View Full Version : A question about Olidamara

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-05-30, 03:50 PM
Does Olidamara exist in any campaign setting other than greyhawk.

Bad Wolf
2015-05-30, 05:16 PM
Don't think so. But he seems easy to move around.

2015-05-30, 05:25 PM
Well, according to the 3.5 PHB (and possibly 3.0, which I don't have access to), several major Greyhawk deities became generic/setting neutral deities for any DM to use.

This still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, along with the general neglect of Greyhawk in 3.X onwards...

2015-05-30, 05:26 PM
Well, according to the 3.5 PHB (and possibly 3.0, which I don't have access to), several major Greyhawk deities became generic/setting neutral deities for any DM to use.

This still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, along with the general neglect of Greyhawk in 3.X onwards...

I never really liked the forgotten realms much. the campaign setting was "full," there wasn't any room for your guy to do anything, every evolutionary niche had been filled. it's why I like eberron as a backdrop a lot more.

2015-05-30, 07:36 PM
Based on the stuff in the DMG, Planar Handbook, and Manual of the Planes, signs point to Planescape being the true "default" setting of 3.5. Olidammara would be around in each setting, but the laughing rogue would likely only matter much to his followers on Oerth, because of interplanar politics.

In any case, although he would exist, of the other big settings, he does not have power over Faerun or the rest of Toril, likewise with Krynn. Eberron sits in its own cosmology (accessible through the Plane of Shadow or World Serpent Inn, but not really by gods), and Athas is in the same boat (although in its case, it's way on the other side of the deep Ethereal plane, and its planar links are damaged by defiling otherwise).

Extra Anchovies
2015-05-30, 08:02 PM
Based on the stuff in the DMG, Planar Handbook, and Manual of the Planes, signs point to Planescape being the true "default" setting of 3.5. Olidammara would be around in each setting, but the laughing rogue would likely only matter much to his followers on Oerth, because of interplanar politics.

Isn't Greyhawk on the Material Plane in Planescape anyways? I seem to recall reading that somewhere.

In any case, although he would exist, of the other big settings, he does not have power over Faerun or the rest of Toril, likewise with Krynn. Eberron sits in its own cosmology (accessible through the Plane of Shadow or World Serpent Inn, but not really by gods), and Athas is in the same boat (although in its case, it's way on the other side of the deep Ethereal plane, and its planar links are damaged by defiling otherwise).

Wait, there are in-game ways to cross between FR and Eberron? Even if they're fluff-only, that's pretty cool.

2015-05-30, 08:21 PM
Yep! Realmspace/Toril and Greyspace/Oerth are each in alternate Prime Material Planes, accessible through plane shift if your DM feels like opening up cross-setting weirdness. Otherwise, they still connect to the same planes of existence in the Great Wheel. Eberron itself has its own cosmology, but the Plane of Shadow connects itself to all campaign settings. However, navigating through the Plane of Shadow is incredibly difficult, because you need to go through the shadows between worlds (which is a bit terrifying, because if the Plane of Shadow is the shadows of the world, what's casting the shadows between?).

The World Serpent Inn is a transdimensional building that connects to all realities, if you can find the right door. Getting into it is difficult and largely luck-based, though. Another option is trying to find a portal to there in Sigil, which is easy for Realmspace/Greyspace, but significantly harder for places like Eberron and Athas. In addition, Ravenloft's mists can grab from anywhere except the phlogiston Spelljammers travel through, although you really don't want to travel via Ravenloft. :smalleek:

Another fun fact is that our Earth exists in Planescape (it's in a massive dead magic zone), and that at least two alternate Earths do that do have magic. One is d20 Modern's Urban Arcana (Meepo the kobold (http://www.wizards.com/d20modern/images/d20m_gallery/610_088190_92.jpg) made his way there at one point and came back with an artifact shotgun), and the other is a world where some of the most famous wizards would go and have dinner in Ed Greenwood's house. (http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=The_Wizards_Three)

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-05-31, 11:25 AM
Kryn was given it's own cosmology after a long battle between the creators and wizards of the coast. Krynn does not have the 9 hells or the 7 heavens that Oerth and Torili have.

So phrases like "I'll se you in hell" "What in the nine hells" "Snowballs chance in Taurterus" would not have any meaning for a charater from Krynn

2015-05-31, 11:41 AM
Another fun fact is that our Earth exists in Planescape (it's in a massive dead magic zone), and that at least two alternate Earths do that do have magic. One is d20 Modern's Urban Arcana (Meepo the kobold (http://www.wizards.com/d20modern/images/d20m_gallery/610_088190_92.jpg) made his way there at one point and came back with an artifact shotgun), and an alternate earth where some of the most famous wizards would go and have dinner in Ed Greenwood's house. (http://www.canonfire.com/wiki/index.php?title=The_Wizards_Three)

Hahaha i love this, it also helps that i kinda like D20 Modern, even though i gotta houserule the crap out of it.

On topic: you can technically worship any god you want as you can still get power from them. The problem is finding out that that god exists. So while Olidimara may exist in every setting, most wont know about him. Then again most settings have someone at least similar to him

Nessa Ellenesse
2015-06-06, 10:30 AM
Well, according to the 3.5 PHB (and possibly 3.0, which I don't have access to), several major Greyhawk deities became generic/setting neutral deities for any DM to use.

This still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, along with the general neglect of Greyhawk in 3.X onwards...

I am with you on that one

2015-06-06, 10:46 AM
In addition, Ravenloft's mists can grab from anywhere except the phlogiston Spelljammers travel through, although you really don't want to travel via Ravenloft. :smalleek:

Yup, although just because the Demipane of Dread can't get you in the Phlogiston, it can manifest in Wild Space, in any crystal sphere. It'll come as a sudden darkness, almost like the visual opposite of a nebula, and swallow spelljammers whole. Although they never talk about what's on the other side. Is there some sort of Dreadspace realm? Do your ships just come into the sky above some random domain, unable to gain much altitude? Do they crash into the Sea of Sorrows?

2015-06-06, 11:25 AM
Is there any way to get out of Ravenloft? Not much use if it's a one way journey.

2015-06-06, 11:29 AM
Is there any way to get out of Ravenloft? Not much use if it's a one way journey.

sure, all you need to do is defeat strahd.

2015-06-06, 11:31 AM
sure, all you need to do is defeat strahd.

Sadly this is one of the only ways we know of to do so, though several people have gone between Ravenloft and other realms we arent sure how.

2015-06-06, 11:36 AM
Sadly this is one of the only ways we know of to do so, though several people have gone between Ravenloft and other realms we arent sure how.

or you could morph into a vistani. they can come and go as they please.

2015-06-06, 11:51 AM
or you could morph into a vistani. they can come and go as they please.

That is true, but you may need more than Polymorph for that, im not sure i need to look at my Ravenloft stuff again.

2015-06-06, 11:59 AM
That is true, but you may need more than Polymorph for that, im not sure i need to look at my Ravenloft stuff again.

vistanis' ability to move through the mist is not ex, su, or sp, so defaults to a natural ability, so just get it any way that confers those abilities if you don't want to play ravenloft to escape.

2015-06-06, 12:06 PM
vistanis' ability to move through the mist is not ex, su, or sp, so defaults to a natural ability, so just get it any way that confers those abilities if you don't want to play ravenloft to escape.

Ah, nice. now i dont need to page through my Ravenloft PDFs

2015-06-06, 01:10 PM
I am with you on that one

Same here. Everything I hear about Greyhawk makes me want to play in the setting, but there's just *nothing* written about it.

A friend finally tracked down the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, and I've basically stolen it from him while I work through it.

I maintain that Olidamara *does* exist in Eberron, though. He just calls himself The Traveler and has taken up crafting and destroying things for art's sake, expanding his portfolio into crafts as well as performances. (I particularly like the idea of what this would mean if you take the obscure myth that The Traveler is the actual creator of Eberron, not the Progenitor Wyrms. It'd explain why Eberron's so closed off from everything else. Olidamara's love of shelled creatures and protective shells that can roll up into balls fits nicely in the concept of a reality that's closed off from other planes.)