View Full Version : Cover to my new book, The Dame was a Tad Polish!

2015-06-01, 08:39 AM
Hey guys, I'm not the most active member around here, but I've been a fan of Order of the Stick I think around the end of the second book. All the books are sitting on my shelf, too, which I love Rich's commentary for.

Anyway, two years ago, I had my biggest dream come true: I published my first novel. Published through Pro Se Press, The City of Smoke & Mirrors is the first in a superhero detective series I call The Armadillo Mysteries. It's like a mix of Mickey Spillane mees Ninja Turtles. Its star, Dilbert Pinkerton, is a mutant armadillo private detective. He digs for the truth. Honestly, looking back at the first book, I see tons of things I wish I could change about it. Fortunately, rather than looking back, I looked forward and wrote its sequel!

I present to everyone Larry Nadolsky cover art for the new Armadillo Mystery: THE DAME WAS A TAD POLISH.

https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10494549_389822067886456_1146509521130398742_n.jpg ?oh=014f8006f5656626c6b465fbfaa70b0f&oe=55E98907

It's expected to be out sometime in July(ish).