View Full Version : What is Your Favorite Spell, and Why?

2015-06-02, 08:56 PM
Just a survey of the coolest, most powerful, or just plain wacky spells out there.

My favorite spell would have to be Call of the Twilight Defender, a spell that summons a DRAGON MADE OF TREES!

2015-06-02, 09:02 PM
Defenestrating Sphere. Leaving aside that it destroyed a lich I sent my party against once, its name alone is sheer hilarity and its effect even moreso when the party uses it to bounce bad guys off the ceiling.

Honest Tiefling
2015-06-02, 09:08 PM
Invisibility and its ilk. Simple, well-known, traditional, and quite useful in a pinch. Also great for capers or letting others take the fall when lower level.

2015-06-02, 09:13 PM
Ebon Eyes, which lets you see through magical darkness. That and Deeper Darkness is a wonderful sneak attack enabler.

2015-06-02, 09:22 PM
Apocalypse from the Sky. Sometimes you just wanna blow up everything in the country. Also a good way to get rid of pesky artifacts that need destroying.

2015-06-02, 09:26 PM
Arboreal Transformation, because tree powers activate! I also appreciate powerful spells locked to weaker casters. Rewards people for taking them.

2015-06-02, 09:37 PM
Knight's Move. Swift action teleport for clerics and paladins is awesome. I got us out of so many bad situations with that spell. I love melee clerics, and it is one of the best weapons in their arsonal.

2015-06-02, 09:40 PM
Shapechange. For turning into a parrot with a little hat.

2015-06-02, 10:25 PM
Probably Delay Death on a clericzilla.

Who doesn't love CL rounds worth of immunity to death caused by HP loss? It's also toss able on allies within close range. I use the spontaneous variant of cleric from unearthed arcana. It makes for an awesome Warcraft style paladin play style.

The Viscount
2015-06-02, 11:43 PM
I'm going to say Avascular Mass. The spell deals a lot of damage, it creates a great visual, and a save only negates the stun.

2015-06-02, 11:49 PM
I have to choose one?

Improvisation. It starts off small, but eventually becomes pretty much the best 1st level spell I can think of. A substantial pool of bonus points you can use in whatever way is most needed.

Runner ups:

Hoard Gullet. "Did you just EAT the macguffin?" :smalleek:

Master Earth. Teleportation without teleporting!

Absorb Mind. Consuming someone's brain piece by piece to learn all their secrets.

2015-06-03, 12:04 AM
Seconding Defenestrating Sphere, because really. Godlike power is fun and all, but sometimes you just want to send people you don't like flying out the nearest window (whether it's open or not).

2015-06-03, 12:08 AM
As I tend to do, I'll go with heart of water. Something about its pure defensive efficiency, constructed of clustered together chunks of utility, and how it's very powerful without being broken, really appeals to me. I just really appreciate things like that, where you just pick up so much value with a casting. Boreal wind appeals to me for similar reasons, but it's somewhat lesser to me.

I'm also inevitably a fan of enhance wild shape, because it's the kinda spell which I'm always finding new uses for. The spell is just so all encompassing, finding more power every time I take the time to trawl through the books on the prowl for obscure forms. It's possible I started searching for this stuff months ago, and I've been adding new entries on its basis as recently as an hour ago. It is, in its own way, completely and utterly broken, but it's broken in a manner somehow subtler than some other spells. It's the sort of thing whose power level scales continuously with increased knowledge, and I've always loved that sort of thing.

2015-06-03, 01:09 AM
I've never been in a position to cast it, but... I really, really like the flavor, and mechanics, of Phoenix Fire. A massive explosion of fire that leaves all good creatures (except yourself) unscathed while it destroys you and deals massive damage in a 15 foot circle around you, and then allowing you to come back to life with a level loss later? Maybe not the most powerful of spells, but that's just gonna look impressive whenever it gets cast.

2015-06-03, 01:25 AM
As I tend to do, I'll go with heart of water. Something about its pure defensive efficiency, constructed of clustered together chunks of utility, and how it's very powerful without being broken, really appeals to me. I just really appreciate things like that, where you just pick up so much value with a casting. Boreal wind appeals to me for similar reasons, but it's somewhat lesser to me.

I love the heart of x line. really, I just love that philosophy from complete mage about spell combos, both for buffs like that and the unicorn line and for debuffs like fever dream and luminous swarm and prickling torment.

heart of water sure is cute, but I don't really consider it super powerful. am I missing something? water breathing, swim speed with bonus to checks, panic button mini FoM, and the fortification thing. I'm certainly not denying its usefulness, but I feel like I'm missing something. maybe water and boat stuff is more common in your games than mine.

I'm also inevitably a fan of enhance wild shape, because it's the kinda spell which I'm always finding new uses for. The spell is just so all encompassing, finding more power every time I take the time to trawl through the books on the prowl for obscure forms. It's possible I started searching for this stuff months ago, and I've been adding new entries on its basis as recently as an hour ago. It is, in its own way, completely and utterly broken, but it's broken in a manner somehow subtler than some other spells. It's the sort of thing whose power level scales continuously with increased knowledge, and I've always loved that sort of thing.

darn, you beat me to enhance wild shape. couldn't agree with you more. I like that philoophy too. what makes it more quiet than polymorph is that ex sqs are largely defensive/utility tan facemelting, so it will just help beef you up moreso than let you steal more spotlight

with enhance wild shape out of the way, I'm going to say murderous mist. like you, druid is my favorite list. I love its versatility, scope, and oftentimes just plain weirdness with stuff like brittleskin or feathers.

I'm going to nominate murderous mist. aside from polymorph, you are not gonna find a better way to expend your 4th. BFC, concealment, concealment, a little damage, sr: no, and permanent blindness. this alone is pretty darn good, but my favorite thing about it and what makes it my favorite spell is that it's a ref save. this means you can pick on stuff that ignores fort saves and blind them.

honorable mention: kiss of the vampire. a 7th that lets you spam enervation, vampiric touch, charm person, and gaseous form along with undead immunities. optimized? hell no, but it's a lot of fun.

I like all spells of this ilk (undermaster, death dragon, etc)

2015-06-03, 01:27 AM
This is a toughie. Currently, I'd have to go with Flaying Tendrils (CM). Not for sheer power, but for becoming mini-cthulu.

Grow tentacles on your face, grapple and eat brains!

2015-06-03, 01:34 AM
Channeled Lifetheft, coolest of the channeled spells imo. Nicely versatile and opponent is debuffed regardless of how long you make the cast time, just awesome.

2015-06-03, 01:40 AM
Forcecage. It's one of my most commonly used spells, once I can get to a level high enough to cast it. It may not be the flashiest spell, but it's one of my proven workhorses. Similiarly, Wall of Stone and Wall of Force also tend to see a lot of use on my end. The sheer versatility and ability to overcome dangerous obstacles, be they foe or hostile terrain, that these spells provide, simply can't be overstated enough.

2015-06-03, 01:55 AM
Channeled Lifetheft, coolest of the channeled spells imo. Nicely versatile and opponent is debuffed regardless of how long you make the cast time, just awesome.

This spell is the business. If you're gonna blast, might as well pick what mind of action you want to use on the fly and bolster you defenses.

Can I pick a psionic power? I want to go with Telekinetic Force. My twin and wuicken power and a schism and a solicited psicrystal I can grapple and slowly crush a room full of enemies without moving a muscle.

2015-06-03, 02:08 AM
Channeled Lifetheft, coolest of the channeled spells imo. Nicely versatile and opponent is debuffed regardless of how long you make the cast time, just awesome.

I love cmage's variable casting time spells. my favorite thing to do is split the fullround into 2 standards so I can stay out of striking distance and avoid losing the spell while casting to get the full effects.

Forcecage. It's one of my most commonly used spells, once I can get to a level high enough to cast it. It may not be the flashiest spell, but it's one of my proven workhorses. Similiarly, Wall of Stone and Wall of Force also tend to see a lot of use on my end. The sheer versatility and ability to overcome dangerous obstacles, be they foe or hostile terrain, that these spells provide, simply can't be overstated enough.

oldie but goody. favorite trick with the wall of x and cloud spells is to modify them with invisible spell when fighting foes with true seeing, like demons. that way they don't have cover from you, but you have cover from them.

Can I pick a psionic power? I want to go with Telekinetic Force. My twin and wuicken power and a schism and a solicited psicrystal I can grapple and slowly crush a room full of enemies without moving a muscle.

eh, according yo transperency spells are powers, so it certainly seems in the spirit of things. my favorite thing about telekinetic force is that you still apply your size bonus to the maneuvers, so it play nicely with metamorphosis. turn into something big and mean, then push your enemies around with tk. they'll never see it coming, especially if you dispense display for laughs

2015-06-03, 02:44 AM
The spell I love most is fabricate. To me, combat in D&D is pretty much a solved problem, like playing Tic-Tac-Toe. The real challenge lies in building a power center, gaining influence with NPCs, and developing the ability to permanently influence the world. Fabricate allows you to create bargaining chips for the great game of politics. Your people need weapons? How about 50 crates full of masterwork swords? Is delivery by Monday ok? You're upset because the druid burned down your house in the last battle? No problem, I can have the damage repaired and give your kitchen a makeover by tomorrow morning. You're an important diplomat, you say? Please accept this gift of a chest full of custom-tailored fine clothing, with my compliments. The dungeon's been cleared? Great, email me the map, DM, I'm going to refurbish this place into our next secret base. The uses are endless.

In combat, I'm almost addicted to spell fangs. It's far from an encounter-ender, but it really feels like CoDzilla for wizards, and turns the wizard into a tanking beast in a way that tenser's transformation tried and failed to do. My red wizard just hit 10th level, and I'm anxious to see what a maximized empowered spell fangs will do -- dealing ~150 damage per round with a 30-ft reach while gaining ~150 temporary hit points per round is a melee character's wet dream.

2015-06-03, 02:52 AM
Heroics for me.

I love the versatility of the chameleon bonus feat + feats like dodge, power attack, combat expertise, two weapon fighting, point blank shot and improved unarmed strike taken at 1hd, 3hd, 6hd, 9hd, 12hd and 15hd

Every day a new fighting strategy: spring attack no problem, improved sunder and improved trip here you go, you want to be the archer ? allright, tactical feats like shock trooper yes sir....countless options.

2015-06-03, 03:07 AM
The spell I love most is fabricate. To me, combat in D&D is pretty much a solved problem, like playing Tic-Tac-Toe. The real challenge lies in building a power center, gaining influence with NPCs, and developing the ability to permanently influence the world. Fabricate allows you to create bargaining chips for the great game of politics. Your people need weapons? How about 50 crates full of masterwork swords? Is delivery by Monday ok? You're upset because the druid burned down your house in the last battle? No problem, I can have the damage repaired and give your kitchen a makeover by tomorrow morning. You're an important diplomat, you say? Please accept this gift of a chest full of custom-tailored fine clothing, with my compliments. The dungeon's been cleared? Great, email me the map, DM, I'm going to refurbish this place into our next secret base. The uses are endless.

In combat, I'm almost addicted to spell fangs. It's far from an encounter-ender, but it really feels like CoDzilla for wizards, and turns the wizard into a tanking beast in a way that tenser's transformation tried and failed to do. My red wizard just hit 10th level, and I'm anxious to see what a maximized empowered spell fangs will do -- dealing ~150 damage per round with a 30-ft reach while gaining ~150 temporary hit points per round is a melee character's wet dream.

fabricate's hilarious. I like to use it with some dedicated wrights.

I feel like I'm missing something with spell fangs. the spell's effect seems really fun and cool, but I don't understand how it actually works.

you attack with either a fullround or a standard, but it only has a duration of concentration, so you can't attack without the spell ending. at the time this was published, sonorous hum didn't exist yet, so you'd only be able to use it once before it ended.

Uncle Pine
2015-06-03, 03:08 AM
Having recently done a cameo in a PF game (in which I discovered that you can't pull the rope of a Rope Trick inside a Rope Trick), I started to really enjoy Silent Image. Do you need to hide a floating rope hanging in the air perpendicular to the ground? Conjure the Silent Image of a tree around it. Do you need to hide in a cellar? Duck and conjure the Silent Image of a crate around you. Create fake walls to cover strategic retreats. Conjure appropriate clothes and disguises for a RP encounter that you know won't extend outside the spell's area. It's only a 1st level spell, but it gives you a lot of versatility. And then there are Shadowcraft Mage shenanigans.

2015-06-03, 04:25 AM
Having recently done a cameo in a PF game (in which I discovered that you can't pull the rope of a Rope Trick inside a Rope Trick)

Is that PF-specific? Because I thought in 3.5 you could pull up the rope and it takes up some of the space inside the extra-dimensional space.

I'm having a hard time choosing one spell, but I think I'll choose Shrink Item.
It's just so versatile in its uses. You can carry around siege engines, entire chunks of rock, a raging bonfire, an enormous quantity of water (at least we ruled that water was shrinkable, but if you can shrink fire then it's not much of a stretch to do so), etc etc... There's really almost no limit to what you can carry around with this.

Need battlefield control? Here's a huge tree for cover and let me block off this passageway with my boulder. Oh noes, the house is burning down? Let me throw several tonnes of water onto it. We have a bunch of followers who have nothing better to do than stand around and guard stuff? Let me unpack my portable fortress complete with chariots, siege engines and towers. It's just a lot of fun to be so versatile and you can prepare for almost anything.

2015-06-03, 04:28 AM
Is that PF-specific? Because I thought in 3.5 you could pull up the rope and it takes up some of the space inside the extra-dimensional space.

that's what he's saying. in 3.5, you can "close the door" after you by pulling in the rope. that's the spell's only useful purpose, catching some zs to wait for your next 15 minute adventuring day. PF said you cannot do this so wandering monsters can see a rope dangling out of thin air (because apparently you'll just leave that behind for some reason) and then kill you so the DM can still attack you before you have your spells back.

Uncle Pine
2015-06-03, 04:40 AM
Is that PF-specific? Because I thought in 3.5 you could pull up the rope and it takes up some of the space inside the extra-dimensional space.

Yes, it's PF-only. Which is why I needed to find a way to circumvent this stupid restriction as a 4th level Wizard in the first place. In hindsight, I'm glad I did it.

2015-06-03, 05:49 AM
There are a lot of very cool og powerful spells... Its too dificult to name one so here are a few.

If I really had to choose one, which might be a bit higher on the list, than others it might be the origional The Srinshee's Spellshift.

But besides that one I would say that the following in no particular order:





Magic Missile


These are all spells which I find very cool, to encompass what I belive is true wizarding tools. They are also spells that most of my casters, be et PCs or NPCs, all have to some extent.

2015-06-03, 05:56 AM
Modify Memory. I've never had the chance to use it as it's bard only, but the idea of having your way with 5 minutes of someone's memory seems really entertaining.

Fabricate is close, but the Lyre of Building version of the spell is just better. LoB is my favorite magic item though.

2015-06-03, 06:17 AM
My fav is probably GHORUS TOTH’S MAGNETISM! cast that baby and watch the hilarity ensue. I try to cast it at least once per campaign.

2015-06-03, 06:22 AM
Summon Instrument, because an instrument isn't just an instrument. There are so many useful objects you can create with that spell, that just happen to be playable. Combine it with a houserule that cantrips are at-will, and my bard went to town.

Shrink Item, because it can be used in so many ways. Throw shrunken darts for damage, shrink obstacles to get them out of your way, carry around all sorts of useful stuff in Hank Pym's your pants.

Reverse Gravity, though my fondness for it diminished a bit once I realized that you couldn't make it permanent. There's so much you can do with it, from levitating castles to perpetual motion machines to rapid-fire siege weaponry.

Uncle Pine
2015-06-03, 06:30 AM
Summon Instrument, because an instrument isn't just an instrument. There are so many useful objects you can create with that spell, that just happen to be playable. Combine it with a houserule that cantrips are at-will, and my bard went to town.

Invisible Summon Instrument: air guitar!

2015-06-03, 06:49 AM
My favorite 3.5 spell is Dimension Jumper. I wish Greater Dimension Jumper didn't burn swift actions...

Evan Epis
2015-06-03, 07:03 AM
Command Undead.

A 2nd level spell that for some bizarre reason lacks caps of any kind and makes any non-intelligent undead your slave, servant, guardian, mount etc. I would put right up there with alter self, in terms of power and versatility given the right circumstances, or even gamebreaking given the "wrong" circumstances.

2015-06-03, 07:16 AM
heart of water sure is cute, but I don't really consider it super powerful. am I missing something? water breathing, swim speed with bonus to checks, panic button mini FoM, and the fortification thing. I'm certainly not denying its usefulness, but I feel like I'm missing something. maybe water and boat stuff is more common in your games than mine.
The reason I think it's powerful is mainly because it's not mini-FoM. It's actually massive-FoM. Sure, the effect only lasts rounds/level, but the ability to call it to action lasts for hours, and where normal FoM holds a duration that carries across part of a day, heart of water's capabilities work through an entire day. Sure, you're not actually evading grapples and BFC effects separated by a few minutes, but you still essentially have that ability up for all of that time. And, of course, you get that ability which I consider greater than that of FoM, a spell often considered very powerful, at a lower spell level, and you get it accompanied by a bunch of other bonuses.

It might not seem like much, but that swimming stuff is possibly the most efficient way to get undersea travel there is, as you usually don't get both a swim speed and the breath to use it at that level. Compare it to, say, water breathing, which has the same spell level, and features the improvements of duration and multi-targeting (albeit with duration splitting), but loses the swim speed in the process, to say nothing of the other stuff. The impact is that it's possibly the best way to turn non-aquatic forms aquatic, with a power level such that aquatic forms would maybe not even be worth mentioning if not for their being good on their own merits. And then you add on light fortification with naught but a second level spell, which itself is pretty reasonable, and you get a solid defense below cost.

In conclusion, heart of water is the combination of several abilities that, in and of themselves, are probably a bit undercosted. I'd pay a third for nothing but that dischargable freedom of movement, and if the situation called for it, I'd probably pay one for the underwater effects. I probably wouldn't pay one, let alone that plus a second level spell, for the fortification effect, and the skill bonus strikes me as a pure if minor upside, but they're decent abilities in their own right. Heart of water isn't exactly the most powerful spell ever, but it's definitely up there when it comes to matters of pure and unadulterated value.

2015-06-03, 09:53 AM
Glibness, preferably in a wand so I can use a better class. If I'm playing a Face and can't win the game with the power of super-lies, something is wrong.

2015-06-03, 10:12 AM
Along the same lines as Jahkin, I pick Guidance of the Avatar. It's like a more versatile True Strike;+20 to any one skill check is just crazy, but on a 1st level spell?
Fun city.

2015-06-03, 10:15 AM
... I pick Guidance of the Avatar. It's like a more versatile True Strike;+20 to any one skill check is just crazy, but on a 1st level spell?
Guidance of the Avatar is a 2nd-level Cleric spell; see here (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a).

2015-06-03, 10:34 AM
Personal favorite? Magic Missile! Especially when cast at the darkness.

2015-06-03, 11:07 AM
Energy Transformation Field. Put high-level PC's in a dungeon filled with that...

2015-06-03, 11:29 AM
Yes, it's PF-only. Which is why I needed to find a way to circumvent this stupid restriction as a 4th level Wizard in the first place. In hindsight, I'm glad I did it.

Got it. I was slightly confused at that. It seems a silly change to that spell, because it seriously defeats the purpose of the spell.

2015-06-03, 11:34 AM
This is so hard to choose... I'd probably choose Door to Great Evil out of all the divine spells. But arcane? Disintegrate or Prestidigitation. I can't choose.

2015-06-03, 11:43 AM
Summon Instrument, because an instrument isn't just an instrument. There are so many useful objects you can create with that spell, that just happen to be playable. Combine it with a houserule that cantrips are at-will, and my bard went to town.

especially if you play a church pipe organ.

The reason I think it's powerful is mainly because it's not mini-FoM. It's actually massive-FoM. Sure, the effect only lasts rounds/level, but the ability to call it to action lasts for hours, and where normal FoM holds a duration that carries across part of a day, heart of water's capabilities work through an entire day. Sure, you're not actually evading grapples and BFC effects separated by a few minutes, but you still essentially have that ability up for all of that time. And, of course, you get that ability which I consider greater than that of FoM, a spell often considered very powerful, at a lower spell level, and you get it accompanied by a bunch of other bonuses.

It might not seem like much, but that swimming stuff is possibly the most efficient way to get undersea travel there is, as you usually don't get both a swim speed and the breath to use it at that level. Compare it to, say, water breathing, which has the same spell level, and features the improvements of duration and multi-targeting (albeit with duration splitting), but loses the swim speed in the process, to say nothing of the other stuff. The impact is that it's possibly the best way to turn non-aquatic forms aquatic, with a power level such that aquatic forms would maybe not even be worth mentioning if not for their being good on their own merits. And then you add on light fortification with naught but a second level spell, which itself is pretty reasonable, and you get a solid defense below cost.

In conclusion, heart of water is the combination of several abilities that, in and of themselves, are probably a bit undercosted. I'd pay a third for nothing but that dischargable freedom of movement, and if the situation called for it, I'd probably pay one for the underwater effects. I probably wouldn't pay one, let alone that plus a second level spell, for the fortification effect, and the skill bonus strikes me as a pure if minor upside, but they're decent abilities in their own right. Heart of water isn't exactly the most powerful spell ever, but it's definitely up there when it comes to matters of pure and unadulterated value.
thanks a lot for explaining. that all makes sense. I agree.

door of decay is another one of my faves. throw necro a bone and give it some utility? me gusta.

Uncle Pine
2015-06-03, 11:47 AM
Got it. I was slightly confused at that. It seems a silly change to that spell, because it seriously defeats the purpose of the spell.
I blame it to the apparent urge PF had to (try to) invalidate any remotely cheap trick there was in 3.5. Please don't see the previous sentence as an attempt to start an edition war. It isn't.

This is so hard to choose... I'd probably choose Door to Great Evil out of all the divine spells.
I can't believe I forgot about that spell. Now I want to play a campaign in which everyone who's not a Paladin has a custom item of that: no plot hooks, no moral debates, just righteousness.

2015-06-03, 11:49 AM
I enjoy starting encounters with Dimensional Anchor. It's both practical and says "I'm gonna git you, sucka!" with a single SR:no standard action. I also like to play with my food by casting Wall of Magma. It's not a good spell, but how cool is it that magic allows you to make magma in a wall shape?(as a note, it can be abused by using the "You can double the wall's area by halving its thickness" with the "Since it is molten, the wall cannot be broken as such, but an object or creature could force its way through" clauses. WotC, you never fail to amuse me. World-Enveloping Cloak of Magma, GO!).

2015-06-03, 11:58 AM
I can't believe I forgot about that spell. Now I want to play a campaign in which everyone who's not a Paladin has a custom item of that: no plot hooks, no moral debates, just righteousness.
I often times forget about that spell. But whenever I see it, I am filled with a giddy feeling that makes me want to Smite Evil.

Odin's Eyepatch
2015-06-03, 12:03 PM
I've always wanted to play a character who could cast Unicorn Heart. It gives you a 60ft move speed, and +4 to all of your physical checks. That in itself isn't too bad (it includes grapples, initiative, and skills), but it also gives you a dischargable swift action dimension door (sort of)! 7th level spell, but I love it all the same!

Also it does a combo with Unicorn Blood and Unicorn Horn for added effects to those spells.

2015-06-03, 12:04 PM
Can I pick a psionic power? Because I've always loved schism.

I forgot the why. Because it's an exceptionally flexible, powerful, and flavorful ability.

2015-06-03, 12:06 PM
I like all spells of this ilk (undermaster, death dragon, etc)

Where is death dragon from?

2015-06-03, 12:16 PM
Hard to pick just one. I had a character who had a ton of fun with stone-affecting spells (Wall of Stone, Bones of the Earth, [Greater] Stone Shape, etc.). I think Unluck is an extremely well-designed spell: it's a really noticeable debuff, but it doesn't trivialize the fight or make you completely helpless if you fail your save, so it's exactly what a save-or-suck SHOULD be, in my opinion. Flashflood, from Sandstorm, is the exact opposite of a well-designed spell (it's all but guaranteed to grind the session to a halt while you figure out what the hell just happened), but it's hilarious in the right circumstances.

Overall, though, I'm leaning towards good old Dispel Magic. Magic is king in 3.5, so it's pretty much always worthwhile to make sure that someone else is less magical than you are. It can be used offensively, it can be used defensively, it can be used to counterspell (I love counterspelling, even though it's hideously inefficient most of the time), it's available to pretty much every full caster, and it's pretty much just never a bad idea to have one handy. I once killed a really annoying NPC by dispelling the effect boosting his CON score (he died from the resulting HP drop), which was just immensely satisfying. Greater Dispel Magic is basically the same spell, so I'll include it here too. Not Disjunction, though. Never Disjunction.

2015-06-03, 12:18 PM
I blame it to the apparent urge PF had to (try to) invalidate any remotely cheap trick there was in 3.5. Please don't see the previous sentence as an attempt to start an edition war. It isn't.

I can't believe I forgot about that spell. Now I want to play a campaign in which everyone who's not a Paladin has a custom item of that: no plot hooks, no moral debates, just righteousness.

Where is death dragon from?

originally magic of faerun, updated in draconomicon, and reprinted in spell compendium (most recent version)

2015-06-03, 12:21 PM
For pure analysis of cool stuff you can pull off with it in just about any game, no questions asked... I'll go with benign transposition. Between trading places with a highly-mobile familiar, using your ubercharger to get your multiattacker into melee and letting your ubercharger charge a second time, and other, similar shenanigans, it's extremely versatile while letting you mostly make the other PCs feel awesome in the process.

A very close second, however, is unseen servant. With its long duration, it is a good breakfast spell, and the number of things it can do when you remember you have it is amazing. Just having it hand things to PCs who don't want to spend actions "readying" them is good. It can enable a throwing expert to avoid quick-draw, and even recover their projectiles for re-use. It can open potentially-trapped doors, hold things off the ground, and provide you a cool atmospheric "my stuff floats along with me" look.

2015-06-03, 12:33 PM
Create Water. So good for freshening up roleplaying by pretending that it solves a problem.
Chest locked? create water on it.
Dude is asleep? create water on his head.
A girl was just dropped in ice-cold seawater and is freezing? create water above her and give her a warm shower.
Hit level 5 and find out that create water's amount of summoned water scales with level? KO a guy by dropping 37kg worth of water right on his head.

2015-06-03, 10:53 PM
oldie but goody. favorite trick with the wall of x and cloud spells is to modify them with invisible spell when fighting foes with true seeing, like demons. that way they don't have cover from you, but you have cover from them.

Does that actually work by RAW? It seems to me like you'd still have concealment when the spell is invisible, despite that not making any sense.

Conjure appropriate clothes and disguises for a RP encounter that you know won't extend outside the spell's area.

Sadly, that one doesn't work because figment spells can't change the appearance of things. You need a glammer.

Create Water. So good for freshening up roleplaying by pretending that it solves a problem.
Chest locked? create water on it.
Dude is asleep? create water on his head.
A girl was just dropped in ice-cold seawater and is freezing? create water above her and give her a warm shower.
Hit level 5 and find out that create water's amount of summoned water scales with level? KO a guy by dropping 37kg worth of water right on his head.

Can you create objects in another creature's square? I could have sworn there was a rule against that.

2015-06-03, 11:19 PM
Blessing of Fervor - Pathfinder

A stronger Haste, I think it's the best buff spell of the game. Every class benefits in some way. The versatility in choosing the buff you need is its greatest strength. There have been several battles where just being able to stand up from prone as a swift action without provoking an AoO was the key ability in defeating the enemy, nullifying an opponent's advantage that caused us to be prone. When you need that extra speed to reach the enemy, it's there. When you just want to attack, an extra or +2, it's there. Playing an oracle, a spontaneous caster, I can spam it every fight.

2015-06-03, 11:47 PM
Does that actually work by RAW? It seems to me like you'd still have concealment when the spell is invisible, despite that not making any sense.

Of course it does.

Those with detect magic, see invisibility, or true seeing spells or effects active at the time of the casting will see whatever visual manifestations typically accompany the spell

why wouldn't it?

Uncle Pine
2015-06-04, 02:14 AM
Sadly, that one doesn't work because figment spells can't change the appearance of things. You need a glammer.

You're not changing the appearance of anything: you're conjuring new clothes around the old ones, similarly to a second skin. Figments can do that without recurring to glamers. That would indeed make you look bulkier, but noble's outfits and royal outfits already weigh 10 and 15 lb. respectively, so they're bulky to begin with. If the thing still bothers you, you can conjure a slightly bigger version of yourself to readjust proportions (with the same casting of Silent Image, nevertheless).

Scheming Wizard
2015-06-04, 03:03 AM
Definitely Flesh to Stone and Stone to Flesh. The two of them together just do so much and create so many cool situations in game. If your opponent casts wall of Stone to keep you out turn his wall into a wall of flesh and let the barbarian cut through it. If your being attacked by something flying turn it to stone and watch it crash. If you need to take someone prisoner lawn ornament them and deliver them to Jabba. Need information from the thing you lawn ornamented turn it back to flesh and question it.

It is also a fun spell for me when I DM, because any statue can be a great hero from centuries ago or a terrible monster that was locked away.

The spell is basically the premise for the show Gargoyles.

Your DM also can't get all moral about you killing someone without talking to them, because you haven't killed anyone.

Uncle Pine
2015-06-04, 03:27 AM
Your DM also can't get all moral about you killing someone without talking to them, because you haven't killed anyone.
Unless they fail Fortitude DC 15.

Scheming Wizard
2015-06-04, 03:30 AM
Unless they fail Fortitude DC 15.

What do you mean?

2015-06-04, 03:40 AM
Probably this line from flesh to stone.

"The creature must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to survive the process"

Uncle Pine
2015-06-04, 03:46 AM
What do you mean?

This spell restores a petrified creature to its normal state, restoring life and goods. The creature must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to survive the process. Any petrified creature, regardless of size, can be restored.

Taking prisoners with Flesh to Stone is cool and all (especially because petrified targets are considered unconscious and unconscious targets are always considered willing so you can charm/dominate them to your heart's content), but it's not completely without risks from the prisoners' point of view.

2015-06-04, 04:27 AM
I'm also inevitably a fan of enhance wild shape, because it's the kinda spell which I'm always finding new uses for. The spell is just so all encompassing, finding more power every time I take the time to trawl through the books on the prowl for obscure forms. It's possible I started searching for this stuff months ago, and I've been adding new entries on its basis as recently as an hour ago. It is, in its own way, completely and utterly broken, but it's broken in a manner somehow subtler than some other spells. It's the sort of thing whose power level scales continuously with increased knowledge, and I've always loved that sort of thing.Boy, all this praise for stuff the master of many forms gets for free."Free" being the cost of not being a caster. Aaaaand getting it slightly later.

I've always wanted to play a character who could cast Unicorn Heart. It gives you a 60ft move speed, and +4 to all of your physical checks. That in itself isn't too bad (it includes grapples, initiative, and skills), but it also gives you a dischargable swift action dimension door (sort of)! 7th level spell, but I love it all the same!
Unicorn heart was the basis of a chameleon assassin I built once. You see, it was the simplest way to get a non-willing no-save teleport onto another subject. Lets you abscond with the victim, at which point you can kill them with time-consuming-but-stops-resurrections method of your choice (I had at least 3-4).

Can you create objects in another creature's square? I could have sworn there was a rule against that.

A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it. Can't drop water on someone's head (or in them).

Now, as for my favorite spell? Toughie, I might have to go with...

Spectral Dragon: I used this in a debuff combo once. -1 Level/Turn, no ifs ands or buts. Because they're being eaten by said spectral dragon, if you haven't put it together.

Slime Wave: Oh man, con damage. A lot of it. One of my favorite indirect attacks, you need a bunch to get around immunities.

That Art Thou: NEVER HEARD OF THIS ONE, DID YOU? +20 to perception checks and all-around vision for R/L because you gain the senses of everyone within 30 feet. Personal range, no saves or nothin. How about that.

Decapitating Scarf: Ima just let that sink in.

2015-06-04, 04:37 AM
Boy, all this praise for stuff the master of many forms gets for free."Free" being the cost of not being a caster. Aaaaand getting it slightly later.

Yeah, getting that sleek magicy stuff is a big part of the reason why it's so useful, as the forms are inevitably a platform for casting. Like, getting nilshai form for an extra standard a round isn't even all that good if you don't have a spell to cast in that time, and by the same token, hyper defensive forms like will-o'-wisp would have no serious offensive capability to speak of if not for that magical prowess. There's just something about that combination of these powerful extraordinary qualities and piles of magic that creates something really special.

2015-06-04, 04:42 AM
Yeah, getting that sleek magicy stuff is a big part of the reason why it's so useful, as the forms are inevitably a platform for casting. Like, getting nilshai form for an extra standard a round isn't even all that good if you don't have a spell to cast in that time, and by the same token, hyper defensive forms like will-o'-wisp would have no serious offensive capability to speak of if not for that magical prowess. There's just something about that combination of these powerful extraordinary qualities and piles of magic that creates something really special.

Sure, but you get so many more forms as a MoMF, which is its own brand of fun. I've always said MoMF is a solid tier 2 in power, not because it meets the definition of doing anything tier1s can do (until you take assume su ability at least), but because it can do a few really wacky things nobody else can do like conjure artifacts at will.

Odin's Eyepatch
2015-06-04, 05:58 AM
Unicorn heart was the basis of a chameleon assassin I built once. You see, it was the simplest way to get a non-willing no-save teleport onto another subject. Lets you abscond with the victim, at which point you can kill them with time-consuming-but-stops-resurrections method of your choice (I had at least 3-4).

I was going to say that it the subject had to be willing to be brought along, but then I double-checked, and noticed that it wasn't written anywhere that they had to be willing!

It does say, however, that it works like Dimension Door, which could suppose that the 'has to be willing' clause may still apply indirectly (Dimension door only works with willing creatures). Cases could be made either way I think.

Irregardless, an awesome spell :smallbiggrin:

2015-06-04, 06:44 AM
Can you create objects in another creature's square? I could have sworn there was a rule against that.

Not in it's square, but above it.
Unless your DM thinks that each creature has an infinitely-high tower of squares above it that it "occupies" somehow, there's nothing that prevents you from dropping a ****load of water (or a summoned octopus if you want to create even more hilarious situations) above the target.

2015-06-04, 07:21 AM
Sure, but you get so many more forms as a MoMF, which is its own brand of fun. I've always said MoMF is a solid tier 2 in power, not because it meets the definition of doing anything tier1s can do (until you take assume su ability at least), but because it can do a few really wacky things nobody else can do like conjure artifacts at will.
Yeah, I can definitely appreciate the craziness intrinsic to picking up a really vast array of monster forms, especially now after my admittedly narrower in scope monster analysis. I think my favorite ability right now is the spawn ability of the deepspawn (LEoF, 166), which essentially just lets you create fanatical low level NPC's of a specified form. Just really weird stuff, that.

2015-06-04, 07:39 AM
My personal favorite is probably evard's black tentacles, just because of how good a spell it is from a battlefield control perspective. But I always have a soft spot for shapechange, not so much because it's good as because of how completely broken it is. Hilariously, you could already achieve immunity to magic, energy damage, and physical damage when shapchange was published. That's insane, but amusingly so.

Uncle Pine
2015-06-04, 08:15 AM
Not in it's square, but above it.
Unless your DM thinks that each creature has an infinitely-high tower of squares above it that it "occupies" somehow, there's nothing that prevents you from dropping a ****load of water (or a summoned octopus if you want to create even more hilarious situations) above the target.

You cannot use a Conjuration spell to conjure a creature or an object on a surface that cannot support them. This includes thin air, so you cannot drop summoned objects or creatures on enemies.

2015-06-04, 10:25 AM
That Art Thou: NEVER HEARD OF THIS ONE, DID YOU? +20 to perception checks and all-around vision for R/L because you gain the senses of everyone within 30 feet. Personal range, no saves or nothin. How about that.

Where's that from?

2015-06-04, 12:07 PM
Where's that from?

OA. Meditation Domain 3. Thank pelor for chameleons and archivists, huh?

2015-06-04, 12:10 PM
OA. Meditation Domain 3. Thank pelor for chameleons and archivists, huh?

fortunately, in case your DM doesn't allow chameleons/archivists to pull from all domain lists, it's also a 3rd level shaman spell.

2015-06-04, 12:36 PM
You cannot use a Conjuration spell to conjure a creature or an object on a surface that cannot support them. This includes thin air, so you cannot drop summoned objects or creatures on enemies.

Well, I guess I'm happy my DM values fun enough to allow it anyway.

I can't even imagine the horror of a DM who disallows little stuff like this and at the same time allows weird RAW-wording-abuse powergaming (as we commonly read about on this very forum)...

2015-06-04, 12:39 PM
Bestow Greater Curse... It's just a wonderful blank check for villains being horrible, and a great plot device for character backstories :smallbiggrin:

2015-06-04, 12:59 PM
Bestow Greater Curse... It's just a wonderful blank check for villains being horrible, and a great plot device for character backstories :smallbiggrin:

Not to mention that both it and its little brother are almost a Clerical limited wish. Curses can be anything of "similar" power to what's listed, and that can be pretty broad.

I've personally used it to curse somebody to never be able to find a crowbar when they want one. They lost theirs, they couldn't find where others kept theirs, every store in town would always be fresh out...

It's also potentially useful to swap somebody's sex. Not only is it the base spell for an item which explicitly does so, but despite the name, it nowhere says that the "victim" has to actually dislike the effects. (Which I state before anybody gets upset over calling sex-swapping a 'curse,' even though for many people, it would be.)

You can't give bonuses to stats or anything, but there's still a lot of options.

Curse somebody to have some sort of animal scent
This could be a way to make them socially unacceptable, but also could mask them from a tracker who didn't know their scent had changed.
Curse somebody to have a different language replace their native one
Clearly a bad thing if they're unable now to speak with their compatriots, but potentially useful if the new language is the lingua franca of the region.
Greater "curse" a fighter-type with a form of lycanthropy (if your DM will allow it; it IS supposed to be a curse!)
It's a bad thing for a lot of builds, but a well-chosen one for the right build is basically a huge power-up which may never be matched by what they would have gotten in levels before the end of the game.

Hiro Quester
2015-06-04, 02:27 PM
Well, I guess I'm happy my DM values fun enough to allow it anyway.

You can use create water to make a downpour over an area. The spell explicitly lists that as one of its effects.

I have used this as a cheap see invisible, to rain over an area and make invisible creatures leave footprints.

But that's an exception. You can't summon an elephant in the air to drop it on an enemy's head.

A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it.

2015-06-04, 02:43 PM
You can use create water to make a downpour over an area. The spell explicitly lists that as one of its effects.

I have used this as a cheap see invisible, to rain over an area and make invisible creatures leave footprints.

or you could just throw some flour on them.

2015-06-04, 04:23 PM
Mental Pinnacle... cast by an StP Erudite.

2015-06-04, 08:54 PM
OA. Meditation Domain 3. Thank pelor for chameleons and archivists, huh?

Apparently, it's from the web enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20011019a). No wonder I had trouble finding it.

2015-06-04, 09:07 PM
Bestow Greater Curse... It's just a wonderful blank check for villains being horrible, and a great plot device for character backstories :smallbiggrin:

I once used it on another PC because he insulted a lady NPC. From then on he could not talk to women without yelling insults and cursing at them. And the DM made him roleplay it.

2015-06-04, 09:47 PM
For me, it's Mindrape. I take ranks in Craft: Backstory to go along with the spell, and then I use it on random NPCs off the street.

Sure, the top level guys with their good saves and their Mind Blank won't be affected, but there's no reason not to use it on a random commoner off the street. Use that enough, and you can indirectly reshape an entire game world.

2015-06-04, 10:13 PM
I have a few favorites, depending on the situation.

My main PC probably casts Prestidigitation more than any other spell. Making food taste like whatever I want, putting random colors on things, making little balls appear for parlor tricks, it's simply a ton of fun.

In terms of attacks and visuals, I'm a fan of Maw of Chaos. I like the picture of the world ripping open and letting the chaos reign in a small area. It's also an awesome spell mechanically. Uncapped d6/level damage every round for 1 round/level (no save for this) with a Will save or be dazed for a round, in a 15-ft radius emanation on a Medium range spell. Also, DC 25+spell level Concentration to cast in the area. It's so good!

Honorable mention for coolest name goes to Reality Maelstrom.

Also, in regard to stone to flesh, that's one of my favorites because we determined that the flesh that comes out is "indeterminate flesh" and is truly vegan meat. We can use it on the ground, take it out, and sell it to vegans for fun.

Lastly, on the psionic side (they count as spells for me), I love Death Urge. It infuriates my DM, and I get to sit back and watch the BSF types use all that might on themselves.

2015-06-04, 11:18 PM
I'm gonna go with psionic powers being a valid answer to your question and say Time Hop.

It is both incredibly useful in and out of combat and incredibly fun as far as shenanigans go.

2015-06-04, 11:32 PM
I enjoy starting encounters with Dimensional Anchor. It's both practical and says "I'm gonna git you, sucka!" with a single SR:no standard action. I also like to play with my food by casting Wall of Magma. It's not a good spell, but how cool is it that magic allows you to make magma in a wall shape?(as a note, it can be abused by using the "You can double the wall's area by halving its thickness" with the "Since it is molten, the wall cannot be broken as such, but an object or creature could force its way through" clauses. WotC, you never fail to amuse me. World-Enveloping Cloak of Magma, GO!).

Doesn't dimensional anchor offer spell resistance though?

2015-06-04, 11:35 PM
Doesn't dimensional anchor offer spell resistance though?

yes, it does.

2015-06-05, 02:32 AM
I'm going to have to go with Gutwrench, from BoVD. I've always loved that spell. I played a dwarven necromancer once who had it as a SLA through Archmage. Good times. He used to shout the name of the spell when he used it.

2015-06-05, 02:44 AM
Great Thunderclap (SC p.107): only spell I know of that requires one of each saving throw type. Also, one of the few Evocation spells that doesn't allow SR.

If I could only figure out some metamagic to put on it to add damage as well, it would be superb!

2015-06-05, 03:03 AM
I'm going to have to go with Gutwrench, from BoVD. I've always loved that spell. I played a dwarven necromancer once who had it as a SLA through Archmage. Good times. He used to shout the name of the spell when he used it.

calling your attacks is always fun with the oddly named spells.

I nominate the "nybor" line from pgtf.
nybor's gentle reminder dazes for a round and shakes for 1rd/lvl
nybor's mild admonishment dazes for 1d4 rounds
nybor's stern reproof kills you or if you pass, dazes for 1d4 rounds

I love thayan euphemisms. they are by far the best part of greyhawk.

one of the few negative changes from 3.0 to 3.5, we lost all these fanciful eponyms. while i'm all for not having to read a million pages of setting to know what to do with myself, when it's a choice between these and "rebuke," I'll take nybor any day

(especially since there's an unrelated, though similar shaman spell of the same level also called rebuke already extant)

Great Thunderclap (SC p.107): only spell I know of that requires one of each saving throw type. Also, one of the few Evocation spells that doesn't allow SR.

If I could only figure out some metamagic to put on it to add damage as well, it would be superb!

happy to help! that's easy

1) snowcasting to add cold descriptor
2) flash frost spell to add 6 damage plus coat the whole area in slippery ice
3) do whatever it was you wanted that necessitated adding damage.

2016-03-13, 11:14 AM
My favorite 3.5 spell is Dimension Jumper. I wish Greater Dimension Jumper didn't burn swift actions...
I would like to change my answer to Iceberg. The spell isn't terrific, but I just love the concept.

And suddenly, an iceberg.

2016-03-13, 12:25 PM
Since this was revived, I would also like to change my answer to Create Element, preferably as an SLA War spell with two Grass Growth side effects for world creation power! If you have an insane DM, you can get that SLA with the Redhead feat with metamagic applied for a lovely CL?*constant every round of concentration up to 48hr(Swift and Familiar Concentration FTW!). CL? is like factorial, CL!, but addition instead of multiplication. Formula ((CL^2+CL)/2)*constant. The constants results after a lot of math and rounding down is something like this.

Stone: 2cu ft

CL1: 2cu ft
CL5: 30cu ft/3ft cu
CL10: 110cu ft/5ft cu
CL15: 240cu ft/6ft cu
CL20: 420cu ft/7.5ft cu

Earth: 4cu ft

CL1: 4cu ft/2ft cu
CL5: 60cu ft/4ft cu
CL10: 220cu ft/6ft cu
CL15: 480cu ft/8ft cu
CL20: 840cu ft/9.5ft cu

Water: 50cu ft

CL1: 50cu ft/3.5ft cu
CL5: 750cu ft/9ft cu
CL10: 2750cu ft/14ft cu
CL15: 6000cu ft/18ft cu
CL20: 10500cu ft/22ft cu

Air: 10ft cu and 100 minutes of one medium creature fresh air(rounded for calculation and approximated with average 10 Con assuming medium with Portable Hole adjustments)

CL1: 10ft cu/1 hour 40 minutes
CL5: 24ft cu/25 hours
CL10: 38ft cu/3 days 19 hours 40 minutes
CL15: 49ft cu/8 days 8 hours
CL20: 59ft cu/14 days 14 hours

Grass: way too much to even consider so I lowered the constant to one 5ft sq. One medium creature needs about 20 trees which I am assuming are Large for the calculations, so roughly 80 squares of foliage to support one medium creature, half for each category smaller, double for larger. This is highly inaccurate as it depends on the plants created but makes for ease of calculation and has some semblance of connection with real world statistics.

CL1: 25sq ft/5ft sq/1 square
CL5: 375sq ft/19ft sq/15 squares air supports~1 diminutive creature
CL10: 1375sq ft/37ft sq/55 squares air supports~1 small creature
CL15: 3000sq ft/56ft sq/120 squares air supports~1 medium creature
CL20: 5250sq ft/72.5ft sq/210 squares air supports~1 large creature

The others either don't function well with the amplification parameters or are overly powerful(such as 150 or so 10ft circles of magma).

This lets any druid feel more like a paragon of nature.

2016-03-13, 12:26 PM
I love thayan euphemisms. they are by far the best part of greyhawk.

FR, not GH.

Mad Monkeys: summon a swarm of monkeys that climb all over the target and steal things off him.

Paladin's Sacrifice: allows the paladin to take any harmful effect targeting some poor sod - damage, status effects, etc., as an immediate action

Sathrah's Ingenious Recollection - make the wizard even more OP: switch out your CL in spell levels prepared with an equal number of spells in your spellbook

and finally

Wish. Old school Wish. The kind without much by the way of hard limits or costs but which was dependent on GM interpretation.

2016-03-13, 12:59 PM
My absolute favorite spell is Crown of Vermin from the ELH, it's such a lovely ferocious thing. Never gone to epic with a caster and most seem to recognize epic spells are just silly to begin.

My favorite 'real' spell is Prestidigitation because cleanliness is next to godliness.

Bobby Baratheon
2016-03-13, 04:13 PM
It's a terrible spell (to the point that I don't actually bother with it in real games), but I always thought boiling blood was insanely cool. You snap your fingers, and boom! Their blood starts to boil.

In terms of actual gameplay, I like the Vision of Entropy spell a lot. It's round/level duration, and each round they have to save to avoid progressing down the fear chain. Four failed saves, and they're unconscious. Nifty to use in single target battles, it's a level 2 spell, and it's just plain cool. Drive your enemies mad by making them contemplate the unfathomable horror of the infinite void!

2016-03-13, 04:27 PM
Fimbulwinter. . . . What?

In actual play, I like Slapping Hand for the AoO provocation, and Graymantle for its obvious ability to shorten combats. Both choices make the party beatsticks feel like they're contributing, too, which I think is a plus.

Droopy McCool
2016-03-13, 04:49 PM
This is Thread Necromancy. See the Forum Rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1).
Have a nice day.


2016-03-14, 08:26 AM
This is Thread Necromancy. See the Forum Rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1).
Have a nice day.


Somehow this made me laugh. Maybe it's the juxtaposition of someone signing off with the name "McCool" being the least cool with a thread raised from 9 months ago. I mean, sure, he's right, but isn't this Vigilante Modding (also against the rules)?

Droopy McCool
2016-03-14, 08:38 AM
just doing my part as a good citizen in the playground. :smallwink:
Raising awareness and all.


2016-03-14, 12:38 PM
Divine Sacrifice is my go to spell. I absolutely love it on my paladins.