View Full Version : Is there a Divine equivalent for Arcane Preparation?

2015-06-02, 08:56 PM
What it says on the can. I only just discovered this feat, which -- if there's a divine equivalent of it -- allows spontaneous spellcasters to qualify for and use the features of Runecaster.

(Long aside: Runecaster requires that if you're making a rune, it has to be a divine spell cast into the rune (the RAW being "any divine spell the spellcaster currently has prepared"), and the feat goes on to say the spellcaster must prepare "the spell" that goes into the rune, thus disqualifying spontaneous casters' spells.

This has always been a pique for me since the great Fax Celestis once asked in the Runecaster Handbook whether a Divine Bard could qualify for the class. They can -- Runecaster only requires that you be able to cast 3rd level divine spells -- but they can't make runes because they're spontaneous casters who do not prepare spells.

The long way around this issue is to dip a level in normal Bard, or Wizard, or Sorcerer. You have to do that because Alternative Source Spell (Dragon #325) has prerequisites of both arcane and divine spellcasting. The feat allows you to prepare an arcane spell as a divine spell or vice versa, though the spell still uses up a spell slot from the class that normally grants the spell. Arcane Preparation allows you to prepare a spell you'd otherwise cast spontaneously ("usually" by RAW, but therefore not limited to -- for the purpose of metamagic'ing it.)

So: a Bard 1/Divine Bard 6/Runecaster X has both arcane and divine spellcasting, thus satisfying Alt. Source Spell and Arcane Preparation. Our bard picks Glibness as a target for Arcane Preparation, and using Alt. Source Spell prepares that spell as a divine spell. Having thus prepared it as a divine spell, he can thus create a rune with it.

At a very stinky cheesy reach, you might be able to use Arcane Preparation on divine spells since while the prerequisite of the spell is spontaneous arcane spellcasting, and the description of the feat says it refers to arcane spells, the feat's benefit is that you can do this to "spells you know" rather than restricting it to arcane spells you know.)

However, if there is a divine equivalent for Arcane Preparation, it removes the need for a dip into an arcane spellcasting class if you're a spontaneous divine spellcaster and want to qualify for Runecaster. Anybody know if one exists? If so, I'll go and add some detail to my Runecaster Handbook on the subject since it'd be deficient in that regard.

2015-06-02, 10:06 PM
Double post: never mind, guys, a quick Google hunt indicates there isn't such an equivalent found here or on minmax. Still will go alter the Runecaster handbook anyway.

2015-06-02, 11:14 PM
You can take Magical Training feat instead of dipping an arcane spellcasting class.

2015-06-02, 11:35 PM
Cool, thanks for that!