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2015-05-26, 06:26 AM
The Alzeroth Collective

Region 139
Lesser Vassal of the Hurosha Empire

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The terrain of Alzeroth is comprised mostly of vast expanses of grassland. However, intermixed with the grassland are patches of hills of varying sizes. Individually, these hills are not tall enough to impede movement, unfortunately, these hills are often clumped together, making the traversal rough.

In the eastern part of the lands, the area becomes much rockier and mountainous. While the "true" mountains extend beyond the borders of Alzeroth, traversal in this area is usually made via the pathways.

In the centre of Alzeroth flows a large and vast river known as The Contigrue, providing the citizens of Alzeroth all the freshwater and fish they need.

On the coastline of Alzeroth is a large, semi-natural structure called The Stone Port. Originally, it was a large, flat rock that extended about a kilometer out to sea, but water and labour have created inlets to allow ships and boats to dock.

In the eastern area is a large, natural cave mouth that has a constant orange glow. This is known as Firestone Mine and is where the two materials used to create Firestone come from. The mines are rumoured to be many miles long, corridors twisting in all three dimensions.(See Resources)

The Alzeroth people are Humans with a relatively tanned complexion. The miners are often darker skinned, due to their near-constant exposure to naturally mixed Firestone in the mines. They stand around 6 feet on average and their hair is usually some shade of brown.

Both males and females usually possess long hair, adorned with with metal bangles or coloured fabrics and the like. Some of the more "adventurous" have taken to wearing activated Firestone in small glass balls.

There is only one "major" city in Alzeroth, known as Oreth, where about 40% of the population live. There are several other towns and cities in Alzeroth, but are relegated to more military or production matters.

In Oreth, the people are more dedicated to art and culture, spending time and wealth creating and acquiring paintings, tapestries, stained glass windows and other things like that. This is also the home of the ruling body, where the five Great Houses vie for the position of Grand Minister (See Government).

One of the main resources of Alzeroth is called Firestone, so called because of its ability to generate both heat and light. It is considered safer than traditional fire because it cannot be easily used to ignite things. If a piece falls on a wooden floor, it'll scorch where it landed but won't cause the house to go up in flames.

As mentioned above, Firestone is a mixture of two different materials. A fragile orange crystal called Sun Fragments and a crumbly metallic substance known as Grey Flame. When the two materials are powdered down, a feat you can accomplish with your bare hands, and mixed together, the compound is then exposed to air and after about 10-20 seconds, starts to react creating both light and heat and coagulating into a hard material.

Once burned out, the resulting material is a worthless soft, charred-grey lump known as Stoneash that has no appreciable use.

Individually, the two substances have little value, the Sun Fragments being too fragile to sculpt into anything and Grey Flame having no effect either on its own or as part of an alloy.

As a by-product of mining for Firestone, Alzeroth produces a large quantity of Workable Stone.

Due to the Contigrue river, Alzeroth is able to capture quite a large number of Fish, one of the staples of their diet.

Although there are various trees dotted around, the lack of any actual woodland requires importation of Wood

The Government of The Alzeroth Collective is known as "The Six Ministers". The Six Ministers are made up of a representative of one of the five Great Houses and the Grand Minister.

Each of the House Ministers are tasked with creating arrangements, policies and the like. While these are supposed to benefit the realm first and foremost, each House Minister also works to make sure that his own house gets the best out of the deal, leading to the necessity of the Grand Minister.

The purpose of the Grand Minister is to adjudicate and decide upon the various proposals. Unlike the House Ministers, the Grand Minister's ONLY duty is to that of the realm and thus the Grand Minister decides which proposal is the best for the realm.

Male and female House Ministers are equally common, sometimes changing from meeting to meeting depending on who is free and who is not. There is no "real" honour attached to being House Minister, nor is there any stigma for being "demoted" from the position. They are simply the mouthpiece for their House.

The Grand Minister, however, is more often Male. This is not due to any inherent sexism (Far from it, "more often" does not mean "Almost always") but simply that the one chosen to become the next Grand Minister cannot have any attachments of marriage and females are more quickly married off to secure alliances and agreements between the Houses.

When the Grand Minster reaches thirty years of age, he selects a successor from one of the children to educate in the ways of managing the realm and the Houses within. The Grand Minister teaches in whatever method he deems appropriate. When the child reaches twenty years of age, the current Grand Minister steps down and the child takes over as Grand Minister.

The Alzeroth Collective worships a pantheon known as "The Guardian Spirits" , with each individual selecting a particular Spirit to be their patron. There exists a Spirit for almost everything, from sea travel to illness to crops. Small sects of Ashmarism cropped up in recent years (491) after vassalage by the Hurosha Empire.

Oreth: W.I.P.

Fireglow: W.I.P.

Sea's Rim: W.I.P

Considered an offshoot of the Kasumori Academy of Culture and Prowess by some, this Academy is build to educate the Alzerites in the art of tactical warfare, aswel as to teach children and young people the cultures of both the Alzeroth Collective and the Hurosha Empire. The Academy itself is quite a big fortress like building, so it can be used as a refuge for it's students when needed. Outside on the field, mock-battles can be held between groups of students to test what they have learned about tactics. Games are held every year to decide the best students of the year. Students of the Kasumori Academy of Culture and Prowess are also known to participate in the matches, provided they can reach Alzeroth.


Edit: Moved to here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?351078-Empire!-The-Lands-of-Telluris-(the-fluff-beyond-the-crunch)&p=19305858#post19305858)