View Full Version : Help with Stored Spells

2015-05-31, 01:43 PM
I've got a 10th level arcane caster, and I would LOVE to have some spells like Contingency or Glyph or Warding. Yep, I know contingency is too high a level and the Glyph spells are divine, but what I mean is to be able to have a spell go off without me having to cast them at that moment.

Are there feats or spells that let me cast a protective effect and then "hold it" until I choose to manifest the effect? Would be great to "Hold" that protection spell until I want. How about other spells?

Glyph of Warding is similar in that it is a "spell container" that releases the spell.

One-shot items are a possibility as well. I guess I am looking for options. Our player who has a cleric has died and both myself and a Chameleon are trying to help until the cleric can be replaced.

For the sake of discussion, lets stick with RAW!

2015-05-31, 10:51 PM
You will find many spells in Complete Mage, Dragon Magic, and Complete Champion that have a listed, long-duration effect, and then can be expended, usually as a swift or immediate action, to trigger a different effect while ending the original spell. Often these triggered effects are exactly the sort of spells that you'd like to be able to call up on short notice. Good stuff.

2015-06-01, 07:22 AM
What sourcebooks are available?

The easiest solutions here are probably going to be item-based:

Ring of Spell Storing (18000/50000 GP, DMG)
Shuriken of Spell Storing (160 GP, DMG)
Glyph Seal (1000/4000 GP, MIC)

If you can wait another level, you can use Shalantha's delicate disk (Lost Empires of Faerun, Sor/Wiz 6) to create some relatively cheap one-shot disks (200 GP each) that can store any spell up to 5th level.

Uncle Pine
2015-06-01, 09:28 AM
If you can wait another level, you can use Shalantha's delicate disk (Lost Empires of Faerun, Sor/Wiz 6) to create some relatively cheap one-shot disks (200 GP each) that can store any spell up to 5th level.

I highly second Shalantha's delicate disk. It's just that awesome. For example, you can store things like useful but situational buffs, even if cast by other casters. Things like Guidance of the Avatar, for example.
If you end up piling up a lot of disks, I also suggest you to buy/craft a "Heward's handy glove of the master strategist" (a glove of the master strategy with Heward's handy haversack's properties as per MIC) to better organize them.

EDIT: Also, since you're trying to replace a cleric, you could buy a couple of healing belts (MIC).

2015-06-01, 12:37 PM
Craft Contingent Spell is a feat from Complete Arcane. The same book introduces the associated "magic item," which is a contingent spell that hangs on the person to whom it is affixed at time of creation. It has specific market value; you presumably hire a spellcaster to put it on you for that price.

Its rules are largely similar to the 5th level spell contingency, but you can have up to 1 Contingent Spell on you per HD.

2015-06-01, 01:36 PM
What sourcebooks are available?

The easiest solutions here are probably going to be item-based:

Ring of Spell Storing (18000/50000 GP, DMG)
Shuriken of Spell Storing (160 GP, DMG)
Glyph Seal (1000/4000 GP, MIC)

If you can wait another level, you can use Shalantha's delicate disk (Lost Empires of Faerun, Sor/Wiz 6) to create some relatively cheap one-shot disks (200 GP each) that can store any spell up to 5th level.

I have already decided to make [2] Glyph Seals. With my Sacred Geometry feat, I can stick some nicely modified spells in there! I am bubbling over with more ideas! I hope this thread continues to grow!

Uncle Pine
2015-06-01, 01:41 PM
Craft Contingent Spell is a feat from Complete Arcane. The same book introduces the associated "magic item," which is a contingent spell that hangs on the person to whom it is affixed at time of creation. It has specific market value; you presumably hire a spellcaster to put it on you for that price.

Its rules are largely similar to the 5th level spell contingency, but you can have up to 1 Contingent Spell on you per HD.

Craft Contingent Spell requires CL 11, so you won't be able to take it until 12th level, but otherwise it's a great feat. Before 12th level, you can simply buy contingent spells as needed, they're cheap if you limit yourself to cost-efficient options. For example, every player in my current campaign bought a couple of LBs (Leakage Breakers, slotless single use tatoos that heal you 1 hp when you hit the negatives, aka carefully worder contingent Cure Minor Wounds, 50 gp each).

2015-06-01, 02:02 PM
Spell storing arrows (+1 cost) will let you store up to 3rd level buffs witch you can then use in bundles to stab yourself in a manner similar to using hypodermic needles. Plus they're ammo so they're dirt cheap and you can try to get some sized for really tiny creatures to reduce their damage.

2015-06-01, 02:33 PM
Spell storing arrows (+1 cost) will let you store up to 3rd level buffs witch you can then use in bundles to stab yourself in a manner similar to using hypodermic needles. Plus they're ammo so they're dirt cheap and you can try to get some sized for really tiny creatures to reduce their damage.

Spell-storing shurriken work better for this; they're designed to be thrown, so you can hand them to whoever has the most attacks/round that is not better spent using them on the enemy. Buff one person with multiple at a time or several PCs in the same character's action.

2015-06-01, 02:35 PM
Spell-storing shurriken work better for this; they're designed to be thrown, so you can hand them to whoever has the most attacks/round that is not better spent using them on the enemy. Buff one person with multiple at a time or several PCs in the same character's action.

This is true if you're trying to buff someone else, but if you're trying to buff yourself you can just stab yourself with a fistfull of arrows, you could even put some cure arrows in there to offset the damage.

2015-06-01, 02:36 PM
This is true if you're trying to buff someone else, but if you're trying to buff yourself you can just stab yourself with a fistfull of arrows, you could even put some cure arrows in there to offset the damage.

Sadly, that requires that you get your DM to accept that you can do this with an arbitrary number of arrows. The RAW support one arrow/attack, even against yourself.

2015-06-01, 02:41 PM
Sadly, that requires that you get your DM to accept that you can do this with an arbitrary number of arrows. The RAW support one arrow/attack, even against yourself.

I wouldn't say an arbitrary number, I'm pretty sure most DM's will let you hold 7-15 arrows in one hand, but if they don't then yeah, shurikens are better.

2015-06-01, 02:44 PM
I wouldn't say an arbitrary number, I'm pretty sure most DM's will let you hold 7-15 arrows in one hand, but if they don't then yeah, shurikens are better.

Yeah, the reason I hold to shurikens instead is that ambiguity, that requirement for a "DM judgment call" on something unsupported in the rules. Not necessarily forbidden, but unsupported.

(I mean, if you think about it, the logic behind stabbing yourself with 7 arrows should mean that a warhammer with 20 arrows tied to its face should do 20x melee arrow damage.)

2015-06-01, 02:48 PM
(I mean, if you think about it, the logic behind stabbing yourself with 7 arrows should mean that a warhammer with 20 arrows tied to its face should do 20x melee arrow damage.)

That sounds pretty amazing, I think I'd actually let my players do that considering that ammunition is considered destroyed once used and it would take a considerable amount of time to set up your Maul of Fletched Doom.

2015-06-12, 10:55 AM
With use of Sculpt Spell, for a +1 spell level I altered Ray of Exhaustion. Now with the use of my spell glyph, I have a delicate blown-glass sphere "grenade" that will provide a wonderful 20' radius of Ray of Exhaustion effect!

This should also work for Ray of Enfeeblement and Enervation (which doesn't allow a save)!