View Full Version : DM Help Plot reveal-awards for good RP?

2015-05-30, 07:40 AM
Hey folks, I have an interesting RP situation that developed in my long-standing game.

One of my Players just irrevocably lost his character due to his own bad decisions, right before a big plot/story reveal. I am toying with the idea of making him play a bad guy NPC for a few adventures. More specifically, I will have him play a CE demon who was assigned to accompany a my good-aligned, evil-slaying party.

Here's what was thinking... My PCs will definitely want to destroy this Player-controlled demon as part of their own motivations. However, I want to give this Player a LOT of the imminent plot/story reveal... AND, as a DM, require him NOT to disclose any of it. (I am giving him a written numbered/bulletted list of the demon's personal knowledge.)

I want to force him to RP this evil creature, and make my player: 1) keep his demon accompanying the good-aligned PCs, 2) NOT be killed by the PCs, and 3) NOT reveal the plot/story points on his own. If my player is successful with these things, when he creates a replacement character, he will get to stay the current level of the party.

(By the way, I know that this player will neither meta-game nor mess with my plans... he really likes RP challenges like this.)

What I am having trouble with, is that I still want the plot/story information to be revealed during this process. Basically, I want to be able to tell this player, "yes, you may reveal item #X to the party right now." or something like that, during the game sessions.

Here are my current thoughts as to how to make that happen:
A) Give the demon his own goal, which he needs the PC's help with. If the demon succeeds, then the PCs get the information they need.
B) Reward the player with tokens during the session, for good RP'ing. The player can then 'spend' a token to disclose one of the demon's story/plot points. I can also award the other players the same, and then they could also spend tokens in a like manner.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Good idea/bad idea?

Red Fel
2015-05-30, 08:08 AM
Thoughts? Suggestions? Good idea/bad idea?

Hmm. Here's my first read, then my re-read.

First read: When a player comes to me and says, "I was thinking, if the situation arises, that my PC might have a violent heel-face turn and become quite Evil, and I was wondering if we could make that a thing," I am inclined to say, "Nine Hells, yes! This will be a thing, and it will be awesome!" And then his PC turns at a pivotal time, I give him just enough information to RP it out like a boss (as in, "This is the artifact that you've been seeking for your apotheosis, you want to get the party to it," "This is the scene in which it's all possible," "This is the NPC who might stop you," etc.) without telling him the entire plot. And it is glorious.

On the other hand, I won't go to a player who has just lost his PC, and force him to play a temporary NPC. Either he keeps his PC or rolls a new one; I don't like jerking a player around like that. I noticed your use of the word "force" ("I want to force him to RP this evil creature,") which immediately raises flags. You don't force your players to RP anything. That's a direct violation of player agency, which is a big no-no in my book.

Second read: Hmm. The player likes RP challenges. He won't metagame. There's potential here, and it's potential everyone can enjoy.

My advice? Ask the player. Explain that his current PC is off the table, that's done, but if he doesn't want to reroll right away, you have this idea for an undercover temporary NPC he can play. If he's onboard, proceed. And here's how I'd do it.

You give him a list of priorities. Play it as a case of "The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing." He has his job to do, but he doesn't know the big picture. You give him a list of things he explicitly knows, strongly advise that he not reveal any of them (you can have table discussions via notes if you want), and let it go from there. Placing plot knowledge in player hands is always a risk, but you've said he's up for the challenge. Let him do it his way.

I'd avoid the token system. Obviously, the PC has an interest in not disclosing his knowledge if it means the other PCs will kill him; let him be creative in his disclosures. If he wants to reward the other PCs with information for helping him, that's his call.

2015-05-30, 08:18 AM
"Force" was a poor choice of typing, and I really didn't mean it as such. It will definitely be a choice. It will be presented as: Hey, if you want to do this thing, it can benefit the overall party by helping along the plot. Here is the scenario, you can go with it, or roll another character.

2015-05-30, 05:02 PM
I want to force him to RP this evil creature, and make my player: 1) keep his demon accompanying the good-aligned PCs, 2) NOT be killed by the PCs, and 3) NOT reveal the plot/story points on his own. If my player is successful with these things, when he creates a replacement character, he will get to stay the current level of the party.I see lots of 'Danger, Will Robinson!' in this particular sentiment. Even if - as you acknowledge - 'force' is not exactly the word you intended, this reads as "I am assigning you this temporary Character as penance for the 'bad decisions' you made roleplaying your last Character. If you roleplay correctly, and correctly here means accomplishing my predetermined goals, I'll let you come back with a real Character who isn't lagging behind and possibly dragging at the party's resources." That's not exactly going to make many Players excited, in my experience.