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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next 5E Background, the Vigilante (PEACH)

2015-05-24, 05:17 PM
I made this background after finishing season 1 of Arrow, because I wanted to play a character who was the same flavor of character as the Arrow/Oliver Queen is, but Folk Hero didn't really fit, in my opinion. I haven't had a chance to use this background in game yet, because my current character is still alive, and I enjoy playing them. So, I want to share it with everyone here, and get your opinions on it, and see if it gives too much, or if it's something that you would actually enjoy playing. I thank you for any and all feedback :smallsmile:


2015-05-24, 05:20 PM
You can only have two languages/tool proficiencies.

For the feature, maybe it should be something along the lines of local law enforcement ignoring some of your crimes as a vigilante.

2015-05-24, 05:25 PM
You can only have two languages/tool proficiencies.

For the feature, maybe it should be something along the lines of local law enforcement ignoring some of your crimes as a vigilante.

What did I....Oh...I forgot to take away the disguise kit. Thank you for catching that. I like that idea as a potential change for the feature, but I think, thematically, it makes more sense that the thieve's guild would fear you enough that they would help you to stay in your good graces. I don't see law enforcement taking your side, particularly not at level 1. (and the thieve's guild might not either, but thematically it makes more sense to me, as I said.)

2015-05-24, 05:29 PM
Would it make more sense for them to have proficiency with the Disguise Kit, or to know how to read, write, and speak the Thieves' Cant?

2015-05-24, 05:30 PM
Disguise Kit, definitely.

The Thieves Cant is a Rogue-exclusive feature anyways.

2015-05-24, 07:50 PM
Thieve's cant is all gesture, iirc, so reading and writing it might be a bit silly (you would have to draw every gesture). And a disguise kit fits better than a climber's kit.

Other than that, things look good!

2015-05-24, 09:16 PM
I think Thieves' Cant is ok as an extra language. I think I've seen it elsewhere as a background feature (might have been another homebrew though).

Climber's kit is called a kit, but isn't listed under Tools so I don't think it requires special training. If you want to make your character better in climbing why don't you consider giving them Athletics instead of Acrobatics, or let them choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth (not a mainstream option in the PHB but why not).

I have a bigger issue with the background's feature. The Vigilante is supposed to keep the streets free of crime and the Thieves' Guild is probably behind most of those crimes, so why would they want to help you? Sorry, I haven't watched Arrow if it is clear in the series. Is the character an outlaw? Wouldn't this put you against both the law officials *and* the criminals?

2015-05-24, 10:18 PM
Remember that thieves cant isn't know if you have the criminal background. It's only known if you're a rogue.

It's a fluff ability though. So...not a big deal?

2015-05-25, 07:14 AM
1. I understand that you are taking this from Arrow or other venues of stylized entertainment but don't you think the core of the Vigilante is too actually be able find out what is going on? Additionally the other idea is that they submit a criminal whether it be for the police to pick up or for other angles. As such wouldn't it make better sense that the skills would be Athletics and Investigation?
2. As others have said it is a little odd that a Vigilante would have that kind of standing with criminals. Shouldn't it be something to do with tracking or gaining appropriate information?

2015-05-26, 02:24 AM
1. I understand that you are taking this from Arrow or other venues of stylized entertainment but don't you think the core of the Vigilante is too actually be able find out what is going on? Additionally the other idea is that they submit a criminal whether it be for the police to pick up or for other angles. As such wouldn't it make better sense that the skills would be Athletics and Investigation?
2. As others have said it is a little odd that a Vigilante would have that kind of standing with criminals. Shouldn't it be something to do with tracking or gaining appropriate information?

To Point 1: Hmmmmmmm....maybe Stealth and Investigation. As far as skills go, I think that a lot of Vigilantes would likely be very stealthy. Able to sneak in and surprise a criminal.

To Point 2: My thought was that you has some kind of leeway, maybe they want to have you indebted to them, (or if a higher level character takes this background) they might be indebted to you. My main thought for having this feature would be that they do something for you, but maybe later on in the campaign, they contact you to cash in that favor. Maybe the favor plays into your flaws, or into your bond. But my thought is that it should include a difficult moral question for the character.

2015-05-26, 02:27 AM
I think Thieves' Cant is ok as an extra language. I think I've seen it elsewhere as a background feature (might have been another homebrew though).

Climber's kit is called a kit, but isn't listed under Tools so I don't think it requires special training. If you want to make your character better in climbing why don't you consider giving them Athletics instead of Acrobatics, or let them choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth (not a mainstream option in the PHB but why not).

I have a bigger issue with the background's feature. The Vigilante is supposed to keep the streets free of crime and the Thieves' Guild is probably behind most of those crimes, so why would they want to help you? Sorry, I haven't watched Arrow if it is clear in the series. Is the character an outlaw? Wouldn't this put you against both the law officials *and* the criminals?

For the most part it would. But if a thieves' guild wanted to keep the player indebted, or if they owed the player a favor (I'm currently playing in a game where the Rogue was a member of an assassin's guild, and she was a very prominent member. But she led a coup because the leader was incompetent. She spared his life upon winning, and he was indebted to her.) I realize that that's not universal, but I feel the reason you would be able to use this feature would be very background reliant, and that you'd have to work with your DM on why you would be able to - but I feel that *most* of the features are like that.