View Full Version : TV Disney XD Marvel Shows renewal

2015-06-01, 04:22 PM
From what I heard, Earth's Mightiest Heroes writers are on new Avengers Assemble and they brought in Nighthawk from Squadron Supreme and Steve Gerber's Defenders.
That might be a redemption but they didn't have Hulk in armor (http://www.geekedoutnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/indestructible-hulk-special-1-cov.jpg).
As much as Ultimate Spiderman is annoying (I don't know but I rather prefer the comic's Sam Alexander despite the ending being lackluster They didn't even hint that Jesse Alexander might be humanoid alien. I mean Marvel need to have a half alien hybrid with normal-ish upbringing. Depends if Sam's mom have questionable taste in spouse.), they did have obscure characters (maybe it would be better if they made Kurt Busiek's Marvels)) and Spiderverse didn't involve murdering fan favorite Spiderman (:smallfurious: like what they did to Amazing Friends and Spidergirl's dad).
I hope they didn't have USM Spiderman discover that he erased his marriage with Mary Jane to save his dying Aunt.

2015-06-12, 02:00 AM
Ummm, Guys?
Here's a stupid speculation for One More Day:
Spiderman and White Tiger started dating
Civil War!
Aunt May got killed.
Spiderman uses Cosmic Cube to erase their romance.

2015-06-12, 05:12 AM
I've seen a few of the new shows. They gave all the terrible jokes to Hawkeye, and no, I don't mean the "so bad they're funny" kind, I mean the kind you hear in a generic action show. Another time I saw a robot beat Thanos, who was wielding the infinity gauntlet at the time, because Tony analysed the gems and did some techy stuff. I mean, really?

Maybe I'm judging the show too harshly from what little I've seen, but common, Bucky would not fight Captain America after having his memories restored just because he really wanted to kill the Red Skull, especially if the Nazi nut really did have information that could save the world from certain doom. What the heck, Bucky.

Oh wait, they're renewing it again...? My bad. Didn't mean to criticize entirely new shows... Although they're still the same, just with new writers, right? Good luck to them, these programs just look like a hot mess to me.

2015-06-12, 09:33 AM
I think I found one.
Seriously, Marvel, we need a series that tried to adapt old comic storyline. Stop trying to tie in with movie.
Also USM's Nova is terrible that even the comicbook version (which ironically actually enjoy but that has more to do with being new to Nova and thus lack "bring back Rich Rider" mentality) is an improvement by comparison. I wonder if we can take Jeph Loeb's excuse on Sam Alexander, which was created based his beliefs that bringing Richard Rider back would ruin his ending in Thanos Imperative, with a grain of salt. Maybe make him a half-human child of Alien nobility who was placed in glass ceiling until he stole a helmet and ditched to Earth. or his "arrogant" and bratty nature was coping mechanism after seeing entire corps (and possibly his family) wiped out.
edit: and no Scarlet Witch and Vision, which despite both of them appearing in movies and possibly going into well-known robosexual romance.