View Full Version : How old is the OoTS?

2007-04-22, 04:18 AM
No folks, not the comic strip, but the actual members of the Order.

I was looking at Wikipedia (that's the only place I could think to find their ages easily...) and this is what I found

Roy - 28 years old
Haley - 24 years old
Elan - 21 years old
V - around 130 years old
Durkon - 54 years old
Belkar - age unstated

Considering I'd rather take the word(s) of my fellow Playgroundians over Wikipedia I hope some of you can fill me in.

2007-04-22, 05:02 AM
I'd say that the three human members are given pretty accurate ages. Maybe Roy is a year younger, and Elan is a year older. But all in all, pretty accurate.

V is imo somewhat older(I'm currently playing elf barbarian(don't ask) who is 132 years old, and I think it takes somewhat longer to learn way of arcane magic than ragging:smalltongue: ), and same with Durkon. I'd say V somewhat between 150 and 170, and durkon between 70 and 90.

As for Belkar... well, it's hard to say. He looks to be pretty strong and agile, so I'd say he's still bellow his middle age, something between 40 and 50.

2007-04-22, 05:03 AM
We know Elan is 21 because Nale states he is 21. Haley states that she is 24. I'm not sure about Roy - we know how old Julia is, and it might mention somewhere how much older Roy is than her.

I think Rich has actually given out the ages before, but I can't remember where.

2007-04-22, 05:11 AM
I believe the only definite age given is Haley's at 24, listed in comic #168 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0168.html). There are some hints to a couple other members' ages in On the Origin of PCs, but I don't think anything was directly stated.

Eidt: Oops, Rinion's right. Elan's age has also been stated (comic #258 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0258.html))

2007-04-22, 06:24 AM
I'd say those ages from wikipedia are fairly accurate, Roy is probably a bit older than most people think, remember Elan sees him as a sort of big brother figure. V and Durkon, its not really important because their races live long and neither of them have any signs of being old for their kind. Belkar..yeah i'd say middle-aged, maybe only just. he still has a streak of young man humor at silly things in him.

2007-04-22, 06:34 AM
Haley's an older woman (than Elan)? I never noticed that...

Woot woot woot! Go Elan! :elan: Go Elan! :elan:

Not-nale nails... never mind :smallwink:

2007-04-22, 08:50 AM
Didn't Paladin Blues list all their ages? Anyways, Haley is older than Elan, Roy is older than Haley. Other than that, it doesn't matter too much.

2007-04-22, 08:54 AM
It says in the comics that Haley is 24 and Elan is 21 (since Nale is 21 and they're twins) and in OotPCs i think it says V is 130.

2007-04-22, 10:21 AM
Paladin Blues lists their ages as such:

Roy: 28
Elan: 21
Haley 24
Belkar: ??
V: 130?
Durkon: 39

2007-04-22, 10:32 AM
There ages are also listed on their cards in the OOTS board game.

2007-04-22, 10:33 AM
What do V and Belkar's cards say?

I need to buy that game.

2007-04-22, 11:42 AM
If Roy is 28, then he's 12 years older than 16-year old Julia (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0338.html). And that means that there is another Greenhilt sibling, because this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0113.html) is not a 12 year old Roy.

2007-04-22, 11:44 AM
If Roy is 28, then he's 12 years older than 16-year old Julia (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0338.html). And that means that there is another Greenhilt sibling, because this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0113.html) is not a 12 year old Roy.

lets not get into that again...

2007-04-22, 11:45 AM
If Roy is 28, then he's 12 years older than 16-year old Julia (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0338.html). And that means that there is another Greenhilt sibling, because this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0113.html) is not a 12 year old Roy.
Hmm well ya never know...

It might very well be another child.

2007-04-22, 11:54 AM
I dunno, he could be twelve there. A little short for twelve, but you know.

2007-04-22, 12:45 PM
I dunno, he could be twelve there. A little short for twelve, but you know.

A little mentally deficient for twelve as well. Most twelve year old boys don't play 'hit the cuddly toy with a wooden sword during Mommy's storytime'.

And jindra34, I'm sorry this is an old topic for you, but I've never seen it discussed before. I didn't know until this thread that the Giant had actually fixed Roy's age.

2007-04-22, 12:53 PM
And jindra34, I'm sorry this is an old topic for you, but I've never seen it discussed before. I didn't know until this thread that the Giant had actually fixed Roy's age.

I was irraitated about the roy brother thing it was discussed before and turned into a big joke... Nice to see someone spell my name right though...

2007-04-22, 12:55 PM
The boardgame card lists Belkar as 32, Durkon as 54, and V as 103. The other three match the consensus 21, 24 and 28.

2007-04-22, 02:47 PM
How old would 32 be for a halfling, if compared to a human?

Belkar always struck me as an 18 year old.

2007-04-22, 03:07 PM
Well, according to the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/description.htm#age), a halfling enters adulthood at 20 years, whereas a human does at 15. So maybe the halfling equivalent of 18 years old is about 25? 32 years old is reaching halfway to his middle age, but we don't know much about Belkar's past, so it's all a crap shot at his age.

2007-04-22, 07:52 PM
Paladin Blues lists their ages as such:

Roy: 28
Elan: 21
Haley 24
Belkar: ??
V: 130?
Durkon: 39

I'm not surprised about Durkon being young, didn't his great grandfather just die? Also do we know how much time has actually passed in this comic's span and books included? Another point I'd like to make is that Roy, Haley, Durkon and Belkar all have last names (Greenhilt, Starshine, Thundershield and Bitterleaf, respectively) ... Elan and V don't (from what I know

2007-04-22, 11:07 PM
That would be correct. I excpet V might not even have one while Elan's will be revealed at some point in the future.

2007-04-23, 12:34 AM
On the Origin of PCs has Roy in college 7 years before the start of the adventure, and graduating 3 years before the start. That would put his age closer to 25, assuming OotS fighter college students are about the same age as US college students. He does (to me at least) act more like 28, so maybe he just entered school later than normal.

RMS Oceanic
2007-04-23, 02:59 AM
The Giant said all the ages in NCftPBs are accurate (28 for Roy, 24 for Haley, 21 for Elan and 130 for V), except for Durkon, which is too young, as by dwarf standards, he's not even an adult. Durkon is (at the start of the strip, anyway) 54. I reckon we'll never know Belkar's age, and that just makes his character more endearing.

2007-04-23, 06:54 AM
On the Origin of PCs has Roy in college 7 years before the start of the adventure, and graduating 3 years before the start. That would put his age closer to 25, assuming OotS fighter college students are about the same age as US college students. He does (to me at least) act more like 28, so maybe he just entered school later than normal.

Maybe he took a gap year? If you consider when academic years overlap it could happen, I think.

2007-04-23, 11:25 AM
The baby might have been a cousin or something, and not Julia. Don't read too much into it.

2007-04-23, 12:31 PM
On the Origin of PCs has Roy in college 7 years before the start of the adventure, and graduating 3 years before the start. That would put his age closer to 25, assuming OotS fighter college students are about the same age as US college students. He does (to me at least) act more like 28, so maybe he just entered school later than normal.Roy has an MBA (Master of Battle Administration) so he presumably took more than four years to go through school. So, at 21 he was finishing his undergrad and got his masters at 25.