View Full Version : The real consequencies if Roy's death is permanent

2007-04-23, 11:18 AM
Yay! Another "Roy is dead thread"

I have been thinking of something. Should Roy not be resurrected, that would mean Thog wouldn't have a good opposite. And so he wouldnt fit in the linear guild anymore :smalleek:
I wouldnt mind about Roy himself, but if Roy stays dead Thog would have to be removed.

So let's all hope Roy comes back.

2007-04-23, 12:03 PM
Yay! Another "Roy is dead thread"

I have been thinking of something. Should Roy not be resurrected, that would mean Thog wouldn't have a good opposite. And so he wouldnt fit in the linear guild anymore :smalleek:
I wouldnt mind about Roy himself, but if Roy stays dead Thog would have to be removed.

So let's all hope Roy comes back.

No, you doofus, Thog will REPLACE Roy in the Order! Duh! :smalltongue:

2007-04-23, 12:12 PM
Right! See, with Roy gone, Nale no longer needs Thog to be his evil opposite so he lets him go (plus if saves on the ice cream with sprinkles bill). However, Thog ends up joining the Order of the Stick once Elan speaks up for him. That means Nale needs a new evil opposite so he recruits Miko. It all works out perfectly!:smallbiggrin:

2007-04-23, 12:36 PM
If Roy stays dead, the OotS will break apart. Roy has been the only thing holding them together.

Haley is too greedy, she might go off to steal tons of money to pay mercenaries to kill Xykon, but there's no way she's doing it herself when the risk is so great.
Elan... Elan would avenge Roy, but he's too incompetent to do it properly. Yes, even with Dashing Swordsman levels. Actually, Elan and Haley together along with V, if Haley can convince V to do it, might be able to take down Xykon. Durkon and Belkar are lost causes at this point, Roy was the only one they respected/needed.
V could get the resolve to get as powerful as Xykon, but will probably look at the situation rationally instead and go hide under a rock.
Durkon is too dopey to seek vengeance. He'll say it's Thor's will or something.
Belkar will keep a piece of Roy very close to his heart so he doesn't trip the MoJ. Then he'll go stab the Oracle, then go back to his usual mindless rampaging (see OotPCs). Barbarian is too good for him, he can do all his rampaging in the wilderness.

2007-04-23, 12:52 PM
Nah, Belkar would probably leave, but the rest would stick together (Haley would need to be convinced by Elan, but he could pull it off)

V and Durkon respect Roy to let his death go unavenged.

Da Beast
2007-04-23, 01:01 PM
I seriouly doubt that Roy is going to stay dead. He'll probably find him self in the upper planes, have a chat with his dad, then be resurrected.

2007-04-23, 01:02 PM
Durkon wouldn't let Roy die in vain. Roy was the first human to treat Durkon like a real person. Read Origin to see what I mean. Since the Blood Oath is hereditary, it would be left to Julia, and I think Durkon would do his best to help her.

2007-04-23, 01:05 PM
...Belkar will keep a piece of Roy very close to his heart so he doesn't trip the MoJ. Then he'll go stab the Oracle, then go back to his usual mindless rampaging (see OotPCs). Barbarian is too good for him, he can do all his rampaging in the wilderness.

That does bring up an interesting point. How does Roy's death affect the MoJ? If Roy's spirit gets sent to Mt Celestia, will the Mark automatically activate? Or is it just his body that he needs to be close to? Or, will that part of the MoJ be nullified completely? There aren't any rules in the sourcebook for this sort of thing, since that part of the spell description is up to the caster/DM's discretion.

2007-04-23, 01:08 PM
Belkar's reaction to Roys death? Two words: ROY HAT. Just kidding.

2007-04-23, 01:12 PM
I'd hope that if Roy's death is permanent or long-lasting, that maybe Julia will play a bigger role in the story. I think her character is extremely well written, and it might be nice for Haley to have another girl in the OotS, not making assumptions on V, that is.

2007-04-23, 01:19 PM
I can't see Julia joining the OotS, but I can see her playing a larger part. Assuming, of course, Durkon can keep her bratty valley-girl attitude in line.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-23, 01:20 PM
well he did die....so i guess it is time for Durkon to do what i thought and cast cure raise dead

2007-04-23, 01:42 PM
Since the Blood Oath is hereditary, it would be left to Julia, and I think Durkon would do his best to help her.

Julia! I have three letters for that: L-O-L!

That would also be interesting (as well as hilarious), and quite a test for Durkon...

2007-04-23, 03:06 PM
Wait, I forgot about resurrection. I think, barring some dwarven honor protocol, Durkon would probably do his best to make sure Roy was revived.

2007-04-23, 05:03 PM
Assuming that Rich is half as competent as he's already shown himself to be and Roy stays dead:
Thog stays. He's the most loyal minion Nale has, strong, there's no forseeable way of removing him from the comic, and Roy being dead while Thog isn't just makes them more opposite. Assuming the LG ever even leaves jail; they're expecting help from minions who've bailed on them and they're being guarded by a large force of paladins (barring this battle), and they've served the plot pretty well already (far more than an evil-twin deserves to).

The OOTS is not gonna break up. This is not the end of the comic, they still have to save the world. I have no clue who will become leader. I got the distinct vibe that Julia was just there for her storyline, and most of her good humor was interaction with Roy, but who knows? She can't actually fill Roy's role, because he was the tank and she's a mage (and they already have a mage, a cleric and a bard).

2007-04-23, 05:19 PM
Julia is far too young (in terms of levels) to be a useful member of OOtS. She's still at Warthogs and ran out of spells after casting 2 or 3 magic missiles in Copper Piece Arcade (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0354.html). Admittedly she didn't have much opportunity to prepare spells, but if 1st level is the best she's got, she's going to be more of a liability than an asset.

Merlin the Tuna
2007-04-23, 05:26 PM
From a thread from a few days ago speculating on whether or not Roy would survive...
In terms of whether or not he's toast, aside from the argument from numbers... Consider what we know. Rich has stated someplace or another that Elan was the first character he came up with for the Order -- if he were to remain second (or third/fourth/whatever) banana for the entirety of the story, I would thus consider it a surprising decision. We've also recently seen from Elan a costume change and a noticeably increase in competence both in and out of battle. We've been set up for a shift in who and what Elan is, and Roy's death provides a meaningful way of consummating that change, as it allows Elan an opportunity (if only a temporary one) to take the helm at leading the Order. Much of Roy & Elan's interaction has been based on Elan's search for acceptance, and successfully spearheading a quest to revive Roy would do much for that undercurrent.

2007-04-23, 09:52 PM
The OOTS is not gonna break up. This is not the end of the comic, they still have to save the world. I have no clue who will become leader. I got the distinct vibe that Julia was just there for her storyline, and most of her good humor was interaction with Roy, but who knows? She can't actually fill Roy's role, because he was the tank and she's a mage (and they already have a mage, a cleric and a bard).

Well. If only there was a fighter (without bonus feats) somewhere with some repenting to do...

2007-04-24, 12:12 AM
I highly doubt that, even after her falling and Roy's death, Miko is about to join the OOTS. It's iffy she'll even trust them after one of them dies while they defend the city. In this essay (http://www.giantitp.com/articles/XbsQgS9YYu9g3HZBAGE.html), posted by Rich himself, he goes into the very reason why: Miko hates the OOTS. Her first encounter with them was them resisting arrest for crimes against the safety of the universe, and it only went downhill from there; Miko and various OOTS members have tried to kill (or at least thoroughly beat up and then ditch/imprison) each other on multiple occasions, and they give shelter to Belkar, who is to her clearly evil. It'd be hard to just convince her they're right even now, and she'd never help them, nor would they accept her presence as even a temporary replacement for Roy.