View Full Version : 3rd Ed Itemize My Paladin!

2015-05-26, 10:44 AM
Hello again! I was playing at my main table this Saturday and was thrown for a bit of a loop! My PC and his party have been adventuring in the Undermountain for a few months now for various reasons. One of those reasons, was an entrance quest for my PC to join the Order of the Golden Lion.

Saturday, we finally turned that quest in and raked in our rewards from various sources. Here is the catch (and the reason I am posting): by joining the Order of the Golden Lion, I am required to give up 60% of my total income.


Now, it isn't like I wasn't given anything in return. My character gladly agreed to this, even if I cringed a little. My sword was converted into a +5 Holy Avenger, my armor was exchanged for a shiny new set of Golden +3 Full-Plate, and I was given some neat at-wills.

But now I am tight on gold for the remainder of the campaign. My PC is fairly tight-knit with a few members of our group who immediately offered to dump some gold into my itemization, which I respectfully declined.

So now, the main point. If you were on a tight budget (40% of WBL), how would you itemize my Paladin? My full 30 build looks a little like this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?385211-How-is-my-Paladin-build&p=18446852#post18446852). Here is my up to date build:

Paladin 6 / Fist of Raziel 3

STR: 26
DEX: 10
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 14
CHA: 22

Monkey Grip
Power Attack
Servant of the Heavens
Battle Blessing

Items Slots:
Weapon: Large +5 Holy Avenger (Greatsword)
Armor: +3 Full-Plate
Head: Circlet of Persuasion
Neck: Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Waist: Belt of Giant Strength +4
Boots: Boots of Striding and Springing
Shoulders: Cloak of Charisma +6
Ring: Ring of Protection +2
Ring: Ring of Mind Shielding
Hand: Gauntlets of the Heartfelt Blow
Torso: Ephod of Authority

Thanks for the help!

2015-05-26, 11:43 AM
If you can, pick up some Strong Arm Bracers (6000, MiC). They'll let you wield a weapon 1 size catagory larger than you with no penalty.
This will allow you to retrain Monkey Grip into a more useful feat.

2015-05-26, 12:49 PM
Gauntlet of heartfelt blows: +Cha Mod to Dmg
Armbands of might: bonus to power attack and strength base checks
Vest of resistance: never hurt to be very resilient against stuff
Ring of mystic healing
Boots of battle charger: Bonus to charging
Boots of striding and springing: extra land speed is good, if your going heavy armor that reduces your speed.
Unicorn pendant: Your charisma is considered 4 points higher for using your lay on hands ability
Amulet of Retributive healing: 3/day heal yourself for the same amount you heal an ally.
Animated shield.
Spectral shroud

2015-05-26, 12:55 PM
This will allow you to retrain Monkey Grip into a more useful feat.
Retraining isn't really an option with my DM, but thank you anyways.

Gauntlet of heartfelt blows: +Cha Mod to Dmg
Thank you for all of these! I'll give them a good look over after work when I'm with my books. Holy cow those gauntlets though.

2015-05-26, 01:01 PM
So at level 9 with 40% WBL, you should have about 14400 gp to play with, if you're not counting the weapon and armour.

MIC sounds like your best bet, I think. I'll post a few cheap items that I consider for use on my clerics, since most of those should work for you as well.

Anklets of Translocation 1.4k
Amulet of Retributive Healing 2k
Belt of the Wide Earth 8k
Dispelling Cord 1k
Inquisitor Bracers 1.5k
Mindvault 8k
Reliquary Holy Symbol 1k
Ring of Spell Battle 12k
Tunic of Stead Spellcasting 2.5k

Banner of Law 8k HoH 133
Greater/Choker of Eloquence DMG
Emerald Eye Patch 12k Dra
Gal-Ralan (+3) 5,6k CtTotW 155
Greater Holy Symbol 5k DotF 26
Lyre of the Restful Soul 3k (LM?)
Mantle of Second Chances 6k DMG2 269
Metamagic Rods 3k+ DMG
Nightstick 7.5k LM 78
Pearl of Power DMG
Ring of Counterspells 4k DMG
Prefect's Vestments 6k EtCR 215
Gremma's Cauldron 5k EtU 217
Ring of Parting Prevented 10k EtCR 211
Tooth of Savnok 2k ToM 79
Unguent of Timelessness 150gp/per DMG

Red Fel
2015-05-26, 01:15 PM
Have you gone over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items)? Feel like you'd want to.

A few nuggets from there, given the slots you've allocated and the abilities you're missing, as well as fluff considerations. Flight: Seriously. Ultra-holy Paladin. Flight. It's not rocket surgery why these go together. Given that you keep your face slot open, Winged Mask is a decent option for you; it's unlimited use, but only in five-minute chunks. Plus side, glow-adin! Stun and Fear: Banner of the Storm's Eye. Good protection for you and allies, reasonable price. Wear it on your shoulders. Slap the +6 Cha on it afterwards. Good "champion of justice" flavor. Your aura of courage is nice; this is better. Miss chance: Face-tanking? Get the Gleaming enhancement on your armor (+3), and enjoy concealment, with the accompanying miss chance. Also, be fabulous. Teleport: Anklet of Translocation. Cheap and dirty, 2/day 10' swift action teleportation. Great when you need to reach your buddies. Negative energy/ death effects. Get Soulfire (+4) on your armor, and done. Note that this might not fit if you're also getting Gleaming. Flavorwise, though, this is way more your speed. Phylactery of Faithfulness. Because Paladins.

2015-05-26, 01:29 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "40% of WBL" because your existing items are already quite a bit over your WBL. For a 9th level character, WBL = 36K, and your Holy Avenger alone is worth about four times that. So I would presume your WBL is much higher than what's listed in the DMG. If you gave a more specific budget or GP amount, then that would help.

Another idea I'd probably explore is taking Ancestral Relic and talk to your church representatives about using the associated "sacrifice" rules to count towards your 60%. This allows you to "donate" to your church's cause but still use those funds to enhance your weapon's capabilities (for the Greater Glory of the Church, obviously). However, some DMs or church representatives may take a very dim view of this form of "donation".

Anyway, as far as what sort of items I'd look for:


Armbands of Might (4100 GP, MIC). Should be standard gear on most Power Attack builds. Free +2 untyped damage modifier if you Power Attack for at least -2, and since it's a modifier, it gets multiplied.

Caduceus Bracers (2000 GP, MIC). Lets you use lay on hands to remove ability damage. It's somewhat debatable if a wand of lesser restoration (1500 GP) is more expedient. On the one hand, the wand can run out of charges. On the other hand, the amount you can heal via lay on hands is just barely useful.


Anklets of Translocation (1400 GP, MIC). Swift action movement, just too darned useful to consider anything else.

Boots of the Battle Charger (2000 GP, MIC). Standard action charges are fun. However, they only work 2/day, while Steadfast Boots (1400 GP, MIC) work every round, all day, whenever you get charged.


Stormfire Ring (4000 GP, MIC). Love this ring. Area effect, counters invisibility, and 25d6 electricity damage with *no save*.


Third Eye Freedom (2600 GP, MIC). Only works 1 round/day, but a good "Get Out of X Free" card to have around.

Third Eye Surge (2100 GP, MIC). Helps you hit things harder 3/day.


Brute Gauntlets (500 GP, MIC). Doesn't quite stack with everything else like the Third Eye Surge, but cheap enough that you can buy a half-dozen or so and switch in a new pair after every fight.

Gloves of the Starry Sky (1100 GP, MIC). I can haz lazerbem fingerz! Pew pew!

Also consider:

Shield of Mercy (2170 GP, MIC). Yes, I know you're using a greatsword, but just having this in your pack lets you convert unused smites at the end of the day into healing. Or you can throw the Animated property on it later for +8000 GP.

2015-05-26, 02:25 PM
Have you gone over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items)? Feel like you'd want to.
Oh man. I love that thread.

A few nuggets from there, given the slots you've allocated and the abilities you're missing, as well as fluff considerations. Flight: Seriously. Ultra-holy Paladin. Flight. It's not rocket surgery why these go together. Given that you keep your face slot open, Winged Mask is a decent option for you; it's unlimited use, but only in five-minute chunks. Plus side, glow-adin! Stun and Fear: Banner of the Storm's Eye. Good protection for you and allies, reasonable price. Wear it on your shoulders. Slap the +6 Cha on it afterwards. Good "champion of justice" flavor. Your aura of courage is nice; this is better. Miss chance: Face-tanking? Get the Gleaming enhancement on your armor (+3), and enjoy concealment, with the accompanying miss chance. Also, be fabulous. Teleport: Anklet of Translocation. Cheap and dirty, 2/day 10' swift action teleportation. Great when you need to reach your buddies. Negative energy/ death effects. Get Soulfire (+4) on your armor, and done. Note that this might not fit if you're also getting Gleaming. Flavorwise, though, this is way more your speed. Phylactery of Faithfulness. Because Paladins.
Those are all great items. I'm in the market for Soulfire, I just wish it wasn't so spendy. I'll run over those when I'm with my books later. (I've already got a Phylactery of Faithfulness. I just don't have it equipped.)

So at level 9 with 40% WBL, you should have about 14400 gp to play with, if you're not counting the weapon and armour.
Thanks for all those, I have about 12k right now in GP. So I'll look over these a bit later...

Stormfire Ring (4000 GP, MIC). Love this ring. Area effect, counters invisibility, and 25d6 electricity damage with *no save*.
I'm curious how this does 25d6? Maybe I found the wrong item, but it looked like 1d6 a round for 5 rounds?

I like the ancestral relic idea, but I can tell you right now my DM would say no to the dual donations.

2015-05-26, 02:57 PM
I'm curious how this does 25d6? Maybe I found the wrong item, but it looked like 1d6 a round for 5 rounds?

Yep. 5 rounds, but it can be activated 5/day. Granted, it's a very *slow* 25d6, but very reliable.

2015-05-26, 03:21 PM
Yep. 5 rounds, but it can be activated 5/day. Granted, it's a very *slow* 25d6, but very reliable.
Oh! That makes sense.

2015-05-26, 04:04 PM
While more strength is always nice, I would swap the Giant's Strength for a Belt of Battle in half a second. More actions! Always more actions! This has saved so many of my and my fellow players' characters it's obscene.

2015-05-27, 09:36 AM
While more strength is always nice, I would swap the Giant's Strength for a Belt of Battle in half a second. More actions! Always more actions! This has saved so many of my and my fellow players' characters it's obscene.
That might be what I do. Especially once I get the Gauntlets of the Heartfelt Blows.

On a side note, The Holy Avenger (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Holy_Avenger) reads that you gain spell resistance equal to "5 + the paladin’s level" and your dispel magic check is cast "at the class level of the paladin". Does that mean with 6 Paladin & 3 Fist of Raziel I would dispel at 9th level and have 14 SR? Or does it only go off of my Paladin levels? (Sorry about using D&D wiki as my source!)

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-27, 09:47 AM
First, for reference: if it's in the three core rulebooks or unearthed arcana, it's on the d20srd (http://www.d20srd.org/index.htm). This includes the Holy Avenger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#holyAvenger). We generally don't like linking dndtools because of the sheer amount of awful homebrew there, so the srd is usually a better option if it's available.

I'm a little confused about what your wealth limit is here. You're trying to get the total value of all of your items except the Holy Avenger and the +3 full plate down to 60% WBL (or 21600 gp), right?

(As an aside, that is a more than worthwhile trade; the Holy Avenger alone is worth three and a half times the standard wealth for a 9th-level character. Check with your DM to make sure he knows what he's doing, it's better than accidentally letting him break his own game and forcing him to downgrade your sword.)

Fist of Raziel doesn't say anywhere that its levels stack with paladin levels for various effects, so the SR and dispel check key off only Paladin levels unless the DM fiats otherwise.

2015-05-27, 09:52 AM
First, for reference: if it's in the three core rulebooks or unearthed arcana, it's on the d20srd (http://www.d20srd.org/index.htm). This includes the Holy Avenger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#holyAvenger). We generally don't like linking dndtools because of the sheer amount of awful homebrew there, so the srd is usually a better option if it's available.
Thanks EA, I won't let it happen again.

I'm a little confused about what your wealth limit is here. You're trying to get the total value of all of your items except the Holy Avenger and the +3 full plate down to 60% WBL (or 21600 gp), right?
No, I am trying to come up with cheap items to improve my paladin. My WBL will now be 40% of the standard amount from this point onward. Meaning I have to give away 60% of all the items/GP I acquire.

(As an aside, that is a more than worthwhile trade; the Holy Avenger alone is worth three and a half times the standard wealth for a 9th-level character. Check with your DM to make sure he knows what he's doing, it's better than accidentally letting him break his own game and forcing him to downgrade your sword.)
I getcha. I was stoked to get the sword and I was more than happy to make the "sacrifice". What exactly breaks the game about this sword by the way?

My own aside:
My DM added a little flavor to the sword, and it is now basically Mjolnir. Only Torm and my PC can lift it or wield it. I can also summon it 1/day.

2015-05-27, 10:00 AM
First, for reference: if it's in the three core rulebooks or unearthed arcana, it's on the d20srd (http://www.d20srd.org/index.htm). This includes the Holy Avenger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#holyAvenger). We generally don't like linking dndtools because of the sheer amount of awful homebrew there, so the srd is usually a better option if it's available.

I'm a little confused about what your wealth limit is here. You're trying to get the total value of all of your items except the Holy Avenger and the +3 full plate down to 60% WBL (or 21600 gp), right?

(As an aside, that is a more than worthwhile trade; the Holy Avenger alone is worth three and a half times the standard wealth for a 9th-level character. Check with your DM to make sure he knows what he's doing, it's better than accidentally letting him break his own game and forcing him to downgrade your sword.)

Fist of Raziel doesn't say anywhere that its levels stack with paladin levels for various effects, so the SR and dispel check key off only Paladin levels unless the DM fiats otherwise.

Right. Personally I'd get out of that PrC as quickly as possible. It's not really going to give you much of a benefit that having a Holy Avenger doesn't already give you, and it doesn't advance your Paladin level for purposes of your Mount or for the Holy Avenger's dispel. (It does stack for Smite Evil's damage bonus, so there is that). You've already gotten a couple extra Smite Evils out of it, and the Magic Circle ability. Any more levels in it, and you're bumping up against rapidly diminishing returns.

My own aside:
My DM added a little flavor to the sword, and it is now basically Mjolnir. Only Torm and my PC can lift it or wield it. I can also summon it 1/day.

... so has the DM given another character a +5 Holy Bashing Returning Shield, another one a +5 Holy Composite Longbow ... ? :smallbiggrin:

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-27, 10:03 AM
Thanks EA, I won't let it happen again.

No problem. Linking from dandwiki (euch, typing out that butchering of "d and d" hurts every time) is fine if you can't find what you're looking for anywhere else.

No, I am trying to come up with cheap items to improve my paladin. My WBL will now be 40% of the standard amount from this point onward. Meaning I have to give away 60% of all the items/GP I acquire.

Ah, alright. So you get to keep all the stuff you already have. Nice. So you get to keep your... 67300 gp worth of items. I'm surprised he's already given you that much stuff (including the cloak, which on its own would be full 9th-level expected wealth). Not that that's bad; I guess you're just in a high-wealth game.

I getcha. I was stoked to get the sword and I was more than happy to make the "sacrifice". What exactly breaks the game about this sword by the way?

Well, it's a +6 equivalent weapon and you're getting it at level 9. Plus the dispel is at-will so you can (given proper time) spam it until you get a 20 on the CLC. It's not a particularly game-breaking item (unlike, say, a Luck Blade with wishes in it), but it's still a darn powerful one.

My own aside:
My DM added a little flavor to the sword, and it is now basically Mjolnir. Only Torm and my PC can lift it or wield it. I can also summon it 1/day.

Oooh, nice. I like character-specific weapons. If I ever run a long campaign I'm going to give every PC a legendary weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/legendaryWeapons.htm) and give them the item-scaling benefits of the ____ Scion PrCs for free from 5th to 15th level, just because they're so cool. Magic swords are awesomer when they work only for you :smallbiggrin:

2015-05-27, 10:20 AM
Right. Personally I'd get out of that PrC as quickly as possible.
I'm actually surprised at this. Normally I am told to stay out of Paladin as much as possible. I'm going for a smite-centric build and base paladin seems... dead.

... so has the DM given another character a +5 Holy Bashing Returning Shield, another one a +5 Holy Composite Longbow ... ? :smallbiggrin:
This made me grin. We do have a cleric that regenerates like a troll. He is slightly green.

I'm surprised he's already given you that much stuff (including the cloak, which on its own would be full 9th-level expected wealth). Not that that's bad; I guess you're just in a high-wealth game.
I managed to beat a *covers PsyBomb's ears* Sarrukh (spelling?) earlier on in the game, which sort of shot me ahead on gold. I sold all of it's precious Yuan-Ti relics to the Multiverse Trading Company.

It's not a particularly game-breaking item (unlike, say, a Luck Blade with wishes in it), but it's still a darn powerful one.
That's fair. We do have a Wizard and two clerics. I think he is trying to keep the few mundanes happy. Granted, two of the mundanes (myself and our duelist) are pretty much the life of the party.

Oooh, nice. I like character-specific weapons. If I ever run a long campaign I'm going to give every PC a legendary weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/legendaryWeapons.htm) and give them the item-scaling benefits of the ____ Scion PrCs for free from 5th to 15th level, just because they're so cool.
I really love my Thor Holy Avenger. I play sort of the LG Paladin equivalent of Thor anyways haha.

That would be awesome. Scaling personal items are the bomb.

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-27, 10:43 AM
I managed to beat a *covers PsyBomb's ears* Sarrukh (spelling?) earlier on in the game, which sort of shot me ahead on gold. I sold all of it's precious Yuan-Ti relics to the Multiverse Trading Company.

Oh geez, he's using Serpent Kingdoms?


I joke, of course. What you need to do is switch to playing a kobold psion... (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1013486)

Seriously, that book is nasty. I want some of whatever the developers were smoking when they wrote it.

But I've managed to drag this thread off topic enough. Looking over the thread again, I'm going to second leaving Fist of Raziel. You wouldn't get much more from the PrC from here on, because Holy Smite Evil doesn't stack with your Holy Avenger, Fiendsmite is laughable (it's +2 damage per smite. wooo), and Chain Smite's secondary-target damage doesn't even tickle at ECL 15. If you want more smites just take Extra Smite from Complete Warrior. I don't even think it's worth staying in FoR for another level for the bonus feat, unless you need it for something else.

2015-05-27, 10:50 AM
On a side note, The Holy Avenger (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Holy_Avenger) reads that you gain spell resistance equal to "5 + the paladin’s level" and your dispel magic check is cast "at the class level of the paladin". Does that mean with 6 Paladin & 3 Fist of Raziel I would dispel at 9th level and have 14 SR? Or does it only go off of my Paladin levels? (Sorry about using D&D wiki as my source!)
"The paladin's level" is ambiguous; technically, "the paladin" is you and "your level" is your total level. On the other hand, the explicit mention of "class level" means that you dispel as a 6th level paladin only.

2015-05-27, 10:50 AM
Tactical Teleportation is your best friend ever. So bandwagon on the anklets of translocation, and adding a suggestion for probably the two most useful items i've ever used --

Cloak of Shadows (DOTU?): 3 times per day, 10 ft teleport as an immediate, (usually) effectively negating 1 attack. Or spell. Or a full attack. Or a trap. Or a grapple. Or...well you get the point. Also gets you +1 Deflection to AC, if you care. And some other concealment ability you'll never ever use.

All for...about 6k.

With MIC rules, you should even be able to merge it with that cloak of charisma, though usually the numerical enhancements come after the base item, so might require DM approval. Still, hands down one of the best items you're going to ever buy.

Talisman of the Disk: Summons a hovercraft (Tenser's disk, but effectively) that automatically follows your other melee buddy around for 3 hours (no limit on disks), allowing you to full attack. Alternately, since you're the paladin and likely have a warhorse, you probably wont need it, but the duelist will appreciate the help.

Other uses -- cover if you crawl under it, loot transporter, water transporter, +1 to hit from height advantage....in short, myriad. If you want to get into abuse with it, there's a thread about constructing a tank or flying from the things, but your DM might not appreciate that.

All for 500 gp. I kid you not.

2015-05-27, 10:57 AM
Generally, you would want to PrC out of Paladin ASAP. But having a Holy Avenger at that low of a level kind of changes the equation a bit. Normally you wouldn't even think about getting something like that until you're pretty high level. Absent the weapon itself, the quickest way you'd be able to get the weapon's effects at lower levels would be through Fist of Raziel. That (along with the extra Smites) is what makes the Prestige Class really nice to most Paladins. But since you already have the weapon, it's like spending ten levels to get some minor increases to a feature you already have. Without the Mount progression, I'd personally see it as kind of a toss-up between it and straight Paladin. (Your Mount can be as much of a combatant as you are, if you're willing to invest in it). Or, instead of staying with just Paladin or Fist of Raziel, you could get into another PrC (like Knight of the Chalice from Complete Warrior, or Knight of the Raven from Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, if it's available) that gives you more class features. Options are good; more options are better.

2015-05-27, 11:00 AM
But I've managed to drag this thread off topic enough. Looking over the thread again, I'm going to second leaving Fist of Raziel. You wouldn't get much more from the PrC from here on, because Holy Smite Evil doesn't stack with your Holy Avenger, Fiendsmite is laughable (it's +2 damage per smite. wooo), and Chain Smite's secondary-target damage doesn't even tickle at ECL 15.
After a thorough investigation that was conducted by the Department of Paladins, I agree. I'll start taking more Paladin levels next level. Unfortunately, due to a house rule, our DM only lets us prestige once before 20 and once after 20. But the extra Lay on Hands, medium Smite Evil progression, and stronger Mount will still be better than the class features from FoR.

"The paladin's level" is ambiguous; technically, "the paladin" is you and "your level" is your total level. On the other hand, the explicit mention of "class level" means that you dispel as a 6th level paladin only.
Awesome. This is exactly what I wanted to know.

Tactical Teleportation is your best friend ever. So bandwagon on the anklets of translocation, and adding a suggestion for probably the two most useful items i've ever used --
I meant to point out that I managed to snag a Pearl of Teleportation from a Doomguard (Arduin) early on too. It's basically a 50 ft dimension door as a move action.

Generally, you would want to PrC out of Paladin ASAP. But having a Holy Avenger at that low of a level kind of changes the equation a bit.
Yeah, if it wasn't for the houserule, I would switch right into Knight of the Chalice or Hellreaver. (We've got some demons to deal with in Sigil.)

2015-05-27, 11:12 AM
Bonus round!: Weapon ups!

Sudden Stunning on your weapon.
Charisma based save vs stun, based on charisma times per day.
And its a reflex save, which no one ever bothers with.

Flat cost of 2k :smallamused:


For flat 6k, become immune to that pesky Greater dispel magic, which could have been nasty since of course you are planning on taking the Battle Blessing feat to put up your paladin buffs quickly. Plus, with two clerics and a wizard in the party, i'm sure there'll be lots of buffs to protect.

Oh, that is a nice teleport. But IMMEDIATE ACTION teleports are still far, far better than move action. Also gonna suggest travel devotion, but thats a feat, so not really what you were asking for.

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-27, 11:16 AM
I meant to point out that I managed to snag a Pearl of Teleportation from a Doomguard (Arduin) early on too. It's basically a 50 ft dimension door as a move action.

Hm. What book is this from, and what's the use limit? Seems pretty great.

Yeah, if it wasn't for the houserule, I would switch right into Knight of the Chalice or Hellreaver. (We've got some demons to deal with in Sigil.)

Oh man, I love Hellreaver. Now that you reminded me of them I kinda want to expand them into a full 20-level class, because I love love love the Holy Fury subsystem it created.

2015-05-27, 11:31 AM
Bonus round!: Weapon ups!
Those are great. If I ever have money to buy them.

Oh, that is a nice teleport. But IMMEDIATE ACTION teleports are still far, far better than move action. Also gonna suggest travel devotion, but thats a feat, so not really what you were asking for.
I'm fairly feat starved...

Hm. What book is this from, and what's the use limit? Seems pretty great.
It's some Arduin thing. Which, by the way, has some nasty monsters that hurt really bad. I've not run out of uses/day on it yet. I've only done 3 though.

Oh man, I love Hellreaver. Now that you reminded me of them I kinda want to expand them into a full 20-level class, because I love love love the Holy Fury subsystem it created.
It's so good... I plan on tipping Baator on it's head later on.

2015-05-27, 11:34 AM
Bonus round!: Weapon ups!

Sudden Stunning on your weapon.
Charisma based save vs stun, based on charisma times per day.
And its a reflex save, which no one ever bothers with.

Flat cost of 2k :smallamused:

This is probably my favorite weapon enhancement in the game. I don't think I've played a character with a positive charisma modifier who doesn't have it in years. Even with just a +1 cha sudden stunning is worth the measly 2k gold it costs. For a Paladin, Bard, Sorcerer, or other cha focused class? It is gold.

2015-05-27, 12:27 PM
Those are great. If I ever have money to buy them.

I'm fairly feat starved...

It's some Arduin thing. Which, by the way, has some nasty monsters that hurt really bad. I've not run out of uses/day on it yet. I've only done 3 though.

They're fairly cheap, even with your wealth handicap. I'd be more concerned that you have to leave your holy avenger of awesome in a workshop for a week while it gets upgraded.

Psychic reformation can give you a hand resetting feats. Not retraining, so your DM might like it more. Its a psionic power, if psions exist you could pay one to do it.

Thats...really nice, actually. I want one:smallamused:

2015-05-27, 12:45 PM
This is probably my favorite weapon enhancement in the game.
Is the save charisma based as well?

They're fairly cheap, even with your wealth handicap. I'd be more concerned that you have to leave your holy avenger of awesome in a workshop for a week while it gets upgraded.
We have access to pretty much everything except Psionics, due to a mutual disinterest between the DM and the players.

I'm not worried about losing the Holy Avenger, it can be summoned 1/day.

2015-05-27, 12:51 PM
Is the save charisma based as well?

Yep. THE paladin/bard/hexblade enhancement.

2015-05-27, 12:59 PM
Yep. THE paladin/bard/hexblade enhancement.
That is awesome.