View Full Version : Campaign Help Please (Rules, Advice, Suggestions)

2015-05-31, 10:29 AM
I am going to be a new DM in the near future. I am currently working on a Lycan VS Vampire campaign (I know it is over done). I have worked out most of the campaign. It will have 3 parts: Part 1 will be my players getting infected, dealing with/ accepting the curse, and finally fighting against a faction of Lycan/Vampire Hunters (based vaugely on the Anime Hellsing). Part 2 will be based on the group accidently releasing Dracula from the control of the Hellsing family (when defeating the Hunters in Part 1), and they will have to navigate through a small Labyrinth to reach the front gates of Dracula's Castle. They then have to defeat 4 levels of the castle. The gate, the courtyard, the 1st floor of the castle, and the top floor. If the group triggers a trap entering the top floor then they will fall into a dungeon and have to find their way out and back to the top floor to fight Dracula. Part 3 begins with the group having just seen Dracula take on a gaseous form and escape death. They head north and find the primary Lycan stronghold (thus far a mysterious character has been guiding their path). The king of the stronghold informs them that Dracula has emassed an army and is headed for them. He charges the group with defeating the vast army that approaches. Now along with this there will be a bounty board, a quest board, several shops, a temple for the moon goddess, and several elder Lycans. One of which is the mysterious figure that has been guiding them this whole time. The shops here are going to have the ability to sale homes, keeps, castles, large castles, motes, etc etc.... and this is where I begin to have some future questions arise. After the final battle of Part 3, some of the players will have castles and other fortifications. So I want to offer an optional 4th Part. The 4th part would be that only one of them can be the Alpha of the pack. They all have there own fortifications, or for those who dont they can jump in with someone that does, or form a rouge party etc etc... Here is the problem, they are all inheriently Lawfully Good. With them being Lawfully Good and all having varying fortifications and strengths, what would be the best way to initiate and play this Campaign Segment? Also is this even doable with the rules and mechanics of the game? Lastly, I want to implement it so that the Mysterious figure that has been leading them around is now playable as my DM character. Is any of this possible or am I chasing pipe dreams?