View Full Version : DM Help game balance issue on a home brew idea.

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-05-29, 08:18 PM
This was inspired by the scar of unlife special requirement for hunter of the dead. I was thinking about adding as a home brew in game rule that if a character was permanently level drained by the undead (did nor recieve restoration in time and failed his or her saving throw) he or she would sense when the undead were close. He or she would have an uneasy feeling, but would not know why. After a few encounters or a successful knowledge religion check someone in the party might figure it out.

My thought 60 ft they feel slightly cold and ill at ease 30ft the place where the undead touched them begins to ache dully. Incorporial undead that are not on the etherial plane do not trigger it.

2015-05-29, 08:22 PM
that's a cool idea. check out the "nemesis" feat in book of exalted deeds to crib its mechanics. or use libris mortis's "vampire hunter"

it's certainly not going to break any games, so I don't foresee your players complaining.

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-29, 08:22 PM
Wouldn't even be that strong unless you plan to throw ethereal or invisible undead at them a lot. I say go for it, it's your game.

2015-05-29, 08:23 PM
Wouldn't even be that strong unless you plan to throw ethereal/invisible undead at them a lot. I say go for it, it's your game.

she said it doesn't detect ethereal though

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-05-29, 08:55 PM
Also you do not get direction or power. You will get the same feeling if it is to your right as to your left. You will get the same feeling if it is a 1 HD skeleton or powerful lich.

Also I'm female

2015-05-29, 09:52 PM
Also you do not get direction or power. You will get the same feeling if it is to your right as to your left. You will get the same feeling if it is a 1 HD skeleton or powerful lich.

Also I'm female

okay, so a kind of "it glows blue when orcs are near" type thing.

sorry, typo. edited accordingly.