View Full Version : Roy's ressurection [spoiler?]

2007-04-23, 08:57 AM
Well, as you can see a while ago Hinjo has no idea of who the wizard who is dead in the throne room is, and Shojo rejected the ressurection.. Any chance that Azure City could owe Roy for his services?

2007-04-23, 09:05 AM
ummm... hopefully yes...

2007-04-23, 11:55 AM
Assuming there's anything left of Azure City to be providing services to anyone...

Lord Anath'Kash
2007-04-23, 06:17 PM
"Here, have this fortune of diamonds we just happened to keep in the back.":smallannoyed:

No. I will be annoyed it this IS what happens. After having to res their wizard that teleported them around, the nobles leaving with their portions of the army, Shinjo's death + repeated attempts at raise dead, are they going to really have the goods to bring Roy back?


I just see it more feasible to send the group off on a diamond hunting quest.

The downside to "Raise dead" is the nasty side effects, sure, the spell loss won't be a hassle, but the 2 points of constitution and 1 permanent level lost is.

A nicer, lesser known spell is "Reincarnate" not that expensive and humorous in results.
Roy the bugbear anyone?

"Resurrection" seems very unlikely. Fully brought back + no ill effects, but where DO people get 10,000gold worth of diamonds? It's one of those things that you can't overlook. Take a fallen fighter's finger to a church and they'll ask "Do you have 10,000 gold worth of diamonds" "Oh... we forgot about that"


2007-04-23, 06:31 PM
Raise dead only costs a level, not constitution drain (unless Roy is 1st level.) This is not as fatal as it seems (maybe Roy will take a level of Warblade instead of fighter when he regains the level). Secondly, Azure City is bigger than a metropolis. I'm sure that in their treasury they have at least 25,000 gp (needed for a True Rez). Also, if Azure City survives, the nobles who ran away, keeping their fortunes safe, could be persuaded to chip in a bit when they learn that Roy "heroically fell in battle to save Azure City" or something suitably propaganda-y.

2007-04-23, 06:31 PM
i think it will happen when cilia get there after the dragon chunks fall and break the taliman

Lord Anath'Kash
2007-04-23, 06:33 PM
Raise dead only costs a level, not constitution drain (unless Roy is 1st level.) This is not as fatal as it seems (maybe Roy will take a level of Warblade instead of fighter when he regains the level). Secondly, Azure City is bigger than a metropolis. I'm sure that in their treasury they have at least 25,000 gp (needed for a True Rez). Also, if Azure City survives, the nobles who ran away, keeping their fortunes safe, could be persuaded to chip in a bit when they learn that Roy "heroically fell in battle to save Azure City" or something suitably propaganda-y.

Roy is obviously important to the reader, but to the city? The people who live there would come first. Their big city is going to be a poor city once they start looking after everyone when they return. Food, repairs, healing, cleaning not to mention the loss of market.

2007-04-23, 06:38 PM
Roy may not be important to the city at large, but he is important to Hinjo, and Hinjo counts for more than anyone else.

But that won't be for a while, because there's going to be some Upper-Planes scenes with Roy and dear-old-dad.

2007-04-23, 06:38 PM
I'm very sure that Roy will be ressurected, but I really, really, don't want him to. The guy really annoys me, and if the rest of the OOTS follows Roy's quest, we can still have a plot. But I'm almost certain that he will get resurected, because the power of the plot gaurantees an easy, accessible 10000gp worth of diamonds which are handy to any plot-related protagonist.

2007-04-23, 06:43 PM
Fully brought back + no ill effects, but where DO people get 10,000gold worth of diamonds?

Um...Haley is known for having several OMGBIG bags marked "Haley's Loot". I think that might be an interesting place to start....

2007-04-23, 06:45 PM
Um...Haley is known for having several OMGBIG bags marked "Haley's Loot". I think that might be an interesting place to start....

she lost most of it when the hotel went BOOM...

2007-04-23, 06:45 PM
I have a feeling the next time he walks there will be more black opals involved than diamonds...

2007-04-23, 06:46 PM
Maybe they'll try something new and Roy will come back as a cyborg. =)

The Extinguisher
2007-04-23, 07:00 PM
No. Just no.

Killing Roy, then "Zomg Ressurection" is just bad storytelling. And we know Rich isn't a bad storyteller.

2007-04-23, 08:57 PM
No. Just no.

Killing Roy, then "Zomg Ressurection" is just bad storytelling. And we know Rich isn't a bad storyteller.
However resurrecting Roy just as they begin to mourn and have him sit up and say something funny would be good humor, and Rich is a good humorist.

2007-04-23, 09:02 PM
no.......think people....i bet the talismen broke on the ground...you know...kinda like Roy's spine.....bettcha you-know-who is on her way...of course the death was seeable when it took so long for him to form a plan...and betcha he is a ghost.....like his dad. idk....my idea of what may have/will happen

Elliot Kane
2007-04-23, 09:26 PM
I think Hinjo will resurrect Roy so that he can chase down and kill Xykon before Xykon can open any of the gates. Hinjo will know that Xykon has to be stopped at all costs, and without Roy the OOTS just will not work together and have zero hope of accomplishing anything.

For the good of the world, I suspect Hinjo will have NO trouble finding those diamonds.

2007-04-23, 09:26 PM
I'm very sure that Roy will be ressurected, but I really, really, don't want him to. The guy really annoys me...
I think we're pretty much alone in that, judging from what I've seen on the forum. I sense fanservice quotas overriding initial plot ideas in the near future...

2007-04-23, 09:35 PM
I think Hinjo will resurrect Roy so that he can chase down and kill Xykon before Xykon can open any of the gates. Hinjo will know that Xykon has to be stopped at all costs, and without Roy the OOTS just will not work together and have zero hope of accomplishing anything.

For the good of the world, I suspect Hinjo will have NO trouble finding those diamonds.

I wonder, then, if Hinjo might not find himself in the same position as the late Lord Shojo, having to bend a few rules for the sake of the greater good? Hmmm, what will he do if he does? Dun dun dun....

2007-04-23, 09:36 PM
I wonder, then, if Hinjo might not find himself in the same position as the late Lord Shojo, having to bend a few rules for the sake of the greater good? Hmmm, what will he do if he does? Dun dun dun....

Then Miko's gonna have to cut him in half too.

2007-04-23, 09:38 PM
I wonder, then, if Hinjo might not find himself in the same position as the late Lord Shojo, having to bend a few rules for the sake of the greater good? Hmmm, what will he do if he does? Dun dun dun....

ZOMG Hinjo's going to fall!!!!1eleven :smallbiggrin:

Goodbye Paladin Hinjo...

Hello Hinjo-without-the-bonus-feats!

2007-04-23, 10:00 PM
You're kidding yourselves if you think the entire forum combined could undo or force the death of a party member. That's a major plotline.

Anyways, he's not getting rezed. I don't know how, but he's not. There's certain rules in good literature, and that's one of them. If there were even a chance of him returning it'd be after a LONG quest, but I sincerely doubt even that.

2007-04-23, 10:01 PM
I think Hinjo will resurrect Roy so that he can chase down and kill Xykon before Xykon can open any of the gates. Hinjo will know that Xykon has to be stopped at all costs, and without Roy the OOTS just will not work together and have zero hope of accomplishing anything.

For the good of the world, I suspect Hinjo will have NO trouble finding those diamonds.

Isn't he the ruler of Azure City? He has the rightful authority to expend the resources of the city as he sees fit. And if he sees fit to have Roy resurrected so he can continue leading the Order of the Stick on it's mission to save the world, then what he says goes.

As for how Roy gets back to Azure City to be rezzed, I know who might do it.

Belkar. Why? Here's how I see him reasonning it..
"Dammit, Roy! I'm the one who's supposed to kill you! Great... Now I have to drag you all the way back to Azure City so Hinjo can have you resurrected, all so I can kill you at a timie of my choosing..."

Hey, it fits with everything I've seen Belkar do so far...

2007-04-23, 10:36 PM
I think we're pretty much alone in that, judging from what I've seen on the forum. I sense fanservice quotas overriding initial plot ideas in the near future...
No, Rich doesn't follow fans' comments. Don't be insipid.

And at least 80% of this forum dislikes Roy. So quit crying, YOU just got what you've always wanted.

2007-04-23, 10:42 PM
I think we're pretty much alone in that, judging from what I've seen on the forum. I sense fanservice quotas overriding initial plot ideas in the near future...

Yeah. You guys hate Roy, so clearly it's a bad idea for him to come back. Never mind that some people actually like Roy. Personally, he's my favorite of the group.

And no, I'm not irritated by his death.

This is D&D, folks. This is a game of super-heroes and disgustingly-high fantasy. Resurrection is common in D&D. Especially at the PCs' level. In D&D settings, it is far, far more infuriating when characters _don't_ get resurrected, because it just makes no sense - it's too easy for even mid-level characters to come back.

Yeah, resurrection is a lame plot device. But this is a comic that is *built* on lame plot devices. The story is a run-of-the-mill Save The World(tm) high-fantasy garbage plot. The characters are all cliches. Society and interaction is built on game mechanics instead of social dynamics. Guys with swords are somehow equal in efficiency to arcanists who can re-arrange the universe solely because the rules say two characters of equal level should be equally useful in general.

Why? Those are D&D staples. Some of those are the core fabric of the D&D tapestry. Others are simple common threads that find their way into almost every D&D campaign. Even though many of those elements are not _required_ by D&D, and an inventive DM might well avoid those cliches and weave something more intellectually substantial, the vast majority of D&D games follow that given pattern. That pattern is what Rich has been building off of, and has been building off of very well. OOTS isn't special because it rips apart the D&D cloth, or because it tries to portray D&D as realistic; it's special because it embodies D&D to the very core, pokes fun at it, laughs at its dysfunction, and builds "literature level" compelling characters and plot in the face of all reason.

There are two and only two options for Roy's future, unless Rich suddenly stops writing a D&D-based comic: Roy is resurrected/reincarnated, or a character who is his almost identical twin shows up to take his place. Because that's what happens in the vast majority of D&D games when a character dies in the middle of the plot. Either he comes back, or they pull the, "You seem trustworthy; would you care to join us in our noble quest?" line on the total unknown stranger who just popped out of nowhere. There may likely be an interlude between now and then, during which the party lacks a competent leader or an alternate leader takes his place (I'd have the player play Miko, just because I'm a bastard), but the final result is basically guaranteed... or this comic isn't about D&D.

2007-04-23, 11:10 PM
There's certain rules in good literature, and that's one of them. There's also certain rules in good comedy... and one of them is to break as many of the rules of literature as you can...

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-04-23, 11:14 PM
I've noticed that a lot of the hopes for Roy's ressurection rest on Hinjo's benevolence. I don't know if this has been considered yet, but with Roy currently...ahem...indisposed, how will Hinjo defend himself from the nobles' assorted ninja death-squads. If Hinjo is assassinated during or after the battle, Azure City will rest in the hands of the corrupt nobles, who will not care a whit about Roy's heroism (they'd probably add insult to injury too by claiming that if Roy had truly been heroic, he would have stopped Xykon in the aerial battle:smallmad:). Left in their hands Azure City will suffer a spiral of decay and weakness not unlike Rome before it, culminating in Xykon returning with another undead force, easily removing the selfish nobles, assuming control of the gate and ultimately dooming the world to a dark, terrifying existence until the end of time!

Disclaimer: This is merely the worst case scenario. I sincerely doubt that this will be the case, and wholeheartedly trust Mr. Burlew's good judgement.

2007-04-23, 11:26 PM
You're kidding yourselves if you think the entire forum combined could undo or force the death of a party member. That's a major plotline.

Anyways, he's not getting rezed. I don't know how, but he's not. There's certain rules in good literature, and that's one of them. If there were even a chance of him returning it'd be after a LONG quest, but I sincerely doubt even that.

what about OotS makes you think it follows these rules of good literature? If anything I think Giant is going to make fun of how characters die in DnD and after the current quest the party suddenly runs into a new recruit that, despite having no physical or historical similarity to the dead character, acts like the former PC and even fills the same party niche (like tank, healer, skill bag, or glass cannon[known as a caster to some]).

2007-04-23, 11:31 PM
I have a feeling the next time he walks there will be more black opals involved than diamonds...

umm.....I am guessing thats a hint to some spell that makes people undead, but what is the spell specifically?:smallfrown:

2007-04-24, 12:00 AM
Animate dead, I believe. And it's two black onyx gems, one for each eye. Zombie in a jiffy.

2007-04-24, 12:11 AM
Animate dead, I believe. And it's two black onyx gems, one for each eye. Zombie in a jiffy.

Close, but not quite. One black onyx worth 25GP/HD placed in the mouth. The Giant is using 3.5 rules.

2007-04-24, 12:56 AM
They can rebuild him- better...stronger...faster. While dead, Roy will be allowed to redo his feats, get a prestige class, or completely convert to something like warblade or crusader, allowing him to work on his "build optimization" that Xykon criticizes him for.

Then he can summon a black hole from his back left molars and crush his enemies once and for all in a singularity.

Seriously, though, I'm fairly certain Roy's going to get a raise some way or another. There's too much left unresolved for Roy's story to end just yet, it seems to me.

The question is when and how, though. Roy's death is definitely going to be significant in some way or another, and there's going to be some kind of hitch in bringing him back, one of which might be Roy not wanting to come back.

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-04-24, 01:02 AM
That's another valid point. Roy might just be so fed up with this madness that he'll just want to stay in the afterlife. Though from what I've seen of him, he's still enough of a hero that he'll probably want to go back to the world and its annoyances, just to make sure that he finishes what he started.

2007-04-24, 01:07 AM
Roy might just be so fed up with this madness that he'll just want to stay in the afterlife.

Only if the player wants a new character.

2007-04-24, 01:15 AM
Yeah, I don't think that Roy will ultimately refuse being brought back, but I have little doubt he'll manage to be cynical about getting a second chance at life :smallamused:

He might see some change in priorities though, and I think the story is going to take a different direction besides "Stop Xykon from accessing a gate" from here on - mainly because Xykon will probably get the Azure City gate, do something freaky with it, and change the campaign objectives in some way. It's clear that Xykon isn't the only baddie in the world that needs to be dealt with, and the Order can't deal with them if they're constantly after Xykon.

2007-04-24, 01:24 AM
The adventures of Roy in after life wait summon Dragonballz music.

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-04-24, 03:59 PM
The adventures of Roy in after life wait summon Dragonballz music.

:smallconfused: I beg your pardon? I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean.

2007-04-24, 04:50 PM
Raise dead only costs a level, not constitution drain (unless Roy is 1st level.) This is not as fatal as it seems (maybe Roy will take a level of Warblade instead of fighter when he regains the level).

Not to mention the fact that he probably has a boatload of XP built up, hell I'D give my players a level just for jumping to attack Xykon and not only not dying in the first round, but cassuing some serious damage AND 'killing' a Death Knight!

2007-04-24, 04:58 PM
Not to mention the fact that he probably has a boatload of XP built up, hell I'D give my players a level just for jumping to attack Xykon and not only not dying in the first round, but cassuing some serious damage AND 'killing' a Death Knight!

Where is this serious damage? It seems that Xykon is mostly unharmed. The only thing he lost is his zombie dragon, which, admittedly, was badass.

REALLY badass.

2007-04-24, 05:02 PM
MY priroities would be res the dragon first roy later...

2007-04-24, 05:06 PM
Where is this serious damage? It seems that Xykon is mostly unharmed. The only thing he lost is his zombie dragon, which, admittedly, was badass.

Not that he would admit it, but there were several cracks on Xykon's head....

2007-04-24, 05:08 PM
Not that he would admit it, but there were several cracks on Xykon's head....

If by several, you mean "just one".

2007-04-24, 05:12 PM
My guess?

Roy's dad will annoy Roy into resurrecting himself.

:roy: That's it! I've had enough! I'd sooner break the rules about spontaneously regaining 1HP than listen to your crap for another minute!

2007-04-24, 05:14 PM
My guess?

Roy's dad will annoy Roy into resurrecting himself.

:roy: That's it! I've had enough! I'd sooner break the rules about spontaneously regaining 1HP than listen to your crap for another minute!

That would be ridiculously funny... it would take like three days to annoy ROY that much...

2007-04-24, 05:17 PM
Roy is almost certainly coming back. We have precedent before that the Giant gives an important event a suitable delivery, and this hardly seems like the death of a PC to me, death by falling damage?

Now, the question here seems to be how he comes back. The ghost idea is a good temp, so he can help out (Albeit minorly) while he waits for his revification, the zombie-Roy everyone is talking about sounds like a good side-plot on Team Evil's side. I can see a good story there with some interesting character development.

I don't think he'll be reanimated through-and-through, such as a Vampire or similar undead from the Create Undead pair of spells, because this isn't the kind of comic where the good-guys turn evil so easily as the enemy found their impacted corpse.

As for the spell, Raise Dead is a cheap spell, but it might show too much info than the Giant wants to show (Ie. the cost of the gems to revive him/25 = his level), we know that Durkon is high enough level to cast it so it might end up being a gem finding mission (Assuming it's not the reward). For a longer storyline, Resurrection and True " are possible, but the trip for them would seem to overexpand the time frame of Xykon's schemes at present, so it would be too late to do anything. Then again, the Order is loyal, it's possible they'd put Xykon on the back-burner to go revive him. :durkon:

Personally, I'm favorable of the Ghost-Roy VS Zombie-Roy hook :yuk: VS :wink: (Alas, we have no emoticons for how I'm thinking :smalltongue: )

2007-04-24, 05:18 PM
That would be ridiculously funny... it would take like three days to annoy ROY that much...
Or three minutes of Elan's kazoo

2007-04-24, 05:20 PM
Or three minutes of Elan's kazoo

my point exactly... Roy's father is much less annoying than Elan... except for the you shoulda been a wizard deal...

2007-04-24, 05:27 PM
Well, he is an illusionist, I'm sure he could whip something up :smallwink:

2007-04-24, 06:09 PM
Roy is almost certainly coming back. We have precedent before that the Giant gives an important event a suitable delivery, and this hardly seems like the death of a PC to me, death by falling damage?

Now, the question here seems to be how he comes back. The ghost idea is a good temp, so he can help out (Albeit minorly) while he waits for his revification, the zombie-Roy everyone is talking about sounds like a good side-plot on Team Evil's side. I can see a good story there with some interesting character development.

I don't think he'll be reanimated through-and-through, such as a Vampire or similar undead from the Create Undead pair of spells, because this isn't the kind of comic where the good-guys turn evil so easily as the enemy found their impacted corpse.

As for the spell, Raise Dead is a cheap spell, but it might show too much info than the Giant wants to show (Ie. the cost of the gems to revive him/25 = his level), we know that Durkon is high enough level to cast it so it might end up being a gem finding mission (Assuming it's not the reward). For a longer storyline, Resurrection and True " are possible, but the trip for them would seem to overexpand the time frame of Xykon's schemes at present, so it would be too late to do anything. Then again, the Order is loyal, it's possible they'd put Xykon on the back-burner to go revive him. :durkon:

Personally, I'm favorable of the Ghost-Roy VS Zombie-Roy hook :yuk: VS :wink: (Alas, we have no emoticons for how I'm thinking :smalltongue: )

No suitable delivery? What are you talking about? I didn't see it coming until it hit, but there was plenty of suitable delivery. The foreshadowing with Haley talking to those archers, the emphasis on this being a major and dangerous battle, and the general 400-odd comics of building up Roy's blood oath against Xykon count as plenty of stage setting, even if they didn't happen the update before he died. And he was killed BY XYKON, in a one-on-one duel. The fall damage was part of Xykon's strategy. It'd be no more fair to say Roy died from falling and it wasn't an honorable death than to say the guy killed by throwing a flask of burning oil at him died from heat--sure, that's what did the last HP damage, but it's whoever threw it that killed him.

2007-04-25, 02:55 AM
I did say "almost"