View Full Version : Help finding a monster?

2015-05-28, 10:23 PM
I'm thinking of a monster that's pretty much just arms. Like, lots of arms. I can't remember what it's called or what book it's in. Any ideas?

I'm posting here because it's probably in a 3.0/3.5 book. That's what I've played the most. Might've been another edition, though.

2015-05-28, 10:26 PM
A hecatoncheire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/abomination.htm#hecatoncheires)s is a monster with 100 arms.

2015-05-28, 10:28 PM
Sounds like an Odopi (MMIII, pg. 114) to me.

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-28, 10:29 PM
Darktentacles (MM2) has a bunch of tentacles, all of which can function pretty much as if they were arms.

2015-05-28, 10:33 PM
'A lot of arms' is about as descriptive in D&D as 'has brown eyes' is IRL.

General Sajaru
2015-05-28, 11:21 PM
The Chichimec (ELH) is just a bunch of wings, and the Chwidencha (DotU or FF) is a bunch of legs.

2015-05-28, 11:36 PM
Sounds like an Odopi (MMIII, pg. 114) to me.

Yeah, I think that's what I was thinking of. It doesn't look quite like I was picturing but the name sounds familiar. Thanks!