View Full Version : The Clone Wars: Chapter 1: The Battle of Krant

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-25, 09:01 PM
The echoes of battle have started to fade after the Battle of Geonosis. With the Droid Army now fully operational and dozens of systems allying themselves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the full scale of The Clone Wars have begun.

In the mere month since the Battle of Geonosis, hundreds of Jedi Knights have taken the roles as generals of the Grand Army of the Republic, leading soldiers and clones alike against the Separatist. Jedi Masters Bren Ossaki and Vexa Getz are two of the most recent to join the ranks, being accompanied by their Padawans and a legion of Clone Troopers to reinforce the forces on the planet Krant, as well as a select few chosen to lead a small strike team: Fran Brellaine, a frontline officer from the Republic's 137th legion, Dr. Benjamin Edicus, a former doctor turned combat medic, and a Gungan wildlife expert named Bolo.

As night falls, the Jedi and the Clone forces begin their descent to the planet's surface and the Clone trooper's base. As the first drop ship sets down, the two Jedi Masters and their Padawans, followed by the elite troopers of the legion and the selected troops to lead the Clone's special strike team. As you all step off, the moisture of Krant's night is the first thing to hit you, followed quickly by the heat of it's summer. The Republic base has found itself a fairly small clearing on the otherwise forested planet, leaving most of the surrounding scenery to be nothing more than tall trees.

Master Bren turns towards you all as the last one steps off the drop ship. "Alright, Master Vexa and I are going to get caught up to speed on the situation of the front. I need you all to stay here until the troops have landed, then come meet us in the command room once they've all landed." The two Master's start walking off towards the center building of the base as the four elite troops that landed with you all step off towards the side, leaning against the shipment crates that have recently been dropped, leaving Jan, Fran, Ben, Bolo, and Ando standing on the landing zone as the next three drop ships land, letting the next few hundred troops off.

Master Bren Ossaki: an elder human Jedi Master who has been teaching young Jedi who specialize in lightsaber combat for decades. While he has never been a member of the Jedi Council, he is still renowned for his art and his successful teachings. Despite his age, he volunteered to take the role of a general for the Republic, as well as taking his Padawan Jan Altaira with him.

Master Vexa Gatz: a young, recently appointed Jedi Master. While Nautolans are known for being nimble, Master Vexa has followed her studies more closely towards mastery of the Force and combat strategies, becoming an asset to the war front from a commander's position. Along with her first Padawan Ando Malon, she is hoping the practice of strategy in the war can teach him lessons of patience for the remainder of his studies.

Krant: A forest covered planet in the Bothan sector on the Mid-Rim. In a mere month after the Battle of Geonosis, many Mid-Rim planets became the target of the CIS' first battles, trying to take Mid Rim sectors and blocking off the Outer Rim from the Republic.

2015-05-26, 12:10 AM
The moment the Jedi masters take their leave, one of the few non-armored officers makes a few gestures. Signals, directed to the clones in the entourage, that look suspiciously like military sign language. His - presumably his, given the apparent build in his fabrics, the helmet obscuring his face, and the inches he has over the rest of the ranks - fingers point to various things - helmet comms, power packs, rifle stocks. A voice soon follows to articulate his commands.

"Check your ammo, troopers," a synthesized, masculine voice barks. Funnily enough, he seems to lack the Mando accent the troopers share. "Double-check your equipment for faults. The moment we leave base camp with the masters, air support and resupply is going to be unreliable. The fewer problems we can have in the field, the better off we'll be."

His helmet turns towards the padawans, the medic and the Gungan, in that order. "That goes double for you lot too."

2015-05-26, 02:27 AM
Benny steps off the craft, adjusting his glasses as he watches the clone troopers taking their positions. He tugs at the collar of his shirt; the heat and humidity were irksome, but there were worse environs out there. At the suggestion of the armored man, Benny swings his backpack around, taking a look inside to make sure all his supplies were in order. He had already checked when they were on board, but you couldn't be too careful with this sort of thing. He also checks the pistol on the inside of his lab coat, ensuring that it's easily reached and ready for use. Once he's sure everything is where it should be, Benny readjusts his backpack to it's previous position.

"All good here," Benny says, his expression solemn.

2015-05-26, 04:55 AM
Jan Altaira

The young padawan stepped off the shuttle and almost stumbled as a wall of humidity greeted her.
"Ugh," she said, putting her hair up in a ponytail immediately, for what little good it would do in the tropical heat. She sat down near one of the crates and breathed the night air deeply, glad to be on a planet again and away from the recycled shuttle air, even if it was oppressively hot and humid. Within only a few minutes, a drop of sweat tickled its way down her back, most likely the first of many, despite what the holo-ads proclaimed about her all-temperature cloak.

At the officer's prompting, she drew her lightsaber and checked the fittings, ensuring it was assembled tightly. Once she finished, she watched as the crates were offloaded one at a time. She sent a few glances at the others who had arrived with her, but lacked the courage to go up to a random stranger and introduce herself, so she stayed where she was, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

2015-05-26, 05:30 AM
Ando followed the others off the ship in relative silence, the hood of his own all weather cloak pulled up to give him some shelter from Krant's climate. He took a moment to look around at those assembled and smiled, at least he wasn't the only one apparently lacking in combat experience.

At the soldier prompt, he did little more than a gesture of compliance as he tapped the comm-link in his ear to make sure he was receiving signal.

"Seems fine to me, but thank you for your concern all the same, officer."

He bowed his head slightly to all those assembled.

"I'm Ando, by the way."

2015-05-26, 01:29 PM
"Brellaine. Gunnery sergeant, heavy weapons specialist-in-training. I'm your free-thinker. Babysitter too, probably. Didn't know we were pressing kids into this."

He huffs through his vocabulator and shifts his equipment around, going through his own inspection. He wasn't much different from the clones in terms of equipment. A DC-17 was slung over his shoulder, a pair of grenades underneath it along a tight bandolier. The rifle was standard issue, save for the scope screwed along the top of the casing. The grenades, likely the same as the ones the clones carried.

2015-05-26, 02:08 PM
"And alas, I didn't know they were pressing trainee's into the unit either, I guess that leaves us both looking red-faced." he grinned in jest at his comment, before taking a step back from Brellaine in case the officer lacked a sense of humor.

"That said, rest assured that this kid shall endeavor to require as little babysitting as possible."

He took a position resting on the edge of a crate.

"Might as well take a seat, once they get on to Master Vexa discussing strategy, we will be here for a while."

2015-05-26, 05:17 PM
All the trees, the moisture, the heat... It reminded Bolo of home. Maybe dis place not so bad. It certainly beat some of the other worlds that he had been on assignment. As the only alien on the landing pad at the moment, Bolo's short and stocky blue frame sticks out like a bruised thumb. His all-temp cloak bulges with a large backpack underneath and a bandolier laden with boomer energy balls crosses his leather jerkin-clad pale white chest. Bolo leans on his cesta, a stick-like weapon, as he considers the surrounding area. "Yousa no worry, Brellaine. Dis Gungan always ready." Bolo takes a moment to arm the crook of his cesta with an energy ball. He moves to the side of the camp, looking for anything out of the ordinary and trying to recall what intel he had been given about the local flora and fauna.
Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (Life Sciences): [roll1]

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-26, 06:23 PM
Perception: A quick glance around shows that the clearing the base is set up in is JUST large enough for the entire base. Around every inch of the perimeter is Krant's dense forest. With the trees blocking most of the view, a few motion and thermal sensors have been set up around the base to accompany the patrolling squads.

Life Science: While Krant has it's own version of large predators, none come close to the top of the galaxies worst. Most of the predators and basic life forms for Krant would have most likely ran off from the area due to the gun fire and sounds of combat.

As the last shuttles touch down, the last few hundred troops unload and take their positions within the base, following Fran's orders without question. These few shuttles have finished reinforcing the base with 2,000 new troops, and another 7,000 still on the Acclamator you and the Jedi Masters have arrived on, preparing themselves to be of aid where needed once the battle starts again.

After the last Clones walk off to their new posts, a single Clone walks up towards the landing zone, yellow trim on his armor marking him as a commanding officer. "Commander Altaria, Commander Malon, General Ossaki and General Gatz are requesting you and your team in the command post ASAP." With a quick salute, he spins on his heel and walks back towards the command post before taking a different turn to finish another errand. Once the commanding officer leaves, the four Clones you landed with hop up from their seats against the crates and start walking off towards the command post without a word.

2015-05-26, 07:45 PM
Jan Altaira

Jan jumped to her feet as the clone spoke. She still wasn't used to being addressed as 'commander', and subconsciously brushes some leaves and dirt off her backside as he did. She nodded and followed to the command post at a brisk walk, already getting goosebumps in anticipation of whatever it was her master wanted her assistance with.

2015-05-26, 08:18 PM
Dr. Benjamin Edicus

As the clone trooper addresses their group, Benny readjusts his backpack straps and starts walking towards the command post. Since the two Jedi were referred to as 'Commanders', Benny stays behind them but keeps an equal pace with them. As they walk, Benny takes a cautious look into the trees to see if there was anything threatening in this unfamiliar world.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-05-26, 10:21 PM

'Brell' salutes back to the clone, and lowers his rifle to the hip. He snorts back at Ando. "Now's the best time to piss away your childhood, so... keep on that. I'll cover your flank either way, big guy."

He takes one last look at his things before he follows the stream of troopers to the command post. Making something of a subconscious effort to stay a few meters off the main line, and keep his eyes on the trees. Even out of combat, he seems like something of a vanguard.

2015-05-27, 09:04 AM
At the abbreviation ASAP, Ando's relaxed body language stiffened as he rose to a stand, and he started making his way towards the command post. It would not do to keep two masters waiting.

He fell in to step beside the other Jedi as they walked.

"So, are you as excited about this am I am?"

2015-05-27, 09:26 AM
Jan Altaira

A little nervous laugh escaped Jan's lips as the older Padawan caught up with her. She had to nearly trot in order to keep pace with those around her.

"I'm... Well I'm actually pretty scared. I don't want to die, but we have to do what we can, right?" she asked, her hands twisting about her lightsaber hilt seemingly of their own accord.

2015-05-27, 10:06 AM
He inclined his eyebrow at the mention of been scared - it was rare to find a trainee that admitted to fear.

"Do not fret, the masters won't throw us into a situation they think we can't handle. Besides, didn't you hear ..." he nodded his head back towards Brellaine "... we have a babysitter." he broke into a smile at that.

2015-05-27, 01:37 PM
Since Brellaine jumped into point position, Bolo contents himself with hanging around at the back of the group, cesta over his shoulder. He keeps to himself as they walk forward. What would wesa talk about? The weather? Hair? Dem Pod-boyos? Ugh, disen gonna be a long one...

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-27, 02:24 PM
As the group and the four extra Clones step into the command post, it became instantly aware that the tension in this one room was much thicker than the humidity outside. In the center of the room, a hoot able lit up, showing what looks like an old city, or a new one under the conditions of war. The two Masters nod to the group as they enter, then turn back to the third in the discussion. This man was no Clone, but instead was a commander of Republic forces before the Republic Army became the Clone Army.

"We need to strike now before the enemy get reinforcements!" he yelled across at Master Gatz. "We need to force the fight while we have the numbers advantage, or else the city will never be taken, and we will lose the sector!"

Master Ossaki merely nods as he steps back slightly from the holo-table. With a soft smile and a nod to the newly entered group. Master Gatz just hangs her head for a moment with a sigh, gathering herself once again, then smiling as she looks up and sees the new group. "Ahh, just what we need, a second opinion. I'm sure you agree, General.

The man grumpy as he realizes the Commanders that were sent for were mere children to him. Master Gatz merely brushed him aside and begun her explanation. "This old city has become the central battle ground for this front. Unfortunately, the CIS have complete control of it. Now, from the reports of our recon, the Droid army has suffered major casualties from the last few scrimshaw. Because of that, they have set up a defensive stance in the city. General Addams here thinks we should rush the city and use our advantage since our reinforcements got here before the Droid. However, the CIS had control of the city and it's surrounding clearing longer, so they have the tanks and heavy machinery that we do not. On top of that, the city has an impressive grid of anti-aircraft canons, so air support during the battle will be impossible unless that grid is taken down. Any thoughts or questions?"

2015-05-27, 03:15 PM
"Send in small teams ahead of the main force to sabotage the anti-air grid. Then feign a frontal assault to draw most of their heavy vehicles out onto the clearing. Once their forces are committed, take down the grid, leaving our bombers open targets. That would deliver us land and air superiority."

He turned to acknowledge General Addams.

"And if that fails, you would still get the chance to press home your attack and incur the massive loss of our forces - crippling our ongoing campaign."

He turned his head back to Master Gatz, eager to see if his assumption was correct.

2015-05-27, 03:29 PM
At the mention of small strike teams, Bolo pipes up, "Disa city... It got lotso sewers and underground power infrastructure, right? Send in some boyos down in dose places. De makineeks no be very creative or tinken much. Only marchen in de streets and alleys. Dey never look down dere. Wesa be sneaky and come right up under dere entrenchments and blow up dere big guns with big boomers." Bolo shoves a fist up to emphasize the troops rising from the tunnels.

2015-05-27, 03:47 PM
Brell gives an affirmative grunt. "Well said, Gungan. If they have storm surge aqueducts, we have another angle of entry too."

"More than likely, we'll be facing a token force around the AA even after the feint. B-2's, possibly tanks. I don't doubt that the Seppies will keep some forces in reserve. In addition to demolition supplies, I am requisitioning a heavy repeater and squad-level heavy munitions for our support troops."

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-27, 03:52 PM
Master Gatz nods as the ideas start rolling in, pleased to see her Padawan thinking quickly for how to set the enemy up, the smirk staying on her face as she shakes her head. "We were thinking the same thing, which was the original reason for your team. However, when they fortified the city, those targets became too heavily guarded for anything less than a few hundred men. The sewer idea might prove useful though..."

General Addams then gives a confirmation nod towards Bell. "We certainly can't give you access to all our demolition gear, but you will be equipped to handle the job for sure."

2015-05-27, 04:20 PM
Benny takes off his glasses, pulling out a cloth to wipe the humidity's residue from the lenses as he contemplates the situation.

"I'm not exactly a man of war," Benny says as he replaces his glasses, "But this plan seems quite sound, coming up from the sewers and all. When do we start?"

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-27, 04:46 PM
General Addams grumbles for a long moment, then mutters as he looks over at the group again. "We suspect the Droid reinforcements will be here within 48 hours from the transmission we intercepted. If that's accurate, you will be leaving this morning. It's a few hours hike, and we don't have the transport to move you stealthily near the city. We'll study the sewers and find you an entry point, but the question of which target is still unanswered. Grabbing both targets at once would be best, perhaps, but they are far too fortified to grab both by a squad. "

2015-05-27, 05:03 PM
"... we'll have to rely on a rapid follow-up, then. Take one target, and immediately attack with the main force while the Seppies're reeling. Preferably, go for the AA grid first to give us the air support to engage those tanks."

2015-05-27, 07:31 PM
Jan Altaira

Jan's mouth dropped open slightly as Ando immediately suggested a strong tactical plan. Her brain hadn't even finished processing the situation by the time he was halfway through his solution. Then the gungan came up with the idea of using the sewers, something she never would have thought of. She began to wonder if perhaps she didn't belong here, if she would only get in the way... Then she had an idea of her own.

"If we can get under the AA batteries, maybe we don't even need to engage the fortified enemy," she said, "we might be able to collapse the sewer beneath them. The tanks might move, but the big guns should be stationary, right?"

2015-05-28, 01:22 AM
Ando nodded his head slightly at Jan's plan.

"A sound idea. Brellaine, you're our heavy weapons specialist. What would it take to make that happen?"

Ando paused a moment.

"Wait, two targets? Just so we are clear, are their two AA grids? Or are you asking us to take down the armoured division too before the ground forces hit?"

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-28, 08:33 AM
Master Gatz just shakes her head as she waves her hand over the holo-table, zooming it in to just show the city. "The grid itself is six AA guns stationed around the perimeter of the city, just on the inside of the wall. The guns themselves only have four or five guards, but the grid control center was the original target we had, and it's guarded by at least twenty droids, with the rest of the droid forces nearby. The tanks themselves were the second target. Our recon says that they were using the factories here, on the south corner of the city as a make shift repair bay. Either target could be accessed by the sewers, so getting past most of the forces shouldn't be a problem."

2015-05-28, 01:58 PM
Brell rubs 'his' helmet's chin. "If we're hitting each of the AA emplacements, that'd take six charges bare minimum, and probably more time than we can afford."

Then it hits him. "... is there a central power generator? If we can find a way inside, or underneath it, we could level the complex with something like three bombs and knock the Seppies out for a good hour, then use the distraction from that to enter the AA facility and sabotage the network."

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-28, 02:56 PM
General Addams rubs his chin for a moment as he thinks. "Yeah, there's a generator powering most of the Droid systems, but it's gonna be hard to hit. We found the building for it, but it's highly reinforced, so you won't be able to hit it from below. On top of that, there's a shield around the building, so long range bombardment is out of the question as well. It would have to be hit on foot, but it would render the AA guns unoperational for a few hours, until the Droids set up a new power supply for them. It would probably be better guarded than the AA control though."

2015-05-28, 06:22 PM
"Well... if we're feeling stingy about demo equipment, I guess we're hitting the control nexus first. I don't see an attack on the city going anywhere without gunship support."

2015-05-28, 06:32 PM
"Do dese makineeks got some kind of boss? If wesa can go after dat boyo, we can end dis assault early when the Vice-boy cries for his mama.""

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-28, 08:40 PM
Master Gatz shakes her head as she looks over the group with an approving nod. "Afraid not. This seems to just be a Droid Commander, taking orders from the Separatist over radio chatter. Their channels are strongly scripted, so the best we can get is that reinforcements are coming in within the next fourty-eight hours."

General Addams steps forward and cuts in once Master Gatz takes a moment to catch her breath. "That's why we need to get in there and take them out, now! We have our reinforcements before they did, so we need to take the city back!"

"Of course, General. The only issue is that with your plan of rushing the city is going to throw away almost all of our reinforcements. Of course, a man with the tactics you poses know the basic rule that it takes twice the number of men to win a battle against high ground or fortified opponents." A smirk escapes her lip as she looks back towards the holo-table, then over at Master Ossaki, who has been leaning silently against the far wall across from General Addams.

He nods as he leans forward again to rejoin the briefing. "Very well. So the strike team will travel through the sewers and take out the AA grid control center. As that's happening, I'll lead the Clones into combat on the fields. This should draw the majority of Droid forces away from the city, making the infiltration from the strike team easier. Once you reach your entry point, you are to signal me to make sure the bulk of the Droid Army is out of the city, or at least distracted."

General Addams closes his eyes for a long second, thinking it over to make sure nothing was missed. "Very well. As General Ossaki is leading the ground forces, I'll lead the air support personally. Once the grid is down, the ships can take the majority of the droid forces. General Gatz shall stay here in the command center, leading the assault from here. It's settled than. Commander Altaria, Commander Malon, you and your team should get some sleep, your team will be leaving before dawn. It is going to be a long hike, so prepare yourselves. The Clone Commandos here will be joining you as well, just to bolster your numbers. They are at your command. As for the demolition gear, I'll see what we can spare for your team. The majority will need to remain with the bulk of the force, just to help deal with the larger droids."

With that, General Addams salutes and dismisses you and your team as the four Clones walk around the table again and head out with you, leaving the Generals behind in the room. The Clone troopers outside soon direct you towards your quarters as the Commandos head out to their own quarters without a word to you.

As morning nears, General Addams and Masters Ossaki and Gatz meet you at the exit to the base. General Addams passes a back pack towards the group with quick shake of his head. "It's the best we could gather. You have two explosive charges and four detonite charges, all connected to a remote for individual detonation. This should do you for your mission. Any questions before you head out?"

2015-05-29, 01:52 AM
"Are we expecting any comm jamming ?"

Ando said as he finished up his own checks.

2015-05-29, 11:15 AM
Brell double-checks the his ammo and the settings on his rifle. "If we are, you're gonna have to learn military sign real quick."

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-29, 02:15 PM
General Addams shakes his head towards Ando. "Negative. If they had jamming equipment, we wouldn't have as much recon performed as we do. However, don't go in without at least expecting it. No reason to get caught off guard."

2015-05-29, 03:42 PM
"Might we requisition a signal flare as a back up then, to signal when then grid is down."

He looked over the others.

"Other than that, I'm good to go if everyone else is."

2015-05-29, 04:01 PM
"Wesa gettin' a map of some kind? Mesa can find the way, but wesa be done a lotten faster if mesa can have something to navigate with."

2015-05-29, 04:07 PM
Benny cleans his glasses (using solution and checks his medical supplies yet again. Since nothing is amiss, he dons his lab coat and ensures the pistol inside it is functioning properly.

"I'm ready," Benny says.

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-29, 04:36 PM
One of the Clone Commandos pulls a small pistol from his belt, popping the barrel forward and showing a signal flare already in the barrel before setting it away. "Already covered."

General Addams steps forward then, passing a data pad towards you. "IIt's a map of the city and the sewer system under it. It should get you to the closest entry point near the grid center. As for the sewer entrance, there's a pipe busted open down at the large lake 25 clicks South-west of here. It's a single pipe that connects to the city."

2015-05-29, 04:40 PM
Taking the datapad, Bolo comments, "Mesa can probably swim in da lake from da opposite bank to avoid detection and scout disa pipe to make sure it safen. Dey mighten have security measures against giant vermin like dianoga. No good to just be walkin into someting like dat."

2015-05-29, 06:37 PM
Brell nods. "Signal us for backup in case something goes wrong. Worse comes to worst, we can abort the mission and not take unnecessary casualties."

2015-05-29, 09:24 PM
Jan Altaira

Jan paid attention through the rest of the briefing, though she didn't have much more to offer. The next morning she was awakened before dawn, her eyes burning with sleepiness. She dressed quickly, movements more or less on autopilot. On the way to the meeting point, she stopped to pick up a rebreather, and by the time she joined the others, her eyelids felt only twice as heavy as they usually did. She approached general ossaki and spoke quietly.

"Any special instructions or advice, master?" she asked.
Her tone was neutral, but her stance, hands clasped in front of her, betrayed her nervousness at taking on her first mission without her master by her side.

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-29, 10:50 PM
Master Ossaki smiles as comfortingly as he can towards his pupil with a soft shake of his head. "There's no need for advice Jan. You know everything you need to. Trust me, once the combat actually starts, your nerves will vanish, and your training will take over. Just keep your head down, your guard up, and your mind on the battle. Remember, these men are a part of your squad, and it's your duty to bring them back safely."

With a soft pat on the back from Ossaki and a nod from Gatz, General Addams sets your squad out on it's way. The sewer entrance is far from the compound, but the fast march of the small squad get's you there only within a few short hours.

The Clones are the first to take up position as they near the large lake with the busted pipe, two on both sides of the squad to set up a defensive stance, ready for any movement. The lake itself seemed to be nothing of any real importance. A few large trees knocked over and laying in the water, and the occasional little rodent running from one brush to the other. The pipe though seems like it is in terrible repair. The pipe is well past it's prime, completely covered in rust. The end cap itself is still sticking partially out of the water, though wither it was blown off with the war or just fell off due to age is impossible to tell now.

After a long breath, the lake appears to be completely still. One of the Clones then turns back towards the squad between them. "You orders?"

2015-05-30, 12:22 AM
For most of the march, Brell has the same 'face' - a complete lack of one. In walking and mounting the hazards of the jungle, he had very little to say. Location markers, avenue of entry, it was all cold military jargon. And in quiet periods, the only way he'd be noticed was through the faint breathing in his helmet. He was, in several ways, a ghost. You could compare him to a hunting Blood Carver or a stoic Givin and get away with it. While he kept close to the medic, the Gungan, and the two Jedi following them, his motions were rigid, stiff, alienating. Borne in the caustic stillness of military drill. He was as alien as the clones bred specifically for the job.

Upon arrival the lake site, the odd soldier out takes a pause. "..."

"Gungan. Give us some eyes in that tunnel." He motions with a hand up to the clones, and points along the lake bed. "Eyes up. Watch for sentries."

2015-05-30, 01:20 AM
Ando had followed along as best he could, but physically he wasn't in anywhere near as good shape as everyone else, and it showed - the only small boon was the thermo-regulation of his cloak made sure he wasn't overheating too much. When they finally arrived at the lake he pulled his hood back and observed the lake.

"Not bad, but it seems a little too ... undefended."

He drifted off for a moment and closed his eyes as he focused on his connection to the force, reaching out with his mind and searching his feelings.

Search Your Feelings (P77) - DC 15
Full Round action
Sensing if there are would negative repercussions to just swimming over the river and into the pipe in the next 10 mins

UTF: [roll0]

2015-05-30, 09:40 AM
Jan Altaira

Jan kept quiet on the long hike to the lake, partially because of the oppressive heat, and partially because she didn't want to alert any enemy patrols with unnecessary chatter. By the time they reached the edge of the jungle by the water, her vest and pants were stained with sweat in many places, and her boots, shiny and new when she shoved her feet into them before the sun came up, were covered in muck and filth from the jungle floor.

The young Jedi stayed hidden behind the treeline near the water and squinted her eyes at the pipe, attempting to judge the distance. The water definitely looked inviting after the gruelling slog through the jungle, but she didn't want to be the first one to strip down and jump into the water. On this planet teeming with life, she could practically feel the Force brimming with vitality. Jan closed her eyes and felt the ebb and flow, attempting to determine if swimming across the lake would be bad for their health.

I'm a little fuzzy, is the pipe horizontal and pouring into the lake? How large is it (can we stand in it)? How far is it by foot and how far swimming? Take 10 on UTF for 16, same search your feelings as Ando.

2015-05-30, 10:29 AM
Although the hours seemed short to everyone else, they were a burden on Benny's fragile health. He was breathing heavily, his well-combed hair starting to fall apart and his shirt beginning to cling to his skin. When they come to a stop at the lake, Benny puts a hand against a tree to support himself as he catches his breath. While he pants, he casually glances about the lake for anything of interest.

If Bolo or someone else makes a Perception check, consider this as Aid Another. Otherwise, rolling Perception myself.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-05-30, 04:06 PM
Bolo knows better than to assume that there is nothing in the lake. The over-turned trees could provide potential hiding spots for ambush predators. Slinging his cesta across his chest and behind his back in traditional Gungan swimming style, Bolo nods at Brellaine. "Okey-day. Ifen yousa see lots of bubblin and blood, den yousa know it not safe." The Gungan grins cheekily at his own attempt at black humor. He slowly enters the water and goes below the surface, heading for the pipe. His senses scan all around him, watching for trouble from every and any angle.
Taking 10 on Swim, which is a 15
Perception: [roll0], +2 from Benny's Aid Another

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-30, 06:10 PM

The pipe itself isn't much large than 6 feet, so the party can walk through it, but there isn't much room to move around and pass each other in.

Ando and Jan: Use the Force (Search Feelings) -- There doesn't appear to be anything warning you to stay way from the pipe, assuring you that it is a safe entry.

Bolo with Ben: Perception (Search) -- Nothing seems to be moving, aside from the small critter here and there along the lake. With a quick glance under the water, the cap for the pipe is laying on the lake bed with a piece of the pipe still around it, proving that it did just rust and break off. The lake bed still seems recently disturbed by it, so it was likely within the past few days that it fell off, which would explain why the Droids have not determined it was a danger to their security yet.

The lake itself, while not clean, doesn't appear to be hazardous. Drinking it would not be a wise decision, but you shouldn't have a third arm when you crawl out of it either. After a quick few seconds, Bolo manages to swim safely up towards the pipe and can see into it. It get's dark quick, and a small stream flows from the pipe, but just enough to cover the toes of the squad's boots. Other than that, there doesn't appear to be anything inside, organic, synthetic, or even sensors.

2015-05-30, 06:56 PM
Seeing that there is no immediate danger, Bolo crouches at the entrance to the pipe and looks back at the others. Raising his hands to his mouth, Bolo emits a sound similar to one of the birds native to the area followed by a thumbs-up.

2015-05-30, 09:49 PM
Brell gives a finger-motion to the clones, once he gets feedback from Bolo and Jan. "Rifles up, Demolitions over the shoulder. Vanguard, watch our rear as we move in." And then, slowly, cautiously he begins to circle around the lake to the pipe's edge.

2015-05-30, 10:39 PM
Jan Altaira

Jan looked longingly at the water, but her responsibility was to the troopers that had been placed under her command, so she hitched up her backpack and made her way with the group around to the entrance of the pipe. On reaching the spout, she became glad she didn't swim at the smell of who knows what coming out of the end of the pipe. Still, she went straight to Bolo and took a few steps into the shade of the duracrete tube.

2015-05-31, 01:31 AM
Ando followed along with the others towards the pipe. As he did he made sure to take note of the surroundings in case they needed to exit in a hurry later - hiding spots, fields of easier passage, and decent sniping positions predominantly. When they neared the pipe his nose rankled a little at the smell, and he started looking a little unsure of himself as he started making his way into the pipe.

He was an excellent study, but this would be his first real combat situation, and the cracks around the edges were beginning to show. For the first time he was lest than sure of himself.

"Right, so, marching order. Who want's to take point ?" he cursed himself for not enquiring as to the specialities of the others earlier, but he knew it was better to ask than assume.

2015-05-31, 08:43 AM
Brell responds curtly. "The Jedi who know how to block blaster bolts should take the front. I can the position behind them for fire support."

2015-05-31, 09:02 AM
Jan Altaira

"I'll-" Jan said, cutting herself short as her voice came out an octave higher than she'd expected.

She swallowed hard.
"I'll go first," she said, "just let me know where to go if we reach a fork."

The slim teenager, already deepest into the tube, stepped farther into the tunnel and unclipped her lightsaber. She held it deactivated and ready to snap it up and defend herself and those behind her if need be. The water sloshed under her boots as she walked, and she paused every few minutes or so to reach out through the Force to ensure the way ahead was safe. Not even thirty feet in, she already had trouble seeing after the bright sunlight outside, and affixed her night-vision goggles to her head, revealing the passage in shades of green. The oppressive heat was gone inside the tunnel, only to be replaced by an offensive smell of refuse and decay. Still, at least her hair was no longer stuck to her face. She set a brisk pace, trusting in the Force to guide her.

Take a full-round action every 10 minutes to Search Your Feelings to make sure it's safe to continue walking farther up the sewage pipe.

2015-05-31, 10:30 AM
"I'll cover the rear I guess." Ando offered, as he pulled a glowrod from his belt. Apparently Jan had came better equipped than he had.

As the filthy water gushed over his feet he grimaced.

"Once we a back at basecamp .... I am going to have to shower for a good day or so to feel clean after this."

2015-05-31, 12:37 PM
Big Brell let Jan through before posting up and following behind her. A little light clicks on at the end of his rifle, providing a fluorescent light source in the Jedi's blindspots. She motioned back for the clones to do the same.

He scoffs at Ando's comment, however, as his armored feet click against the metal bottom of the pipe. "You could be more like our Gungan. I bet he loves it down here."

2015-05-31, 04:17 PM
At Brell's insistence that a jedi lead the way, Bolo resigns himself to the middle of the group. He had hoped to scout further ahead to spot any potential ambushes.

In response to Brell's later statement, Bolo tuts his tongue against the roof of his mouth in disapproval. In a low voice, he says, "Yousa like being in a tree, monkey-boyo? Mesa liven in de swamp, but dat no mean dat mesa like scurrying in pipes like a giant womprat. Mesa just see no point in complaining. Is better than getting all shot up by de mekaneeks."

2015-05-31, 05:06 PM
Benny follows after Bolo. The tunnel smells foul, but Benny silently agrees with the point about not complaining. He fishes a surgical mask out of his backpack, donning it in an effort to keep the stench out.

2015-05-31, 07:50 PM
A synthesized chuckle comes back. "I like being in the pilot's seat, so... you might be right about that tree comment, one way or another..."

Ze Xepheral
2015-05-31, 11:21 PM
The trek though the sewers seems to be an uneventful one. Taking about half an hour to to the destination pointed out on your map, the squad finally comes to an opening large enough to hold all nine of you. As you approach, the light clanking of machines can be heard above you, with the occasional shadow being cast on the floor of the sewer pipe as a Droid walks over the gate above, leading towards a city square above.


With a quick search above the grate above the group, the grate leads almost into the exact middle of a town square. Buildings stand all around the clearing, blocking the morning sun so the square is covered in a soft glow. Walking around the square above, you can see four Battle Droids, with four Super Battle Droids floating around the perimeter of the square. Finally, to the north, you see the target of the mission, one of the city's government building arranged and made into a make-shift bunker to protect the AA grid. A small handful of satellite dishes and antennas spot the roof, and a large, reinforced steel door sits in place where the main doors used to be, with one Battle Droid standing by it as a guard. As well as the Droids, a few of the buildings around the square have been hit by battle, adding large chunks of debris to the square, adding small barriers around for cover.


One of the Clones then takes a quick peek up to see the surrounding before nodding towards the larger droids at the back. "The four of us can handle the large clankers if you lot can handle the smaller ones. No matter how we do it, it's gonna get loud, and it's gonna draw attention. I'd suggest the four of us hold down here on the square and hold off reinforcements. It's your call Commander, but either way, we should still call in to the Generals and let them know we're about to start."

2015-06-01, 12:41 AM
Jan Altaira

Jan peered off into the north passage.

"Is there any sewer access into or under the building?" Jan whispered, "Jumping out into the middle of a courtyard seems like a last resort, and even then, maybe we should have a diversion elsewhere."

Ze Xepheral
2015-06-01, 01:35 AM
With a quick scan of the map, you see that the next closest sewer access is three blocks away.

2015-06-01, 05:17 AM
Jan Altaira

An idea began forming in Jan's mind, she motioned the others to come in closer.

"I don't really want to pop up in the middle of all those battle droids and get shot from all directions, so how about one or two people moves three blocks away, where there shouldn't be any patrols, and starts firing blaster bolts at those satellite dishes," she whispered, "the droids here will go to investigate, and that's when everyone else rushes into the building. Hopefully we can get in, plant the explosives, and get back to the sewer before the guards are back. Even if it's not enough time, at least we'll be shooting them from inside the building."

She looked around at the others.

"Does that sound like a good plan?"

2015-06-01, 06:18 AM
Ando thought about it for a moment, uncertainty creeping over his face.

"That leaves us men down, and there is no guarantee these droid will leave their posts. Droids soldiers are simple, but they are good at following orders. Assuming there isn't a nearer patrol to respond 3 blocks away, assuming the the exit 3 blocks away will be uncovered, and assuming whoever does the distraction can get away safe ... it's risky. It's not bad, but it's risky."

He shook his head.

"Not that I have a better plan... I don't like the idea of popping up and been surrounded anymore than you..."

He looked around to the rest of the squad.

"Any ideas on how to make Commander Altaira's plan more workable?"

2015-06-01, 07:18 AM
Jan Altaira

"Oh yeah, simple," Jan said, chewing on her lip, "maybe if someone can pop up from the sewer and shoot down the street _at_ the droids. That would let us duck back into the sewers before we're seen. Or maybe we should scout the other entrance first. If there's more guards there, then it's better to exit the sewers right here..."

There were no good options Jan could see, and she loosened the top of her vest as it began to feel uncomfortably hot again as she worried her lack of leadership experience was going to get someone killed.

2015-06-01, 10:49 AM

Brell takes a moment to scan the droids for the key things. Positioning, firing angles, cover points. Planning for the eventual outcome.

See thread. :B

When Ando and Jan start chirping up about their plan, he throws his own two cents in. "... asking one or a group of the tinnies to go three blocks down opens the group up to a lot of issues. For one, we don't know the rest of the city well enough to ask them to pull a whole droid regiment away. For two, we don't know if the other tunnels have been booby trapped, so dividing us up might, in a manner of speaking, kill us outright. If my bad mojo senses are right."

"Besides - we already have a distraction. The feint."

He motions to the radio man in the back. "Let's see what happens first before we try anything risky. Call in the attack, soldier."

Ze Xepheral
2015-06-01, 03:38 PM
The Clone nods as he opens a comlink on his wrist and starts sending off the message, saying they're ready to start their attacks. As he does, the quick scan around the square shows that the Droids are standing guard and patrolling only this section of the city as none of the droids leave. The good sign is that none of the droids seem to be coming to the square either at the moment.

After a short time, a large blast can be heard from the city above, not close, but the vibrations can be felt through the sewers. Alarms all over the city start screaming as mechanical voices boom over the speakers, issuing orders to defend the city and fight back the attack on the clearing around the city. The droids standing guard though, don't move. The Clone that send in the report nods as he looks up at the grate. "General Ossaki has commenced his attack. The bulk of the Droid Army is moving to the clearing to fight, so there shouldn't be much interference from them. That leaves these eight. Your call Commanders, but I can assure you, even the four of us can handle the eight clankers."

One of the other Clones behind him nods in agreement. "We can handle them how ever you want, but the fact remains, we need to move now. General Ossaki needs that air support against the Droid Army's armored units."

2015-06-01, 04:48 PM
Ando look across at Jan and gave an awkward smile and a shrug.

"Well, they do say fortune favors the stupid... lets do this."

He turned a looked the the rest.

"Troopers, you are on the heavies, distribute yourselves evenly, tie them up and take them down. Jan, I'd like you lead the initial attack. Brellaine, you are up second, you are going to co-ordinate the rest of us on the fly as the situation dictates, and call the shots in the fighting ahead. Doc, if one of us drops you have my explicit permission to ignore all orders and save lives. Bolo, make sure we have a clear exit route in case of escape, you will be in charge of extraction."

He looked up to the hatch, hoping he had delegated appropriately, and praying the others bought the confident facade. Even if he didn't feel up to been a commander, he had to at least act the part for the sake of the troops.

"May the force be with us."

2015-06-01, 10:14 PM
Big Brell just nods. He feeds a power pack into the rifle for good measure.

2015-06-01, 11:03 PM
"So mesa going up last," Bolo mutters. He's clearly not happy with that. "Okey-day, boss." He unslings his cesta to prepare himself.

2015-06-01, 11:14 PM
Jan Altaira

"It's now or never," Jan thought.

She clambered up out of the hatch as fast as she could and moved towards the droid at the door, igniting her brilliant green lightsaber with a snap-hiss. The young Padawan assumed a defensive crouch, allowing anyone coming up the hatch behind her to use her and her defending lightsaber as cover by putting her between themselves and an enemy droid.

initiative: [roll0]
Move towards the North and fight defensively as standard, for +10 reflex defense

2015-06-02, 12:23 AM
Something unexpected comes out of Brell's vocabulator. A whooping scream. "Alright boys! Over the top, come on-!"

He throws himself over the top...

In the OOC chat again; some day I'll get the rolls to work here.

2015-06-02, 12:36 AM
... and takes up a shooting position immediately adjacent to the grating (north diagonal corner), with enough space for troopers and squadmates to come up past him.

"G'day, clankers!" Another scream. And a roar of blaster fire behind it.

[Move to climb up, taking a shot at the B1 immediately diagonal north of my position. Rolling attack in chat; assuming point-blank range.]

Ze Xepheral
2015-06-02, 05:16 AM
The Grate crashes open as Jan bursts out of it, the hum and glow of her lightsaber signalling the start of the first skirmish of the mission. The clones quickly follow suit, along with Brell, crouching down behind Jan as she takes up a defensive position, lining up the rifles on the super battle droids along the perimeter.

The blasts from the bolts echo in unison with Brell's rifle, the four shots from the Clones tearing holes through the targets like paper, leaving them all barely standing as Brell's shot connects as well, knocking the Battle Droid to a pile of scrap by the door.

Once the ring from the initial blaster shots quiets down, the Droids start aiming their blasters to return fire. Two of the super battle droids with a chunk of his shoulder missing charges forward, holding their wrists out and returning fire on the troopers that shot them.

NE B2 vs Clone Commando
Attack: [roll0] vs 21
Damage: [roll1] -2

NW B2 vs Clone Commando
Attack: [roll2] vs 21
Damage: [roll3] -2

Quick guid to how I run combat:
The player at the top of the list can move next (of course), but so can as many allies that are after him in the initiative order, before the next enemy unit.

Using the current initiative order, this means that only Ando can move now, but after he takes his turn and the droids move, Ben and Bolo can move any time, and do not need to wait for the other to move before they do.

While the Clones are NPCs, they will treat initiative the same, being able to move in the order before a PC as long as no enemies and between them and the top of the list.

If this is misworded or confusing, please, feel free to ask me and I'll see if I can explain it better when it is not 4am.


Ando: 14
B2: 13
B1: 8
B2: 8
Ben: 7
Bolo: 3
B2: 2
B2: 1
Clone: 33
Fran: 24
Clone: 23
Clone: 21
B2: 19
Jan: 18
Clone: 16
B2: 15


Ben, Bolo, and Ando, you three are still technically in the sewers, I just wanted you on the map at least somewhere. It currently costs a move action to climb up to where you are, so please remember that for your turns.

2015-06-02, 11:49 AM
Ando moved up through the hatch and was left facing to the west. Looking at the two unmolested Droids facing him, Ando reach out with his mind in an attempt to hurl the smaller battle droid at the Super battle droid in the South west corner of the courtyard.

Using Move Object. (Note: Range was officially errata'd from 6 squares up to 12 squares.)

Check determines damage.
Check fas to Exceed the first targets Will Defense to grab it. It has to exceed the second Targets Reflex defense to successfully hit it.

Target 1: B1 Droid in the west.
Target 2: B2 Droid in the South West.

Use The Force Check: [roll0]

Swift Action to recover Move Object force power.

2015-06-02, 11:52 AM
Potential damage B1 [roll0]
Potential damage B2 [roll1]

Ze Xepheral
2015-06-02, 01:37 PM
The droid quickly flies through the air, colliding with the B2 battle droid, the two bodies of the droids getting crushed together. Slowly, the B1 droid stands back up a little shaky, but the B2 remains a pile of scrambled scrap on the floor, slowly deactivating.

As the droid flies through the air, the eastern B1 droid steps forward as he raises his own gun, firing towards the SE Clone with a single shot.
E B1 vs SE Clone
Attack: [roll0] vs 21
Damage: [roll1] -2

2015-06-02, 06:45 PM
Benny takes in a deep breath as he climbs out of the hole, drawing his blaster pistol and crouching down to avoid incoming blaster fire.

Move Action: Climb out of the grate (standing next to SE clone)
Move Action: Draw pistol
Swift Action: Fall Prone

2015-06-02, 08:06 PM
"So much for sneaken...," Bolo mutters as Brell bellows like a kaadu in breeding season. Moving up quickly, Bolo stands and flings an energy ball at the southernmost droid with a swing of his cesta.
A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

Ze Xepheral
2015-06-02, 09:28 PM
The energy ball connects with the B1 droid, causing it to stutter and shake violently as it fries it's internal systems, slowly falling to the ground. As one droid falls to the ground, the other that smashed into the B2 stabilizes his legs, taking a quick few steps towards the group and opening fire on Ando.

SW B1 vs Ando
Attack: [roll0] 11
Damage: [roll1]

With the droid's targeting locked on Ando, the clones quickly line up their next shots, all four moving out, fanning away from the grate and towards the droids as their blasters fire again.

NE Clone vs NE B2
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

NW Clone vs NW B2
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

SW Clone vs W B1
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Ze Xepheral
2015-06-02, 09:35 PM
PT 2

I needed to see the combat roles of the first Clone to move to see if the 4th Clone could take his turn as well

SE Clone vs SE B2
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

As the majority of the guards fall and hit the ground, leaving only the last droids alive, the metal clanking of a quick march can be heard echoing from the streets around the square. Rushing down the streets towards you appear to be multiple patrols rushing to the commotion of the fighting and to the aid of the other droids. One of the Clones sees them coming towards the square and turns towards Jan. "Commander, incoming! Get that grid down, we'll hold them off here!"


-Clone: 33
-Fran: 24
-Clone: 23
-Clone: 21
-Jan: 18
-Clone: 16
-Ando: 14
-B1: 8
-Ben: 7
-Bolo: 3

2015-06-02, 10:29 PM
"You heard'em, ladies-!" Crack. Fizzle. The vocabulator on Brell's helmet is rapidly dying. Could possibly be due to him screaming at the top of his lungs about nearly everything. At points, it even seems like his masculine tone is slipping. He motions to the steps up to the grid building. "Get your asses up those stairs! Tinnies, defend the escape route as best you can; call for help if you're getting your keisters whooped!"

He lets out another whooping scream as he backpedals towards the building, taking shots at the B1 down to his right. He was having a little much fun with this.

[Moving six squares north, firing single shot at the droid five squares to Ando's right. Rolls in OOC chat.]

2015-06-03, 12:00 AM
Posting ahead of the two clones, because Jan's actions will be the same regardless.

Jan Altaira

Jan nodded at the clone's request and sprinted forward towards the metal door, praying she wasn't hit by a stray blaster bolt. If she sees a control to open the gate, she will press it. If there is no control panel, or if it doesn't open when she presses the button, she will begin cutting through the gate with her lightsaber. She angled the blade in such a way that the door would fall inwards instead of on top of her once her cut was complete.

Yes, there's probably an easier way to get in like a window or climbing over the gate, but this is star wars, so we're going to cut through the door like Qui-Gon Rum.

Damage (if necessary): [roll0]

Ze Xepheral
2015-06-03, 12:37 AM
The Clones already moved, so you're good.

As you rush towards the large metal door, you find the control panel locked, so immediately cut your lightsaber into it. The metal of the door starts quickly melting around the blade as it starts slicing through the large door, sending sparks flying over the ground..

2015-06-03, 03:57 AM
Ando flinched as the Droid rose up and shot at him, narrowly missing. The sudden reminder of his own fragility causing him to freeze up for a moment as the sounds of the surrounding battle seemed to dull.

He shook his head to help him regain his senses as he saw Jan and Brell heading towards the door. He followed suit, igniting his own green lightsaber once he saw Jan's entry plan. He began his cut on the opposite side to Jan in an attempt to make the process go quicker.


2015-06-03, 04:23 AM
Benny gets to his feet and runs towards the door along with the others. As he reaches the door, he warily watches over his shoulder where the droids and clones were fighting as he waits for the door to be cut open.

Move Action: Stand up
Move Action: Move to door.

Sorry if I jumped the gun here; these actions are going to happen regardless of what the B1 droid does, so I just thought I'd post it now.

2015-06-03, 06:02 AM
Jan Altaira

Jan felt incredibly exposed as she faced the metal gate blocking their progress. Any second, she fully expected to feel the searing pain of a blaster bolt striking her full in the back. As Ando joined her, she turned her head for a split second to face him, her forehead creased with worry, eyes wide in near panic, but she quickly turned back to cutting, determined to make it through so everyone could follow.

2015-06-03, 07:12 AM

As the pair locked eyes momentarily, Ando nodded to reassure her. The movement was barely perceptible unless you were directly looking at it. In truth he wanted to say something to bolster her, but he knew better than to undermine her in front of the others.

2015-06-03, 05:33 PM
As droid reinforcements move in from the surrounding areas, Bolo suddenly doesn't feel so keen on standing out in the open. He moves behind a fallen piece of debris to take cover from the fusillade while the jedi work on the door.
Bolo moves east and then northeast to take cover behind the pillar. Better to have cover against some than none.