View Full Version : 3rd Ed Fighter Styles: Concept idea

2015-05-24, 05:16 PM
So there's a current thread called "What do you want from melee?" and as I was replying the below I actually quite enjoyed the idea/concept.
So my problem with fighters in general is that they're trading spells, abilities and Rage for a combat feat which in most low level cases just gives a measly +1 to something... which when you're rolling a 20 sided dice may as well not exist in the most case.

For me the biggest flaw with straight melee/archer characters are the feats. They're weak and flawed to such a degree that while the spell casters are gaining the ability to drop a group of angry boars (level 1) a fighter is getting a measly +1 to hit, with a single weapon.

My suggestion starts with the Fighter, supposedly the most versatily none-spell caster class.

Level 1: Choose a Style.

The styles are, Agile, Brute, Commander, Archer, Defender and Two Weapon
Then on each level they don't get a bonus feat they gain a bonus ability which is to do with their 'Style'.

So level 3:

You gaint +10ft to your movement speeds. You are no longer restricted to a movement before or after you attack.
(This would function like spring attack but not suck and would later allow maneuvers and multiple attacks.)
{Side note, we all know spring attack is annoyingly painful to get and never feels rewarding when you end up with it. At this level Wizards have invisibilty which everyone would say is broken if a Fighter could gain this at level 2 even at just once per day.}

When you hit an opponent with a two handed weapon they must make an opposed Strength check or take -2 on attacks on their next round as you shake them with your powerful blows.
(level 5 would be applying Shaken and push them back 5ft. There's probably plenty of other things it could progress into.)
{A level 1 wizard gets this on creatures of 4HD or less if they FAIL their save.}

As a move action you can bolster your allies and their minions. You call out instructions, guiding your allies with your tactical prowess. Each ally who follows your instructions may get a +2 to any one die (of their choice) that they roll before your next turn.
This can affect a maximum of 1 + 1 per 2 levels of fighter you posses (So only 2 at level 3 and 3 at level 4), each affected must be willing and if they perform actions seperate to your instructions they gain no benefit.
(This would eventually be a swift action and progress to giving a reroll or possibly allowing them to roll two die and choose the best of the two.)
{This is similar to the level 0 spell Guidance but better, obviously.}

While stood next to an ally you may, as an immediate action, take a -4 to your AC to provide them with a bonus equal to your shield.
Also, as part of the same immediate action, you may provide them with total cover from ranged attacks. But the ranged attacks must have to travel through your square.
(Possibly my weakest idea, but it would start as a bodyguard type and move into being able to prevent a variety of different affects.)

Two Weapon:
You may forgoe your attack with your off-hand to use it to parry the next attack against you, to successfully parry you only need to beat their attack roll.
(Level 5 would give a free pounce but only when wielding two weapons. Level 7 would be Parry is an immediate action but you lose one attack on the next round. I personally think their abilities should leap frog between giving attacking options and defending options. Possibly level 9 would be a form of whirlwind?)
{It is ridiculous that a level adjustment 0 race (Shifter) can get an effective pounce with it's claws at level 1 but a fighter can't get it for possibly 6+ levels.}

You can provide covering fire, this is a full round action. Covering fire is 1 attack roll and deals damage as a normal attack, how ever if successful the target must make a Will save or be restricted to a single ranged attack or move action.
(This would progress to Trick shots which would trade the ability to make multiple attacks with the ability to craft a battlefield better.)
{I'm pretty sure archery has more affects in the real world than it does in DnD, it should be less about pumping out arrows and more about interacting with your opponent.}

What do people think about those sorts of options? Obviously they're not perfect but it would allow for a more varied and fun play for the fighter class allowing them to fill more roles than damage sponge and guy who gets in the way.

I am missing a mounted option but I have absolutely no experience in that so can't really suggest very much. Maybe give some varient on animal companion but for horses/riding dogs only?

Also I understand that the above options would negate some existing feats but these styles would be restricted as an ability of the fighter so those feats still fill the slot of giving the option to none fighter classes.

2015-05-24, 05:48 PM
I had a vaguely similar idea (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19182866&postcount=5), although I did it by having lolhueg feat chains instead of actually changing the fighter.

2015-05-25, 08:58 AM
I like there you are going with this, but I feel the Defender one does need improvement. I would personally go with a Combat Expertise style trade: For every -1 to your AC that you take, all adjacent allies gain +1 to their AC (cap at your BAB)

2015-05-25, 12:09 PM
I like there you are going with this, but I feel the Defender one does need improvement. I would personally go with a Combat Expertise style trade: For every -1 to your AC that you take, all adjacent allies gain +1 to their AC (cap at your BAB)

I actually love that, that's a great plan!

2015-05-25, 04:14 PM
Check out Jiriku's Fighter Fix. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?194834-3-5-Fighter-Remix-Doin-it-old-school) I think he covered pretty much everything you wanted in a fighter.

2015-05-25, 11:49 PM
I did kinda the same thing with Disciplines with my Fighter fix (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?318268-My-Latest-big-project!-(-a-big-deal-fighter-fix))

And yes Jiriku's is great as well, and I'm pretty sure Grod and Zeigander both did similar works but alas I could not find them with a quick search.