View Full Version : A Thought About The BloodOath(SPOILERS ALERT!!!)

2007-04-22, 03:51 PM
Y'know I've been thinking about the whole Blood Oath thing and I'm wondering if there isn't more to the Story then what we're being told.
Now this is pure speculation on my part, but what if Ol'Eugene has other reasons for wanting Xykon dead(er)?

Like say:

1.Father-Son: I don't think Oots has said anything on how Close Eugene and his master were. Fyron could have been a Father-figure to young Eugene, thus his death would have such caused terrible grief and angruesh.

2.Lovers: Fyron and Eugene may have been more then just master-apprentice.:smallwink: Assuming, of course, that he is bisexual and felt he couldn't love another man after Fyron's death and is too guilty ofter Xykon's continued existance to seek out Fyron's Spirit.

3.Reflection?:Okay getting a bit Psychological here...:smalleek:
What was Eugene like when he was younger? For all we know, he could have been a power-hungry young man who dabbled in some dark stuff occasionly.
He might have ended up plotting against Fyron himself save for his death.
It's possible he saw in Xykon a reflection of himself, what he could have become. To Eugene, Xykon may represent the darker qualities within himself and that it could have been HIM that slew Fyron. The BloodOath could be a way of distancing himself from a dark, misspent youth, of proving he's NOT like Xykon.

(Okay that's probably a load of crap, but hey I thought I'd put it down anyway)

4.Guilt: My most interesting theory yet:smallwink:

What if Eugene is in fact partly responsible for Fyron's death?

Eugene could have been frustrated with the progress of his education and wanted more power. At somepoint, he might have run into Xykon, who might have convinced him to steal something from Fyron (wizards, sorcerors and all Magic-Users tend to accumalate a lot of magical items, so apart from the crown he might have wanted something else)

Fyron may have caught them red-handed....only for Xykon to slay him on thespot
(in a flashback, we see Eugene stuck behind a force-field or something, helpless to stop the murder. He might have triggered a trap his set to protect something, Fyron shows up, startled to see his apprentice, then Xykon shows up and kills him)

I have not read Start of Darkness so if there's anything that contradicts this, just tell me.

Before I fininsh, does anyone else think there could be others with Blood Oaths against Xykon? He has killed A LOT of people.

2007-04-22, 03:52 PM
Umm... i'd go with number one it is the only one resonable considering Eugene's last apperance...

2007-04-22, 04:13 PM
I think that 1, 3 and 4 are all quite possible, but I think that if its #4 the situation would probably be somewhat different.

2007-04-22, 04:37 PM
4 seems the most plausible.....but roy is dead now anyways, so it doesn't matter.

2007-04-22, 04:43 PM
4 seems the most plausible.....but roy is dead now anyways, so it doesn't matter.


2007-04-22, 04:46 PM
4 seems the most plausible.....but roy is dead now anyways, so it doesn't matter.

He's not dead yet as he survived the meteor storm, only if he hits the ground will he be dead.

2007-04-22, 05:11 PM
Rich promised we would see more of Eugene in Start of Darkness. I guess we will have to wait to see. But I assume Eugene is honorable even though he is a jerk. He swore the oath to get revenge and justice.

2007-04-22, 07:55 PM
I'd go with the father-son relationship theory, but I'll have to read Start of Darkness if I want to know what REALLY happened.