernight and EvenFall. The Hollowed Tide now washes the lands bleeding the life from the people. They world has changed, adapted to combat these threats, but with the time spent. The Hollowed Souls have already altered, adapted into strange creatures unlike any within The Night. Regardless of your decision, you will need to contest the forces their, that own allegiance to none. The Weave is virtually non-existent within the place, and what Lines it possesses are tangled and distorted beyond any possible repair. A Women. A Demon, and A Beast lay within the shadows of that world. Each baring one of the Gate Keeper's Keys. They are not of this Legacy. They are from another place far darker..." She rose to her feet. taking a sidelong glance at him. "...What are you still doing here? Go make your choice. " She waved her hand. The force threw him backwards the shadows behind him shattering into a void of light, falling through the world and into a new Wake.

***Kal'Fel Has Left The Game