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2007-04-22, 05:54 AM
Ok, let the games begin! (It's still possible to join, people, just click on the survival link in my signature).

I will repeat some basic information, just so we're clear about it.
-everyone's a somewhat above averagely skilled human (well, ok, there's one cyborg...)
-The goal of the game is earning points and staying alive as long as possible
-Points are earned by accomplishing various tasks. Extra points are handed out to whomever survives longest and points are substracted from PvP players.
-Your characters do need to eat and sleep in this game, but I will mention whenever this becomes necessary.
-Every player starts out with two slices of dry bread, a bottle of water, a loincloth and a vest.
-if you wish to do something you don't want the other players to know about, you can PM me
-Saying something happens to another player (like: "me and hide") doesn't actually do anything until that player agrees
-State everything in the game, even the blatantly obvious. I probably realise you're going to put your clothes back on after swimming, rather than leaving all your stuff behind, but when you don't say so, I'll assume you didn't, just for the fun of it.

Good, now that that's settled, we'll begin. You all wake up in a bubble of air somewhere deep beneath the water. You're standing on a patch of sand that's about 5 meters diameter (I don't quite know what that'd be in feet...). The sand is quite muddy (as you'd expect from ocean floor) and you can feel a slight draft blowing upward. Outside the bubble are some rocks, seaweed, small colourfull fishes, and so on...Oh, yeah, there's also a hell of a lot of water on the outside of the bubble.

Here's a list of players and their points:
Castaras (-4) (Who kicked the bucket)
Warpfire777 (-4) (Who bit the dust)
D'Anna Biers (-5) (Who is no longer with us)
Lord Magtok (cyborg, sort of) (1)
Moon_Called (-4) (Who was squashed like a bug)
Ninja_Kitsune (-3)(Who went to ninja heaven)
Saurous (-4) (Rider on the storm, but not for long...)
Joosbawx (3)
ZombieRockStar (5)
Nightsong (-4)(Gone with the wind)
Krystal_Tiger (-4) (Who had silver hair...)
Space-Is-Curved (-3) (Who is lost at sea)
GuesssWho (-4)[/B](Who was known as Johnny)
Cult_Of_The_Raven (2)
Darklightdragon (-5) (Who puffed his last smoke)
Pingcode20 (Dead, deadity, [I]dead) (-5)
Goblin Music (4)
Shadow (2)
Evnafets (2)
Vampiric (-3) (Who is now TWICE dead)
Zeb The Troll (3)
RoKAi (0)
Dr. Bath (2)
Raistlin1040 (0)
Maga (0)
Uberblah(-3) (May he rest in peace)
Jagg (2)
The Support thread is up! Check out Survival Support Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2452223#post2452223).

2007-04-22, 10:32 AM
Space begins to dig into the sand with has bare hands. He attempts to dig about half a meter down and see if he sees anything other than more sand. He does this digging in roughly the center of the bubble (on the ground, of course).

Question: Is the bubble forming a hemisphere on the ground? That's what I would assume, which means that if it is really sphericle than it extends approxamately 2.5 meters above the floor, only about .75 meters above our haeds, and might also extend the same 2.5 meters below our feet.

Sorry. Just thinking out loud...

2007-04-22, 10:42 AM
((Yes, you are quite right about the hemisphere thing))

Space finds a sort of tube sticking out at the dead center of the patch of sand. The tube's end is covered in some sort of membrane and the rest seems to be made of a bendable plasticlike substance. The tube was barely burried (meaning it was found at a couple of centimeters down in the sand) and it also seems to have been the source of the draft. The draft is being blown through the membrane somehow. The tube continues toward the west at about half a meter deep in the sand.

2007-04-22, 10:45 AM
Raven wakes, confused. she stares about, trying to remember where she was before she woke. she can't. she gets up, noticing the things at her side. she stuffs them in her vest, before exploring the bubble. She tries to put her hand through it's wall, to see if it is permeable.

2007-04-22, 10:54 AM
Raven manages to stick her hand through the wall. the wall shivers slightly where the hand was put through, but seems to stay stable otherwise. On the other side, there's quite a lot of pressure on Raven's hand, but it is still bareable. The water is quite cold, but not icy.

2007-04-22, 10:57 AM
She quickly withdraws her hand and goes to inspect the pipe that space dug up.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 11:01 AM
GM looks around this setting and groans

2007-04-22, 11:20 AM
Raven: I pretty much described the pipe already.
Goblin Music: You notice that there seems to be nothing in the direct perimeter of the bubble (every bit of rock or algea is at least 6 metres away from the bubble). Also, the bubble seems to be shrinking slowly.
Space: You have earned the very first point in the game for finding the tube! Yay for you!

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 11:24 AM
*pushes the bubble to see if it moves* (in the dierection of coral)

2007-04-22, 11:28 AM
raven wonders how wide the tube is.

2007-04-22, 11:28 AM
Not a smart move, Goblin Music. You put your weight into pushing the bubble and shove. Unfortunately, your hands simply pass through the bubble and you fall through. You are now on the outside of the bubble, where breathing is rather hard...you know, with the water & all. :smallsmile:

Raven: The tube is about 6 centimeters diameter.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 11:29 AM
*attempts to reenter the bubble*

2007-04-22, 11:29 AM
Saurous stands from his laying position, and looks about. He notices the shrinking bubble, and breathes a little less deeply.

2007-04-22, 11:32 AM
Goblin Music: There seems to be no problem in re-entering the bubble, but now you're all wet, and so is all of your stuff.

Saurous: The bubble is only shrinking very slowly, but, yes, less breathing would be a good idea.

2007-04-22, 11:34 AM
Castaras sits up, using as little breath as possible.

2007-04-22, 11:34 AM
Raven bends the tube around into various shapes, and also picks at the edge of the membrane on the end. She also wonders why there would be a tube at the bottom of the sea, and wonders if it is supplying enough air to keep the bubble inflated.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 11:34 AM
*lays provisions in the bubble then swims over to some seaweed and grabs some then swims back in to bubble*

2007-04-22, 11:41 AM
Raven: The pipe is only reasonably bendable, which means you can't make that much shapes out of it. Picking at the membrane has caused one of its edges to loosen. About whether or not it is providing enough air: since the bubble is shrinking, probably not.

Goblin Music: In what direction will you go looking for the seaweed (north, east, south or west)? It would be convenient if anyone goes somewhere for them to say what direction they will be going in.

2007-04-22, 11:41 AM
Zombie (where did he get this nickname? Can he remember his real name? No...) wakes, and then jolts up as he realizes where he is. Quickly looking around, he sees the others as they examine the bubble and the pipe. He isn't quite sure what to make of the pipe, so, like Raven, he sticks his finger through the bubble to test the water.

[OOC: I can assume that I notice what everybody else has noticed, right? About the water, the tube, and the bubble shrinking?]

Talking softly, but very quickly, to himself (was this an old habit? He can't remember...), he goes through his thought process:

"Okay...we can see which means that the sun is coming through the water, and there's not too much pressure...so that means we're close to the surface. And if we're not far from the surface, that means that there's land nearby...this pipe seems to be blowing air, yet the bubble is shrinking...that doesn't make any sense..."

He pauses for a few moments and examines what appear to be his belongings. Thinking for a moment, he tests the water to see if it's salty or drinkable.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 11:42 AM
Magtok also tries to reduce his breathing, and examines the bubble in search of some way to avoid dying. He tries to see if he can find out how far the tube goes, in search of their source of air.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 11:44 AM
((North i go north))

2007-04-22, 11:45 AM
Raven shrugs, and wonders how they can see at the bottom of the ocean. It's notoriously dark under the water. simu-ninja'ed!

raven thinks for a minute before going up to some of the people in the bubble and introducing herself.
"Hi, I'm Raven. Umm. Do you remember anything about how we got here?"

2007-04-22, 11:51 AM
((Zombie: yes, as long as they're fairly obvious things, and you're at the same location, you can notice the same things as the others))

Also, Zombie: you notice it is fresh water.

Magtok: If you dig up the tube, it seems to be leaving the bubble underground to the west (and, yes, I'm assuming you did dig it up)

Goblin Music: To the north you can see a huge clam, somewhat beyond some rocks (lets say 30 meters away from the bubble). Also, you manage to pick the seaweed and return to the bubble, if you wish.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 11:53 AM
GM attempts to weave a air tight basket with the Seaweed

2007-04-22, 11:56 AM
raven tries to estimate if she can swim to the clam and back.

@V you said state the obvious. I'm extending that to asking obvious questions.

2007-04-22, 11:56 AM
GM fails completely, destroying the seaweed in the process.

Raven: You think you can swim sixty meters under water without breathing? Maybe, but that's a long shot. Feel free to try, but no complaining afterwards.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 12:00 PM
Raven shrugs, and wonders how they can see at the bottom of the ocean. It's notoriously dark under the water. simu-ninja'ed!

raven thinks for a minute before going up to some of the people in the bubble and introducing herself.
"Hi, I'm Raven. Umm. Do you remember anything about how we got here?"

No. Stop talking. Need to conserve oxygen. :smallannoyed:

Magtok (assuming the tube isn't wet or too small for him) tries to see as far through the tube as possible, and tries to head through it if it is big enough to accomodate a person. (I didn't see anything about the size of the tube.)

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 12:01 PM
GM now swims south trying to find boll like coral.

2007-04-22, 12:02 PM
Magtok, it's three centimeters across. see post 11

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 12:04 PM
Magtok, it's three centimeters across. see post 11
((six raven 6))

2007-04-22, 12:04 PM
"Okay...and it's cold, so that means it's not the right climate for sharks (wait...how do I know that?), though I could be wrong...

"Either way...the bubble is shrinking, so I should probably do something now."

Coming up with a plan of action, Zombie decides that the tube is not particularly useful right now. He dumps the contents of his bottle of water [assuming that it's only water] and lets air in. He places his thumb over the opening so that no air can escape unless he wants it to.

He explains his plan of action to no one in particular, just anyone who'll listen: "It won't be too far to the surface, hopefully. And there should be land nearby...provided I'm not completely off in my reasoning. With the air in the bottle, I can hopefully make it."

He takes off his vest and wraps his two pieces of bread in it, so they hopefully won't get too wet, and tucks them under his arm. Taking one last gulp of air, he exits the bubble and immediately pushes toward the surface, kicking powerfully with his legs. He holds his breath as long as possible, taking only small gulps from his bottle when he needs to.

[OOC: If it looks like I won't make it, hopefully I can turn back to the bubble before it's too late. Tell me if I use up half the air in my bottle without breaking the surface.]

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 12:07 PM
((are we all in the same bubble?))

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 12:07 PM

We need a way out. Fast. Any ideas?

2007-04-22, 12:16 PM
Zombie: Allright, you fill your bottle with air and swim off (by the way, the bottle does have a piece of cork to shut it). As you ascend the water gets hotter and hotter. When you hit the surface you have reached tropical climates. You only used up half the bottle of air in the ascent. You seem to be in a calm sea now with clear, bright, blue water. There is a small island to the west.
((You earn your first point for escaping the bubble))

((GM: Yes, you are all in the same bubble))

((I should really post the support thread now, for everyone's convenience, but I don't quite know where...Could anyone tell me?))

2007-04-22, 12:22 PM
Treading the water as best he can with his arms half-full, Zombie looks around for a moment, then starts to make a slow swim for the island...while trying to keep his bread dry, of course.

"Okay, maybe I was wrong about where we were...still..."

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 12:23 PM
GM swims back to the bubble and asks if he can borrow a bottle from the others.

2007-04-22, 12:29 PM
Zombie: As I said, it's a very small island. It contains twenty coconut trees and a single sign that says "Welcome to Wonga-Wonga Island. 5 Days untill harvest".
The island is made up entirely out of sand and there is a small area around it with very low water levels. At the edge of this area, the bottom dissapears very suddenly.

2007-04-22, 12:32 PM
Raven watches Zombie. Wow. He's smart. She follows him out of the bubble, but she stops to examine the clam on her way.

2007-04-22, 12:34 PM
Castaras takes a deep breath and quickly swims up to the surface of the water.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 12:37 PM
GM grabs his stuff attempting to watter proof it and follows with a bottle full of air

2007-04-22, 12:39 PM
Saurous does a similar technique as Zombie did with the water bottle, and follows the others to the surface.

2007-04-22, 12:43 PM
Raven: You manage to swim up, but you can't investigate the clam too. It's too far away.
Castaras: You manage to swim up as well.
Both of you are out of breath and only barely make it up. As you reach the surface, you both faint and drift idly on the water. You have managed to preserve your bottle of water though. Your bread has gone wet.

GM & Saurous: You empty your bottle and swim up, where you find the floating raven and Castaras.

You have all earned your first point.

((And I repeat, does anyone know where i should post the support thread?))

2007-04-22, 12:43 PM
(( Post it in the SMBG. ))

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 12:44 PM
shall we help them? i ask Saurous

2007-04-22, 12:48 PM
Saurous sighs.

"I guess so."

Saurous swims over to Castaras and Raven, and thinks for a moment as to what he should do.

2007-04-22, 12:49 PM
((Saurous should grab our arms and drag us to the island, using his legs to propel him through the water ))

2007-04-22, 12:51 PM
[I was just gonna say...you probably should've emptied your bottles first.]

Zombie stops to consider the sign for a moment. "Hmm...I wonder what 'The Harvest' is. Maybe I could wait 5 days and see."

Zombie replaces his vest and refills his bottle of water [assuming this is still fresh water as you said] and then begins to examine the island, periodically digging in the sand to see if he can find anything, looking up into the trees to see if there's anything aside from coconuts (which are hopefully edible). He also wades out to the sudden drop to see if there's anything unusual about it, or whether it's merely a simple shelf in the sea.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 12:53 PM
*grabs Cas and swims to shore*

2007-04-22, 12:54 PM
Saurous grabs Raven, and also swims to shore.

2007-04-22, 12:55 PM
((I'm sorry about the confusion, I misread your post earlier, Zombie, and thought you were tasting the water in the bottle...the other water really is salty. I will refill all emptied bottles before this post though, to make up for my mistake)).

Zombie: You discover quite a few things. In one of the trees there's a monkey. you also notice that this tree is actually a banana tree (making 19 coconut trees, one banana tree). Digging in the sand doesn't deliver much, but hey, it's a big island, right? The sudden drop goes down quite deep and you can't make out the bottom. The ground level doesn't reastablish behind it though (meaning that it's not just a pit, rather the island is on a peak).
((You receive a second point for finding the monkey and the banana tree)).

The rest of you (Castaras, Raven, GM and Saurous) arrive on the shore of the island. Raven and Castaras regain consciousness.

2007-04-22, 12:58 PM
((Oh...sorry. I should've clarified I was tasting the sea water. It didn't make much sense to me that the water was fresh, though there are some very large tropical lakes.))

2007-04-22, 01:01 PM
((aww. man. Now my sacrifice to save my water means nothing...))

Raven coughs, once she gets to the shore. She coughs up a bunch of water, then wakes up. (again) Where are we now?

2007-04-22, 01:03 PM
Castaras wakes up.

Ow...Now where the hell are we?

2007-04-22, 01:03 PM
Saurous looks around the shore, noting specifically the sign.

"Well, we appear to be on an island known as 'Wonga-Wonga Island'."

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 01:04 PM
Land we are on land *waits*

2007-04-22, 01:05 PM
Shadow empities his bottle, fills it with air, swims to the surface using the bottle full of air as a breathing device when needed, swims to the shore, lays his wet bread out to dry a bit, eats a banana, drinks the milk from coconut, and says:
"Thanks for waiting guys."

He then strips down naked to let his wet clothes dry and flexes for the ladies.

I look around for a gigantic couch off in the distance.

2007-04-22, 01:08 PM
Shadow: Very well, you dump the water in your bottle and swim up. However, you can't just open a coconut with your hands, and the monkey seems quite protective over his bananas.

2007-04-22, 01:09 PM
...and the monkey seems quite protective over his bananas.

(( ;) Kinky. :smalltongue: ))

2007-04-22, 01:10 PM
Saurous smiles at Shadow.

"You're welcome."

He looks away, and heads over to a coconut tree. He pulls a coconut down, and looks around for anything that could help him open it.

"Does anyone have a clever idea to open a coconut without injuring ourselves?"

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 01:12 PM
i may *holds out hand.*

2007-04-22, 01:12 PM
Shadow takes his unopened coconut to the nearest rock and repeatedly slams the cocnut against the rock until it cracks open just a little.
Then he pulls the two halves apart.

(assuming that this works. If not, eventually I'll give up.))

2007-04-22, 01:15 PM
Shadow: No rocks on the island, shadow. Sorry.

2007-04-22, 01:17 PM
Raven looks at shadow askance for a moment before walking over to the monkey. all this unconsciousness muct be affecting her, because she strikes up a conversation with it.
Hey monkey. How you doing? (etc.. etc..)

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 01:18 PM
hey shadow can i borrow your empty bottle?

2007-04-22, 01:20 PM
Saurous hands the coconut to GM.

"If your idea does not work, I think I have one."

2007-04-22, 01:20 PM
I pull the sign out of the ground and examine the end of the post to see of it's sharpened or squared. If it's sharpened, I'll use it to try and open the coconut.

GM: Use your own bottle. I don't want mine broken just yet.

2007-04-22, 01:21 PM
Shadow: It's sharpened, but it's also plain wood...

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 01:21 PM
(the empty bottle Shadow?)
you try yours first Saur.

2007-04-22, 01:23 PM
Great! Now I have a short spear!

I already answered you GM.

2007-04-22, 01:26 PM
So, monkey, I'd like a banana. Could I persuade you to lend me one?

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 01:27 PM
i will return it with out harm, and my bottle is full.
(his is not right?)

2007-04-22, 01:28 PM
Raven: The monkey looks at you somewhat surprised and says "Oook, oook?"

2007-04-22, 01:29 PM
*gives GM his empty bottle*

"But if you break it I'll take your full one."

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 01:31 PM
thank you good sir. dives down and re enters the bubble then refills shadows bottle with air and looks for coral :east

2007-04-22, 01:32 PM
Ohh, you must not speak common.
Oook! oook, oook, oook.
translation: [pear slinking tiger tree]

2007-04-22, 01:36 PM
I look around the small island. When I find the small area of water that ZRS previously found at the edge by the drop off I taste it.

2007-04-22, 02:08 PM
GM: You don't find coral to the south. You do see a shark swimming around there in the distance.

Raven: the monkey replies "Oook, oook!" (Free translation: Oook, oook).

Shadow: The sudden drop is at the shore: this means it is IN the sea. sorry, no fresh water there.

2007-04-22, 02:12 PM
Warpfire awakens, looking around and stretching. Following the established procedure, Warpfire proceeds to empty his bottle, fill it with air, and exits the bubble. He looks around for any middle-sized rocks he could carry with him up to the island.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 02:13 PM
East? West? North? after each venture he refills shadow's bottle

2007-04-22, 02:14 PM
Raven, encouraged, continues to babble at the monkey.
Ooo, Ook Oh OooooOOO!!

2007-04-22, 02:15 PM
Warpfire: You empty your bottle and go pick up a rock. Then you swim up to the surface and on to the island.
(This feat earned you your first point)

GM: Which direction first, Goblin Music?

Raven: The monkey seems to have made up its mind that you are an utter idiot. He turns his back to you and silently mumbles "Oook..." to himself.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 02:18 PM
(in the order i put them in)

2007-04-22, 02:22 PM
GM: Allrighty, that makes sense! To the east three sharks seem to be hovering over something, but you can't make out what as it is lying in a crack in the ocean floor (the ocean floor is stone there).
To the west you encounter a stone construction that seems to curb (by which I mean it forms a circle).
To the north lies, as already mentioned, a huge clam. None of the sides possess coral.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 02:26 PM
after filling shadow's bottle with air i head back to the 'curb'

2007-04-22, 02:33 PM
Warpfire, looking around at the people trying to open up coconuts, grabs a coconut off one of the trees. He lays his rock on the ground, sits next to it, and starts slamming the coconut into the rock. If it cracks, he will try and pull the two parts apart.

2007-04-22, 02:34 PM
Warpfire: And, yes, indeed, you manage to bash a small hole in the coconut (say, 1 centimeter diameter). It's not big enough to get your fingers in though.

GM: Yeah, you're back on the curb. these things are usually automatic success.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 02:44 PM
can you Disribe it better?

2007-04-22, 03:06 PM
@GM: The curb? Well, really, it's just a sudden drop of the ground level at the edge of the island. First you're about waistdeep in the water, and then the floor stops, it just ends right there. The curb is made out of smooth rock and is quite slippery, but the rest of the island that's underwater is covered in sand (it's plausible that rock is beneath though). The rock makes a straight drop at the edge. You know:
and so on.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 03:25 PM
Magtok takes the tube thing filling the bubble with air, and tries to bend it so that it blows the bubble upwards towards the island that everyone else headed to.

2007-04-22, 03:27 PM
Nightsong wakes up. After exploring the floor of the bubble. She takes the membrane from the tube's opening (only if it will not damage the rest of the bubble). Noting a now smaller bubble, calmly empties her water, using the bottle for air, taking her pieces of bread, membrane (wearing loincloth and vest) she kicks off the bottom and swims to the surface.

2007-04-22, 03:27 PM
((@Nightsong: There is in fact no sloping upward of the ocean floor, just a stone wall in the distance. Also, the pressure wasn't lethal to the other players who swam up. It was hard, but not unbearable. Funny enough, the cycborg is the one who has problems here, since he's not too good with water. Oh, yes, and the bubble was only getting smaller very slowly, and since some of the others left the effect has slowed down so much it's become invisible)).
Nightsong: You note the tube that has been dug up by the others on the floor of the bubble. The membrane on the end has been slightly loosened.

Magtok: The bubble stays in place, even though you move the tube around inside it.

2007-04-22, 03:30 PM
((sorry nigma, missed reading a few other posts so that's why i deleted my last post, i'll keep those actions in the deleted one though))

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 03:33 PM
GM enters the bubble try ripping of the membrane then he tries to find a sharp stone and surfaces using the bottle of air

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 03:37 PM
Magtok takes his stuff (Excluding the bottle) and tries to cover as much of his circuitry as possible. He tries to get some sand on himself as well, hoping that if he's lucky, he may be able to avoid getting his water-sensitive parts wet.

He also tries to determine whether he has a chance of swimming to safety using the "bottle of air" method.

Mr. Moon
2007-04-22, 03:39 PM
Ilian wakes up in the bubble, and looks around sharply. "Gah! Help! I can't breath! Oh, wait, yes I can." He looks around himself, and then his eyes widen as he remembers something. "My hair!" He runs his hands over his hair rappidly, inspecting it for damage. He breaths a sigh of reliefe. No or little damage to worry about.

"Now, where am I?"

He looks around himself, and puts his hand in his pockets, finding a bottle of water, he looks at it with a keen interest. "Okay... Now what?"

2007-04-22, 03:45 PM
Raven continues chatting up the monkey, even though it is convinced she's a loony.

2007-04-22, 03:51 PM
GM: You manage to rip off the membrane with ease. You can only find blunt rocks though (I suppose one of those will have to do). You then return to surface.
((You receive a point for ripping off the membrane))

Magtok: The bottle of air methos seems fine, the only problem is that you'll have to throw away your fresh water supply.

Raven: The monkey is tempted to start hurling feces at you.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 03:56 PM
Magtok decides to use the "bottle of air" method, and instead of dumping the water on the sand, he tries to store it away by soaking his bread with it.

2007-04-22, 04:00 PM
Magtok: You soak your bread in the water but you do lose a lot of water in the process. Other than that, the "bottle-method" seems to work just fine. You do get some water on you, but other than some ruststains on your metal parts and strange sparklings seen through your cyborg eye, it doesn't seem to do much. If I were you, I wouldn't try it again, though.
(Reaching the island earns you your first point).

Mr. Moon
2007-04-22, 04:01 PM
Ilian watches the cyborg with an expresion of half-fear, but decides he'd rather see what's on the surface then stay down here. He quickly drinks his water and follows Magtok up to the surface.

2007-04-22, 04:01 PM
Warpfire frowns, then turns the coconut upside down so that the hole is facing the ground.

2007-04-22, 04:04 PM
Moon: Ilian too reaches the island, having dumped his precious water (in a slightly more sensible way, though). (This feat earns you your first point)

Warpfire: The coconutmilk pours out onto the sand.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 04:06 PM
GM walks over to warpfire and asks if he can use his large rock quick

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 04:06 PM
Hmm...Wonga-Wonga Island...5 days until the harvest...harvest of what?

This place must be inhabited by people if this sign is here. They could be uncivilized cannibalistic nuts for all we know, and this harvest might be a massive killing spree.

Wow...have I always been this paranoid?

2007-04-22, 04:09 PM
Nightsong dog paddles to the island and joins the others

2007-04-22, 04:10 PM
Nightsong: Since you weren't using the "bottle-method", you still have your water, but you faint as soon as hitting surface and start drifting aimlessly. (You haven't reached the island yet, and thus have not yet earned a point for this)

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 04:12 PM
Magtok points at Nightsong and starts yelling for the others to come and do something, since he sure as hell isn't going back in the water.

Mr. Moon
2007-04-22, 04:13 PM
"Canibals? Where?" Ilian looks around rappidly, his expresion one of horrer. "Don't eat me! It'll mess up my hair!" Eventualy, Ilian calms down and decides his hair is safe. For now. He looks at the sign, and frowns. "Wonga-Wonga Island? Never heard of it." Ilian shrugs, and begins to look along the shore for any crabs or other sealife. Perferably edible. He is compleatly oblvious to the girl in the water, dispite Magtok's shouting.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 04:13 PM
GM jumps in to the water and pulls Nightsong to shore

2007-04-22, 04:15 PM
raven finally decides that talking to the monkey isn't getting her anywhere. she decides to see if she can fashion a spear out of palm-wood instead.

2007-04-22, 04:18 PM
Warpfire is about to answer GM when he leaps off into the water. He shrugs and starts collecting coconuts. He creates a pile of them and sits down next to them. "What to do now...anybody want some coconut milk?"

2007-04-22, 04:20 PM
raven says that she does, as she tries to pull a branch from the palm.

2007-04-22, 04:21 PM
Castaras grabs some more coconuts, looking at them. Shen then starts to explore deeper into the island.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 04:21 PM
Magtok heads over to the tree with the bananas and the monkey.

You're trying to get the bananas, right? What if I gave that tree a kick and scared the monkey away?

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 04:23 PM
GM grabs 2 coconuts and puts one in a pit then trows the other at the first.

2007-04-22, 04:26 PM
Warpfire slams a coconut against the rock repeatedly, attempting to create a hole similar to the first one. He then hands it over to raven. "There you go."

2007-04-22, 04:29 PM
hey, thanks!
Raven stops her pursuit for a palm spear just long enough to take the coconut and drink the milk. then she tries to get at the meat for five minutes before going back to her palm decimation.

2007-04-22, 04:34 PM
Space, still in the bubble decides to swim to the surface. Before doing so, he removes his vest and drops his bread to remove any excess weight. He dumps about one sixth of the water out of the bottle and then re-seal it so it will float if he has to drop it. He holds onto his water bottle and leaves the bubble, instantly beginning to swim upwards. If he begins to feel faint, he will release the bottle and tear off his loincloth to reduce any unnecessary weight and continue swimming.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 04:48 PM
Magtok takes a coconut, and chucks it at the bananas to knock them down.

2007-04-22, 04:54 PM
raven tears a branch down from the tree. she then asks if anyone has anything sharp she can borrow. since nobody does, she asks goblin for one of his rocks.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 04:54 PM
this world seams to be made for just us. if you can help me get some fiber to make in to rope.

2007-04-22, 05:02 PM
sure. you can help me carve this branch. you can take the fibers from that!

2007-04-22, 07:19 PM
*is pulled to shore by GM* ((?))

2007-04-22, 07:48 PM
Joosbawx watches the others and then mimics their ascent by drinking his water and then corking the empty bottle with air. Stripping off the vest, he tucks it into his loincloth after wrapping his bread in the vest. Exiting the bubble, he ascends with the help of the air to the surface and then swims to the island.

After inspecting the island and learning what the others have found, he asks Warpfire to open him a coconut and then drinks the coconut milk. Asking to borrow the coconut-opening rock, he works at the coconut he'd just finished drinking and increases the size of the hole enough so that a monkey sized hand can fit through snugly. He then drops the cork from his bottle inside and shakes the coconut-and-cork rattle, trying to get the monkey's attention with it before setting it down at the base of the banana tree. In the meantime, he walks a few paces away and lays his vest and bread out to dry while watching the monkey.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 07:53 PM
Magtok lets his stuff dry, begins fashioning a spear in the same manner as the others, and watches the monkey's reaction to Joosbawx's coconut rattle thingy.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 08:47 PM
GM thieves all the fiber from the spear making and crafts a Flail (3 stones tied with the rope (crafted by the fiber) then tied to a strong stick (all on one side))

2007-04-22, 08:54 PM
{Arg, I'm late! Oh, well.}
Johnny, who has been thinking quietly, grins a mad grin. "Time to go . . ." He gulps a bunch of water, then uses the 'bottle method'.

"I'm bored. Anyone here have a game or something?"

Lord Magtok
2007-04-22, 08:56 PM
We could try to figure out who left this sign here, scout out the island...take the other's stuff once they fall asleep. :smallwink:

2007-04-22, 08:56 PM
Raven holds up her finely crafted spear and grins. Then she asks GM if she can borrow the empty bottle of air he used to dive underwater.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 09:06 PM
seeing Shadow is asleep just don't break it k' holds up flail shall we go search the island mag?

2007-04-22, 09:07 PM
Nightsong helps herself to one of the fallen coconuts and after drinking the milk. She fashions a pouch for her belongings out of palm leaf strips then proceeds to explore more of the island

2007-04-22, 09:09 PM
Raven swims down to the bubble with her long spear. she re-fills the bottle, then swims off in the direction of the shark. She tries to stab it with the spear. If the spear doesn't pierce the skin, she tries to lure it into the bubble of air.

Goblin Music
2007-04-22, 09:10 PM
GM waits for Mag's answer.

2007-04-23, 01:20 AM
Moon: There doesn't seem to be any sealife on the shore, just some shells.

Nightsong: You receive your first point for arriving on the island and regain consciousness.

Castaras: the island is pretty small. You've seen all of it already.

GM: You manage to make a small crack in one of the coconuts you bash together.

Space: You lose your vest and bread by leaving it below, also, you dump some of the water. You do make it up without fainting and arrive on the island.
(That's another point for you).

Magtok: You manage to hit the tree and a bunch of bananas fall down. The monkey is angry at you for disturbing him and starts yelling "OOOOOK!!!! OOOKOOOOOOOK!!!!".

Raven: The coconut trees don't have branches. ((Srry I couldn't warn you earlier)). I assume you don't attack the shark, since you don't have a spear.
GM: Since there are no branches, you can't take fiber from them, you can, however, simple pull fiber off the trees (they're quite hairy). This means you can tie a stone to some home-made rope, but you can't tie that to a stick.

Joosbawx: You arrive on the island too (and earn your first point).

Guessswho: You too arrive on the island. (earning your first point).

Nightsong: You manage to make a pouch.

2007-04-23, 06:08 AM
I ask if I can borrow anyones empty bottle of air. If so, I use the bottle method that everyone seems to love to go down to the bubble and fetch my bread and vest. Upon returning, I lay them on the sand to dry. I get myself a coconut and throw it at the monkey. If I manage to get the monkey out of the tree, unconcious or otherwise, I will attempt to climb it and grab a bunch of bananas.

2007-04-23, 06:34 AM
Sorry, I'm finding it too difficult to follow this thread. I just don't have the time to sift through all the responses while I'm unable to post - I already participate on another forum where I need to do this, and it takes up plenty of time already.

I'm going to bow out of this. Sorry.

Goblin Music
2007-04-23, 09:00 AM
i drink the coconut milk and continue making some bolas.
then i try to sharpen one stone by scraping 2 together.

2007-04-23, 09:59 AM
Space: There are already some unclaimed bananas at the foot of the tree (Magtok hurled a coconut at them and they fell).

GM: You create a pair of bolas and you acquire a sharp rock! Hurray for you.

Joosbawx: I forgot to mention earlier, but the monkey doesn't seem very interested in your rattle.

((Pingcode: I'm sad you're leaving... Good luck in that other thread, even though there's no way it's as groovy as this one :smallbiggrin: ))

Announcement: Regretfully, pingcode20 has decided to leave the game. Therefor his personage dies of a heartattack (don't worry, he wasn't in a lot of pain). Pingcode is now dead at the ocean floor.

2007-04-23, 10:59 AM
How long will Pingcode's body take to decay? his bones might be mighty useful...
can we take his bottle of water and bread and stuff? If so, I go down and do that.

2007-04-23, 11:06 AM
((@Raven: Pingcode's body will take very long to decay. You ARE allowed to take his stuff, but you personally have no direct way of diving safely, since GM never said he borrowed you his bottle))

2007-04-23, 11:08 AM
Joosbawx gives Raven his bottle to dive after Pingcode's things after retrieving the cork from inside the coconut at the base of the banana tree.

2007-04-23, 11:09 AM
argh. can i use a coconut to hold air? Simunija'd!
Raven dives down to get the stuff.

2007-04-23, 11:11 AM
Raven: Allright, you salvage Pingcode's stuff.

2007-04-23, 11:12 AM
okay, I leave them in the bubble for a moment and I go check out the clam.

2007-04-23, 11:50 AM
The guy who had been quiet the whole time suddenly perks up,taking a bite of bread (though not eating all of it), dumps out all the water in his bottle, and uses what little air there is in it to breathe as he shouts "I'm a ninja!" before diving through the air bubble, heading for the clam.

2007-04-23, 11:56 AM
Raven & Ninja: You both arrive at the clam. It's a very huge closed oyster. Its shell is a pearly sparkling white. The oyster is about 3 meters in diameter and 1,5 meters thick (height at the heighest point). There is a skeleton hand clenched by the jaws of the oyster, the arm dissapears into the shell. (By this I mean that it looks like someone has been swallowed by the oyster).

2007-04-23, 12:34 PM
Oh, this looks interesting. Do I think that I can get the clam open? there might be valuable objects inside.

2007-04-23, 12:38 PM
Raven: The clam looks shut pretty tight.

2007-04-23, 12:43 PM
I want to see if there's anything useful in there. I try the following, in order.
Inspect the skeletal arm for anything I can use.
Try to pull the arm out of the clam's grip. I can probably use the bones somehow.
Dig around the bottom of the clam and look for crabs or small fish or anything good.

If I run out of oxygen at any time I swim back to the bubble and refill the bottle with air.

2007-04-23, 12:51 PM
Raven: You manage to pull the arm out (and you hear a loud CRACK as you do it). But you can't find anything else of interest.

2007-04-23, 01:15 PM
Vamp (now who gave him that nickname...?) looks around, noticing all the little things the others have found. He looks up. An artificial light source, or the Sun?

2007-04-23, 01:30 PM
vamp: It's probably the sun, you can't quite see it through the water.

((and don't worry, you ain't a vampire here, just a regular human))

Lord Magtok
2007-04-23, 01:53 PM
Magtok heads to the bananas he knocked down, peels one, and begins eating it.

2007-04-23, 01:57 PM
Castaras goes over to the bananas and grabs one to eat.

Now...how are we going to get off this island? Any ideas?

Lord Magtok
2007-04-23, 01:58 PM
We might want to try some smoke signals. First we'd need a fire.

2007-04-23, 04:48 PM
Does anyone have an empty bottle I can borrow?
Space will use the bottle to swim down to the bubble and fetch his things, using it to return as well. Upon succeeding in this task or failing to procure a bottle, he tries to weave a small net/bag thing large and strong enough to hold a coconut in it, in order to have a nifty carrying bag and a flail-like weapon. He will also still throw a coconut at the monkey because it is getting on his nerves.

1. throw coconut at monkey
2. ask for bottle
2b. if bottle is procured, dive to bottom and retrieve vest & bread
3. make net thing
4. Put coconut in net thing

Lord Magtok
2007-04-23, 04:59 PM

Magtok hands over his bottle, after deciding to not put a tiny hole in the bottom. He seems a bit upset about this decision.

2007-04-23, 05:02 PM
Hey Space, do you reckon you could help me out here?
I'm still in the bubble, and don't want to empty out my water either.
If you could borrow another bottle, and then come back here with it so I could use it to get to th island?
Maybe we could have a number of "communal air bottles". I wouldn't mind sharing the water in my bottle, as otherwise I wouldn't have any.

In the meantime, with that membrane removed from the tube, can we see anything inside it? Is it still blowing air in? If I reach inside with my hand can I find anything?

Goblin Music
2007-04-23, 09:22 PM
grabs a coconut and pierces the pre-made-hole at the top then drinks the milk

2007-04-23, 09:31 PM
raven, after securing the bone arm (what was she thinking?) swims back to the bubble, pucks up the stuff she looted from pingcode, and then goes back up to the island.

Mr. Moon
2007-04-23, 10:40 PM
Ilian gives a grumble as he fails in finding any edible food. "That makes no sence. Why would..." He pauses, trying to figure out why it doesn't make sence, then looks at the monkey, then at the collection of bannanas below it.

"Can I have a bannana?" His stomach gives a loud grumble.

2007-04-23, 11:37 PM
Shadow asks for his bottle back from GM before he goes to catch up on what's happened while he was gone....

Give it back. I have a spear.

2007-04-23, 11:40 PM
Hey, Joosbawx. Here's your bottle back. if you want, you can have some of the stuff I looted down there.

Goblin Music
2007-04-23, 11:46 PM
i have bolas *hands bottle back*

2007-04-24, 05:44 AM
Kry wakes up with the "AHEM" looted Pingcode next to her.:smallredface:

Ohhhhh, i'm in a bubble! A bubble! A bu- She looks at the dead pingcode. AHH! The bubble ate...um...a guy! She looks shifty-eyed at everyone else (if there is anyone else) and then erm... "harvests" the following:

2 legs
2 arms

Then she tucks them in her vest, and takes her bottle. Hmmmm, if I put as much as I am able of this in my mouth, fill the empty bottle with air, and breath in the air using my mouth, then I could reach the surface! Yeah, that could work...

When/if *gulp* Kry reachs the island, she has meat *evil grin* and some water left, not that anyone whold enjoy eating the meat *evil grin*, and she has already had the water in her mouth.

If I can't take these things from the body, then I just do what i said afterwards, also, when you all get hungry


2007-04-24, 08:32 AM
Hey, Joosbawx. Here's your bottle back. if you want, you can have some of the stuff I looted down there.

Joosbawx the bottle back from Raven with a "Thank you," and looks a the arm she brought back up with her. After finding out how and where she found it, he pales a bit then inspects the arm.

"I don't think that I want that...but there might be some use for that...maybe...somewhere. Do you think there is any way one could open up that giant clam? Also...the sharks...do you think they're circling anything important? And what if we follow the pipe that's making the air bubble underwater and find out where that leads?"

2007-04-24, 08:38 AM
hmm. good ideas. I don't think I can get the clam open. it seems to be stuck tight. it took all my strenght to wrest this from its' grip. I don't know about the sharks, but I *think* the pipe leads under the island.

2007-04-24, 09:19 AM
Joosbawx nods and grabs a couple of bananas from beneath the tree, offering one to Raven. "Hmmm...what about making some kind of rope and hauling it to the beach? I'm very curious about what's inside that clam."

Goblin Music
2007-04-24, 09:23 AM
may i ask what you are doing and if you need help? holds up bolas hides sharp stone.

2007-04-24, 09:38 AM
Oh, that's a good idea. Goblin, you want to help see if we can drag the clam to the island? we'll need all the muscle and rope we can get.

Goblin Music
2007-04-24, 10:00 AM
well i had an idea but it may take all of us to put this plan in action. would you like to hear it?

2007-04-24, 10:08 AM
Space: You manage to swim down and retrieve your stuff. Weaving the net out of fiber also succeeds. However, after throwing the coconut at the monkey, it attacks you by jumping down at you.(Just tell us how you respond, and i'll see if you manage to survive the encounter, hehe).

Evnafets: Since the tube is very long, you can't see anything, nor reach anything. It IS still blowing air.

Krystal: Harvesting the legs and arms won't be possible without some sort of knife. Also, you manage to swim up IF you swallow the water, otherwise you get to the surface, but faint then. ((You earn your fist point for reachin the island too))

((Also, have the "clam-draggers" considered the size of the clam? It's 3 meters diameter and 1,5 meters thick...might be a doozy to drag))

2007-04-24, 10:29 AM
Joosbawx appears to be considering something and hesitates before offering, "You know, we also have a freshly dead body in the bubble down below. If we could use the body to attract the sharks, the bubble itself should prove a fairly effective shark cage. The body could be used to attract the sharks toward the bubble and then we could see what it is they wre circling. It could prove useful, or it could be nothing, too."

Goblin Music
2007-04-24, 10:36 AM
i can draw blood with this *holds the sharp rock so only Joos and Cult can see it*

2007-04-24, 10:38 AM
to joosbawx: that's true. You wanna try it? It's a good idea. We could go down.
also, does anyone think we can make a desalination rig? so we don't run out of water? because I'm thirsty. She drinks one of the bottles full of water she has. These aren't gonna last too long.

2007-04-24, 11:20 AM
Joosbawx looks to the stone Goblin holds and then nods to both Raven and GM. "We'll need another bottle...or more...so we can all make it down and back. I have one empty bottle for air. We should try to get a couple for each of us, maybe."

2007-04-24, 11:27 AM
well, I just emptied this one. You have one, don't you, goblin? that should be enough...

Goblin Music
2007-04-24, 11:52 AM
got this holds up his full bottle and the coconut with the one hole in it

2007-04-24, 11:59 AM
Joosbawx looks skeptically at the coconut. "Are you sure that will work?"

2007-04-24, 12:06 PM
Vamp consumes half of his bottle of water, eats his bread, and swims to the surface. If he begins to run out of air, he swallows the air in the bottle by removing the cork, quickly putting his thumb over it, putting the top of the bottle into his mouth, then letting water into the bottle. He swims over to the shore, and listens to the clam opening operation. 'If you got that arm bone out, that means there's a gap, right? So use it as a lever...' He offers his services to assist, if they are required.

2007-04-24, 12:33 PM
((Vampiric: You earn your first point for reaching the island))

2007-04-24, 12:51 PM
yes, I was thinking that as well... will these coconuts work as air holders for our diving operation?

2007-04-24, 12:58 PM
"Does anyone have any idea what The Great Switcharoo is?
Oh, and... the harvest is now in three days.
I only mention it because the Great Switcharoo is today."

2007-04-24, 01:06 PM
Just as shadow mentions this, a small boat arrives at the island (quite quickly, actually, considering it's a rowboat being propelled forward by a single man). The rowboat hits shore and the man is hurled out. He gets up and dusts his purple garbs. The man seems of eastern origin and he is wearing a turban. He also has an immensly huge moustache. He walks back to the rowboat and pick up the staff he was using as an oar. It's a long, thin stick, tipped off with a crescent moon (which is made out of wood as well).
"I", says the man, and he pauzes for dramatic effect, "Am the great Dalmutti!" Yet again he pauzes and looks at the people on the island. As no-one seems to have heard of him, he continues, somewhat offended: "I am here to offer you a trade. Each of you may give me ONE item, one and no more, and the great Dalmutti shall trade for something he sees fit to give" He then sits down on his rowboat and waits for anyone to answer.

Goblin Music
2007-04-24, 01:41 PM
interesting... if i were to ask him a question he will surly need something from me to answer and IF i could give him something i couldn't retrieve anything from him this is a very interesting predicament, very...

2007-04-24, 02:01 PM
Shadow considers giving him the sign, as that seems to be the only thing of value that he has, before reconsidering. The sign is the only thing that seems to be able to fortell what's going to happen here. Instead Shadow undresses and is about to hand Dalmutti his loincloth when he decides that his bread is his next most valuable property.
Shadow ties his loincloth on his head as a sort of do-rag and walks up to Dalmutti, wearing his new headband and vest, and hands Dalmutti his food.
Hopefully the value of what is recieved changes the valu of what is gained.... he thinks to himself.

*Shadow gives Dalmutti his food*

and flexes for the ladies.

2007-04-24, 02:11 PM
Zombie, a bit puzzled from everything going on, looks at Dalmutti in confusion, but decides that waking up half-naked in a shrinking bubble under the ocean means that absurd things are likely to happen and shouldn't be questioned.

"I suppose that depends on what kinds of things he has to trade...it doesn't look like he has much besides the boat and his staff...

"Hey, Dalmutti...what kind of things do you have to trade?"

Lord Magtok
2007-04-24, 02:14 PM
Everyone, I think I know what we should do about this "great Dalmutti" guy's offer.

Would everyone please follow me over there-

He points to some random spot likely out of Dalmutti's hearing range.

-to talk about this?

2007-04-24, 02:16 PM
Joosbawx watches Shadow make the first move, considering his options for a moment before taking his empty bottle and wading out into the water. Using the bottle to swim back to the bubble, Joosbawx enters and takes a few deep breathes before refilling the bottle with air. Utilizing the vest and loincloth of pingcode20, Joosbawx hauls the body up from the bubble before turning over onto his back and kicking himself and the corpse of pingcode20 to shore. Unless anyone stops him, it is fairly clear Joosbawx intends to present pingcode20 to the man with the ridiculous mustache.

2007-04-24, 02:17 PM
Shadow walks towards Magtok's gathering. "What's to talk about Magok? Either you're willing to take a chance or not." Shadow shows everyone the sign.

Welcome To Wonga-Wonga Island
The Great Switcheroo is today!!!
3 Days untill Harvest"See, right there? That says the GREAT Switcheroo! That means it'll be great!"

Lord Magtok
2007-04-24, 02:25 PM
You're not thinking about this hard enough. We have spears, right?

We could probably persuade:smallwink: this guy to give us a little something extra.

Did anyone see any signs of a concealed weapon or anything?

2007-04-24, 02:26 PM
"Well that row boat sure was moving fast for an old man to be pushing it that hard, and the staff implies magic. I'm willing to try it."

Lord Magtok
2007-04-24, 02:31 PM
Damn, I didn't see that.

Well while we're here discussing this, what do you think he'd need? He's probably been rowing for a while, so maybe food might be our best bet.

We should go ask him.

2007-04-24, 02:33 PM
"Go ahead and ask him, but I doubt it'll do any good. I'm going bck to see what he trades for it."

Shadow returns to Dalmutti to see what he gets in exchange for his food.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-24, 02:46 PM
Magtok heads over to the Great Dalmutti, and asks the guy what he'd want.

2007-04-24, 03:02 PM
Shadow: The great Dalmutti takes your bread and inspects it with interest. He then chews up the two slices and shrugs. "The Great Dalmutti said ONE item. You gave me two! Nothing for you!"

Joosbawx: The great dalmutti regards your gift with interest, and jabs pincode with his stick. "Very well, the great dalmutti will accept your gift". Having said this, he hauls the corpse into his boat. Then he pulls two items out of his cloak. One is a throphy, reading "Most Original Gift So Far (1 Point)". The other is a short sword with "Prick" scribbled on the side. He hands both items to Joosbawx.

To questions regarding what he wants, Dalmutti says "The Great Dalmutti wishes only to trade. The more original and unique your gift, the better mine"

2007-04-24, 03:15 PM
"That's just bad form Dalmutti.
Technically every gift that you receive is 'more that one thing.' Every single thing in the world is made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms, which are made up of protons and nuetron which are....
Do you see where I'm going with this?
In the middle of the rambling Shadow stabs his short spear at Dalmutti's chest.

2007-04-24, 03:18 PM
Joosbawx accepts the items and offers a bow of thanks before retreating with them to watch the others. In the meantime, he gathers some palm leaves and weaves himself a belt, a pouch big enough to hold the bottle and food, and a hat.

2007-04-24, 03:24 PM
Shadow: Dalmutti doesn't seem to appreciate this sudden attack. He gently steps out of the way and says: "Please, The Great Dalmutti doesn't have time for anything other than trade, if it will stop your whining, I'll give you a small gift". Having said this, Dalmutti rummages in his cloak and pulls out a T-Shirt. It says "I traded with The Great Dalmutti, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt".

Joosbawx: You don't quite manage to make a hat, but you do create a belt and a pouch out of the fiber.

2007-04-24, 03:26 PM
It's better than nothing, you bastard.*
Shadow puts the t-shirt on under his vest, but keeps his loincloth on his head.

*Dalmutti, not Ed

2007-04-24, 03:40 PM
Vamp drinks the rest of his water, takes the cork from the bottle, and offers the cork to the Great Dalmutti...

2007-04-24, 03:58 PM
Vamp: Dalmutti takes the cork and examines it at great lenght. In the end, he stuffs it in his cloak and pulls out a bottle of wine...an uncorked bottle of wine. He hands this bottle to you and then continues prodding Pingcode's body, as he seems to find this entertaining.

2007-04-24, 04:09 PM
Warpfire looks over at Dalmutti. "Well...I don't have anything original or interesting, so I'll just give you this." He hands Dalmutti his rock.

2007-04-24, 04:25 PM
Warpfire: Even though it is just a plain rock, Dalmutti still examines it carefully, looking at it as if it was a rare gem. "The Great Dalmutti knows not what to think of this. It is not a great gift, but a gift yet it is. The Great Dalmutti sees that this item is neither rare, nor very valuable, still, he also sees it is a gift...And such a gift shall be returned". Dalmutti hurls the rock at the sea, causing it to bump over the water surface at amazing speeds. The rock keeps on bumping & bumping, on & on, till it passess the horizon. Meanwhile, Dalmutti folds his hands and then pulls out a sheet of paper. The lyrics to a rock song by the Scissor Sisters seem to be written upon it. Dalmutti hands the paper to Warpfire.

2007-04-24, 04:29 PM
Warpfire takes and reads the paper and shakes his head. "I knew that giving a rock was a bad idea...oh well." He shrugs.

2007-04-24, 04:49 PM
Shadow fashions himself a pouch and belt like the other one. He also make a short rope out of the fibers. Using the rope he turns his new t-shirt into a sack by tying the sleeves closed and attaching the rope to it.

"Hey Joos, can I use your sword for a minute?"

If Joosbawx gives me the sword, I'll go to work on cutting down one of the coconut trees. After, I'll collect all the coconuts and leaves, and now we have wood for carving or burning or whatever we need.

2007-04-24, 06:22 PM
Well since nobody has bothered to bring me a spare bottle, and Pingcodes one has been looted already, I guess I have no choice but to drink my water now (glug glug glug), bundle up the bread in my vest to try and keep it dry, and swim to the island using the bottle as an air supply.

Once there, I'll grab a spare banana (there are still some left on the ground right?), eat it to regain my strength and then offer the banana peel to the Great Dalmuti.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-24, 07:10 PM
...The more original and unique your gift, the better mine"

Magtok heads to the monkey, tries to stab it with his spear, and if successful, offer its corpse to the Great Dalmutti.

That original enough for ya? :smallamused:

You're getting four monkey's paws! Do you know how many wishes that adds up to?

2007-04-24, 07:39 PM
Joosbawx hesitates and then declines to give his "Prick" to Shadow. "Let's wait and see what happens before we try cutting down trees with a short sword."

2007-04-24, 09:08 PM
(well, ok, i swallow my water on the way up, knowing that its just silly)

After ariving at the island Kry learns recent events via talking to random people. Then she climbs a tree (not the bannana one) and looks around from her higher vatage point, to see if she can see anything.

After that, she climbs down the tree, and walks along the beach, looking for a little clam, musle, or just an odly shaped shell.

2007-04-24, 09:42 PM
Raven thinks for a minute. This is unexpected. She quickly borrows a bit of fiber from someone and takes the hand off the skeletal arm she looted. Then she ties the fiber in a bow around one of the fingers. She then offers it to the great Dalmutti.

2007-04-24, 09:47 PM
Joosbawx chuckles and watches with interest to see what the trader thinks of Raven's offer.

Goblin Music
2007-04-24, 10:59 PM
grabs a fiber from the tallest spot on the tallest tree along with a leaf and waits for him to answer Cult. not doing any thing else

2007-04-25, 06:19 AM
Space runs around svreaming at the monkey. If someone else already stabbed it, he is safe so he stops running and says, I'll give you this tree! He points to the nearest coconut tree.
If the monkey has not been stabbed or is still chasing him, he attempts to jump on it and says, I'll give you a live monkey!

2007-04-25, 08:33 AM
Shadow: You manage to fabricate the belt, pouch and backpack.

Evnafets: You drink your water and reach the island. ((This earns you your first point)). Dalmutti takes the banana peel with great interest and tucks it away in his coat. "The Great Dalmutti can see thou art a joker, young Evnafets! And a true joker, deserves a true joke!". Having said this, Dalmutti pulls a shocker TM (you know, one of those things you tie to your hand and whenever anyone shakes it they get a shock) out of his cloak and hands it to you.

Magtok: While the monkey is trying to beat up Space, you knock it out (you don't have a spear...) and hand it to Dalmutti. Dalmutti throws the monkey in the rowboat too and smiles broadly. "This gift is the most original one so far! The trophy goes to you, my friend, and not to the fellow who I gave it to earlier!". Dalmutti pulls the trophy for the most original gift out of his robe along with another item (the trophy mysteriously dissapears from Joosbawxs possession). The other item is a golden ring engraved with "Holding your breath underwater for five minutes, a true swashbuckling skill!". Both are given to Magtok.

Krystal: You find plenty of shells on the beach, there is only one variety of them, however. Your vantage point from atop the tree did not deliver you much news, except that the sea seems to be unusually calm.

Raven: Dalmutti takes the makeshift necklace and puts it on. "Very nice, but the Great Dalmutti doesn't asteem it worthy of the trophy. However, since you gave him a hand, The Great Dalmutti will give you a glove! Seems a fair trade, doesn't it?". Having said this he hands you a single purple glove. "this is the glove of compartiment, not to be confused with the glove compartiment. You can let one not too large item dissapear in it and recall it at any time when wearing the glove".

Space: You are saved from the monkey by magtok. Dalmutti politely refuses your gift of the tree, as it is too hard to take with him.

2007-04-25, 09:44 AM
Joosbawx finds the idea of the cyborg receiving the ring only useful underwater quite amusing and his gales of laughter make that quite obvious. He is sobered a bit when his trophy disappears, however.

2007-04-25, 09:46 AM
((Hehe, I hadn't even thought of that Joosbawx, lol. I just made the ring as a reference to monkey island, as each gift item by Dalmutti is truly a joke in some way. Usefull none the less though:smallbiggrin: )

2007-04-25, 11:38 AM
Vamp looks at his alcoholic beverage, sniffs, and takes a sip. (is it red or white wine, or is it fortified?)

2007-04-25, 11:46 AM
Vamp:(how it feels strange to call a guy a vamp...) It's red wine, and as you drink from it you feel it tingle in your mouth and a warm sensation spreads through your body. Also, it tastes very good.

Lord Magtok
2007-04-25, 02:22 PM
Joosbawx finds the idea of the cyborg receiving the ring only useful underwater quite amusing and his gales of laughter make that quite obvious. He is sobered a bit when his trophy disappears, however.

:smallannoyed: I sure as hell won't be using this ring. Anyone wanna trade?

2007-04-25, 02:31 PM
Castaras walks forward and pours a little water out of her bottle. She then attempts to push the cork into the bottle. If she succeeds or something interesting happens to it she offers it to the guy who her player can't remember the name of.

2007-04-25, 02:35 PM
Castaras: I don't quite see what you're trying to do... Are you simply handing Dalmutti the bottle of water, or what?

2007-04-25, 02:36 PM
I'm attempting to push the cork through the neck into the main bottle. Then I'm offering it, if I succeed.

2007-04-25, 02:51 PM
Castaras: K, srry bout the confusion. You fail. Awwww. =p

2007-04-25, 02:52 PM
Castaras gets a little annoyed and carries on with her fruitless attempt.

2007-04-25, 03:01 PM
Castaras: you can pretty much try all you like, it ain't gonna work. Unless you make up a solution, off course. Oh, and even if you do manage, it's probably not a great gift. Remember, the more rare, the better the price!

2007-04-25, 03:12 PM
Joosbawx asks Lord Magtok if he can take the ring for a test dive. If Lord Magtok agrees, he will slip the ring onto his finger, making sure "Prick" is secured tightly to his side with the belt and pouch and bottle of air (he gives his bread to Raven for safeguarding), and then dive down to the bubble of air. Once inside, he will take several deep breaths and then put the ring back on again (just incase it needs to be reset each time) before exiting the air bubble and going to the Giant Clam.

Using "Prick" he will pry at the opening of the Giant Clam, running the blade along the edges to see if he can get it to open. Should this actually work, Joosbawx will look to see what it contained within the maw of the Giant Clam; however, he will not cross the threshold of the Giant Clam's maw at this time.

Of course, Joosbawx will be wary of when he is running out of air, and should this take five minutes, he will use the air in the bottle to swim back to the air bubble.

Goblin Music
2007-04-25, 03:35 PM
((Buahahahahahaha)) i drink the water from my bottle and dive down to the bubble. how easy is it to swing my bolas under-watter? i ask joosbawx if i can borrow Prick and the ring after he is done

2007-04-25, 03:45 PM
Thank you Great Dalmutti for your gift, I am sure everybody will get a buzz out of it!

A gift that is truly unique? How about this?
I will show you something that nobody has ever seen before, and that nobody will ever see again!

2007-04-25, 03:46 PM
GM: If you swing your bolas under water they go three meters at the most, with barely any velocity.

Joosbawx: I assume Magtok will lend you his ring, as he wants to trade it anyways (however, if this turns out not to be the case, your actions will be undone). The ring does exactly what it promises and doesn't need to be put on again after holding your breath for five minutes. What the ring does is effectively enlarging your lung capacity. Also, you manage to pry open the clam for about ten centimeters, but you get no further because of its strong jaws. Inside there's a skeleton and a huge (and I do mean HUGE) pearl.

2007-04-25, 03:48 PM
Seeing Raven's failure with the oyster, I swim back to the bubble to refill my bottle with air.

Goblin Music
2007-04-25, 03:49 PM
i swim over to joos and motion my willing to help him get the pearl

2007-04-25, 04:02 PM
Joosbawx nods to Goblin Music and then motions back to the bubble. Once they're both there (assuming GM follows) he give his bottle to GM and asks him and Ninja Kitsune to go up to the beach and ask for more help to retrieve the pearl in order to trade it as a group for something useful. Assuming GM agrees to that, Joosbawx then swims over toward where the sharks are loitering above the pit, making certain to stay close to the ocean floor, and has "Prick" in hand, just incase. Once close enough, he peers over the edge of the pit to see what is inside.

Goblin Music
2007-04-25, 04:04 PM
*swims up and asks all who have not traded with Dalmutti for help*
(i do as joos asks.)

2007-04-25, 04:09 PM
I also do as Joos asks, swimming up to the beach to retrieve help with the pearl.

2007-04-25, 04:11 PM
Joosbawx: It's quite a small pit, more of a broad crack in the stone, really. The sharks are circling right above it. If you still wish to go towards them, please say so.

2007-04-25, 04:11 PM
A pearl you say?
Of course I shall help. I have my own bottle here.

If I'm going underwater I think I better leave my bread/shocker on the beach so it doesn't get wet. Do we have something to reach the pearl with, or will have have to put our hand inside? And can you open the oyster enough to get the pearl out?

2007-04-25, 04:29 PM
Mr. Edward Nigma: Is the crack big enough to slip into easily and quickly? I stay back while I assess the situation, again saying low to the ocean floor and as still as I can manage.

Also, talking about the Giant Clam for a moment...how big are we talking here? Big enough that if one was to be inside the closed clam that one would have some room to maneuver, or are we talking crushed to death as the Giant Clam closes?

Also...do coconuts float?

2007-04-25, 04:56 PM
Evnafets; 10 centimeters (which is how far it has been opened thus far) isn't enough room to fit the pearl through. As i said, it's a gigantic pearl (think basketball size).

Joosbawx: The crack seems to be wide enough to slip into, but you cannot see how deep it is without getting closer. Also, who knows what's on the bottom, right? Oh, yes, and the sharks will still be able to get to you if you slip in the crack, it's quite wide enough for that. The clam is, as mentioned earlier 3 meters diameter, 1,5 meters thick. Wether that would crush you alive is not certain, but it does seem quite cramped inside the clam and there is a skeleton in it, so...

2007-04-25, 05:48 PM
"Well," I say to Evnafets, "we need help getting the clam open further, so somebody can pull out the basketball sized pearl. Oh, and I'm a ninja."

Lord Magtok
2007-04-25, 06:00 PM
Magtok agrees to loaning Joosbawx his ring.

2007-04-25, 07:05 PM
(( Thank you, Magtok. ))

Joosbawx swims back to the bubble for air, then back to the beach. He gets the attention of as many people as care to listen to him, then proceeds to explain his plan.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh? So hre is what I propose. That pearl is probably the rarest thing I've ever seen in my life; however, its a death trap. I'm willing to risk getting it so that one of you can trade it to the wizard over there to hopefully get something to benefit us all. Magtok, I need to continue to use your ring, if you agree. For the rest of you, I need as many of you as can swim down with me to the bubble first to organize ourselves and take deep breathes and fill our bottles with air. Then we all go to the Giant Clam, which I can pry open about 10 cm...or 2.5 inches for the rest of us...which is just enough to get a hand and foot hold. I believe if we all work together we can pry it open enough to get the pearl out."

Here Joosbawx takes a deep breath before continuing. "If not, but if we can get it open far enough to crawl inside, taht is what I will do, takign the sword with me. I've shucked enough oysters to know that if you separate the muscle from the top shell then the clam, or oyster, cannot keep itself shut and I should be able to free myself if you can't hold it open long enough for me to get out. If I should fail, then I will, as the other poor fellow in there now, stick out my arm so you can take the sword and the ring and leave me to my fate. However, I believe this has a good enough chance of succeeding to risk my life upon it...and not for personal gain, since I have already traded with the wizard. This is for the group,and so I ask the group to help me. The more of you that help the better odds we'll have."

Joosbawx waits to see how many will help. As soon as he has half the group or more, he will go enact his plan.

Goblin Music
2007-04-25, 07:10 PM
i will do my best to help you joos!

2007-04-25, 07:16 PM
"I, who are ninja, have already declared that I would help you. Also, I purposesly used bad grammar."

Lord Magtok
2007-04-25, 09:43 PM
You can continue to use the ring, Mr. Err...what was it again?

2007-04-25, 11:32 PM
Shadow joins in the group to go under water for the pearl.

2007-04-26, 07:05 AM
Vamp: I too shall offer my aid. However, I have no cover for my bottle of wine... I ask that someone I can trust looks after it, and offer everyone to have some, as a celebration, if we succeed.

2007-04-26, 11:53 AM
I'll come, Joos. Raven stashes what's left of the skeletal arm in the glove before putting it on.

2007-04-26, 05:25 PM
Sign Update:

Welcome to Wonga-Wonga island!
The Great Switcheroo ends today
1 days untill harvest

Lord Magtok
2007-04-26, 06:01 PM
Hmm...soon we'll get to learn what this harvest thing is all about. I wonder if we should try to think of a way to prepare for this.