View Full Version : Optimization Drunken Master + Warforged Juggernaut = Jagernaut

2015-05-27, 02:27 PM
So, I came up with a character concept inspired by a member's name, Jagernaut. I understand that by no means super powerful, but I thought it would be fun to play sometime.

The idea is a Drunken Master/Warforged Juggernaut, dubbed the Jagernaut.

The problem I have ran into is, because of the feat Adamantine Body needed for Juggernaut, I cannot use a decent chunk of a monk's abilities.

Originally, I didn't think it would be an issue since there are enough ACFs to get around that. I was looking at the ACF thread at wizards.

Flurry of Blows becomes Decisive Strike
Evasion becomes Feign Death, Invisible Fist or Spellreflection
Speed bonus and ac bonus becomes durable

Using those ACFs though, I would no longer qualify for Drunken Master as I need Flurry and Evasion.

I don't mind having to keep evasion, but I would really love to use Decisive Strike. Is there any way to keep it and still qualify for Drunken Master, or is there a similiar ability/feat I can pick up somewhere?

Special Restrictions aside, I think it is possible to do Monk 5/Drunken Master 10/Warforged Juggernaut 5

2015-05-27, 02:53 PM
I got a kick out of the name.

2015-05-27, 02:55 PM
I was going to suggest Disciple of the Eye (getting the Dragonblood subtype from Dragonborn), but as it turns out, it only gains Flurry if you don't have monk levels, not just if you don't have Flurry.

Monk of the Enabled Hand seems to work, though it's tricky to fit into your build what with all the feats it requires and the fact that you cant enter before 6 if you have any Monk levels due to the BAB prereq.

Something like Monk 2/Fighter (Skilled City-Dweller to keep Tumble as a class skill, Dungeoncrasher if you can spare a feat) 2/Full BAB 1/Monk of the Enabled Hand 1/Drunken Master X/Warforged Juggernaut Y might be possible.

Also, it's obligatory that Gazeebo Jones (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=9823824&postcount=132) be mentioned in any Warforged Drunken Master thread.

2015-05-27, 02:56 PM
Aren't Warforged immune to the inebriating effect of alcohol? I think I remember reading that somewhere.

2015-05-27, 03:01 PM
I like the name. It's not the best Warforged Drunken Master I've seen (Gazebo Jones (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=9823824&postcount=132) takes that one), but it sure seems fun.

2015-05-27, 03:06 PM
Aren't Warforged immune to the inebriating effect of alcohol? I think I remember reading that somewhere.It would probably fall under immunity to poison, yes.

Drink Like a Demon (Ex): A drunken master's body handles alcohol differently from other people's. He can drink a large tankard of ale, a bottle of wine, or a corresponding amount of stronger alcohol as a move action. Every bottle or tankard of alcohol he consumes during combat reduces his Wisdom and Intelligence by 2 points each, but increases his Strength or Constitution (character's choice) by 2 points. A drunken master may benefit from a number of drinks equal to his class level. The duration of both the penalty and the bonus is a number of rounds equal to the character's drunken master level + 3.Emphasis mine. Becoming a Drunken Master seems to let a Warforged make use of alcohol.

If we're going to get really nit-picky about RAW, a Warforged might be one of the only things that can become a drunken master, since you're supposed to survive the night of revelry without being poisoned.

Uncle Pine
2015-05-27, 03:12 PM
Don't trade Flurry of Blows and Evasion then. All the ways to gain Flurry of Blows that I'm aware of refer to the Monk's ability (thus they only works if you're unarmored) and the same goes for Evasion (can only be used with light or no armor), so you might as well not waste any more level trying to regain abilities that you'll never use.
If you really want Feign Death or Invisible Fist, you could dip Rogue 4 and get Evasion and Sneak Attack losing only 1 point of BAB. Or you could buy a ring of Evasion, which is the only way (short of spells) to use it in heavy armor.

2015-05-27, 07:48 PM
I was thinking about this and I think you can pull this off. You need to be able to allow cross setting material.

Go with Overwhelming Attack Monk from Unearthed Arcana. It gives you Power Attack and Improved Bull Rush which you need for Warforged Juggernaut. You can trade away evasion -- you'll get it back with Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries from Draconomicon. You can trade away flurry of blows -- you'll get it back with Shou Disciple from Unapproachable East (and this is the cross setting material you need).

I'm working off of memory right now so I can't give you more than this right now. Tomorrow I might be able to get more details.

2015-05-29, 06:55 AM
It would require more multiclassing than you've listed as ideal, but Unapproachable East's Shou Disciple is an alternate way to get FoB. This is potentially an issue if your group doesn't like to mix FR and Eberron.

2015-05-29, 09:10 AM
It would require more multiclassing than you've listed as ideal, but Unapproachable East's Shou Disciple is an alternate way to get FoB. This is potentially an issue if your group doesn't like to mix FR and Eberron.

Actually, the text for Shou Disciple doesn't say they get Flurry. It says they get unarmed strike as a monk, but the test assumes you're using the 3.0 monk rules. The Martial Flurry ability assumes they already have Flurry of Blows. Even though Unapproachable East got a 3.5 update, there weren't any adjustments made to bring Shou Disciple up to date with the 3.5 rules.

How about this:

Battle Dancer 1/Fighter 2/Totemist 2/Disciple of the Eye 1/Drunken Master 9/Warforged Juggernaut 5.

The interesting thing about using Great Raptor Mask is you get evasion regardless of what sort of armor you're wearing. Here's the text:

"You gain evasion. With a successful Reflex save against an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage."

Almost every other form of evasion (including Impulse Boots) references page 50 in the PHB, which mentions the armor restriction and being helpless.

2015-05-29, 09:55 AM
Oh hi. Gotta say I never expected this when I came up with my screen name. Also thanks to this thread I was reminded of Gazebo Jones. Man I love that build.

2015-05-29, 10:17 AM
I was thinking about this and I think you can pull this off. You need to be able to allow cross setting material.

Go with Overwhelming Attack Monk from Unearthed Arcana. It gives you Power Attack and Improved Bull Rush which you need for Warforged Juggernaut. You can trade away evasion -- you'll get it back with Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries from Draconomicon. You can trade away flurry of blows -- you'll get it back with Shou Disciple from Unapproachable East (and this is the cross setting material you need).

I'm working off of memory right now so I can't give you more than this right now. Tomorrow I might be able to get more details.

I did see Overwhelming Attack, just forgot to mention it in my original post. Shou Disciple would definitely work. I would just lose the pinnacle abilities of Drunken Master and/or WF Juggernaut. If I don't take the last level of WF Juggernaut, I could always take Greater Powerful Charge as a regular feat. But even then, not taking the last levels of both PrCs, I would be a level short of Flurry with Shou Disciple.

It would require more multiclassing than you've listed as ideal, but Unapproachable East's Shou Disciple is an alternate way to get FoB. This is potentially an issue if your group doesn't like to mix FR and Eberron.

Mixing settings really isn't an issue with my group. We usually play in our own setting as is.

If I accept that there would be abilities I cannot use due to Adamantite Body, I can do the build as Monk 5/Drunken Master 10/Warforged Juggernaut 5

2015-05-29, 12:51 PM
Actually, the text for Shou Disciple doesn't say they get Flurry. It says they get unarmed strike as a monk, but the test assumes you're using the 3.0 monk rules. The Martial Flurry ability assumes they already have Flurry of Blows. Even though Unapproachable East got a 3.5 update, there weren't any adjustments made to bring Shou Disciple up to date with the 3.5 rules.

How about this:

Battle Dancer 1/Fighter 2/Totemist 2/Disciple of the Eye 1/Drunken Master 9/Warforged Juggernaut 5.

The interesting thing about using Great Raptor Mask is you get evasion regardless of what sort of armor you're wearing. Here's the text:

"You gain evasion. With a successful Reflex save against an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage."

Almost every other form of evasion (including Impulse Boots) references page 50 in the PHB, which mentions the armor restriction and being helpless.

I understand it's a DM-call, but the 3.5 Lists of Stuff (that is, the big listing compiled by Surreal on a couple different forums of ways to get specific abilities) points to Shou Disciple as the only way outside of Monk to get Flurry, rather than just stacking with Flurry. The specific listing I typically access appears to lack MotEH, so it may be slightly out-of-date.

2015-05-29, 01:28 PM
Oh hi. Gotta say I never expected this when I came up with my screen name. Also thanks to this thread I was reminded of Gazebo Jones. Man I love that build.

Yea, you were actually the inspiration for this idea. I don't recall which thread I saw you post in, but I saw your name and this just popped in my head.

Actually, the text for Shou Disciple doesn't say they get Flurry. It says they get unarmed strike as a monk, but the test assumes you're using the 3.0 monk rules. The Martial Flurry ability assumes they already have Flurry of Blows. Even though Unapproachable East got a 3.5 update, there weren't any adjustments made to bring Shou Disciple up to date with the 3.5 rules.

How about this:

Battle Dancer 1/Fighter 2/Totemist 2/Disciple of the Eye 1/Drunken Master 9/Warforged Juggernaut 5.

The interesting thing about using Great Raptor Mask is you get evasion regardless of what sort of armor you're wearing. Here's the text:

"You gain evasion. With a successful Reflex save against an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, you take no damage."

Almost every other form of evasion (including Impulse Boots) references page 50 in the PHB, which mentions the armor restriction and being helpless.

This could quite possibly work. I would keep Corkscrew rush of Drunken Master and Greater Powerful Charge from WF Juggernaut. With this build, I would just be missing out on the monk ACF's.

2015-05-29, 01:47 PM
I understand it's a DM-call, but the 3.5 Lists of Stuff (that is, the big listing compiled by Surreal on a couple different forums of ways to get specific abilities) points to Shou Disciple as the only way outside of Monk to get Flurry, rather than just stacking with Flurry. The specific listing I typically access appears to lack MotEH, so it may be slightly out-of-date.

I used the Lists of Stuff too to figure out my suggestion as well. Assuming a favorable ruling from your DM you can go Warforged Overwhelming Attack Monk 3/Dungeoncrasher Fighter 2/Shou Disciple 1 to 3/Initiate of Draconic Mysteries 1/Warforged Juggernaut X/Drunken Master Y. Feats up to Level 9 are filled with prerequisites. Not too terribly different than WhamBamSam's suggestion either.