View Full Version : Squee, Unchained Goblin Rogue/Swashbuckler.. Giantslayer?

2015-06-02, 01:26 PM
I always had trouble making this build even when Swashbuckler came out... now, with the Unchained Rogue! Its awesome :smallsmile:


*Stats were rolled and it applies -2 Str, Cha and +4 Dex.

The unchained rogue gives him Weapon Finesse and at 3rd level, his Dex to damage (which makes him all but useless levels 1-2).
His main weapon would be a small rapier.

Saving feats wasted on slashing grace, dervish dance (sick of everybody dancing) and weapon focus, will allow this build to focus on mobility (and also a couple of cool gob feats).

Below I will describe the feats and abilities for a 5th level build.

Unchained Rogue (4) Swashbuckler (1)

1st - Finesse Training (Rapier), Sneak Attack 1d6, Trapfinding.
2nd - Evasion, Rogue Talent (Combat Feat).
3rd - Danger Sense, Finesse Training (Rapier), Sneak Attack 2d6.
4th - Debilitating Injury, Rogue Talent (Combat Feat), Uncanny Dodge.
5th - Deeds, Panache, Swashbucklers Finesse (Rapier?)

*Swashbuckler at 5th level will take the Mouser archtype.


1st - Roll with it (Goblin Feat)
2nd - Dodge *Rogue Talent
3rd - Mobility
4th - Underfoot *Rogue Talent
5th - Spring Attack

This build is designed to fight larger foes (Playing the Giantslayer path), as you can see, my feat-hungry build is all of a sudden pretty good thanks to the talents.

Another fun feat I am for is "Tangle Feet" a gob feat with great flavor and mechanics.

Please feel free to advise me as to which Items would be cool, or feats and levels in classes. I think I will keep Swashbuckler although Rogue does not look to bad any more :o

*A synergy is moving up close to a giant, making him miss his attack (+7AC from feats) and invading his space via Mouser. Making sneak attacks and disabling his 5-foot step while we gang up on him.

Giantslaying will be fun