View Full Version : 3rd Ed Some Melee Artificer questions.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-05-25, 11:52 AM
I may be joining a 5th level game in the near future and since Eberron Content is allowed (despite not taking actually taking place in Eberron) I though, why not try an Artificer? Specifically I want to try and make a a two-weapon fighter; atificers are already tier 1 so I can afford to make some non-optimal choices.

Now for the actual questions.

What are some good spells to consider when making magic gear? There are some obvious one like Ferocity of the Sanguine Rage, Wraithstrike, Divine Power, Blades of Fire, etc. But I'm sure there are loads more that I don't even know about.

The Infusion class feature mentions that you can use metamagic feats to affect the infusion, does this applies to metamagic rods? Related to the last question, since weapon augmentation isn't compatible with chain spell is there a way so I can affect more than one weapon with just one "cast"?