View Full Version : Awakening a construct

2015-05-26, 10:48 PM
Is there any way to give a non-humanoid construct intelligence?

2015-05-26, 11:00 PM
Awaken Construct (SC p21) can only affect humanoid constructs by RAW... But I think a lot of DMs would be willing to work with you on that one. As far as RAW goes, though, I don't know of a way.

2015-05-26, 11:25 PM
I know about Awaken Construct. The problem is, my DM is really anal about RAW because he thinks WoTC's balancing of everything is flawless. Whenever I point something unbalanced out, he just says: They must have had a reason for that, you'll have to ask them on their website.

2015-05-27, 12:20 AM
It's RAW to research your own spells.

2015-05-27, 02:01 AM
I'm not sure if he would allow a sorcerer to do research. He might also not allow an all-construct Awaken on the grounds of it being overpowered.

2015-05-27, 02:06 AM
I know about Awaken Construct. The problem is, my DM is really anal about RAW because he thinks WoTC's balancing of everything is flawless. Whenever I point something unbalanced out, he just says: They must have had a reason for that, you'll have to ask them on their website.

if your DM won't listen to common sense, I'm not sure what you expect us to do for you.

dragon magazine's rudimentary intelligence is probably out of the question too, though it does work on nonhumanoid constructs. it's an integral part of the tippyverse.

2015-05-27, 02:16 AM
If it is a familiar(one of the Guardian Familiar options from Complete Warrior), you can convert it into an aberration via Fleshwarper PRC (Lords of Madness), and thus make it intelligent.

2015-05-27, 02:16 AM
I suppose there's not much I can do, since I don't want to be a fleshwarper or have an aberration familiar. Thanks for trying to help.
It really does get frustrating having to deal with him sometimes. He gets the weirdest ideas, like goblins being more powerful than humans, or half-dragon manticores being more playable than regular manticores.

2015-05-27, 03:01 AM
Another way is to make a construct Intelligent Item. You need Caster level 15 for that.

http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/intelligentItems.htm#tableItemIntelligenceWisdomCh arismaandCapabilities

2015-05-27, 06:22 AM
You could... change the construct into a plant... then awaken that?

Or start with a plant similar to the whatever construct you're thinking of?

2015-05-27, 10:43 AM
Yea I'd say make the argument that you could awaken it already via RAW with a PAO chain. As long as your not trying to break the game then I don't see why even a strict DM wouldn't allow it. Heck just PAO a pebble to a flower and you could then awaken the flower, once the PAO wears off you still have an intelligent pebble, since the duration is instantaneous for awaken.

by raw the scrolls would only cost you 4125.

2015-05-27, 11:26 AM
You may try to use Planar Familiar (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20011020a) spell on it, because Construct definitely not an "outsiders or undead". It will give Int 3.

Also, there are Construct Familiars: feat in Dragon #280, and several specific creatures with Int from 2 to 10 in #341

Finally, you may go Spellguard of Silverymoon, and use Alter Self on Construct in question to make it humanoid-shaped

2015-05-27, 11:34 AM
Out of curiosity, what construct are you trying to awaken?