View Full Version : Player Help Gestalt Swordmaster Build Help (Character Concept is based off of Fire Emblem)

2015-06-02, 02:28 AM
Hey guys, working on a gestalt character idea that I'm trying to tweak, the main idea is bassically my character is supposed to be a mesh between Lyndis, Lucina, and Ike from the Fire Emblem series. By which I mean I'm going for a character who uses only swords and no magic if possible, lightly armored, very fast, and is able to hit like a truck if needed. All official first party material is open for use, nothing from pathfinder or third party is allowed. House Rules include getting a feat at every even level, and because of back story reasons (the character is the daughter of a Half Elf and Human), my dm is allowing me to get a pass on the entry requirments into Eternal Blade, so long as I meet all other pre reqs. He's also allowing aptitude to change what ever weapon I pick for unorthodox flurry to be changed to the current weapon I'm wielding. DM does not allow for LA buy off.

Starting Stats rolled - 18 Strength, 18 Dex, 12 Con, 16 Int, 16 Wis, 10 Cha. Race is Human (Considered Silver Brow Human for feather fall,) with the Dark Creature Template. The basic idea I have for her at the moment is that she is a Lawful Good swordmaster, but she was raised by the Valenar Elf mind set of fighting, so she believes in fully utilizying any advantage she can grab. Gear wise I'm going be planning on grabbing Bracers of the Hunter, Rogues Vest, Mantle of the Predator, and Mutineer's Eye to add 4d6 SA to the 2d6 that I'll be getting from Assassins Stance. For her weapon, I'm wanting to use an Elven Courtblade thats running Keen, Valourous, Deadly Precision (Minitures), and Assanation (CityScape) with a Greater True Death Crystal, for an extra 3d6 SA, Double Damage on Charge, and up to +5 DC bonus to some of the poisons I was wanting to run(Mainly a mix of the ones that either Paralyze, Knock Unconcious, or deal Str or Dex Damage.) I'm planning on adding Tripple Weapon Capsule Retainer to it in order to be able to apply injury poisons as a swift action if needed. So with that, when ever I catch an opponent flat footed I'm able to deal my dex mod +9d6 SA as extra damage. Also the Elven Courtblade is now 1d8 15-20 x2.

Ok, now for the build:

1: Arcane Hunter Ranger/ Dark Creature – Favored Enemy: Arcanist, Track, Hide in Plain Sight

2: Feat Drow Rogue/Hunter Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian - Favored Enemy: Undead, Fighter Feat, Poison Use, Pounce

3: Hit and Run Kensai Fighter 1/SwordSage – Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Elven Courtblade), Weapon Focus (Stone Dragon), +2 Initiative, +Dex to Damage against Flat Foot

4: Feat Rogue/Overwhelming Attack Invisible Fist Monk- Fighter Feat, Power Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike, Evasion, Flurry of Blows

5: Psychic Warrior/ Overwhelming Attack Invisible Fist Monk – Fighter Feat, Improved Bull Rush, Invisible Fist SU

6: Kensai Fighter 2/ Cloistered Cleric of Time and Celerity- Fighter Feat, Knowledge Devotion, Improved Initiative, +10 Movement

7: Psychic Warrior/Shadow Scout: Fighter Feat, Favored Enemy: Constructs, +10 Movement Speed

8: Kensai Fighter 3/Warblade 1- Weapon Aptitude, Battle Clarity,

9: Kensai Fighter 4/SwordSage 2- Fighter Feat, Wis to AC

10: Kensai Fighter 5/Blade Dancer- Double Land Speed, Acrobatics, Leap of the Heavens

11: Kensai Fighter 6/Eternal Blade- Fighter Feat, Blade Guide, Eternal Training

12: Kensai Fighter 7/ Eternal Blade- Guided Strike

13: Kensai Fighter 8/Eternal Blade- Armored Uncanny Dodge

14: Kensai Fighter 9/Eternal Blade – Eternal Knowledge

15: Kensai Fighter 10/Eternal Blade- Fighter Feat,

16: Kensai Fighter 11/Eternal Blade – Defensive Insight

17: Kensai Fighter 12/Eternal Blade – Fighter Feat,

18: Kensai Fighter 13/Eternal Blade – Tactical Insight

19: Kensai Fighter 14/Eternal Blade – Fighter Feat

20: Kensai Fighter 15/Eternal Blade- Island in Time


1- Fleet of Foot (Regional- +10 Land Speed), Education, Track

2- Nemesis (Arcanists), Combat Reflexes

3- Weapon Focus (Stone Dragon)

4- Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Run, Unorthodox Flurry

5- Improved Bull Rush, Expeditious Dodge,

6- Improved Initiative, Mobility, Item Familiar

7- Shock Trooper

8- Spring Attack

9- Weapon Specialization (Great Sword)

10- Leap of the Heavens, Fleet of Foot (Complete Warrior)

11- Leap Attack

12- Robilar’s Gambit

13- Vexing Flanker

14- Melee Weapon Mastery (Slashing)

15- Rain of Blows

16- Slashing Flurry

17- Storm of Blows

18- Improved Combat Reflexes

19- Greater Combat Reflexes

20- Hold the Line

__________________________________________________ _________________________

So that is the current build I have so far, I'm planning on investing all of my skill points into either the knowledge skills, Hide, Move Silently, Jump, Tumble, and Balance. Feat wise I focused on trying trying to get as many attacks as possible, while maintaining a balance of respectable damage, as well as adding in some ways to punish those that try to attack her. Currently I'm debating right now with keeping Slashing Furry, or trading it out for Mage-Slayer in order to have another source of AoO triggers, as well as I'm not sure if there are any feats I could potentially loose to maybe grab Back-Stab and Greater Combat Reflexes. What are the rules when it comes to retraining feats that are pre reqs for prestige classes, after you already have the levels of that prestige class? Aside from that, maneuver wise I'm looking at focussing on only diamond mind and tiger claw maneuvers.

Anyway, thats the current build I've got put together so far, what do you guys think? Might there be a better way to go about doing the core idea for what I want, which is mainly a practical swordmaster (doesn't mind using poisons or SA to win fights).

2015-06-02, 01:36 PM
Actually, for an eberon campaign, is dark stalker a feat i might need?